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574/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spistualty Resources “Teacher of Simplified rituals ‘Astrology Researcher Engineer (rom I ice) fivoo anak Scripture Scholar ality Personal Videos | taught weekly Vedic astrology classes in greater Boston during 2004-2013, ‘There were 209 clasces of about 2 hours each, These classes were taught at ‘Sadhu Vaswani Center in Dracut, MA. USA, thanks to Sri Prabhu Hingorani Youtube audio (lessons 1-100) Youtube audio (lessons 101-209) Summary book (lessons 1-45) Summary book (lessons 46-77) ‘The content of each of these 209 classes s briefly summarized below, Lesson | Date , # ‘conducted Topics Covered Lesson art: Health anc Carer Analysis Part 2 Career 209 Jan 32013, Analysis tesson | pec eraoaa | Patt: Career Analysis Part 2 Nevamsa Chart 208 Discussion wess0n | ogc, cone | Patt! Mariage acvice anaiysis part2:D-24 27 Anaylys pat: Gonert questions Lesson | ov 26,2012 | part career Analysis: part-2 Mariage Anaylsis tesson "09 | Sep so202 Careor and Heats Anais tesson |. soaore | PartitHealtn Analysis Part2 Career and 204 s Chaturthamsa Analysis Lesson Par 1 Careor Analysis Patt 2: US President Barack 203 ‘| “uly 30.2012 ‘Obama Chart - Discussion and Analysis Lesson Par: Health anc Carer Analysis Part 2 Health 202 | lulyos2o12 Analysis lesson || May 12,2012 Dasamsa Analysis 201 v i Lesson Part Settings for Hora to be used gong forward 200 | Mar262012 Part 2: Chart Analysis nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him Astrology & Spirituality Resources From PV. Narasimha Rao Learn Do It Yourself ‘Quotes from My Facebook Wall «000000000 » tt MET cco Se MC: cr eae ent hr Ra te Sanskrit Pronunciation: ans: 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources Lesson | par sagoie | Chat Schama & Dasa Analysis char 2 199 Heath anys lesson Chart: Heath Aras Chart 2 Schama, Cra var 198 ersz02 3 House and Marriage Question Analysis lesson | Feb ozona KalachetraDase Examples wesson | an gaoie | Mtl Romey's Chart Analysis Using Sudrsana 196 Jan gvore ‘Chakra Dasa lesson ‘eames Chart Examples Using SH Suna 195 Dec szzois Siddhanta coson Examples Appin Vinsotar Mahacasa with 0" | oy 7aoxs | veteran to Noon, Sun and agra nthe 94 Divisional Charts. lesson Two Examples Marriage. Job: Aralsissing Si 1g3 | Oct 24.208 Surya Siddhanta Lesson | Ger a7.20m [Two Examples Analysis using Si Surya Sildhanta tesson “The Examples Analysis using Si Surya agi | AWG 22 201 Siddhanta Lesson | uy ons [nwo Examples Analysis using Si Surya Stata tesson | Juq2a.20m | Dasamsa Anas using Si Sunya Shanta lesson | wars aout | haroleAnaysisusng Sx Surya Scharta lcoson Evarple Saptamsa Anise and Chaturthamsa sso" | aro7 201] and Navara Recfeaton using SH Surya Siécharta lesson Sample Dasara and Sichamsa 186 Febaq 201 Analysis/Rectification using Sri Surya Siddhanta lesson "so Example: Chart Aralysis using Sa Surya Sdchanta tesson | san Examples Chart anata using Si Surya 184 van 24200, ‘Siddhanta (has audio recording issues) nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him ans 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources lesson Part: BPHS - “ig. | 227202012 |Part-2 Working Introduction to Sxi Surya Siedhanta - Examples lesson Part: BPHS - tbe | 28Nov2010 | Part-2: Example - Health Analysis. Part-s Dasamsa and Siddhamsa Analysis lesson Parts: BPHS - ge | 22Novz010 | Part-2: Example - Dasamisa Analysis. Part Sidchamsa Analysis lesson Part: BPHS - oo | 1S Nov2010 | Part-2. Example - Dasamisa Analysis. Patt-3:0-10 D-4 Analysis Part-¢ Child Health analysis lesson Part: BPHS - 17g | OB Now2010 Part-2. Example - Accident Analysis, lesson Part- BPHS - we. | 120ct2010 || Park-2: Example - Dasamsa Analysis, Patt-3:0-6, 1-30 for Health issue tesson | 15 sep 2010 Part-1: BPHS - x7 | 359° Part-2 Example - Siddhamsa Analysis lesson Part-1: BPHS - 176 |) 3°Aug 2010 Part-2: Example - Dasamsa Analysis, lesson Parts: BPHS - Tie" || 16 Aug 2010 | Part-2. Example - Health Issue. Part-g:Prasna and 6 1-12 for Health issue lesson Part-1: Trouble recording the audio due to ty | 26July 2010 Technicalissues: Part-2: Example - Dasamsa Analysis Part-1 BPHS - Chapter 33 (Effects of Karakamsa lesson a7 | 19 uly 2010 sloka 61-74) Part-2: Example - Dasamsa. tesson || 28 June Part-t8 2: BPHS - Chapter 39 (Effects of ve ooo Karakamsa loka 53-60) Part-3: Example - Analysis of Saptamsa. lesson Part-1: BPHS - Chapter 33 (Effects of Karakamsa Se” | ztJune 2010 sloka46-52) Part-2: Example Dasamsa nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him 3s 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources Par: BPHS - Chapter 9 (ects Kaatamsa tesson Sloe 30-45) 170 | 10 M8¥ 2020 | o>. Application of Karakamsa rules learned 50. ta Parts BPHS- Chap 33(Efecs of Karama lesson soe 2) son | a way2o%0 area: Dasa Analy Parks BPHS- Chap 33 (Efecto Karkamsa veeson ova 22-3) "son | spapr2oio Part: How of Ayurvedic Coston ofa person fom ie chert Part: BPHS- Chap 2 (eens of Karas 168809 | 65 apr aos slo 2 "80" | os porz010 Part Discussion ona erat ofa cancer patent Pars BPHS. Chap 33 (Efets of Kralamea Les509 | ae sleet "so" | ae warz010 Para O-4 Arty Par: BPHS- chap 20 (toa 20-40) lesson 165 | 8MAr2010 | part. Planetary Progression and Transitioning panes ape Pare PHS chap 30 loa 2-28 Lesson | ar aoi0 164 Part-2: Chart Analysis Part BPHS- chap 20 loa a2 lesson 163 | BF 2010 |part-2 @.& Aon Divisional Longitudes - Padaamsa = Research Tone lesson ares BPHS -ehap 30 (loka 2) 2" | sFebzoi0 162 Part-2: D6-Health, D10 Part BPHS- chap 20 sioke 30-97 lesson | a5 sn 2030 a Part-2: D24.Chart Rectification, D190, D20 lesson Pare BPHS chap 20a 2-20) 0" | an 2010 Par: Mate Making Grae AuchaCaleaton New Tetngue leeson Research Tie Nov2008 159 (partz has problem in uploading - will be fixed Sort nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him ans 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources lesson 30" | ovovaoog raha Arudhas - ntocucton lesson 26012009 career ama 57 par: Example = Pasha chart tesson || scerano 156 ” part-2: Example - chart correction with Bhava chat tesson part Questions on Bhava Chakra 800 | srzugz009 55 part-2: Example - Marriage part BPHS - fects ofhouse ordsin 2 ston | saree houses wrap up part: Earple Char Eaueaton veeson part PHS - ects of th ord in houses 7.22 s7Auge009 153 part-2: Example Chart (Marriage) par: BBHS - ets oth odin houses -6 Lesson | sonugeoog 188 part-2: Example Chart (Education) part: BPHS - fects of th orn houses 7-2 fess0n | 26 suty2oo: 151 luty2o09 part-2: solar eclipse of Jul 21.2009; part-3: ample Gna esto) part BPHS -Efecs of ith ord noses 8 tes | syuyaooe 150 part-2: Example Chart (Marriage Analysis) 7 par-t BPHS - ets of oth lord in houses 72 Lessor 8Junez009 us part-2: Example