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2) United States Patent (10) Patent No: US 8,725,963 BL Emelianoy et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 13, 2014 (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING A (56) References Cited VIRTUAL SWAP FILE FOR VIRTUAL. rc eetamane Snes US. PATENT DOCUMENTS, 2618 BIE 122008 Below ea. 700296 (75). Inventors Pavel Emliano, Moscow (RU) Kirill pane Die goes ee Pai Korotaer, Moscow (RU), Alerander G. Zecson Bis D200 Tomas ta 104 ‘ormasev, Moscow (RU) aufoasitas AL 133007 Gower ate Spooner A> ‘T200 Shute ate (78). Asians: Parallels IP Holdings Gb, ome ‘Schafthausen (CH) aaa (). Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis Primary Examiner — Aracelis Ruiz San cae canna nee TISC. 1840) 133 days 6 ABSTRACT (21) Appl. Nos 13/446,676 system has a random access memory (RAM) that Stores cel used memory pages and SWAP song for (22) Filed: Apr. 13,2012 storing memory page thit is not in use. Ifthe process requires cla cation Data tmemary page str onthe SWAP sorige,ocomesponding Related US. Application Dat pageis loaded to RAM. Ifthe page in RAM is not currently in (60) Provisional application No. 61/475,691, filed on Apr. use, it is moved to the SWAP storage. The computer system 15, 2011. ‘has a number of Virtual Environments (i.e., Containers) that eye ran thir own proesesa VE/Coniner RAM and vil nt Cl SWAP strge, Te Corser proces ave access 102 GOGE 12/00 (2006.01) ‘VEVContainer RAM. When the Container process request OS GOGE 9/46 (2006.01) for memory, the memory manager allocates memory pages in (2) USC. the RAM andl allocates memory pages fr ihe Cnsinet ‘USPC ‘TLAAS9: 711/6; 711/104; T11/E12.016; process in the VE/Container RAM. If no free virtual RAM is ‘718/105 gyailable, the process data is moved to the virtual SWAP ($8) Fil of Castcaton Search orgs, usec “1M6, 104,159, 718108, ‘See application file for complete seach history. 7.Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets ‘eva ate] Ran soame artesang Poss 20 aaa swar ecpng Ae | — SWAP Storage US. Patent May 13, 2014 Sheet 1 of 6 US 8,725,963 BI Conventional Art 410 ‘Get Page Request 414 A18 ‘Allocate page 420 Find Page in LRU ‘00M (out of memory) Write Page to SWAP FIG. 1 US. Patent FIG. 2 May 13,2014 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,725,963 BI 20 HOST _—-_—_——— 210 —_-— 210 coma) 1 "iezycowtamesa, — — ip address? 215 IP Address 2 | | [user | | Mode | | | | late SpaceiKemel Space merce] | eoaeap yi woe ea y220 ea garter ata | L Sts! Kem Le Mode US. Patent May 13, 2014 Sheet 3 of 6 US 8,725,963 BI Found VSWAP Page? no Find Page in LRU Write Page to ‘SWAP FIG. 3 US. Patent 16 4 OOM in Container May 13, 2014 Get Page Request Sheet 4 of 6 US 8,72 410 Find Page in LRU DELAY Container VSWAP++ RSS. FIG. 4 5,963 BI 424 426 US. Patent May 13, 2014 Sheet 5 of 6 US 8,725,963 BI 210 an 560 Virtua Ades] ~\_JRAM Storage Vet Space VET RAM 570. [RAM Mapping 215 Storage Quota | Nyarea [SWAP Storage Process 4 Quota RAM Mapped ve SWAP Area VE 2 RAM Storage Quota ¢ Virtual SWAP 580 Mapping Area r —— L- ‘SWAP Storage FIG. 5 US 8,725,963 BI Sheet 6 of 6 May 13, 2014 US. Patent Te suvusoud NOUoriday zy, ; a OF pimogkes~{—] w 9°Sld ee ‘sa1nGoW viva |_wvasoud wyuooud | BE aHLO Ze [Se sasaua swyuooud |st / WS1SAS Nolvorddy | ONUWaSdO > ee & es ce Ga ase ve L i + eoepenuy Bi suOmMeN, aed ‘S2e}00U repos. eornog eBEI0IS at sadepy sordep) 380H opin, v wn Bulsseoo1g wav BE_wyyoowd ge ssinaow WyYDONd YSHIO [Ze swvuooud NOUVvoIday bE WSISAS ad [=> _waisas St onuvesdO sz (ven ee soa wow), “Rowen wershs US 8,725,963 BL 1 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING VIRTUAL SWAP FILE FOR VIRTUAL, ENVIRONMENTS ‘CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 APPLICATIONS. ‘This application claims priority of # Provisional US. Patent Application No. 61/475,691, fled on Apr. 15, 2011 incorporated by oference herein in its entirety BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field ofthe Lveation “This invention relates to a method and system for memory nanagement in virtual enviroaments, and more partiully to a Vital SWAP for Vital Enveonments (VE), such as Parallels Containers 2. Description ofthe Related Art Virtalization in computer systems presents some cial lenges with egard to memory management among isolated Viral environments In Containeized eavionments all Comins use te same vital memory Bach Contes can consume the entre memory. Therefore, the amount of memory used by the Containers neds tobe limit Modem OS use two types o memory—andom acess