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● Overview of the company
- Name: LinguaPros Language Center
- Founded: 2022 in Singapore
- Products/services: High-quality English language courses for children
aged 3 to 12
+ 3 - 5-year-old students: Preschool (focus on speaking skills,
learning everyday topics through visuals and audio)
+ 6 - 7 - year-old students: mainly offer Starters courses (make
learners familiar with four fundamental skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing through visuals, vivid learning materials)
+ 8 - 9-year-old students: mainly offer Movers (develop learners’
four English skills as well as their cognitive functions)
+ 10 - 12 - year-old students: mainly offer Flyers (enhance learners’
four English skills and confidence in using English)
+ For exceptional learners: offer one-level higher course for them

Course Level Age group Duration Price range (VND/month)

Preschool 3 - 5 - year - old 24 weeks 1,700,000/ 12 weeks
Starters 6 - 7 - year - old 24 weeks 2,400,000/ 12 weeks
Movers 8 - 9 - year - old 24 weeks 2,700,000/ 12 weeks
Flyers 10 - 12 - year - old 24 weeks 3,000,000/ 12 weeks

- Mission: Provide an engaging and effective language learning

experience for young students
- Vision:
+ To empower learners to be fluent and confident in the English
language, enabling them to succeed in a globalized world
- Goals:
+ Top 10 English Learning Centers for Kids in Asia by 2034
+ More than 100000 Southeast Asian students choosing LinguaPros
by 2034
+ ¾ of students from 8 to 12 years old achieve Cambridge
certificates (Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET) every year

- Values:
+ At our center, we promote mutual respect for all individuals and backgrounds.
We value open dialogue, active listening, and inclusive language. By
embracing cultural diversity, we create a welcoming environment where every
learner feels supported and valued.
+ We foster real excitement for language learning in our students and teachers.
With a mindset for growth, we promote active involvement and stepping
beyond comfort zones. Through lively and engaging lessons, we eagerly adopt
new teaching approaches and technologies to enrich the learning experience.
+ Our instructors are dedicated to every student's advancement and achievement.
We offer personalized guidance and support while consistently enhancing our
teaching materials. Committed to professional growth, we passionately nurture
a love for language learning and foster a supportive community that encourages
lifelong learning.

1. Strengths:
Innovative teaching method:
+ Communicative language teaching method: Focused on listening and
speaking English. Students have more chances to talk about many
common situations in English. In this way, our center helps young
learners to build the unconscious English reflection. Moreover, this
method doesn’t focus on Grammar so our students won’t feel under
pressure when coming to class.
+ Interactive: Engage students in the lesson, and encourage learners to
join and express their opinions instead of passively receiving
information. This method can give learners more time to practice
English and build their confidence in the long term.
Highly qualified instructors:
Teachers who are well-trained in soft skills as well as teaching skills (time
management, classroom management, problem-solving, have specialized
certificates (TESOL, IELTS, TOEFL), appropriate characteristics to work with
children (patient, compassionate, considerate,...)
Singapore background:
Established in Singapore - Which is well-known for its high-quality
educational system makes our centre more reliable for Vietnamese customers
2. Weaknesses:
Cultural Differences: Teaching styles and student expectations may differ
from those our business is accustomed to.
+ Focus on Grammar vs. Communication
+ Emphasis on Testing vs. Practical Application
+ Rote Learning vs. Interactive Learning
Limited Local Network: Foreign businesses may lack connections with local
education institutions, businesses, and government agencies, hindering growth
Marketing and Communication: Marketing effectively to a Vietnamese
audience requires understanding local communication channels and cultural
nuances in advertising.
+ Vietnamese people often avoid overly sales-oriented advertising and
focus on the benefits of learning English for personal and professional
+ While social media like Facebook is popular in Vietnam, local platforms
like Zalo (messaging app) and Instagram are also widely used.
3. Opportunities:
High demand of English education for children: Vietnam's growing
economy and international integration create a high demand for English
language skills.
Location Advantages: District 1 is centrally located and well-connected by
public transportation. This helps LinguaPros grab people’s attractions and
makes it convenient for students from various parts of the city to access our
Specialization and Differentiation: By offering specialized English courses
(business English, exam preparation) or innovative teaching methods, a
Singaporean business can differentiate itself from competitors.
4. Threats:
Competition: The Vietnamese English learning market is already established
with strong local and international competitors (existing learning centres,
online learning platforms, and language learning apps) which also have the
same target market (such as VUS, ILA, Apollo, Kyna, Edupia ...).
High Operating Costs: Renting space in a prime location like District 1 can be
expensive. You'll need to manage your costs effectively to maintain
Economic Fluctuations: Economic downturns in Vietnam could impact
student enrollment and the financial stability of the learning center. During
economic downturns, people tend to tighten their budgets => a decrease in
student enrollment and revenue for your center.
PR Plan:
1. Executive Summary:
- We are going to open the first center in Ho Chi Minh City.
- In this PR plan, we have analyzed market situations, identified PR
objectives as well as target audience and key messages, and initiated
strategies and detailed tactics.
- We focus on building brand awareness, positioning LinguaPros as the
premier language learning center for young children in Vietnam, and
addressing the challenges of market penetration, local competition, and
cultural adaptation.
2. Market Situation:
- The Vietnamese market is new for LinguaPros => limited brand