Charts(Dasamsa Analysis) Lesson part BPHS - fects of th lord in houses 7 "0" | oxyunezoen part-2 Example ChatstReocation ona pate OPHS- EfectsoFot ord inhouse 2 lesson “7 25Mayz009 part-2: Example Charts\Job and Residence change) part: Unable to record de to some technical 0 | rayon Tsuewgtniord mouse?) part: Example Chart nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him 5s 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources part-t: BPHS - Effects of 8th lord in houses 7-12 lesson x45 | 27APr2009 part-2: Example Charts(Dwadasamsa(0- s2iAnalysis , Marriage Timing ) lesson see | 99Apr2009 part-1: Lunar New Year Chart lesson part-1 BPHS - Effects of 8th lord in houses 1-6 23Feb2009 M3 part-2: Example Chart(Career Analysis) part-1: BPHS - Effects of 7th lord in houses 7-12 lesson | 6) saz | 76282009 |) part-2: Example ChartiMarriage Longevity Ilustration) part-t BPHS - Effects of 7th lord in houses 1-6 lesson rat | 724872008 |! part-z: Example CharttNarayana Dasa & Kala- Chakra Interpretation) part-1 BPHS - Chaptor 24 - Effects of 6th lord in lesson wn houses 7-12 so. | 954an2009, part-2: Example ChartiDivorce Issue) lesson | noveo08 | 8°HS- Chapter 24 Effects of 6th lord in houses 139 +6 lesson | soxovac0s || BPHS ~ Chapter 24 Effects of 5rd lord in houses 138 7-32 & Choosing a muhurtha for thread ceremony. lesson BPHS - Chapter 24 - Effects of sth lord in houses “gy | 23Nevz008 S part-1: BPHS - Chapter 24 - Effects of ath lord in lesson houses 7-12 ye. | 27Octz008 part-2.3 Student Example lesson Part-: BPHS - Chapter 24 - Effects of ath lord in : 200c12008 various houses: 38 Part-2. Example Chart (Navamsa analysis) lesson PHS - Chapter 24 - Effects of rd lord in various tye | 225ep2008 hoes Part-1: BPHS - Chapter 24 - Effects of ard lord in lesson vvatious houses x33, | 15502098 | parte: Example Chart (Chart rectification & 010 analysis) nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him ens 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources sceson SPAS - Chapter 24 Elects of nd ord in various 52" | oaseptzooe houses (Slokas 198 20 dc gt recorded) & ig dasa example; vecson art BPHS - Chapter 24-Efets of 2nd loin 2° | ouaugooo8 vars houses ara Example = Dio = Chart Analysis lesson {PHS - Chap 24 cont - Elects of Lin each 130 aululz008 house; Part-2: Example-D2q4 Analysis: tesson | 0, BPAS - Chap a4 fects of LLin exch house: 129 s4lulz008 Part-2: Example-Health Issue tson | assoca | Smolen pat Hath lesson 2" | sosunzoos BPHS Chee of 2H ‘esson 31Mar2008 Example charts 126 # nl tesson | saverzooe | Séme eater Exaample continued. Mainty ws general carer lesson 500 | syarz008 ames - Maint Crser lesson | oavaraooe PHS -Efects of aH tesson 00 | rese008 PHS Efecto 08 lesson 200 | se snz008 P45 Erects oF oH cont tesson PHS. - chap 20 - tects of oH, Marge 120 | 07/an2008 ‘Compatibility Check discussion wesson | nee PHS -chap 19 - Elec of 8, Longevty ug uDec2007 Examples lesson #50" | seNoveoor Example chil chart Analysis nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him 78 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources parts Example Analysis Dasomsa chart 222" | saoor |" marae Thana ening cha part 2Dasamsa Analysis hart) tesson | sgoctzoo7 | Clanton of Doubts rom clas students tesson Example Analysis Dig Dasa xampios lass 5 z20ct2007 students+) lesson Example Analysis Dig Dasa evarpos class 4 2aSep2007 