nnemory or RAM fs det accesses, but inten quanti) and SWAP fle (slow, not dies aecesile but almost unlimited). Typically, i' process requires memory, the OS 30 allocates some miemery from the RAM. If no fee RAM is valle, some of the rocess-relted datas moved fom the RAM oa SWAPfile, The dret acces rom processes to this RAM is marked to noi he OS that the data is moved t0 SWAP fle and the RAM can be use foe storing data from 5 other process conventional wse ofa memory SWAP files ustatedin FIG. 1A page oquest is oceved in ste 110-In step 112, process determines ifn RSS (resident st size a mmber of ones curently residing in RAM) exceeds the RAM size. If 0 the RAM has some free space the number of curt esid- ing pogesis increased instep 114andpoges allocated instep 118 Thea the memory allocation is ished instep 120 If.instep 112, itis determined hatte RAM doesnot have free space it is checked f SWAP fle has not each the limi (eestep 116). the SWAP lest heli th sytem is outof memory (ep 128) andthe number of resident pages in SWAP ile i increased in sep 126 If, instep 116, the SWAP files under tho Limit, the pages found in LRU (est recently sede) instep 122 andthe pags ritento SWAP 50 fleinstep 124, then the numberof resident pages isinereased instep 126 ‘When the proces attempt to coos the data tht is eur realy resides in SWAP file the OS this data back to the RAM an sets up he direct accesso this data again. Hosting ofthe SWAP fle deseribed in ip *hereltap rg noe 3660. However, one of the memory management systems that limit memory consumption work With Containers a Vital ‘xcction environment to manage memory on a perCon- tang basis. Aconlingly, thw a need fora system and. method hat imitthe vil meme usage by the Containers using SWAP fie 1s Fa ‘SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION s Accontingly, the present invention is related toa system and method for memory SWAP file forthe Container (a type 2 of Viral Environment that substantially obviates one or mow ofthe disaivantages of the elated at ‘A computer system has a random acess memory (RAM) that stores curently used memory pages and SWAP sorpe for storing memory page tht isnot in use. I the process requires memary page stored onthe SWAP storage, 3 core- sponng page is loaded to RAM. Ithe page in RAM snot currently in seis moved tothe SWAP storage. The com per system has a numberof vienallenvieonmentsVES(foe {xample,Contanes)thatran theirown processes, aVEICon- tuner RAM ang virual SWAP storage. The Container po- cesses have access toa VEIContainer RAM. When the Container process requests memory from the 8, the memory manager alloates memory pages in the RAM and als allocates memory pages forthe Conisner process inthe VEContainer RAM. Ifno free VE(Continee RAM is available, the process data i moved to vital SWAP file. The VEJContiner RAM is stored in physical RAM. ‘An aggeegate volume of RAM used by the Contsinrs in the vital environment and bythe Host OS is diferent fem entire acessible volume of the operating memory by a ‘olnme. The volume canbe age thn 2st or equalt9 2 The A volume is wed to cache vital swap pages i RAM before puting them othe real SWAP are, The 8 volume can hepre-et forthe system rit canbe set hasedon the memory untsed by othe Containers ‘Additional fates and advantages of theinventon willbe set fri in the deserpton that flows, an in part will be apparent fom the desertion, or may beard by pratice othe invention, The advantages of the invention wil be realize and tained by thesrietire particulary poited out in the writen description and claims hereof as Wella the appended drawings. Tris to be understood that both the forgoing general dseripton and he follwing deed desertion are exem- play and explanatory and ae intended 10 provide further explanation ofthe invention as aimed. [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED FIGURES The aocompanying drawings, which are included peo= vide a further understanding ofthe invention and are incor- porated in and constitute a prt of this specification, lustrate embodiments of the invention and together with the deserip- tion serve to explain the principles of the invention, Tnthe drawings: FIG. illustrates conventional use of memory SWAP file FIG. 2 illostates exemplary Virtual Environments (Coa- twine) mplemented on a host FIG. 3 illustrates using a virtual memory SWAP fil, in socordance with the exemplary embodiment IG. 4 illustrates the process of memory management for Container using virtual memory, in accordance with the exemplary embodiment: FIG. 8 illustrates