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Developmental Psychology © 2013 American Psychological Association

2014, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1026 –1036 0012-1649/14/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0035187

Orthographic and Phonological Contributions to Reading Development:

Tracking Developmental Trajectories Using Masked Priming

Johannes C. Ziegler and Daisy Bertrand Bernard Lété

Aix-Marseille Université and Centre National de la Recherche Université de Lyon
Scientifique, Marseille, France

Jonathan Grainger
Aix-Marseille Université and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseille, France
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

The present study used a variant of masked priming to track the development of 2 marker effects of
orthographic and phonological processing from Grade 1 through Grade 5 in a cross-sectional study.
Pseudohomophone (PsH) priming served as a marker for phonological processing, whereas transposed-
letter (TL) priming was a marker for coarse-grained orthographic processing. The results revealed a clear
developmental picture. First, the PsH priming effect was significant and remained stable across devel-
opment, suggesting that phonology not only plays an important role in early reading development but
continues to exert a robust influence throughout reading development. This finding challenges the view
that more advanced readers should rely less on phonological information than younger readers. Second,
the TL priming effect increased monotonically with grade level and reading age, which suggests greater
reliance on coarse-grained orthographic coding as children become better readers. Thus, TL priming
effects seem to be a good marker effect for children’s ability to use coarse-grained orthographic coding
to speed up direct lexical access in alphabetic languages. The results were predicted by the dual-route
model of orthographic processing, which suggests that direct orthographic access is achieved through
coarse-grained orthographic coding that tolerates some degree of flexibility in letter order.

Keywords: pseudohomophone, transposed letter, lexical decision, dual route, reading development

Theories of reading development highlight two core processes: orthographic development remains rather sketchy (Castles & Na-
phonological decoding and orthographic development (Frith, tion, 2006). The key idea of all major theories on reading devel-
1985; Grainger & Ziegler, 2011; Share, 1995; Ziegler & Goswami, opment is that once children know letters and their names, they
2005; Ziegler, Perry, & Zorzi, in press). Although much is known apply this knowledge to learn about letter–sound correspondences
about phonological decoding and its fundamental role in reading (Treiman, Sotak, & Bowman, 2001). The initially serial applica-
development (Goswami, Ziegler, Dalton, & Schneider, 2001; tion of these letter–sound correspondences (serial decoding strat-
2003; Treiman, Goswami, & Bruck, 1990), our knowledge about egy) allows the child to access whole word phonology and,
through this, meaning. Every successfully decoded word provides
the child with an opportunity to set up direct connections between
This article was published Online First December 2, 2013. a given letter string (orthography) and the spoken word (phonol-
Johannes C. Ziegler and Daisy Bertrand, Laboratoire de Psychologie ogy), which results in the development of an orthographic lexicon.
Cognitive, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France, and Centre Na- This learning loop has been recently implemented in a computa-
tional de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseille, France; Bernard Lété, tional model of reading development (Ziegler et al., in press).
Laboratoire d’Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs, Université de Lyon, Lyon, The prediction that follows from this general framework is that
France; Jonathan Grainger, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Aix-
the development of an orthographic lexicon should progressively
Marseille Université and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
reduce the impact of phonological decoding on reading as children
Daisy Bertrand is now at the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Gestion
d’Aix-Marseille, Faculté d’Economie et de Gestion, Aix-Marseille Univer- become skilled readers, whereas reliance on orthographic access
sité, Aix-en-Provence, France. processes should increase. Although this prediction is straightfor-
This research was supported by a grant from the European Research ward, the available data seem to suggest a more complex picture.
Council (ERC Grant 230313) to Jonathan Grainger. It was carried out First of all, robust effects of phonological manipulations—such as
within the Labex BLRI (ANR-11-LABX-0036) and has benefited from when people incorrectly classify a pseudohomophone (roze) as a
support from the French government, managed by the French National member of a semantic category (flower)—are still found in skilled
Agency for Research, Investments of the Future AⴱMIDEX (ANR-11-
adult readers (Booth, Perfetti, & MacWhinney, 1999; Braun, Hut-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Johannes zler, Ziegler, Dambacher, & Jacobs, 2009; Diependaele, Ziegler, &
C. Ziegler, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (LPC, UMR7290), Aix- Grainger, 2010; Ferrand & Grainger, 1992; Frost, 1998; Lukatela
Marseille Université, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille, France. & Turvey, 1994a, 1994b; Rastle & Brysbaert, 2006; Van Orden,
E-mail: 1987; Ziegler, Van Orden, & Jacobs, 1997). Thus, phonological


