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10 Sexuality and Gender

Key: Answer, Page, Type, Learning Objective, Level

(1)=Easy; (2)=Moderate; (3)=Difficult

LO=Learning Objective


The Physical Side of Human Sexuality

Learning Objective 10.1 - What are the physical differences between females and males?

1. ________ consists of the physiological changes in the sex organs and reproductive system that occur during
a) Sexual identity assignment
Incorrect. Puberty refers to the physical changes in the sex organs, not sexual identity.
b) Plateau development
c) The male and female menarche
d) Puberty
Correct. Puberty refers to the physical changes in the sex organs.
ANS: d, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 96 a= 0 b= 4 c= 0 d= 96 r = .33
% correct 100 a= 0 b= 0 c= 0 d= 100 r = .00

2. Puberty is defined as ________.

a) the production of hormones in the reproductive glands stimulated by the pituitary gland
b) the stage of identity versus role confusion
c) the physical changes that occur in the body as sexual development is stimulated by hormonal changes
Correct. This is a correct definition of puberty.
d) the time when a child becomes a teenager
Incorrect. In many cases puberty begins before the age of 13.
ANS: c, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)

3. Which female sex organ or process is present at birth?

a) breasts
Incorrect. The vagina is present at birth, whereas the others develop at puberty.
b) pubic hair
c) vagina
Correct. The vagina is present at birth, whereas the others develop at puberty.
d) menarche

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: c, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 100 a= 0 b= 0 c= 100 d= 0 r = .00

4. Which of the following is immediately present to doctors and nurses when a baby is born?
a) secondary sexual characteristics
b) sex chromosomes
Incorrect. As your textbook points out, the sex chromosomes that we have are not a perfect predictor of the primary
sexual characteristics that will be present at birth.
c) primary sexual characteristics
Correct. Primary sexual characteristics refer to those reproductive organs that are present at birth. In this example,
the appearance of the penis or vagina would indicate the primary sexual characteristics.
d) gender
ANS: c, p. 388, C, LO=10.1, (1)

5. Female sex organs that are present at birth are called ________.
a) primary sex characteristics
Correct. Primary sex characteristics is the correct term for sex organs present at birth.
b) innate sex characteristics
Incorrect. The correct term for sex organs present at birth is primary sex characteristics.
c) secondary sex characteristics
d) hormonally determined sex characteristics
ANS: a, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 100 a= 100 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 r = .00

6. Which of the following is a female primary sex characteristic?

a) breasts
Incorrect. Breasts are a secondary sex characteristic.
b) pubic hair
c) vagina
Correct. The vagina is a primary sex characteristic.
d) prostate gland
ANS: c, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 93 a= 5 b= 0 c= 93 d= 2 r = .34

7. Johnny is taking a class in human sexuality, and he has been asked to make a list of body parts that would be
considered primary sexual characteristics. Which of the following would NOT appear on that list?
a) uterus
Incorrect. Because a girl is born with a uterus, and it is an essential part of the reproductive system, it is a primary
sexual characteristic.
b) testicles
c) ovaries
d) breasts
Correct. Breasts are considered a secondary sexual characteristic because they are not directly involved with
reproduction, and they are not present at birth.
ANS: d, p. 388, A, LO=10.1, (2)

8. One of the primary male sex characteristics is the ________.

a) penis
Correct. The penis is a primary male sex characteristic.
b) Adam’s apple
c) clitoris
d) presence of pubic hair

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Incorrect. This is a secondary sex characteristic.
ANS: d, p. 388, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 88 a= 8 b= 2 c= 2 d= 88 r = .21

9. Sex organs and traits that develop at puberty and are not directly involved in reproduction are known as ________
sexual characteristics.
a) primary
Incorrect. Primary sexual characteristics are those that are involved in reproduction.
b) secondary
Correct. This is a correct definition of secondary sexual characteristics.
c) pubescent
d) tertiary
ANS: b, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

10. The growth spurt for girls typically begins at what age?
a) 7–9
b) 12–14
Incorrect. Girls typically experience a growth spurt earlier, between 10 and 12 years of age.
c) 10–12
Correct. The growth spurt for girls typically begins between 10 and 12 years of age.
d) 13–15
ANS: c, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

11. One example of a female secondary sex characteristic is __________.

a) the vagina
b) the ovaries
c) the uterus
Incorrect. This is a female primary sex characteristic.
d) breast development
Correct. This is a female secondary sex characteristic.
ANS: d, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 89 a= 0 b= 7 c= 4 d= 89 r = .30

12. The breasts contain the ________ glands for milk production.
a) prostate
b) thyroid
c) Cowper’s
Incorrect. The Cowper’s gland is in men, not women. It is not responsible for lactation.
d) mammary
Correct. The mammary glands are for milk production.
ANS: d, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

13. At about age 12, a girl comes to her mother and says that she is going through a great deal of bodily changes.
Most likely the girl is talking about ________.
a) diminishment of primary sex characteristics
Incorrect. The primary sex characteristics mature, not diminish, in 12-year-old girls.
b) development of secondary sex characteristics
Correct. The secondary sex characteristics are developing in most 12-year-old girls.
c) changes in tertiary sex characteristics
d) getting too fat
ANS: b, p. 389, A, LO=10.1, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
14. One secondary male sex characteristic is ________.
a) the penis
b) an enlarged larynx
Correct. An enlarged larynx is a secondary male sex characteristic.
c) the testicles
d) the prostate gland
Incorrect. The prostate gland is present in males at birth and, thus, is a primary sex characteristic.
ANS: b, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)
% correct 93 a= 4 b= 93 c= 0 d= 4 r = .24
% correct 90 a= 0 b= 90 c= 8 d= 2 r = .35

15. One secondary male sex characteristic is ________.

a) the penis
b) a deepening voice
Correct. A deepening voice is a secondary male sex characteristic, since it doesn’t appear until puberty.
c) testicles
d) prostate gland
Incorrect. The prostate gland is present in males at birth and, thus, is a primary sex characteristic.
ANS: b, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

16. The development of pubic hair, though located around the external genitalia, which are involved in reproduction,
is still considered to be a ________ sexual characteristic.
a) tertiary
b) pubescent
c) primary
Incorrect. The primary sexual characteristics are present at birth, and are directly involved in reproduction.
d) secondary
Correct. These pubertal features that develop are called secondary sexual characteristics because they are not
directly involved in reproduction and are not present at birth.
ANS: d, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

17. One secondary male sex characteristic is ________.

a) the penis
b) facial and chest hair
Correct. Facial and chest hair is a secondary male sex characteristic, since it doesn’t appear until puberty.
c) the testicles
d) the prostate gland
Incorrect. The prostate gland is present in males at birth and, thus, is a primary sex characteristic.
ANS: b, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

18. A young boy develops facial and chest hair, pubic hair, and an enlarged Adam’s apple. This happens because
puberty is stimulating the development of his ________.
a) primary sex characteristics
Incorrect. Puberty stimulates the development of secondary sex characteristics.
b) secondary sex characteristics
Correct. Puberty stimulates the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as facial and chest hair and an
enlarged Adam’s apple in males.
c) male attachment characteristics
d) reproductive signaling characteristics
ANS: b, p. 389, A, LO=10.1, (2)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
19. Chastity and Shane are fraternal twins, born 17 minutes apart. They go through many of life’s trials and
tribulations together, but if their developmental schedules hold true to average, Chastity will start going through her
pubescent development approximately ________ her brother.
a) 2 years earlier than
Correct. Girls, on average, hit the growth spurt about two years earlier than boys.
b) 5 years earlier than
Incorrect. It would be a very unusual developmental event for a girl to hit a growth spurt five years earlier than a
c) 3 years later than
d) at the same time as
ANS: a, p. 389, A, LO=10.1, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

20. The growth spurt for boys typically begins at age ________.
a) 9–22
b) 12–14
Correct. The growth spurt for boys typically begins between 12 and 14 years of age.
c) 10–12
Incorrect. Girls typically experience a growth spurt earlier, around age 10 to 12 years of age.
d) 13–15
ANS: b, p. 389, F, LO=10.1, (1)

21. The primary sex characteristics develop as ________.

a) the fetus is growing in the womb, when the chromosomes of the 23 rd pair cause the release of the proper
hormones to stimulate the growth of the sex organs
Correct. The release of the proper hormones in the womb stimulates the growth of the sex organs.
b) proper hormones in the mother’s milk stimulate the growth of the sex organs
Incorrect. The release of the proper hormones in the womb, not the milk, is responsible for the development of
primary sex characteristics.
c) the baby is raised as a male or female; the behavioral cues stimulate the baby to release the appropriate
male or female hormones and develop as such
d) none of these
ANS: a, pp. 389–390, F, LO=10.1, (2)
% correct 93 a= 93 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7 r = .46
% correct 94 a= 94 b= 0 c= 4 d= 2 r = .53

22. The ________ system is to boys as the ________ system is to girls.

a) Wolffian; Müllerian
Correct. This is the correct label for each system to the two sexes.
b) Stausberg; Flynn
c) Müllerian; Wolffian
Incorrect. This is the opposite of the correct answer.
d) Flynn; Stausberg
ANS: a, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

23. The precursors of female sex organs during prenatal development form the ________ system.
a) Müllerian
Correct. This system develops into female sex organs.
b) Wolffian
Incorrect. This system develops into male sex organs.
c) Gilligan
d) Estrogenous
ANS: a, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
24. Margot is pregnant with her first child, and she is deliriously happy! She and her husband have some tests taken,
but before the doctor can come in and review the results, Jim sneaks a peek at the file with the test results. He sees
that the baby has “two X chromosomes.” He looks at his wife and says:
a) “Congratulations, honey, we’re having a boy!”
Incorrect. A boy has the genetic code of XY.
b) “Congratulations, honey, it looks like we are having twins!”
c) “Congratulations, honey, we’re having a girl!”
Correct. A girl has the genetic code of XX.
d) “Congratulations, honey, I need to take a biology class!”
ANS: c, p. 390, A, LO=10.1, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

25. A set of characteristics that defines individuals as boys and men or girls and women is called ________.
a) gender
Incorrect. Gender is a psychological attribute.
b) sex
Correct. Sex is a physical attribute.
c) sex characteristics
d) gender stereotypes
ANS: b, p. 390, F, LO=10.2, (1)

26. ________ is a biological phenomenon, while ________ is a psychological phenomenon.

a) Sex; gender
Correct. Sex is determined by our chromosomes. Gender is determined by the messages we get from the society
around us and is a psychological construct.
b) Gender role; gender stereotype
c) Gender; sex
Incorrect. This is the opposite of the correct answer.
d) Sex; sex role
ANS: a, p. 390, C, LO=10.2, (2)

27. Which of the following statements is true regarding the development of the sex organs in a baby?
a) The first sex organs appear far earlier in girls than in boys, since the organs do not require extra tissue
for their formation.
b) The first sex organs do not develop until the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are over, which is why pregnant
parents cannot find out the gender of the baby until this point.
Incorrect. Although the genitals are not visible on ultrasound sonography until about 18–20 weeks of pregnancy, the
actual sex organs begin to differentiate between male and female after the first month of pregnancy.
c) The first sex organs, which are the gonads, are undifferentiated in male and female fetuses for the first
month of pregnancy.
Correct. As your textbook points out, all babies are basically female until certain hormonal events cause the
development of testes.
d) The first sex organs appear far earlier in boys than in girls, since the organs are external as opposed to
ANS: c, p. 390, C, LO=10.1, (3)

28. The development of the ________ system is caused by the secretion of ________ during the prenatal
a) Wolffian; estrogens
Incorrect. The Wolffian system is stimulated by the secretion of testosterone, not estrogen.
b) Müllerian; testosterone
c) Wolffian; testosterone
Correct. This is what determines that the unborn child will develop into a male.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
d) Müllerian; progesterones
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (2)

29. Which hormone is the primary determinant of whether a baby will develop male or female external genitalia?
a) progesterone
b) human chorionic gonadotropin
Incorrect. This is a hormone that increases in a woman’s body when she is pregnant.
c) testosterone
Correct. When it is present, testosterone leads to the development of a boy. When absent, a girl is the result.
d) estrogen
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

30. How many of the 46 chromosomes that most human beings have ultimately determine one’s sex?
a) 5
b) 3
Incorrect. In the 23rd pair, one of the chromosomes determines sex by being either “x” or “y.”
c) 1
Correct. In the 23rd pair, one of the chromosomes determines sex by being either “x” or “y.”
d) 0
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

31. How many genes found on the Y chromosome trigger the testes to produce testosterone?
a) 1
Correct. Only one gene on the Y chromosome triggers testosterone production.
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Incorrect. This is too many. It is only one gene that triggers testosterone production.
ANS: a, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

32. What is the incidence of children born as intersexed, or intersexual, individuals?

a) 1 out of 50
b) 1 out of 500
Incorrect. One out of 1,500 babies is born intersexed.
c) 1 out of 1,500
Correct. One out of 1,500 babies is born intersexed.
d) 1 out 50,000
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

33. A person who is described as intersexed is ________.

a) an individual who is born with ambiguous sex organs
Correct. Intersexed individuals are born with ambiguous sex organs.
b) an individual who is surgically reassigned at birth so that he or she seems to be of the sex opposite to
what is expected from the chromosomes
c) an individual with normal body development who cannot decide whether to act as a male or a female
d) a homosexual
Incorrect. Intersexed individuals are people born with ambiguous sex organs.
ANS: a, p. 390, C, LO=10.1, (2)
% correct 82 a= 82 b= 11 c= 4 d= 4 r = .40
% correct 79 a= 79 b= 13 c= 6 d= 2 r = .54

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
34. Psychology has many terms for human sexuality concepts. What is an alternative term for hermaphroditism?
a) homosexual
b) gender specific
Incorrect. The book stated that the correct term would be intersex.
c) intersex
Correct. This is the correct term.
d) heterosexual
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.1, (1)

The Psychological Side of Human Sexuality: Gender

Learning Objective 10.2 - What is gender, and how can biology and learning influence gender-role development?

