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Py = sa2s0fa ~ Behermanannes Pym Ph aRe say th Oa tele [2-40 waft! am ~ Dherminenes Py >Po, = -q- 9 830 they [a LO wm fo®s 2 mae = Deknaataasnin Py> Paz Cp g: be Roe harm Uefa? hom we %= goroo Pa —» 9g = 0'S bon —Dekomnanen prerarsh bod Lo dagn'to. r= Pi + Po ¥ Ps Rr = ALSO Re + A000 Pa + Bo000 PR Pr= 93250 Pa —> Pr= 0'9825 baw @) Codeine Garde em Q pute ddl able adrretatle pr cnc tome de oye eupn othun os de 20am. (C= d000 Ka [ran®) Puss = 980 La ur? (Densi00) © V= 2806 -107S au? /9,(UIScos pnd) Qu = ests mucd/t Co'0o8 mau?/o) T= SS mau 9 0'Q0005 muks Drs = SS mony glo§5 muts Lr8= 100 mbs. Resurtado* Root marca. i q a Quz 28'S mu? /Q = S600 —> Que oboe wan / rey * Busearos HWS “vero pares « Qy | _ cooks __stoodmut/ n = ood ap eet SAM wane = 029 uf es | \b=o'o28 vase [9 Ue bv 5 _o'008wn? |) C'oo8nn?/5 2 = —Co0km> a o'oSS mu gooswe 7 © Ham] U,2o'4a ma]. ® CarcurmHos pSfencam = RELA TIUA + 9'0000S mm O'0S5 we ep. v = 0'0004 % 9.10" 2-3 ni & UQs cos. BOOM. _WHam/d) AQ. seit nec.a O'OSS mm 2 L509 mu/9 (Herros COWHNA AGVA * Criouisnos NoxeRo tw ReynoLns. Re = ee = BH Amfo-clossm—_o!NG.035 me" Mog. 07S wa] 5 M06 - 107 Sn = 418-08 DATOS + Rageecen Reamusr —» 0'0009 & oloo A. Novero te Reywords —, 4'8-10% Qisceans Noony —s §= o'ce3. * Sustiwinos kos ATOS. «eNOLA Gcuncion + i Vo” Pa i+ Us FWA = a vee ay eet 2g ; oO wy wae NE S08, = % a Ro (Prensa sevaiue) =9 \b = o'o025 nue [1 Ss Deapectelfe . Sa = Ouw. Pe ee = PP 4 SAA ce 480 Ua, fru? jomnfe — + LO wwfn® Ps os ———____ "Sond 254 BO ow Nowe + 0'G0L0 + Aameicia Py = domme + (480 Uy fu? - ho re) - 06020 — BEAT uncc.a Proassay2s Row sag a © ew | @) Coder a deutded Qe a. Yodo B para Ga aibwacicn de aaa Ne recentado. . (ez Looe May fume rma?) L DATOS + iat | le Caz L000 Ky fom? Gye d ube, a = AM mats, © Po (Preston Me contro) > Q= PLE PO yp qe ardor quites oo cucueddan a Ca wirna olla. AP= Ca. g- Aw. Pr-R=Cr. a: (dae be), Pa = A000 they |r - KO mule . Vmats Pa = 260000 Pe . Pra Pe Pa= 260000 Pa . Pr = Cy. ag. be —~]@, - fs =a Qe: 260000 Po. ee | = 58St Vy Jud. Bom) AN akg > Coa 48St y/ BD Vo athena Qdraudicn corte de dor pitmer al como Pe Wadltoa en Ma Unnheacton adjuuke . Che fo dos pukmes be Quemenbra Ue yp de bhomnmvnion . Se ca UO rata note UH Gintom bo de LOOKN. Collet Ya mom Ge prede clam an @ glib J. Doro: Fa | K a= howe er nt & Az = tom me? - Fras hoo hn | | FA Q = = => Pre ~ | Fasdoo kn & hoo -10° Ua ssa] ne a