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Physics 3rd Edition Giambattisata

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Physics 3rd Edition Giambattisata Test Bank

Essential University Physics 3rd Edition Richard

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Chapter 8

Conceptual Questions
1. To maximize the torque of a given force, locate the doorknob as far as possible from the rotation axis: along the
lower edge.

2. How hard it is to drive a screw into a piece of wood is determined by the magnitude of the torque required to
produce the necessary rotation of on the screw. The torque produced is equal to the product of the radius of the
screwdriver handle and the magnitude of the tangential force applied by the operator’s hand. Thus, the larger
diameter handle reduces the applied force required to create the necessary torque. The same amount of work is
done in driving the screw, but the task is made easier.

3. When you push near the edge, you have a larger moment arm. When you push in the middle, the moment arm is
half as much so you need to push with twice the force.

4. Of the three axes, the book has the smallest moment of inertia about the axis along the binding of the book
(axis 1). The moments of inertia about the other two axes are larger because the mass of the book is, on average,
farther from those axes.

5. For a body to be in equilibrium, both the net force and the net torque acting on it must equal zero. To satisfy the
first requirement, the two forces must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. To satisfy the second
requirement, the two forces must act along the same line—a net torque would otherwise act to rotate the object.

6. When the angular momentum of the main propeller changes, the body of the helicopter would suffer an opposite
change in angular momentum if no external torque about a vertical axis acts on the helicopter. The small propeller
attached to the tail of the helicopter is used to produce this external torque to keep the helicopter body from
rotating. Attaching the propeller at the tail produces the longest lever arm and therefore the greatest torque about
the vertical axis through its center of mass.

7. The total kinetic energy of a car is found by summing the translational and rotational kinetic energies of each of
the four wheels and the translational kinetic energy of the car’s body. The fraction of the car’s total kinetic energy
due to the rotation of the wheels depends on the ratio of the mass of the car’s body to the mass of the car’s wheels.
Thus, if two cars differ only in the mass of the body (while having wheels of the same mass), the more massive
car converts a greater fraction of its gravitational potential energy into translational kinetic energy—the heavier
car wins the race.

8. The force due to static friction acting on the barrel produces the torque that makes the barrel start to turn about the
axis through its center. If there were no friction acting on the barrel due to the floor, the applied force would make
the barrel slide along the floor without rotating.

9. An object’s moment of inertia depends on how its mass is distributed with respect to the axis of rotation. The
farther the mass is from the axis, the greater the object’s moment of inertia. When animals have leg muscles that
are concentrated close to the hip joint, their leg has a relatively small moments of inertia. This makes it easier for
them to start and stop the rotation of their leg about the hip joint, allowing them to run faster.

10. When the triceps muscle connects to the forearm as in Fig. 8.46a, the lever arm for the muscular force remains
fairly constant as the angle  is varied. For an angle of about 90, the lever arm in Fig. 8.46b is approximately the
same as the lever arm in the previous figure. If this angle is increased or decreased however, the lever arm
decreases significantly, resulting in a smaller torque about the elbow joint. For this reason, the situation depicted
in Fig. 8.46a is much more effective.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

11. With the forearm horizontal, the lever arms for the muscular forces on the forearm in Fig. 8.47a and Fig. 8.47b are
about the same, so the two arrangements would be about equally effective. However, for large angles (with the
arm nearly straight), the arrangement of Fig. 8.47b would have a very small lever arm and thus the muscle would
provide little torque. Another advantage of the arrangement shown in Fig. 8.47a is that the muscle is concentrated
closer to the shoulder, thereby reducing the moment of inertia of the forearm and the arm as a whole. This makes
the arm easier to move around.

12. The two forces, F12 and F21 , are not only equal and opposite; they also have the same line of action. Hence they
have the same lever arm as well. The torques they produce are therefore equal in magnitude and opposite in

13. The vertical component of the angular momentum of the system (merry-go-round and child) is conserved
throughout this process, since there are no external torques about the vertical axis of the merry-go-round. When
the child moves out to the rim, the rotational inertia of the system increases, because the child is located farther
from the axis. To conserve angular momentum, the angular velocity must therefore decrease. Noting that the
rotational kinetic energy can be written as L2 / (2I ) and that L remains constant while I increases, we see that the
rotational kinetic energy of the system decreases.

14. The green balls are heavy compared to the clown body. The center of mass of the toy lies below the wire on
which is it balancing. If the toy is pushed slightly off center, the force of gravity acting at the center of mass
produces a torque that tends to rotate the toy back toward the center. If the center of mass were above the wire,
this situation would be reversed and the toy would be unstable.

15. To knock a person over, their center of gravity must be moved until it is outside the horizontal extent of their
support base. The gravitational force will then produce a net torque about the edge of their support base, and they
will topple over. The posture taken by defensive linemen makes them more difficult to push over because they
have a larger support base and a lower center of gravity. They must therefore be pushed (rotated) by a greater
amount to move their center of gravity beyond the edge of their support base. Four legged animals similarly have
a relatively large support base and low center of gravity compared to humans, making them naturally more stable.
Consequently, their neurological systems for maintaining balance do not need to be as complex as a human’s.

16. The location of the torso CG below the hips in birds makes them naturally more stable than humans. If the upper
body were displaced a little to the side, the torque produced by gravity about an axis through the hips would tend
to rotate the upper body back toward the center in birds, restoring the CG to being straight below the hips; but
would tend to rotate the torso farther away from the center in humans.

17. The astronaut and satellite constitute an isolated system. The initial angular momentum of the system is zero.
When the astronaut tries to remove a tight bolt, both he and the satellite will rotate. They will rotate in opposite
directions so that the total angular momentum of the system remains zero. To put it another way, when the
astronaut applies a torque to a part of the satellite, the satellite applies an equal and opposite torque to him. The
astronaut must anchor himself to the satellite somehow before trying to remove the bolt.

18. The best place is as far from the hinge as possible so as to have the greatest possible moment arm for the torque
exerted by the stopper on the door. This way, the force required by the stopper to hold the door open will be as
small as possible, making the stopper less likely to slip on the floor.

19. Low gears are used for going uphill and high gears are used for downhill. The bicycle gears act like levers. The
work throughput remains the same so that the force you exert on the pedals times the distance the pedals move
will equal the force exerted on the rim of the wheel times the distance it moves. A low gear converts the force you
exert at the pedals into a somewhat lesser force that acts over a slightly longer distance, while a high gear converts
the force you exert on the pedals into a much smaller force exerted over a much longer distance. The gear ratio
tells how many times the rear bicycle wheel goes around for each time the pedals go around once. In a low gear
ratio the bicycle will go a shorter distance for each rotation of the pedals while in a high gear the bicycle goes a
long distance for each rotation of the pedals.

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

20. The motion of the suspended irregular object is influenced by two external forces—the normal force from the nail
acting at its point of contact and the force due to the weight of the object acting at its center of mass. No torque is
produced by the normal force because it acts along the rotation axis. The net torque on the object is therefore
solely a result of the force from its weight. The object will rotate (swing) back and forth as determined by the
direction of the torque until frictional forces have brought its center of mass to rest directly beneath the rotation
axis. At this point, the applied force is parallel to the lever arm and no torque is produced. For each orientation of
the object, the line drawn will pass through its center of mass—the intersection of several such lines must
therefore occur at the center of mass location.

21. The melting of Earth’s polar ice caps would distribute some of its mass from locations near its rotation axis to
locations that are on average farther from its rotation axis. The rotational inertia of a sphere is greater if its mass is
distributed farther from its axis of rotation—the Earth’s moment of inertia would therefore increase. Angular
momentum conservation requires that the product of the Earth’s rotational inertia and its angular velocity be
constant. A larger moment of inertia must be accompanied by a smaller angular velocity—the melting of the caps
would therefore increase the length of the day.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (e) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (f) 9. (c) 10. (e)


1. Strategy and Solution I has units kg  m2. Also,  2 has units (rad s)2. So, 1 I  2 has units
kg  m  rad s  kg  m s  J, which is a unit of energy.
2 2 2 2 2

Discussion. From the defining equation for angular displacement  = s/r, we can say that the radian is a
combination unit. The combination is m/m, which is equal to the number 1. That is why we can insert or take
out the radian from other combination units at will

2. Strategy The rotational inertia of a solid disk is I  12 MR2.

Solution Find the rotational inertial of the solid iron disk.

1 1
I  MR2  (49 kg)(0.200 m)2  0.98 kg  m2
2 2

3. Strategy I  52 MR2 for a solid sphere and mass density is   M V .


(a) M  V   43  R3 for a solid sphere. Form a proportion.

M child  Rchild   1 
      , so the mass is reduced by a factor of 8 .
M adult  Radult   2  8

(b) Form a proportion.

I child M child  Rchild 
11 1
      
I adult M adult  Radult  8 2 32
The rotational inertia is reduced by a factor of 32 .

Discussion. A proportionality to the fifth power means that the moment of inertia depends very strongly on the
size of the object.
Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

4. Strategy Use Eq. (8-2) to find the rotational inertia. Use Eq. (7-9) for the center of mass.


(a) I x   mi ri 2  (200 g)(5.0 cm)2  (300 g)(0 cm)2  (500 g)(4.0 cm)2  13,000 g  cm2
i A

(b) I y   mi ri 2  (200 g)(3.0 cm)2  (300 g)(6.0 cm) 2  (500 g)(5.0 cm)2  25,000 g  cm2
i A

(c) I z   mi ri 2  (200 g)[(3.0 cm) 2  (5.0 cm) 2 ]  (300 g)(6.0 cm) 2  (500 g)[(5.0 cm) 2  (4.0 cm) 2 ]
i A
 38, 000 g  cm 2

(200 g)(3.0 cm)  (300 g)(6.0 cm)  (500 g)(5.0 cm)

(d) xCM   1.3 cm
200 g  300 g  500 g
(200 g)(5.0 cm)  (300 g)(0 cm)  (500 g)(4.0 cm)
yCM   1.0 cm
200 g  300 g  500 g

5. Strategy Rotational inertia depends upon the location of the rotation axis. In each situation, the mass and the
distribution of the mass is the same; only the location of the rotation axis differs. The greater the distance a point
mass is from the rotation axis, the greater its contribution to the rotational inertia.

Solution In arrangements (a) and (b), two of the point masses are located along the axis of rotation; therefore,
these point masses do not contribute to the rotational inertia. In (a), the two point masses not along the axis are
farther from the axis than the two in (b); thus, arrangement (a) has the greater rotational inertia. In (c), none of the
point masses are located along the axis; thus, all four masses contribute to the rotational inertia. All four masses in
(c) are the same distance from the rotation axis as the two contributing masses in (b); thus the rotational inertia of
(c) is twice that of (b). In (c), the distance of each mass from the axis is a leg of an isosceles right triangle; thus,
the distance is the length of the hypotenuse—a side of the square, s—divided by the square root of two. Squaring
each distance and multiplying by four such distances gives 2s2. In (a), squaring the two distances, s, and
multiplying by two such distances gives 2s2; thus, the rotational inertia for arrangements (a) and (c) is given by
2ms2—they are equal. Ranking the three arrangements in increasing order of the rotational inertia gives
(b), (a) = (c).

6. Strategy Calculate the rotational inertia in each case by using Eq. (8-2).


(a) I  m(r 2  02  02  r 2 )  2mr 2  2(3.0 kg)(0.50 m)2  1.5 kg  m 2

(b) I  m(02  r 2  02  r 2 )  2mr 2  2(3.0 kg)(0.50 m 2)2  0.75 kg  m2

(c) I  m(r 2  r 2  r 2  r 2 )  4mr 2  4(3.0 kg)(0.50 m 2)2  1.5 kg  m 2

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

7. Strategy The rotational inertia of a solid disk is I  1 MR2. Use the work-kinetic energy theorem.

Solution Find the work done to spin the CD.

  v   v   1  R 
2 2 2
1 11
W  K  I (f 2  i 2 )   MR 2   f    i    M   (vf 2  vi 2 )
2 22   r   r   4  r 
1  (0.120 m) 2 
 (0.0158 kg)   [(1.20 m s)  0]  0.0512 J
4  0.0200 m 

8. Strategy I  2 MR2 for a solid sphere and I  MR2 for the Earth about the Sun.

Solution Form a proportion.

2 2
Iaxis 5 MRE 2RE2
 
ISun MRo2 5Ro2
I 2 RE 2
So, axis  , where RE is the Earth’s radius and Ro is Earth’s orbital radius about the Sun.
ISun 5 Ro 2

Numerically we have (0.4)(6.37  106 m/1.50  1011 m)2 = 7.21  10–10.

9. Strategy Use Eq. (8-1) and form a proportion.

Solution Find the fraction of the total kinetic energy that is rotational.


 12 I 2   2



 0.019
K total 2  12 I 2   12 Mv2 2  MvI2
2 Mv 2
I (v 2 R 2 )
2 MR 2
I 2
(79 kg)(0.32 m)2
0.080 kgm2

Discussion. Nearly all of the kinetic energy is translational, and a very large fraction of that is energy of the
motion of the rider. These facts contribute to the very high efficiency of a bicycle as a means of transport.
10. (a) Strategy and Solution Since a significant fraction of the wheel’s kinetic energy is rotational, to model it as
if it were sliding without friction would be unjustified. So, the answer is no.
(b) Strategy Use Eq. (8-1) and form a proportion.

Solution Find the fraction of the total kinetic energy that is rotational.


4  12 I 2   1  1  1 
 0.017
K total
2  2  4MvI  1 1  4I (Mvv R ) 1  MR4I
1 Mv 2  4 1 I  2 2
2 2
(1300 kg)(0.35 m)2
4(0.705 kgm2 )

11. Strategy The total energy required to bring the centrifuge from rest to 420 rad/s is equal to the kinetic energy
when it rotates at   420 rad/s. Use Eq. (8-1).

Solution Find the energy required to spin the centrifuge.

1 1
K  I  2  (6.5 103 kg  m2 )  420 rad s   570 J
2 2
12. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3).

Solution Find the magnitude of the torque applied to the wrench.

  rF  (0.16 m)(25 N)  4.0 N  m

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

13. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3).

Solution Find the magnitude of the torque applied to the drum.
  rF  (0.0600 m)(75 N)  4.5 N  m
Discussion. When a cord is pulled from a reel, the radius of the drum is automatically perpendicular to the
tension in the cord.
14. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3).
Solution Find the magnitude of the torque.
  Fr  mgr  (40.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)(2.0 m)  780 N  m
15. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3).

Solution Find the magnitude of the torque.

  Fr  mgr  (0.124 kg)(9.80 N kg)(0.25 m)  0.30 N  m
Discussion. A gravitational force is always vertical and always has a horizontal moment arm (lever arm).
16. Strategy The point of application of the force of gravity is at the geometrical center of the door, so
r  (1.0 m) 2. The force is equal to the weight of the door. Use Eq. (8-4).

Solution Find the magnitude of the torque.

  rF  rmg  [(1.0 m) 2](50.0 N)  25 N  m

17. Strategy In each situation, calculate the torque using Eq. (8-3).
Solution Calculate the torque magnitudes.
(a)   rF  (50 cm)(20 N)  1000 N  cm; (b) (25 cm)(40 N)  1000 N  cm;
(c) (25 cm)(80 N)sin 60  1700 N  cm; (d) (25 cm)(80 N)sin 30  1000 N  cm; (e) (50 cm)(40 N)sin 0  0
Ranking the situations in order of the magnitude of the torque applied to the handle, from smallest to largest, we
have (e), (a) = (b) = (d), (c).
Discussion. It should be obvious from the diagrams that the minimum torque is zero in case (e), and that (c) gives
a bigger-magnitude torque than (d). All the torques are clockwise, so all completely specified with negative signs.
18. Strategy There are two lever arms, two forces, and one torque. Solve for the unknown force using Eq. (8-4).

Solution We assume your jawbone is nearly in equilibrium as you are biting a burger. Find the force exerted by
your incisors. The direction of the force exerted by your bottom teeth is upward.
r F (2.5 cm)(220 N)
  rm Fm  ri Fi , so F  m m   83 N. The force is 83 N upward.
ri 6.6 cm
19. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-3) and (8-4).
(a) The force is parallel to the vertical lever arm at noon.
  Fr  F (0)  0

(b) The torque is CCW (positive). The center of mass is (2.7 m) 2 from the axis.
  Fr  mgr  (60.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)[(2.7 m) 2]  790 N  m

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

20. Strategy Use Eq. (8-4). We find the magnitude of the clockwise (negative) torque.

Solution Find the net torque in each case.

(a)   F (r2  r1 )  Fx2  Fx1  F (x2  x1)  Fd , since d  x2  x1.

(b)   F (r2  r1 )  F (r2 sin 2 )  F (r1 sin 1)  Fx2  Fx1  F ( x2  x1)  Fd

21. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3) to compute the torque in each case.


(a) The force is applied perpendicularly to the door, so   rF  (1.26 m)(46.4 N)  58.5 N  m .

(b) The force is applied at 43.0 from the door’s surface, so

  rF  rF sin   (1.26 m)(46.4 N)sin 43.0  39.9 N  m .

(c) Since the force is applied such that its line of action passes through the axis of the door hinges—the axis of
rotation—there is no perpendicular component of the force and the torque is 0 .

Discussion. The nonzero torques are both positive, tending to produce counterclockwise angular acceleration.

22. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3) to find the torque.

