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My decision to embrace the fied of Computer Science has had a great infuence on my current

work experience.  started as a Software Deveoper at nfosys Ltd. n 2008 and presenty working
at Vaue Momentum nc. as a Core Banking consutant.  have  years of work experience as a
software deveoper using Object-Oriented programming anguages ike Java, C, C, and Unix and
managing databases using DBMS, PL/SQL, and U using HTML, and JavaScript.  am a tech-
enthusiast and keep mysef we informed with a the revoutionary innovations in the fied of
technoogy, for exampe, Digita banking and industria oT trends ike Smart Homes.

The two technoogies that gained popuarity over recent years are Machine Learning and Big Data.
Amost every company that is aunching new products is using them to buid viabe products in the
market to be profitabe. For instance, Appe nc. makes products that are admired by customers.
Likewise, every company that is providing service is spending miions to research using machine
earning to predict customer behavior. For exampe, Netfix provides suggestions to view shows
based on their watch history and interests. These technoogies were groundbreaking as they
assist organizations to predict their customers.  am excited about them because even smart
assistants ike Siri, Aexa, and Googe which became part of an average consumer's ife, earn their
daiy routine with the hep of these technoogies. Therefore  am quite inquisitive to earn how this
works as that is the future.

Though  have obtained a fair amount of knowedge in Computer Science through my work
experience,  sti need to acquire advanced CS skis that are more reevant at present. These
skis can be efficienty earned by a strategicay guided curricuum that is pursuing a master's
program in Computer Science.  am aso confident that an MS in Computer Science wi hep me
accompish my aspiration to become a good technoogy architect who can design and buid
effective and secure soutions.

Many key features in Georgia Tech’s OMSCS program excited me. Firsty, it was an entirey onine
course that is hepfu to me as  have a day job as a fu-time deveoper and  can earn at my own
pace. Secondy, the program is affordabe which means it doesn't require financia sacrifices to
pursue my dream to graduate in Computer Science. Thirdy, the speciaization courses in Machine
Learning and Bigdata in the program aigned with my passion. Additionay, Georgia Tech’s OMSCS
aumni's remarkabe feedback about the course work and teaching standards enhanced my
interest in this program.  am sure that an M.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech wi
increase the imits of my knowedge and hep me succeed in my career.
Thank you for aowing me to express my views.

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