students+) part Example Analy Real estate chart ig Lesson te cha) "0" | ossepeoar part 2:genera doubts dig dasa exapmple son PHS chap 38 -Efecs of 7H tesson | seu2007 Example Analy - career partnerships lessons | ___ ot not ecor due to auc problems The classes hnowt contained examples only PHS -chap7 - Efecto GH, oka 3 lesson 09 | %*MA¥2007 parte - example chart. Audio did not recorded due toc sues vecson PHS -chap 17 Elects of H slokas 2m | eayo007 108 Example Analysis PHS -chap 16 - Elects of sok lesson 23Apr2007 107 Example Analysis - chart of an Sadhaka . BPHS chap 16- Efocs of H loka lesson | senprao07 308 Example Analysis - Marriage problem veccon BPHS- chap 35 ect of aH soko 300 | gagra007 || ecussonon yearly panchanga srvanar, Oni s part 1is held today) BPAS chap - fects of 4H, sioka + ame vesson Job related move cenpre0o7 104 [There is audio disturbance from 30-46 mins of arta nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him ans 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources tesson | seyaraogy | BPHS- chap 24 Efects of 3H (nly ports is held 0" | aao007 so 165509 | a PHS chap 3 -Efets ofa Pata nck 102 32Mar2007 recorded due to Tech difficulties tesson PHS chap 2 ets of Example Anais 201 ‘o6Mar2007 ‘Some audio disturbance) lesson | se tnzoo7 P45 Onlypat is ela today) ‘esson | 22 Janz007 BPHS - chap 9 lesson | ajanaooy | B°HS=Chaplera-Santerans version O&A 38 Bxample lesson | yeoee2008 | SPHS~ Chapter -Sarthanamisveson 0 8A lesson PHS - Chap 98 and part of Chap a= Santana's 96 sidecz2006 version, and Q&A lesson | snvao0e | EPHS~ Chaser 95-Senhanam’sversion and O& % ‘ lesson | saNovz008 | G&A. BPH ~ Chapter a4 Santhanans version tesson PHS - Chapter 9 Santhanans version, (93 || CoNov2006 Example Discussion tes800 | scocizogg [BPHS= Tes & Remedios on Gandaant dosham, ee ample Dieusion lesson so" | 2a0ct2005 08% A Example Discussion lesson | scoctaoes 08% A Example Discussion lesson | egoctzo06 || Detas on Avastha Example Discussion pats General O&A lesson | Sep2006 88 as parta (PHS - chapter on Remedies for birth in Celpses chart analy) dno got receded nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him ons 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources lesson PHS chapteron Remeses on Saran osha a7 Bep2006 Chart Analysis vecson {PHS - chagteron Remecios or hada $20" | srauga00s || inauspicious yoos and nkshatra bith, Chat oats lesson BPHS- chapter on Amavasya/Kshna Chaturdas 85 23,ul2006 Births, Chart Analysis PHS chapter oninauspelous Births, Chart 200 | saya nays (Pow instes oF para to ond isos Les800 | gyuagoe | BPHSInorrelaton -Argaia, xeroles, Chr 83 og)ulz008 Analysis: lesson | os stzo06 Continuation of Jamin Sutras tesson | as sunaoos Continuation of im Sutras lesson 229 | sesunz008 Continuation of Stas fesson | +4 jun2006 Revision of Jaimini Sutras 7” tesson | gysunacoe |Pmle jd and Finacial nays aud quality 7% hasan 80) Lesson Cate 1 # ‘conducted Toples \esson 26Junz005 Mubhurtha Introduction e Lesson | sosuz00s hasan (0-60) Anais lesson | stzo0s came chat nats tesson i200 Puzo - Analy so" | santaoos \ ‘esson | iuzo0s || &A- Dscusion on Day Th Povesa nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him sons 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources sen o7Augz005, Example Analysis - D9, D6, D16 ow sgAugz005 Daily TP chart, Example - Dasamsa ‘esson 21Aug2005, Muhurtha, Spiritual