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,i B.A. (DisciplineCourse)Ist Year

' ardu Compulsory
Ist Semesler

(Note : For candidateswho have studiedUrdu uPtoXIIth Classat the seniorsecondarylevell

Paper I (Is1Year) Modern & MedieYalPoetrv Marks : 75

Time- 3 Hours

Pattemand Structue

Part-A: Ghazalyat

1. Tlueequestions of explanation,onefromeachpart 10+10+10=30

2. Threequestions ofcritical appreciatio from eachpart 10 + 10+ 10= 30 :r;
3. Five shtrt answertype quesiionswoul skedabout 3 x 5 = 15
. Il'n-e-Bayan
4. IntemalAssessment 25 ,\


BookPrescribed: INTII(HAB-E-MANZUMAT (PART- I & )

Pub, Uttar PradeshUrdu Academy,Luclcnow


Waii Daccni: GhazalNos.2, 4 MeerTaqiMeer: GhazalNos.2, 5, 6, 14

Momin : GhazalNos. 1, 8 AsgharGondvi: GhazalNos.2, 4
HasratMoharLi: GhaaalNos. 2, 4 Faiz AtrmadFaiz : GhazalNos. 4, 5, 6
MeerDard:GhazalNos.1,3,7 KlawajaAatish:GhazalNos.2,7
Mirza Ghalib: GhazalNos. 1, 4, 9, 1l FaniBada)'rmi; GhazalNos. 5, 6, 7
FiraqGaur : GhazalNos.4,6,7 DaaghDehlvi:GhazalNos 2,4
ShaadAzimabadi: GhazalNos.2, 7

RecommeDaledBooks :

l. Wdi SeIqbalTak : SayyadAbdulla}.Educarion BookHor.:se,

2- Urdu ShaeriKa Fafff Irtaqa : FarmanFatehpuri
3. JadeedNa:rn Number : SaughatBanglore
4. Urdu ShaeriKa SarnajiPasMarzar : Ejaz Hussain
5. Urdu Adab Ki TanqeediTareetrrh : EhteshamHussa r
B,A. (DisciplineCourse)Ist Year
Urdu Compulsory

IInd Semester

CNoteI For candidateswho have studiedUrdu upto )CIth Classal the senior secondarylevel)

Paper- I (Ist Year) Modern &.MedieYalPoetr-v Marks : 75

Time 3 Hours

Pattemand Slructwe

Part-B: Malzoomal

1. Tlueequestionsof explaaation, onefrom eachpart 10+ 10+ 10:30

3. Five short a$wer type questionswould be askedabout 3 x 5 : 15
4. IntemalAssessment 25


Book Prescribed: INfKIIA-B-E-MANZ U MAT (PART- T& II)

Pub,Uttar PradeshUrdu Academy,Lucknow


NazeerAkbarabadi : Aadmi Nama

MaularaHali : Marsiya-e-Delhi
Chalcbast: Gokhley Ka Marsiya
lqbal : Shoa-e-Ummeed, Naya Shiwalg
Akbar Allahabadi : Farzi Latifa
Al<itar Shirani : O Des SeAanewaleBala
Majaz Lucknawi : Shikast-e-ZindanKa Khawab
Faiz : Subh-e-Aazadi
Akhtarul lrnaan : Ek Ladka


1. Wali SeIqbalTak : SayyadAbdullah,EducationBookHouse,Aligarh

2. Urdu ShaeriKa Faruf ktaqa : FarmanFalehpuri
3. JadeedNazm er : SaughatBanglore
4. Urdu ShaeriKa SamajiPasMalzar : EjazHussain
5. Urdu Adab Ki TanqeediTareetril: EhteshamHussain

B.A. (DisciplineCourse)IInd Year
Urdu CompulsotY
lyt Semester

(Note : For candidateswho offeredUrdu in ClassXII)

Marks : 75

Time 3 Hours

Pafiem and Stucture

l. The summaryor the theEe or review ofchalacterizationand critical note on shoft

stodesof anytwo. 20 Marks
2. Cdtical study of pad of Dastanor Cultuial study of aayDastanof ally one 20 Marks
3. StudyofNovel with referelce to bharacterizationandcultwal studyofNovelette .r:
5 Marks
. Critical sludy of Dmma with reference1otluee Drama,History andorigin of Drama in '
Urdu. 10 Marks

6. IntemalAssessment 25 Marks



1. GuzraHua Zamana Sir Salyed

2. Kafan PremChand
3. Aakhri Koshish HayanrllahAnsari
4. Artartdi GhulamAbbas
5. GarmCoat RajinderSinghBedi
6. TobaTek Singh SaadatHasatrMinlo
7. Aadhey GhanteKa Khuda Krishan ChandJa
8. Gadariya Ashfaq Almad

2. C}I{RNOVELETTE Qurralui Ain Hyder

Pub.Educational BookHouse,Aligarh

E^ll^1r;nft n^r,clcna.