SWAP system, in aeordance with the exemplary embostimeat FIG. 6ilustrates an example of a computer on which the invention may be implemented, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Reerence will now be made in detail 1 the prefered embodiments ofthe present invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. US 8,725,963 BL 3 “The present invention is directed to the memory manage- reat i Viral eavironment and more pactculely to man agement of the per-Container memory consumption. The ‘Container, inthe exemplary embodiment, san isolated Vie- ‘ual Environment (VE), where multiple containers share ser- vices of a single OS (and virtualize the same OS from the perspective ofthe Conainer clients). FIG. 2 illustrates exem plary VEs(inone embodiment, Containers, or Viral Private Servers, such as marketed by Parallels, the assignee ofthis application) implemented on a host compute. Bach Container 210hasits own virtual address space ori ‘ownse of addresses), which includes memory. IP addresses, dlisk drive addresses, SMB network names [WHAT 1S SMB2], TCP names, pipe names, te. Eeeh Container 210 has its own objects 220 and data structures. Bach of the objects, 220 and the data structures of each Container have a unique identi ina context of the operating system keme} 230, Kem! abstraction layer 216 serves as an interface between userspace 225 and kernel space 230, for vetualizing the OS, The VENContainers share the Kemel and request services from the kernel using an API or similar mechanism Bach Container 210 cannot affect data stctures oF anther ‘Container, or objets of another Container, and cannot access information about processes running on another Container Each Container 210 includes isolation of addres space of ‘each user fromaddeess space ofa useronany other Container, isolation of server resoures for each Container, andisolation ‘of pplication program failure effets on any other Container. ‘The server resources include any ofa virtual memory all ‘cated to each use, a pageable memory’ allocated inthe OS kernel to support the Containers, a pageable memery used by the OS kere for suppor of ser processes either in shared or in exclusive fom (ether in support of user processes of ‘one Container, or in Support of user processes of multiple ‘Container 8), a resident memory allcated inthe OS kere, Physical memory used by the user processes, a share of CPU. resources, security descriptors (or other identifiers related to the rights ofthe users and the Containers), objects and data structures used by the OS kernel, VO interiees and their utilization level by he particular Container, file andor disk space, and individual use resource limitations ach Continer 210 typically includes a plurality of pro= ‘esses 215, each with at least one thread servicing corre- sponding users, a plurality of objects associated with the plurality of treads «set of ser and group IDs that unique in the context of a Container corresponing to users and groups ‘of a panicular Container, a st of configuration stings coe- responding o cach Container stored witkia the Container and slcorresponding set of configuration settings forall Container s stored bythe kernel, unique file space, means for manage- ‘meat ofthe particular Container, means for management of services offered by the particular Container ta is users, and means for delivery oftheservces to theusersof the particular Container, Accoaing to an exemplary embodiment, when the Con- laine process 213 request OS for memory the memory man ager allocates memory pages in the RAM and aso allocates, remary pages for the Container prcess ia the VE/Containet RAM. Ifo free VE/Container RAM is available, the process data is moved toa virtual SWAP file. The VE/Container RAM is, storedina physical RAM. Anaggregate volume of RAM used, by dhe Containers (VES) and by the Host OS isfferent from, ‘entire acessible volume of the operating memory by A vol ume, The & volume can be larger than 20 oF equal 1 Ze, “The volume together wih the real volume ofthe SWAP fle isused forthe real SWAP fie. The volume canbe pre-set for s 4 the system or it ean be set hase on the memory unused by other Containers. The present approach thus handles RAM quota for each container. Indeod, the & may be used for coching swapped data and thereby increase the speed of lO operations. If the pages in have to be moved tothe Con= tainer’s RAM, itis not copied Instead, itis unmapped from Virtal swap and mapped to RAM of container. Acconding to the exemplary embodiment, the perCon- tainer amount of available