information continues to play a role in skilled reading even if the tions? In fact, due to the complex decision operations that are
nature of the phonological activation changes in the course of inherent to the lexical decision task (Dufau, Grainger, & Ziegler,
reading development. For example, the slow and serial activation 2012), using PsH and TL nonwords as stimuli for the “no” re-
of phonology that characterizes early decoding strategies must be sponses makes it rather difficult to interpret the size of these
gradually replaced by a more rapid and parallel process, as sug- effects as a pure reflection of either orthographic or phonological
gested by the dramatic reduction of the word length effects in the processes that underlie task performance.
course of reading development (Acha & Perea, 2008; Aghababian One solution to this dilemma is to use masked priming meth-
& Nazir, 2000; Ziegler, Perry, Ma-Wyatt, Ladner, & Schulte- odology, as has been done by Castles et al. (2007); Lété and Fayol
Korne, 2003). (2013), and Acha and Perea (2008). The advantage of masked
Second, there are problems with the prediction that reliance on priming is that PsH and TL nonwords are no longer used as stimuli
orthographic access processes should increase during reading de- that participants have to reject but are used as subliminally pre-
velopment. If we take the existence of the transposed letter (TL) sented primes, which require no response or decision. Priming
effect (caniso primes CASINO) as the hallmark of orthographic effects are measured as decrease (facilitation) in response speed
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

processing (e.g., Acha & Perea, 2008; Castles, Davis, Cavalot, & when the target is preceded by a related TL or PsH prime com-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Forster, 2007; Grainger, 2008; Grainger, Kiyonaga, & Holcomb, pared with an unrelated but orthographically matched control
2006; Lété & Fayol, 2013; Perea & Lupker, 2004; Ziegler et al., prime. That is, in both critical priming conditions, participants
2013), the resulting picture is not straightforward because Castles respond “yes” to a target word that is preceded either by a PsH
et al. (2007) found TL effects to diminish with reading age, prime, a TL prime, or an orthographically matched control prime.
whereas Lété and Fayol (2013) found them to increase with Thus, facilitatory TL priming (caniso primes CASINO more than
reading age. Cross-language differences can hardly explain this its yoked control prime) can be unequivocally attributed to reliance
discrepancy because Acha and Perea (2008) found the same pat- on coarse-grained or flexible orthographic processing, that is,
tern as Castles et al. (2007) although their study was conducted in orthographic activation that tolerates some degree of mismatch in
Spanish, which is much more regular than English. Apart from letter positions and/or letter orders (Davis, 2010; Gomez, Ratcliff,
these discrepancies, none of the previously mentioned studies & Perea, 2008; Whitney, 2001). In contrast, facilitatory PsH ef-
investigated the joint effects of orthographic and phonological fects (brane primes BRAIN more than its yoked control) can
development. Given that models of reading development predict a unequivocally be attributed to the sublexical computation of pho-
shift from phonological decoding to parallel orthographic process- nology that activates the whole word phonology of the target word
ing (e.g., Grainger & Ziegler, 2011; Share, 1995), investigating the (Lukatela & Turvey, 1994b).
development of these two processes within the same paradigm is The present study goes beyond previous studies in several
an important step ahead. important ways. First, it goes beyond the Grainger, Lété, et al.
One recent study did directly compared an orthographic with a (2012) study because it allows us to unambiguously interpret the
phonological marker effect in the course of reading development size of the marker effects in terms of either orthographic or
(Grainger, Lété, Bertrand, Dufau, & Ziegler, 2012). As all studies phonological influences. Second, it goes beyond previous devel-
discussed previously, Grainger et al. (2012) used the TL effect as opmental priming studies (Acha & Perea, 2008; Castles et al.,
a proxy for orthographic processing. However, they did not use TL 2007; Lété & Fayol, 2013) because it contrasts orthographic with
priming (caniso primes CASINO) but investigated to what extent phonological development within the same children. Third, it uses
participants could correctly reject TL nonwords, such as caniso, in a much broader range of reading levels (Grades 1–5) than previous
a lexical decision task. As a proxy for phonological processing, studies, which allows these effects to be studied in a parametric
they used the well-known pseudohomophone (PsH) effect, that is, fashion. Fourth, it builds on the advantages of masked priming
participants’ ability to correctly reject nonwords that sound like while increasing measurement sensitivity via the so-called sand-
real words, such as brane (e.g., Goswami et al., 2001; Ziegler, wich priming variant of this technique (Lupker & Davis, 2009).
Jacobs, & Klueppel, 2001). Using such PsH and TL nonwords in Finally, it is of theoretical interest because the dual-route theory
the nonword trials of a lexical decision task, Grainger, Lété, et al. (Grainger & Ziegler, 2011) and the lexical-quality hypothesis
(2012) indeed reported that the PsH interference effect diminished (Castles et al., 2007) make opposite predictions as to whether TL
with reading age, whereas the TL interference effect first increased priming effects should increase or decrease with reading skills.
and then diminished. The dual-route theory predicts an increase in the size of the TL
One problem with Grainger, Lété, et al.’s (2012) study is that priming effect, whereas the lexical-quality hypothesis predicts a
PsH and TL effects in the lexical decision task cannot unequivo- decrease in the size of the TL priming effect.
cally be attributed to either phonological or orthographic process-
ing. For example, the PsH effect was found to decrease with Method
reading age (i.e., fewer misclassifications of brane as a function of
age). However, can we attribute this pattern to a reduction in the Participants
use of phonology, or is it not precisely the development of high-
quality orthographic representations that allows participants to The initial sample consisted of 284 children. They were re-
correctly reject a PsH in the lexical decision task? Similarly, cruited from a single public elementary school in a middle-class
should stronger reliance on orthographic processing result in larger environment in the center of Lyon, the third largest city in France,
TL interference effects (i.e., greater reliance on coarse grained with a population of about 1.3 million people. The sample was
orthographic access) or should we expect smaller TL interference ethnically diverse although only children with French as their
effects as a consequence of more precise orthographic representa- native language were selected to participate in the study. Children