Solution Let the axis of rotation be a the hinge of the trap door. Since the door
is in equilibrium, the magnitude of the torque exerted on the door by the rope is
the same as that exerted by gravity. Compute the torque due to the rope.
  rF
 mg cos 65.0
1.65 m
 (16.8 kg)(9.80 m s 2 ) cos 65.0
 57.4 N  m

23. Strategy The center of gravity is located at the center of mass.

Solution Find the center of gravity.

m x  m2 x2  m3 x3 (5.0 kg)(0.0)  (15.0 kg)(5.0 m)  (10.0 kg)(10.0 m)
xCG  xCM  1 1   5.83 m
M 5.0 kg  15.0 kg  10.0 kg

24. Strategy The center of gravity is located at the center of mass. Let the origin be at the center of the door.

Solution Due to symmetry, yCM  0.

m x  m2 x2 m1(0)  m2 ( x) W2 x (5.0 N)(0.75 m)
xCM  1 1     0.012 m
M M W 5.0 N  300.0 N
The center of gravity is located 1.2 cm toward the doorknob as measured from the center of the door.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

25. Strategy The center of gravity is at the center of mass of the plate. Imagine that the plate consists of a rectangular
plate (on the left) and a square (on the right). The mass is proportional to the area for a uniform distribution.

Solution Find the center of gravity.

xCM 
A1x1  A2 x2 0.50s

2 0.50s
2  
 0.502 s 2 0.50s  0.50

 0.42s
A1  A2 0.50s 2  0.502 s 2

yCM 

0.50s 2 (0.50s)  0.502 s 2 0.50s  0.50
  0.58s
0.50s  0.50 s
2 2 2

So, the center of gravity is located at (0.42s, 0.58s) .

Discussion. We regard s as a datum specified in the problem, so the answer is complete. We would get the
same answer if we thought of a square for the lower part of the plate and a rectangle for the upper part. A quick
check is to plot the CG location and observe that it is on the diagonal line from the upper left corner to the inside
corner of the cutout, as it must be by symmetry.

26. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-6) and (8-4).

Solution Compute the work done on the stone.

W     rF   (0.100 m)(20.0 N)(12 rev)(2 rad rev)  150 J

27. (a) Strategy and Solution One revolution is equal to the circumference of the wheel, so
the rope unwinds
C  2 r  2 (0.500 m)  3.14 m .

(b) Strategy The work done by the rope on the wheel is equal to the force times the

W  Fd  (5.00 N)(3.14 m)  15.7 J

(c) Strategy Use Eq. (8-4).

Solution Find the torque on the wheel due to the rope.

  rF  (0.500 m)(5.00 N)  2.50 N  m

(d) Strategy and Solution There are 2 rad per revolution, so the angular displacement is
  (1.00 rev)(2 rad rev)  6.28 rad .

(e) Strategy and Solution    (2.50 N  m)(6.28 rad)  15.7 J  W

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

28. (a) Strategy Use the work-kinetic energy theorem.

Solution Find the work done spinning up the wheel.

1 1
W  K  I f2  (MR 2 )f2
2 2
 (182 kg)(0.62 m)2[(120 rev min)(1 60 min s)(2 rad rev)]2  5.5 kJ

(b) Strategy Use the equations for rotational motion with constant acceleration and the relationship between
work, torque, and angular displacement.

Solution Find the torque.

W 5.5 103 J
W     (avt ), so     29 N  m .
avt (120 rev min)(1 60 min s)(2 rad rev)(30.0 s) 2

29. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a hoop is MR 2. Use the work-kinetic energy theorem and Eq. (8-1).

Solution Find the work.

1 1
W  K  I (f 2  i 2 )  (MR 2 )(f 2  0)
2 2
 (1.90 10 kg)(67.5 m) 2 (3.50 103 rad s) 2  53.0 kJ

(b) Strategy Constant torque implies constant angular acceleration, so   avt. Use Eq. (8-6).

Solution Find the torque.

   i   0
W     avt    f  t    f  t, so
 2   2 
2W 2(53.0 103 J)
   1.51 MN  m .
f t (3.50 103 rad s)(20.0 s)

Discussion. You remember the ½ in the kinetic energy equation. It is more challenging to remember that the
angular displacement is controlled by the average angular speed, ½ the sum of i and f. In laboratory and in
some problems you measure the diameter of a rotor and must remember that the radius is ½ of it.

30. Strategy Choose the axis of rotation at the fulcrum. Use Eqs. (8-8).

Solution Find the force required to lift the load.

  0  FA cos (2.4 m)  Fload cos  (1.2 m), so
1.2 m
FA  Fload  0.50mg  0.50(20.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)  98 N .
2.4 m

31. Strategy Choose the axis of rotation at the fulcrum. Use Eqs. (8-8).
Solution Find F.
(1200 N)(0.50 m)
  0  F (3.0 m)  (1200 N)(0.50 m), so F   200 N .
3.0 m

Discussion. You can compute the normal force the support exerts from Fy = 0. Prove it is 1000 N. Observe
that the force F appears in a negative term in the torque equation, but is positive in the sum of the forces. If the
board is moving at constant angular speed it is still in equilibrium.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

32. Strategy Choose the rotation axis at the edge of the base of the sculpture that is in contact with the floor as it is
tipped. The angle that the base makes with the floor is the same angle that the force due to gravity makes with the
vertical axis of the sculpture.

Solution When tipping over is “impending,” the person needs to exert no force. Set the net
torque equal to zero at this equilibrium point to find the maximum angle.
  0  mgb sin   mga cos  , where b  1.80 m and a  (1.10 m) / 2  0.550 m.
Solve for the angle.
a 0.550 m
b sin   a cos  , so   tan 1  tan 1  17.0 .
b 1.80 m

33. (a) Strategy Choose the axis of rotation at the point at which the right-hand cable connects to the platform. Let
m1  75 kg and m2  20.0 kg. Let l = 5.0 m. The system is in equilibrium.

Solution Find the force exerted by the left-hand cable.

  0  FLl  m1g (l  d )  m2 g   , so
  d m 
FL  g  m1 1    2 
  l  2 
  2.0 m  20.0 kg 
 (9.80 N kg) (75 kg) 1     540 N .
  5.0 m  2 

(b) Strategy Use Newton’s second law.

Solution Find the force exerted by the right-hand cable.

F  0  m1g  m2 g  FL  FR , so
FR  (m1  m2 ) g  FL  (75 kg  20.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)  539 N  390 N .

Discussion. As a check, find the net torque about the left-hand end of the platform,
FL(0) – m1gd – m2gl/2 + FRl. Prove that it is zero.

34. Strategy A system balances if its center of mass is above its base of support. Use Eq. (7-9) to find the center of
mass of the metersticks.

Solution Let the left end of the lowest meterstick be the origin.
mx  mx2  mx3  mx4 x1  x2  x3  x4
xCM  1 
4m 4
0.5000  (0.5000  0.3333)  (0.5000  0.3333  0.1667)  (0.5000  0.3333  0.1667  0.0833)
 m
 0.8542 m
Since the center of mass  0.8542 m < 0.8600 m, so the system balances .

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

35. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).

Solution Find the forces acting on the board.

Left support: Choose the axis of rotation at the top of the right support.
  0  FL (1.2 m)  mb g (3.4 m  2.5 m)  md g (3.4 m), so
(9.80 N kg)[(3.4 m)(55 kg  65 kg)  (2.5 m)(55 kg)]
FL   2.2 kN.
1.2 m
Since F > 0, the force is downward (CCW rotation for torque). Thus,
F  2.2 kN downward . exerted by the left-hand support
Right support: Choose the axis of rotation at the top of the left support.
  0  FR (1.2 m)  mb g (1.2 m  3.4 m  2.5 m)  md g (4.6 m), so
(9.80 N kg)[(55 kg)(2.1 m)  (65 kg)(4.6 m)]
FR   3.4 kN.
1.2 m
Since F > 0, the force is upward (CCW rotation for torque). Thus, F  3.4 kN upward . exerted by the right-hand

36. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). The free body diagram I similar to Figure 8.21.

Solution Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the driveway and the ladder.
Fx  0  f  Nw , so f  Nw .
 3.0 m  cos    15 m  
  0  N w (4.7 m)  Wl (2.5 m) cos   Wp   (5.0 m) cos  , so N w  4.7 m Wl (2.5 m)  Wp  4.7   .
 4.7 m    
Find  .
4.7 m  (5.0 m)sin  , so   sin 1 .
Calculate f.

f  Nw 
 
cos sin 1 5.0
  15 m  
(120 N)(2.5 m)  (680 N)     180 N
4.7 m   4.7  
So, the force of friction is 180 N toward the wall .

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

37. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8), applied to the climber.

Solution (a)
Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the vertical wall and the climber’s feet.
(0.91 m)Wc (0.91 m)(770 N)
  T cos (1.06 m)  Wc (0.91 m)  0, so T    730 N .
(1.06 m)cos (1.06 m) cos 25
(b) Fx  0  Fx  T sin  and Fy  0  Fy  T cos  Wc , so Fx  T sin  and Fy  Wc  T cos .
Find the magnitude of the force.
F  Fx 2  Fy 2  T 2 sin 2   Wc2  T 2 cos2   2WcT cos   T 2  Wc2  2WcT cos 

 (730 N)2  (770 N)2  2(770 N)(730 N) cos 25  330 N

Find the direction.
Fy W  T cos  770 N  (730 N) cos 25
  tan 1  tan 1 c  tan 1  19
Fx T sin  (730 N) sin 25
Thus, F  330 N at 19 above the horizontal .
Discussion. The problem does not ask you to find the total force and the total torque. Instead, those are both
known to be zero and it is that condition that makes it possible to find other forces. The unknowns are all forces,
but the total torque equation yields the first answer. Every force, known and unknown, is multiplied by a lever
arm in the torque equation. No force is multiplied by a lever arm in either force equation. Tension T is utterly
different from torque  . Forces have x and y components but (for free body diagrams that lie flat on the page)
torques do not.
38. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).
Solution Along with the forces shown in the textbook diagram, the boom feels forces Fx and Fy at the hinge.
Choose the axis of rotation at the hinge.
  0  T (2.38 m) sin 35  (80.0 N)(1.50 m)  (120.0 N)(3.00 m), so
(80.0 N)(1.50 m)  (120.0 N)(3.00 m)
T  350 N .
(2.38 m) sin 35
Find Fx and Fy .
Fx  0  T cos 35  Fx and Fy  0  Fy  T sin 35  80.0 N  120.0 N, so
Fx  T cos 35  (350 N) cos 35  290 N and Fy  (351.6 N) sin 35  80.0 N  120.0 N  2 N .

The magnitude of Fy is small compared to that of Fx and T.

39. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).
Solution Along with the forces shown in the textbook diagram, the boom feels forces Fx and Fy at the hinge.
Choose the axis of rotation at the hinge.
l mg 2  W
  0  Wl cos   Tl sin   mg cos  , so T  . For   0, T  , and for   90, T  0.
2 tan 
Discussion. When  is ninety degrees, the boom is balanced vertically, so it is reasonable that no tension in the
cable is required to hold it. As  gets smaller and smaller, approaching zero, the tension grows beyond all

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

40. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the point where the beam meets the store.

Solution The tension in the cable cannot exceed 417 N. To find the
minimum angle we let the tension take its maximum value. Sum the
torques about the hinge, where unknown horizontal and vertical forces act
but do not contribute to this total torque.
  0  T sin  (1.50 m)  (50.0 N)(0.75 m)  (200.0 N)(1.00 m)
Solve for  and substitute 417 N (the breaking strength) for T.
(50.0 N)(0.75 m)  (200.0 N)(1.00 m)
  sin 1  22.3
(417 N)(1.50 m)
The minimum angle is 22.3 .

41. Strategy Use the results from Problem 40.

Solution To the equation from problem 40 we must add one term (for the raccoon’s weight) and replace the angle
in the summation of the torques. Let d be the distance between the wall and the center of mass of the raccoon.
  0  (417 N)sin 33.8(1.50 m)  (50.0 N)(0.75 m)  (200.0 N)(1.00 m)  (8.7 kg)(9.80 m s 2 ) d , so
(417 N)sin 33.8(1.50 m)  (50.0 N)(0.75 m)  (200.0 N)(1.00 m)
d  1.3 m .
(8.7 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )

Discussion. Note that unknown forces, call them Hx and Hy, are exerted by the hinge pin on the beam. As good
practice for your next exam, calculate them. Use  Fx = 0 and Fy = 0. See if you get Hx = 347 N and
Hy = 103 N.

42. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the floor and the man’s feet.

Solution Find the vertically upward forces Fp and Ff exerted by the floor on his palms together and on his feet.
To find the normal force on his palms take torques about his feet:
mg (1.00 m) (68 kg)(9.80 N kg)(1.00 m)
  0   F (1.70 m)  mg (1.00 m)  0, so F    390 N .
1.70 m 1.70 m
To find the force on his feet consider the net vertical force:
Fy  0  Fp  Ff  mg, so Ff  mg  Fp  (68 kg)(9.80 N kg)  392 N  270 N .

43. Strategy Assuming Fb is (nearly) zero, from Fy = 0 we see that Fs is simply equal to the magnitude of the sum
of the forces due to gravity on your friend and the package.

Solution Find Fs .
Fs  Mg  mg  (M  m) g  (55 kg  10 kg)(9.80 N kg)  640 N .

44. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the ankle joint.

Solution Find the tension in the Achilles tendon, FA .

  0  FA (4.60 cm)  FT (0)  (750 N)(12.8 cm) so FA  750 N = 2.09 kN
Find the force that the tibia exerts on the ankle joint, FT . From Fy = 0
FT  N  FA  750 N  (750 N)  2.84 kN
The forces are: tendon, 2090 N upward and tibia, 2840 N downward .

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

45. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the shoulder joint. One arm supports half of the person’s
weight, so Fp  12 (700 N)  350 N. is an additional force in the diagram, acting down at the distal end of the arm.

Solution Find the force each muscle exerts.

  0  Fs (0)  Fm (12 cm)sin15  Fg (27.5 cm)  Fp (60 cm), so
Fg (27.5 cm)  Fp (60 cm) (30.0 N)(27.5 cm)  (350 N)(60 cm)
Fm    7.0 kN .
(12 cm) sin15 (12 cm) sin15
Discussion. Use the equations about the net force on the upper arm being zero to find the two components of the
force the scapula exerts. You should find Fsx =6.8 kN and Fsy = –1.44 kN, with the negative sign indicating
46. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the elbow, where another force acts with two components,
but produces no torque.

Solution Find the force exerted by the biceps muscle.

  0  Wm (35.0 cm)  Wa (16.5 cm)  Fb (5.00 cm)sin  , so
Wm (35.0 cm)  Wa (16.5 cm) (9.9 N)(35.0 cm)  (18.0 N)(16.5 cm)
Fb    130 N .
(5.00 cm)sin  (5.00 cm) 30.0 cm
(30.0 cm)  (5.00 cm)
2 2

47. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the knee.

Solution Two downward gravitational forces, Fw and FL, act on the lower leg, and a pair of large force
components exerted by the femur. Find the force exerted by the patellar tendon in each position.
(a)   0  Fp (10.0 cm)sin 20.0  Fw (41 cm)sin 30.0  FL (22 cm)sin 30.0, so
g sin 30.0[mw (41 cm)  mL (22 cm)] (9.80 N kg)sin 30.0[(3.0 kg)(41 cm)  (5.0 kg)(22 cm)]
Fp  
(10.0 cm)sin 20.0 (10.0 cm)sin 20.0
 330 N .

(b)   0  Fq (10.0 cm)sin 20.0  Fw (41 cm)sin 90.0  FL (22 cm)sin 90.0, so
g[mw (41 cm)  mL (22 cm)] (9.80 N kg)[(3.0 kg)(41 cm)  (5.0 kg)(22 cm)]
Fq    670 N .
(10.0 cm)sin 20.0 (10.0 cm)sin 20.0
48. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).
Solution Along with the forces shown in textbook Figure 8.33, the torso feels 588 N down at the shoulders.
(a) The torque exerted by the erector spinae muscles must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the
torque due to the mass of the upper body and the 60.0-kg mass.
 loading  xCMWub  mgx  (0.38 m)(455 N)  (60.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)(0.76 m)  620 N  m The torque
exerted by the spine-straightening muscle is 620 Nm counterclockwise.
(b)   (Fb sin  )d where d = 0.44 m, Fb is the magnitude of the force due to the erector spinae muscles,
  12, and   620 N  m.
 620 N  m
Fb    6800 N
d sin  (0.44 m)sin12
The force exerted by the erector spinae muscles is 6800 N at 12° above the horizontal.

(c) The component of the force that compresses the spinal column is Fb cos  (6780 N)cos12  6600 N .

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

49. Strategy and Solution Torque has units N  m  kg  m  s2  m  kg  m2  s 2. Inertia times angular acceleration
has units kg  m2  s2  N  m. Thus, the units are consistent.

Discussion. We can think of a radian as the combination unit m/m, equal to the number 1. A degree or a
revolution is not equal to one. A radian is a unit that does not have a dimension like [L], [M], or [T].

50. Strategy Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law.

Solution Find the frictional torque.

 0  20.0 rad s
  I  I  (400.0 kg  m2 )  26.7 N  m
t 300.0 s
The torque is 26.7 N  m opposite the flywheel’s rotation .

51. Strategy Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law and Eq. (5-21).

Solution Find the torque that the motor must deliver.

I  12 MR2 for a uniform disk, so

 
1   2  i 2  MR2f 2 (0.22 kg) 0.305 m
 3.49 rad s  2
  I  MR 2  f    2
 0.0012 N  m .
2  2  4 4(2.0 rev)(2 rad rev)
 

Discussion. Look at an old record player to see that the torque is clockwise. Note the factors of ½ in the
rotational inertia of a disk as opposed to a hoop, in the radius compared to the diameter, and in the average
angular speed being half the final . We would use that last one to find  from  = ( f – 0)/t with
 = avgt.

52. Strategy The rotational inertia of the rotor is I  9.20 102 kg  m2 and    t . Let r  15.0 cm, the
length of each spout, and let F be the force per spout. Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law.

Solution Find F.
 I  (9.20 102 kg  m2 )(2.2 rev s)  2 rad 
  3Fr  I  I , so F      0.88 N .
t 3r t 3(0.150 m)(3.20 s)  1 rev 

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

53. (a) Strategy Use the definition of average angular speed.