gO-10° Wy. w/o? 5 ap Oe P. sane =] P= too. bo Pe Pea. bot, PrP Sar qe oryer gates 0¢ encreran © Aine odlue . B=Fe 2 2 mis Ae A AenoNp, = Me: SOmel® ay. Bekot Pa + Boo mu® 4000 nu® ad AG HH] n® Mug= Looe 000 Ly ~ ways he LOW a © Caleta Ba perce nohwe fa aupehicce Wwe del Cangie. DATOS. Bao = Loos vga | Pay = dcog Ky [rma Arroras + B= Fhe C= Gh cum BAG an SQ ae Fo (Geridn snanonneben)) =o AP = Quy g- Ad. Pr- % = dem ty fur + 10 w/o’. oH A mn Pas 3.8600 kg] aus? - Ome foe ott b me 2 Pa A Py Nb coke a Ca inne adhua . R- P =Cuso 9: Dk P,-P2 = 4.000 hy Jou? AO ma] oe - O'G A NKR. Fi- P2 = Choo BR => 16960 Pa - @400 Pa Pe= qouco Pa + Po # Py > No akan o Go panna ole . Pr- Py = ug: gy A& Px = Quy. g- Au + Pe Py = AS600 Ky fund. do mm/oe . o'F2 + Go4coP Pa = §1D820 Pa Pa- Px = Cuso %- AW Px = Px = Loo lg = Lo wafo2- (o'Zt we + 0146 mun) Py-Prx = deosa Pe ——> Pa= Pa - somo Pa = 493 820 Po — Lome Pa @D Cobeutar Lester UW umes de Reyeolde y Oe corde de qreten prokvoda enbe 4 necc 4 4 2. ne aie DATOS * Voge = Mog + 4078 Key} wn? Que Yo Quy. L=20 mls, © = 0820 mee = clon 2 ae Brrso = USam = 10 4S me Qo= A Loca. i = Que doa mind nan . © Primer oe ba Leleotdad : Vi: = Sootmutoa _. [y, Saale 2 Gq | O'01S mud Re = VB sctydn- obo18 ye = [R= 2:06" ] ° 8 Mog - one “|x e Tadhee de onpurcra Lelaktua , & SL = _ocloo02mn = ook Pro O'O 1S ma 2 5'6C mafy R= o'ouy (orscrans ve Hoopy) Q ve Yeo: gas Qf=crow. Om _ (Siceum = [ =a tc 7 COONS Bow fy @B Coleutar Bh onda de pro pr da bubeia pene. (ton gadides de one enkee 4 y 2 om despecoble J, DATOS » Aime J Aire -¢ — oma = 206-10 Ua] wu? Po a Aib= O'S ma. a ] ae ii Da = SO vars oloSmu Dz = B'S wan = O'OSF mr Po = Qo! Prenton mrauowelanton B= K=O Ri-% = Caso - yh = P-Q 2 hog. 6, Ao mala « olsun =|1533+10 Pa. ee = MOT Uys”. homefs. 910545 mou —> iL a aad us! = che => _ SD. 1071 Pa a ea es ? Bee ee Uy fad’ OH ost . ZO mse adele => y= an-a9S |= 44/5] Qua = VA yn nly. FP + Cos me | Quy = o'oones Hr fe Vz tect 4 + (Dube) + a =che => ria fo Ome? 2 Moe Vo Kg a ; (01S m= 1081S nes) Ve = ole 2 0 mage “ Lar Quz= VAX dst» FE soa ts mt Ave -soowre Qui- Qve = 0'00 865 woes ene stray eee “Shy Zp O'CONDS wse® lngh . 2606 a = )49568 when (@) Catetan corde Ae (ence tm Da Quen 1-2, (e0 greko 2 Tie pre de dercoraa), Unga = SoG Wy fe®, Quis 409 U/mg =o me / 149. } DWN = 203'2 mew £.0'2032 mals AH Lyvpe = Loco wls O Vives = O'OU wae AW= 20'9 mats he ree | Az Mio'2oslun . 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