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Harry Potter: MageX

By: Vikrant Utekar

In a surprising twist of fate, Harry Potter discovers that he possesses the

elusive X-gene, unlocking a whole new realm of possibilities within the
wizarding world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry grapples with the
awakening of his mutant abilities, which allow him to absorb magical
powers and abilities.

Status: ongoing

Published: 2024-04-15

Updated: 2024-04-22

Words: 22869

Chapters: 9

Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Adventure/Fantasy -

Characters: Harry P., C. Xavier - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 184

Original source:


Exported with the assistance of

Harry Potter: MageX
Harry's Mutant Powers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Harry's Mutant Powers
Harry's mutant powers could work in a few different ways, depending
on how they're developed and integrated into the story:

1. Power Absorption: Harry gains the ability to absorb the magical

essence or abilities of other magical beings or artifacts he comes
into contact with. This could include absorbing the residual magic of
the Basilisk and the dark energy of Tom Riddle's diary.

2. Adaptation: With the absorbed powers, Harry's body adapts and

integrates them seamlessly into his own magical repertoire. This
allows him to rapidly learn and master new spells, skills, and
abilities, adapting to any situation he encounters.

3. Energy Manipulation : Harry gains the power to manipulate

magical energy on a molecular level. He can shape and control
magical forces, He can also perform wandless magic.

Abilities gained from Absorption:

The Basilisk

Absorbing the Basilisk's essence could grant Harry a range of

powerful abilities:

1. Parseltongue Mastery: Harry already possesses the ability to

speak Parseltongue, but absorbing the Basilisk's essence could
enhance this skill, allowing him to understand and communicate with
snakes on a deeper level.

2. Enhanced Regeneration: The Basilisk's venom possesses potent

regenerative properties. By absorbing its essence, Harry could gain
enhanced healing abilities, allowing him to recover from injuries at an
accelerated rate.
3. Enhanced Strength and Speed: The Basilisk is a large and
formidable creature. Absorbing its essence could grant Harry
increased physical strength and agility, enabling him to perform feats
beyond normal human capabilities.

4. Venomous Gaze: The Basilisk's gaze is lethal to anyone who

meets its eyes. Harry may gain the ability to emit a similar paralyzing
or weakening effect through his gaze, albeit with less deadly

5. Serpentine Transformation: In extreme circumstances, Harry could

have the ability to partially transform into a serpentine form,
complete with scales, fangs, and heightened senses, allowing him to
navigate tight spaces or evade danger.


Absorbing Fawkes' tears could grant Harry a range of uplifting and

healing abilities, reflecting Fawkes' association with rebirth and

1. Healing Touch: Harry could gain the ability to heal injuries and
ailments with a mere touch, channeling the rejuvenating properties of
Fawkes' tears to restore health and vitality to himself and others.

2. Emotional Empathy: Fawkes is deeply connected to the emotional

well-being of those around him. By absorbing his tears, Harry may
develop an enhanced sense of empathy and emotional intuition,
allowing him to understand and connect with others on a deeper

3. Fire Manipulation: Fawkes possesses the ability to conjure and

control flames. Harry could gain a similar affinity for fire, allowing him
to manipulate flames for both offensive and defensive purposes,
harnessing their cleansing and purifying properties.

4. Phoenix Rebirth: In moments of extreme peril or sacrifice, Harry

may have the ability to undergo a transformative rebirth, emerging
from the ashes of adversity with renewed strength and purpose,
much like Fawkes himself.

5. Flight: As Fawkes is capable of flight, Harry may gain the ability to

soar through the skies with grace and agility, using his newfound
wings to navigate the world from a higher perspective.

Tom Riddle's Horcruxes (The Diary and Harry's scar)

Absorbing the soul shard within his scar and Tom Riddle's diary
could grant Harry a combination of dark and powerful abilities,
reflecting the influence of Tom Riddle's fragmented soul:

1. Dark Magic Mastery: Harry might gain an understanding and

proficiency in dark magic beyond his years, tapping into the
knowledge and malevolent intent embedded within the soul shard.
This could include spells for curses, mind control, and manipulation
of life forces.