1. Naya Afsana : WaqarAzeem

Pub.EducationalBook House,Aligarh

2. DastaaSeAfsaneTak : Vy'aqarAzeem

3, Urdu Ki Nasri Dasta[ein : Gyan Chand

Pub.Uttar PradeshUrdu Acaderny,Lucknow

4. TarraqquiPasandTekeek Aur Urdu Afsana : Dr. Sadiq

Pub. Urdu Majlis, Delhi

5. DaslanSeNovel Tak : Ibne Kanwal

Pub.MaktabaJamiaLtd., Delhi ',J.'

BeesweenSadiMein UrduNovel : YousufSarmast


7 . Wajhi SeAbdulHaqTat : SayyadAbdullah

B.A. (DisciplineCourse)IInd Year
Urdu Compulsory
(Note : For ca.ndidates
who offered Urdu in CtassXII)

Paper- II Marks : 75
rrme- J l1ours
pattem and Stmcture ,

1. The sumrnaryor the themeor review of characterizationandcdtical not6 on short

sto esofanytwo. 20 Marks
2. Critical study of pai:fof Dastanor Cultural study of atryDastanof any one. 20 Marks
3. Study ofNovel with referenceto chajactedzationand tultural str_rdy ofNovelette.
5 Marks
4. CriticalstudyofDmma with refereoce to tlree Dram4 Ilistory andoriginofDrama in
Urdu. 10Marks ,
5. A shoft ry ofimpoftant liteFry movementswill help studentsto understand
develop ofUrdu Literature- 20 Mar<s ,
6. Intemal Assessmeot 25 Marks
II. ClassicalProse:

L SairPeNeDurwaishKi Bagh-o-Bahar MeerAmman

2. Ba:rdarKi Taqreer Fasana-e-Ajaib RajabAli Beg Suroor
3. Kiutoote Ghalib(1-25) Urdu-e-Maulla Mirzachalib
4. InsanKisi Hal Mein KhushNahin Naftrge-e-Khayal Mohd. HasanAzad
,. Rehta
5. SuchAur JhoofKa RazmNama Nararrg-e-Khayal Mohd-FlasanAzad

l . Naya Afsana : WaqarAzeem

Pub.Educalional Book House,Aligarh
2 . DastanSeAfsane Tak : WaqarAzeem
Pub.Educational PublishingHouse,Delhi
3 . Urdu Ki Nasri Dastanein: GyaEChand
Pub. Uttar PmdeshUrdu Academy,Luclarow

5 . DastanSeNovel Tak : IbneKanwal

Pub. MaktabaJamiaLtd., Delhi
6_ BeesweenSadiMeir Urdu Novel : yousuf Sarmast
Pub.N.C.PU.L.,New Delhi
7. Wajhi SeAbdul Haq Tak : SayyadAbdullai
Pub. EducationalPublishingHouse,Delhi
B.A. @isciplineCourse)IIIrd Year
Urdu ComPulsory
(Note : For candidateswho offeredUrdu in ClassXII)
(Studyof ProseFolms& MassMediain Urdu)

Paper I (IIIrd Year) Marks : 75

Time- 3 Hours

Patlem and Structure

Thepaperis dividedin thieeparts:

1. Studentshaveto study & leam ProseFoms Prosodyard its applicatio[ in literature

andcomparison to Poetic& Prosepeculiarities. 30 Marks

3. $yg' There will be on tlie spotpractical examinationwhere sludenthave to wrrte
two ProseFonns in threehours, it will be examineby an exterualexaminerarid an
intemalexaminerin the college- 15Marks

4. lntemalAssessmert 25 Marks


This courseshallpreparesuchstudenlwho would be ableto urite featue, shoft-story,

will alsohelpfulto becomea w ter. The coursehasbeendesignfor the sludentof all

streamsofUrdu Lalguagefor B.A. course.