Solution Find the angular speed of the discus just before release.
 i  f 0  f  2(1.5 rev)(2 rad/rev)
ave    , so f  2   13 rad/s .
t 2 2 t 1.4 s

(b) Strategy Treating the discus as a point mass, compute the rotational inertia using MR2. Use Eq. (8-9) to find
the torque.

Solution Find the torque applied to the discus by the athlete.

   i  0 2 /t 2MR 2 
  I  MR 2  MR 2 f  MR 2 f  MR 2  , so
t t t t (t )2
2(2.0 kg)(0.90 m) 2 [(1.5 rev)(2 rad/rev)]
  16 N  m .
(1.4 s)2

(c) Strategy Use v  R to find the initial speed of the discus as it is released by the athlete. Then, ignore air
resistance and lift to use the expression for the range of a projectile from a previous chapter to estimate the
distance traveled by the discus.

Solution Compute the initial speed of the discus.

2 R 2(0.90 m)(1.5 rev)(2 rad/rev)
vi  Rf    12 m s
t 1.4 s
Estimate the distance.
2vi2 sin  cos  2(12 m s)2 sin 45 cos 45
x    15 m
g 9.8 m s 2
The discus travels 15 m to the same height as it was released, plus about another meter if it is released 1 m
above the ground.

Discussion. It would be formally correct to state the final angular speed as 2(1.5 rev)/1.4 s = 2.1 rev/s; but we
must convert the 1.5 revolutions into radians to make the units work out for torque, for linear speed v, and for
rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum in problems that ask about them.

54. Strategy The rotational inertia of the gear is I  12 MR2 and    t . Use the rotational form of Newton’s
second law.

Solution Find the total frictional torque.

1 
  TR   frictional  I   MR 2 , so
2 t
1 
 frictional  TR  MR 2
2 t
1 (1.35 rev s  0)  2 rad 
 (72.5 N)(0.650 m)  (40.6 kg)(0.650 m)2    4.3 N m .
2 1.70 s  1 rev 

55. Strategy Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law and the definition of rotational inertia.

Solution Find the torque required to cause the angular acceleration.

I   miri 2  (mA  mB  mC  mD )r 2 , since all four masses are (0.75 m)/2 from the axis.
i A
  I  (4.0 kg  3.0 kg  5.0 kg  2.0 kg)[(0.75 m) 2]2(0.75 rad s2 )  1.5 N  m

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

56. Strategy The rotational inertia of the wheel is I  MR 2. Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law.

Solution Find the magnitude of the average torque.

  4.00 rev s  2 rad 
 av  I  MR2  (2 kg)(0.30 m)2     0.09 N  m
t  50 s  rev 

57. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of the merry-go-round is I  1 MR2 and that of the children is I  2MR 2 .
Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law.

Solution Find the torque on the merry-go-round.

1  
  I    MR 2  2mR 2 
2  t
1   25 rev/min  0  2 rad  1 min 
  (350.0 kg)  2(30.0 kg)  (1.25 m) 2      48 N  m
2   20.0 s  rev  60 s 

(b) Strategy Let F be the magnitude of the tangential force with which each big
kid must push the rim.

Solution Find F.
 48 N  m
FR  FR   , so F    19 N .
2R 2(1.25 m)

Discussion. Get some more practice! Find the work done to the turntable. Find its rotational kinetic energy.
Find its final angular momentum. Answers: 1.3 kJ, 1.3 kJ, 960 kgm2/s.

58. Strategy The rotational inertia is I  12 MR2. Use the rotational form of Newton’s second law and Eq. (5-18).


 FR  FR 4F 4(10.0 N)
(a)    2
   0.11 rad s2
I 1 MR MR (180 kg)(2.0 m)

(b) f  i   t  0  (0.11 rad s2 )(4.0 s)  0.44 rad s

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

59. (a) Strategy and Solution This is just the relation between tangential acceleration and angular acceleration,
a  R .

(b) Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).

Solution Find the net torque on the pulley about its axis of rotation.
  T1R  T2R  (T1  T2 )R
The motion is CCW, so   (T1  T2 )R CCW .

(c) Strategy and Solution If m1  m2 , T1  T2 , so   0.

If m1  m2 , the blocks accelerate, so the pulley has an angular acceleration. Since a nonzero net torque is
required to make the pulley accelerate, T1  T2  0, and thus T1  T2 .

(d) Strategy The rotational inertia of a solid-disk pulley is I  12 MR2 . Use Eqs. (8-8)
and (8-9).

Solution Find the magnitudes of the tensions.

m1a  m1g  T1  T1  m1(g  a) and m2a  T2  m2g  T2  m2 (g  a) .
Find a.
1 a 1
  (T1  T2 ) R  (m1g  m1a  m2 g  m2a) R  I   MR 2  MRa,
2 R 2
(m1  m2 ) g
so a  M .
 m1  m2

(e) Strategy Use the result for the speed from Example 8.2 and Eq. (4-10).

Solution Check the answer for a.

2(m1  m2 ) gh
From Example 8.2, v  . Find a.
m1  m2  I R 2
2(m1  m2 ) gh (m1  m2 ) g
2a y y  2ah  vfy 2  viy 2  v 2  0  , so a  .
m1  m2  I R m1  m2  I R 2

1 (m1  m2 ) g (m1  m2 ) g
Now we have assumed I  MR2 , so a   .
2 m1  m2  2 MR R
1 2 2 m1  m2  M2
The expression for a is the same as that found in part (d).
60. Strategy Follow the steps to derive the rotational from of Newton’s second law.
(a) According to Newton’s second law, Fi  mi ai , so ai  Fi mi .
(b) The torque is the product of the perpendicular component of the force and the shortest distance between the
rotation axis and the line of application of the force, so  i  Fi ri  mi ai ri .

(c) The tangential acceleration is related to the angular acceleration by ai  ri , so  i  mi (ri )ri  mi ri 2 .

(d) Summing the torques and using the definition of rotational inertia, we have
N N N 
  i   mi ri 2    mi ri 2    I  .
i 1 i 1  i 1 

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

61. Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid sphere is 2 MR2 . Use the expression for the acceleration found
in Example 8.13.
Solution Find the acceleration of the solid sphere.
g sin  g sin  g sin  (9.80 m s 2 )sin 35
aCM    
1  I ( MR 2 ) 1  2 MR 2 ( MR 2 ) 1  2 5
1 2 5

 4.0 m s 2

Discussion. Why is the acceleration less than g sin ? For one answer, a static friction force is exerted by the
board uphill on the sphere to make it roll instead of sliding; so the net downslope force on the sphere is less than
mg sin. For another answer, the rolling sphere at the bottom has rotational kinetic energy as well as translational
kinetic energy. Together they must agree with the original gravitational energy. So the (1/2)mvf2 is less than
mghi and vf must be less than it would be for a frictionless glider. Then the acceleration must be
correspondingly smaller.

62. Strategy Use conservation of energy. The rotational inertia of a uniform solid sphere is 52 MR2 .

Solution Find the speed of the sphere. With Ki = 0 and Uf = 0,

we require Kf = Ui.
1 1 1 12  v 
Kf  Mv 2  I  2  Mv 2   MR 2  
2 2 2 25  R 
1 1 7
 Mv  Mv  Mv  U i  Mgh, so
2 2 2
2 5 10
10 10
v gh  (9.80 m s2 )(0.60 m)  2.9 m s .
7 7

63. Strategy Use Eqs. (6-6) and (8-1).

Solution Find the total kinetic energies of each object.
Solid sphere:
1 2 1 2 1 2 1  2 2  v  1 1 7
K tr  K rot  mv  I   mv   mr    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2
2 2 2 25  r  2 5 10
Solid cylinder:
1 2 1 2 1 2 1  1 2  v  1 1 3
mv  I   mv   mr    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2
K tr  K rot 
2 2 2 22  r  2 4 4
Hollow cylinder:
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2v 1 1
K tr  K rot mv  I   mv  mr    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2
2 2 2 2 r 2 2
In order from smallest to largest, the total kinetic energies are
7 3
solid sphere: K  mv2; solid cylinder: K  mv2; hollow cylinder: K  mv 2 .
10 4

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

64. Strategy The sphere is rolling on a horizontal surface, so its total energy is equal to its total kinetic energy. Use
conservation of energy.

Solution Compute the total energy.

1 2 1 2 1 2 1  2 2  v  1 1 7
Etotal  K tr  K rot  mv  I   mv   mr    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2
2 2 2 25  
r 2 5 10
 (7/10)(0.600 kg)(5.00 m s) 2  10.5 J

Find the height achieved by the sphere. At the final point the sphere is at rest and
all of its energy is gravitational.
E 10.5 J
U f  mgh  Etotal , so h  total   1.79 m .
mg (0.600 kg)(9.80 N kg)

65. (a) Strategy Use conservation of energy. The rotational inertia of a uniform solid cylinder is 12 MR2 .

Solution Let h = 0.80 m, m be the mass of the bucket, and M be the mass of the cylinder.
The tangential speed of the circumference of the cylinder is the same as the linear speed of
the bucket, since they are attached by a rope.
Kicylinder  Kibucket  U i  K fcylinder  K fbucket  U f becomes
1 2 1 2 1 11  v  1 1
0  0  mgh  mv  I   0  mv 2   MR 2    mv 2  Mv 2 so
2 2 2 22  R  2 4
4mgh 4(2.0 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )(0.80 m)
v   3.0 m s .
2m  M 2(2.0 kg)  3.0 kg

(b) Strategy Use the work-kinetic energy theorem.

Solution Find the tension T in the rope as the bucket falls a distance h.
Wtotal  K  mv 2  Wrope  Wgrav  Th  mgh, so
 v2   8.96 m2 s 2 
T  m  g    (2.0 kg) 9.80 m s 2    8.4 N .
 2h 
  2(0.80 m) 

(c) Strategy Use Newton’s second law.

Solution Find the acceleration of the bucket as it falls.

T 8.4 N
Fy  T  mg  ma y , so a y   g   9.80 m s 2   5.6 m s 2 , or 5.6 m s 2 down .
m 2.0 kg

Discussion. As a check, the acceleration in (c) and the speed in (a) should be related by v2 – 0 = 2ah or
(3 m/s)2 = 2(5.6 m/s2)(0.8 m). Prove that it works out.

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

66. Strategy Let h = 17.0 m, m be the mass of the bucket, and M be the mass of the cylinder. The tangential speed of
the cylinder is the same as the linear speed of the bucket, since we assume the rope unwinds from the pole as a
reel or spool. Use conservation of energy and Eq. (4-8). The rotational inertia of a uniform solid cylinder is
1 MR 2 .
Solution Find the speed of the bucket when it reaches the bottom of the well.
Ki  Ui  K fbucket  K fcylinder  Uf becomes
1 2 1 2 1 11  v  4mgh
0  mgh  mv  I   0  mv2   MR2   , so v  .
2 2 2 22  R  2m  M
Compute how long it will take for the bucket to fall to the bottom of the well.
y  h  (vfy  viy )t , so
2h 2h h(2m  M ) (17.0 m)[2(1.10 kg)  2.60 kg]
t      2.75 s .
vfy  viy 4mgh
0 mg (1.10 kg)(9.80 m s2 )
2m M
67. (a) Strategy Use conservation of energy and the relationship between speed and radial acceleration.
Solution At the top of the loop, the sphere’s speed must be at least the speed that results in a radial
acceleration of g by making the normal force drop to zero in –N – Mg = –Mv2/r Then
 g , so v2  gr.
1 2 1
The sphere’s kinetic energy is mv  mgr, and it must equal the potential energy difference between its
2 2
1 5
starting point and the top of the loop, mgh  mg (2r ). Thus, r  h  2r or h  r .
2 2
(b) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid sphere is 52 mr 2 . Use conservation of energy.
Solution We again have v2 = gr if the sphere is ready to fall from the top of the loop. Find the kinetic
energy of the sphere.
1 12   v2  7 7
K  mv2   mr 2   2   mv 2  mgr
2 25  
  r  10 10
Find h.
7 27
K  mgr  U  mgh  mg (2r ), so h  r .
10 10
Discussion. Note that a torque can never be added to a force, or be equal to it. Angular acceleration and linear
acceleration a are different physical quantities that cannot be added. So are angular speed and speed v, as well as
angular momentum and momentum, as well as rotational inertia and mass, as well as  and x. But rotational
kinetic energy can be added to (1/2)mv2 kinetic energy to describe a rolling object.
68. Strategy Use conservation of energy and the relationship between speed and radial acceleration.
Solution At the top of the loop, the cylinder’s speed must be at least the speed that results in a radial
acceleration of g by making the normal force drop to zero in –N – Mg = –Mv2/r Then
 g , so v2  gr.
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2v
The cylinder’s kinetic energy is mv  I   mv  mr    mv 2  mgr , and it must equal the
2 2 2 2 r
cylinder’s potential energy difference between its starting point and the top of the loop, mgh  mg (2r ).
Thus, mgr  mgh  2mgr  mg (h  2r), so h  3r .

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

69. Strategy Consider the rotational inertia of each object. Use conservation of energy and the relationship between
speed and radial acceleration.

Solution Since Isphere  2 mr 2  mr 2  I hollow cylinder ,

h will decrease. The smaller the rotational inertia, the less gravitational energy will go into rotational energy,
and the more will go into translational energy.
Redo the calculation with the solid sphere. At the top of the loop, the sphere’s speed must be at least the speed
that results in a radial acceleration of g by making the normal force drop to zero in –N – Mg = –Mv2/r Then
v2 1 1 1 1 v 7 7
 g , so v2  gr. Thus, its kinetic energy is mv2  I  2  mv2  mr 2    mv2  mgr, and the
r 2 2 2 5 r 10 10
kinetic energy must equal the sphere’s potential energy difference between its starting point and the top of the
7 7
loop, mgh  mg (2r ). Find h: mgr  mgh  2mgr , so r  h  2r , or h  2.7r.
10 10
Problem 68 had a minimum of h  3r. With a solid sphere, the minimum is h  2.7 r, which is a little less
than 3r.

Discussion. This combination of analysis from Newton’s second law and from conservation of energy is so
instructive that problem 69 and problem 67(b) ask for the same calculation.

70. (a) Strategy Let r1  0.00500 m and r2  0.0200 m. The tangential speed of the axle and the speed of the yo-yo
are the same. Use conservation of energy.

Solution Find the speed of the yo-yo.

Ki  U i  K ftranlational  K frotational  U f becomes
1 2 1 2 1 11   v2  1 1 r 
0  mgh  mv  I   0  mv 2   mr22   2   mv 2  m  2  v 2 , so
2 2 2 22   r1  2 4  r1 

4 gh 4(9.80 m s 2 )(1.00 m)
v   1.5 m s .
2  (r2 r1)2
 
2  0.00500
0.0200 m

(b) Strategy Assume constant acceleration. Use Eq. (4-8).

Solution Find the time is takes the yo-yo to fall.

1 v 2y 2(1.00 m)
y  vavt  (vfy  viy )t  t, so t    1.36 s .
2 2 v 1.476 m s

71. Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform disk is I  12 MR2 . Use Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the magnitude of the angular momentum of the disk.

1 1
L  I   MR2  (5.00 kg)(0.100 m)2 (0.550 rev s)(2 rad rev)  0.0864 kg  m2 s
2 2

72. Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid sphere is I  52 MR2 . Use Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the magnitude of the angular momentum of the Earth.

2 2  1 rev  2 rad  1 h 
L  I   MR2  (5.97 1024 kg)(6.37 106 m)2   rev  3600 s   7.0 10 kg  m s
33 2
5 5  24 h   

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

73. Strategy The rotational inertia of a hoop is I  MR 2 . Use Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the magnitude of the angular momentum of the flywheel.

 350 rev  2 rad  1 min 
L  I   MR2  (5.6 104 kg)(2.6 m)2      1.4 10 kg  m s
7 2
 1 min  rev  60 s 

Discussion. A recurrent suggestion: A big flywheel spinning fast under the floor of a city bus can contain enough
energy to propel the bus around its route. The flywheel needs to be spun up again at each passage by the bus
garage. It may feel funny when the bus goes over the top of a hill, but physics teachers will treat it as a tourist

74. Strategy Since the torque is constant, it is equal to the change in angular momentum divided by the time interval.

Solution Find the applied torque.

L 115 kg  m2 s  240 kg  m2 s
   50 N  m.
t 2.5 s
The torque applied is 50 N  m opposite the rotation of the wheel .

75. Strategy Since the torque is constant, it is equal to the change in angular momentum divided by the time interval.

Solution Find the time to stop the spinning wheel

L L 0  6.40 kg  m2 s
 , so t    1.60 s .
t  4.00 N  m

Discussion. One can say there are four theories of motion: Newton’s second law describes how a net force
exerted on an object causes its acceleration. The work-energy theorem says that work done on an object changes
its energy. The impulse-momentum theorem says that impulse imparted to an object changes its momentum. And
now the angular-impulse-angular-momentum theorem says that angular impulse t injected into an object
changes its angular momentum L. You might imagine that different theories would make different predictions,
but all these theories agree precisely with experiments on massive objects larger than atoms and moving slowly
compared with light, so all four agree with each other.

76. Strategy Use MR2/2 for the rotational inertia of the flywheels as solid disks. Use L = Iω to compute the angular

Solution Compute the angular momentum for each flywheel.

MR 2 (10 kg)(0.20 m) 2 (30 rad s) (20 kg)(0.20 m) 2 (30 rad s)
A: L  I     6.0 kg  m 2 s; B:  12 kg  m 2 s;
2 2 2
(20 kg)(0.40 m) 2 (15 rad s) (20 kg)(0.40 m) 2 (30 rad s)
C:  24 kg  m 2 s; D:  48 kg  m 2 s;
2 2
(20 kg)(0.10 m) 2 (60 rad s) (5 kg)(0.20 m) 2 (60 rad s)
E:  6.0 kg  m2 s; F:  6.0 kg  m 2 s
2 2
Ranking the flywheels in order of their angular momentum, from smallest to largest, we have A = E = F, B, C, D.

77. Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum and Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the skater’s new rate of rotation.

I 1
Li  Iii  Lf  If f , so f  i i  (1.0 rev s)  1.5 rev s .
If 0.67

Discussion. Solo ice skaters thrill us with jumps and with grace, but take a look at the closing spin in
Dick Button’s 1952 gold-medal Olympic performance at .
Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

78. Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum and Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the skater’s final angular velocity.

I 2.50
Li  Iii  Lf  If f , so f  i i  (10.0 rad s)  15.6 rad s .
If 1.60

79. Strategy The work done by the skater is equal to the change in her rotational kinetic energy. The rotational
kinetic energy is given by K = Iω2/2. Use conservation of angular momentum to find the final angular speed.

Solution Find an expression for the final angular speed of the skater.
Li  Iii  Lf  If f , so f  i i.
Compute the work done by the skater as she pulls her arms in while spinning.
1 2 1 2 1  Ii  1 I2 1 2  I 2 
W  Kf  Ki  I f f  Iii  If  i   Iii2  i i2  Iii2  i  i  Ii 
2 2 2  If  2 2I f 2 
2  If 

2 
(10.0 rad s) (2.50 kg  m ) 2 2
   2.50 kg  m2   70.3 J
2  1.60 kg  m 2

80. Strategy The initial rotational inertia is Ii  12 MR2 , and the final rotational inertia is If  12 MR2  mr 2 , where
M is the mass of the disk, m is the mass of the clay, R is the radius of the disk, and r is the distance from the center
of the disk (axis of rotation) to the center of the clod. Use conservation of angular momentum.

Solution Solve for the final angular speed.

1 1 
Li  Iii  MR2i  Lf  If f   MR2  mr 2  f , so
2  2 
1 MR 2 1 1
 2mr 2   2(0.12 g)(0.0800 m)2 
f  2 i  1   i  1   (18.0 Hz)
1 MR 2  mr 2
2  MR 2   (0.80 kg)(0.170 m)2 
 16.9 Hz .

81. Strategy The rotational inertias of the wheel and guinea pig are I w  MR2 and Ig  mR2 , respectively, where M
is the mass of the wheel, m is the mass of the guinea pig, and R is the radius of the wheel. Use conservation of
angular momentum and v  r.

Solution Find the angular velocity of the wheel.

Lw  Lg , so I w w  MR 2w  I gg  mR 2g  mRvg .
mvg (0.500 kg)(0.200 m s)
Thus, w    0.125 rad s .
MR (2.00 kg)(0.400 m)

Discussion. The guinea pig can convert chemical energy into mechanical energy, giving some positive kinetic
energy (That’s the only kind) to himself and to the wheel. But the pet cannot change the total angular momentum
of the guinea-pig-wheel system away from its original value of zero.

82. Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum and Eq. (8-14).

Solution Find the diver’s initial angular velocity.

I 1  2.00 rev  2 rad 
Li  Iii  Lf  I f f , so i  f f    3.15 rad s .
Ii 3.00  1.33 s 
 rev 

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

83. Strategy Use Eqs. (4-9), (5-2), and (8-14).

(a) Find the time elapsed during the dive in the tuck position.
1 1 2h
y  h  viy t  g (t )2  0  g (t )2 , so t  .
2 2 g
Find the number of turns (revolutions).
L 2h  1 rev   1 rev  106 kg  m 2 s 2(10.0 m)
  t  , so      2 rad   3.0 .
I g  2 rad    8.0 kg  m 2 9.80 m s 2
(b) Find the number of turns during the dive in the pike position.
 1 rev  106 kg  m 2 s 2(10.0 m)
     1.6
 2 rad  15.5 kg  m 2 9.80 m s 2

84. Strategy The initial rotational inertia is Ii  12 MR2 , and the final rotational inertia is If  12 MR2  ( Fg g )R2 ,
where M is the mass of the merry-go-round, Fg is the weight of the child, R is the radius of the merry-go-round
and the distance from the center of the merry-go-round (axis of rotation) to the child. Use conservation of angular

Solution Solve for the final angular speed.

1 1 Fg 2 
Li  Iii  MR 2i  Lf  I f f   MR 2  R  f , so
2 2 g 
 
1 MR 2 1 1
 2 Fg   2(180 N) 
f  2  
i  1    
i  1   (0.75 rev s)  0.61 rev s .
1 MR 2  Fg R 2  gM 
 (9.80 m s )(160 kg) 
2 g
Compute the change in rotational kinetic energy.
1 1 11 Fg 2  2 1  1 
K r  I f f 2  Iii 2   MR 2  R  f   MR 2  i 2
2 2 2  2 g 
 2  2 

1  1 (180 N)(2.0 m)  
2 2
rev   1  rev    2 rad 
2 2
   (160 kg)(2.0 m) 2    0.61    (160 kg)(2.0 m) 2   0.75    
2   2
 9.80 m s 2   s  2  s    rev 

 660 J

85. Strategy The average torque is equal to the magnitude of the change in angular momentum divided by the time
Solution Let Li  L in the +y-direction. Then L has components Lx  L sin  and
Ly  L cos  L  L(cos 1). So,

L  (L sin  )2  [L(cos   1)]2  L sin 2 60.0  (cos 60.0 )2  1.00L.

Compute the magnitude of the required torque.
1 mr 2
L 1.00L 1.00I 
    2
t t t t
(1.00 10 kg)(2.00 m) (300.0 rpm)  2 rad  1 min 
5 2
  rev  60 s   2.10 10 N  m
2(3.00 s)   
Discussion. The magnitude of the angular momentum does not change, but still a torque
is required to change the direction of the vector angular momentum.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

86. Strategy Consider how the angular momentum of the rotating disk affects the motion of the ship.

The disk should rotate in a horizontal plane so that the angular momentum vector is vertical. This does not
make it difficult to steer; the ship can change direction without affecting the direction of the angular

87. Strategy Refer to Figure 8.33, inserting a 98-N downward force at the shoulders. We choose to first find the
magnitude of the force exerted by the back muscles Fb by analyzing the torques about an axis at the sacrum;
then, find the horizontal component of the extreme force on the sacrum Fs . Use Eqs. (8-8).

Solution Sum the torques to find Fb .

  0  Fb (44 cm)sin12  (10 kg)(9.80 m s2 )(76 cm)  (55 kg)(9.80 m s2 )(38 cm), so
(10 kg)(9.80 m s2 )(76 cm)  (55 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )(38 cm)
Fb   3053 N.
(44 cm)sin12
The only forces with components in the horizontal direction are those due to the back and the sacrum. Find the
horizontal component of the extreme force, Fsx .
Fx  0  Fsx  Fb cos12, so Fsx  Fb cos12  (3053 N)cos12  3.0 kN . In problem 43 we found a sacrum
(3053 N) cos12
force of 640 N.  4.7, so the force is about 4.7 times larger than that from his torso when held
640 N

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

88. (a) Strategy and Solution The drilled cylinder takes more time because it converts a larger fraction of its
potential energy to rotational kinetic energy and a smaller fraction to translational kinetic energy than the
solid cylinder; the drilled cylinder takes more time because its rotational inertia is larger .
(b) Strategy Use conservation of energy and the result for the acceleration from Example 8.13.
Solution Find the speeds of the solid and drilled cylinders.
Solid cylinder:
Let m  the mass of the solid cylinder; its rotational inertia is Is  mR2 2, where R is the radius. Let h be the
vertical height of the incline and vs be the speed of the solid cylinder at the bottom. From conservation of
1 1 1 11   v2  1 1 3
0  mgh  K tr  K rot  0  mvs2  Is 2  mvs2   mR 2   s2   mvs2  mvs2  mvs2
2 2 2 22  
 R  2 4 4
so vs  2 .
Drilled cylinder:
Let m be the mass of the drilled cylinder. It has inner radius b  R 2 and outer radius a  R. From Table 8.1,
its rotational inertia is
1  R  5
I d  m(a 2  b2 )  m  R 2      mR 2
2 2   2   8

Let vd be the speed of the drilled cylinder at the bottom. From conservation of energy,
1 15   v2  1 5 13 gh
0  mgh  mvd2   mR 2   d2   0  mvd2  mvd2  mvd2 , so vd  4 .
2 28 
 R   2 16 16 13
The ratio of the times to move down the incline is the reciprocal of the ratio of the final speeds. Why? Both
move with constant acceleration starting from rest, so their average velocities are one half of their final
velocities. They move the same distance—call it d—along the incline, so
1 1 td vs 2 gh 3 1 13
d  vdtd  vsts Then,     1.0408
2 2 ts vd 4 gh 13 2 3
The time for the drilled cylinder to roll down the incline is 4.08% longer than that for the solid cylinder.
89. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid sphere is I  52 MR2 . Use Eq. (8-1).
Solution Find the kinetic energy of the Earth.
2 2
1 2 12  1  2 rad   1 h 
K rot  I    MR 2   2  (5.974 1024 kg)(6.371106 m) 2      2.6 10 J
2 25  5  24 h   3600 s 
2 T  Ki
(b) Strategy and Solution T  and Krot   2 , so   K rot and f  i  . The change in the
 Ti f Kf
 Ki   1   60 min 
period is Tf  Ti    1 Ti    1 (24 h)    7.3 min.
 K   0.99   1h 
 f   
The length of the day would increase by 7.3 minutes.
(c) Strategy Divide 1.0% of the Earth’s rotational kinetic energy by the world’s energy usage.

Solution One percent of the Earth’s rotational kinetic energy would supply the world’s energy needs (at
0.010(2.6 1029 J)
today’s usage) for  2.6 million years .
1.0 1021 J yr
Discussion. When we use ocean tides to run water turbines, we divert a tiny bit of the Earth’s rotational kinetic
energy for human use. The Moon accepts some more to be lifted into a higher orbit.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

90. (a) Strategy The weight is equal to the change in the combined readings of the scales.

Solution From Fy = 0 = 394 N – 200 N – W + 541 N, compute the student’s weight.
W  394.0 N  541.0 N 100.0 N 100.0 N  735.0 N
(b) Strategy The student-plank system is in equilibrium. Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact
between the plank and scale B.

Solution Find x1.

  0  ms gx1  FA L  mp g   , so x1 
FA L  mp g  L2   (2.2 m) 394.0 N  12 (200.0 N)  0.88 m .
2 mg 735.0 N
(c) Strategy The height of the student is h  1.60 m.

Solution Find the height y of the student’s center of gravity.

h h
y  x1  (0.88 m)  0.55h
h 1.60 m
91. Strategy Choose the axis of rotation at the contact point between the horizontal surface and the tip of the left leg.
Solution When the creature is on the verge of tipping over, no normal force acts on the right leg. The normal
force on the left leg produces no torque about the axis we choose. Find the maximum wind speeds in which the
blowfly and dog can stand. Let r represent the diagonal distance from left foot to center of gravity
(a)  net  0  Fwind r sin   mgr cos , so
mg mg (0.070 103 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )
 Fwind  cAv 2 or v    9.6 m s .
tan  cA tan  (1.3 N  s 2 m4 )(0.10 104 m2 ) tan 30.0

(0.070 103 kg)(9.80 m s2 )

(b) v   3.1 m s
(1.3 N  s 2 m4 )(0.10 104 m 2 ) tan 80.0

(10.0 kg)(9.80 m s2 )
(c) v   21 m s
(1.3 N  s2 m4 )(0.030 m2 ) tan 80.0

92. Strategy The rotational inertia of the Moon for revolution about the Earth is I  mr 2 . Use conservation of
angular momentum and v   r.

Solution Find the ratio of the Moon’s orbital speed at perigee to that at apogee.
v vp vp ra 4.07 105 km
I aa  mra 2 a  mra va  I pp  mrp 2  mrpvp , so    1.14 .
ra rp va rp 3.56 105 km

93. Strategy The rotational inertia of each blade (as a uniform rod) is I  13 ML2 , where L is the length of each blade.
Find the angular acceleration of the fan using the definition; and use Newton’s second law for rotation to find the
torque applied to the fan by the motor.

Solution The angular acceleration is    t . Find the torque.

1   4ML2  4(0.35 kg)(0.60 m)2 (1.8 rev s  0)  2 rad 
  I  4  ML2       0.44 N  m
3  t 3t 3(4.35 s)  rev 
Discussion. If you throw a switch, the torque of the motor can reverse to make the fan slow down in CCW
rotation, stop for an instant, and then speed up in CW rotation. Make sure you know that  is zero and  is not,
at the moment when it is at rest.

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

94. Strategy Use Eq. (8-3). The force due to the weight is mg.

Solution Find the torque.

  Fr  mgr  (10.0 kg)(9.80 N kg)(1.0 m)  98 N  m

95. Strategy The rotational inertia of the rod is I  1 mL2 . Use conservation of energy.

Solution Find the speed of the lower end of the uniform rod when moving at its lowest point.
L 1 2 11  v  1
Ki  U i  K f  U f gives 0  mgh  mg  I   0   mL2    mv 2 , so v  3gL .
2 2 23  L  6
Discussion. At the moment of release the angular acceleration is given by  = I mgL/2 = (1/3)ML2 as
 =3g/2L. The rod swings through angular displacement  = 90° = /2 rad. From these two facts, you can find
the angular speed  at the end of the downswing from 2 – 0 = 2, to be (3g/L)1/2, right? And then the
speed of the distal end is v = r = L(3g/L)1/2 = (3gL)1/2. But this is larger by a factor of the square root of pi
than the value we got first. What is wrong? Answer: The angular acceleration is not constant, so  = 2 does not apply.

96. Strategy The rotational inertia of the gymnast is m(2r )2 , where r  1.0 m. Use conservation of energy.
Solution Find the angular speed at the bottom of the swing.
Ki  Ui  K f  U f gives I bottom2  0  0  mg (2r ) or
1 1  2 3g 3(9.80 m s 2 )
 m(2r )2  bottom2  mr 2bottom2  2rmg so bottom    5.4 rad s .
2 3  3 r 1.0 m
97. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8). Choose the axis of rotation at the hinge attaching the crane to the cab (the pivot).

Solution Draw your own diagram showing just the crane boom and the five forces acting on it. Find T1.

For the load  Fy  T1  67 kN  0, so T1  67 kN . This tension stays constant when the hoisting cable passes
over the top pulley. Now for the crane boom
  0  T2 (12.2 m)sin10.0  (67 kN)(12.2 m)sin 5.0  (18 kN)(6.1 m)sin 40.0  (67 kN)(12.2 m)sin 40.0
Find T2 .
[(18 kN)(6.1 m)  (67 kN)(12.2 m)]sin 40.0  (67 kN)(12.2 m)sin 5.0
T2  , so T2  250 kN .
(12.2 m)sin10.0
Find the components of the force exerted by the pivot pin:
 Fy   Fpy  18 kN  67 kN  (67 kN) cos 45.0  T2 cos 50.0  0, so
Fpy  18 kN  67 kN  (247.7 kN) cos 50.0  (67 kN) cos 45.0  291.6 kN.
 Fx   Fpx  (67 kN) sin 45.0  T2 sin 50.0  0, so Fpx  (247.7 kN) sin 50.0  (67 kN) sin 45.0  237.1 kN.
Find the magnitude and direction of the hinge force.
Fp  (237.1 kN) 2  (291.6 kN) 2  380 kN;   tan 1  51
So, Fp  380 kN at 51 with the horizontal .

Discussion. Study problems like this thoroughly. It does not ask you to find the total force and the total torque.
Instead, those are both known to be zero and it is that condition that makes it possible to find other forces. The
unknowns are all forces, but the total torque equation yields the first answer. Every force, known and unknown, is
multiplied by a lever arm in the torque equation. No force is multiplied by a lever arm in either force equation.
Tension T1 appears twice in the free body diagram because it acts on the boom in two different directions.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

98. Strategy Use conservation of energy.

Solution Find the final speeds of each object.

Solid sphere:
Ki  Ui  K tr f  Krot f  U f becomes
1 2 1 2 1 2 1  2 2  v  1 1 7 10 gh
mgh  mv  I   mv   mr    mv2  mv2  mv2 , so v  .
2 2 2 25  r  2 5 10 7
1 2 1  2 2  v  1 1 5 6 gh
Hollow sphere, similarly: mv   mr    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2  mgh, so v  .
2 23  r  2 3 6 5
1 2 1  1 2  v  1 1 3 4gh
Solid cylinder: mv   mr    mv2  mv2  mv2  mgh, so v  .
2 22  
r 2 4 4 3
Hollow cylinder, assumed to have a thin wall like a hoop:
1 2 1 v 1 1
mv  (mr 2 )    mv 2  mv 2  mv 2  mgh, so v  gh .
2 2  
r 2 2
1 2
Cube of frictionless ice: mv  mgh, so v  2gh.
So, vcube  vsolid sphere  vsolid cylinder  vhollow sphere  vhollow cylinder .
The objects reach the bottom in the following order from first to last: cube, solid sphere, solid cylinder, hollow
sphere, and hollow cylinder.
99. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid cylinder is I  1 mr 2 . We choose to use conservation of
energy to find final speed and a kinematics equation for acceleration.

Solution Find the speed v of the cylinder after it has fallen a height h.
1 2 1 2 1 11  v  3
Ki  U i  K f  U f becomes 0  mgh  mv  I   0  mv 2   mr 2    mv 2 , so
2 2 2 22  
r 4
4 2 2
v 2  gh  2a y y  2a y (0  h), or a y   g   (9.80 m s 2 )  6.53 m s 2 .
3 3 3
The acceleration of the cylinder is 6.53 m s 2 down .
(b) Strategy Use Newton’s second law.