2. Legilimency: Voldemort was a skilled Legilimens, able to penetrate

the minds of others to extract information or manipulate their
thoughts. By absorbing the soul shard, Harry could develop a natural
talent for Legilimency, allowing him to delve into the minds of others
and perceive their thoughts and emotions.

3. Obscurial Rage: The presence of the soul shard could trigger

bouts of uncontrollable rage and destructive power within Harry, akin
to an Obscurial. In moments of intense emotion or vulnerability, he
might unleash bursts of dark energy capable of causing widespread

4. Soul Manipulation: With the soul shard integrated into his being,
Harry could possess the ability to manipulate and fragment the souls
of others, exerting control over their thoughts, actions, and destinies.

5. Horcrux Resilience: Absorbing the soul shard could grant Harry

enhanced resilience and longevity, akin to that of a Horcrux. He
might become more resistant to physical harm and possess a
heightened capacity for survival, even in the face of mortal danger.
Location: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Date: June 24 1993

As Fawkes's tears merged with Harry's wound, a profound

transformation unfolded within him. The culmination of defeating the
Basilisk and vanquishing the dark influence of Tom Riddle's diary,
combined with the mystical properties of Fawkes' tears, triggered an
unprecedented reaction within Harry.

In that pivotal moment, as Fawkes' tears mingled with the essence of

the defeated Basilisk and the remnants of Tom Riddle's malevolent
soul shard residing within the diary as well as the one in his scar,
Harry felt an intense surge of power coursing through his veins. His
scar, once a mark of darkness, now pulsed with a vibrant energy as
it absorbed the last vestiges of Voldemort's fragmented soul.

With a blinding flash of light, Harry felt himself enveloped by a

cascade of magical energy, his very essence expanding to
accommodate the influx of power. In addition to the abilities of power
absorption, adaptation, and energy manipulation granted by Fawkes'
tears, Harry now found himself infused with the potent essence of
the soul shard.

As the soul shard integrated with Harry's being, he felt a profound

shift within him. His consciousness expanded, and he gained a
deeper understanding of the magic that coursed through him. The
dark energies of the soul shard merged with his own, granting him a
newfound sense of resilience and fortitude.

As Harry's body absorbed the immense surge of power, the strain

proved to be overwhelming. With a sudden lightheadedness, his
vision blurred, and darkness encroached upon his senses.
Just as Harry's consciousness began to slip away, he felt a gentle
hand on his shoulder. Through the haze of unconsciousness, he
heard a familiar voice calling his name. It was Ginny, waking up from
her ordeal under the influence of Tom Riddle's diary.

Ginny: "Harry? Are you okay? What's happening?"

In his weakened state, Harry managed a faint smile before mustering

the strength to respond, his voice barely above a whisper.

Harry: "I… I think so, Ginny. Just feeling a bit… overwhelmed."

Ginny's concern was evident as she reached out to support him, her
expression filled with worry and relief.

Ginny: "You saved me, Harry. I don't know what would've happened
if you hadn't destroyed that diary. Thank you."

Harry nodded weakly, grateful for Ginny's understanding and

support, even in his moment of vulnerability.

Harry: "We did it, Ginny. We're both safe now. Just need a moment
to… catch my breath."

As he spoke, Harry's eyelids grew heavy, and he felt himself slipping

further into unconsciousness. But he knew that with Ginny by his
side, he would find the strength to face whatever challenges lay
ahead. And together, they would navigate the mysteries and dangers
of the magical world, bound by a bond forged in the fires of adversity.

Location: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester

County, New York.

