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[Reston Test HO" ' Une a Class ee PAPER ONE - PaRT ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test "twas my mother speaking: "Have you," she asked, (1). off ll the cake | bought this morning? Well, JUSt (2)... Clear of that leftover rice pudding that | left in the fridge because it's for dad's supper. Really, | sometimes feel Ike (2), .. my hands of you, you are Such a glutton, Oh, and | see the ice cream has (4). othe dust.” She (5). her throat in readiness for the final thrust, “Il tell you something straight,” she said. “AS far as your manners are concerned, 6)... inthe sponge.” “Oh,” said, “Im afraid Ive eaten the sponge,” 1A beaten B polished © washed D mopped 2 A best B sweep © stay D wipe 3A wasting B mopping © polishing serubbing 4A chewed B swallowed C tasted D bitten 5 A wiped B cleared © washed D mopped 6 A throw B cast hut D pitch PAPER THREE - PART TWO’ DERIVATIVES The pain was (o)...nimeginable. and the doctor said | would have to IMAGINE have an (1) « Ihad been taking what seemed like OPERATE an (2). » umber of tablets and | worried that so many END might be (9). - The situation, believe me, DANGER was most (4) ‘and then the doctor phoned me to say SATISFY that owing to the (5). cf my condition, a place had been SEVERE found for me in hospital. On artval, I found the (6). oof MAJOR patients having blood samples taken and Ifo myself (7)... acta ABILITY to slop trembiing, The next day 1A (8)o.ennsennrnnn 19 MOVE 2S POWER was tied down to the bed, Then | felt a needle and | (0 - THANK wont to sleep. When | woke up, | discovered that the (10) ...e00 nm PRESS In my chest had been ited, fa { penston Test 1 | ua PAPER THREE - PanT THREE GAPPED SENTENCES (common WORD) + Mik will ‘Surf you leave it oo long inthe fridge. John should . ve « OVer a new leaf and be on time for work. After waiting f0F AM OUT, WOUIE ens narnamnen OU HAL | Was at the wrong station. 2 Central government, not local, is responsible for the su snmes Of Wealth care. There is an) «in the now tax lw for temporary migrant workers He'd worked hard all his life but he had made no _ for his olé age 3 The Nationalist Paty nnn XO pOWET in a landslide victory. The force of the hurricane wn. houses and cars into the sea. Hewitt -~the board inthis years tennis tournaments. 4 When Harry was demoted'it brought him down a). or two, I buy my clothes off the because | can't afford to have them made. Harry isn't suited to his job. He's abit of a square sma round hole. 5 Rumours ofan early election . sn Panic among the nation's bankers. The fires -voms f@pidly around the suburbs of Sydney. Atthe age of eighteen she «her wings and moved tothe big ety 6 You can go upstairs and see grandad. HE'S... awake. Youwere .. the mark when you sald Sophia was mean. You ae leaving yourset . ‘open to accusations of corruption. 7 The police had 10... warrant, but entered the premises anyway. Alter the avalanche, a(n) party was sent out to lock for missing skiers. Refugaes crossed the border in... ..offood and shelter. 8 Dont yews bOUt the bush. What exactly happened? Liverpool should Fulham quite easily. You can't. _ cold ham and mustard when going on a picnic. snsn: dead when his wife entered the roorn, uname DoeaUs® the battery had fun Out sn by the hospital on our way home to see Danie. 8 All conversation My watch. We 10 Joshua drives so reoklassly that he WAS nn -»f0 have an accident one day. {or Moscow was re-outed after a terorist alert to the problems of unemployment and poverty. plane... Crime will forever be @ ee | ewsiow Test | Uw 7 PAPER THREE - PART FOUR Key WORD TRANSFORMATION 1 Eleanora pointed out the lncondtencisin ro ptt ato Eleanora . 2 The chances thatthe =e wiletend th meng are sim. (poss) There : attending the meeting, 3 Tm not so sure that John told us the truth about the accident. pee 1 os . about the accident, 4 We do not have to pay for = ots if they do not meet with our satisfaction. (obligation) There {000i they do not meet with our satisfaction 5 nother o make dcons concerning the artwork nthe magaie. (supposed) SNE on concerning the artwork in the magazine 6 Ihaven't been to see my arenerera abn weak rit) - im the report. its see my grandparents 7 According tote recast his seca certain well have snow this week. (beyond) The forecast says that ave STOW tis week 8 We can make as many lca cls as we ko wa th phone card nt) With ths phone cad nn sone Hal cals we can make 8 I doubt very much whether stoke pa gan seson. letbon) Inmy opinion, taking part again tis season 10 His lack of exparonce must be taken into acount. (allowances) We i < lack of experience. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze Test: PasT Paras Redesigning a garden can be a fascinating experience, (0 w the firsttimer and the | .. gardener confronted with (2). A1BSK BIE (Yona ‘of bright hopes and grand ideas. Realising them is (4). . matter altogether, but great expectations certainly «the basis of many fine creations. Inevitably, (6... -~ pron’ idea of what makes a good garden wil (7). " {rom another's and the best treatment fora particular piece of @f0UNG (8)cmnsoeon-.alsohave to take into (9). -~- fogional differences in soil, clmate and plant needs, Most garden designers are agreed (10) appearance and harmony. Afuntona garden should (1) the (12), ‘ofits owner, Appearance involves neatness,eifectve use of colour end design (13). -~ provides points of interest in keeping (14), sn thet surroundings. Harmony is achieved (18)..nmmnsinunm the garden is planned in relation to the house and its surroundings. three requirements: function, -» ts purpose and mest — a Revision Tesy Do Nome: Unie 2 Class: PAPER ONE - Pant ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test \When your baby gil (or boy is about 8 to 9 month ol, she stats doing two things. Fist, she (ow ~~» her frst teeth, which you thinks fun uni she puts one of your fingers in her mouth and (2). hard. “Ouch!” you go, which makes her scream with laughter. Or she {Boonen YOUF ROSE With her sharp, new fingernails. “Ouch! which she thinks is lots of fun. Second, she begins to walk, Very unsteadily, so that she continually (4). her head against things, or (5). +» her knees against rough edges. But, somehow, she never seems 106). her delicate skin, 1 Acuts B twists © stains D bumps 2 A fractures, B bites © scalds D cats 3A scratches B puis stings D orazes 4 A blisters B stings twists D bumps 5 A bites B scalds © grazes D twists 6 A fracture, B bruise blister D sting PAPER THREE - PART TWO DERIVATIVES Late in life | came to realise that it was the (0)....M3" of his WARM personaly that had been s0 (1). in my choice of career INFLUENCE and had determined the extent of my (2) oflife's ‘ACCEPT misfortunes and injustices. My desire for iS (8)... grew FRIEND slowly during my late tens, when his (4... nature and, RETIRE even more $0, his ().. sw forthe quiet fe, rather than PREFER having the etfact of (6) ime for lam quite the opposite, wap being fond ofthe (7). .» Outdoor lfe- surprisingly made ADVENTURE me feel extremely (2) in his company. COMFORT For his gentle manner and Ways Wet (9cmnmnmenene