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AECS Layout, Banglore,

Karnataka ullaass
Educatio 9109765230 ullas-
n chandrakar/

CMR Institute of Technology August 2019 - June

2023 Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science Bengaluru,
Karnataka Mile Stone Academy April
CBSE Class 12 PCM + Computer Science Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Mile Stone Academy April 2016
CBSE Class 10 PCM Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Technical Skills
Languages: C++, Javascript, HTML/CSS, SQL
Developer Tools: VS Code, Eclipse,Git and Github, Jira
Technical Skills: MERN Stack
Frameworks and Libraries: ReactJS, NextJs, Material-UI, Redux Tookit, RestAPIs, Ant Design
Databases: MongoDb
Green Turtle Gaming Technologies September 2023 – January 2024
Full Stack Developer Intern Hyderabad, India
• Spearheaded the redesign of the RummyJax backoffice, utilizing ReactJS, Redux Toolkit and Tailwind Css to
create a more intuitive and responsive user interface
• Implemented Redux Toolkit for state management, reducing the number of API calls and improving the
overall responsiveness of the application
• Collaborated with a cross-functional team of designers, backend developers, contributing to improvement in overall
team efficiency
• Actively participated in agile development practices, including daily stand-ups and sprint planning with sales
call, contributing with increase in development efficiency
Crypto App | React,Redux Toolkit, Ant Design with external API October 2023
• The app will fetch and display real-time price data for a selection of popular cryptocurrencies. Users can see the
current price, 24-hour price change, and otherrelevant metrics
• Implemented Redux Toolkit for seamless and organized state management, ensuring a robust and scalable
application and utilized Tailwind CSS for a mobile-friendly and visually appealing user interface
• Integrated an external API, delivering real-time cryptocurrency data with an average response time of under
600 milliseconds
• Achieved reduction in the average time users spend searching for information, improving overall user efficiency

Movie Website | Reactjs,Redux Toolkit, Tailwind Css with external API June 2023
• Moviex is a cutting-edge movie website developed using React and Redux, platform features content across more
than 15 genres, catering to a broad audience allowing users to explore movies beyond mainstream categories
• MovieFlix features an extensive database with over 10,000 movies from various genres, ensuring a diverse
selection for users
Airbnb | Nextjs, Supabase, Typescript, Tailwind Css May 2023
• Developed a Full-stack Airbnb Clone leveraging Next.js, TypeScript, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS, replicating
key functionalities including property listings, user authentication, and search capabilities
• Utilized Next.js for server-side rendering, significantly improving the application’s SEO friendliness and page load
speed and developed an search functionality and to filter homes from more than 10 categories
Leadership / Extracurricular
Team Lead May 2022
Cultura Organization CMR Institute Of Technology
• Co-ordinated an inter college technical event during the annual college fest Cultura’22
• Led chapter of 10 members to work towards goals that improve and promote community supply chain service
and organizing fest
• Secured 2nd rank in inter-school chess competition

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