Modesandfo.msof wriringPros

1. Short-story,Reportage, Differentstyleof
Essays,Featwe,Book Review,Travelogue,

2. DramaandOpera,lhedrarnaticversionsofnaJration,Dialogue,Plot,
Characterizatioqnon-verbal/ non prefonaateedelemen|

1. Tareekh-e-Sahafat-e-Urdu Imdad Sabri

2. Urdu MassMedia Fazlul Haq
3. Iblaghiyat ShahidHusaia
4. Urdu RadioAur TelevisionMe L K.A- Siddiqui
5 . Kiabar Nigari ShafeyQidwai
6 . Awami ZarayeTarseel A.M. K1latr
Urdu Sahafat: Tarjurna-o-Ibarat SayyadZiaullah
8 . T.V. Nasbriyat Arjum Usnani
Urdu Mein ReportageNigari Abdul Aziz, SaqiBook Depot, Delhi

B.A. @isciplineCourse)IIIrd Year
Urdu Compulsory

fNote : For candidateswho offeredUrdu in CiassXII)
(Studyof ProseFoms & MassMediain Urdu)

Paper I (IIIrd Year) Marks: 75

Time - 3 Hours

Patt€mard Shucture

The paperis divided in threeparis:

1. Studentshave1ostudy & learnProseForms Prosodyand its applicationin lilerature

' andcomparisonto Poetic& Prosepeculiarities. 30 Marks

3. $yg. Tliere will be oDthe spotpractical examinationwhergstudenthaveto $Tite any

two ProseForms in three hours,it will be examile by aa exteraalexaminerand an
intemal examiherin the college. 15Marks

4. InternalAssessmeEt 25Marks


, This courseshall preparesuchstr-rdent

who would be ableto write featuje, short-story,
essay,repoftage,dlam4 bookreviewandwriting for radioandtelevision.It s-lsodevelops
talent, confidenceamongstudentsto expressthemselvestlrough his owu t'riting. This
coursewili alsohelpfulto becomea wdter. The cowsehasbeendesignfor the studentof all
steamsofUrdu Language for B.A. course.


Writing for Eiectronic Media and print media and its developmentthrough the ages
(Urdu)commercials,short-ply, interviews etc. (Radio aadT.V. meansa studenthaveto l{rite
on cultual political economicor issuessuchas gendersensitizationwhich areprevailing in
the societyor issues,evedsofhis / her surroundings in the form ofDrams,Feahne,Talk,
Suvey Repofl etc. approved/ allotted by the college deparlment).

L Historyof UrdujoumalismUrdu Service(A.I.R.)andT.V- of abovementionprbse

Practical- 30 Marks

A studenthave to write proseform (a short-story,reportage,a play, an essay,a featurc,a

suvey report, out ofttrem arryfour will be allotted by ttre Departunenlofthe Couege.

In an academicyear al]d submit at the time of viva duly 6ignedby the teacher. AII prose
formsr/ill haveequalma.rks.

Viva - 15 Marks

Therewill be on the spotpracticaltest ofwritilg Elly two-prosefolm or one prose& one

poetic form as desired/ allottedby the Department,aswell s5viva relating to theory of Prose
/ Poelicfolms.

Thercwill be one extemalandoneiDtemalexaminer. Practicalexaminationwill be held in



1 1. Tareekh-e-Sahafat-e-Urdu Irndad Sabri

2. Urdu MassN4edia Fazlul Haq
3. Iblaghiyat shabrd Husau
4: UrduRadioAur TelevisionMein K.A. Siddiqui
r arseel-u-lDlagll
KhabarNigari ShafeyQidwai
Awami ZarayeTarseel A.M. Khan
Urdu Sahafat: Taduma-o-Ibarat SayyadZiaullah
T.V. Nashdyat A.qiumUsmani
Udu Mein ReportageNigad Abdul Aziz, SaqiBook Depot,Delbi
Practical- 30 Marks

A studenthave to w te prosefolm (a short-story,relortage, a play, an essay,a feature,a

ofthe College.
su.rveyrepoft, out oft}Iem any fou.Iwill be allottedby the Depa.rtrnent

ln an academicyear aad submit at the time ofviva duly signedby the teacher. All lrose
formswill hare eqrralmarks.

Viva * l5 Marks

Therewill be on the spotpracticaltest of vriting any two-proseform or oneprose& one

poeticform as desircd/ allotted by the Deparhnent,as well asviva relating to theory of PrcSe
/ Poeticfoms.

Therewill be one extemalandone intemal exaxniner.Pmcticalexaminalionwill be held in

+La raanF^+irro ^^ltana


1, Tareel*r-e-Sahafat-e-Urdu Imdad Sabri

2, Urdu Mass Media Fazlul Haq
3. Iblagbjyat ShahidHusaiD
4, Urdu Radio Aur TelevisionMein K.A. Siddiqui
5. KhabarNigari ShafeyQidv/ai
6. Awami ZarayeTarseel A.M. Khan
7, Urdu Sahafat: Tarjuma-o-Ibarat SayyadZiaullah
8. T.V. Nashriyat Anjum Usma!.i
9. Urdu Mein ReportageNigari AbdulAaiz,SaqiBookDepot,Delhi

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