fesponsible “PROBABILITY for removing the (10), ‘of my problems from my WEIGH shoulders and placing them firmly on his. a Revision Tesr D> Ut 2 Paper THREE - PART THREE GAaPPED SENTENCES (COMMON WORD) Vass -» faney going to the theatre tonight, don't you? WS GettiNg oes hot in here so we'd better turn that heater off. / Do you want to stay a litle longer or would you go home’ 2 You can't miss his office; his name is on a brass ~~. outside the building, | have enough on my juneninnsenonnnnn 6 itis without worrying about your problems, Ruth's parents have given everything to her on ao) since she was a chi, 8 There was no need 10 ese es him names just because he's fat. You can... semen the Shots when you are the manager, but not before. Beating Manchester United at last must sure... fora drink 4 The shops may...... out of candles before Christmas time. Red hair must senna heli family H's my bet that Italy Wil... nse Hing fOUNd France in te Cup Final 5 The Of religious fanatic is a global concer, The aitine is, surprisingly, expecting a(n) 2 win sales this quarter. ‘The government's policy on education has given... +» t0 alot of criticism, 6 The new secretary came to us ' recommended. HIS enomnanomnn Unlikely that Helen will marry again: The boss seems to think . ofthe new computer system. 7 Next week we are going on a(n) » tip to collect butters, You may net lke him, but he is a leading expert in the of architecture They're building a new supermarket where the playing se Ud t0 be. 8 Jackie has 90 many fiends | can't ED enn Of HEM, Robert has a good... ‘Why do | always lose ~~» ford in investing money in the right place. ~~~ Of time when 'm enjoying mysett? 9 That is a(n) ‘omens Off my mind now that welve finally finished paying forthe car. ‘As a politician, his voice doesn't carry as much .. It's about time he started pulling his. 1» 88 used to, « afOund here and did some work 10 Doctors tried hard to save him, but his heart = ~~ Out during the operation. The builder... ‘me to understand that the work would only take one week. {twas an unlikely story But We wenn MO the bene of the doubt. fed Revision Tesr 2 Une 2 | PAPER THREE - PaRT FOUR KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION 1 Lam sary avesion her genet nat natn tor) iam se that mater 2. lice said she liked Htatian food better than chee (expressed) _ Chinese, 3 pele reading newspapers io ragethes: foe . ‘magazines. 4 yur cre spo, Fsyorom, (blame) your are spoil. 5 Hay ound thar ase hath wou never wok rk again. (8g Hany the fact that he would never work again. 66 Robin is particulary fond of chocolate biscuits. (weakness) Robin .. __ chocolate biscuits. 7 Iimtied of you always. eo ting 110. (out) IWR ao _- everything | do. 8 insted of ating fret she oka. ater She the bus {9 Everyone could see that Bob didn't ike his new venue the start. (dso) Everyone could see . his new colleagues. 410 | knew you liked her wen I saw you talking in the garden. (shine) could tell when | saw you taking n the garden. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze Test: PasT PAPERS tis difcut to exaggerate the scale of the neglact by some parents of the proper (0)...uPringing._ of their children. (Yoon suns Children need stability, discipline, care and attention is (®hsnnnnsnnee Obwich many Bish parents seem tty and BESS 2)... “one tol that hey have brought up ther chien wel because they | Time and (4), | have bought (6)... ‘goods such as computer games and expensive trainers. Often they (B) ne .. the social services or teachers for not (7). cetfected a chahge in their children’s behaviour: how often has one (8). .. the lament “Lever got (8) ne seumatsius help from them," as if the “authorities” were primarily (10) * forthe care of children, In(tt). climate of opinion itis scarcely surprising that the most extravagant ideas about the harmful (2)...0.n:ssanens of eating certain foods and additives can flourish. How 19), ‘more comforting itis to etibute our children’s misconduct tothe food they eat (14), to our own stupidity or fecklessness. And how easy (15) ‘comparison seems the solution: itis upto the government to take action concerning food additives, alter which we can safely continue neglecting our children. sep Name:... Revision Test 3 Un 3 i PAPER ONE - PART ONE M.C.Q. CLoze TEST Having a teenage boy can be real (1)... ‘onthe nerves. He may (2)... — heart when he's being angelic, whichis once ina blue moon, buthe can be areal (9) when he's with his friends, He (4). sncnnn SNACKS into his bedroom where, the following ‘morning, mother finds him happily asleep between the sheets when she's making his bed. You just sigh, and pray that he doesn't grow up to become ain) (8). tke some of his friends, and Stat (6) sensnnennnne IM BUGS. 1A robbery B vandalism © terrorism D murder 2 Arb B steal © smuggle D hick 3 A stowaway B hooligan © terrorist D soy 4 Asmuggles —_B hijacks © pickpockets kidnaps 5 A assassin B deserter C stowaway D gangster 6 A hijacking B smuggling © dealing D spying PAPER THREE - PART TWO Derivatives Lewis spoke slowly, “I want to make things (0)........PeN@eM...... clear, PERFECT Ned, 10 avoid the (1). ‘of any arguments inthe futur. NECESSARY itis completely (2)... tome why you want to marry my MYSTERIOUS daughter, but the decision is yours. She isan (3), git ADMIRE in many ways, but she is also selsh fcult and (4 HUMOUR My points that shall not be there to . any problems SOLUTION ‘which may arse, nor wil Ibe wiling to (6). what went ANALYST wrong and why. (7). , had hoped my beloved daughter ORIGIN ‘would emigrate to New Zealand, or even Alaska, but (8. Luck for me she seems to love England too much, so (9) seme YOU NATURAL, will both have to live here. | can hardly (10)... to you how DESCRIPTIVE much | dread the thought of that, but that's life.” ky Fegyssion TEST 3 , uw 3 PAPER THREE . Pant Tynce GAPPED SENTENCES (common worD! 1 niscficult 0.408 fulltime job ang ‘here’s no need to po you think well ever... «children these days. Your voice; can hear you perectl, ‘8nough cash to pay off these back taxes? | roanttunderstand why you ~ offence at such a harmless remark yOu om My advice, you'd get yoursla new car and got df this one. Ho certain is time in owning up tothe fact thatthe mistake was his. 33You ShOUIC ~~» MOTB Consideration for your parents afterall they've done for you. po you think Roberta is going to. pat the party? You MUSE ssn alle patience it you want to succeed in ite. 44 The landlord said that he refsed to allow Janguage in his pub. He finally fell Of the law once too ten and was sent to prison. ifthe weather hadn't been so .. -» We could have gone saling on the lake. 5 Wehave ln). battery because you lat the headlights on all night His jokes always fall ~- Because they/te so potcaly incorrect. My agent charges A)... mn $88 f0r his Services, rather than take a percentage. 