35. A culture’s expectation of masculine and feminine behaviors can be defined as ________.
a) homosexual
b) heterosexual
Incorrect. The correct answer is gender roles, and heterosexuality is not related to cultural expectations.
c) gender roles
Correct. Gender roles include attitudes, actions, and personality traits.
d) gender typing
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.2, (1)

36. ________ is the process by which people learn their culture’s preferences and expectations for proper
“masculine” and “feminine” behaviors.
a) Gender role
Incorrect. A gender role is a type of behavior one adopts based on society’s expectations for a male versus a female.
b) Gender identity
c) Gender typing
Correct. Gender identity is the process by which people learn their culture’s preferences and expectations for
proper “masculine” and “feminine” behaviors.
d) Gender stereotyping
ANS: c, p. 390, F, LO=10.2, (3)
% correct 40 a= 46 b= 10 c= 40 d= 4 r = .46

37. A person’s sense of being a boy or girl, or man or woman, is their gender ________.
a) stereotype
b) development
c) role
Incorrect. A gender role reflects a cultural expectation about how members of each sex ”should” behave.
d) identity
Correct. This is the correct definition of gender identity.
ANS: d, p. 390, F, LO=10.2, (1)

38. Expectations about the way men and women behave are called gender ________.
a) roles
Correct. A gender role reflects a cultural expectation about how members of each sex ”should” behave.
b) norms
c) mores
Incorrect. Mores are cultural norms for appropriate behaviors, but the better answer is gender roles.
d) schemas
ANS: a, p. 390, F, LO=10.2, (1)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
39. Maurice was born with an XY chromosome type, and he has the external genitalia of a male. He has, for the
better part of his life, however, felt like he was supposed to be a woman. He has always identified more with
feminine clothes, behaviors, and emotions. According to your text, Maurice has a male ________.
a) gender identity
b) sexual disorder
c) gender
Incorrect. Our gender is determined by the messages that we get from society around us, and our own identification
with a particular sex.
d) sex
Correct. Our sex is determined by the chromosomes that we have inside of us. It is a biologically constructed event.
ANS: d, p. 390, A, LO=10.2, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

40. Maurice was born with an XY chromosome type, and he has the external genitalia of a male. He has, for the
better part of his life, however, felt like he was supposed to be a woman. He has always identified more with
feminine clothes, behaviors, and emotions. According to your text, Maurice has a female ________.
a) problem
b) gender
Correct. Our gender is determined by the messages that we get from society around us, and our own identification
with a particular sex.
c) sex
Incorrect. Our sex is determined by the chromosomes that we have inside of us. It is a biologically constructed
d) secondary sex characteristic
ANS: b, p. 390, A, LO=10.2, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

41. Studies of genetically male children who were surgically altered to appear as females found that ________.
a) almost all of them were happy that they were raised as females
Incorrect. Fourteen of the altered males preferred male play activities.
b) they preferred to play with feminine toys such as dolls
c) half acted more like boys and half acted more like girls
d) they preferred male play activities
Correct. The altered males preferred male play activities.
ANS: d, p. 391, F, LO=10.2, (3)
% correct 54 a= 4 b= 21 c= 21 d= 54 r = .53

42. Rashid feels that he was meant to be a woman, even though he is a man. He is contemplating surgery to alter his
bodily appearance to that of a woman. Rashid might be suffering from a disorder known as ________.
a) feminine status disorder
b) male misidentity disorder
Incorrect. Although male misidentity disorder sounds plausible, the term psychologists use is gender identity
c) inverted sex role syndrome
d) gender dysphoria
Correct. A person who feels his or her body has the wrong sex organs and characteristics is said to be suffering
from gender dysphoria.
ANS: d, p. 391, A, LO=10.2, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

43. A person contemplating surgery to alter his or her bodily appearance to that of the opposite sex is thinking about
becoming a(n) ________.
a) homosexual
b) transvestite
Incorrect. A transvestite is a man who dresses up in women’s clothes, not someone who surgically alters his body.
c) transsexual

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Correct. To surgically alter one’s bodily appearance to that of the opposite sex is to become a transsexual.
d) inverted sex role participant
ANS: c, p. 391, F, LO=10.2, (1)

44. Fifteen year old Latisha feels that she has been a “boy trapped in a girl’s body” for as long as she can remember.
She is learning about sexual reassignment surgery from her mother, who supports her daughter after taking her to a
doctor who diagnosed her as having ________.
a) gender roles disorder
b) gender dysphoria
Correct. Latisha could correctly be diagnosed with this disorder and choose to have surgery.
c) gender confusion disorder
d) gender denial disorder
Incorrect. This is a fictitious term.
ANS: b, p. 391, A, LO=10.2 (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

45. One of these things is not like the others. Can you figure out which one?
a) gender identity disorder
b) winkte
c) homosexual
Correct. None of the other options in this question speaks to individual sexual orientation.
d) transsexual
Incorrect. While a transsexual generally refers to a person who has had gender reassignment surgery, it does not
require a specific sexual orientation for diagnosis.
ANS: c, p. 391, C, LO=10.2, (3)

46. Which of the following is the best description of a “winkte” individual?

a) bisexual transsexual
b) homosexual female
Incorrect. The designation of winkte has nothing to do with an individual’s sexual orientation.
c) neither male nor female
Correct. The winkte designation refers to a person who is thought of as being neither specific gender in some Native
American cultures.
d) intersexed
ANS: c, p. 391, C, LO=10.2, (3)

47. People with gender ________ feel that they were born into the body of the wrong sex and have a strong
identification with the opposite gender.
a) development disorder
b) establishment errors
c) dysphoria
Correct. The word dysphoria refers to a state of emotional dissatisfaction. In this case, the dissatisfaction is a result
of an inconsistency between one’s sex and their gender.
d) androgyny
Incorrect. Androgyny is a balance of masculine and feminine psychological attributes.
ANS: c, p. 391, F, LO=10.2, (1)

48. Maurice was born with an XY chromosome type, and he has the external genitalia of a male. He has, for the
better part of his life, however, felt like he was supposed to be a woman. He has always identified more with
feminine clothes, behaviors, and emotions. New surgical and medical techniques will now allow Maurice to take
which of the following courses of action?
a) He will be able to alter his body to match his gender.
Correct. Gender reassignment surgery allows people with gender identity disorder the option of changing their

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
biological features to match their gender identification.
b) He will be able to alter his gender to match his body.
Incorrect. In fact, he will be able to change his body to match his gender.
c) He will be able to make changes to his external appearance, even though his physical attributes will not
d) He will have only the option of taking hormone pills or injections, unless he wants to travel to Europe,
which is the only continent where gender reassignment surgery is practiced.
ANS: a, p. 391, A, LO=10.2, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

49. Based on the studies of infant girls who were exposed to androgens before birth, which of the following
statements is true?
a) In these studies, the girls were found to be more interested in “boy” toys during early childhood.
Correct. In these studies, the girls were found to be more interested in “boy toys” during early childhood.
b) In these studies, the girls were found to prefer feminine activities during early childhood.
c) In these studies, the majority of the girls grew up to be lesbians.
Incorrect. The girls did not grow up to be lesbians but to be very typical females.
d) In these studies, there were no noticeable effects due to these treatments.
ANS: a, p. 391, F, LO=10.2, (2)
% correct 79 a= 79 b= 4 c= 4 d= 11 r = .31

50. Based on the studies of girls who were exposed to androgens before birth, which of the following statements is
a) When these girls grew up, they became more typically “female” in their desire for marriage and
Correct. These girls became more typically “female” in their desire for marriage and motherhood.
b) The girls were found to prefer feminine activities during early childhood.
c) The majority of the girls grew up to be lesbians.
Incorrect. The girls grew up to be typically “female” in their desire for marriage and motherhood.
d) There were no noticeable effects of the androgen exposure.
ANS: a, p. 391, F, LO=10.2, (2)

51. According to research, infant girls who were exposed to androgens were found to be more likely to ________.
a) have a very “feminine” childhood and prefer to play with dolls.
b) be “tomboys” during their childhood, but ultimately grew up to be more “typically female” in adulthood
and had a desire for marriage and motherhood.
Correct. Research shows that androgen exposure could have led to these behaviors during a young age.
c) be “feminine” during their childhood but grew up to be more “typically male” in adulthood and less
emotional than other women.
d) have a very “masculine” attitude in adulthood despite their sex.
Incorrect. This was not found according to the research.
ANS: b, p. 391, F, LO=10.2 (2)

52. According to fMRI images taken when both men and women were shown erotic images, researchers found that
the amygdala and hypothalamus areas of the limbic system were ________.
a) more strongly active in men than women
Correct. Research showed the men had a stronger level of activity in the fMRI than women, indicating that perhaps
biology could be a factor in this reaction.
b) more strongly active in women than men
c) equally active in both men and women
d) more active for women during their menstrual cycle
Incorrect. This was not discussed in the book.
ANS: a, p. 392, F, LO=10.2, (2)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
53. When men and women view erotic pictures, the ________ are more strongly activated in men than women.
a) visual cortex and thalamus
b) pons and hindbrain
c) amygdala and hypothalamus
Correct. The amygdala and hypothalamus are more strongly activated in men than women.
d) hippocampus and cingulate gyrus
Incorrect. The amygdala and hypothalamus are more strongly activated in men than women. The hippocampus is
more involved in memory.
ANS: c, p. 392, F, LO=10.2, (1)
% correct 93 a= 0 b= 0 c= 93 d= 7 r = .19

54. The enhanced brain response of men to erotic images may be due to ________.
a) the early male’s need to identify sexually receptive females
Correct. Enhanced responses may be due to the need to identify sexually receptive females.
b) the large occipital lobes of the male brain
c) males’ socialization to be sexually aggressive
d) females having developed a learned stimulus for sexual arousal
Incorrect. Enhanced responses may be due to the need to identify sexually receptive females.
ANS: a, p. 392, F, LO=10.2, (2)

55. Which term has the most negative connotation in our culture?
a) tomboy
Incorrect. Tomboy is not considered an insult, as most people do not disapprove of girls who engage in activities
that boys typically prefer.
b) sissy
Correct. Sissy is considered to be an insult, as our society tends to disapprove of boys who engage in activities that
girls typically prefer.
c) masculine
d) feminine
ANS: b, p. 393, F, LO=10.2, (1)
% correct 89 a= 0 b= 89 c= 4 d= 7 r = .19
% correct 96 a=0 b= 96 c= 2 d= 2 r = .21

56. Traditional views of gender roles are more likely found in ________.
a) collectivist cultures
Correct. Collectivist cultures are more traditional than individualistic ones.
b) individualistic cultures
Incorrect. Collectivist cultures are more traditional than individualistic ones.
c) countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England
d) none of these
ANS: a, p. 393, F, LO=10.2, (1)
% correct 85 a= 85 b= 11 c= 3 d= 1 r = .45

57. Countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England are more likely to have ________.
a) nontraditional views of gender
Correct. The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England are more individualistic than collectivistic and, therefore,
have nontraditional views.
b) a collectivist society
c) very constrained roles for women in society
d) a strong tradition of women staying home
Incorrect. The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England have nontraditional views, which allows for more freedom
for women to work outside the home.
ANS: a, p. 393, F, LO=10.2, (1)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 10.3 - How do gender roles develop, and how can they be influenced by stereotypes or an
emphasis on androgyny?