Solution The cords each pull upward on the cylinder with tension T.
1 1
Fy  2T  mg  ma y , so T  m(a y  g )  (2.6 kg)(6.533 m s 2  9.80 m s 2 )  4.2 N .
2 2
100. Strategy The rotational inertia of a wheel about its central axis is I  12 MR2. Use the rotational form of
Newton’s second law.
1 1
(a) I  MR2  (20.0 kg)(0.224 m)2  0.502 kg  m2
2 2
(b) The torque required to counterbalance the friction must be added to that necessary to accelerate the wheel to
1200 rev/min in 4.00 s in the absence of friction, to get the motor torque necessary to accelerate the wheel to
1200 rev/min in 4.00 s. Find the torque.
1    
   motor   friction  I so  motor  I  I  f  MR 2   
2  t t f 
1  1200 rev/min 1200 rev/min  2 rad  1 min 
 (20.0 kg)(0.224 m) 2    rev  60 s   17 N  m
2  4.00 s 60.0 s   

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

101. Strategy Use conservation of energy. We suppose the ball is rolling without slipping throughout its motion. Let
d = 1.35 m. Then, the ramp rises h  d sin 5.00. The rotational inertia of a uniform sphere is 2 mr 2 .

Solution Find the speed of the ball when it reaches the top of the ramp.
1 1 1 1
Ki  U i  K f  U f becomes mvi 2  I i 2  0  mvf 2  I f 2  mgh
2 2 2 2
2 2
1 12  v  1 12  v 
mvi 2   mr 2   i   mvf 2   mr 2   f   mgh
2 25  r  2 25  r 
7 7
mv  mvf  mgh, so
2 2
10 i 10
10 10
vf  vi 2  gh  (2.20 m s)2  (9.80 m s 2 )(1.35 m)sin 5.00  1.79 m s .
7 7

Discussion. The ball loses no energy to frictional work, even though friction makes it roll instead of skidding.
No kinetic friction force acts on it. The friction force is static, with no sliding motion at the instantaneous contact
between ball and ramp. The friction force acts through no distance, to do no work. Think about how even an ice
cube will visibly lose speed if you set it sliding across a gymnasium floor, while a basketball pumped up hard will
appear to keep constant speed in rolling across the floor.

102. Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum, Eq. (8-1), Eq. (8-14), and the relationship between period and
angular velocity.


(a) Since the angular momentum is conserved, the ratio is 1 .

(b) Since the rotational inertia is proportional to the square of the radius,    2.
I r
Find the ratio of the angular velocities.
f ri2  1 
 2     1.0 10
i rf  1.0 10 

1 2 1 L 2 1
(c) The rotational kinetic energy is Krot  I       L.
2 2  2
Find the ratio of the rotational kinetic energies.
Kf f
  1.0 108
Ki i

(d) The period is related to the angular velocity by T  .

Find the period of the star after collapse.
Tf i 
 , so Tf  i Ti  (1.0 108)(1.0 107 s)  0.10 s .
Ti f f

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

103. Strategy Use the conditions for equilibrium of the door.

Solution Find the vertical components of the force each hinge exerts on the door.
mg (5.60 kg)(9.80 m s2 )
Fy  2Fv  mg  0, so Fv    27.4 N .
2 2
Let the axis of rotation be at the lower hinge. The vertical hinge forces and the
horizontal force of the lower hinge cause no torque. The hinges are separated by
2.030 m – 2(0.280 m) = 1.47 m.
  (1.47 m) Fh  (0.380 m)(5.60 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )  0, so
(0.380 m)(5.60 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )
Fh   14.2 N.
(1.47 m)

Fx = 0 requires that the two hinges exert equal-magnitude horizontal forces on
the door, as –Fh + Fh = 0. The forces on the hinges are just opposite to the
diagrammed forces exerted by the hinges.
The horizontal forces on the upper and lower hinges are 14.2 N
toward from the door and 14.2 N away from the door, respectively.
The vertical forces on the hinges are both 27.4 N down.

104. 24.Strategy The cylinder falls a vertical distance h  d sin   (0.300 m)sin 60.0 as it rolls down the incline.
The rotational inertia of a uniform solid cylinder is 12 mr 2 . Use conservation of energy.

Solution Find the cylinder’s final speed.

1 1 1 11  v 
Ki  U i  K f  U f becomes 0  mgh  mvf 2  I f 2  0  mvf 2   mr 2   f  so
2 2 2 22  r 
3 4 4
mgd sin   mv 2 and vf  gd sin   (9.80 m s 2 )(0.300 m) sin 60.0  1.84 m s .
4 f 3 3

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

105. (a) Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum, since no external torques act on the two-disk system.
Solution Find the final angular velocity.
Iii (MR2 2)i i
Li  Lf means Iii  If f , so f    .
If (MR 2)  mr / 2 1  mr (MR2 )
2 2 2

(b) Strategy and Solution

The total angular momentum does not change, since no external torques act on the system.

(c) Strategy Compute the initial and final total kinetic energies and compare their values.

1 11  1
Ki  Iii 2   MR2  i 2  MR2i 2
2 22  4
   1 MR 2 
11  i   1  1 MR 2  1 mr 2  
Kf  I f f 2   MR 2  mr 2  
1 1 2 i

2 22 2   1  mr 2
2 
 2  2 2  1
  2 MR 2  12 mr 2 
 MR 

 
1 1 MR 2  2
2 2 i
1 MR i
2 2
  4 
1 MR  1 mr 2
2 2 2
2 2 1 2
mr 1  mr 2
So, Kf  Ki. Therefore, the answer is yes; the kinetic energy changes. It decreases because of frictional
work done by the contact forces between the disks, changing the mechanical energy into internal energy.

Discussion. Momentum is also conserved, with the value zero before and after. Internal forces like friction
between the clutch disks cannot change momentum or angular momentum, but they can change one form of
energy into another, including mechanical energy into internal energy.

106. Strategy Use conservation of energy. m is the mass of one wheel. M is the total mass of the system. v is the speed
of the center of mass of the system (which is the same as the speed of a point on the circumference of either wheel
relative to the center).


1 2 1 2 1 1
(a) Krot  I   mv  Ktrans for one wheel. Krot,total  2  mv2  mv2 and K trans,total  Mv2.
2 2 2 2
0  U i  K total f  0
Mgh  mv 2 + Mv 2
v (2m  M )  2MgH

2MgH 2(80.0 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )(20.0 m)

v   19.4 m s
2m  M 2(1.5 kg)  80.0 kg

(b) Since the speed depends upon the total mass of the system and also the masses of the wheels, the speed at the
bottom would not be the same for a less massive rider. The M does not divide out in the expression for final
speed. If we replaced it with a smaller number the final speed would be smaller. The answer is no.

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

107. Strategy Let the subscripts be 1 for the painter, 2 for the can, and 3 for the plank. When the plank barely starts to
rotate about one sawhorse, the other sawhorse exerts zero normal force on the plank.


(a) Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the plank and the right sawhorse.
m d  m2d2
  0  m3 gd3  m1gd1  m2 gd2 , so d1  3 3 .
The painter’s distance from the right-hand edge is 1.40 m  d1  d.
m3d3  m2d2 (20.0 kg)(3.00 m  1.40 m)  (4.0 kg)(1.40 m  0.14 m)
d  1.40 m   1.40 m 
m1 61 kg
 0.96 m from the RH edge

(b) Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the plank and the left sawhorse.
m d  m3d3
  0  m1gd1  m2 gd2  m3gd3, so d1  2 2 .
The painter’s distance from the left-hand edge is 1.40 m  d1  d.
m2d2  m3d3 (4.0 kg)(6.00 m  1.40 m  0.14 m)  (20.0 kg)(1.60 m)
d  1.40 m   1.40 m 
m1 61 kg
 0.58 m from the LH edge

108. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform solid disk is I  1 MR2 .
Solution Compute the rotational inertia.
1 1
I  MR2  (200.0 kg)(0.40 m)2  16 kg  m2
2 2

(b) Strategy Use Eq. (8-1).

Solution Compute the initial rotational kinetic energy.

1 1
Krot  I  2  (16 kg  m2 )(3160 rad s)2  8.0 107 J
2 2

(c) Strategy and Solution The ratio of the rotational to the translational kinetic energies is
Krot K 2(8.0 107 J)
 rot2   320 .
K tr 1 mv
(1000.0 kg)(22.4 m s)2

(d) Strategy Set the work done by air resistance equal to the stored energy in the flywheel.

Solution Find the distance d the car can travel.

Krot 8.0 107 J
Ki  Wnc  K f becomes K rot  Fd cos180o  0, so d    120 km .
F 670.0 N

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

109. Strategy Refer to the figure. Use Eqs. (7-9) and (8-4).
(a)  i  Firi  mi gri cosi  ximi g
If  ximi g  0, then the system rotates CW (   0 ), and if  ximi g  0, then the system rotates CCW
(   0 ). Therefore  i   ximi g.
 x m 
(b) Since  i   ximi g and the center of gravity is at ( xCG , yCG ),  i    ximi g   g  i i  M   xCG Mg.
 M 
(c)   xi mi g   xCG Mg
 xi mi g
 xCG g
xCM  xCG
Discussion. If the gravitational field were not uniform but instead g were bigger (or in a different direction) at
some locations in the object compared to other locations, then g would not factor out of the sums and the centers
of mass and of gravity could be different. A tall building, with a slightly larger freefall acceleration at the bottom
compared to the top, may have its center of gravity a couple of centimeters below its center of mass.
110. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform disk is I  12 MR2 .
Solution Find the radius.
1 2I 2(4.55 106 kg  m 2 )
I MR 2 , so R    3.54 m .
2 M 7.27 105 kg

(b) Strategy The rotational inertia of a hollow cylinder is I  MR 2 .

Solution Find the radius.
I 4.55 106 kg  m2
I  MR 2 , so R    2.50 m .
M 7.27 105 kg
(c) Strategy Use the definition of average power, the work-kinetic energy theorem, and Eq. (8-1).
Solution The rate at which the energy of the flywheel is made to change is
W K 2 I f  2 I i
1 2 1 2
Pav     (f 2  i 2 ).
t t t 2t
The average power supplied is  Pav.
2 2
I 4.55 106 kg  m2  2 rad   1 min 
(i 2  f 2 )  [(386 rpm) 2  (252 rpm) 2 ]      4.27 10 W
2t 2(5.00 s)  rev   60 s 
111. Strategy The system is in equilibrium. Use Eqs. (8-8).
Solution Find h.
 tan 75, so h  [(1.26 m) 2]tan 75  (0.630 m) tan 75.
(1.26 m) 2
At the top of the ladder, each leg exerts a horizontal force on the other. These forces are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction. Let the magnitude of this force be F. The tension T in the rope is directed to the left at the
connection point on the right leg, so for the right leg, we have Fx  F  T  0 or T  F .
Calculate the torque about the contact point of the right leg of the ladder and the ground, where a normal force
acts on the leg. The right leg, like the left, must support half the load, of m/2 = 21 kg
  (0.630 m)(m / 2) g  Th / 2  Fh  0, so (0.630 m)(m / 2) g  Th / 2  0 and
(0.630 m)mg (0.630 m)mg mg (42 kg)(9.80 N kg)
T F     110 N .
h (0.630 m) tan 75 tan 75 tan 75

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

112. Strategy We suppose that the person is trying to raise the ladder to be nearly vertical, and is standing on the
ground using a long rod to push up on the point 6.0 m from the bottom end of the ladder. The ladder is in
equilibrium. Choose the axis of rotation at the point of contact between the ladder and the floor, where a normal
force acts.
Solution (a) Find the vertical force.
  0  F (6.0 m) cos 60.0  mg (4.0 m) cos 60.0, so
4.0 4.0
F mg  (15 kg)(9.80 N kg)  98 N .
6.0 6.0
(b) The force exerted by the first person is less than the weight of the ladder and
does not increase as the angle increases. So we suppose that his difficulty is
that his rod is not long enough.
The second worker's action does not help the first person to raise the ladder,
because it does not change the torque on the ladder about its bottom end.
The second worker should instead push down on the bottom end of the
ladder, so that the first person, exerting increasing upward force, can move
toward the bottom end and increase the angle of the ladder with the vertical.

113. (a) Strategy The rotational inertia of a uniform thin rod is I  13 ML.
Solution Compute the rotational inertia of the limb.
1 1
I  ML  (0.0280 kg)(0.0380 m) 2  1.35 105 kg  m 2
3 3
(b) Strategy Use Eq. (8-9).
Solution Compute the muscular force required to achieve the blow.
1  (0.0280 kg)(0.0380 m) 2 (175 rad s  0)
  Fr  I  ML2 , so F   524 N .
3 t 3(1.50 103 s)(3.00 103 m)
114. Strategy The rotational inertial of a uniform disk is I  12 MR2 . Use Eq. (8-14).
Solution Find the magnitude of the angular momentum of the disk.
1 1
L  I   MR2  (2.0 kg)(0.100 m)2 (3.0 rev s)(2 rad rev)  0.19 kg  m2 s
2 2
115. (a) Strategy Since the hoop started at rest, the final angular velocity is twice the average angular velocity.
Solution Find the angular velocity of the hoop when it arrives at the bottom of the inclined plane.
v  2  x 4 (10.0 m)
f  2av  2 av  2     6.28 rad s
r  C  t (2.00 m)(10.0 s)
(b) Strategy The rotational inertia of a hoop is I  MR 2 . Use Eq. (8-14).
Solution Find the angular momentum of the hoop when it reaches the bottom of the incline.
2 2
 C   2.00 m 
L  I   MR 2  M     (1.50 kg)   (2 rad s)  0.955 kg  m s
 2   2 
(c) Strategy Consider the forces acting on the hoop.
Solution The gravitational force acts on the hoop at its geometric center, so it supplies no torque about the
center and cannot change the angular momentum. The force of static friction acts at the rim of the hoop,
perpendicularly to the line between the axis of the hoop and the point of contact between the rim of the hoop
and the inclined plane; therefore, it is the force of friction that supplied the net torque about the hoop’s axis.
(d) Strategy The average torque on the hoop is equal to the change in angular momentum of the hoop divided by
the time interval of the change.
Solution Find the force of friction.
L C 2 L 2 (0.955 kg  m2 s)
  av  fr  f , so f    0.300 N .
t 2 C t (2.00 m)(10.0 s)

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

116. Strategy Since the mass is concentrated at the tip, I  MR 2 . Use Eq. (8-14).
Solution Compute the angular momenta of the second and hour hands of the clock.
 1 rev  2 rad  4
(a) L  I   MR2  (0.10 kg)(0.300 m)2     9.4 10 kg  m s
 60 s  rev 
 1 rev  1 h  2 rad  6
(b) L  (0.20 kg)(0.200 m)2      1.2 10 kg  m s
 12 h  3600 s  rev 
117. (a) Strategy and Solution   Fr  (0)r  0, since the force due to gravity is parallel to the radial distance
between the planet and the Sun.
(b) Strategy The rotational inertial of a planet is I  mr 2 . Use Eq. (8-14).

L  I   mr 2
(c) Strategy and Solution If t is small, the area is approximately a triangle with base equal to r and height
1 1 1
equal to vt. The area swept out is approximately A  rvt  r (r)t  r 2 t .
2 2 2
A 1 2 A
(d) Strategy and Solution  r , and L  mr 2 is constant, so r 2 is constant. Thus, , the area swept
t 2 t
out per unit time, is constant.
Discussion. To review, Kepler’s first law of planetary motion, that orbits are ellipses, depends on the particular
nature of gravitation as an inverse-square-law force, and is harder to derive. Kepler’s second law, that a sun-
planet line sweeps out area at a constant rate, shows conservation of angular momentum. Kepler’s third law, that
the squared orbit size is proportional to the cubed period, is proved for circular orbits in Chapter 5 and also
depends on the force being inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance. Along with the second
law, conservation of energy gives a different relationship between speed and separation distance that Kepler did
not notice.
118. Strategy The body above the ankles is in equilibrium, prevented from tipping forward by tension in the Achilles
tendons. Choose the axis of rotation at the ankle.
Solution The upward force that each calf muscle needs to exert while the
woman is standing is equal in magnitude to the downward tendon tension acting
on the body above. The picture does not show the components of the hinge
force at the ankle.
  0  2F (4.4 cm)sin 81  mg (3.0 cm), so
mg (3.0 cm) (68 kg)(9.80 N kg)(3.0 cm)
F   230 N .
2(4.4 cm)sin 81 2(4.4 cm)sin 81
119. (a) Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum and Eq. (8-14). We suppose that Ii is the rotational inertia
of the turntable by itself and treat the child as a point particle.
Solution Calculate the angular velocity after the child moves out to the rim of the merry-go-round.
Li  Iii  Lf  I f f  ( Ii  I child )f  ( Ii  mR 2 )f , so f  .
Ii  mR 2
(b) Strategy Use Eqs. (8-1) and (8-14).
Solution Calculate the rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum before and after.
Before: Krot  Iii 2 and L  Iii .
1 1  Iii  1 Ii 2i 2
After: K rot  I  2  ( Ii  mR 2 )    and L  I ii .
2 2  I  mR 2  2 I i  mR 2
 i 

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

120. (a) Strategy Use Eq. (8-9) and Newton’s second law. Let the +x-direction be down the plane.
Solution Find the tension in the thread.
Ia Ia
  Tr  I   CM , so T  CM .
r r2
Find the spool’s acceleration.
T  mg sin    CM  mg sin   maCM , so
 I  g sin 
g sin   aCM 1  2  or aCM  .
 mr  1  I2
g sin 
The spool spins and moves down the incline with aCM  .
1 I 2

(b) Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8).