6 | could recognise his voice a(n) of, 80 balive ma, that’s Arthur Nash Itstood out a(n). that he was a plain-lothes policeman, not a passenger. Ihwas a surprise to nobody that Marion Jones won the 190m by af)... last night in the shops now, with all those crowds doing their Christmas shopping. whan | crashed the car into the lamp-post. hile I get iin the neck if do anything wrong. This oa ad oried blue ... Some people get away with. B Feces UNdrstand your situation but there's nothing | can do to help you. ‘We can't go to the theatre tonight because, being the weekend, its . booked. Fay has stil not. sun feoovered from his by-pass operation two months ago. 9 Alan has a(n). ‘spot for Helen so he's always sending her lowers Lats put on some... sa music and relax by the fre, shall we? As far as | am concerned the law is too - On criminals today. 10 I's one of those few thrilrs that stands the testo .~ andi stil exciting to watch, Sinead doesn't have much. san for paople who break their promises, | know we owe them that money but let's play for snounue UNL WE get that bank loan, [ Beware Test 3 ‘Unt 3 PAPER THREE - PanT FOUR Key WORD TRANSFORMATION 1 have to tel Eliot the bad news and I am not looking forward to it. (relish) te : “eee Eliot the bad news. 2 Ann only took such drastic action because she had no one to listen to her troubles. (shoulder) Wann had not have taken such drastic action, 3 Your ony enana of geting a tickets isityou sep in person, (tens Not ‘a chance of geting aticket. 4 Tessa hadnt phoned us when se ed, we wouldnt have known what do. (hats) We only knew What 049... ‘us when she did, 5 Heomething comes wp, can you contact me witout delay? (een n smn 6AM YOU Contact me without dolay? 6 if had not been worried about my exams, | would have enjoyed myself immensely. (Ife) would U hadn't been worried about my exams, 7 You seem to be going in the right direction with You enguiy. cree You 8 No oe objected when you sap eting the motion. (voiced) Noone .. » You Suggested shelving the mation. § Having heard new evidence Iam obigedto order aeti.(ghy ‘n «am obliged to order a retrial 10 You're in this mess te did not listen to tomy abies fo You would with your enquiry to my advice, PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze Test Those who experience problems with language may find it difficult to perfor many (Oooo MMS. OF intellectual WOFK. TO What (1).n..mumsnmn fhe Capacity to think ‘dependent on the capacity to use language? This is a(n) (2).. which cannot be answered adequately. Nevertheless, we can apply (3). . we know about learning to suggest approximately (4)... w language works in helping us to think, Itis evident that there is a close (5). between the capacity to use language and the capacities covered by the verb “to think”: It WOUIA (8)... that many thinking situations are hardly distinguishable (7). ‘the skilful use of language, although ‘there are some others in (8)...... language is not involved. Thought cannot be ‘simply identified (9) the use of language. It may be the (70).... of course, that the non-linuistc skls involved in thought can only be acquired and developed (11). vm the learner is able to use and understand language. Obviously, (12). able to use language makes for a considerable development in all one’s capacities but it is (13). to say precisely NOW thiS (14)..c.csnunnes AOU (18). the common-sense level it appears that a distinction often exists between thought and the words we employ to communicate with one another. aa ng N pewsion Test JP Nemes Unt 4 Shaws: PAPER ONE. Part ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test when David fst (1)..---umuan 888 ON Lesley, he knew she was the gil for him. He was Bhan 19 8S a junior teacher atthe time, and not only did she refuse his advances but ~~ Ris nose in itby dating his best fiend, A week or so later she saw him walking down the road surounded by small boys and gis and she noticed how they gathered lovingly around im, held his hands, and chattered to him incessantly. She crossed the road in his direction. ‘What a (a ~~» Of UGK," she Said, “seeing you here.” And that was that. Because when oo ‘comes to shové,a kind and gentle nature takes alot of (6)... 1 A grabbed B slapped © casped D clapped 2 A stroking B clasping scratching Dubbing 3A poked B rubbed C slapped D pushed 4 A stroke B smack © sian D tap 5 A push B grab C beat D punch 6 ‘A thumping shoving © grabbing D beating PAPER THREE - Parr TWO DeRivatives “We know exactly who you are,” she muttered (0)... 2M... “And why you're here. DARK Fee the fact that you re (1). no one can come to your aid. would be HELP ‘aso fr al of us if you told us about your mission ~ tcannt (2). NOW, SUCCESS Tree of your party sustained (9). wvifhe attack and the others are dead, ———INJURE 0 your co-operation would be MUCH (4)..ucns-nn-nne @8PaCialy you want fo Save APPRECIATE wffom HAPPILY ‘helves of your othar comrades. | would release them wih (5). the (6). *-cels where they are our prisoners. Its entrely in your hands.” MISERY Hooked at my small band of men (7). The @).sussomsnsnmnne GOK had given some of them frostbite, and they looked rished. SEVERITY ofthe rebelion Exist ‘and frightened from ther ordeal EXHAUST “Very well," | said. "You obviously know about the (8)... Release my men andl tell you everyting, Agreed?* EAE fa Lets be (10) Revision Test ua 4 see PAPER THREE - PART THREE GapPeD SENTENCES (comMON WORD) 1 ean ‘walk aller yesterday's marathon our of the city on foot It a good computer alright, but a day gods by without it crashing atleast once, ‘The professors lecture was so confusing that any ofthe students understood it 2 Wo found a quiet, isolated wu... By the lake for our picnic Inspectors atthe factory camry out 1» checks on al safety equipment. He was stopped by the police and fined on the ...unnn fr driving without a seatbet 9 The bank clerk refused to acknowiedge that he was at for the mix-up, Her uncle was generous f0 a(P) .....n.n.ny NOt to mention extrememly hospitable. My supervisor seems to take every opportunity she canto find sss wth my Work 4 Ifyou can find me a(n) «« Of FOp®, |'ll tie this wood up in a bundle. Inhis speech, the Prime Minister went on at about taxation. ‘Sebastian's a bit of a loner and tries to keep his. colleagues at arm's 5 My dog vil only no for strangers i they tease him. ake you up on your dinner invitation, but only if we can halves. Dad wit. ‘ound the bend when he hears you've got engaged to Russel '& People coming out of prison have the chance to start with a(n)». sevens Slate. Her brother is hard to recognise inthis photo because he's. shaven. | ish You WoUIE make 20)... Breast of things and tell me te truth, 7 Wow! This cocktail sure packs a(n) So if were you, I'd go easy with it. ‘The Minister's speech was cisappointing because it lacked ae. iM My Opinion. To show he was joking, Billy gave his sister a friendly .o.c.u0e 0M the arm, 8 It's for the best that they parted because they never It took along time, but finaly Nin I knew the company would go bankrupt; eye to eye on anything. through Philip's lies and daception, the whole thing coming months ago. 9 Holidaymakers are leaving the COaSt iM noun NUDES after sightings of sharks. By and people in this country spend litle money on entertainment. "thought Fred had died years ago, but there N2 WAS, unum a if, sitting in the pub. 10 In this exercise you have to fill each - with a word to complete the sentence, | wish | could remember the name of the book but my mind i a(f) ssn 5m aad, We drew 2{n) newman i Our efforts to find a replacement needle for our gramophone. pewsion Test uu 4 PAPER THREE - Pant FOUR Key WoRD TRANSFORMATION 1 Tas may sound iy but cana remanber hare (osopen iY on 2 He drs shes sia. cu) Not 3, Why don't you try pola ‘recipe instead of veal? (alternative) me. but he didn't phone, either. ‘Why don't you try pork in the recipe .. veal? 4 Iputtne prone down ar hen rang egin red ove (hung) Scarce. the phone rang again. '5 We couldn't convince her to change her mind, whatever we said. (might) Ty ic svsnamn eonwines her to change her mind, 6 I'm doing everything | can to find noc solution. (within) lam ws . an acceptable solution. 