58. Which of the following is a valid concern with regard to treating boys and girls differently during their
a) Adults may grow to have different expectations about the abilities of boys and girls, and thus treat them
in ways that either encourage or discourage certain skills.
Correct. This is a very important concept for both mothers and fathers to remember as they raise their children.
b) Adults may grow to love children more or less based on their gender-consistent behaviors.
Incorrect. This is not a finding that has been uniformly reported in the current research, though it is a concern to
take seriously.
c) Adults stressing independence may be less nurturing of girls than of boys, since they feel that girls
naturally have better problem-solving abilities than boys.
d) Adults may force more encouragement and instruction in math and science on girls, since they believe
that girls are naturally less capable in those subjects.
ANS: a, p. 396, C, LO=10.3, (3)

59. Social ________ theory emphasizes the role of cognition in motivation and the importance of expectations in
shaping behavior.
a) acquisition
Incorrect. The emphases on cognition and expectations belong to social learning theory.
b) gender
c) learning
Correct. The emphases on cognition and expectations belong to social learning theory.
d) cognitive
ANS: c, p. 396, F, LO=10.3, (1)

60. When children observe their same-sex parents behaving in certain ways and imitate that behavior, a psychologist
uses which theory to explain the situation?
a) Freudian psychoanalysis
b) Piaget’s theory of development
c) gender schema theory
Incorrect. Gender schema theory deals with children developing mental patterns for male and female.
d) social learning theory
Correct. Social learning theory deals with observing behavior and imitating behavior.
ANS: d, p. 396, C, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 61 a= 0 b= 0 c= 39 d= 61 r = .20

60. Marquis is 4 years old, and as one might expect he pays very careful attention to his father. He imitates many of
his father’s actions, copies his behaviors, and responds appropriately to rewards and punishments for his own
behaviors. Marquis is learning many aspects of gender through the ________ theory.
a) social learning
Correct. The idea that he is imitating his father based on what he has observed demonstrates the social learning
theory of gender.
b) gender schema
c) cognitive acquisitive
d) behavioral
Incorrect. This is not the best, most specific answer to this question.
ANS: a, p. 396, A, LO=10.3, (2)
APA=1.2; 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
61. Rashid and Tawana are watching the classic TV show Leave It to Beaver. After watching the show, they decide
to play. Rashid says he will be Ward Cleaver and Tawana should play June Cleaver. This play situation would be
best explained by ________.
a) Freudian psychoanalysis
b) Piaget’s theory of development
c) gender schema theory
Incorrect. Gender schema theory focuses more on mental patterns than on imitation.
d) social learning theory
Correct. Social learning theory would best explain imitating male and female role models and how TV influences
ANS: d, p. 396, A, LO=10.3, (2)
APA=1.2; 1.3

62. Sue sees her mother knitting a sweater. Later, Sue takes out a ball of yarn and some knitting needles from her
mother’s supplies and tries to do the same. This is a good example of the ________ of gender development.
a) gender schema theory
Incorrect. Gender schema theory focuses on mental patterns, not imitation.
b) gender role theory
c) psychoanalytic theory
d) social learning theory
Correct. Social learning theory focuses on the imitation of male and female role models.
ANS: d, p. 396, A, LO=10.3, (2)
% correct 78 a= 0 b= 8 c= 14 d= 78 r = .21
APA=1.2; 1.3

63. Gender schema theory is based on ________.

a) Freudian psychoanalysis
b) Piaget’s theory of development
Correct. Gender schema theory is based on Piaget’s work.
c) biological inheritance theory
d) social learning theory
Incorrect. Gender schema theory is based on Piaget’s work.
ANS: b, p. 396, F, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 34 a= 12 b= 34 c= 3 d= 48 r = .31

64. The tendency of children to develop a mental pattern for being male or female in much the same way they
develop other concepts, such as “dog,” “bird,” and “big,” can best be explained by ________.
a) Freudian psychoanalysis
b) Piaget’s theory of development
c) gender schema theory
Correct. Gender schema theory deals with children developing mental patterns for male and female.
d) social learning theory
Incorrect. Social learning theory deals with observing behavior and imitating behavior. Gender schema theory
deals with developing mental patterns for male and female.
ANS: c, p. 396, C, LO=10.3, (2)
% correct 73 a= 4 b= 8 c= 73 d= 15 r = .52

65. “Children observe the world around them and develop mental concepts to represent the concepts of male and
female. They then develop a concept of their own gender, and adjust their behaviors to be consistent with that
concept.” This statement is the foundation of ________ theory.
a) gender schema
Correct. This statement does represent the basic foundational principles of gender schema theory.
b) gender role
c) social learning
d) social gender
Incorrect. Your textbook does not discuss anything called the social gender theory.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: a, p. 396, C, LO=10.3, (2)

66. A ________ is a concept about males or females that assigns various characteristics to them on the basis of
nothing more than being male or female.
a) gender stereotype
Correct. A gender stereotype is an assumption as to what a person or group of people is like based only on being
male or female.
b) sex role
Incorrect. A sex role is the assignment of characteristics based on being male or female. A gender stereotype is an
assumption as to what a person or group of people is like based only on whether the person or group is male or
c) gender role
d) sexual orientation
ANS: a, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 57 a= 57 b= 0 c= 43 d= 0 r = .42
% correct 52 a= 52 b= 0 c= 48 d= 0 r = .34

67. Shaquilla says that all men are insensitive and unemotional. She is probably expressing a ________.
a) gender stereotype
Correct. A gender stereotype is an assumption as to what a person or group of people is like based only on a person
or group of people being male or female.
b) sex role
Incorrect. A sex role is the assignment of characteristics based on being male or female.
c) gender role
d) sexual orientation
ANS: a, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 96 a= 96 b= 2 c= 2 d= 0 r = .17
APA=1.1; 1.3

68. At a recent viewing of the latest Hollywood blockbuster, LaToya and Ronald shared an awkward moment.
LaToya, deeply moved by the story line, began to cry during the movie, while Ronald sat twiddling his thumbs
wondering when the movie would finally be over. Afterward, while they were discussing their different reactions,
Ronald said, “Well, girls always cry at sappy movies. That’s why guys really hate those kinds of shows.” Ronald is
demonstrating that he holds very deep gender ________.
a) stereotypes
Correct. Ronald has beliefs that all women should adhere to a specific expectation. This is an example of a gender
b) roles
c) mores
d) schemas
Incorrect. Ronald seems to believe that all women should adhere to this particular characterization of women, and
that is what makes this a gender stereotype.
ANS: a, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

69. A gender ________ refers to a widely held belief about a person or group of people that is based solely on
a) stereotype
Correct. This is the correct definition of a gender stereotype.
b) role
c) norm
Incorrect. This is the correct definition of a gender stereotype.
d) schema
ANS: a, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
70. Which characteristic is NOT usually considered part of the male gender stereotype?
a) aggressive
b) logical
Incorrect. The stereotype of men is that they are logical but not emotional.
c) decisive
d) emotional
Correct. The stereotype of men is that they are not emotional.
ANS: d, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)

71. Which characteristic is NOT usually considered part of the female gender stereotype?
a) nurturing
b) logical
Correct. A negative stereotype of women assumes that they are not logical.
c) sensitive
d) emotional
Incorrect. The stereotype of women is that they are emotional.
ANS: b, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)

72. Desperate for help with her computer, Dana calls her fiancé, thinking that he will know what to do because he is
a man, and men are natural fixers. Dana’s thinking in this instance is an example of ________.
a) androgyny
b) schema error
c) benevolent sexism
Correct. Benevolent sexism is the result of thinking that all men or all women have some particular desirable trait,
simply because of their sex.
d) negative stereotyping
Incorrect. Negative stereotyping would be the case if Dana assumed something negative about her fiancé just
because he is a man.
ANS: c, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 81 a= 0 b= 12 c= 81 d= 8 r = .60

73. Some people are very quick to come to the aid of a woman because she is perceived as being helpless, weak, and
unable to provide for herself. These same individuals may be quite a bit less likely to come to the assistance of a
man in the same situation. Though these people may have noble intentions, this is still an example of ________
a) backhanded
b) chivalrous
Incorrect. As your authors point out, chivalry often underlies benevolent sexism.
c) benevolent
Correct. Benevolent sexism does appear, on the surface, to be an acceptable form of behavior; however, it does
indicate a deeply held belief that women need men to do things for them.
d) paradoxical
ANS: c, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

74. Consider the following three circumstances: (1) Raul is walking toward a business office, and when he gets there
he opens the door for a woman and allows her to walk through ahead of himself. (2) Raul is walking toward a
business office, and when he gets there he opens the door for a man and a woman who are also approaching, and
allows both of them to walk through ahead of himself. (3) Raul is walking toward a business office, and when he
gets there he opens the door for a woman and allows her to walk through ahead of himself, but then he walks
through without holding the door for the man with whom the woman was having a conversation. In which of the
above circumstances has Raul demonstrated the greatest example of benevolent sexism?
a) circumstances #1 and #2 only

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
b) circumstance #1
c) circumstance #2
Incorrect. The fact that Raul opened the door for both the man and woman indicates good manners, not benevolent
d) circumstance #3
Correct. The fact that Raul will open the door only for a woman, and not for the man in the conversation, indicates
benevolent sexism.
ANS: d, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

75. The acceptance of positive stereotypes regarding gender can lead to ________.
a) proactive prejudice
Incorrect. Proactive prejudice is not a real term. Positive stereotypes lead to benevolent sexism.
b) neutral sexism
c) benevolent sexism
Correct. Positive stereotypes lead to benevolent sexism, which is the result of thinking that all men or all women
have some particular desirable trait simply because of their sex.
d) genderism
ANS: c, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)

76. The term benevolent sexism was proposed by ________.

a) Maccoby
b) Masters and Johnson
Incorrect. Glick and Fiske proposed the term benevolent sexism. Masters and Johnson studied the sex act.
c) Glick and Fiske
Correct. Glick and Fiske proposed the term benevolent sexism.
d) Ford and Glock
ANS: c, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (3)

77. Sam is a father of two children and has a career as a professor at a university. He is nurturing and sensitive to his
children’s needs, able to express emotions outwardly, independent and assertive, and thinks problems through
calmly and logically. Sam is a good example of a person who is ________.
a) masculine
b) feminine
Incorrect. Sam is a good example of a person who is androgynous, as he has characteristics normally associated
with each gender.
c) transsexual
d) androgynous
Correct. Sam is a good example of a person who is androgynous, because his personality traits are not limited to
those that are part of the stereotype for men.
ANS: d, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

78. Psychologist Sandra Bem developed the concept of ________.

a) androgyny
Correct. Sandra Bem developed the concept of androgyny.
b) benevolent sexism
Incorrect. Sandra Bem developed the concept of androgyny.
c) social learning theory
d) ambiguity
ANS: a, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 43 a= 43 b= 29 c= 21 d= 7 r = .25

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
79. Researchers have found that when traditional males, traditional females, and androgynous people are compared
in terms of their degree of depression, androgynous people are usually ________.
a) less depressed
Correct. Androgyny is related to less depression.
b) equally depressed
c) more depressed
Incorrect. Androgyny is related to less depression.
d) unfulfilled
ANS: a, p. 397, F, LO=10.3, (1)
% correct 87 a= 87 b= 2 c= 6 d= 6 r = .36

80. John lost his job as a steelworker. However, when seeking new employment, he considers a wide variety of jobs,
such as fighter pilot, teacher, and nurse. Given these choices, a psychologist like Bem might consider John to be
a) sexist
b) narcissistic
c) confused
Incorrect. John would be considered androgynous because he does not limit his choices to jobs that are
stereotypically male.
d) androgynous
Correct. John would be considered androgynous because he does not limit his choices to jobs that are
stereotypically male.
ANS: d, p. 397, A, LO=10.3, (2)
% correct 95 a= 0 b= 2 c= 4 d= 95 r = .42

81. Which of the following statements has research found to be accurate with regard to androgynous people?
a) They have a greater likelihood of having a non-heterosexual orientation.
b) They have greater difficulties in adolescence as a result of peer teasing.
c) They are highly functioning and effective because they do not limit themselves to one set of gender
Correct. Because androgynous people combine the best of their masculine and feminine features, this statement is
the best answer.
d) They are socially inept because they cannot relate effectively to people of their own or the opposite sex.
Incorrect. On the contrary, people who are high in androgyny tend to relate very well to both people of their own
and the opposite sex.
ANS: c, p. 397, C, LO=10.3, (3)

Learning Objective 10.4 - How do men and women differ in thinking, social behavior, and personality?

