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Psychology Syllabus (insert your name)

Fall and Spring 2019/2020 (insert your email)

Course Description
The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the
behavior and mental processes of human beings.

 Students learn about some of the explorations and discoveries made by psychologists over the past

 Students assess some of the differing approaches adopted by psychologists, including the
biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, and sociocultural perspectives.

 Most important, students come to an appreciation of how psychologists think (or at least an
appreciation of the kind of critical analysis that psychologists espouse and hope to model in their
words and actions).

Required Text (insert your textbook)

Required Materials District-issued tablets

Notebook(s) for class notes and textbook readings
Paper, pens, and pencils

Grading: Tests/Quizzes: 50%

In-Class Assignments: 20%
Notebooks: 20%
Class Participation: 10%

Study Halls:
Study halls take place from August-April one day per week immediately after school for an hour. Most
study halls take place on Wednesday, but the specific day may vary depending on the week. Students
who attend a full study hall are able to receive extra credit for their attendance and participation. While
attendance is not required it is strongly encouraged as means of review and reinforcement for the vast
amounts of content covered throughout the year. As the AP Test approaches, study hall frequency and
time intensifies in April and the first week or two of May. A contract will be sent home with students in
late March regarding the intensified study hall schedule.

A.P. Test
As per the A.P. contract, all students are required to take the A.P. Exam in May. Failing to sign up and
pay for the test will result in the student taking a final of equal-or-greater difficulty to the A.P. Test itself
as well as impact the student’s future enrollment in A.P. classes at Lathrop High.

Homework will generally present itself in the form of writing assignments—usually take-home notes that
are to be read, written, and reviewed the next day in class. All homework assignments will be posted on
OneNote for those who are absent; missed work is due the day after the student returns to class. Long
absences, illnesses, or other issues will be addressed individually.
Participation will be accounted for on completion of readings and random selection questions about the
readings as we review. Readings will be checked every day at the beginning of class.

Late Work:
Students are allowed to turn work in a day late with a 50% markdown penalty. Any turn-ins more than a
day late will not be accepted and will be entered into the gradebook as a zero.

Any misbehaving, disrupting class, or misuse of time will be met with the following discipline plan:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Loss of Points
3. Lunch Detention
4. Parents Contacted
5. Referral

Schedule (subject to change)

Content will be covered in the following order, with roughly two weeks per topic for a block schedule,
and approximately 4 weeks for a regular schedule. Additionally, the textbook follows the same order,
and individual reading to follow along with each topic is strongly encouraged.

 Scientific Foundations & Research Methods

 Biological Bases of Behavior
 Sensation and Perception
 Consciousness & Learning
 Cognition
 Developmental Psychology
 Motivation, Emotion, Personality, & Intelligence
 Clinical Psychology
 Social Psychology

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