RAM and SWAP file space are configured and the per-Contaner memory consumption is ‘managed, When a Container hits its RAM Til, the data stays in RAM, but the direct accesso its reconfigured naif the S kernel thatthe Container fas reached the limit. Later, when there is no RAM left (Le. dhe actual RAM is fll, as ‘opposed tojust the Coataine allocated RAM being full), this data is moved wo the SWAP fle. ‘When a Container process accesses the data which s not socessble directly, the data is not moved back 10 RAM, Instead, just the dwt access is eturned back. The SWAP limits no global and itis set per-Container. The process tobe notified i selected from the respective Container FIG. 3 illustates using a vital memory SWAP file, in secordance with the exemplary embodiment. page request is receive in step 310, In step 312, process determines if 2 umber of pags currently residing in RAM exceed the RAM, size. the RAM has some fee spe, the mumber of curently residing pages i increased instep 316 and pages allocated in sep 318. Then the memory allocation is finshed in step 320, ip instep 312, its determined that the RAM dos nat have any free space, the system cheeks if SWAP file has not reached the limit (ee step 314). Ifthe SWAP file is atthe limit the system is out of memory (step 326) and the number of resident pages in SWAP fle is inreased in step 330.1 in sep 314, the SWAP file is under the limit, in step 322, the process determines if page is found ina virtual SWAP file ke pages found, the pageis writen to SWAP fein step 328 ands number of curently esiding pages is increase in sep 330. fae page is nt found in virtual SWAP file i step 322, the process finds the page in LRU (last recently used $i) in step 324, and the page is writen to SWAP fie in step 328, andthen the numberof resident pagesisineresedin step 330 FIG. 4 illustrates the process of memory management for Container using viral memory. in accordance with the exemplary embodiments shown in FIG. 4, pagerequestis received in step 410. In step 412, process determines if a ruber of vial pages curently residing in VE/Container RAM exceed the VECContainer RAM size. If the VEICon- tainer RAM has some fee space, the number of curently residing pages is increased inslep 422 and pages allocatedin sep 424. Then the memory allocation is finshed in step 426, If in step 412, the system doterminos thatthe VEICon- tainer RAM doesnot have any free space the system checks if Viral SWAP fie has not reached the Limit (see step 414), I the vistual SWAP file is atthe limit (or the particular Container) tne Containers out of memory (step 416) andthe number of pages (VRS) currently residing in the vital SWAP fleis increased in sep 420. If instep 414, the viral SWAP file is under the limit (or the particular Container, in step 418, the system finds the page in LRU (last recently used) list of pages. The Container is delayed (i. briefly suspended) in step 420 and a numberof curently residing virtual pages is increased inthe viral SWAP file in step 430, Ina conveational situation, when pages are swapped outof RAM to the disk, there is 2 delay caused by a dis that normally operates moch slower than the RAM. Inthe exem- US 8,725,963 BL 5 lary embodiment, swapped out page is moved tothe RAM Tater dnt the disk. Thus, the delays associated With the page SWAP ae mach shore. Therefore the behavior af the SWAP s different in terms of te tine required), andthe page SWAP is delayed ate cially using the CPU scheduler (he the scheduler does nt sive time fo the tread until some fture point in time, 3s ‘would have happened if this were an ordinary SWAP), The (8 schofulr fades the CPU schluler, alinugh a prooo- rein viral swap supporting software ives a command to the scheduler to delay the task inside Contsineets) Note that ‘each Container can have is ova viewal SWAP file limit In, the RAM quot is assigned tothe container by an Amin ory using physical node rales which inal st up by an Admin as wel), RAM size for vital swapping is used forall containers then FIG. § illustrates @ system according to the exemplary ‘embodiment. VES (ContainersVE 1 and VE 2) 210 ran in usermode also shownin FIG. 2. Bachothe Containers 210 has processes 245 that ran within each VE (Container) 240 VEL hasan allocated VE 1 RAM storage quota $20and VE2 hax anallocated VE 2 RAM storage quot 880 located within viet adres space 810, The vital storage space also has presallocated SWAP storage quota $30 and RAM mapped SWAP area 840. ‘The RAM storage quotes $20 and $80 are elected by the RAM mapping are 890 located