82. Researchers have usually found that ________.

a) females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males
Correct. Researchers have usually found that females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males.
b) males score higher on tests of verbal ability than females
c) there is no difference between males and females on tests of verbal ability
d) verbal ability differences between males and females are due to differences in TV viewing
Incorrect. Researchers have usually found that females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males.
ANS: a, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (1)

83. Recent studies have shown that cognitive differences between boys and girls ________.
a) are increasing
b) are decreasing
Correct. The differences are decreasing.
c) are staying the same

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Incorrect. The differences are decreasing.
d) have decreased, but then increased
ANS: b, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (3)
% correct 54 a= 14 b= 54 c= 31 d= 0 r = .25

84. If gender differences in cognition are decreasing, this is probably due to ________.
a) a decrease in genetic diversity between males and females
Incorrect. There has been no decrease in genetic diversity between males and females. Equal treatment between
genders is probably decreasing differences in cognition.
b) males becoming stupid over the years due to too much football
c) the effects of more equal treatment of men and women in our society
Correct. Equal treatment between genders is probably decreasing the differences in cognition.
d) greater levels of hemispheric specialization in women than in men.
ANS: c, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (2)

85. MRI technology has demonstrated that men listen with ________.
a) the right hemisphere of the brain
Incorrect. Males listen with the left hemisphere of the brain.
b) the left hemisphere of the brain
Correct. Males listen with the left hemisphere of the brain.
c) both hemispheres of the brain
d) There is no consistent pattern of listening.
ANS: b, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

86. MRI technology has demonstrated that women listen with ________ of the brain.
a) the right hemisphere
Incorrect. Females listen with both hemispheres of the brain.
b) the left hemisphere
c) both hemispheres
Correct. Females listen with both hemispheres of the brain.
d) There is no consistent pattern of listening.
ANS: c, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

87. Women may pay more attention to the tone and emotion of statements than men because they listen with
________ of the brain.
a) the right hemisphere
Incorrect. Females listen with both hemispheres of the brain.
b) the left hemisphere
c) both hemispheres
Correct. Females listen with both hemispheres of the brain.
d) There is no consistent pattern of listening.
ANS: c, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (3)
% correct 43 a= 14 b= 29 c= 43 d= 14 r = .69
APA=1.1; 1.3

88. Which gender is more likely to talk to other members of that gender about current events?
a) males
Correct. Males are more likely to discuss current events because it is a less personal topic.
b) females
c) Both are equally likely to talk about current events.
Incorrect. Males are more likely to discuss current events because it is a less personal topic.
d) Nobody talks about current events.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: a, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

89. Research has shown that men tend to talk to each other about ________.
a) private concerns
b) their feelings
Incorrect. Males are reluctant to discuss their feelings.
c) relationships
d) current events
Correct. Males are more likely to discuss current events than personal topics such as feelings and relationships.
ANS: d, p. 398, F, LO=10.4, (1)
% correct 92 a= 2 b= 0 c= 6 d= 92 r = .70
APA=1.1; 1.3

90. John is a stay-at-home dad. Today he is with a group of stay-at-home moms as they all watch their kids play.
What topic of conversation would be LEAST successful for John to bring up in order to stimulate the discussion?
a) private concerns
Incorrect. Current events would be least successful, as women are less likely to talk about them than about private
b) feelings
c) relationships
d) current events
Correct. Current events would be least successful, as women are less likely to talk about them than about feelings or
ANS: d, p. 398, A, LO=10.4, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

Human Sexual Behavior

Learning Objective 10.5 - What happens in the bodies of women and men during sexual intercourse?

91. At the time Masters and Johnson did their groundbreaking research on sexual responses, society mostly thought
that ________.
a) sexuality should be openly discussed
Incorrect. Society mostly thought that sexuality was a relatively forbidden topic.
b) premarital sex should be accepted and encouraged
c) older people would most benefit from this research
d) sexuality was a relatively forbidden topic
Correct. Society mostly thought that sexuality was a relatively forbidden topic.
ANS: d, p. 399, F, LO=10.5, (1)

92. Equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity was designed by ________.
a) Kinsey
Incorrect. Masters and Johnson designed equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity.
b) Freud
c) Skinner
d) Masters and Johnson
Correct. Masters and Johnson designed equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity.
ANS: d, p. 399, F, LO=10.5, (2)

93. The four stages of sexual activity include excitement, plateau, orgasm and ________.
a) refraction
b) rest
c) reinforcement
Incorrect. This is not one of the stages of the sexual response cycle.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
d) resolution
Correct. This is the last stage of the sexual response cycle.
ANS: d, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)

94. The first phase of the sexual response cycle is ________.

a) excitement
Correct. The first phase of the sexual response cycle is excitement.
b) plateau
c) orgasm
Incorrect. The first phase of the sexual response cycle is excitement.
d) resolution
ANS: a, p. 399, F, LO=10.5, (1)
% correct 100 a= 100 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 r = .00
% correct 96 a= 96 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4 r = .19

95. The second phase of the sexual response cycle is ________.

a) excitement
b) plateau
Correct. The second phase of the sexual response cycle is plateau.
c) orgasm
Incorrect. The second phase of the sexual response cycle is plateau.
d) resolution
ANS: b, p. 399, F, LO=10.5, (1)

96. Javier and his wife are preparing to have sex. His penis becomes erect and his testes “pull up.” He is likely to be
in the ________ stage of the sexual response cycle according to Masters and Johnson.
a) resolution
Incorrect. After sex is complete, this would be a more appropriate answer.
b) plateau
c) orgasm
d) excitement
Correct. This would be true based on the example provided.
ANS: d, p. 399, A, LO=10.5 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.2; 1.3

97. Steve’s penis is becoming even more erect and has secreted a few drops of fluid after beginning to have sex. He
is likely to be in the ________ stage of the sexual response cycle, according to Masters and Johnson.
a) resolution
Incorrect. After sex is complete, this would be a more appropriate answer.
b) plateau
Correct. This would be true based on the example provided.
c) orgasm
d) excitement
ANS: b, pp. 399–400, A, LO=10.5 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.2; 1.3

98. Which phase of the sexual response cycle can last the longest?
a) excitement
Correct. Excitement can last up to several hours.
b) plateau
Incorrect. The plateau stage lasts no more than a few minutes, whereas excitement can last up to several hours.
c) orgasm
d) resolution

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: a, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)
% correct 48 a= 48 b= 39 c= 0 d= 12 r = .21

99. In which of the phases of sexual response does the genital area undergo a series of muscular contractions?
a) excitement
Incorrect. Orgasm involves a series of contractions.
b) plateau
c) orgasm
Correct. Orgasm involves a series of contractions.
d) resolution
ANS: c, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)
% correct 100 a= 0 b= 0 c= 100 d= 0 r = .00
% correct 90 a= 2 b= 4 c= 90 d= 4 r = .64

100. The final phase of the sexual response cycle is ________.

a) excitement
b) plateau
c) orgasm
Incorrect. The final phase of the sexual response cycle is resolution.
d) resolution
Correct. The final phase of the sexual response cycle is resolution.
ANS: d, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)

101. Rashid has just had an orgasm. However, his partner is still excited and wants Rashid to continue his sexual
activity. Unfortunately, Rashid has lost his erection. Rashid is probably now in the ________.
a) refractory period
Correct. He is now in the refractory period, during which men cannot achieve erection.
b) male menopause
c) disruptive period
d) plateau
Incorrect. He is now in the refractory period, during which men cannot achieve erection.
ANS: a, p. 400, A, LO=10.5, (2)
% correct 96 a= 96 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4 r = .19
APA=1.1; 1.3

102. In which phase does the refractory period occur for men?
a) excitement
b) plateau
Incorrect. The refractory period occurs for men during the final stage of the sexual response, called resolution.
c) orgasm
d) resolution
Correct. The refractory period occurs for men during the final stage of the sexual response, called resolution.
ANS: d, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)
% correct 87 a= 4 b= 2 c= 8 d= 87 r = .56

103. Dante’s penis has experienced contractions and is about to release semen. He is likely to be in the ________
stage of the sexual response cycle, according to Masters and Johnson.
a) resolution
Incorrect. After sex is complete, this would be a more appropriate answer.
b) plateau
c) orgasm
Correct. This would be true based on the example provided.
d) excitement

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: c, p. 400, A, LO=10.5 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

104. Ben has finished having sex and has lost his erection, and his scrotal sac has begun to thin again. He is likely to
be in the ________ stage of the sexual response cycle, according to Masters and Johnson.
a) resolution
Correct. After sex is complete and his body returns to his unaroused state, he would exhibit these symptoms.
b) plateau
c) orgasm
Incorrect. This would not be true based on the example provided.
d) excitement
ANS: a, p. 400, A, LO=10.5 (1)
% correct 96 a= 96 b= 2 c= 2 d=0 r = .63
APA=1.1; 1.3

105. Melvin finished having sex approximately 30 minutes ago and his partner is interested in having sex again.
However, Melvin is not able to achieve an erection. Melvin is in the ________.
a) refractory period
Correct. This is the time where he is unable to achieve another erection.
b) stagnation period
c) seminal period
d) growth period
Incorrect. This is not a term used to describe this period.
ANS: a, p. 400, A, LO=10.5 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

106. Masters and Johnson reported that unlike men, women ________.
a) can only achieve 1 orgasm in a 12-hour period
Incorrect. Research does suggest that women do not have a refractory period.
b) do not have a refractory period and can achieve many orgasms during a sexual encounter
Correct. Masters and Johnson found this to be true, as opposed to men, who have a refractory period.
c) need more stimulation to achieve an orgasm with oral sex
d) have a longer refractory period than men
ANS: b, p. 400, F, LO=10.5 (2)
% correct 95 a= 0 b= 95 c= 0 d= 5 r = .41
APA=1.1; 1.2

107. Which statement is consistent with Masters and Johnson’s findings?

a) Women respond more slowly but cannot stay aroused as long as men.
b) Many women can have multiple orgasms.
Correct. This is one of the findings of Masters and Johnson’s work.
c) Women experience a refractory period prior to orgasm.
d) Women admit that size matters.
Incorrect. Whether or not this is true, it was not one of the major findings of Masters and Johnson.
ANS: b, p. 400, F, LO=10.5, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.2

108. One seemingly amazing aspect of Masters and Johnson’s research program concerning human sexual response
was ________.
a) their ability to get senior citizens to volunteer as subjects in the first studies
b) that the study was funded by churches open to discovering ways to prevent masturbation
Incorrect. Masters and Johnson’s research was not funded by churches.
c) that they were able to convince the press to keep the research secret for a long period of time
Correct. Masters and Johnson were able to convince the press to keep the research secret for 12 years.
d) they were able to convince people to participate without offering any payment or other form of
ANS: c, p. 401, F, LO=10.5, (2)

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
109. Masters and Johnson’s original subjects in the study of human sexual response were ________.
a) prostitutes
Correct. Masters and Johnson’s original subjects in the study of human sexual response were prostitutes.
b) church elders and parishioners
c) prisoners in the local jails
d) volunteers from introductory psychology classes
Incorrect. Masters and Johnson’s original subjects in the study of human sexual response were prostitutes.
ANS: a, p. 401, F, LO=10.5, (1)
% correct 83 a= 83 b= 8 c= 4 d= 6 r = .54

Learning Objective 10.6 - What did the early and most recent surveys of human sexual behavior reveal?