were tested at the end of their school year in June. Therefore, even Grainger, & Ferrand, 2011). They were constructed in such a way
first graders were able to decode novel words and read all of the that their pronunciation, but not their spelling, was identical to the
target words (which were selected according to grade-appropriate target (e.g., target: vase [vase], pronounced /vaz/; PsH prime: vaze
norms; discussed later). For each grade level, two out of three pronounced /vaz/). Orthographic changes only involved one pho-
classes from the same school were selected. Reading instruction in neme of the target. The control primes had the same level of
France is phonics based and follows a tight national curriculum. orthographic overlap with the target as the corresponding PsH
Thus, we presumed teacher effects on masked PsH and TL priming prime but were phonologically different from the target (e.g.,
to be negligible. target: vase (vase); PsH prime: vaze; control prime: vare).
To ensure that all readers were reading at the expected grade Transposed-letter condition. Thirty-six French words five
level and in order to exclude children with potential reading and six letters in length served as targets1 (see Appendix B). The
impairments, we assessed the reading level of each participant with word targets had an average frequency of 155 (SD ⫽ 134) occur-
a standardized reading test (Alouette–R; Lefavrais, 2005). Chil- rences per million according to MANULEX (all grades combined),
dren with a formal diagnosis of dyslexia or those whose standard- and an average orthographic neighborhood size of 1.44 (range
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ized reading score in the Alouette reading test was 18 months 1.0 –1.9) measured with the OLD20 metric. Each target was asso-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

below the expected level (i.e., formal criterion used by dyslexia ciated with two prime types: (a) TL prime constructed by swap-
assessment centers in France) were excluded from the study. ping two adjacent letters (only consonants were involved in the
Finally, children whose teachers or parents reported spoken lan- transposition) in the target, either the third and the fourth letter (for
guage impairments were also excluded. These criteria led us to 17 items) or the fourth and the fifth letter (19 items); and (b)
retain a total of 267 children. Further information on gender, age control primes constructed by substituting the transposed conso-
and reading age per grade can be found in Table 1. nants by two other consonants (e.g., target: table; TL prime: talbe;
control prime: tarfe).
Procedure and Apparatus
The experiment consisted of two critical conditions, the pseu-
dohomophone (PsH) and the transposed-letter (TL) condition. Participants were seated in front of a 17-in. color monitor
Each condition contained word and nonword targets that were connected to a Pentium III laptop computer (Intel Corp., Santa
primed by either PsH primes and their yoked controls or TL primes Clara, CA) running E-Prime software Version 2 at a viewing
and their yoked controls. All primes were nonwords (see later distance of approximately 60 cm. The stimuli were displayed in
sections). Target words were selected using MANULEX (Lété, lowercase in 24-point Courier font with a 640 ⫻ 480 resolution.
Sprenger-Charolles, & Colé, 2004), a computerized child lexical To amplify priming effects, we implemented the sandwich prim-
database that provides word frequencies for each grade compiled ing procedure (Lupker & Davis, 2009). That is, before the presen-
from over 1.9 million words taken from the major primary school tation of the prime, the target word appeared subliminally for 27
reading books. To ensure that the children were familiar with the ms before being replaced by the prime. Each trial thus consisted of
target words, we chose only words that appeared in each grade. For the following sequence of events. Participants were presented with
the purpose of the lexical decision task, we selected a set of a fixation point (ⴱ) for 1,000 ms, which was replaced by a target
nonwords that matched the target words in length and consonant– stimulus (in lowercase letters) centered on the fixation point for 27
vowel structure. All nonwords were orthographically legal and ms. The target was then replaced at the same localization by a
pronounceable letter strings in French. They were preceded by the prime stimulus presented in lowercase. After 70 ms, the prime was
same kind of primes as the word trials. replaced by the target presented in uppercase. The target remained
Pseudohomophone condition. Thirty-three French words on the screen until participants responded. They gave their re-
four and five letters in length served as targets (see Appendix A). sponse by pressing one of two response keys on the keyboard.
The word targets had an average frequency of 178 (SD ⫽ 174) Participants were instructed to respond as quickly and as accu-
occurrences per million according to MANULEX (all grades com- rately as possible.
bined). Average orthographic neighborhood size (OLD20) was Each participant saw each target only once (no target repetition).
1.43 (Yarkoni, Balota, & Yap, 2008). Each target word was Given that we had 33 targets in the PsH condition and 36 in the TL
associated with a PsH prime and a control prime. PsH primes were condition, there were 69 critical related trials. Because the task was
created with PHOM, a database of 14,000 French PsHs (Farioli, lexical decision, we also had to add 69 nonword trials for the “no”
decisions, which led to a total of 138 trials per participant. These
138 trials were divided into six blocks of 23 items (6ⴱ23 ⫽ 138)
Table 1 with an approximately even number of trials per condition. The
Characteristics of the Sample order of blocks was permutated using a Latin square design. There
was a short 1-min break between each block. Two “warm-up”
Gender Age Reading age
Grade N (boys) (in months) (in months)
1 39 18 81.4 (3.4) 85.0 (4.9) Note that target words in the two conditions were not matched for
2 55 29 94.0 (4.4) 100.0 (14.6) length (four or five letters in the PsH condition and five or six letters in the
3 51 28 107.4 (4.2) 103.7 (12.7) TL condition). This is not a problem, however, because target words were
4 57 32 118.8 (4.9) 118.2 (19.4) not compared directly across conditions. Only the priming effects were
5 65 39 130.8 (4.5) 125.9 (18.3) compared across conditions, and priming effects were controlled for length
because related and unrelated primes within a given condition were
Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. matched for length.