- The Vietnamese market has a growing demand for English language

education for children, driven by the country's focus on improving
English proficiency to better compete in the global economy.

- Competition: Several established language centers already exist in

Vietnam, including Apollo English and ILA Vietnam. These English
centers are very familiar to Vietnamese people and have a variety of
courses at reasonable prices.
Features Apollo VUS ILA Yola
Target ● Preschoolers ● Preschoolers ● Preschoolers ● Children
audience ● Children ● Children ● Children ● Adolescents
● Adolescents ● Adolescents ● Adolescents ● Adults
● Adults ● Adults ● Adults
● Businessmen (Business
(Business English)

Curriculum Various Various Various Various

Teacher’s ● Foreign ● Foreign teachers ● Foreign ● Bachelor’s degree

qualifications teachers ● Bachelor Degree teachers ● Certificate of
● Bachelor’s in English ● Bachelor’s English Language
Degree or Teaching degree Teaching
higher ● Certificate of
● CELTA / English
TESOL / Language
Online Teaching

Tuition 190,000 - 220,000 400,000 - 550,000 350,000 240,000 VND /hour

VND/hour VND/week VND/hour

Facilities High-quality, Well-equipped with High-quality Good quality with

interesting to top facilities and furniture (360 adequate facilities for
learners support teams degrees writing studying

- Cultural Considerations: Understanding and catering to the specific

educational preferences and needs of Vietnamese children and their
parents is crucial.

3. PR objectives

- Achieving brand awareness of at least 40% among the target audience

within the first year.

- Enrolling 100 students within the first six months of operation.

- Establishing a reputation for high-quality, innovative English education
for young children.

4. Target audience

Primary Target Audience:

Parents of children aged 3 to 12
Age 25 to 45 years old
Location Mainly in District 1 or nearby
areas (Districts 4, 3, 7)
Income Middle class
Expectations Seeking innovative, high-quality
English language education

Secondary Target Audience:

Early childhood education centers and primary schools
Location Mainly in District 1 or nearby
areas (Districts 4, 3, 7)
Psychology and behaviour Being interested in partnering for
supplementary language programs
and community organizations
focused on child development and

5. Key messages

- LinguaPros Language Center offers high-quality, innovative English

language courses specifically designed for young children.

- Our experienced instructors are dedicated to providing an engaging and

effective learning experience for young students.
- We are committed to understanding and catering to the specific
educational preferences and needs of Vietnamese children and their

6. Strategies and Tactics

Phase 1:

Timeline Stage Activity Detail Evaluation

Week 1 Market Design Design survey on GG survey 500 Street surveys

research survey 1500
surveys on FB, Ybox

Week Do surveys Post a survey on FB, or Exposure to at least 1000

2-3 Linkedin or conduct the street people, both on social media
survey on Nguyen Hue and on the street
Walking Street,

Week 4 Analyse data Rent a data analyst to analyze Able to find out which
the data teaching method that parents
Which age of children do
parents tend to send them to
the English Center?