on RAM store S60. Sa RAM is mapped tothe host or to ¥ps0. Quoted RAM is nnapped oP processes. virtual SWAP mappingarea 588 is ako located on the RAM storage 860 The vital SWAP mapping area 888 contains SWAP storage 59 system process determines ifa number of virwal pages ccurealy residing in VE RAM storage quotas 820 and 580, ‘exosed the sie ofthe vital adres pace S10 the vital adress space 510 as some fee spe, the number of cur rely residing pes sinereased and page is allocate the system determines thatthe vir address spce des sot ave any fe space, the system checks if the Vital SWAP storage quota $30 as not reached the init If the viral SWAP storage guta $30 i at the limit (fr the Con- tance) tbe Coane out of memory and the auaber of ges curenly residing inthe viral SWAP sorage S30 is increased. the virtual SWAP storage quot $30 is udr the limit (or the Contin, the system finds the pape in LRU (Lest recently us) ist of poges. The Containers delayed ana numberof curently residing viral pages is increased inthe view SWAP storage 590. “Those sie i the at will appreciate hat system and method of the exemplary embodiment mit the vital memory use bythe VES, such as Consiner, by advan soul using the SWAP feo sorane “The model described above can be extended 19 contol ‘other types of memory in a Container For example, on standalone LINUX box, special attention is pa 0 so-called “diay” and“ writeback” memory. Diy pages athe amount ‘of data that shouldbe fused on disk ypically these are disk ‘ache pages that were modified), The writeback pages are the memory hats cutenlly being writen to disk (in mostcases this is fonneey “ity” memory) Lins ke! memory management acount fr these 90 memory typesto improve various activites within the ker “The “diy” memory accounting is required to prevent Denia ‘of Seevice attacks when some sp constantly Wetes data ato page cache The “wrtebock” memory accountng used for the same Sushi the memory reclaiming cove (which sans the men tioned LRU list find out what pages to fee) prevent s Fa 6 Jveocks onblck layer. Having perConainer management of memory ia.a way described befor allows accouating for beh mentionod “dy” and “writeback” memory to provide the same QoS for containers as Linux kemel provides for standalone boxes. This Wa; when one Conainer goes overs limit for dity memory, other Containers dry limits an be used, so tht the over imitis preserved. This canbe done transparently tothe Containers themselves. ‘On NUMA systems (Non-Uniform Memory Acces, see hiip**/msda:microsoftcomien-sTibray! ims1781449628v~sql 1059429.5px,incomporated herein by reference) when a lsk migrates from one NUMA node 0 anh, the LINUX kere alo moves the memory tht his taskusesfomitsold node tthe new one. Inoderto preserve the LRU order ofthese pages, a complex procedure is sed — the memory s marked 35 “nt present fr this isk and then the pages are moved on-demand, when atask stars accessing it With per-Contsinee memory management as described herein, its posible to migrate the whole Container fom one node to anmiber while preserving its LRU state—the LRU onder is lea known, an thus can be simpy opie rom one NUMA node to anther. The LRU list stored oe each Cones, rather than forthe etre node ‘Asa fuer option, the memory management desribod herein canbe use fora eeboolss upgrade”, which check. points Contsine to RAM and thea replaces an od Kemel With a new one. The perContiner memory mandgement allows finding the Contine's memory tin in RAM in an easier way. Knowing which exact new page a particular con- liners using permits to quickly detec aes relate to con- tener and move them fom quotaed RAM to the SWAP, without scanning page tables relat to ceasin asks. With reference to FIG 6 an exemplary systens for imple- seating the invention inches gene purpose computing device inthe form of ahost computer ora server 20or belie, including a processing unit 21, a system memory 22 and a system bus 29 that couples various system components incloing the system memory tothe processing unit 2. “The system bus 23 may be any of several types of bus stnitures including a memory bus or memory controle, 3 Peripheral bus, an Toc bs using sy f a arty of bs architectures, The sysem memory includes @ read-only ‘memory (ROM) 24 and random acces memory (RAM) 25.4 baie inpuvouput system 26 (BIOS), contsining the Basie routines tat help to transfer infomation between the ele- ments within the personal compte 20, such as during iar ups stored in ROM 24 “The computer 20 may further inlude and disk deve 27 forreaing fom and writing