trials (excluded from subsequent analyses) were added at the Prime was significant, F(1, 234) ⫽ 39.26, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽
beginning of each block. Because each target word was preceded .14, reflecting the fact that priming effects were stronger for TL
by either a related or an unrelated prime, we had to create two lists than for PsH primes. None of the other two-way interactions was
such that a given target word was preceded by a related prime in significant, all Fs ⬍ 1.5, all ps ⬎ 20. It is important to note that the
List 1 and an unrelated prime in List 2. List assignment was triple interaction of the effects of Grade, Condition, and Prime was
counterbalanced across participants. significant, F(4, 234) ⫽ 3.42, p ⬍ .01, partial ␩2 ⫽ .06, suggesting
Children were tested in groups of four by two experimenters in differences in the size of the PsH and TL priming effects across
the same room in a single 25-min session. Children were given grades. This triple interaction is illustrated in Figure 1. Indeed,
child-friendly instructions, and they were given a short training while the size of the PsH priming effect remained relatively
block to familiarize them with the lexical decision task. During the constant across grades, the size of the TL priming effect increased
practice trials, experimenters were careful about the position of monotonically across grades. The two conditions (PsH, TL) are
children in front of the screen, and their correct use of the keyboard analyzed separately in the following sections.
to give their response. PsH priming. The inverse RT data were submitted to a two-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

factorial ANOVA with Prime (PsH vs. controls) and Grade (1 to 5)