Week Preparati Business Register our business, obtain Receive all required
5 - 13 on Registration the necessary licenses and documents and agreements
and Legal permits, and set up a business
Requirements bank account.

Week Marketing Develop a strong brand Track media exposure

14 - 16 and branding identity (logo, website, social Partner with at least 3
media presence): businesses
+ Website: The number of videos, and articles made by journalists,
+ Social media presence: KOLs, and educational
create and develop publications
accounts on FB and
Create a marketing plan
targeting the chosen audience
through online and offline
+ Run social media ads
to introduce our center
+ Distribute flyers and
brochures at nearby
kindergartens and
primary schools
+ Partner with schools or
(Educational resource
providers, technology
companies,...) to gain
access to new student
populations and
establish our center as
a leader in English
language education
within our community.
+ Work with relevant
relevant journalists,
KOLs, and educational
Week Recruit Post recruitment on TopCV, Successfully recruit 5 local
17 - 18 Lecture Vietcareer, teachers, 3 foreign teachers
Week 19 Training Train teachers to know how to Pass the exam provided by
teachers conduct a class, learn about the center
some rules of the center

Phase 2:

Timeline Stage Activity Detail Evaluation

Week 20 Social Run a social Speaking contest for kids 3-12 Reach at least 1000 people
media media years old advertised on Facebook, by using social media
contest contest Zalo Reach at least 100 videos
+ Record intro video with 3 from the participant
+ Results announced on the
center's grand opening day
+ Prizes: cash, course
June 1st Open Host a grand Allowing people to tour the Have 100 people come to
House opening center, meet the teachers, and experience the center
Event event experience the students' learning More than 80% of
environment firsthand. participants have a positive
rating of the center
Publishing the contest's result and

Ms. Khánh Vy, a special guest,

will share her English
development process

Phase 3:

Timeline Stage Activity Detail Evaluation

Ongoing Student Implement our Seasonal events for top- Track media exposure
Enrollment marketing plan to of-mind awareness: Track the number of
and Marketing attract students. Christmas, Lunar New participants in each event
Year, Halloween, Reach at least 50 children
Children's Day join the trailer class
Speaking contests, Reach at least 50 surveys
cultural competitions, about the satisfaction
talk shows level

Free offerings for new

Free trial classes
Introductory sessions

Ongoing Delivering Focus on Conduct surveys about Collect students and their
Exceptional providing high- the satisfaction of the parents' feedback
Service quality parents and students
instruction Track student progress
Always have operators metrics and test scores
Offer to solve the customer
personalized concerns (Hotline, page, Measure number of
learning plans Facebook Page) students that continue
studies after initial
Create a positive Tailor teaching methods program
learning and activities
environment accordingly to cater to
the student’s needs.
Gather student
feedback to
improve services

Ongoing Staff Training Continue hiring Continue to post Track number of new
and staff recruitment on TopCV, staff hired
Development Vietcareer,... and remaining staff
Invest in ongoing
professional Conduct periodic staff Evaluate the teaching
development training quality rate of teachers
Organise workshops and Assess rating of friendly
Keep teaching talk shows with guests environment quality
staff updated on who are experts in the
best practices and Education Industry
teaching methods
Ongoing Partnerships Expand Identify new potential Track partnerships
with local Partnership partners based on our formed, workshop
businesses Network growing success and attendance, website
workshop offerings. traffic, and student
Offer ongoing support
and seek partners’
feedback to tailor future

7. Budgets

Market research ~100.000.000 vnd

Preparation ~400.000.000 vnd
Social media contest ~50.000.000 vnd
Open house event ~200.000.000 vnd
Student Enrollment and Marketing Depending on the center's development
Delivering Exceptional Service Depending on the center's development
Staff Training and Development Depending on the center's development

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