Solution Find the magnitude and direction of the frictional force.
 Fx  mg sin   fs  T  0 and  Fy  N  mg cos  0.
Choose the axis of rotation at the axis of the spool.
mg sin 
  0  fs R  Tr  fs R  (mg sin   fs )r, so fs  .
1 R r
mg sin 
The force of friction is up the incline .
1 R r

fs mg sin  tan 
(c) Strategy and Solution s, min N  f s , so s, min    .
N mg cos  (1  R r ) 1 R r

121. Strategy Since the bike travels with constant velocity, the angular acceleration of the rear wheel is zero and
  0.

Solution The normal force of the road and the hinge forces at the axle exert zero torque on the rear wheel. Find
the magnitude of the force with which the chain pulls.
  0  fr2  FCr1, so FC  2 f  6.0(3.8 N)  23 N .
Discussion. The friction force acts up the slope because it is a static friction force. The wheel is rolling without
slipping and the friction force opposes the relative motion that would show up as its spinning clockwise in the
textbook picture if the road were icy.
122. Strategy We suppose that the circus tent exerts negligible force on the post, and that the post rotates about its
bottom end as about a frictionless hinge. Use conservation of energy.
Solution (a) Find the speed with which the roustabout as a single object reaches the ground.
Ki  Ui  K f  U f becomes 0  mgL  mv2  0, so v  2gL .
(b) Find the speed with which the roustabout reaches the ground riding on the rotating pole.
L 1 2 11  v 
Ki  U i  K f  U f becomes 0  mgL  Mg  I    ML2  mL2   We ignore the
2 2 23  L 
L 1
two terms containing m, given to be much smaller than M . Then Mg  Mv 2 so v  3gL .
2 6
(c) Since 2gL  3gL , the roustabout should jump.

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

123. Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum.

Solution The moment of inertia of the turntable and the student’s torso, without arms or dumbbells, is given by
2.40 kg  m2  2  13 (3.00 kg)(0.65 m)2   2(1.00 kg)(0.65 m)2 = 0.71 kgm2
 
Find the new rate of rotation.
Lf  I f f  Li  Iii , so
Ii (2.40 kg  m2 )(0.50 rev s)
f  i   1.3 rev s
If 0.71 kg  m2  2  13 (3.00 kg)(0.22 m)2   2(1.00 kg)(0.22 m)2
 

124. Strategy Choose the axis of rotation at the elbow. The scale pushes with an upward force of 96 N.
Solution Find the force exerted by the triceps muscle on the lower arm as a system in equilibrium. The hinge
force exerted by the upper arm at the elbow causes no torque about that axis
  0  (96 N)(38 cm)  Ft (2.5 cm), so Ft  (96 N)  1.5 kN .
125. (a) Strategy Refer to Example 8.7. The system is in equilibrium until the ladder begins to slip.
Solution Use Newton’s second law.
Fx  Nw  f  0, so f  N w .
At the person’s highest point, the frictional force has its maximum possible magnitude, f  s Nf .
Thus, Nw  s Nf .
Fy  Nf  Mg  mg  0, so Nw  s g (M  m).
Choose the axis of rotation at the contact point between the ladder and the floor.
1 
  0  Nf (0)  f (0)  N w L sin   mg  L cos    Mgd cos  , so
 2 
N w L sin   2 mgL cos  s g ( M  m) L sin   12 mgL cos   s ( M  m) sin   m2 cos   L
d  
Mg cos  Mg cos  M cos 
 M m m 
  s tan   L
 M 2 M
(b) Strategy and Solution Since tan  increases as  increases on the interval 0    90, and since d
increases if tan  increases [which is evident from the equation found in part (a)], placing the ladder at a
larger angle  allows a person to climb farther up the ladder without having it slip.
(c) Strategy Set d  L.
Solution Find the minimum angle that enables the person to climb all the way to the top of the ladder.
 M m m 
L   s tan   L
 M 2M 
m M m
1  s tan 
2M M
2M  m
 s ( M  m) tan 
2M  m
 tan 
2s ( M  m)
2M  m 2(60.0 kg)  15.0 kg
  tan 1  tan 1  63
2s ( M  m) 2(0.45)(60.0 kg  15.0 kg)
Discussion. This problem is complicated enough for us, but what would happen if the wall exerted a friction
force? Then the conditions for equilibrium would not be enough to find all the forces supporting the ladder. The
situation would be “statically indeterminate.” Taking account of the bending of the ladder would be necessary to
find the two normal forces and two friction forces in terms of the geometry and the gravitational forces on the
ladder and the painter. Nature solves that problem as quickly as sound waves can move through the ladder, with
no more trouble than for problems we also can solve.
Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

126. Strategy Use Eqs. (8-8) and (8-9).

Let ax for m1 be represented by a, and also the magnitude of the downward acceleration a y of m2.

Solution For the sliding block, we have  Fx  T1  m1ax  m1a and  Fy  0; for the hanging block
 Fx  0 and  Fy  T2  m2 g  m2a y  m2a, so T2  m2g  m2a.
a Ia
For the pulley, we have    T1R  T2 R  I   I , so T1  T2   2 .
Find the acceleration of the blocks. By substitution
Ia  I  m2 g
T1  T2  m1a  m2a  m2 g   2 , so  m1  m2  2  a  m2 g or a  .
R  R  m1  m2  I R 2

127. Strategy Compute the net torque on the piece of uniform metal about its bottom end, where forces exerted by the
wall and floor cause no torque.

Solution Let the length of the piece of metal be L.

L mg (53.0 kg)(9.80 m s2 )
  0  kx sin  L  mg cos  , so x    0.792 m .
2 2k tan  2(275 N m) tan 50.0

128. Strategy Use conservation of energy and a kinematics equation. The rotational inertia of a thin-walled hollow
cylinder is I  mr 2 .

Solu Solution (a) Find d, the distance the cylinder travels up the incline.
1 1
Ki  U i  K f  U f becomes mvi 2  I  2  0  0  mgd sin 
2 2
1 1  v 
or mvi 2  mr 2  i   mvi 2  mgd sin  ,
2 2 r
vi 2 (3.00 m s)2
so d    1.53 m .
g sin  (9.80 m s 2 ) sin 37.0

(b (b) Now we can use vf2 –vi2 = 2ax to find 0 – (3.00 m/s)2 = 2a(1.53 m) and

a = –9.00 m2/s2/3.05 m = 2.95 m/s2 down the incline

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

129. Strategy Use Newton’s second law, kinematics equations, Newton’s second law for rotation and the definition of
the coefficient of friction. The rotational inertia of a thin hoop is I  mr 2 .
Solution (a) We apply Newton’s second law to the bicycle as a whole, including its wheels. Friction in the
caliper brakes does not count as an external force; only road friction does, with force of magnitude f on each
wheel. Fx = Max becomes –2froad = M vx/t so

M (v f  vi ) (74 kg)(0  7.5 m/s)

froad =   61.7 N = 62 N backwards
2t 2(4.5 s)

(b) The original angular speed of the wheels is  = v/r = (7.5 m/s)/(0.35 m) = 21.4 rad/s. The angular
 f  i 0  21.4 rad/s
acceleration is     4.76 rad/s 2  4.8 rad/s 2 opposite to the original rotation
t 4.5 s

(c) For each single wheel  = I = mr2 = (1.3 kg)(0.35 m)2(–4.76 rad/s2) = –0.758 Nm = 0.76 Nm opposite
to the original rotation.

(d) The net torque on each single wheel is composed of torques by the road static friction force and the two
kinetic friction forces of the brake pads. If the bicycle is moving to the right with the wheels turning clockwise,
the force of road friction is to the left at the bottom of the wheel and exerts clockwise torque. The brakes exert
counterclockwise torque. The lever arm of each is the radius of the wheel:

 = –froadr+2fbraker so +0.758 Nm = –61.7 N(0.35 m) + 2 fbrake(0.35 m), giving

0.758 N  m + 61.7 N(0.35 m)

fbrake =  31.9 N = N  (0.900) N so N = 31.9 N/0.90 = 35 N.
0.70 m

Discussion. The friction forces in the brakes are special in that only they do work to convert mechanical energy
into internal energy. We can check the final answer above by computing directly the normal force on one brake
pad. The force of friction on one of the wheels due to one brake pad is f k  k N  0.90 N . Assuming constant
acceleration, the distance the bike travels in the time t  4.5 s is x  d  (1 2)(vfx  vix )t  (1 2)vi t. This is
the distance that the wheel rim slides under the brake pad. Find the normal force on the wheel due to one brake
1 1 
Ki  Wfriction  K f becomes Mvi 2  2  I w  2   4 f k d  0
2  2 
1  
v 1  v t 
Mvi 2  mw r 2  i   Mvi 2  mw vi 2  4(0.90) N  i   1.8 Nvi t
2 r 2  2 
1 Mv  m v (7.5 m s)[ 2 (74 kg)  1.3 kg]
i w i
so N  2   35 N .
1.8t 1.8(4.5 s)

Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum Physics

130. Strategy Use the work-energy theorem. The energy delivered to the fluid in the beaker plus the kinetic energies
of the pulley, spool, axle, paddles, and the block are equal to the work done by gravity on the block, which is
negative the change in the block’s gravitational potential energy. The rotational inertia of the pulley (uniform
solid disk) is 1 mp r 2 .

Solution Let the energy delivered to the fluid be E, the distance the block falls be h, and the rotational inertia of
the spool, axle, and paddles be Is  0.00140 kg  m 2 . Since the radii of the pulley and the spool are the same (r),
their tangential speeds are the same, so let vp  vs  v.
2 2
1 1 1 1 11  v  1  v 
mb gh  mb vb2  I pp2  Iss 2  E  mb vb 2   mp r 2    Is    E
2 2 2 2 22  r  2  r 
The tangential speeds of the circumferences of the pulley and spool are equal to the speed of the block.
1 1 1 v2 1 1 1 v2
mb gh  mb vb 2  mp v 2  I s  E  mb v 2  mp v 2  I s  E , so
2 4 2 r2 2 4 2 r2
v 2 (2mb  mp  2 Is r 2 )
E  mb gh 
(3.00 m s) 2 [2(0.870 kg)  0.0600 kg  2(0.00140 kg  m 2 ) (0.0300 m) 2 ]
 (0.870 kg)(9.80 m s 2 )(2.50 m) 
 10.3 J .

131. (a) Strategy Use the definition of angular acceleration.

 11 rad s  0
   55 rad s 2 .
t 0.20 s
(b) Strategy Use Newton’s second law for rotation.

Solution Find the torque.

 11 rad s  0
  I   I  (1.5 kg  m 2 )  83 N  m .
t 0.20 s
(c) Strategy Use Eq. (5-21).

Solution Let 1 be the angle during spin-up and  2 be the angle during spin-down.
2  2
f 2  i 2   2  0  211, so 1  . f 2  i 2  0   2  2 2 2 , so 2  .
21 2 2
Find 1   2 .
 2  2  2  1 1  (11 rad s)2  1 1 
1  2            7.3 rad
21 2 2 2  1  2  2  55 rad s
2 9.8 rad s 

(d) Strategy Use Eq. (5-18) and the relationship between angular speed and linear speed.

Solution Find the speed of a point halfway along the radius of the disk 0.20 s after the accelerating torque is
f  i   i  t , so
0.115 m 
v  r (t  i )  (9.8 rad s 2 )(0.20 s)  (11 rad s)   0.52 m s .
2  

Physics Chapter 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

132. (a) Strategy The candy is released with a horizontal speed equal to the tangential speed of the pocket on the
circumference of the rotating wheel. Use the relationship between angular and tangential speed and the
equations of motion for a changing velocity.
Solution Find the time it takes for the candy to land.
1 1 2y
y  a y (t )2  ( g )(t )2 , so t   .
2 2 g
Find the candy’s distance from its starting point.
2y  2 rad  2(0.240 m)
v  r  , so x  vt  r    (0.120 m)(1.60 Hz)     0.267 m .
g  cycle  9.80 m s 2

(b) Strategy Use the relationship between radial acceleration and angular speed.
Solution Find the radial acceleration of the candy.
ar   2 r  (1.60 Hz)2 (2 rad cycle) 2 (0.120 m)  12.1 m s 2

133. (a) Strategy Use conservation of angular momentum at the moment of impact.

Solution Li  I i  Lf  If  rp, where I is the rotational inertia of the blade, r is the distance from the
center of the blade to the location of impact, and p  mv is the momentum of the stone just after it is struck.
Find the speed of the stone.
I i  I f  mr 2 f  I f  rmvtan
I (i  f )  rmvtan
I (i  f ) 12 ML (i  f ) 12 M (2r ) (i  f ) Mr (i  f )
1 2 1 2
vtan    
rm rm rm 3m
(2.0 kg)(0.25 m)2 rad/(1 rev)[60 rev s  55 rev s]
  52 m s
3(0.10 kg)

(b) Strategy Find time it takes for the stone to reach the house. Then use this time to find the distance the stone
falls below a horizontal line before it reaches the window.

Solution Find the time.

x 10.0 m
x  vt, so t    0.191 s.
vtan 52.4 m s
Find the distance the stone falls.
1 1
y   g (t )2   (9.8 m s2 )(0.191 s)2  0.18 m
2 2
Since 0.18 m is less than half of 1.00 m (0.50 m), the stone hits the window.

Discussion. We could call the interaction of mower blade and stone an “angular collision.” This is not a kind of
collision, just as angular acceleration is not a subdivision of acceleration, rotational inertia is not a kind of mass,
and angular momentum is not a subspecies of momentum. During the very short time interval when the blade hits
the stone, the mower motor is not powerful enough to keep the angular speed of the blade constant. The
negligible value of (torque)(time interval) means that total angular momentum of the blade plus the stone is
conserved. But the axle of the blade is held firmly by the massive mower and the ground below. Through the
bearings for this axle, a pulse of force toward the house acts on the blade+stone system during the contact, to give
some momentum to the system, which starts out with none. In fact, this linear momentum is
mv = (0.1 kg)(52.4 m/s) = 0.52 kgm/s.

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gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
Lantana sp. meqatqata Mekatkata 378 Charachera a)
tetragona s. CXV
Lantana tetragona (Forsk.) frēfrān Frefrân ‫فريفران‬ 378 Charachera a)
(= Charachera) tetragona s. CXV u. s. 116
Launaea sp. (= Zollikoferia) mirr Myrr ‫مر‬ 470 Scorzonera a) dubia?
Launaea sp. (= Zollikoferia) mirrēr Myrrejr 471 Scorzonera b) orient. s.
hendibe Hendibe ‫هندبه‬ 476 Lactuca c) flava s.
Launaea nudicaulis (B.) (= ⎰ CXVIII
Zollikoferia n. B.) ⎱
hindibe Hindibe ‫هندبه‬ Lactuca flava s. 143
Lawsonia inermis L. hhenna Henna 259 Lawsonia inermis s. CX
Lemna sp. blēsemān Blesemmân ‫بليسمان‬ 531 Lemna s. CXXI
Lepidium sativum L. hhalf Half ‫حلف‬ 394 Lepidium a) sativum s.
keranna Keranna 177 Cynanchum b)
arboreum s. CVIII u. s. 53

Leptadenia abyssinica kesch Kesch 177 Cynanchum b)

Dcne. arboreum s. CVIII u. s. 53

ttorahh Torah 177 Cynanchum b)
arboreum s. CVIII
Leptadenia pyrotechnica march March 176 Cynanchum a)
(Forsk.) Dcne. pyrotechnicum s. CVIII u. s.
Lichen sp. kehhāhh Kehâhh ‫كحاح‬ 657 Lichen d) leprosus s.
Lichen sp. thehue Thaehvae ‫ثهو‬ 659 Lichen f) filamentosus
Lilium album L. sambaq Zambak 233 Lilium album s. CIX
Luffa sp. hhakk el'omjā Hack el omja Turia leloja s. 166
Luffa sp.? lū' Lua ‫لوع‬ 552 Turia c) leloja s. CXXI
u. s. 166
Luffa cylindrica Roem. ttūrīā Turia 550 Turia a) sativa s. CXXI
u. s. 165
Lycium arabicum Schwf. 'aussag Ausadj ‫عوسج‬ 136 Lycium europaeum s.

Maerua crassifolia Forsk. meru Maeru ‫ مرو‬330 Maerua crassifolia s.
CXIII u. s. 104
schēqar Schaegar ‫ شيقر‬331 Capparis a) mithridatica
⎰ s. CXIII u. s. 99
Maerua oblongifolia R.
⎱ 'ūd-ess-ssimm Oud essymm 331 Capparis a) mithridatica
s. CXIII u. s. 99
Maesa lanceolata Forsk. ⎰ 'arār Arar Maesa s. 67

⎱ umschrieben
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
ma'tss Máas ‫ معص‬129 Maesa lanceolata s.
CVI u. s. 67
Malus communis Df. tiffāhh Tyffahh 326 Pyrus b) malus s. CXIII
hherodd Hörod ‫ حرض‬415 Malva a) montana s.
⎰ CXVI u. s. 124
Malva nicaeensis L.
⎱ hhobsēn Höbsen 415 Malva a) montana s.
Mangifera indica L. 'amb Amb ‫ عنب‬170 Mangifera amba s. CVII
u. s. 205
Medicago sativa L. qaddb Kadb 465 Medicago falcata s.
Melilotus indica L. rijām Ryjam ‫ ريام‬459 Trifolium a) meliloth. s.
CXVIII u. s. 140
Mesua glabra Forsk. chaddar Chadar 341 Mesua glabra s. CXIV
u. s. 100
Mimusops sp.? ssar Sar ‫ سر‬XIX Sar s. 196
Mimusops Schimperi H. lebach Laebach ‫ لبخ‬XXI Laebach s. 196
⎰ sahr-ellēl Zàhr el laejl ‫ زهر الليل‬130 Mirabilis jalapa s. CVI
Mirabilis Jalapa L.
⎱ uard-ellēl Uard el laejl ‫ ورد الليل‬130 Mirabilis jalapa s. CVI
hhakōb Hakob ‫ حكوب‬652 Mnium, Bryum s. CXXV
⎧ roba Roba 652 Mnium Bryum. comm.
Mnium sp. ⎨ nom. s. CXXV
⎩ ttolhhebb Tolhöb ‫ طلحب‬652 Mnium. Bryum. comm.
nom. s. CXXV
dahhi Dahhi 319 Glinus a) setiflorus s.
Mollugo hirta Thbg.
⎱ hhaschfe Haschfe 320 Glinus b) lotoides s.
CXIII u. s. 96
moghadd Moghadd 568 Momordica balsamina
⎰ s. CXXII
Momordica Balsamina L.
⎱ mokahh Mokahh ‫ مكح‬568 Momordica balsamina
Musa paradisiaca L. mūs Mouz ‫ موز‬591 Musa paradisiaca s.
Myrsine dioica Aschers. qatam Katam ‫ قتم‬538 Buxus dioica s. 159 u.