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

as within-subject factors. The analysis showed significant main

effects of Grade, F(4, 253) ⫽ 80.71, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .56,
Items and participants producing more than 40% errors were and Prime, F(1, 253) ⫽ 20.04, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .07, but no
excluded from the analysis.2 This criterion led to the exclusion of significant interaction between the effects of Prime and Grade,
nine items in Grade 1, two in Grade 2, one in Grade 3, and none F(4, 253) ⫽ 0.33, p ⬎ .80, partial ␩2 ⫽ .005.
in the other grades (excluded items are marked in Appendices A TL priming. The same ANOVA as described for PsH priming
and B). Three participants were excluded in Grade 1, and two each was conducted for the TL priming effects. The analysis showed
were excluded in Grades 2, 3, and 4. For the remaining data, significant main effects of Grade, F(4, 236) ⫽ 77.05, p ⬍ .0001,
response times (RTs) that were three standard deviations (SDs) partial ␩2 ⫽ .57, and Prime, F(1, 236) ⫽ 153.90, p ⬍ .0001, partial
beyond the mean of the participant were excluded as outliers (⬍ ␩2 ⫽ .40. The critical interaction between the effects of Prime and
1% of the data). RTs were inverse transformed (RT ⫽ ⬎ 1/RT) Grade was significant, F(4, 236) ⫽ 4.34, p ⬍ .002, partial ␩2 ⫽
before the analysis in order to normalize the RT distributions .07.
(Ratcliff, 1993). This means that we transformed the classic la-
tency measure (seconds per word) into a speed measure (words per Effect Sizes
second). Nontransformed mean RTs and error rates for both prim-
ing conditions across the five grades can be found in Tables 2 and To analyze how the priming effects in the two conditions unfold
3 for the critical word trials. across grades, we calculated the effect sizes for the PsH and the TL
priming effect in two ways. First, we computed Cohen’s d (M1 ⫺
M2/spooled) using the inverse RT data for each grade level. These
Global Analysis results are plotted in Figure 2, Panel A. Second, because absolute
Error rates and inverse RTs for word targets were submitted to speed differences across different groups can lead to spurious
a three-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Grade (1–5), overadditive interactions (Faust, Balota, Spieler, & Ferraro, 1999),
Prime (prime vs. control), and Condition (PsH vs. TL) as factors. we standardized the raw RT data of each participant in each
Grade was a between-subjects factor, whereas Prime and Condi- condition using z scores, such that each participant had a mean of
tion were within-subject factors. zero in each priming condition. We then plotted the difference
The accuracy data showed a significant main effect of Grade, between the related and the unrelated prime condition expressed in
F(4, 234) ⫽ 61.09, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .510; Condition, F(1, z-score differences (see Figure 2, Panel B). Despite the fact that the
234) ⫽ 19.42, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .077; and Prime, F(1, first analysis was based on inverse RTs, whereas the second was
236) ⫽ 7.41, p ⬍ .01, partial ␩2 ⫽ .031. These main effects reflect based on standardized raw RTs, both effect size analyses con-
the finding that error rate dropped from Grade 1 to Grade 5 (main verged on the same result, namely, that the TL priming effect
effect of Grade), that word targets in the PsH condition yielded increased monotonically with grade, whereas the PsH priming
more errors than word targets in the TL condition (main effect of effect remained constant. This is an important finding because the
Condition, 10.3% vs. 8.3%, respectively), and that priming showed net priming effects using the untransformed RTs (see Table 2)
the expected facilitatory effect of reducing error rates for primed would have suggested that the PsH priming effect decreases with
targets (main effect of Prime). None of the interactions reached grade while the TL priming effect remains constant. However, this
significance, suggesting that both type of primes (TL and PsH) pattern was clearly due to differences in absolute response speed
reduced error rates in a similar fashion across grades (all Fs ⬍ 1). across grades, which result in larger standard deviations in earlier
Given that the triple interaction failed to reach significance in the than in later grades. When taking these differences into account
global analysis, the accuracy data were not further broken down by through the computation of effect size measures, we clearly see
condition. that the TL effect increases with age, whereas the PsH effect
The analysis of the inverse RT data (words/sec) revealed sig- remains constant.
nificant main effects of Grade, F(4, 234) ⫽ 81.62, p ⬍ .0001,
partial ␩2 ⫽ .58, and Prime, F(4, 234) ⫽ 131.75, p ⬍ .0001, partial 2
The 40% cutoff was chosen because RT estimates for a given condi-
␩2 ⫽ .36). The main effect of Condition was not significant, F ⬍ tion, which are based on correct trials only, tend to be unreliable if more
1. The two-way interaction between the effects of Condition and than 40% of the trials are excluded.

Table 2
Response Latencies (in Milliseconds) for Target Words Preceded by Either Pseudohomophone Primes and Their Respective Controls
or Transposed-Letter Primes and Their Respective Controls

