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FULL NAME* (Arabic)

Class* (Arabic)
1- choose the correct answer(40 marks)
a) There is ______iPod on the table.*
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
C) ________umbrella is_____useful thing.
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
An- a
A - an
How much is it?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
It’s number 4
100 dollars
We _______ disrespect our teachers.
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
What’s the address?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
Fifth floor
130 Milton street.
1. Can I help you?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
Yes, please.
It’s expensive
She is of …….. height
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Tall
b- Medium
c- Short
______ favorite sport is basketball
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Her
b- Hers
c- She
This book is _______
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Me
b- Mine
c- My
______ children in the court?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Is
b- Does
c- Are
My …… is to become a teacher
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Hoppy
b- sport
c- Dream
She is good ….. playing football
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- At
b- In
c- On
I go camping ….. Thursdays
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- In
b- On
c- At
My mother was born ….March
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- In
b- On
c- At
I have watched two action……. at the weekends
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Serieses
b- Series
c- Episode
Ahmad ………. An exam
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Hasn’t
b- Doesn’t have
c- Doesn’t has
Do you hate spoilers?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Yes, I am
b- No, I do
c- Yes, I do
_____I am from Holland. I am _____
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- Hollandi
b- Hollandian
c- Dutch
Where do you live?*
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
a- In the city of amman
b- In the city of Amman
c- In the City of Amman
2_Write the correct time (10 marks)
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
Five hours and three minutes
Three Oh-five
Five minutes past three
Five o'clock and three minutes
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
Four hours and thirty minutes
Four- thirty
Four o'clock and thirty minutes
Four minutes past thirty
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
It's seven fifteen
Seven past fifteen
Seven Hours and fifteen minutes
Seven minutes past fifteen
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
Two hours and forty-five minutes
Forty-five past two
Forty-five to two
It's two forty-five
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
It's nine fifty-eight
It's two past ten
It's ten past two
it's ten to two
Correct the following sentences (3 marks)
I lives with my two sister *
‫نقطة واحدة‬
I living with my two sisters
I live with my two sisters
they lives with my two sisters
My birthday is in the five of april *
‫نقطة واحدة‬
My birthday is on the fifth of april
My birthday is in the fifth of april
My birthday is on the five of april
They often played football every monday*
‫نقطة واحدة‬
They often playing football every monday
They often play football every monday
They often are play football every monday
3.Read the following text then write (t) if the statement is true and (f)
if the statement is false.(10 marks)
At the age of nine, Omar started playing football. He started playing
football at home as he grew up in a family of footballers. First, he
played for Al Hillal, a saudi team, in 2000 and then he played for Al Ain
football club in 2007. He was 15 years old. Lot's of football clubs
wanted Omar to play for them, but he wanted to live close to his family
in the UAE. He plays for the Emirati international team.

He hurt his leg in 2009 and couldn't play football for six months. Then,
in 2011 he hurt his leg again.

He is a very good football player and has won many awards including
Emarati player of the year in 2013. He played football in the 2012

When Omar moved to Saudi Arabia, all of his family went with him too.
His father has always helped him and Omar thinks he is a good football
player because his family love and say prayers for him.
1. Omar is from the UAE.
2. He was 15 when he started playing football.
3. He has never hurt his leg.
4. He is a very good footballer.
5. he doesn’t see his family often.
4. Read the text and answer the following questions.(8 marks)

Tom is a student at the University in London.

He studies history there. He is a first year student, but Tom is a bad
student. Every year he is very very ''busy.'' His alarm clock rings at
7:00 o clock. But he usually turns over and goes back to sleep
because he's tired. Sometimes he throws the clock across the
room. So he wakes up late, at about 8:30 a clock. And he runs to the
bathroom to wash and brush his teeth. He doesn't have time to take a
shower. He doesn't have time to eat and he has to drink his tea in a
hurry! He takes his bag and runs to the bus stop to catch his bus. He
gets to university at 9:30. Every morning Tom is late to the first lesson.
Tom comes home at about 16:00 o'clock and he has dinner. After
dinner, he sometimes watches TV, plays the guitar but he usually
goes out with friends. Tom never does his homework. He comes late at
2 or 3 o'clock at night....and he goes to bed because he is always
very tired at this time. And tomorrow he has another ''busy'' day!
1. Where does Tom study?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
at Harvard
At the university of London
at the university of UK
2. What time does his alarm clock ring?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
at seven Hours
at 7:00 O'clock
at half past seven
3. What time does Tom get to university?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
half to nine
nine hours to half
At 9:30
4. What does Tom do after dinner?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
He sometimes watches TV
he plays the guitar
he usually goes out with friends
all of the above
5. Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple present.Untitled Title(6
What_________________________(she/usually/do) in the morning?
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
what does she usually does in the morning?
what do she usually does in the morning ?
what do she usually do in the morning?
what does she usually do in the morning?
. ________________________

(they/play) football in the afternoon ?

)2( ‫نقطتان‬
do they are play football in the afternoon?
does they play football in the afternoon?
do they plays football in the afternoon?
do they play football in the afternoon?
He __________(play) tennis on Sundays evenings.
)2( ‫نقطتان‬
he plays tennis on Sunday evenings
he played tennis on Sunday evenings
He do play tennis On Sunday evenings

Listen to the following audio and then answer the following
questions(20 marks)

Q.1. Complete the sentence

______ Speaker B works as a
tour guide
Police Officer
Site engineer
______Speaker C works a
Tour Guide
Public speaker
______Speaker D works as a
Site Engineer
Q.2. Choose the correct answer:
1. Does speaker A enjoy his job?
- Sometimes.
2. When does speaker A work?
-When he is at university.
3. When does speaker B work?
- Weekdays.
-Weekends and holidays.
-Summer holidays
4. What does speaker B say tourists love doing?
-Visiting universities.
-Taking a boat trip.
-Swimming in the river.
5. Does speaker C like his job?
6. What does speaker D say is difficult about being a pilot?
-Travelling to many countries.
-Learning many languages.
-Flying planes in bad weather.
7. What does speaker D say is the best thing about his job?
-Visiting different places.
-Meeting different people.
-The different weather.

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