7 twas extremely let acto eurnats to get iss. (sey) By ._ the journalists to get visas. 8 twas tobe another fv yas bore se ad eys on him again. (y) Not. ‘he lay eyes on him again. 9 He got a new managerial position analy fer being fred. (sooner) No re eri nnn B® GOL a NeW managerial position. 10 He refused to come'unless we paid his fare, (would) Only. Wed . agree to come. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLOzE TEST: Past PAPERS The traditional (0)... .. ladder - which once enabled you to join a firm in your twenties, work your Way (1)... through one promotion after another and with luck, emerge some thity years later in a(n) (2)o.-- of power within the same company - ©. longer exists. Most commentators agree that it is not possible, not (4. sum for & multinational company, to anticipate (5).. will happen ther than two or three years (6) -You (7). move from contracted |workto freelance work, from high-paid work to low-paid work, This is the norm (6) z born freelancers, such ‘as journalists, and they can (6).. it in their stride. (10).sosinonnsmnan f0F the rast of the working Population, the VAS (T1)nninnmnnnnninin Of employed people, this uncertain slate Of (12)...---smnunn CaN lead t0 feelings of anxiety and insecurity. in an old-style company you could (13). sense YOUF entire working life Comfortably ensconced in jab for (14). Yyou were perhaps only party suited, Out there is a greater freedom to choose how to spend your time, Revision Vest 5 “™™** Une & Class: = : 2 PAPER ONE - PanT ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test We kids were (1. sews with enthusiasm when dad bought us a labrador puppy for Christmas. The fist day, however, “Blackie” (because he was biaok) fell in the swimming Pool and came in (2). et and, shaking himself hard, (..nem water all over us. My fe Sit0F (4) ooo -» with pleasure at the chaos he caused when, next day, Blackie (neon nnnns COW the garden path and dug up all dad's flowers. He was eventually forgiven, Until AREF (6).uennsennsonn UD @ BOW Of warm milk, he licked dad's face all over, leaving patches of milk all over his beard. 1A gushing B tricking © soaking D spraying 2 A spiling B soaking © bubbiing D spriniiing 3 A splashed B lapped © spouted D poured 4 A dripped B tricked © streamed D guigied 5 A lapped B dripped © meandered spurte 6 A leaking B gushing © spilling D lapping PAPER THREE - PART TWO™ Denatives =“ My dear Dennis, though | (0). wm» With the fact that Kay SYMPATHY has lett you, I (1 think that you must pull yourself TRUTH together. One of your (2.. has always been to treat FAIL ‘other people's feelings as (2). - For instance, at Eve's IMPORTANCE dinner party last week you threw her (4... vin her face HOSPITABLE by insulting all her guests, and it was particulaly (5).0snsnnnnnane wise ‘of you to tell her that she was a(n (6). » 000K! use Daw your behaviour was more that of an unwanted. HONEST (orssnocenenenesone WAN AN invited guest and when you threw the INTRUDE cat the entire (2). . ofthe garden, you convinced all of LONG Eve's Chinese fiends that (10). shave no manners at al, WEST pension Test 5 ut 8 PAPER THREE . Parr THREE GaPPED SENTENCES (common WORD! 1 Christopher has made qUIEE (0) onan for himselt in the art wort His recent successes are sure to make him a household by Christmas. | dont know the man you'e taking about by. but know where he Ives. 2 His theories may sound inteligent, but they do not hold in practice. He thought tle of is prison past, and considered it _ under the bridge. “Any criticism of his taste in music is like. off a duck’s back to my brother. 3 They decided to move out ater... sau baing sien. ‘Saul’ family afi the ...nnnnnnenne WHEN t COMMS to his business practices. He got the answer right but jt was justa shot in the... ss HyOU 28k Me. 4 Information from an inside atthe fim. wv to the chaliman’s arrest for fraud. ‘The witness described the events that w.unonssne UP t the night of the murder. Ken tried to stay out of trouble, butt was his friends Who im astray. by comedians, ‘away and spoil the surprise party. 5 Most poltical figures are considered fair Dick hoped that no one would give th . We'l have to beat the competition at the own ifwe want to increase sales. 6 I think we should .. ‘another coat of paint tothe walls inthe kitchen YOU MUSt ...snesenne YOUFSEH to Your studies more if you want to pass the exams, {for a loan to expand the business or not? ‘Are you going to . 7 sin a cold walking to work in that tertile snowstorm yesterday. 11m sure that | 1 glimpse of Anne atthe races, but isnt she away? The tax inspectors Peter fiddling the company’s books. 8 Why did the duke... al his grandchildren out of his will? We it very fine leaving forthe airport just two hours belore the fight. fine fqure getting marred in his naval officers uniform. and admired the flowers growing there. _ throughout the country. that the jury was biased. Gareth relly ons 9 We walked around the Castle we Police presence has bean stepped up at football The lawyer asked for a retrial on the 10 Many children deliberately misbenave just to get the of their parents Thity people needed medical cna tera fre broke out in a basement bar. Ittook us foreverto catch the water's. and ask him to take our orc ¥ : [ Rewsvon Test 5 : {uw 6 PAPER THREE - PART FOUR Key WorD TRANSFORMATION of his health. (took) 1 Nobody xmected him to partepate, ‘considering the state ‘considering the state of his health, His 2 2 He paid mao than e should have for that ct. (woth) forit That car . is 2 Thosher ihe tot thor thn hive onary. ee) yesterday, 4 Bread is farless ttng than chocolate. (ike) ions Chocolate o 5 The enemy had five times more men than us. min The enemy : ee. ts 6 Tho fis tty une the book (semblance The fm ny ine Dost 7 Everybody knoe that he spent tein prison, (knowed) ena, 8 There's tig "het moretran being tldbare‘aced te, (tne What being told bare-faced les 9 | don't care if we eatin instead of going out. trom) V4... out 10 The prices in this shop are much less than at the last one. (near) Irs. sin the last one, Paper THREE - PART OWE OPEN Croze Test: PAST PAPERS In most societies nowadays YOUNG (0) nnn PE9PI...... Expect t0 receive a weekly or monthly allowance. (Mons ‘ parental point of view this (2)... three key Guestions: at (3). age do you statt giving your child pocket money, how much Should he or she receive and how much Conta 4)... nnn YOU YO 6x6 OVEF HOW its spent? fe Policy you pursue, it will almost certainly (6 1» t0 problems, A child who is given money to handle (7). sill quite young will want to spend it (). .