Pseudohomophone priming Transposed-letter priming

Grade PsH Control Priming TL Control Priming

1 1783 (516) 1860 (551) ⫺77 1875 (606) 1947 (533) ⫺72
2 1241 (335) 1279 (326) ⫺38 1300 (497) 1401 (459) ⫺101
3 962 (203) 990 (212) ⫺28 933 (212) 1033 (219) ⫺100
4 858 (180) 887 (182) ⫺29 824 (202) 886 (172) ⫺62
5 755 (130) 771 (147) ⫺16 716 (157) 807 (162) ⫺91
Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. PsH ⫽ pseudohomophone; TL ⫽ transposed-letter.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Correlations With Reading Age factor, whereas Prime and Condition were within-subject factors.
The results appear in Tables 4 and 5.
All previous analyses were based on grade. However, reading The accuracy data showed a significant main effect of Grade,
competence is a continuous variable, which was measured for each F(4, 233) ⫽ 10.11, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .15, and Condition,
individual with a standardized reading test (Alouette–R; Lefavrais, F(1, 233) ⫽ 35.96, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .13, but no effects of
2005). We therefore performed linear regression analyses to find Prime and no interactions with this factor (all Fs ⬍ 1). As concerns
out whether we could replicate the pattern we have described using the inverse RT data, there were main effects of Grade, F(4, 234) ⫽
reading age (RA) of each child rather than grade level. The 82.43, p ⬍ .0001, partial ␩2 ⫽ .585; Condition, F(1, 234) ⫽ 5.99,
analyses were performed using the standardized effect size mea- p ⬍ .05, partial ␩2 ⫽ .025; and Prime F(1, 234) ⫽ 5.82, p ⬍ .05,
sures for each priming effect and each child (z-score differences partial ␩2 ⫽ .024, but no interactions with priming (all Fs ⬍ 1). In
between the related and the unrelated condition) as the dependent sum, the nonword data did not show any interesting effects apart
variable (both for RTs and inverse RTs) and RA as the predictor from a significant priming effect on inverse RTs. Most important
variable. On the standardized raw RTs, the results showed a is that priming did not interact with Grade or Condition. The fact
significant correlation between RA and TL priming (r ⫽ .304, p ⬍ that TL priming did not increase with grade for nonword targets
.0001), but no correlation between RA and PsH priming (r ⫽ .052, (unlike for word targets) strengthens the claim that the increase in
p ⬎ .40). The same pattern was found on standardized inverse RTs the size of the TL priming effect for words was due to the
with a significant correlation between RA and TL priming (r ⫽ development of orthographic representations used to identify
.355, p ⬍ .0001) but no such correlation between RA and PsH known words.
priming (r ⫽ .057, p ⬎ .30). Thus, the correlation analyses join the
effect size analyses (Figure 2) to suggest that the TL effect in- Discussion
creases with RA, whereas the PsH effect remains constant.
In the present study, we used the masked priming paradigm to
shed light on the role of orthographic and phonological processing
Nonword Trials
during reading development. Masked priming is an ideal paradigm
Because half of the trials contained nonword targets that were for this purpose as it allows one to compare net priming effects that
either preceded by a PsH prime (or its yoked control) or a TL directly reflect the activation of orthographic and phonological
prime (or its yoked control), the data from the nonword trials could codes. It is also an ideal paradigm to use with children because the
be analyzed in the same way as the word trials. Thus, error rates primes are not visible (no response strategies), and responses in a
and inverse RTs for nonword targets were submitted to a three- critical prime condition are made to the same target word that is
factorial ANOVA with Grade (1–5), Prime (prime vs. control), and preceded by either a “related” or an “unrelated” prime (thus
Condition (PsH vs. TL) as factors. Grade was a between-subjects avoiding problems of comparing different groups of items). In the

Table 3
Error Rates (in Percentages) for Target Words Preceded by Either Pseudohomophone Primes and Their Respective Controls or
Transposed-Letter Primes and Their Respective Controls

Pseudohomophone priming Transposed-letter priming

Grade PsH Control Priming TL Control Priming

1 18.8 (12.1) 17.7 (10.9) 1.2 17.6 (13.0) 17.8 (12.9) ⫺0.2
2 12.6 (10.3) 16.0 (11.6) ⫺3.4 10.0 (10.5) 13.0 (12.7) ⫺3.0
3 12.5 (7.8) 14.7 (11.8) ⫺2.2 8.5 (8.4) 8.7 (9.8) ⫺0.2
4 2.5 (2.2) 2.9 (2.0) ⫺0.4 1.2 (1.8) 2.9 (4.5) ⫺1.7
5 2.9 (2.2) 2.8 (2.3) 0.1 1.3 (1.6) 2.4 (2.2) ⫺1.1
Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. PsH ⫽ pseudohomophone; TL ⫽ transposed-letter.

1.6 1.6
1.5 1.5

Response Speed (worrds/sec)

Response Speed (worrds/sec)

1.4 1.4
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0
0.9 PSH 0.9 TL
Control Control
0.8 0.8
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

0.7 07
0.6 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Grade Grade
Figure 1. Response speed (words/sec) for target words preceded by either pseudohomophone primes and their
respective controls (PsH, left) or transposed-letter primes and their respective controls (TL, right) from Grades
1 through 5. Error bars are standard errors.

adult literature, masked priming has been extensively used to study only looked at the net priming effect in the untransformed data
the time course of various processes involved in reading (e.g., (Table 2), we would have come to the wrong conclusion that
Ferrand & Grainger, 1992; Forster & Davis, 1984; Rastle & reliance on phonological activation decreases with RA. However,
Brysbaert, 2006). By and large, the masked priming paradigm has as nicely demonstrated by Faust and collaborators (1999), in the
made it possible to uncover the time course of effects that have presence of large differences in global response speed between
been perfectly replicated in more natural reading tasks using online groups—RTs in our study dropped from 1,866 ms (SD ⫽ 551) in
measures, such as eye movements (e.g., Rayner, Pollatsek, & Grade 1 to 762 (SD ⫽ 149) in Grade 5—it is inappropriate to draw
Binder, 1998) or event-related brain potentials (Grainger et al., conclusions about effect sizes based on absolute RT differences.
2006). When the data were z-transformed, as advocated by Faust et al.
The results of the present study are straightforward. While the (1999) as one solution to this problem, it became clear that PsH
size of the TL priming effect (i.e., the orthographic marker effect) effects in the present task do not decrease with RA. Normalizing
increased monotonically with grade or RA, the size of the PsH the data by using an inverse RT transformation had the same effect
priming effect (i.e., the phonological marker effect) remained (see Figure 2). The inverse RT transformation (i.e., 1/RT) normal-
stable across grades and independent of RA. Interestingly, had we izes RT data (i.e., it reduces the rightward skew of the RT distri-

0.8 0.8
ohen’s d)

0.7 0.7
Efffect Size (z-sscores)

0.6 0.6
0.5 05
Efffect Size (Co

0.4 TL 0.4
0.3 PsH 0.3 TL
0.2 0.2 PsH
0.1 0.1
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Grade Grade

Figure 2. Effect sizes for the pseudohomophone (PsH) and transposed-letter (TL) priming effects. Panel A
displays effect sizes expressed in terms of Cohen’s d (M1 ⫺ M2/spooled) using the inverse reaction time (RT) data
for each grade level. Panel B displays effect sizes in terms of z-score differences between the related and the
unrelated conditions, which were based on standardizing the raw RT data of each participant in each condition.

