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4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric

force to refraction
In this 30-item exam, part of the items are mainly based on test banks. The figures shown
are not mine. They were taken somewhere for educational purposes only. No violations of
copyright whatsoever is intended.

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4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

6. As a reminder of the University's policy on cheating, please copy the following in *

the space provided below:

On my honor, I highly certify that the answers I will be choosing are mine and were
NOT CHEATED from my classmate/s. In case evidence is found that I cheated
from my classmate/s or I allowed my classmate/s to cheat on me, I understand that
I could be given a credit of zero (0) in this exam or worse a grade of “5.0” (failed) in
this course.


Please work independently, and choose the best answer. Each item is worth 1 point. 2/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

7. In the figure below, what is the direction of the net force on q, the charge * 1 point
located at the top of the equilateral triangle?

Mark only one oval.

Parallel to the left side of the triangle.

Parallel to the right side of the triangle.

Parallel to the bottom side of the triangle.

Perpendicular to the left side of the triangle.

Perpendicular to the bottom side of the triangle. 3/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

8. In the figure below, the charges, represented by the dots, are all of the same * 1 point

distance from the origin. With that description, what can you say about the
electric field at the origin?

Mark only one oval.

Zero for situation 4.

Greatest for situation 1.

Greatest for situation 3.

Downward for situation 1.

Downward for situation 3.

9. Consider two thin spherical shells, one with radius 3R and the other with * 1 point

radius 6R, surrounding an isolated charged point particle, q, at their

coinciding centers. What is the ratio of the number of field lines through the
larger sphere to the number through the smaller one?

Mark only one oval.





3. 4/22
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10. What would you do during lightning? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Find shelter under a tree.

Call an emergency hotline.

Go inside a car and touch something metallic.

Go inside a car and do not touch anything metallic.

Stay outside a car, wear an umbrella, and do not touch anything metallic.

11. Why are the excess charges of a conductor stay at the surface at * 1 point

equilibrium? Reminder: Choose the best answer.

Mark only one oval.

Surely, Gauss's law explains that.

The closed electric flux inside the conductor is zero.

The net electric force is greatest at the surface at equilibrium.

The electric potential is greatest at the surface at equilibrium.

The excess charges want to be as far as possible because like charges repel. 5/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

12. What is the expression of the corresponding electric field along the x-axis for * 1 point
the electric potential given below?:

Mark only one oval.

Option 1: Option 2:

Option 3: Option 4:

Option 5: Cannot be determined. 6/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

13. Capacitance of a capacitor depends on: * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Geometry of the capacitor.

The charge on the two conductors.

The electric field between the two conductors.

The voltage input of the battery connected to it.

The potential difference between the two conductors.

14. What is the effective capacitance between points "a" and "b" in the circuit * 1 point

diagram below? Each capacitor has capacitance of 6 μF.

Mark only one oval.

1 μF.

3 μF.

4 μF.

6 μF.

9 μF. 7/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

15. In the figure below, the two capacitors are identical. What should be the * 1 point
capacitance of one capacitor for the set-up to store an energy of 0.040 J?

Mark only one oval.

0.10 μF.

0.50 μF.

1.0 μF.

1.5 μF.

2.0 μF.

16. An air-filled parallel-plate capacitor has a capacitance of 1 pF. The plate * 1 point
separation is then halved and a wax dielectric is inserted, completely filling
the space between the plates. As a result, the capacitance increased to 4
pF. What is the dielectric constant of the wax?

Mark only one oval.





8.0. 8/22
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17. If 2.6 x 10^18 electrons and 7.3 x 10^18 protons move in the same direction * 1 point

past a given cross-section of a hydrogen discharge tube every second,

what is the average current (in amperes) in the tube?

Mark only one oval.






18. A cylindrical copper rod has resistance R. It is reformed to thrice its original * 1 point
length with no change of volume. Its new resistance is:

Mark only one oval.





9R. 9/22
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19. Which of the following characteristic curves represent that of an ohmic * 1 point


Mark only one oval.