Date: June 24 1993

In the depths of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Professor

Charles Xavier sat in the Cerebro chamber, his mind connected to
the vast network of the mutant-detecting device. Suddenly, Cerebro's
alarms blared to life, signaling the emergence of a new Omega Level

Xavier's brow furrowed in concern as he delved deeper into the

readings. The magnitude of the mutant's power was unprecedented,
sending ripples through the fabric of reality itself.

"Ororo, Logan, to me at once," Xavier's voice echoed through the

mansion, urgency lacing every word.

Within moments, James 'Logan' Howlett and Ororo Munroe, known

to the world as the powerful mutants Wolverine and Storm, arrived at
Xavier's side.

"Professor, what's wrong?" Ororo asked.

"We've detected the emergence of a new Omega Level Mutant,"

Xavier replied gravely. "The readings indicate a power unlike
anything we've encountered before."

Logan's senses hummed with the anxiety emanating from the

Professor's direction as he nodded, understanding the gravity of the
situation. "What's the plan, Professor?"

"We must find this mutant and ensure they receive proper guidance
and training," Xavier declared, his mind already racing with
possibilities. "But we must proceed with caution. Such power can be
either a force for good or for destruction."

With a shared sense of purpose, the trio prepared to embark on a

mission to locate and recruit this newfound mutant, knowing that
their actions could shape the future of mutantkind itself.

Hey Guys,
Hope you're doing great! So this is the Prologue of my new

Hope you guys like it!

I'm super curious to hear what you think about the plot,
characters, and if it kept you hooked. Would you be up for
giving it a read and letting me know your thoughts at the end of
the chapter?

Thanks a bunch! Can't wait to hear from you.

Chapter 1
As Harry slowly regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a
familiar bed within the confines of the Hogwarts Hospital Wing. The
soft glow of candlelight illuminated the room, casting a warm,
comforting aura around him. Blinking away the remnants of sleep,
Harry took in his surroundings, his mind still reeling from the events
that had transpired.

Ginny was sitting by his bedside, her expression a mix of relief and
concern as she noticed Harry stirring awake. Her eyes met his with a
mixture of emotions, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her

Ginny: "Harry, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

Harry's throat felt dry as he tried to speak, but he managed a weak

nod, his gaze meeting Ginny's with gratitude and affection.

Harry: "Better… I think. What happened?"

Ginny's smile softened as she reached out to gently grasp his hand,
offering him comfort and reassurance.

Ginny: "You passed out just as I woke up. Professor Dumbledore

and Madam Pomfrey brought you here. They said you needed rest
after… everything that happened."

Harry's memories began to flood back-the Chamber of Secrets, the

Basilisk, Tom Riddle's diary, and the overwhelming surge of power
that had coursed through him. It all seemed like a distant dream, yet
the lingering sense of exhaustion and unease remained.

Harry: "What about the diary? Is it… gone?"

Ginny's expression grew somber as she nodded, her eyes reflecting

the weight of their shared ordeal.
Ginny: "Destroyed. You did it, Harry. You saved me, and you
destroyed the diary. We're both safe now."

Harry felt a surge of relief wash over him at Ginny's words, grateful
that their ordeal was finally over.

Ginny's smile faltered slightly, her gaze downcast with guilt. Sensing
her unease, Harry slowed his pace and turned to face her, a furrow
of concern creasing his brow.

Harry: "Ginny, what's wrong?"

Ginny swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper as she


Ginny: "Harry, I… I need to apologize. For everything that happened

with the diary. I should have known better, I should have realized
what was happening…"

Harry's expression softened as he reached out to gently grasp

Ginny's arm, offering her reassurance.

Harry: "Ginny, it's not your fault. You were under the diary's
influence. None of us knew what was really going on until it was too

Ginny's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she shook her head, her
voice trembling with emotion.

Ginny: "But I hurt people, Harry. I put everyone in danger because of

my mistakes. I'm so sorry."

Harry's grip tightened slightly, his gaze unwavering as he spoke with

quiet determination.