analysis, Example Charts Lesson | asaugp00s Sudarsana Chakra Dasa - Introduction Lesson | sasep200s | Sudarsana Calva Dasa - Review and Examples waz" | mans | Strong crn woe | sn | nme eps lesson | oenovzoos | discussion on Homework = Misc tonics Eo" | eases | Ommsione or Dek owe ze ee ee won| nn | Nine nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him 105 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources lesson | spjan2008 | Revision Bers - asi Oasamsa. TP Analysis tesson | agjan2008 | Revision Exercise -Dasamsa Analysis [65507 | asrebaoos | Revision Exercise ~ Analysis of Sprtualy Crisis Lesson | ar2008. | Example Analysis of Mental Heath0-6.0-30 tesson sso" | seMar2008 lesson | o2apr2006 General Discussion A tesson 0" | oorprao08 Example - RealEstate tesson | aar2008 Example - Real Estate Lesson | sonpr2008 | Generallscussion and Marriage Gxample “este” | opMaya008 || Example - Chie running away from home lesson | s,may2o06 Example - Divorce 7 Lesson Date jics Covered a conducted: Topics. 1 | cemayeoos Vedic Astrology Introduction 2 | somayeoo4 a | eamayeooa 4 | s:meyeooa 5 | ee,nz004 6 | sa4uneo0e nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him rans 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources 7 | erlunzooa Examples 8 | caiutzoo4 Div charts ~ Intro & Example 9 | sulzooa ‘Aruda Pada Introduction 10 | sBJul2005 a1_| 25Julz004 12 | orAugeoo4 13 | oBAugeoo4 24 | asaug2004 Lower quality, recorced on a PC 15 | zeaugeoo4 16 | 2gAugzooe 17 | o5Sep2004 Example 18 | 030ct2004 Example 19 || s00ct2004 Example 20 | 240ct2004 D-10 Example 21 | o7Noveo04 Kecry/Bush Election Scenario 22_|sevov2ong | 8HE- Stanyenta Sarasa (ome sudo 23 | 28Noveooe Example - JayaLalitha 24 | osDecz004 Example 25 | s2Decz004 MS. Subbalaxmi gari health issues 26 | 190ecz004 Bxample 27 | o2Janzoos Example 28 | ogJanzoos correlation between 2 dv charts ntpsufmnew.vedicastrologerorgclassessindex.htm 135 514/24, 3:08AM Astology & Spittualty Resources 29 | s6Janz005 Introduction to Narayana Dasa 30 |] soJenzoos Ex- correlation with Narayana Dasa 31 | o8Feb2005 Example 32 || saFeb2005 Example - Intro to ND in Div charts 33_| o6marzoos Example - Narayana asa 34 || s3Merzoos Example - Narayana Dasa 35._| 20Marz005 Example - Narayana Dasa 36. | 27Mareoos Example - Mundane chart a7 | atezoog | Pope Sh Paul. Atkaverganto, Mundane 38 | 20Aer2005 ‘Astaka Varga and Tranits, 29 | s7Apr2005 “Transits, Bill Gates and other examples 40. | 24Apre005 Pakistan, india - Mundane chart 42 | osteyoos || Naaventver- Jamis Upedesa Sues 42 | 2aMay2005 Puzzle analysis and 0-2 chart analysis 43. | 2oMayzo0s | ND analysis of D-10 and ThithiPravesa of 0-2 44 | o6Junz005 |] Question and Answers Into to rigDasa 45 | s21un2005 Graha Aruda Concepts, Examples ‘A free eBook with my 2022-2021 writings was released on 2021 September 28: ompion trent ae nt ste ‘Wigan entra Drs apron witha foreword by Or Robert Svoboda ocala eee cee ‘Novatanptaltsa gee 2 tenet om omit io a a ntpsufmnew.vedicastrologerorgclassessindex.htm sans 574/24, 3:08 AM ‘Astology & Spistualty Resources < > Do Homa ire Ritual) by Yourself! Download free homa manuals and MP3 aucio. using which thousands of laymen across the world are doing @ regular homa by themseives! © 2012-2020 PMR. Narasimha Rao. Allrights reserved nips. vedicastrologerorgclassesiindex.him 155

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