110. The first systematic surveys of sexual behavior were conducted in the 1950s by ________.
a) Masters and Johnson
b) Virginia Johnson
c) Alfred Kinsey
Correct. Kinsey conducted the first study of its type in the 1950s.
d) Sigmund Freud
Incorrect. Though he had quite a bit to say about sex, Freud did not conduct research in sexual behaviors.
ANS: c, p. 402, F, LO=10.6, (1)

111. Kinsey believed that ________.

a) sexual orientation was an either/or situation
Incorrect. Kinsey believed that sexual orientation was not an either/or situation but rather that it was on a
b) sexual orientation was on a continuum
Correct. Kinsey believed that sexual orientation was on a continuum.
c) sexual orientation was too sensitive to be studied
d) premarital sex was fundamentally destructive to society
ANS: b, p. 403, C, LO=10.6, (2)
% correct 78 a= 12 b= 78 c= 11 d= 0 r = .42
% correct 73 a= 23 b= 73 c= 2 d= 0 r = .45

112. Which is NOT one of the usual criticisms of Kinsey’s methodologies?

a) Most of the volunteers were homosexual.
Correct. Kinsey’s critics did not claim that most of the volunteers were homosexual.
b) The sample was not broad enough to cover all types of people.
c) Kinsey focused more on unusual types of sexual activity.
d) Because his research was often self-reported in nature, exaggeration and falsification occurred.
Incorrect. This is a legitimate criticism of Kinsey’s research.
ANS: a, p. 403, F, LO=10.6, (2)
% correct 69 a= 69 b= 6 c= 2 d= 23 r = .21
APA=1.2; 2.4

113. According to Kinsey, what percentage of women reported bisexual experiences?

a) under 2 percent
b) less than 20 percent
Correct. According to Kinsey, less than 20% of women reported bisexual experiences.
c) 42 percent
Incorrect. According to Kinsey, less than 20% of women reported bisexual experiences.
d) more than 50 percent
ANS: b, p. 403, F, LO= 10.6, (3)
APA=1.1; 1.2

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
114. According to Kinsey, what percentage of males reported masturbating?
a) 11 percent
Incorrect. According to Kinsey, 92 percent of males reported masturbating.
b) 14 percent
c) 92 percent
Correct. According to Kinsey, 92 percent of males reported masturbating.
d) 26 percent
ANS: c, p. 403, F, LO=10.6, (2)
% correct 71 a= 4 b= 0 c= 71 d= 25 r = .22
APA=1.1; 1.2

115. According to Kinsey’s sexual behavior study, approximately ________ percent of men and ________ percent
of women has had sexual intercourse by the age of 16.
a) 63 percent; 48 percent
Incorrect. According to Kinsey, 21 percent of men and 6 percent of women had sexual intercourse by age 16.
b) 42 percent; 27 percent
c) 21 percent; 6 percent
Correct. According to Kinsey, 21 percent of men and 6 percent of women had sexual intercourse by age 16.
d) 99 percent; 99 percent
ANS: c, p. 403, F, LO=10.6, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.2

116. The first large-scale study of human behavior to be done after the Kinsey and Masters and Johnson reports was
conducted by ________.
a) Janus and Janus
Correct. The Januses did the first major study after Kinsey.
b) Hite and Rose
c) Hilton and Paris
Incorrect. The Januses did the first major study after Kinsey.
d) Erickson and Schlomo
ANS: a, p. 403, F, LO=10.6, (2)
% correct 78 a= 78 b= 0 c= 19 d= 4 r = .30
% correct 82 a= 82 b= 12 c= 4 d= 2 r = .40

117. According to the Janus Report, what is the percentage of women who were predominantly homosexual?
a) 20 percent
Incorrect. According to the Janus Report, 5 percent of women were predominantly homosexual.
b) 46 percent
c) between 2 and 6 percent
Correct. According to the Janus Report, 5 percent of women were predominantly homosexual.
d) more than 90 percent
ANS: c, p. 403, F, LO=10.6, (3)
APA=1.1; 1.2

118. Age has been shown not to be a factor in a person’s desire to have sex. Which is NOT an accurate statement
about sex in later life?
a) Many people have more sex between the ages of 70 and 80 than in younger years.
Correct. Research did not support this statement.
b) Many people are sexually active well into their eighties.
c) A common barrier to sex is lack of a partner.
d) Physical issues could impact sex in later life.
Incorrect. This was reported to be an accurate statement according to research.
ANS: a, p. 404, F, LO=10.6, (2)
% correct 77 a= 77 b= 7 c= 11 d= 5 r = .37

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Learning Objective 10.7 - How do different sexual orientations develop?

119. Sexual ________ refers to enduring sexual attraction toward members of one’s own sex, the other sex, or both.
a) orientation
Correct. This is the correct definition of sexual orientation.
b) preference
Incorrect. The term “preference” is falling out of favor, as it incorrectly applies that one’s sexual attraction is a
matter of choice.
c) choice
d) identification
ANS: a, p. 404, F, LO=10.7, (1)

120. Richard is homosexual and has been for many years. Ever since high school, he knew that he was gay, although
he often wished that he was heterosexual. The fact that Richard is sexually attracted to men and not to women
defines his sexual ________.
a) attachment
b) identification
c) orientation
Correct. Our sexual orientation refers to the sex of people to whom we are sexually attracted.
d) preference
Incorrect. Sexual preference is a term that is often used as a substitute for sexual orientation, but it is not the best
answer to this question.
ANS: c, p. 404, A, LO=10.7, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

121. Which is the most socially acceptable form of sexual behavior in most cultures?
a) bisexuality
Incorrect. Heterosexuality is the most acceptable form of sexual behavior in most cultures.
b) homosexuality
c) heterosexuality
Correct. Heterosexuality is the most acceptable form of sexual behavior in most cultures.
d) All of these three forms are equally acceptable in most cultures.
ANS: c, p. 405, F, LO=10.7, (1)
% correct 100 a= 0 b= 0 c= 100 d= 0 r = .00

122. Most recent surveys indicate that ________ of men between the ages of 15 and 44 years are predominantly
a) 2.3 percent
Correct. Most recent surveys indicate that 2.3 percent of men are predominantly homosexual.
b) 9 percent
Incorrect. Most recent surveys indicate that 2.3 percent of men are predominantly homosexual.
c) 23 percent
d) 35 percent
ANS: a, p. 405, F, LO=10.7, (2)

123. Channel is a 43 year old female who has been in sexual relationships with both men and women in the past.
She is presently dating a 32 year old female and is thinking of moving to a state which legally recognizes marriage
between two women. She is thinking of getting married to her partner, despite still admitting that she finds both men
and women attractive. Channel is considered ________ in terms of her sexual orientation.
a) homosexual
Incorrect. She wants to marry another woman, but is also still attracted to men.
b) heterosexual
c) bisexual

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Correct. She is attracted to both men and women.
d) transsexual
ANS: c, p. 405, A, LO=10.7 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

124. Raphael has only dated men in the past. He stated that in high school, he began to notice that he was only
attracted to men. As a result, he has been in a relationship with a man for the past 5 years and is very happy. Raphael
is considered ________ in terms of his sexual orientation.
a) homosexual
Correct. He is attracted to the same sex.
b) heterosexual
c) bisexual
Incorrect. He is not attracted to both men and women.
d) transsexual
ANS: a, p. 405, A, LO=10.7 (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

125. James, a single man, is sexually attracted to men, but not women. According to your text, James is:
a) homosexual.
Correct. When a person is sexually attracted only to members of their own sex, they are homosexual.
b) heterosexual.
c) transsexual.
d) bisexual.
Incorrect. Bisexuality refers to a sexual attraction to members of either sex.
ANS: a, p. 405, A, LO=10.7, (1)
APA=1.1; 1.3

126. Over the past several years, several celebrities have openly discussed their desire for sexual experiences that are
satisfying, regardless of the sex of their partner. Most researchers would consider such individuals to be ________.
a) homosexual
Incorrect. When a person is sexually attracted only to members of their own sex, they are homosexual.
b) bisexual
Correct. Bisexuality refers to a sexual attraction to members of either sex.
c) transsexual
d) heterosexual
ANS: b, p. 405, A, LO=10.7, (3)
APA=1.1; 1.3

127. Lance is in the 12th grade and is presently dating the head cheerleader, Ava. Lance is attracted to Ava, who is
very feminine in her mannerisms, and Lance reports that he is attracted to girls who are petite and athletic. He and
his buddies like to go “cruising for girls” on the weekends, but he has never strayed from Ava and is thinking about
proposing to her after they graduate. He has never been attracted to any other boys. Lance is considered ________ in
terms of his sexual orientation.
a) homosexual
Incorrect. He is not attracted to the same sex.
b) heterosexual
Correct. He is attracted to Ava and has never been attracted to men.
c) bisexual
d) transsexual
ANS: b, p. 405, A, LO=10.7 (1)
% correct 96 a= 4 b= 96 c= 0 d= 0 r = .53
APA=1.1; 1.3

128. Severe stress experienced by a pregnant woman during the ________ trimester might increase the chance of a
male child becoming homosexual.
a) first

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
Incorrect. Stress during the second trimester might be related to an increased chance of homosexuality.
b) second
Correct. Stress during the second trimester might be related to an increased chance of homosexuality.
c) third
d) any
ANS: b, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (2)

129. According to research, the majority of gay or bisexual college men report they first became aware of their
sexual orientation in ________.
a) junior high or high school
Correct. Gay and bisexual men tend to become aware of their sexual orientation slightly earlier than lesbian and
bisexual women.
b) middle school
Incorrect. Junior high or high school was identified as the most reported time in this study in which individuals
became aware of their sexual orientation.
c) elementary school
d) before entering school
ANS: a, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (3)

130. According to research, the majority of gay or bisexual college women report they first became aware of their
sexual orientation in ________.
a) junior high or high school
b) middle school
Incorrect. Junior high or high school was identified as the most reported time in this study in which individuals
became aware of their sexual orientation.
c) elementary school
d) high school or college years
Correct. Lesbian and bisexual women tend to become aware of their sexual orientation slightly later than gay and
bisexual men.
ANS: a, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (3)

131. According to recent research, a male may be at a greater likelihood to be homosexual if he has:
a) older brothers.
Correct. This is sometimes called the fraternal birth-order effect.
b) younger brothers.
c) older sisters.
Incorrect. The effect was found with older brothers, not older sisters.
d) younger sisters.
ANS: a, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (2)

132. According to the fraternal birth-order effect, which of the following individuals is most likely to be gay?
a) Erick, who is the eldest of five brothers
b) Joseph, who has one older sister and one younger brother
c) Nicholas, who has three older sisters
Incorrect. The birth order theory of sexual orientation does not address older sisters; it only looks at the number of
older brothers a boy has.
d) Marquis, who has two older brothers
Correct. The birth order theory suggests that the more older brothers a boy has, the greater his chance of becoming
ANS: d, p. 407, A, LO=10.7, (3)

133. In male identical twins, if one of the twins is gay, the other has about a ________% chance of also being gay.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
a) 50
Correct. This is the correct estimate of concordance between monozygotic twins.
b) 25
Incorrect. The actual concordance rate is more like 50%.
c) 75
d) 100
ANS: a, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (1)

134. When examining the concordance rates of homosexuality between identical twins and fraternal twins or non-
twin siblings, the following has been reported by research: if one identical twin is gay, his brother has a ________%
chance of being gay as well. If a fraternal twin or a non-twin sibling is gay, his brother has a ________% chance of
being gay as well.
a) 75; 18
b) 52; 22
Correct. These are the concordance rates that are identified by your textbook.
c) 21; 7
d) 98; 33
Incorrect. These concordance rates are far too high for identical, fraternal, and nontwin siblings.
ANS: b, p. 407, F, LO=10.7, (2)

135. According to the results of research involving twins and family members, which of the following has been
a) Homosexual men tend to have more gay relatives on their father’s side of the family than on their
mother’s side of the family.
b) If a child has one gay parent, their chance of being gay rises by approximately 70%, even if they are not
raised by that parent.
Incorrect. There is nothing in twin or family pedigree studies that suggests this finding.
c) Genes may play at least some role in determining a person’s sexual orientation.
Correct. Twin and family pedigree studies are often used to demonstrate a genetic foundation for certain
psychological constructs.
d) Homosexual individuals have fewer homosexual siblings than heterosexual individuals, because the
siblings are able to observe the difficulties associated with being gay, and this encourages them to choose
to be heterosexual.
ANS: c, p. 407, C, LO=10.7, (2)

136. What have twin studies told us about sexual orientation?

a) They are clear in supporting that sexual orientation is influenced only by genetic factors.
Incorrect. Twin studies support both genetic and environmental factors in sexual orientation.
b) They clearly do not support the idea that sexual orientation is influenced by genetics.
c) Although supporting a genetic influence on sexual orientation, they do not rule out environmental
influences as a contributor.
Correct. Twin studies support both genetic and environmental factors in sexual orientation.
d) Twin studies have not been done in the matter of sexual orientation.
ANS: c, p. 407, C, LO=10.7, (2)
% correct 70 a= 18 b= 0 c= 70 d= 4 r = .27
APA=1.1; 2.1

137. Hamer and colleagues discovered that homosexuality may be transmitted by genes on the ________
chromosome, which is passed from mother to son, not father to son.
a) X
Correct. This is the correct chromosome.
b) Y
Incorrect. This was not shown in the research.
c) XX

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
d) YY
ANS: a, p. 408, F, LO=10.7, (1)
% correct 80 a= 80 b= 14 c= 2 d= 4 r = .40

138. Johnny is a gay man who has a wonderful relationship with his sister. He regularly babysits for her children,
and enjoys helping to raise them. Johnny’s availability to help with the kids, and his interest in doing so, supports
the ________ hypothesis of homosexuality.
a) diathesis-stress
Incorrect. This is a concept that addresses psychopathology, not the development of homosexuality.
b) gender schema
c) gender learning
d) kin selection
Correct. This hypothesis suggests that a homosexual person who cannot reproduce on their own might take a vested
interest in the nurturing of a young family member.
ANS: d, p. 408, A, LO=10.7, (2)
APA=1.2; 1.3

Sexual Dysfunctions and Problems

Learning Objective 10.8 - How do physical and psychological sexual problems differ?

