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2 Peter 1:16 "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the

power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty." No one in the 21st century has literally seen God or Jesus at any time. The apostles and other people who lived during the lifetime of Jesus had such a wonderful privilege to see Jesus Christ perform His miracles which in turn strengthened their faith. I am almost certain that many people believe that if Jesus was on earth performing miracles during the 21st century that they would definitely have greater faith. But, considering that Jesus is not on earth at this time, but is in the heavenly sanctuary interceding on our behalf(Hebrews 7:22-25), the excuse is made by some people living in this age to not believe in God since they have never physically seen Him. God's people, who believe in God and walk in His statues and commandments, are considered to be blessed because even though they have not seen Christ at any time, they still believe in Him(John 20:29). In the case of unbelievers, God's people have a way to win their souls to Christ. They must show them that the power of Jesus does in fact exist. How shall we Christians do this? The only way it can be done is through proclamation and demonstration. It is evident that the Bible is definitely not some made up fairy-tale story, because its power has demonstrated itself in the lives of many different people. It has changed the lives of so many people who used to love the life of sin and selfishness. Do you think that a person can wake up one day and let go of all the sinful habits he or she loves so much? Is it just by coincidence that an ex-criminal, an ex-thief, an ex-prostitute can just give up what they have been so accustomed to doing within the matter of seconds? I highly doubt it. I am pretty sure if you went up to someone who lived a lifestyle like one of the lifestyles I listed and simply said "Stop that," they will just ignore you or respond, Don't you think I've tried? Even the strongest family ties cannot save someone from his or her sinful self-destructing lifestyle. But there is a Way that one can leave the life of sin behind, and enjoy a new life. How is that possible? That way is in Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." Once we have become transformed by the power of God, we will have joy in fulfilling the will of God, yea, even a greater joy than the old lifestyle of sin afforded us. All anyone has to do in order to life a new vibrant life, whether it is a smoker, an atheist, a prostitute, whosoever it may be, all the individual has to do is confess his or her sins to God and acknowledge his or her weakness(1 John 1:9, John 15:5), and then ask Jesus to give him or her the power to overcome his or her sinful lifestyle(Matthew 7:7). Once you do this, believe that you have been changed, not because of any difference that you feel within yourself, but because God has promised these things to you. If there is anything in your life, reader, that you know is contrary to the will of God, you can pray right now and tell God that you have something that needs to be taken out of your life. Ask Him for the power to live that new life of joy and peace. The gospel is not a fairy-tale. It is the true, living, transforming power of God that can be tapped into by any individual. Will you take a hold of that power today? You can experience the truth of the gospel today..

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