- things you consider undesirable; the child (9). OM a tight ‘ein will continually pester you (10. more Views on money tend 10 Be (97)... --dovin through the generations. The parent who keeps careful rack ofthe family accounts will probably intl (12).c.cessu.onn, abit in acl, whereas someone who lavshes large (10). on gambling is less likely to object to hisorher cid ijecting a weeks Pocket MONEY (14) enn, €6¢AChine, One negere reason forgiving children experience of money management relatively (15). ‘he avoidance of constant batls over ther choice of clothes and entetainmont, «a onis a en revision Vest G Nome: Unt 6 Class: . PAPER ONE - Pant ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test for ardent gardeners, spring means ifs time 10 (puna F088 and fruittrees which encourages them to produce bigger and better crops. itis a time to (2).. vom the ground, uch lets ar tothe roots and atthe same time removes (@).eonun-n- which choke ther. One should (Apne Sl {288 and shrubs, give the lawn its fst (5). and set about (6) man hedges of dead wood, 4 A chop B mow © rake D prune 2 Aging *B plant © hoe D mow 3 Asend == SB weeds © plants D rakes 4 Amow B rake © plant D hoe 8 A mowing B chopping panting D raking 6 A hoeing B sawing © raking D trimming PAPER THREE - PART TWO DERIVATIVES Let me tell you what (0).....¢ntinuall,... distressing and totally CONTINUE (oossesonsnnenone XpAFIENCR its when, back in England after many EXHAUST wove dificult itis to get a job, ASTONISH years abroad, you discover how (2) expecially when employers take into (2). the fact that you CONSIDER ‘19 over forty, the very years when, in MY (4). - opinion, PERSON your powers are at their peak. It is (5). ..that so many TRAGIC experienced people become (6). . a6 tha months pass, COURAGE Your savings dwindle and every penny must be (7)... w guarded. JEALOUS When starvation (8) the only option isto sign up for a THREAT {government handout, and then the only (). 1 or enjoyment WARM of your fiends, GENEROUS ‘n your life will depend upon the (10)... ye [renou Test ' Une 6 PAPER THREE - PART THREE GAPPED SENTENCES (comMON WORD! 1 You can use a hairdryer to cvs the dust out of your stefeo speakers. ‘The government hoped the scandal WOU enn OVOF BY the ond of the Week. AHN Wil nnn Bis top whan he finds out you've broken his DVD player. 2 He beat you far and in that game, s0 stop saying he cheated, ‘When | was in the army, we used to get three sons meals a day. ‘Our company has rented another tWo thoUSANG 0mm feat of office space, 8 The uniter paints a pretty depressing ... of life in an orphanage. He didn't go into detail, but! got the... vn that his illness had not been pleasant, ‘We'd better put the inspector in the about these latest developments. 4 The new police chief means... + 80 local hoodlums had better watch out She hadn't a clue what was going on, but she made ither tofind out My wallets fll of... CRS rom people I've mt but don't remembr. 5 Three men are in custody suspected of having sa. a bomb atthe airport The accused claimed thatthe evidence had DEEN en imunnnnsns OR RM By the police, THEYVE on ~~ hedges all along the sides of the road up tothe golf course. 6 The sarthquake is said to have bean the strongest on x inthis region, The spokesman told reporters off the. I'm afraid there is no that early elections were likely Cf that person ever having attended this college, 7 The judge described him as a(n). to society and sentenced him to life Do you suppose there's any... -vonw Of Our getting arise this year? You are in -s Of fsing your job unless your attitude changes, 8 The police shouldn't... the other way when polticians break the law. He couldnt. some me inthe eye and ansiver me So I knew he was lying, lease promise you will ‘me up when you come to Salisbury. 9 You... ‘an arm and a leg at that new French restaurant. It was nice of the boss to ‘ribute to all the staff's hard work. Could you. my respects to your father when you see him? 10 Jennifer WAS non vue Moved By the Number of flowers at her father’s funeral Many African trbes’ beliefs are » footed in superstition. Jonathan looked «into her eyes in an etfort to convey his sympathy, asian Test Gp Une 6 PAPER THREE - Pant FOUR KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION 1 We could not drive any further because it was snowing s0 reas. torovene _ - any further. 2 Tm anxious to find out i Up passed her screen test (forward) m sewn Lily passed her screen tes. 8 Id wart o make te stison any worse so| "apt it. ar ' 4 didn't think of. ssn Shem to ty he night (occur) .. the situation any worse. Pi to stay the night. 5 They were bound to win the election. wos t ‘ __ win the election. 6 The boss says he will not allow you to arrive late any more. oa ‘The boss 82YS Ne Willen yan ~ aety more, 7 We spoke othe awyerocaue we wartdo maka a compromise, (ew) ‘We spoke to their lawyer a compromise 8 He dnote when he was asada be ait: ny) He asked to be quiet 9 Philippa cl not know what o say when Civ moped to her. (loss) Philippa: r .. When Clive proposed to her. 10 Aire was stared atthe warehouse and three empioyees are under suspicion. (suspected) Taree employees. ss = _ afr at the warehouse. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze TEST: PasT PAPERS My research into the phenomenon of (0)... .n..u.m Some people are lef-handed and the fects of lefthandedness ina right-handed world has been something (1). seve @ personal adventure. The idea came as one of 2). twilight flashes of inspiration that arive, quite unexpectedly, (2). in ahaltawake,halt-asleep state. Ihave no idea (4) provoked it as had never been particulary (5). szs6f mmylet handedness, th 0. -when people had noticed me writing and remarked Pre at It was my research (2) sparked off a host of long-forgotten memories of discrimination at school and at home, (9).n. . significance of which had passed ‘unnoticed at the (10)... It also served to dispense (11) several time-wom complexes, the origins of which Ihad never corronte (12, | began to dg them up. | had been labeled clumsy, thrown (73). at an early (14) of the kitchen "then eied for nt helping wit the chores. Now twas discovering that my compenes were (18), smn 1 SOdiety's blinkered attitude towards left-handers, an attitude that tends to persist even in these enlightened times, eo | Revision Tesr = No" \ Une 7 ass: —————— PAPER ONE - PART ONE M.C.Q. CLoze TEST Monday morning had come again. My patience had (1). thin, “Why?” | hear you ask. Well, | was late for school (again) and when | took my shirt and trousers from the close, ‘discovered that mother, bess her, had forgotten toon them. Isat atthe breakfast table, my clothes AR) eosesonminnansne MESS, Only to find that the bacon was badly (3). vw the cheese was (4), ‘and the bread (5). ee . and, as | left via the back door, my nerves, fear, were somewhat (6)... a A bent. B faded Cc worn D crumpled 2 A crumpled B muddy C rotten D tom 3A bent B burnt © creased D chipped 