139. A sexual ________ is a problem with sexual functioning, or the actual physical workings of the sex act.
a) dysfunction
Correct. A sexual dysfunction is a problem with the actual physical workings of the sex act.
b) malapropism
Incorrect. Malapropism is a term referring to the misuse of words and is not a sexual dysfunction.
c) deviation
d) shortcoming
ANS: a, p. 409, F, LO=10.8, (1)

140. Research shows that the ________ married couples are, the less interest and pleasure they take in sexual
activity, and the more they experience guilt, shame, and sexual inhibitions.
a) more conservative and traditional
Correct. Research shows that the more conservative and traditional married couples are, the less interest and
pleasure they take in sexual activity, and the more they experience guilt, shame, and sexual inhibitions.
b) less conservative and traditional
Incorrect. Research shows that the more conservative and traditional married couples are, the less interest and
pleasure they take in sexual activity, and the more they experience guilt, shame, and sexual inhibitions.
c) more affluent
d) poorer
ANS: a, p. 410, F, LO=10.8, (1)

141. Sexual problems that result from physical causes are referred to as ________.
a) lateral dysfunctions
Incorrect. Lateral dysfunctions is a term that does not appear in your textbook.
b) organic dysfunctions
Correct. Sexual problems that result from physical causes are referred to as organic dysfunctions.
c) hormonal deficit dysfunctions
d) cellular erectile difficulties
ANS: b, p. 410, F, LO=10.8, (1)

142. ________ is a disorder in which the person either prefers to, or must, achieve sexual arousal and fulfillment
through sexual behavior that is unusual or not socially acceptable.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
a) Traditional value erectile dysfunction
Incorrect. There is no such condition as traditional value erectile dysfunction.
b) Deviant sexual disorder
c) Sensate psychosis
d) A paraphilia
Correct. A paraphilia is a disorder in which a person either prefers to, or must, achieve sexual arousal and
fulfillment through sexual behavior that is unusual or not socially acceptable.
ANS: d, p. 410, F, LO=10.8, (1)
% correct 79 a= 0 b= 21 c= 0 d= 79 r = .25

143. Masters and Johnson recommended a technique called ________ for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
a) cognitive genital therapy
Incorrect. There is no such term as cognitive genital therapy. Masters and Johnson recommended sensate focus for
treatment of premature ejaculation.
b) general orgasmic psychotherapy
c) sensate focus
Correct. Masters and Johnson recommended sensate focus for treatment of premature ejaculation.
d) erectile massage therapy
ANS: c, p. 411, F, LO=10.8, (1)

144. Jaime enjoys sexual activity with his partner. However, he cannot reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse
even though fully aroused. Jaime is suffering from ________.
a) male erectile disorder
Incorrect. Jaime is suffering from male orgasmic disorder.
b) delayed ejaculation
Correct. Jaime does get fully aroused, which means he does have erections and is, therefore, not suffering from an
erectile disorder.
c) dyspareunia
d) premature ejaculation
ANS: b, p. 411, A, LO=10.8, (2)
APA=1.1; 1.3

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Learning Objective 10.9 - What are sexually transmitted infections, and what can be done to prevent the spread of
these disorders?

145. The abbreviation STI stands for ________.

a) standard transmission of illness
b) sinful transmission of iatrogenesis
c) socially transmitted ilk
Incorrect. STI stands for sexually transmitted infection.
d) sexually transmitted infection
Correct. STI stands for sexually transmitted infection.
ANS: d, p. 411, F, LO=10.9, (1)
% correct 100 a= 0 b= 0 c= 0 d= 100 r = .00

146. Which cause of a sexually transmitted disease is hardest to treat?

a) bacterial
Incorrect. Bacterial infections are easily treatable with antibiotics.
b) fungal
c) viral
Correct. Viral diseases are hardest to treat.
d) All are equally difficult to treat.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: c, p. 411, F, LO=10.9, (1)

147. Warty growths on the genitalia are caused by ________.

a) human papillomavirus (HPV)
Correct. Warty growths on the genitalia are caused by HPV.
b) bacterial infections
c) yeast infections
d) herpes simplex virus
Incorrect. Warty growths on the genitalia are caused by HPV.
ANS: a, p. 412, F, LO=10.9, (3)
% correct 50 a= 50 b= 11 c= 39 d= 1 r = .50

148. A foul-smelling, cloudy discharge from the penis and burning upon urination are symptomatic of ________.
b) syphilis
c) gonorrhea
Correct. Gonorrhea can produce a foul-smelling, cloudy discharge from the penis and burning upon urination.
d) genital herpes
Incorrect. Genital herpes produces sores on the genitals preceded by itching, burning, and throbbing where the
sores are about to appear.
ANS: c, p. 412, F, LO=10.9, (1)

149. Which of the following is caused by a virus?

Correct. AIDS is caused by a virus.
b) syphilis
Incorrect. Syphilis is caused by bacteria.
c) gonorrhea
d) chlamydia
ANS: a, p. 412, F, LO=10.9, (1)
% correct 91 a= 91 b= 4 c= 0 d= 5 r = .29

150. Which of the following is caused by a virus?

a) genital warts
Correct. Genital warts are caused by a virus.
b) syphilis
Incorrect. Syphilis is caused by bacteria.
c) gonorrhea
d) chlamydia
ANS: a, p. 412, F, LO=10.9, (1)

151. AIDS can be transmitted through ________.

a) blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk
Correct. AIDS can be transmitted through blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk.
b) blood only
Incorrect. AIDS can be transmitted through blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk.
c) tears
d) shaking of hands
ANS: a, p. 412, F, LO=10.9, (1)

152. AIDS CANNOT be transmitted through ________.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
a) blood
b) vaginal fluid
Incorrect. AIDS can be transmitted through vaginal fluid.
c) tears
Correct. AIDS cannot be transmitted through tears.
d) breast milk
ANS: c, p. 413, F, LO=10.9, (1)

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: The AIDS Epidemic in Russia

153. Approximately ________ of HIV-positive women in Russia became infected through heterosexual contact with
husbands or male lovers.
a) 25%
b) 33%
Incorrect. The actual number is twice this estimate.
c) 50%
d) 66%
Correct. This is the actual statistic reported in your text.
ANS: d, p. 414, F, LO=10.9, (2)

154. Which of the following groups of individuals is LEAST responsible for the increase in AIDS and HIV-
infection cases in Russia?
a) prostitutes
Incorrect. The group least responsible for AIDS and HIV in Russia is homosexual men.
b) drug users
c) heterosexual men
d) homosexual men
Correct. Despite common misconceptions, AIDS is not exclusively a “gay men” illness.
ANS: d, p. 414, F, LO=10.9, (1)


1. Primary sex characteristics are present at birth.

ANS: T, p. 388, LO=10.1

2. The growth of facial hair is a secondary sex characteristic.

ANS: T, p. 389, LO=10.1

3. A person with both male and female sex organs is called a transvestite.
ANS: F, p. 390, LO=10.1

4. A person with both male and female sex organs is called intersexual.
ANS: T, p. 390, LO=10.1

5. Developing one’s sense of being male or female is called the gender role.
ANS: F, p. 390, LO=10.2

6. A transsexual is a person who has his or her gender surgically reassigned.

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
ANS: T, p. 391, LO=10.2

7. When men and women view erotic pictures, the amygdala and hypothalamus were more strongly activated in men
than women.
ANS: T, p. 392, LO=10.2

8. Studies show that fathers are more concerned with gender-appropriate behavior for their sons than their daughters.
ANS: T, p. 393, LO=10.2
APA=1.1; 1.3

9. Countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England are more likely to have nontraditional views of
ANS: T, p. 393, LO=10.2

10. When children observe their same-sex parents behaving in certain ways and imitate that behavior, a psychologist
is most likely to use Freudian psychoanalysis to explain their behavior.
ANS: F, p. 396, LO=10.3

11. Females are stereotypically considered to be emotional.

ANS: T, p. 397, LO=10.3

12. A gender stereotype is the term to describe the acceptance of positive stereotypes of males and females that leads
to unequal treatment.
ANS: F, p. 397, LO=10.3

13. A man who is sensitive and nurturing as well as logical and assertive might be described as androgynous.
ANS: T, p. 397, LO=10.3

14. MRI technology has demonstrated that men listen with the right hemisphere of the brain.
ANS: F, p. 398, LO=10.4

15. Being concerned with how society affects their lives, women are more likely to talk about current events than
ANS: F, p. 398, LO=10.4

16. Research suggests that boys are taught to “hold their emotions” and girls are encouraged to form emotional
attachments and express emotionality.
ANS: T, p. 398, LO=10.4

17. Equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity was designed by Masters and Kinsey.
ANS: F, p. 399, LO=10.5
APA=1.2; 2.4

18. Masters and Johnson defined the four stages of the sexual response cycle as: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and
ANS: T, pp. 399–400, LO=10.5

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
19. The first phase of the sexual response cycle is called excitement.
ANS: T, p. 399, LO=10.5

20. The final phase of the sexual response cycle is called resolution.
ANS: T, p. 400, LO=10.5

21. Kinsey discovered, to everyone’s surprise, that only about 15 percent of people masturbated.
ANS: F, p. 403, LO=10.6
APA=1.1; 1.2

22. The first large-scale study of human sexual behavior to be done after the Kinsey and Masters and Johnson
reports was conducted by Janus and Janus.
ANS: T, p. 403, LO=10.6

23. Research suggests that many individuals continue to be sexually active well into their eighties. Barriers to sex at
an older age include health problems and lack of a partner, as opposed to lack of desire.
ANS: T, p. 404, LO=10.6

24. Sexual orientation refers to a concept about males or females that assigns characteristics to them on the basis of
nothing more than their being male or female.
ANS: F, p. 404, LO=10.7

25. Heterosexuality is accepted across different cultures. Homosexuals and bisexuals often face prejudice,
discrimination, and harassment.
ANS: T, p. 405, LO=10.7
APA=1.3; 5.1

26. Conclusive research has not been found to determine whether or not homosexuality is a product of biology or the
ANS: T, p. 406, LO=10.7

27. Twin studies suggest a genetic component to sexual orientation.

ANS: T, p. 407, LO=10.7
APA=1.1; 2.4

28. Research shows that the more conservative and traditional married couples are, the less interest and pleasure
they take in sexual activity, and the more they experience guilt, shame, and sexual inhibitions.
ANS: T, p. 410, LO=10.8

29. Genital warts are caused by a virus.

ANS: T, p. 412, LO=10.9

30. Phyllis goes out on a date and kisses a young man. Later, she finds out that he has AIDS. She fears that she
might get the disease. However, there is no scientific, documented proof of AIDS being passed to another through
ANS: T, p. 412, LO=10.9
APA=1.1; 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
31. Studies have shown that in some instances, women with HIV/AIDS have infected their children with the virus
when pre-chewing food and sharing it with them.
ANS: T, p. 413, LO=10.9


1. Name two primary sex characteristics in males.

p. 388, LO=10.1

2. Name at least two primary and secondary sex characteristics in females.

pp. 388–389, LO=10.1

3. Name at least two primary and secondary sex characteristics in males.

pp. 388–389, LO=10.1

4. Name two secondary sex characteristics in females.

p. 389, LO=10.1

5. How does the human body know which sex characteristics to develop?
p. 390, LO=10.1

6. How are gender roles and gender typing different?

p. 390, LO=10.2

7. What does the term gender identity mean?

p. 390, LO=10.2

8. Give an example of social learning theory as it applies to gender development.

p. 396, LO=10.3

9. What is an example of a cognitive difference between men and women?

p. 398, LO=10.4

10. List, in their proper order, the four stages of the sexual response cycle. How does the last stage differ from men
to women?
pp. 399–400, LO=10.5

11. Give an example of a sexually transmitted disease and its symptoms.

pp. 411–412, LO=10.9


1. How does the human body know which sex characteristics to develop beginning at the embryo stage? What is the
term for someone born with both sex organs, and what are some problems with sexual reassignment surgery?
pp. 390–391, LO=10.1 & 10.2

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.