Nicotiana Tabacum L. tüttün Tüttün[26] 132 Nicotiana s. CVI
Niebuhria oblongifolia D.C. redīf Redif 334 Capparis d) oblongifolia
s. CXIII u. s. 99
Notonia pendula (Forsk.) ka'dd Kaad ‫ كعض‬482 Cacalia a) pendula s.
Schf. CXIX u. s. 146
Notonia semperviva (Forsk.) ttiflōq Tyflok 484 Cacalia c) semperviva
Asch. s. CXIX u. s. 146
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
Nuxia sp.? hhoraq Horak ‫ حرق‬1 Horak s. 194

Ochna inermis (Forsk.) ⎰ benāt Benât ‫ بنات‬Evonymus inermis s. 204
Schwf. ⎱ 'ujūn-en-nemr Öyun ennemr ‫ عيون النمر‬Evonymus inermis s. 204
⎰ el-benāt el Benât ⎱ 157 Evonymus inermis s.
Ochna parvifolia Vahl. ‫عيون النمر‬
⎱ 'ojūn-en-nemr Öyun ennemr ⎰ CVII
⎰ hhebaq Haebak ⎱ 362 Ocymum a) basilicum
Ocimum basilicum L.
⎱ rīhhān Rihân ⎰ s. CXIV
schagaret-es- Schadjaret
⎰ sirr eszirr ⎱ 364 Ocymum c) tenuiflorum
Ocimum sanctum L. ‫شجرة الزر‬
⎱ ⎰ s. CXIV
uusab Vusab
Ocimum serpyllifolium 'assal Asal ‫ عصل‬366 Ocymum e) serpyllifol
Forsk. s. CXIV u. s. 110
Ocimum Vaalae Forsk. uāle Vaalae ‫ واله‬370 Ocymum i) vaalae s.
CXV u. s. 111
'onqob Onkob ‫ عنقب‬337 Oncoba spinosa s.
⎰ CXIII u. s. 104
Oncoba spinosa Forsk.
⎱ qorqor Korkor ‫ قرقر‬337 Oncoba spinosa s.
Orchis flava Forsk. gis-sāb Djissab ‫ جزاب‬518 Orchis a) flava s. CXX
u. s. 156
Origanum majorana L. mardaqūsch Mardakûsch 358 Origanum majorana s.
chossar-er- Chosar
⎧ robāh errobah ⎫
234 Ornithogalum flavum s.
Ornithogalum flavum Forsk. ⎨ bassal-el-ginn Bassal eddjinn ⎬ ‫بصل الرباح‬
CIX u. s. 234
⎩ bassal-er- Bassal ⎭
robāh errobah
Oxalis corniculata L. hhēmtssa Haemda ‫ حيمصه‬293 Oxalis a) corniculata s.

⎧ kādhī Kadi ⎫
Pandanus odoratissimus L. ⎨ keura Keura ⎬ ‫ كاذى‬590 Keura odorifera s CXXII
⎩ qabua-qaddī Kabua Kadi ⎭
Pancratium maximum ssoraf Soraf 231 Pancratium maximum
Forsk. s. CIX
⎰ eflik Eflik ⎱ 53 Panicum b) appressum
Panicum fluitans Bth.
⎱ falek Faelaek ⎰ s. CIV u. s. 20
Panicum miliaceum L. qossēb Kossaejb 62 Panicum l) miliaceum s.
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
Panicum setigerum Forsk. thummām Thummam 60 Panicum i) setigerum s.
⎰ 'atssm Asm ‫ عصم‬XII Asm s. 195
Papilionac. sp. dubia
⎱ schurēg Schuredj VIII Schuredj s. 195
Paronychia lenticulata makr Makr ‫ مكر‬Herniaria lenticulata s. 52
Asch. Schf.
bekār Boekâr ‫ بكار‬59 Panicum h) dichotomum
Pennisetum dichotomum ⎰ s. CIV
(Forsk.) Del. ⎱
thummām Tummâm Panicum dichotomum s. 20
Pennisetum spicatum Körn. dochn Dochn Holcus racemosus s. 175
Pentas carnea Bth. la'ja Laaeja 117 Ophiorriza lanceol. s.
⎰ schanttob Schantob ⎱ 179 Asclepias b) spiralis s.
Pentatropis spiralis Dcne.
⎱ schunttob Schuntob ⎰ CVIII u. s. 49
⎧ mdhēfan Mdhaefan ⎫
Peristrophe bicalyculata 26 Dianthera c) paniculata
⎨ meddēfa'a Medhaefaa ⎬ ‫ثويم‬
Nees. s. CIII u. s. 7
⎩ thuēm Toaejm ⎭
Phaseolus Mungo L. qoschārī Koschâri 434 Phaseolus a) radiatus
s. CXVII u. s. 214
Phaseolus aconitifolius qottn Gotn 435 Phaseolus b) palmatus
Jacq. s. CXVII u. s. 214
Phoenix dactylifera L. nachl Nachl ‫ نخل‬692 Phoenix a) dactylifera
⎰ meneqqete Meneckete ⎱ 534 Phyllanthus a) niruri s.
Phyllanthus Niruri L.
⎱ meqatqata Mekátkata ⎰ CXXI u. s. 159
Phyllanthus ovalifolius hhomēmer Homaemer ‫ حميمر‬536 Phyllanthus c)
Forsk. ovalifolius s. CXXI u. s. 159
Phyllanthus tenellus hadīe Hadîe 535 Phyllanthus b)
Müll.Arg. maderasp. s. CXXI
⎰ mirrēr Myrrejr 472 Picris scabra s. CXVIII
Picris scabra Forsk.
⎱ murrēr Murreir Picris scabra s. 143
Pittosporum sp.? hhobedd Hobed ‫ حبض‬XXVI Hobed s. 197
Plantago media L.? bisr beledī Bizr boelledi 92 Plantago b) media? s.
Plectranthus Forsskalii V. medān Medân ‫ مدان‬367 Ocymum f) hadiense s.
CXV u. s. 109
Plectranthus ovatus Bth. hheboqboq Höbokbok ‫ حبقبق‬363 Ocymum b)
gratissimum s. CXIV u. s.
Plumbago zeylanica L. hhamsched Hamsched ‫ حمشد‬118 Plumbago ceylanica s.
Polygala tinctoria V. schagaret-el- Schadjaret el ‫ شجرة الحور‬430 Polygala b) bracteolata
hhuer houer s. CXVII u. s. 213
Pongamia glabra Vent.? schunf-ed-dīk Schunf ed dîk ‫ شنف الديك‬447 Cytisus pinnatus? s.
Poronia punctata Lk. fussā Fusseh ‫ فسا‬688 Peziza punctata s
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gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
hareschtā- Hareschta 301 Portulaca d) hareschta
⎰ amrā'ī amrai ⎱ s. CXII
Portulaca hareschta Forsk. ‫هرشتا امراعى‬
⎱ hareschtam- Hareschtam ⎰ Portulaca, calyse 4-phyllo s.
rā'ī rai 92
⎧ brābrā Brabra ⎱ 298 Portulaca a) oleracea s.
⎪ chamīle Chamile ⎰ CXII
Portulaca oleracea L. ⎨ dheneb-el- Daenneb el
⎪ farass farras ⎱ 298 Portulaca a) oleracea s.
‫دنب الفرس‬
⎩ riglet-el-farass Ridjlet el farras ⎰ CXII

morttah Mortah ‫ مرطه‬299 Portulaca b) linifolia s.

⎰ CXII u. s. 92
Portulaca quadrifida L.
⎱ qor'at-er-rā'ī Koraat errai 299 Portulaca b) linifolia s.
CXII u. s. 92
Portulaca quadrifida L. var. ⎰ ernuba Örnuba ⎱ 300 Portulaca c) imbricata
imbricata Forsk. ⎱ ros.sī Rozzi ⎰ s. CXII u. s. 92
Pouzolzia parasitica ⎰ negā' ⎱ Naedjaa ⎱ 541 Urtica c) parasitica s.
(Forsk.) Schwf. ⎱ nega'a ⎰ Naedjáa ⎰ CXXI u. s. 160
Priva Forsskalii J. Sp. hhamsched Hamsched 372 Phryma? s. CXV
Prunus Armeniaca L. mischmisch Mischmisch 324 Prunus b) armeniaca s.
Prunus domestica L. barqūq Barquq 323 Prunus a) domestica s.
Psoralea corylifolia L. lebab-el-'abīd Löbab el abîd ‫ لبب العبيد‬460 Trifolium b) unifolium s.
CXVIII u. s. 140
meschūtt Meschåt
⎰ ⎱ 628 Acrostichum b) filare s.
Pteridella viridis Mett. ‫مشوط‬
⎱ meschātt-el- Meschât ⎰ CXXIV
ghorāb elghorab
⎧ cha' Chàa ‫ خع‬505 Inula odora s. CXIX
⎪ cha'a Cháa ‫ خع‬Inula odora s. 150
Pulicaria undulata D.C. ⎨
⎪ mūniss Mûnis ⎱
505 Inula odora s. CXIX u.
⎩ neschūsch Neschusch ⎰ s. 150
Punica granatum L. rumān Rumân 321 Punica granatum s.
Pupalia atropurpurea hhobb-el- Hobb el adjais ‫ حب العجايز‬163 Achyranthes b)
Moq.T. 'agājis lappacea s. CVII

⎰ boqel Bökel ⎱ 399 Raphanus sativus s.
Raphanus sativus L.
⎱ figl Fidjl ⎰ CXVI
⎰ bejādd Boejad? ⎱ 216 Rhus saeneb s. CIX u.
Rhus saeneb Forsk. ‫سنب‬
⎱ sseneb Saeneb ⎰ s. 206
⎰ gār Djar ⎱ 556 Ricinus communis s.
Ricinus communis L. ‫تبشع‬
⎱ tebscha' Tebscha ⎰ CXXI
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
⎧ hhaugam Haudjam ‫حوجم‬ 327 Rosa indica s. CXIII
Rosa indica L. ⎨ 'orschoq Örschok ‫عرشق‬ 327 Rosa indica s. CXIII
⎩ serb Zerb ‫زرب‬ 327 Rosa indica s. CXIII
Rubia tinctorum L. fūh Fua ‫فوه‬ 89 Rubia tinctor. s. CV
hhemētss Hömmaes ‫حميص‬ 328 Rubus fruticosus s.
Rubus arabicus (Defl.) ⎰ CXIII
Schwf. ⎱ nefetss Naefaes ‫ نفص‬328 Rubus fruticosus s.
Ruellia adhaerens Forsk. hhamsched Hamsched ‫ حمشد‬388 Ruellia h) adhaerens s.
CXV u. s. 114
ghobēre ⎱ Ghobeire ⎱ 385 Ruellia e) guttata s.
⎧ ghobīre ‫غبيره‬
⎰ Ghobîre ⎰ CXV u. s. 114

Ruellia guttata Forsk. ⎨ chommāhh Chommâh ‫ خماح‬387 Ruellia g) hispida s.
⎩ kassr Kasr ‫ كسر‬385 Ruellia e) guttata s.
CXV u. s. 114
ghobbār Ghobbâr ‫ غبار‬383 Ruellia c) strepens s.
⎧ CXV u. s. 114
⎪ mtaqtqa Mtaktka ‫ متقتقه‬383 Ruellia c) strepens s.
Ruellia pallida V. ⎨ CXV u. s. 114

⎩ qotssēf ⎱ Kosseif ⎱
383 Ruellia c) strepens s.
qotsseif ⎰ Kossejf ⎰ CXV u. s. 114
Rumex acutus L. thebal Thebal ‫ ثبل‬247 Rumex b) acutus s. CX
Rumex nervosus V. 'othrob Öthröb ‫ عثرب‬Rumex a) persicarioid. s.
CX u. s. 76
Ruta chalepensis L. schedāb Schedâb ‫ شداب‬275 Ruta graveolens s. CXI

Saccharum officinarum L. muddargend Muddardjend 50 Saccharum offic. s. CIII
Salsola Forsskalii Schf. harm Harm ‫هرم‬ 201 Salsola a) imbricata s.
CVIII u. s. 57
erk Örk ‫ارك‬ Cissus arborea s. 32
⎧ kebāth Kebath ‫كباث‬ Cissus arborea (fructus) s.
⎪ 32
Salvadora persica Lam. ⎨ redīf Redîf ‫رديف‬ 95 Cissus arborea s. CV u.
⎪ s. 32
⎩ rāk Râk ‫راك‬ 95 Cissus arborea s. CV u.
s. 32
Salvia nudicaulis Vahl. ddaru Dharu ‫ضرو‬ Salvia merjamie s. CIII u. s.
Sarcostemma ⎧ dagabis Dagabis 188 Asclepias l) contorta s.
Forskaolianum Kew Index ⎪ CVIII
⎨ hhommētss Hömmed ‫حميص‬ 188 Asclepias l) contorta? s.

in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
mileb Milaeb 186 Asclepias i) aphylla s.
CVIII u. s. 50
'oqqētss Ockas ‫عقيص‬ 188 Asclepias l) contorta? s.
rodd' Rodaa ‫رضع‬ 188 Asclepias l) contorta s.
Sarcostemma stipitaceum rīdehh Rideh ‫ريدح‬ 187 Asclepias k) stipitacea
(Forsk.) R.Br. s. CVIII u. s. 51
Scabiosa Columbaria L. gusar-ar-rā'ija Djussar ar ‫جزر الراعيه‬ 86 Scabiosa columbaria? s.
raaja CV
Schanginia baccata (Forsk.) mullāhh Mullaeah ‫مالح‬ 221 Suaeda c) baccata s.
Moq.T. CIX u. s. 69
Schanginia hortensis mullah Mullah 222 Suaeda d) hortensis s.
(Forsk.) Moq.T. CIX u. s. 71
'ain el baqar Aejn el bagar 42 Schoenus a) incanus s.
Schoenus incanus Forsk.

'ēn-el-baqar Aejn el bagar Schoenus incanus s. 12
boqel Bökel 393 Subularia purpurea s.
Schouwia purpurea (Forsk.) ⎰ CXVI
Sf. ⎱
boqel Bockel Subularia purpurea s. 117
Scirpus corymbosus Heyne hhalāl Hallâl ‫حالل‬ 47 Scirpus a) lateralis s. CIII
u. s. 15
Scoparia dulcis L. dfar Dfar 93 Scoparia a) ternata s.
CV u. s. 32
retssen Raesen ‫رصن‬ 650 Lycopodium a)
imbricatum s. CXXV u. s.
Selaginella imbricata ⎰ 187
Spring. ⎱ schāker-rabba Schaker rabba ‫شاكر ربه‬ 650 Lycopodium a)
imbricatum s. CXXV u. s.
hhoqqa Hocka 651 Lycopodium b)
Selaginella yemensis ⎰ sanguin.? s. CXXV
Spring. ⎱ sserāttāt Seråtåt 651 Lycopodium b)
sanguin.? s. CXXV
Senecio sp. 'amfalūl Amfalûl ‫عنفلول‬ 503 Senecio g) foliis
lanceolato-dentatis s. CXIX
chotssrāb Chodrab ‫خصراب‬ 498 Senecio b) hadiensis s.
⎧ ssel'-abjadd Saelá abjad ‫سلع ابيض‬ 498 Senecio b) hadiensis s.
⎪ CXIX u. s. 149
Senecio hadiensis Forsk. ⎨
⎪ ssel'-el-baqar Saelà el bákar 498 Senecio b) hadiensis s.
⎩ CXIX u. s. 149
'ūd-el-qarahh Oud el karah ‫عود القرح‬ 498 Senecio b) hadiensis s.
Senecio lyratus L. ⎧ herimrim Hörimrim 497 Senecio a) lyratus s.
⎩ hherimrim Hörimrim ‫حرمرم‬ Senecio lyratus s. 149
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
meqatqat Mekatkat 497 Senecio a) lyratus s.
CXIX u. s. 149
Senecio odorus (Forsk.) edchēr Edcher ‫ادخير‬ 483 Cacalia b) odora s.
Deflers. CXIX u. s. 146
Sesamum indicum L. gilgilān Djyldjylan 380 Sesamum indicum s.
CXV u. s. 113
Sesbania sp. kuntud Kuntud ‫كنتد‬ 443 Dolichos g) sesban α)
annuus s. CXVII
Sesbania grandiflora Poir. ssessebān Sesebân 444 Dolichos h) sesban β)
arboreus s. CXVII u. s. 134
Setaria glauca P.B. ebed Aebaed 54 Panicum c) glaucum s.
CIV u. s. 20
Setaria verticillata P.B. sser'-er-rā Saera erra 55 Panicum d) adhaerens s.
CIV u. s. 20
Setaria verticillata P.B. var. hhossab Hosab 56 Panicum e) adhaer.
simile glauco s. CIV
Setaria verticillata P.B. sp. 'agēr Öddjer ‫عجير‬ 57 Panicum f) adhaer. foliis
aff. sulcatis s. CIV
Sida sp. schagaret-el- Schadjaret el 411 Sida b) parvaflore albo
uak uak s. CXVI
⎧ ssoka' Sockáa ‫سكع‬ 414 Sida e) ciliata? s. CXVI
Sida ciliata Forsk. ⎨ tschebe Tschaeba ⎱
⎩ uusar 414 Sida e) ciliata? s. CXVI
Vuzar ⎰
Sida cordifolia L. rēn Rên 410 Sida a) cordifolia s.
CXVI u. s. 124
ghobārī Ghobâri ‫ غبارى‬412 Sida c) paniculata? s.
⎰ CXVI u. s. 124
Sida paniculata L.
⎱ rēn Rên ‫ رين‬412 Sida c) paniculata? s.
CXVI u. s. 124
Sideroxylon oxyacanthum ⎰ 'ersch Ersch ⎱ 144 Sideroxylon s. CVI u. s.
Baill. ⎱ uaraf Uaraf ⎰ 204
Smilacina Forskaliana denaq Daenag ‫ دنق‬236 Convallaria racemosa
Schult. s. CX u. s. 73
bonqom Bonkom ‫ بنقم‬150 Solanum f. armatum s.
⎰ CVII u. s. 47
Solanum armatum Forsk.
⎱ boqēmē Bokaeme ‫ بقيمى‬150 Solanum f) armatum s.
CVII u. s. 47
⎰ bēkamān Bejkaman ⎱ 149 Solanum e) coagulans
Solanum coagulans Forsk.
⎱ ssorēg-ssahān Soroej sahan ⎰ s. CVII u. s. 47
Solanum cordatum Forsk. hhadaq Hadak 154 Solanum k) cordatum s.
CVII u. s. 47
Solanum Forsskalii Dun. boqēmē Bockaeme ‫بقيمي‬ 151 Solanum villosum s.
CVII u. s. 47
Solanum incanum Forsk. ⎧ ennama Ennama ‫انمه‬ Solanum incanum s. 46
⎪ 'ēn-el-baqar Aejn el bagar ‫عين البقر‬ 148 Solanum d) incanum s.
⎨ CVII s. 46
⎪ 'ertssen ⎱ Aersaen ⎱ ‫عرصن‬ 148 Solanum d) incanum s.
⎩ ⎰ ⎰ CVII u. s. 46
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
'erssan Ersan
Solanum Melongena L. bādingān Badindjân 147 Solanum c) melongena
⎰ messellahhe ⎱ Mesellahe ⎱ 145 Solanum a) nigrum s.
Solanum nigrum L. ‫مسلحه‬
⎱ messellehha ⎰ Mesaelleha ⎰ CVII u. s. 46
boqā' Boka 153 Solanum i) bahamense
album s. CVII
⎧ hhabaq Habak ‫ حبق‬152 Solanum h)
⎪ bahamense s. CVII u. s. 46
Solanum sepicula Dun. ⎨
hhommēsch Hommaesch ‫ حميش‬152 Solanum h)