4 ‘A mouldy B biistered ¢ burnt D muddy 5 A crushed B tattered © cracked D stale 6 — Accrumpled ——B wilted © torn D frayed Paper THREE - Pant Two. Derivatives + Despite the cool, (0). ‘weather we were hoping for a world RAIN record. We knew Greg would win his race (1)... . but that was COMFORT ‘ot enough. He had to show that he had overcome the (2). ABLE which had (3).. “wees Put him Out of the last two Olympic Games. MYSTERY It would be (4).........0 to say he'd been scared, because he was a ACCURACY courageous man, but without (6)... ‘on both occasions, he had WARN simply walked away from the race. In his (6): Ican only say DEFEND that he had had personal problems, but he was (7). cae With a EQUIP resolve to overcome alll that now. He'd do whatever (8)... NECESSITY | just wished | could (9). ‘Our support for him somehow. COMMUNICATION We all respected him, and didn't want to see him come to (10... HARMFUL revision Test 7 Una 7 PAPER THREE - PanT THREE GAPPED SENTENCES (common WoRD) 4 Those terible jokes of his have .. son Oty thi, Vicky's problem is that she's always her heart on her sloeve. We WE nn Out ater trudging round town looking for Christmas presents. 2 Can you be prepared at shoMt wren nusnssan to fly to Paris sometime this week? | woulcn't take a blind bit of sms What he says i] were YOU. You have to give one MON if you intend leaving the job. him right i he loses his job, as he doesn't do a stroke of work. you any more alcohol inthis bar, sir. as a reminder not to play with knives. 3 twill. Imatraid we cant Well, atleast that scar wil. the new code. the same old jokes at this year’s dinner. _ under the pressure. 4 As a cryptogarpher, it took him no time to | suppose the chairman will {t's dificult for some professional models not to... 5 You really should see Doug's tatoo; it's a Work Of nan in my opinion. There is a(n) 10 insulting someone without their knowing it. v= by NOW. ‘Asan air steward you must have got packing down toa fine 6 Wasn't Concord the fist plane that som the Sound barrier? | didn't realise it was Rory who... . the bad news to Heather. Joyce . down in tears when she heard of Fred's death. «us back a small fortune. your heart on something, be prepared to be disappointed, off the metal detector atthe airport. 7 The repaits to the car could... Should you Those keys in your pocket wil. sn Seat tl the boss gots back. iseue around the world nowadays. favourite to win the fm’s productivity prize, 8 Don't ask me - you're the one in the Globalisation is a very .. Dixon is the persuading Patrick to lend you his car forthe day. .» Satisfaction is just as important as money. you drew me a map because I'd never have found this place. 9 You'll have a hard. As far aS 'm concerned, Its a good... _ of Frank arguing with a cashier atthe bank. 10 We caught ” You look a(n) _- in those muddy clothas - go and clean yourseff up. ‘(ou seem to be lasing cof the fact that we're inthis business for the money. fa ae Rension Test FT i Ut 2 PAPER THREE - PanT FOUR KEY WoRD TRANSFORMATION 1 asked for arise but the boss wouldnt agree. (down) My oquest... : nH BOSS 2 Thetocal une has gen tht parison ore bung oa new spas Cae, (hen) The building of a new sports centre . sien the Focal council, 3 We shall have to handle this matter at our next mesing: (seat) | This matter... at our next meeting, 4 The chairman sara mei % announcing posible job losses. (maton) ‘The meeting ...... ‘the chairman announcing possible job losses. 5 Someone stole Keith's bias when he fl aleap onthe tin. bead KH ‘when he fall asleep on the tran, 6 They think that the accident was caused ny human oor hough) The accidents. by human error. 7 Thoywilty oes pace aks neat wee fetemo Another. «next week, 9 [hoy mevermagous do anying we nt wana do, (nr) We on we didn't want o do, 9 They may not be sist gve the concert ater all. (cad) The CONE en 3 ow afr all 10 Peter canbe responsible forthe ie Seka, (ae The plane tickets . Peter. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze Test: Pasr Parens ‘Human language has an extremely important feature known as “displacement. This (0). language to be used at (1). » and in places (2). w» the contet ists not Present. I a person mentions a “bottle of mik” or ‘fish and chips", ll 8). of English wil Understand what is (4 relered to, (6). - they cannot actually see the atic (6). question. Another etample would be (7. ofthe situation Where @ man is running 10 (8)... ~~ @ buS, He may be (2). so because he has actualy (10) ve tHe BUS APPFOBCHING, IN (19 nn w Ca8 his action has been triggered (12). ~Girl physical stimulus. On the other hand, he may be runing because someone has called out to him, “The bus is coming! In the (12). ss C880, isthe Utterance which has prompted the action and this time (14). ‘lationship (15). -~ 18 no direct physical stimulus and response, revision Test Go Nemes Un 8 Class: PAPER ONE. PART ONE M.C.Q. CLoze Test could get away from the constant 1... itonly! cf horns, the (3). ot traffic, the incessant (2). of children at play, the yelling of housewives passing 07 gossip. Get me instead into the county and the simple sounds of nature. Distant thunder (4) ~ around the hilsides and warning of heavy rain the (5). oft twusy bees, hurriedly about ther busines, making hay before the rain artives, and tho (Blown FF els Suggesting succour and sheter othe weary 1 A roar +B boom © hie D crash 2 Acdlanking 8 honking © rumbling roaring 3. A chiming B hiring © clanking D screeching 4 Arumbling Booting © screeching cracking 6 A murmur B hum C hiss D thud 6 Ahum B rumble © chime D crack PAPER THREE - Part Two DERIVATIVES The way one treats fiends should be no (0)... fF. from DIFFER row we treat children. One should (1) SYMPATHY vith them, for instance, when they suter (2. REJECT tom their peers for ro reason thats (3) to them, APPEAR tis good forall concerred it one listens (4 ss WHER WISE they face (5). sng Whether of their own making or created HARD by the 6). of others, and provide an impersonal view THINK wen they believe they have behaved (7. Sincere advie, FOOL imperialy given, wll usually be pondered (2)...m ‘hough DEPTH ‘hey may find it (2). to discover that you are right, stress ‘hey wrong, while happy that they placed thelr (70)... see CONFIDE fa 'nyour judgement." | Revsion Test S | Unt 8 PAPER THREE - PART THREE GaPpED SENTENCES (COMMON WORD) 1 Our plans for Christmas are stil very much up in the at the moment. ‘iked the city, but! thought ithad a(n) of sadness about it The suspect vanished into thin smn and was never seen again. 2 lve been feeling alte under te . recently, bt i's nothing serious. Why do you have to make heavy ‘of every ob you turn your hand to? The crew decided to wait for a change inthe nnn BOfOr they Set Sail ‘3 How anyone could betray their own flesh and lke Vietor has done! There's alot of bad between the two brothers over their father’s will. MY corns «fan cold whan the aircraft suddenly lost height. 