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Read the text and deduce the meanings of the words in bold type.

The keel [QUILLA] is the main member of the structure of the vessel. It is
a longitudinal beam which extends along the bottom of the vessel from stem to
stern; the foremost part of the vessel is the stem [RODA] and her aftermost
part is called the stern [POPA]; sternpost [CODASTE].

The right part of the ship facing the stem is called the starboard
side [ESTRIBOR] and the left part is the port side [BABOR]. These two parts are
divided by an imaginary line called the centre line. Midships is the name of
another imaginary line which passes over the main frame from port to starboard
dividing the vessel into two parts, forward (the front part) [A/DE/HACIA PROA]
and aft (the back part) [A/DE/HACIA POPA].

The sides of the vessel forward are called bows [AMURAS], so we say starboard
bow [AMURA DE ESTRIBOR] and port bow [AMURA DE BABOR]. The sides of
the vessel aft are called quarters [ALETAS], and we refer to them as port
quarter [ALETA DE BABOR] and starboard quarter [ALETA DE ESTRIBOR].

The deck [CUBIERTA] consists of a surface extending between the ship's sides.
There are decks at different levels of the vessel, their names vary according to
their position on the vessel: the main deck [CUBIERTA PRINCIPAL] is the
principal one, the forecastle deck [CUBIERTA DE CASTILLO] is located at the
bow, the upper deck [CUBIERTA SUPERIOR] is amidships and the poop
deck [CUBIERTA DE TOLDILLA] is aft. The freeboard deck [CUBIERTA DE
FRANCOBORDO] is the uppermost continuous deck of the vessel. The weather
deck [CUBIERTA DE INTEMPERIE] is an uncovered deck exposed to
the weather. The lifeboats and other lifesaving appliances are located on the boat
deck [CUBIERTA DE BOTES]. The bridge deck [CUBIERTA DEL PUENTE] is an
upper deck adjacent to the bridge. The 'tweendeck or between deck
[ENTREPUENTE] is a platform that divides the hold of a vessel into the upper
and lower hold. Finally the orlop deck [CUBIERTA INFERIOR/SOLLADA] is the
lowest deck on board.

Longitudinal structural members

The keel [QUILLA], the stem [RODA] and the sternpost [CODASTE], mentioned
above, are longitudinal structural members of the ship, the stern being divided
into two parts: the propeller post [CODASTE PROEL] and the rudder post

The bilge keel [QUILLA DE BALANCE] is an external keel located along the bilge
whose function is to reduce the rolling movement of the vessel.

Other longitudinal strengthening elements are:

 I the girders [VAGRAS], which join the floors of the vessel dividing her
into regular tanks.
 I the stringers [PALMEJARES], also known as side girders [VAGRAS
LATERALES], which join the frames on the sides of the vessel.
 I the deck girders [ESLORAS], which join the beams.

Transverse structural members

The floors [VARENGAS] are vertical plates running across the ship intersecting
the girders. They are between the inner and outer bottom of the hull and
they usually have holes called manholes [HUECO/PASO DE HOMBRE], used for
lightening or carrying out inspections.

The frames [CUADERNAS] extend from the keel up to the uppermost

continuous deck, and are therefore at right angles to the keel.

The webframes [BULÁRCAMAS] are reinforced frames to strengthen the

structure of the vesseL

The beams [BAOS] support the deck plating and intersect the deck girders.
They are joined to the frames by means of brackets.

Vertical structural members

The stanchions [PUNTALES] are the vertical structural members between the
decks of the vessel.

The bulkheads [MAMPAROS] are like the walls of a building. They divide the
vessel into compartments. Some of them are watertight increasing the safety of
the vessel, such as the collision bulkhead [MAMPARO DE COLISIÓN] which is
the foremost watertight bulkhead on board.

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