Table 4
Response Latencies (in Milliseconds) for Nonwords Preceded by Either Pseudohomophones and Their Respective Controls or
Transposed-Letter Primes and Their Respective Controls

Pseudohomophone priming Transposed-letter priming

Grade PsH Control Priming TL Control Priming

1 2368.7 (803.6) 2475.4 (870.9) ⫺106.7 2651.6 (925.5) 2622.3 (833.6) ⫺29.4
2 1628.5 (605.1) 1622.3 (599.9) 6.2 1650.9 (577.3) 1696.5 (659.6) ⫺45.6
3 1175.6 (336.8) 1226.1 (342.7) ⫺50.5 1227.4 (381.2) 1219.6 (350.8) 7.8
4 1018.3 (244.6) 1032.6 (281.8) ⫺14.3 1013.6 (308.9) 1027.7 (307.0) ⫺14.1
5 873.3 (184.0) 907.6 (236.0) ⫺34.3 881.2 (197.4) 895.6 (191.9) ⫺14.4
Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. PsH ⫽ pseudohomophone; TL ⫽ transposed-letter.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

bution). This suggests that unequal variances across grades in the priming studies, which showed fast, automatic, and general pho-
raw data are mainly due to the much longer tails of the RT nological activation that did not decrease with age (Alario, De
distributions in younger than older readers. On the basis of these Cara, & Ziegler, 2007; Booth et al., 1999) but also with the great
results, we advocate the use of inverse RTs in developmental bulk of studies on skilled reading, which have shown robust
studies. Conceptually, inverse RT is a speed measure (items per phonological influences in adults (e.g., Braun et al., 2009; Ferrand
second), whereas standard RT is a latency measure (seconds per & Grainger, 1992; Lukatela & Turvey, 1994a, 1994b; Rastle &
item). Conclusions can therefore be drawn in terms of effects of Brysbaert, 2006; Ziegler et al., 1997). Still, it is worth noting that
factors on untransformed reading speed. the phonological priming effect was overall smaller than the or-
One important finding of the present study is a significant PsH thographic priming effect (Figure 2), which suggests that more
priming effect that remains stable across development. This result attention needs to be given to orthographic processes in developing
challenges the view that more advanced readers should rely less on readers, which are far less studied than phonological processes
phonological activation than do younger readers (e.g., Doctor & (Castles & Nation, 2006; Castles et al., 2007; Grainger & Ziegler,
Coltheart, 1980; Frith, 1985). The idea that there is an age-related 2011).
reduction in reliance on phonology mainly comes from studies The second important finding is the monotonic increase in the
which showed a reduction of the effects of word length on reading size of the TL effect across grades and reading age. Lété and Fayol
(Acha & Perea, 2008; Aghababian & Nazir, 2000; Bijeljac-Babic, (2013) showed a similar increase in TL priming between Grades 3
Millogo, Farioli, & Grainger, 2004; Ziegler et al., 2003) or a and 5. Moreover, in a recent study, Kohnen and Castles (2013)
reduction in error rate when children have to reject pseudohomo- showed that children made many more errors on “migratable”
phones in lexical decision or homophones in semantic categoriza- words (e.g., parties ¡ pirates; three ¡ there) than on nonmigrat-
tion tasks (Doctor & Coltheart, 1980; Grainger, Lété, et al., 2012; able words. As in our study, the proportion of migration errors
Sprenger-Charolles, Siegel, Bechennec, & Serniclaes, 2003). (i.e., the TL effect) tended to increase with increasing grade level.
However, the disappearance of the length effect in reading aloud It is notable that the proportion of migration errors was correlated
does not necessarily mean that children rely less on phonology as with lexical reading skills, but not with other subcomponents of
they become better readers but rather that the phonological com- reading or guessing strategies. This finding is consistent with
putation has become more efficient and parallel, possibly relying Ziegler et al.’s (2013) observation that the size of TL effects in a
on the computation of larger chunks than individual letters and/or word-learning experiment with nonhuman primates (Grainger, Du-
graphemes. Furthermore, the age-related reduction in error rate fau, Montant, Ziegler, & Fagot, 2012) was strongly correlated with
when participants have to reject pseudohomophones or homo- their overall word accuracy. Together, these findings converge to
phones might well result from better specified orthographic rep- suggest that direct orthographic access is achieved through coarse-
resentations rather than weaker phonological activation. This pos- grained orthographic coding that tolerates some degree of flexi-
sibility is not only consistent with a number of developmental bility in letter order. Indeed, all recent theories of letter-position