oa hard sk nt shown bern 2 magntic disk drive 28 for reading fom oF Weng (0 4 remotable magnetic disk 29, and an optical disk dive 30 for reading fomr writing oa removable optical disk 1 suchas aCD-ROM, DVD-ROMorathe optical mea. Thad sk dive 27, mgnetic disk dive 28, and optical dik dive 30 are connected to the system bus 23 by a hard dik dive interlace 432, a magnetic cis drive interface 33, and an optical dive imerace 34, respectively: “The drives and thee associated computerrcadsble media provide non-vlaile storage of computer readable instuc- tions, data statutes, program modules and other ta forthe personal compute 20. Although the exemplary environment Ueserbed herein employs hard disk removable magnetic €isk29 and a removable optal disk 3, it shouldbe appre- ciated by those skilled inthe at that other types of computer readable masa that can store data that is accessible by a computer, soc as magnetic castes, Mash memory cat US 8,725,963 BL 1 Aig video disks, Bemouli cards, random acess removes (RAMS). readonly emotes (ROMs) andthe ike may also be used i the exemplary operating environment ‘A number of program modiles may he stored onthe had sk, maunete dik 29, optical disk M, ROM24. RAM28, incloding an operating system 35 (eg, Microsoft Win- ddowst™ 2000). The computer 20 inludes file system 36 stoi with or includ within the operating sytem 38, suchas the Windows NT™ Fie System (NTS), one ce more aplication programs 37, oer program modules 3nd pro~ gam data 38. A user may eter commands and information ‘nthe personal computer 20through input devices such sa Keybrd 40 and pointing device 42 ‘Other inut devices (oot showa) may include a micro phone, joystick, game pad, satellite dish, scanner othe ike. ‘These and other input devies ae often connected to the processing unit 21 through a serial port interface 46 that is ‘coupled othe system bus, and they may also beconnested by ‘otherintriaoes, such as parallel oa game por oF univers seralbus (USB).A mentor 7 or other ype of display device isalso connected he system bus 23 vio aintriace suchas «video adapcr 48 In adton tothe monitor 47, personal ‘computers ypcally include other prihecal apt devies {oot shown), suchas speakers and printers. The personel computer 20 may operate ina networked ‘wiroameat using logical connection te one or more remote ‘computer 4, The emote computer (or computers) 49 may he another personal compute, a server, a router, a network PC, a peer device of other common network node, a typically includes some oralofthe elements deseriedabove relative tothe personal computer 20, although here only a memory storage device 80 i ilustrated. The logical connoe- tions include a local area network (LAN) 81 anda wide area newark (WAN) 2, Such netrking environments areca non inofics, entemprise-vide computer networks, Innes andthe Inert. na LAN cavizonment, the personal computer 20s om nected t the ol network 1 throvgh a actor nterace oF ‘apt 53. When used in a WAN networking environmen the penonal computer 20 typically includes « modem $4 or ‘other mca fe establishing communications aver te wide area network 2, such asthe Inter. The mode 4, which tay be internal extemal, isconnecedo te systom bus 23 athe sec ort interfae 46 na networked enviroment, the progrim modules depicted eelaive to the personal can puter 20, or portions thereof, maybe stored inthe remote memory storige device. It wil be appreciated that the net work conacctions shown are merely exemplary aad other means of enablishing @ communications nk between the computers may be used. Having thus describe prefered embodiment sould be apparent to those lle a heat that eran vantages ‘ofthe described method and apparatus have bon achieved. It shoul also be appreciated that various meaifeations, aap tations, and alterative embodiments thereat may be made within the scope and spit of the preseat invention. The invention is farter defined by he following claims ‘What is claimed is 4A.sytem for shariag memory among ile Contain es the system comprising snaperating system (OS); random access memory (RAM forstorng curently used ‘emry pgs: a SWAP storage for storing memory pages that atv cu really notin se; «plurality of Vitul Environments (VES) runing under the OS, and sharing services ofthe OS, s 8 atleast one VE process running in each VE; 2 VE RAM implemented under the OS; a virtual SWAP storage implemented under the OS ‘a memory manager that pawides acess tothe RAM by the VE process; wherein: ‘when the VE process requests memory from the OS, the ‘memory manager allocates