E. 10/22
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20. In the diagrams, all light bulbs are identical and all emf devices are * 1 point
identical. In which circuit (A, B, C, D, E) will the bulbs glow with the same
brightness as in circuit X?

Mark only one oval.






21. A 3-Ω and a 1.5-Ω resistor are wired in parallel and the combination is wired * 1 point
in series to a 4-Ω resistor and a 10-V emf device. The potential difference
across the 3-Ω resistor is:

Mark only one oval.

2.0 V.

6.0 V.

8.0 V.

10 V.

12 V. 11/22
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22. In the circuit below, what is the current flowing through the battery? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

2.0 A.

2.5 A.

3.0 A.

3.5 A.

4.0 A. 12/22
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23. In the circuit below, what are the magnitude and direction of the current * 1 point

through R1?

Mark only one oval.

0 A.

0.40 A, left.

0.40 A, right.

0.68 A, left.

0.68 A, right. 13/22
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24. In the circuit below, what are the magnitude and direction of the current * 1 point
through R2?

Mark only one oval.

0 A.

0.40 A, left.

0.40 A, right.

0.68 A, left.

0.68 A, right.

25. Earth's geographical north pole is the Earth's... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



Magnetic north pole.

Magnetic south pole.

Cannot be determined. 14/22
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26. Two parallel current-carrying wires attract each other. What does this imply? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

I need more information.

The direction of their currents is opposite.

The direction of their currents is the same.

I need the values of the current in each wire.

That's impossible! Both of them are essentially electrically neutral!

27. What is the direction of the current in the rectangle if the current i is * 1 point
increasing in the direction shown?

Mark only one oval.




Clockwise in the left side and counterclockwise in the right side.

Counterclockwise in the left side and clockwise in the right side. 15/22
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28. Electromagnetic induction. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

I only.

II only.

III only.

Both I and II.

I, II, and III.

29. Suppose that the current in the figure is increasing. What will be the * 1 point
direction of the induced magnetic field?

Mark only one oval.



Left to right.

Right to left.

Cannot be determined. 16/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

30. An electric generator has 1 500 rectangular loops of dimension 0.20 m x * 1 point
0.30 m. The loops are then rotated in a 0.15-T magnetic field at a frequency
of 70 Hz. What is then the maximum voltage output of the generator?

Mark only one oval.

2 268 V.

5 937 V.

7 163 V.

9 512 V.

12 060 V

31. Rank the following electromagnetic waves in order of decreasing * 1 point

wavelength: radio waves (r), visible light (v), infrared light (i), x-rays (x), and
ultraviolet light (u).

Mark only one oval.

i, r, v, u, x.

i, v, r, u, x.

r, i, v, u, x.

r, i, v, x, u.

r, v, i, x, u. 17/22
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32. What type of mirror is shown in the figure below? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

I only.

II only.

III only.

Both I and II.

Both II and III. 18/22
4/29/24, 8:51 AM PHYS 1200 LEC EXAM 3: From electric force to refraction

33. A candle C sits between two parallel mirrors, a distance 0.2d from Mirror 1. * 1 point
Here d is the distance between the mirrors. Multiple images of the candle
appear in both mirrors. How far behind Mirror 1 are the nearest three
images of the candle in that mirror?

Mark only one oval.

0.2d, 0.8d, 1.4d.

0.2d, 1.8d, 2.2d.

0.2d, 1.8d, 3.4d.

0.2d, 1.8d, 3.8d.

0.2d, 2.2d, 4.2d. 19/22
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34. The figure below shows the propagation of light in the three different media. * 1 point

What could be said about the speeds of light in the media?

Mark only one oval.

v1 > v2 > v3.

v1 > v3 > v2.

v2 > v1 > v3.

v3 > v1 > v2.

v3 > v2 > v1.

35. Which of the following substances would be least visible in water? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

I only.

II only.

III only.

Both I and II.

Both II and III. 20/22
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36. What could be the depth of the swimming pool in the figure below? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

2.79 m.

2.98 m.

5.16 m.

5.50 m.

5.61 m.

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