Table 5
Error Rates (in Percentages) for Nonwords Preceded by Either Pseudohomophones and Their Respective Controls or Transposed-
Letter Primes and Their Respective Controls

Pseudohomophone priming Transposed-letter priming

Grade PsH Control Priming PsH Control Priming

1 25.8 (14.5) 26.3 (19.0) ⫺0.5 17.8 (16.1) 21.7 (19.5) ⫺3.9
2 16.9 (16.9) 17.7 (17.7) ⫺0.8 15.2 (17.3) 15.0 (13.1) 0.2
3 15.5 (15.3) 14.5 (15.4) 1.0 13.2 (15.6) 13.7 (13.8) ⫺0.5
4 11.0 (12.9) 10.6 (10.0) 0.4 7.9 (12.1) 7.9 (10.6) 0.3
5 10.4 (11.1) 9.1 (9.0) 1.3 8.8 (10.2) 7.7 (10.2) 1.1
Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. PsH ⫽ pseudohomophone; TL ⫽ transposed-letter.

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

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Appendix A
Stimulus Material in the Pseudohomophone (PsH) Condition

Target word PsH Control Target nonword PsH Control

blanc blenc blunc drans drens druns

brosse broce brofe blisse blice blife
bruit bruie bruif gluit gluie gluif
casse cace cabe cusse cuce cufe
cave kave fave cune kune fune
chose choze chore frose froze frore
danse dance danve runse runce runve
farce farse farle funce funse funle
forme phorme blorme farbe pharbe blarbe
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

frite fritte frille frate fratte fralle

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

froid froit froil praud praut praul

genrea jenre venre giste jiste viste
largeb larje larte durge durje durte
lentb lend lenc bunt bund bunc
linge linje linte donge donje donte
loup lout louf maip mait maif
mere mert merf lère lert lerf
neige naije noide teige taije toide
nordb nore norf zird zire zirf
pain pein poun hain hein houn
place plasse plamme droce drosse dromme
plage plaje plame troge troje trome
prise prize prine cluse cluze clune
rose roze roge tase taze tage
rouge rouje roude reige teije teide
sage saje sare nige nije nire
seizec seise seibe roize roise roibe
singe sinje sinfe ringe rinje rinfe
sucre sukre subre ticle tikle tible
trace trasse tralle bloce blosse blolle
train trin trun scain scin scun
vase vaze vare dese deze dere
vrai vrei vroi glai glei gloi
a b c
Excluded in Grades 1 and 2. Excluded in Grade 1 only. Excluded in Grades 1, 2, and 3.

(Appendices continue)

Appendix B
Stimulus Material in the Transposed-Letter (TL) Condition

Target word TL Control nonword TL Control

bouche bouhce bounle gaiche gaihce gainle

chance chacne charbe gronce grocne grorbe
comptea comtpe comfre vempte vemtpe vemfre
corde codre colne narde nadre nalne
corpsa coprs cotns marps maprs matns
couche couhce coulme veiche veihce veilme
course cousre coufpe tuirse tuisre tuifpe
ferme femre fepse durme dumre dupse
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

gauche gauhce gaulpe voiche voihce voilpe

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

herbe hebre hetme vorbe vobre votme

jambe jabme jaspe cumbe cubme cuspe
lampe lapme larbe rumpe rupme rurbe
langue lagnue lartue lungre lugnre lurtre
livre lirve litne nuvre nurve nutne
marche macrhe malphe borche bocrhe bolphe
monde modne molre jande jadne jalre
montre motnre molgre cantre catnre calgre
ombrea omrbe omtle usbre usrbe ustle
onclea onlce onrge iscle islce isrge
pauvre paurve paunte deivre deirve deinte
poche pohce povse liche lihce livse
pointe poitne poisme gounte goutne gousme
porte potre polde sirte sitre silde
poudre pourde pougse suidre suirde suigse
prince pricne prifme stonce stocne stofme
reste retse rebde muste mutse mubde
sable salbe sapne muble mulbe mupne
sieste sietse sierpe louste loutse lourpe
table talbe tarfe poble polbe porfe
tante tatne tamle sunte sutne sumle
tarte tatre tabse dorte dotre dobse
touche touhce toulbe caiche caihce cailbe
trompe tropme trobse stimpe stipme stibse
vache vahce vasme tuche tuhce tusme
ventre vetnre vepsre fintre fitnre fipsre
viande viadne viampe tounde toudne toumpe
Excluded in Grade 1 only.

Received February 16, 2013

Revision received October 9, 2013
Accepted October 23, 2013 䡲

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