memory. pages inthe RAMandallocates memory pages forte VE process inthe VERAM, ifthe VE RAM bas no fre space, the VE process pages are moved tthe vital SWAP storage, ifthe VE process requires a memory page stored inthe virtual SWAP storage, the page i loaded tothe RAM, and ifthe process page inthe RAM is notcurreatlyinuse, the ‘paz is moved tothe SWAP storage, ‘wherein, ifthe memory page required by the VE process is not inthe virtual SWAP storage, a system process finds the memory page na Jest recently used set and writes ito the SWAP storage 2. The system of claim 1, wherein per-VE amounts of available RAM and the SWAP storage spaces are pre-config- ured. 3. The system of ela 1, whereina page SWAP is delayed anifcially by a CPU schesile, 4. Asystem for sharing memory among maliple Contain ers ina virual eavironment, the system comprising: ‘a processor; ‘a memory couple to the processor, ‘8 computer program logie stored in the memory and ‘executed on the processor fr implementing the: launching an operating system (OS); storing curenly used memory pages in a random access memory (RAM): storing memory pages that are curently not in use in @ SWAP storage: launching plurality of Vital Eavironments (VES) under the OS, wherein the VEs share services of the OS; ‘wherein atleast one VE process running in each VE; Wherein each VE accesses a VE RAM: Wherein each VE aocesses a virtual SWAP storage imple- mented under the OS; wherein a memory manager provides acess to the RAM used by the VE process allocating memory pages in the RAM and allocating memory pages forthe VE process in the VE RAM when, the VE process requests memory from the OS, ‘moving the VE process pages to the vetal SWAP storage if the VE RAM has no foe space, loading a memory page into the VE RAM ifthe VE process requires a memory page stored in the viral SWAP storage, and ‘moving memory page othe SWAP storgeifthe memory poe in the VE RAM isnot curently ia use, hea the memory page required bythe VE process notin the virtual SWAP storage finding the memory page ina least recently used set and writing itt the SWAP stor- 45. A-system for sharing memory among multiple Virtual Enviroaments (VES), the sytem comprising ‘ost operating system (OS): ‘arandom aoess memory (RAM) forstoring curently wed. memory pages: a SWAD Storage for storing memory pages that are cur. reatly nt in use «plurality of VEs running under the host OS; US 8,725,963 BL 9 atleast one VE process running in each VE; ‘VE RAM implemented under the host OS; ‘viral SWAP storage implemented under the OS: and ‘a memory manager that provides the VE process access to {eRAM ‘when the VE process requests memory from the host OS, the memory manager allocates memory pages in the RAMandallocates memory pages forthe VE process inthe VERAM, ifthe VE RAM has ao fre space, the VE process pages are movad tothe virtual SWAP storage, ifthe VE process requires a memory page stored inthe virtual SWAP storage, the page is loaded tothe RAM, and ifthe process page in the RAMis not curently inuse, the ‘pg is moved tothe SWAP storage and ifthe memory page required by the VE proces is notin the virtual SWAP storage, a least recently used memory page is written othe SWAP storage. 6. The system of claim 8, whercin the VEs are Virtual Private Servers. T.A method for sharing memory among enultiple Virtual Environments (VEs), the method comprising the steps of launching an operating system (OS) storing curently used memory pages ina random aocess memory (RAM): Fa 10 storing memory pages that are curealy not ia use in @ SWAP storage; Janaching a plueality of Vial Eavironments (VES) under the OS, wherein the VEs share services of the OS; ‘wherein at least one VE process running i each VE; ‘wherein each VE accesses a VE RAM: ‘wherein each VE accesses a vrttal SWAP storage imple mented under the OS; ‘wherein a memory manager provides access tothe RAM used bythe VE process allocating memory pages in the RAM and allocating ‘memory pages forthe VE process in the VE RAM when the VE process requests memory fram the OS, ‘moving the VE process pages to the vctal SWAP storage ifthe VE RAM has no free space, loading a memory page into the VE RAM ithe VE process requires a memory page stored inthe viral SWAP storage, and ‘moving a memory page tthe SWAP storage ifthe memory page inthe VE RAM isnot currently in use, ‘when the memory pagerequzedby the VE process is natin the virtual SWAP storage, finding the memory page ina least recently used set and writing itt the SWAP stor- age.

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