2. What is the difference between a person’s gender, gender identity, gender roles, and gender typing? How do
biology, environment, and culture play a factor in this development?
pp. 390–393, LO=10.2
APA=1.1; 1.3

3. What are gender roles? How are gender and sex different? Summarize two theoretical approaches to the
development of gender roles in children.
pp. 390–393, LO=10.2
APA=1.1; 1.2

4. What is androgyny? Is our society becoming more or less androgynous? What are the potential advantages and
disadvantages of androgyny?
p. 397, LO=10.3

5. What are the four stages of the sexual response cycle? Describe the physiological changes that occur in men and
women in each stage.
pp. 399–400, LO=10.5
APA=1.1; 1.3

6. You are a counselor, and a couple comes to consult with you. They are worried that their high school age child is
homosexual. They want to know how this might have happened. What might you tell them, based on psychological
research, about the factors that determine sexual orientation?
pp. 405–408, LO=10.7
APA=1.1; 1.3

7. List and describe the symptoms of at least three different sexually transmitted infections (STIs), making sure that
your answer includes at least one viral and at least one bacterial STI.
p. 411–412, LO=10.9

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
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Title: Thoughts upon slavery

Author: John Wesley

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Original publication: United Kingdom: G. Paramore, 1792

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Printed by G. Paramore, North Green,
Worship-Street; and sold by G.
Whitfield, at the Chapel, City-Road;
and at the Methodist Preaching-
Houses, in Town and Country. 1792.