Harry: "Ginny, what's important is that you're safe now. We're all
safe, thanks to you and your bravery. And we'll get through this
together, no matter what."
Ginny looked at Harry, her eyes searching for any hint of blame or
reproach. Instead, she found only understanding and compassion, a
silent reassurance that they would face whatever challenges lay
ahead as allies and friends.

A peculiar sensation tugged at Harry's senses. Rubbing his eyes, he

reached instinctively for his glasses, only to pause mid-motion, his
hand hovering in confusion.

With a furrowed brow, Harry blinked several times, trying to make

sense of the strange feeling. Slowly, he realized that his
surroundings appeared clearer, sharper, without the familiar blur he
had grown accustomed to.

Ginny looked at with concern.

Ginny: "Harry, what's the matter?"

Harry shook his head, unable to fully comprehend the revelation

dawning upon him.

Harry: "I… I think something's different. My glasses… I don't need

them anymore."

Ginny's eyes widened in surprise as she leaned closer, studying

Harry's face intently.

Ginny: "Are you serious? I didn't even notice that."

Madam Pomfrey, the Hogwarts matron, had overheard Harry's

bewildered revelation about his sudden lack of need for glasses.
Concern etched her features as she approached Harry's bedside,
her expression a mix of curiosity and professional scrutiny.

Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Potter, did I hear correctly? You're saying you
no longer require your glasses?"

Harry nodded, still trying to comprehend the inexplicable change.

Harry: "Yes, Madam Pomfrey. I don't understand it myself, but
everything seems clearer without them."

Madam Pomfrey's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she gestured for

Harry to sit up straight. With practiced efficiency, she waved her
wand, conjuring a diagnostic spell that enveloped Harry in a soft,
shimmering light.

Madam Pomfrey: "Interesting indeed. Let's have a closer look, shall


As the diagnostic spell worked its magic, Madam Pomfrey conducted

a thorough examination of Harry's eyes, checking for any signs of
illness or injury. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she
scrutinized the results, her wand tracing intricate patterns in the air.

After a few moments of careful observation, Madam Pomfrey

stepped back, her expression unreadable.

Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Potter, I can find no physical explanation for

this sudden change in your vision. It appears… inexplicable."

Harry exchanged a puzzled glance with Ginny, his mind swirling with
questions. How could his eyesight improve without any apparent
cause? Was it possible that this was somehow related to the magical
events that had recently unfolded?

Before Harry could voice his thoughts, Madam Pomfrey spoke again,
her tone gentle but firm.

Madam Pomfrey: "For now, Mr. Potter, I suggest you take it easy and
allow yourself time to adjust to this… unforeseen development.
Should you experience any discomfort or further changes, please
don't hesitate to seek my assistance."

With a nod of understanding, Harry settled back into his bed, the
mystery of his newfound clarity weighing heavily on his mind.
Harry: "Where's Ron?"

Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Weasley is currently with Professor

Dumbledore and his parents in the Headmaster's Office."

Harry's brow furrowed with concern at the news of Ron's

whereabouts, Madam Pomfrey noticed his unease and offered a
reassuring smile, though her own expression remained grave.

Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Potter, I'm sure Professor Dumbledore has his
reasons for meeting with Mr. Weasley and his parents. Hogwarts is a
safe place, and I'm confident that everything will be resolved in due

Harry nodded, trying to quell the rising tide of worry in his chest. He
trusted Dumbledore, but the uncertainty of the situation gnawed at
him. What could Dumbledore possibly need to discuss with Ron and
his parents that was so urgent?

Ginny, sensing Harry's turmoil, placed a comforting hand on his arm.

Ginny: "We'll find out soon enough, Harry. Whatever it is, we'll all
face it together."

Feeling a sense of unease gnawing at him, Harry resolved to find out

more as soon as possible.

Harry: "You're right, Ginny. Madam Pomphrey, is it possible for me to

see Hermione?"

Madam Pomfrey nodded in understanding at Harry's request to visit

Hermione, recognizing the importance of his concern for his friend's
well-being. With a reassuring smile, she gestured for Harry to follow
her as she led the way to Hermione's bedside once again.

