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AP Psychology ©Morgan AP Teaching

Time – 25 minutes

Directions: You have 25 minutes to answer the following question. It is not enough to answer a question
by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the
questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology.

1. In a study attempting to determine if vitamin C reduces the amount of days it takes to recover from
the common cold, two groups were randomly assigned and given the rhinovirus (common cold).
Group A was formed from a group of male students at a local high school, and Group B was formed
from a group of female students at a local college. Group A was given 800 mg of vitamin C per
day, while Group B instead received the placebo. After 10 days, all participants had recovered
from the cold with no notable difference between the recovery times of Group A and Group B.

A. Identify the experimental group in this experiment.

B. Identify the control group in this experiment.
C. Identify the BOTH the independent and dependent variables in this experiment.
D. Explain how at least two possible confounding variables in this experiment.
E. Identify and explain at least ONE ethical issue in this experiment.
AP Psychology ©Morgan AP Teaching

For an FRQ, students must define or explain a term and completely answer the prompt as requested. While
the format is relatively open, make sure students use bullets to identify/differentiate the various sections or
points they are answering. It is also recommended that they underline any specific psychological terms
that are defined to make it easier for you and the AP Test grader.
There are 7 total points (one for each), and the definition/explanation of the term AND properly answering
the question is required for the point. If one or both of these elements are missing, they receive a zero for
that point.

Valid Answers
• experimental group = definition + identifying experiment group as the vitamin C recipients
• control group = definition + identifying control group as the placebo recipients
• independent variable = definition + identifying the IV as the vitamin C
• dependent variable = definition + identifying the DV as the cold time recovery
• at least two possible confounding variables = definition + identifying and explaining how any
two variables could skew the results of the experiment:
o Valid confounding variables: illness, sleep, age difference, gender groups, stress levels,
home life
• one ethic issue = definition + identifying/explaining that testing on children or not explaining that
parental consent was provided is unethical according to APA/BPS/federal regulations

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