4 To get there, just follow the ... - and you can’t go wrong. The rain showed 0 on whatsoever of stopping. The doctor said there were no .. Cf internal damage fo the crash victim, 5 I knew from the -» go that he had no intention of keeping his promise. want a(n) with you about the arrangements for next week's meeting. Hillet you goto the party if you give me your you'll be home by midnight, 6 Hthey won't give us our land back, wel take it by... g ‘The door was jammed and itook al OUr Brute... f0 Break it open The... (ofthe explosion shattered windows in houses streets away. 7 Ididn't.. “vs Your father was sick so please wish him well for me. ‘They say that his manuscript should... ~~ £50,000 atthe auction, Do you think Bil will -nehis dream and sail around the world? 8 Can you please... {an eye on the baby while 'm atthe shops? | hope you! -» Up the good work; we're very proud of you. It there's any troubla, | want you to .- out of harm's way, 9 Why is it that your mother . holes in everything | do? He's a troublemaker and nuns fights with anyone he can, Harry fruit during the summer on his friend's farm. 110 There has been ite agricultural -vmomne Some developing counties, ‘You'd better huy because the meeting is already in. ‘The surgeon said the patient was making good... after the operation, peviston Test & Unt 8 PAPER THREE . pany Foun KEY WoRD TRawsronmarion 4 “il were you, I'd keep, aie about He about it. He 3 The athlete did not vslany wi Tre athlete nn 4 prose 0 have the werk ish ~ Wonderful safari in Kenya. i he was withdrawing {from the competition. (gave) withdrawing rom the competition. by the end othe ‘month,” the builder said. (undertaking) The builder... by the end of the month, 5 ‘Tmfar from pepe with the way things had tumed ou out,” wey are said. (expressed) Mary Anne things had turned out. 6 “don't think it's wise to sell the ica ow,” Julian said, ciao) JUAN rnin oat that time. 7 Irealised about an hour leter who he was, a it a a vo sence Who he was. 8 cnet ‘would never tai oe ‘into trouble if it had ‘been for you, Sid!" Tony said. (blamed) Tony into trouble 9 “Yes, Mr Cornelius asked me to make the phone call,” the clerk said ated ‘The clerk om to make the phone call. 410 “I disapprove of anyone who is unkind to animals, Via ss (opinion) Virginia. ‘who is unkind to animals. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze Test: Past PaPeRs tn May 1914, a Parisian crowd saw Lawrence Speny, son ofthe American inventor of the first autopilot, test his father’s system by (O) nun ‘a biplane low overhead. He was (1) nnn FS ann the a (2). his companion walked along the wings. , Uncontrolled, an aircraft will (2). .- immediately fall out of the sky but, even — «sm Calm ar it wil gradually bank, turn, climb or dive. Spery’s system overoame (5. _ tendencies. An autoplotis essentaly a stabilising system which 6. over the corivols during the cmb, cruise and descent 7). afafight, leaving the pt). 9 oncaite ) surveillance and communications. reeves him (10).en-----nn-n te ftiguing task of maintaining a smooth ty. Sophisteated modern autoplots food essential information (12), a computer. (19) the fight deck the pilot merely ‘monitors the instruments and in particular (14)... an eye on the fight director. Switched to autopilot, the fight director 10 (16). issues commands as it does luring manual tying, but depicts the aircraft movements which the autoplet is bringing about. I | Revision Test GQ) “ome ba 9 ———— PAPER ONE - PART ONE M.C.Q. CLozé TEST Practical jokes don't do anything for me, | fear. Watching Laurel and Hardy (1) (reaM-CaKeS OF (2) nnn OM BANANA skins May be amusing on the screen but tis not the ‘ction that is funny but the actors’ deadpan approach toi: At school, people were always trying 00 Oh. «each other up with cricket stumps, or you had 10 (4). a you to {void ink-bomibs, and it made everyone howl with laughter if you (5). ‘out of the way of a snowball | ques on winter's ice and landed on your bottom, or had to (6).. {lacked the appropriate approach, 1A ducking B josting © diiting D swinging 2 A twitching ——_—B tipping vauiting D swerving 3 Aglde B sway € jostle D trip 4 Assither B skid C swerve D bounce 5A skidded B bounced C rolled D trailed 6 Agide B duck © bounce D sway PAPER THREE - PART TWO* Derivatives (0)....Celebralions. come in all shapes and sizes and are (CELEBRATE (thomas held at certain times of the year, decade, ‘TRADITION oof the century, and they all evoke great (2... sis EXCITE We all have ath) (8)... Celebration, such as a birthday - FAVOUR ‘my wife's, when Lam always expected to give (4). GENEROSITY (Or Christmas - my children’s (5). because they find he ‘cHOOSE ‘weather - snow and ie - most (6). and always expect AGREE ‘mum and dad to buy them (7). «present for their endless VALUE @. - But, personally, love wedding anniversaties best AMUSE because they fil me with (9)... ‘and the simple PROUD (10) ‘of celebrating a very special day with my wile PLEASE - Jerry ‘Pension Test D iis uur 9 PAPER THREE - Pant THREE GAPPED SENTENCES (comilON WORD) 4 Everybody will give you the same answer, no ses who you ask. ‘There's something the. oo wth Rita but she won't tell me what. 185 Only) snes Of ime before the police catch onto his illegal activites. 2 The sound ofthat car alarm is getting on my... i You must have. ~~ f Stl to go bungee jumping it'snot unusual for actors to have an attack of. belore going on stage. 3 The firearms instructor told him that his 1. Was improving. What Is YOU ~~» iif, to become rich or happy, or both? ‘The two sides met withthe. of resolving their differences. 4 Felicity isn't going to the party for .. of meeting Hilary. The remaining journalist lef the county in oftheir ves. ‘of spiders but don't ike to admit it Many people have a(n) forthe new house yet? - with you concerning the building of a new school. you keep out of my way and I'l Keep out of yours. beak. 5 Have you signed the ... We are alin . Let's come to a(n) .. 6 The eagle has what we call a(o) ‘Too many young people these days are. ON drugs, Con the book that I couldn't put it down, I got so... 7 Bob and Carol are toying withthe. ‘of moving to France. Can you give me a rough ‘of how much the repairs will cost? Where did you getthe that | was going to pay for your driving lessons? 8 Could you .. ‘on a second while | answer the front door? Would you .u the fort while 'm at the meeting tomorrow? «You responsible for it Ht anything goes wrong, they'l. 9 It’s quite usual for him to raise his voice in order to ‘The high salaries paid to directors helped to. Famine and war combined 10 1. the point home. -sa the eompany into bankruptey, thousands of people across the border. by refusing to follow procedure. at breaking the aw for you. « would be sent home. 10 You know you're laying your job on the . | don't mind lying for you, but I draw the ‘The coach told the team that anyone stepping oUt of... | © ee at y | evo Test Ut PAPER THREE - Pant FOUR KEY WoRD TRANSFORMATION 1 They played well, but lost to the visiting team, (defeat Despite thet... eis hinds ofthe visiting team, 2 He seams tote Munich, bu dont ink he hasan lana sete ee. (uty | dont think he has any likes it there, 3 Even though he'sas ston at women he coro mve te boulder en ich arena) ‘Athough «he could not move the boulder an inch, 4 Alough is eondon stat tra worse, ‘sin omarkably good spits, (deterioration) sonny PS i remarkably good spits, 5 He: ‘aggetate hinder enemas, (ew) He. “ proportion, 6 I think that the company is about to erence poral Success. (brink) ‘t's my opinion that... 1» great Success. 