bahamense s. CVII u. s. 46

melihemi ⎱ Melihaemi ⎱ 152 Solanum h)
melihhami ⎰ Melihami ⎰ bahamense s. CVII u. s. 46
Sporobolus ssoraq Sorak ‫ سرق‬66 Agrostis a) indica? s.
coromandelianus (Rz.) CIV
Sterculia platanifolia L. kulhham Kulhåm ‫ كلحم‬295 Culhamia s. CXII u. s.
Suaeda fruticosa Forsk. ⎰ dōluq ⎱ Dôluk ⎱ 223 Suaeda e) fruticosa s.
(non Aut.) ⎱ delūq ⎰ Döluk ⎰ CIX u. s. 70
Suaeda monoica Forsk. 'assal Asal ‫ عسل‬220 Suaeda b) monoica s.
CIX u. s. 70
⎧ hhemmām Hömmâm ‫ حمام‬Suaeda foliis oblongis s. 69
Suaeda vera Forsk. ⎨ hommam Hommam ⎱
⎩ ssued 219 Suaeda a) vera s. CIX
Suaed ⎰

Tagetes sp.? benefssig Benefsidj ‫ بنفسج‬509 Tagetes b) dubia? s.
naufar Naufar ‫ نوفر‬508 Tagetes a) erecta s.
Tagetes erecta L.
⎱ rangess Randjes ‫ رنجس‬508 Tagetes a) erecta s.
herug Hörudj 342 Orygia a) portulacifolia
Talinum portulacifolium ⎰ s. CXIV
(Forsk.) Asch. ⎱ herugrug Hörudjrudj ‫ هرجرج‬342 Orygia a) portulacifolia
s. CXIV u. s. 103
Tamarindus indica L. hhomar Homár ‫ حمر‬35 Tamarindus indica s. CIII
Tamarix articulata Vahl. athl Atl 215 Tamarix orientalis s.
hhebb-el-'agā- Höbb el adjais
451 Hedysarum c)
Taverniera lappacea ⎰ is ⎱
lappaceum s. CXVII u. s.
(Forsk.) D.C. ⎱ hhobb-el-'agā- Höbb el adjais ⎰
Tephrosia tomentosa Pers. ⎰ ssimm-el-horat Symm elhorat XLIII Symm elhorat s. 198

in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
ssonēfa Sonaefa 446 Lathyrus b) tomentosus
s. CXVII u. s. 135
Themed ⎱ 598 Themeda triandra s.
Themeda Forsskalii Hack. themed
Thaemed ⎰ CXXIII u. s. 178
Thymus pulegioides Forsk. dūsch Dûsch ‫ دوش‬361 Thymus c) pulegioid.?
Thymus serpyllum L. ssa'tar Saatar ‫ سعتر‬359 Thymus a) serpyllum s.
CXIV u. s. 107
⎧ hhereqreq Hörekrek ‫ حرقرق‬Jatropha pungens s. 163
⎪ hhumēta Humejta 555 Jatropha pungens s.
Tragia pungens (Forsk.) CXXI u. s. 163

⎪ mehherkeka ⎱ Mehaerkeka ⎱ 555 Jatropha pungens s.
⎩ mehherqaqa ‫محرققه‬
⎰ Meherkaka ⎰ CXXI u. s. 163
Trianthema pentandrum L. roqama Rókama ‫ رقمه‬200 Rokama prostrata s.
CVIII u. s. 71
kótaba Kótaba 282 Tribulus hexandrus[27]
⎰ ⎱
Tribulus bimucronatus Viv. s. CXI
⎱ ⎰
qottaba Kótaba Tribulus pentandrus s. 88
⎰ raq' Roka ⎱
Trichilia emetica V. ‫ رقع‬409 Elcaja s. CXVI u. s. 128
⎱ roq' Roka ⎰
Trigonella foenum-graecum hhelbe Haelbe 464 Trigonella foenum gr. s.
Triticum vulgare Vill. burr Burr 84 Triticum s. CIV
⎰ akmeda Akmeda ⎱ 296 Triumfetta a) lappula s.
Triumfetta lappula L.
⎱ hhamsched Hamsched ⎰ CXII

Urtica urens L. qolehhlehhe Kolaehlehae 543 Urtica e) urens? s.

Vigna sinensis Endl. digre Didjre ‫ دجره‬440 Dolichos d) lubia s.
Vigna sinensis L. var. digre Didjre ‫ دجره‬Dolichos didjre s. 133
sesquipedalis Körn.
Viola arborea Forsk. (non ⎰ rahba Ráhba ‫ رهبه‬515 Viola a) arborea s. CXX
L.) ⎱ ssidr Sidr ‫ سدر‬515 Viola a) arborea s. CXX
Vitis vinifera L. 'enab Enab 160 Vitis s. CVII
in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
barde Barde 133 Physalis a) somnifera s.
Withania somnifera Dun.
⎱ 'obab Öbab ‫ عبب‬133 Physalis a) somnifera s.

kauar-el-'abīd Kavar el abîd 545 Xanthium strumar. s.
Xanthium abyssinicum ⎰ CXXI
Sz.B. ⎱ mang-el-mā Mandj el mâ ‫ منج الما‬545 Xanthium strumar. s.

Zea Mays L. rūmī Rumi 533 Zea majs. s. CXXI
Zingiber officinale Rox. sengebīl Zenjebîl 4 Amomum zingiber s. CII
143 Rhamnus b) divaricatus
⎰ s. CVI
arg Ardj
⎱Rhamnus nabeca b) rectus
s. 204
arg-orrēg Ardj Örredj 142 Rhamnus a) nabeca
⎧ rectus s. CVI
⎪ 142 Rhamnus a) nabeca
⎪ ⎰ rectus s. CVI u. s. 204
⎪ 'elb Aelb ‫علب‬
⎱Rhamnus nabeca s. 204
Ziziphus spina-Christi L. ⎨
var. a. divaricatus

⎪ ghassl Ghasl Rhamnus nabeca s. 204
⎪ var. a. divaricatus
⎩ 143 Rhamnus b) divaricatus
s. CVI
ssidr Sidr 143 Rhamnus b) divaricatus
s. CVI
'urrēg Örredj ‫ عريج‬Rhamnus nabeca b) rectus
s. 204
⎧ germel Kermel ⎫
279 Zygophyllum b)
Zygophyllum simplex L. ⎨ girmel Djirmel ⎬
portulacoides s. CXI
⎩ qermel Kermel ⎭

sp. dubia 'anatss Anas ‫ عنص‬L. Anas s. 199

in arabischer
gegenwärtig gültige nach dem umschrieben botanische Bezeichnung
Schrift nach
botanische Bezeichnung angenommenen von Forskål nach Forskål
sp. dubia bekā Baecka ‫ بكا‬Baecka s. 198
sp. dubia dharaf Dharaf XXXIX Nerium foliis integris
s. 205 u. sp. dubia s. 198
sp. dubia emrīch Emrich ‫ امريخ‬XXX Emrich s. 197
sp. dubia ferar Ferar XXXVI Ferar s. 198
sp. dubia hhaschīschet- Haschischet ‫ حشيشه الدهب‬XLV Haschischet ed dahab
ed-dahab ed dahab s. 199
sp. dubia hinssib Hinsib ‫ حنسب‬XXIV Hinsib s. 196
sp. dubia kelūb Kaelub ‫ كلوب‬XIV Kaelub s. 195
sp. dubia kuer Kuer XXIII Kuer s. 196
sp. dubia natssaf Nasaf ‫ نصف‬XVII Nasaf s. 196
sp. dubia nemam Nömam ‫ نمم‬XXXI Nömam s. 197
sp. dubia 'okāsch Okasch XXXVIII Okasch s. 198
sp. dubia qattaf Kataf XXVII Kataf (falso sic dicta)
s. 197
sp. dubia qauaq Gavag ‫ قوق‬XVIII Gavag s. 196
sp. dubia schanss Schans ‫ شنس‬II Schans s. 194
sp. dubia schagaret- Schadjaret ‫ شجرة الهرنب‬VII Schadjaret elharneb s.
elharneb elharneb 195
sp. dubia scheqab Schekab ‫ شقب‬XV Schekab s. 196
sp. dubia ssibbīe Sibbie ‫ سبيه‬XXV Sibbie s. 197
[22]Druckfehler für Hömed er robah.
[23]Wahrscheinlich ein Druckfehler, statt Cordia.
[24]Druckfehler statt Kerath.
[25]Wahrscheinlich Druckfehler für schamar.
[26]Von Forskål als türkischer Name für die Flora von Jemen
[27]Druckfehler für Trib. pentandrus.





Aden = (A.) Menacha = (M.)

Bagil = (B.) nach A. Deflers, Sana 1887 = (S.)
Chalife = (Ch.) Tehama (Küstenebene) = (T.)
Hille (am Fuß des Gebel Bura) =
'Ussil = (U.)
Uollége (am Fuß des Gebel
Hogēla = (Hodj.)
Melhan) = (W.)



Abrus Bottae Defl. ⎰ 'asb. 'asd (W.)

⎱ tenuīb (H.)

'ain-lahhlahh (H.)

Abrus precatorius L. ⎨ 'ofrūss (W. H.)

qólqol (H.)

⎰ reï̄n (H.)
Abutilon bidentatum H.
⎱ rēn (T.)

Acacia abyssinica ⎰ ssujēl (Hodj.)

Hochst. ⎱ ttalhh (M.)

Acacia Edgeworthii F. ⎰ qáratt (A.)

And. ⎱ ssámr (A.)

Acacia flava (F.) Schwf. sselām (T.)

(= A. Ehrenbergiana

⎰ dáhhi (W.)
Acacia glaucophylla St.
⎱ dáhhie (M.)

⎰ gensīr (H.)
Acacia Lahai H. St.
⎱ qáratt (M.)

Acacia mellifera Bth. dsubb (T. H. W.)

Acacia oerfota Schwf. (= 'orfott (B. H. T.)
A. nubica Bth.)
Acacia Seyal (F.) Del. sselēm (Ch.)
Acacia spirocarpa Hoch. ssámr (B. W.)

Acalypha fruticosa ⎰ defrān

Forsk. ⎱ deferān (H. W. U.)
Acalypha indica L. hharām-edh-dhíbbel (U.)

Acanthus arboreus ⎰ ssénef, ssínif (M. U.)

Forsk. ⎱ sínif (H.)

Achillea sp. culta golleï̄m (M.)

Achyranthes aspera L. chórge (H.)
athbīr, athbēr (Hodj.)

Acokanthera Deflersii
⎨ thebīr (U.)

tumár (H.)
ferguss (U.)

Adenia venenata Forsk. ⎨ ssoffēr (W.)

ssufrēg (Hodj.)
Adenium arabicum Balf. dobbiāna (A.)
Adenium obesum 'aden (W. U.)
(Forsk.) R. Sch
Adiantum caudatum L. schegeret-el-m'ä (U.)
Adina microcephala dhárahh (H.)
Aerva tomentosa Forsk. 'érue (W.)

⎰ bissēl (H.)
Albersia caudata Boiss.
⎱ hogēla (H.)

Albuca abyssinica hhaneschāt (H.)

Allium cepa L. bátssal (S.)
Allium sp. tōm-el-hhánasch (M.)
Allium sativum L. tūm (S.)
Allophylus rubifolius (H.) nischēm (W.)
Aloe sabaea Schwf. geschb (Hodj. U.)
Aloe rubroviolacea
Schwf. ⎱
ssabr, ssubr (M. W.)

Aloe vera L.
Aloe pendens Forsk. 'arrár (H. U.)

⎰ charchar (H.)
Aloe vacillans Forsk.
⎱ chēr (M. U.)

dhsam (S.)

Andropogon Sorghum
⎨ tta'm (T.)

ssábul (U.) (der Fruchtkolben)
Andr. Sorgh. var. albidus tta'm-'áhhnessi (U.)
Andr. Sorgh. var. tta'm-ga'aidi (M.)
arabicus Kcke.
Andr. Sorgh. var. bicolor. tta'm-gherb (T.)

Andr. Sorgh. var. ⎰ tta'm-diger-kubri (Hodj.)

rubrocernuus Kcke. ⎱ tta'm-kubri (M. U.)

Andr. Sorgh. var. usorum gendab-ahhmar (M.)


Andr. Sorgh. var. pannic. ⎰ hhogema, hhogena (T.)

compacta ⎱ hhegēne (T.)
Andropogon qossēba (W.)
Schoenanthus L.
Amygdalus communis L. lōs (S.)

⎰ férssik
Amygdalus Persica L.
⎱ fírssik (H. W. S.)

Anisotes trisulcus Nees. madd (T.)

Antirrhinum Orontium L. qobūr (W.)

⎧ 'ambe-bérisch (W.)
⎪ 'anbe-béresch (W.)
Annona squamosa L. ⎨
⎪ chermisch. chirmisch (H.)
⎩ sseférgel-hindi (S.)

Antiaris Challa Schwf. (= challa (H.)

Ficus Challa Schwf.)

Aristolochia bracteata ⎰ la'ja (W.)

Retz. ⎱ lä' (W.)

Artemisia abyssinica rand (M.)

Artemisia arborescens L. scheger-ábjadd (H.)
Arundo Donax L. hhalāl (U. M.)
Asparagus officinalis L. tssūf-el-hhér (H.)

Asplenium praemorsum ⎰ mschāt-el-choddä' (H.)

Sw. ⎱ nīle (H.)

Astragalus abyssinicus 'onssīf (M.)


Balanites aegyptiaca héleg (T.)


⎰ ahhger (W.)
Batatas edulis Ch.
⎱ gissér (H.)

Barbacenia sp. n. (= ⎰ thalīq (H.)

Xerophyta) ⎱ tssalīq (H.)

Barbacenia sp. qōscham-er-robbáhh (H. W.)

Barbacenia sp. n. ssalī'ch, ssalīq (H.)

⎰ kemb (W.)
Barbeya oleoides Schwf.
⎱ kimb (U.)

Barleria Andersonii ⎰ schachb (U.)

Schwf. ⎱ schéchab (H.)

Barleria argentea Balf. f. glīt (U.)

(= B. yemensis
(Schwf.) Lind.)
Barleria diacantha V. schuchä́ dd, schochä́ dd (W.)

⎰ gerōm (H.)
Barleria trispinosa V.
⎱ schochádd (W.)

Berberis aristata D.C. hhodhūb (M.)

Berchemia yemensis ⎧ chérress (W.)
Defl. ⎪
límmām (H.)

⎪ némmam (H.)

schérress (U.)

Bersama abyssinica ⎰ hhubbä' (H.)

Fres. ⎱ uhhbä' (U. W.)

Bidens pilosa L. hhéssike (H.)

Blastania fimbristipula tarrä'hh (B.)
Ky. Peyr.
chaférab (U.)

Blepharis edulis Pers.
⎨ sogáf (T. Hodj. H.)

sóghaf (H.)

⎧ chárdal (M. U.)

⎪ chardel (H.)
Boerhavia plumbaginea

⎪ chórrede (M.)
⎩ hhátaf (W.)

Boerhavia repens L. var. rugma, ruqma (H.)

diffusa L.

⎰ thō' (Hodj. W.)

Boscia angustifolia R.
⎱ thū' (W.)

Brassica campestris L. chardal, chordal (M.)

Brassica oleracea L. lehāne (S.)
Breweria oxycarpa H. glīt (U.)

⎰ choschūsch (H.)
Bridelia tomentosa Bl.
⎱ kurscho (W.)

Buddleja polystachya ⎧ afār (M.)

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