[Price TWO-PENCE.]
1. By Slavery I mean Domestic Slavery, or that of a servant to a
master. A late ingenious Writer well observes, “The variety of forms
in which Slavery appears, makes it almost impossible to convey a
just notion of it, by way of definition. There are however certain
properties which have accompanied Slavery in most places,
whereby it is easily distinguished from that mild domestic service
which obtains in our country.”[1]
[1] See Mr. Hargrave’s Plea for Somerset the Negro.
2. Slavery imports an obligation of perpetual service, an obligation
which only the consent of the master can dissolve. Neither in some
countries can the master himself dissolve it, without the consent of
judges appointed by the law. It generally gives the master an
arbitrary power of any correction, not affecting life or limb.
Sometimes even these are exposed to his will: or protected only by a
fine, or some slight punishment, too inconsiderable to restrain a
master of a harsh temper. It creates an incapacity of acquiring any
thing, except for the master’s benefit. It allows the master to alienate
the Slave, in the same manner as his cows and horses. Lastly it
descends in its full extent from parent to child, even to the last
3. The beginning of this may be dated from the remotest period, of
which we have an account in history. It commenced in the barbarous
State of Society, and in process of time spread into all nations. It
prevailed particularly among the Jews, the Greeks, the Romans, and
the ancient Germans: and was transmitted by them to the various
kingdoms and states, which arose out of the Roman empire. But
after christianity prevailed, it gradually fell into decline in almost all
parts of Europe. This great change began in Spain, about the end of
the eighth century: and was become general in most other kingdoms
of Europe, before the middle of the fourteenth.
4. From this time Slavery was nearly extinct, till the commencement
of the sixteenth century, when the discovery of America, and of the
Western and Eastern coasts of Africa, gave occasion to the revival of
it. It took its rise from the Portuguese, who to supply the Spaniards
with men, to cultivate their new possessions in America, procured
Negroes from Africa, whom they sold for Slaves to the American
Spaniards. This began in the year 1508, when they imported the first
Negroes into Hispaniola. In 1540, Charles the fifth, then King of
Spain, determined to put an end to Negro-Slavery: giving positive
orders, That all the Negro-Slaves in the Spanish dominions should
be set free. And this was accordingly done by Lagasca, whom he
sent and impowered to free them all, on condition of continuing to
labour for their masters. But soon after Lagasca returned to Spain,
Slavery returned and flourished as before. Afterwards other nations,
as they acquired possessions in America, followed the examples of
the Spaniards; and Slavery has taken deep root in most of our
American colonies.
Such is the nature of Slavery: such the beginning of Negro-Slavery
in America. But some may desire to know, what country it is, from
which the Negroes are brought? What sort of men, of what temper
and behaviour are they in their own country? And in what manner
they are generally procured, carried to, and treated in America?
1. And first, What kind of country is that from whence they are
brought? Is it so remarkably horrid, dreary and barren, that it is a
kindness to deliver them out of it? I believe many have apprehended
so: but it is an entire mistake, if we may give credit to those who
have lived many years therein, and could have no motive to
misrepresent it.
2. That part of Africa whence the Negroes are brought, commonly
known by the name of Guinea, extends along the coast, in the
whole, between three and four thousand miles. From the river
Senegal, (seventeen degrees North of the line) to Cape Sierra
Leona, it contains seven hundred miles. Thence it runs Eastward
about fifteen hundred miles, including the Grain-coast, the Ivory-
coast, the Gold-coast, and the Slave-coast, with the large kingdom of
Benin. From thence it runs Southward, about twelve hundred miles,
and contains the kingdoms of Congo and Angola.
3. Concerning the first, the Senegal coast, Mons. Bene, who lived
there sixteen years, after describing its fruitfulness near the sea,
says, “The farther you go from the sea, the more fruitful and well-
improved is the country, abounding in pulse, Indian corn, and various
fruits. Here are vast meadows, which feed large herds of great and
small cattle. And the villages which lie thick, shew the country is well
peopled.” And again: “I was surprized, to see the land so well
cultivated; scarce a spot lay unimproved: the low lands divided by
small canals, were all sowed with rice: the higher grounds were
planted with Indian corn, and peas of different sorts. Their beef is
excellent; poultry plenty, and very cheap, as are all the necessaries
of life.”
4. As to the Grain and Ivory-coast, we learn from eye-witnesses, that
the soil is in general fertile, producing abundance of rice and roots.
Indigo and cotton thrive without cultivation. Fish is in great plenty; the
flocks and herds are numerous, and the trees loaden with fruit.
5. The Gold-coast and Slave-coast, all who have seen it agree, is
exceeding fruitful and pleasant, producing vast quantities of rice and
other grain, plenty of fruit and roots, palm-wine and oil, and fish in
great abundance, with much tame and wild cattle. The very same
account is given us of the soil and produce of the kingdoms of Benin,
Congo and Angola. From which it appears, that Guinea in general, is
far from a horrid, dreary, barren country, is one of the most fruitful, as
well as the most pleasant countries in the known world. It is said
indeed to be unhealthy. And so it is to strangers, but perfectly
healthy to the native inhabitants.
6. Such is the country from which the Negroes are brought. We
come next to enquire, What sort of men they are, of what temper and
behaviour, not in our plantations, but in their native country. And here
likewise the surest way is to take our account from eye and ear-
witnesses. Now those who have lived in the Senegal country
observe, it is inhabited by three nations, the Jalofs, Fulis and
Mandingos. The king of the Jalofs has under him several Ministers,
who assist in the exercise of justice, the Chief Justice goes in circuit
through all his dominions, to hear complaints and determine
controversies. And the Viceroy goes with him, to inspect the
behaviour of the Alkadi, or Governor of each village. The Fulis are
governed by their chief men, who rule with much moderation. Few of
them will drink any thing stronger than water, being strict
Mahometans. The government is easy, because the people are of a
quiet and good disposition; and so well instructed in what is right,
that a man who wrongs another is the abomination of all.—They
desire no more land than they use, which they cultivate with great
care and industry: if any of them are known to be made Slaves by
the white men; they all join to redeem them. They not only support all
that are old, or blind, or lame among themselves: but have frequently
supplied the necessities of the Mandingos, when they were distrest
by famine.
7. The Mandingos, says Mons. Brue, are right Mahometans, drinking
neither wine nor brandy. They are industrious and laborious, keeping
their ground well cultivated, and breeding a good stock of cattle.
Every town has a Governor, and he appoints the labour of the
people. The men work the ground designed for corn; the women and
girls, the rice-ground. He afterwards divides the corn and rice,
among them: and decides all quarrels, if any arise. All the
Mahometan Negroes constantly go to public prayers thrice a day:
there being a Priest in every village, who regularly calls them
together: and it is surprising to see the modesty, attention and
reverence which they observe during their worship—These three
nations practise several trades; they have Smiths, Sadlers, Potters
and Weavers. And they are very ingenious at their several
occupations. Their Smiths not only make all the instruments of iron,
which they have occasion to use, but likewise work many things
neatly in gold and silver. It is chiefly the women and children who
weave fine cotton cloth, which they dye blue and black.
8. It was of these parts of Guinea, that Mons. Adanson,
Correspondent of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, from
1749, to 1753, gives the following account, both as to the country
and people, “Which way soever I turned my eyes, I beheld a perfect
image of pure nature: an agreeable solitude, bounded on every side
by a charming landscape; the rural situation of cottages, in the midst
of trees; the ease and quietness of the Negroes, reclined under the
shade of the spreading foliage, with the simplicity of their dress and
manners: the whole revived in my mind the idea of our first parents,
and I seemed to contemplate the world in its primitive state. They
are, generally speaking, very good natured, sociable and obliging. I
was not a little pleased with my first reception, and it fully convinced
me, that there ought to be a considerable abatement made, in the
accounts we have of the savage character of the Africans.” He adds,
“It is amazing that an illiterate people should reason so pertinently
concerning the heavenly bodies. There is no doubt, but that with
proper instruments, they would become excellent astronomers.”
9. The inhabitants of the Grain and Ivory-coast are represented by
those that deal with them, as sensible, courteous, and the fairest
traders on the coasts of Guinea. They rarely drink to excess: if any
do they are severely punished by the King’s order. They are seldom
troubled with war: if a difference happen between two nations, they
commonly end the dispute amicably.
10. The inhabitants of the Gold and Slave-coast likewise, when they
are not artfully incensed against each other, live in great union and
friendship, being generally well tempered, civil, tractable, and ready
to help any that need it. In particular, the natives of the kingdom of
Whidah, are civil, kind, and obliging to strangers. And they are the
most gentleman-like of all the Negroes, abounding in good manners
toward each other. The inferiors pay the utmost respect to their
superiors: so wives to their husbands, children to their parents. And
they are remarkably industrious; all are constantly employed; the
men in agriculture, the women in spinning and weaving cotton.
11. The Gold and Slave-coasts are divided into several districts,
some governed by Kings, others by the principal men, who take care
each of their own town or village, and prevent or appease tumults.
They punish murder and adultery severely; very frequently with
death. Theft and robbery are punished by a fine proportionable to the
goods that were taken.—All the natives of this coast, though
heathens, believe there is one God, the Author of them and all
things. They appear likewise to have a confused apprehension of a
future state. And accordingly every town and village has a place of
public worship.—It is remarkable that they have no beggars among
them; such is the care of the chief men, in every city and village, to
provide some easy labour, even for the old and weak. Some are
employed in blowing the Smith’s bellows; others in pressing palm-oil;
others in grinding of colours. If they are too weak even for this, they
sell provisions in the market.
12. The natives of the kingdom of Benin are a reasonable and good-
natured people. They are sincere and inoffensive, and do no
injustice either to one another or to strangers. They are eminently
civil and courteous: if you make them a present, they endeavour to
repay it double. And if they are trusted, till the ship returns the next
year, they are sure honestly to pay the whole debt. Theft is punished
among them, although not with the same severity as murder. If a
man and woman of any quality, are taken in adultery, they are certain
to be put to death, and their bodies thrown on a dunghill, and left a
prey to wild beasts. They are punctually just and honest in their
dealings; and are also very charitable: the King and the great Lords
taking care to employ all that are capable of any work. And those
that are utterly helpless they keep for God’s sake; so that here also
are no beggars. The inhabitants of Congo and Angola are generally
a quiet people. They discover a good understanding, and behave in
a friendly manner to strangers, being of a mild temper and an affable
carriage.——Upon the whole therefore the Negroes who inhabit the
coast of Africa, from the river Senegal to the Southern bounds of
Angola, are so far from being the stupid, senseless, brutish, lazy
barbarians, the fierce, cruel, perfidious Savages they have been
described, that on the contrary, they are represented by them who
have no motive to flatter them, as remarkably sensible, considering
the few advantages they have for improving their understanding: as
industrious to the highest degree, perhaps more so than any other
natives of so warm a climate: as fair, just and honest in all their
dealings, unless where white men have taught them to be otherwise:
and as far more mild, friendly and kind to strangers, than any of our
forefathers were. Our forefathers! Where shall we find at this day,
among the fair-faced natives of Europe, a nation generally practising
the justice, mercy, and truth, which are found among these poor
Africans? Suppose the preceding accounts are true, (which I see no
reason or pretence to doubt of,) and we may leave England and
France, to seek genuine honesty in Benin, Congo, or Angola.
We have now seen what kind of country it is, from which the
Negroes are brought: and what sort of men (even white men being
the judges) they were in their own country. Enquire we, thirdly, In
what manner are they generally procured, carried to, and treated in
1. First. In what manner are they procured? Part of them by fraud.
Captains of ships from time to time, invited Negroes to come on
board, and then carried them away. But far more have been
procured by force. The Christians landing upon their coasts, seized
as many as they found, men, women and children, and transported
them to America. It was about 1551, that the English began trading
to Guinea: at first, for gold and Elephant’s teeth, but soon after, for
men. In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed with two ships to Cape Verd,
where he sent eighty men on shore to catch Negroes. But the
natives flying, they fell farther down, and there set the men on shore,
“to burn their towns and take the inhabitants.” But they met with such
resistance, that they had seven men killed, and took but ten
Negroes. So they went still farther down, till having taken enough,
they proceeded to the West-Indies and sold them.
2. It was some time before the Europeans found a more
compendious way of procuring African Slaves, by prevailing upon
them to make war upon each other, and to sell their prisoners. Till
then they seldom had any wars: but were in general quiet and
peaceable. But the white men first taught them drunkenness and
avarice, and then hired them to sell one another. Nay, by this means,
even their Kings are induced to sell their own subjects. So Mr. Moore
(Factor of the African Company in 1730) informs us, “When the King
of Barsalli wants goods or brandy, he sends to the English Governor
at James’ Fort, who immediately sends a sloop. Against the time it
arrives, he plunders some of his neighbours’ towns, selling the
people for the goods he wants. At other times he falls upon one of
his own towns, and makes bold to sell his own subjects.” So Mons.
Brue says, “I wrote to the King” (not the same) “if he had a sufficient
number of slaves I would treat with him. He seized three hundred of
his own people, and sent word he was ready to deliver them for
goods.” He adds, “Some of the natives are always ready” (when well
paid) “to surprize and carry off their own countrymen. They come at
night without noise, and if they find any lone cottage, surround it and
carry off all the people.”—Barbot, (another French Factor) says,
“Many of the Slaves sold by the Negroes are prisoners of war, or
taken in the incursions they make into their enemy’s territories.
Others are stolen. Abundance of little Blacks of both sexes, are
stolen away by their neighbours, when found abroad on the road, or
in the woods, or else in the corn-fields, at the time of year when their
parents keep them there all day to scare away the devouring birds.”
That their own parents sell them, is utterly false: Whites not Blacks,
are without natural affection!
3. To set the manner wherein Negroes are procured in a yet stronger
light, it will suffice to give an extract of two voyages to Guinea on this
account. The first is taken verbatim from the original manuscript of
the Surgeon’s Journal.
“Sestro, Dec. 29, 1724. No trade to-day, though many traders came
on board. They informed us, that the people are gone to war within
land, and will bring prisoners enough in two or three days; in hopes
of which we stay.
“The 30th. No trade yet: but our traders came on board to-day, and
informed us the people had burnt four towns: so that to-morrow we
expect slaves off.
“The 31st, Fair weather; but no trading yet. We see each night towns
burning. But we hear many of the Sestro men are killed by the inland
Negroes: so that we fear this war will be unsuccessful.
“The second of January. Last night we saw a prodigious fire break
out about eleven o’clock, and this morning see the town of Sestro
burnt down to the ground.” (It contained some hundred houses.) “So
that we find their enemies are too hard for them at present, and
consequently our trade spoiled here. Therefore about seven o’clock
we weighed anchor, to proceed lower down.”
4. The second Extract taken from the Journal of a Surgeon, who
went from New-York on the same trade, is as follows. “The
Commander of the vessel sent to acquaint the King, that he wanted
a cargo of slaves. The King promised to furnish him, and in order to
it, set out, designing to surprize some town, and make all the people
prisoners. Some time after, the King sent him word, he had not yet
met with the desired success: having attempted to break up two
towns, but having been twice repulsed: but that he still hoped to
procure the number of Slaves. In this design he persisted, till he met
his enemies in the field. A battle was fought, which lasted three days.
And the engagement was so bloody, that four thousand five hundred
men were slain upon the spot.”——Such is the manner wherein the
Negroes are procured! Thus the Christians preach the Gospel to the
5. Thus they are procured. But in what numbers and in what manner
are they carried to America?——Mr. Anderson in his history of Trade
and Commerce, observes, “England supplies her American Colonies
with Negro-slaves, amounting in number to about a hundred
thousand every year.” That is, so many are taken on board our ships;
but at least ten thousand of them die in the voyage: about a fourth
part more die at the different Islands, in what is called the
Seasoning. So that at an average, in the passage and seasoning
together, thirty thousand die: that is, properly are murdered. O earth,
O sea, cover not thou their blood!
6. When they are brought down to the shore in order to be sold, our
Surgeons thoroughly examine them, and that quite naked, women
and men, without any distinction: those that are approved are set on
one side. In the mean time a burning iron, with the arms or name of
the Company, lies in the fire, with which they are marked on the
breast. Before they are put into the ships, their masters strip them of
all they have on their backs: so that they come on board stark naked,
women as well as men. It is common for several hundred of them to
be put on board one vessel: where they are stowed together in as
little room as it is possible for them to be crowded. It is easy to
suppose what a condition they must soon be in, between heat, thirst
and stench of various kinds. So that it is no wonder, so many should
die in the passage; but rather that any survive it.
7. When the vessels arrive at their destined port, the Negroes are
again exposed naked, to the eyes of all that flock together, and the
examination of their purchasers; then they are separated to the
plantations of their several masters, to see each other no more. Here
you may see mothers hanging over their daughters, bedewing their
naked breasts with tears, and daughters clinging to their parents, till
the whipper soon obliges them to part. And what can be more
wretched than the condition they then enter upon? Banished from
their country, from their friends and relations for ever, from every
comfort of life, they are reduced to a state scarce any way preferable
to that of beasts of burden. In general a few roots, not of the nicest
kind, usually yams or potatoes, are their food, and two rags, that
neither screen them from the heat of the day, nor the cold of the
night their covering. Their sleep is very short, their labour continual,
and frequently above their strength; so that death sets many of them
at liberty, before they have lived out half their days. The time they
work in the West-Indies, is from day-break to noon, and from two
o’clock till dark: during which time they are attended by overseers,
who, if they think them dilatory, or think any thing not so well done as
it should be, whip them most unmercifully, so that you may see their
bodies long after whealed and scarred usually from the shoulders to
the waist. And before they are suffered to go to their quarters, they
have commonly something to do, as collecting herbage for the
horses, or gathering fewel for the boilers. So that it is often past
twelve before they can get home. Hence if their food is not prepared,
they are some times called to labour again, before they can satisfy
their hunger. And no excuse will avail. If they are not in the field
immediately, they must expect to feel the lash. Did the Creator intend
that the noblest creatures in the visible world, should live such a life
as this! “Are these thy glorious works, Parent of Good?”
8. As to the punishment inflicted on them, says Sir Hans Sloan, “they
frequently geld them, or chop off half a foot: after they are whipped
till they are raw all over. Some put pepper and salt upon them: some
drop melted wax upon their skin. Others cut off their ears, and
constrain them to broil and eat them. For Rebellion,” (that is,
asserting their native Liberty, which they have as much right to as to
the air they breathe) “they fasten them down to the ground with
crooked sticks on every limb, and then applying fire by degrees, to
the feet and hands, they burn them gradually upward to the head.”
9. But will not the laws made in the plantations, prevent or redress all
cruelty and oppression? We will take but a few of those laws for a
specimen, and then let any man judge.
In order to rivet the chain of slavery, the law of Virginia ordains, “That
no slave shall be set free, upon any pretence whatever, except for
some meritorious services, to be adjudged and allowed by the
Governor and Council: and that where any slave shall be set free by
his owner, otherwise than is herein directed, the Church-wardens of
the parish wherein such negro shall reside for the space of one
month are hereby authorized and required, to take up and sell the
said negro, by public outcry.”
10. Will not these Law-givers take effectual care, to prevent cruelty
and oppression?
The law of Jamaica ordains, “Every slave that shall run away, and
continue absent from his master twelve months, shall be deemed
rebellious:” And by another law, fifty pounds are allowed, to those
who kill or bring in alive a rebellious slave. So their law treats these
poor men with as little ceremony and consideration, as if they were
merely brute beasts! But the innocent blood which is shed in
consequence of such a detestable law, must call for vengeance on
the murderous abetters and actors of such deliberate wickedness.
11. But the law of Barbadoes exceeds even this, “If any negro under
punishment, by his master, or his order, for running away, or any
other crime or misdemeanor, shall suffer in life or member, no person
whatsoever shall be liable to any fine therefore. But if any man, of
wantonness, or only of bloody-mindedness or cruel intention, wilfully
kill a negro of his own” (Now observe the severe punishment!) “He
shall pay into the public treasury fifteen pounds sterling! And not be
liable to any other punishment or forfeiture for the same!”
Nearly allied to this is that law of Virginia: “After proclamation is
issued against slaves that run away, it is lawful for any person
whatsoever to kill and destroy such slaves, by such ways and means
as he shall think fit.”
We have seen already some of the ways and means which have
been thought fit on such occasions. And many more might be
mentioned. One Gentleman, when I was abroad, thought fit to roast
his slave alive! But if the most natural act of “running away” from
intolerable tyranny, deserves such relentless severity, what
punishment have these Law-makers to expect hereafter, on account
of their own enormous offences?
1. This is the plain, unaggravated matter of fact. Such is the manner
wherein our African slaves are procured: such the manner wherein
they are removed from their native land, and wherein they are
treated in our plantations. I would now enquire, whether these things
can be defended, on the principles of even heathen honesty?
Whether they can be reconciled (setting the Bible out of the
question) with any degree of either justice or mercy?
2. The grand plea is, “They are authorized by law.” But can law,
Human Law, change the nature of things? Can it turn darkness into
light, or evil into good? By no means. Notwithstanding ten thousand
laws, right is right, and wrong is wrong still. There must still remain
an essential difference between justice and injustice, cruelty and
mercy. So that I still ask, who can reconcile this treatment of the
negroes, first and last, with either mercy or justice?
Where is the justice of inflicting the severest evils, on those that have
done us no wrong? Of depriving those that never injured us in word
or deed, of every comfort of life? Of tearing them from their native
country, and depriving them of liberty itself? To which an Angolan,
has the same natural right as an Englishman, and on which he sets
as high a value? Yea, where is the justice of taking away the lives of
innocent, inoffensive men? Murdering thousands of them in their
own land, by the hands of their own countrymen: many thousands,
year after year, on shipboard, and then casting them like dung into
the sea! And tens of thousands in that cruel slavery, to which they
are so unjustly reduced?
3. But waving, for the present, all other considerations, I strike at the
root of this complicated villany. I absolutely deny all slave-holding to
be consistent with any degree of natural justice.
I cannot place this in a clearer light, than that great ornament of his
profession, Judge Blackstone has already done. Part of his words
are as follows:
“The three origins of the right of slavery assigned by Justinian, are all
built upon false foundations. 1. Slavery is said to arise from captivity
in war. The conqueror having a right to the life of his captive, if he
spares that, has then a right to deal with them as he speaks. But this
is untrue, if taken generally, That by the laws of nations, a man has a
right to kill his enemy. He has only a right to kill him in particular
cases, in cases of absolute necessity for self-defence. And it is plain,
this absolute necessity did not subsist, since he did not kill him, but
made him prisoner. War itself is justifiable only on principles of self-
preservation. Therefore it gives us no right over prisoners, but to
hinder their hurting us by confining them. Much less can it give a
right to torture, or kill, or even enslave an enemy when the war is
over. Since therefore the right of making our prisoners slaves,
depends on a supposed right of slaughter, that foundation failing, the
consequence which is drawn from it must fail likewise.”
“It is said secondly, Slavery may begin, by one man’s selling himself
to another. And it is true, a man may sell himself to work for another;
but he can not sell himself to be a slave, as above defined. Every
sale implies an equivalent given to the seller, in lieu of what he
transfers to the buyer. But what equivalent can be given for life or
liberty? His property likewise, with the very price which he seems to
receive, devolves ipso facto to his master, the instant he becomes
his slave: in this case therefore the buyer gives nothing. Of what
validity then can a sale be, which destroys the very principle upon
which all sales are founded?”
“We are told, Thirdly, that men may be born slaves, by being the
children of slaves. But this being built upon the two former rights
must fall together with them, if neither captivity, nor contract can by
the plain law of nature and reason, reduce the parent to a state of
slavery, much less can they reduce the offspring.” It clearly follows,
that all slavery is as irreconcileable to justice as to mercy.
4. That slave-holding is utterly inconsistent with mercy, is almost too
plain to need a proof. Indeed it is said, “That these negroes being
prisoners of war, our captains and factors buy them, merely to save
them from being put to death. And is not this mercy?” I answer, 1.
Did Sir John Hawkins, and many others, seize upon men, women

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