7 | wouldnt pay that much fora shit even itis is the best away (notwithstanding) | wouldn't pay that much fora shirt... ~ Quality, 8 espe hint nerest, think they are now having Second hough, (hen) Ithink they despite their inital interest 9 thete going over this time ante again but we realy must tar eae. (labour v= but we realy must stat earlier. 10 nine ee how on rein him, eal org, mes) INO wes he sill forgets. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN CLoze TEST: PasT PAPERS Technology is an intrinsic (0)...B84.....ue Of modem life. 80 much $0, infact, that we tend to 0. allits aspects for granted. (2)onnnnnnn 8 088 t0 forget that technology had to start somewhere. (2) recently, it was considered thatthe (4)un. {to make and use tools was one of the most important defining (5) Of the human ‘ace, Tool-using was considered an indicator (6) inteligence, and it was one of the things that (7). human beings from the rest of the animal kingdom. As is so @) the case, however, nature refuses to confor 10 (8mm a Convenient theory. In recent years, many examples of tool use in the animal world have (10) meen 1 BGM 84 tHE ALE 90 (11oninnns-nnne OMNES tat ae sil Walling to be discovered. Animals are (12). ~ Strangers to “technology” and some of the (13). «in which they use it are as surprising as they are sophisticated, (1) cnsnnnennn 8 ONEPE Of tOOLUSING isnot So straightforward as it (15). & ‘pewsi0n Test LQ) Meme: Unit 10 Clase: PAPER ONE. Parr OnE M.C.Q. CLoze Test wyrands were badly (1), from 2, pan was B24 encugh But ded acd inst ony when he saw te sate {@es--sensene with laughter, When he saw Iwas mad wit him, he suggested | (4). cold water over them and then ( done it? Take my advice. Don’. It . down the old apple tree. The of them, by w» them gently with coarse salt. Have you ever tke fury and you have to wear gloves for ceveral days after. 1 A chipped "8 tatered © burt D bistered 2A trimming B chopping © sawing D pruning 3A roaring B humming © murmuring D hissing 4A trickle B pour © gush D rinse 5 A poke B thump C nub D shove 6 A scales B strains © stings D bites PAPER THREE - Pant TWO Denivarives The (0). to drought in places like Arca are not simple and SOLVE QUE CAFFUT (1) .. by people who have experience ANALYSE ofterain, weather patterns, (2). soe figures, and so on. POPULATE (Once plans that (2)... answer the questions are decided SATISFY on, they can put them tg the test. Dams have been (4). ACCURATE ‘assessed as an ideal solution to many ofthe peoboms but puting pans forthem into (5). requires the expertise of fist lass OPERATE engineers who need (8)....mnmnnane knowledge ofthe area, SPECIAL Mewes that costs milions of dollars, onsite fcities and EQUIP Patience. It is not unknown for people with (2)... ADMIRE lntenions to put a major dam in the wrong catchment area which is an (ast ste of funds and results only in despair ‘ACCEPT and continued (10) ee 5 Ue [noon Yer Uw 10 PAPER THREE - PART THREE GapPED SENTENCES (common worD! 1 The management finaly sossnsn @ Stop to pillering by staf, The thunderstorm .....mssnnce Paid t0 any hopes we had of a picnic. The doctor : Donal’ ilness down to stress and fatigue. 2 The allt 128 rn nsnsnnan hetsel{ with joy at winning the gold medal, You know that I'l avays stand .. Yu, no matter what happens. UES -nsann the point whether you want fo doit oF not because you have to. 3 He's developed aff ..nnn.nsnnmun Read sinoe he got that senior jb. When v6 218 ss smnen itis wise to Seek high ground. My finger has... «where | caughtitin the door. 4 Itis completely out of the ssn f0F US 0 have a holiday this year. There's no doubt that it will happen, it's just a(0) ann of when. ‘The lawyer asked him to account for his whereabouts on the night in 5 It’s not funny now, but there will come a(n). \when wel laugh about this Iii «My grandfather was an outstanding sportsman, Do you mind it we callit a(n) vn» Because my eyes are very tired. 6 Could you .-me half an hour to discuss something with you? We should all. -~»» & thought for the victims of the recent floods. ‘The government will. ‘No expense to provide full security for its peopl, 7 Mtr to ~ off work saty tonight so I can come and pick you up at six. Why dont YOU an ~~ the kitchen and dining room into one? Hey, this meal is tree so! wouldn't ititl were you. 8 I got the impression that Gerald Waa Itl6 0 sens lastnight. They're both good teams, but think France has the. over Australia, I detected a(n) ‘of nervousness in her voice on the phone just now. 9 Don't tell me you's .. ‘through allthat money already! Why don't you for President then, if you thnk you've got all he answers? ‘The trains don't. ‘after midnight so you'll have to stay the night here. 410 I wonder why the police have... sum Up Outside the pub. |e looked everywhere for my passport, but so fave... | can't s8e who is in the room because they've 2 ablank. the curtains, 1O Revision Tes ua 1@ PAPER THREE. Part Four | Key WORD TransronMaTioN 1 Te clerk was promoted because he was aways pit and wing.) | Theclerk’s promoted. zr punetd pak emp arden gate ro vor | Having -vsmnsnaninm that hed pick them up, he couldn't get out oft now: | tdtcare yeu stay eter, nme | whether . tome. «asi tal dra for her feaing at suptied me. (ame) What. sna Pi total disregard for her feelings. 5 Ho was fired because he was: stax (ccouny He ie 6 stout iar ake tends becouse he was broke and unemployed. (mney hhe found it hard to make friends. laziness. wth . 7 Because she's a nurse, sho sees at to sung (being) she a nurse. 8 Baring pub mening ed rts in testes, (onsquene) Fiots . = public meetings. 9 'm sure it was Sarah's sister you saw, because Sarah is out of the country: (must) Ik , because Sarah is out of the country. {0 He was congo broke whan sawhim ias. pomy He os : when I saw him last. PAPER THREE - PART ONE OPEN Cioze Test: PasT PAPERS ‘0 get on with other children, children must have a standard of give and take. 1) To(th.. «son @xtent they can learn his from thelr parents, bu! they must also laam that they cannot be friends with (2). cow and that some personal characteristics are more appealing than (3). _. There wil be children and adults With (4) on excessive fiction they cannot get long, sothey mustleamn to deal wih them 2) ‘They must algo learn how (6) they shouldbe wiling to compromise in order to make a ‘oceptable to otters, s0 they need to know when 0 (8). the line far, butno further.” They must aso recognise tha they have the choice and say, "9).. OF 10) along withthe majorty or standing (11). w without rancour or bittemess. snoannnnr€f the ability 10 lve Inleaming these social skis children acquire civilised (12). ina community in which everyone is (13) (19) cone « ThAY (15) : Chilled, and they mést be prepared t0 meet them wih understanding and resolution to a large extent on everyone ‘encounter others who are not quite so fA

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