As they approached Hermione's bed, Harry's heart clenched with a

mixture of worry and relief at the sight of his friend. Hermione lay
there, still and pale, her features peaceful in her petrified state.
Madam Pomfrey stepped back to give Harry some privacy, her
presence a silent reassurance as Harry approached Hermione's
bedside. Taking a deep breath to steel himself, Harry reached out to
gently grasp Hermione's hand, his touch gentle and reassuring.

Harry: "Hey, Hermione. It's me, Harry. I just wanted to check in on

you and make sure you're okay."

Hermione remained still, her expression frozen in an eternal slumber.

Harry's heart ached at the sight, wishing desperately for some sign
of improvement.

Madam Pomfrey, watching from a respectful distance, spoke up with

a note of encouragement.

Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Potter, Miss Granger's condition hasn't

changed, but I'm hopeful that with time and patience, she will
recover fully."

As Harry sat by Hermione's bedside, holding her hand and silently

willing her to wake up, a strange sensation washed over him. It
started as a tingling warmth in his palm, spreading through his
fingers and up his arm until it enveloped his entire body in a
comforting embrace.

Unbeknownst to Harry, the powers he had absorbed from Fawkes

were stirring within him, seeking an outlet for their healing energy. As
Harry's thoughts remained focused on Hermione, his subconscious
mind tapped into the latent abilities lying dormant within him.

Suddenly, Hermione's hand twitched in his grasp, her fingers curling

slightly as a soft sigh escaped her lips. Harry's eyes widened in
surprise as he watched, scarcely daring to believe what he was

Madam Pomfrey, who had been watching from a discreet distance,

gasped in astonishment as Hermione's eyelids fluttered open,
revealing eyes that were no longer clouded with the emptiness of

Madam Pomfrey: "Merlin's beard! Miss Granger, can you hear me?"

Hermione blinked several times, her gaze unfocused at first before

gradually sharpening as she looked around the room, confusion
giving way to recognition.

Hermione: "Madam Pomfrey? Harry? What… what happened?"

Harry's heart swelled with relief and disbelief as he realized what

had just occurred. Without fully understanding how or why, he had
somehow managed to awaken Hermione from her petrified state, his
subconscious tapping into the powers he had absorbed without his

Unable to contain his joy, Harry turned to Hermione with a wide grin,
his eyes shining with disbelief and wonder.

Harry: "Hermione, you're awake! You're okay!"

Hermione's expression mirrored Harry's own as the realization sank

in, her lips trembling with emotion.

Hermione: "Harry… thank you."

Harry felt a mixture of emotions swirling within him-relief, joy, and

above all, bafflement. He couldn't quite comprehend how he had
managed to awaken Hermione from her petrified state. It all felt
surreal, like a dream he couldn't quite grasp.

Harry: "I… I don't understand. How did I… do that?"

His voice was tinged with disbelief as he glanced down at his hands,
as if expecting to find some clue hidden within them.

Madam Pomfrey, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward with a

reassuring smile, her eyes twinkling with understanding.
Madam Pomfrey: "Mr. Potter, magic often works in mysterious ways.
It seems that you possess a gift-a gift that allowed you to heal Miss
Granger without even realizing it."

Harry's mind raced with questions, his thoughts spinning like a

whirlwind. How had he managed to tap into this power? And what
other abilities lay dormant within him, waiting to be discovered?

Ginny, who had been watching the scene unfold with a mixture of
awe and pride, stepped forward to offer her own insights.

Ginny: "Harry, maybe it's like what Professor Dumbledore always

says-'It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more
than our abilities.' You've always had a knack for helping others,
even when you didn't know you had the power to do so."

As Harry stood there, still grappling with the bewildering realization

of his newfound abilities, the door to the Hospital Wing swung open,
and in stepped Albus Dumbledore, accompanied by the Weasley
family-Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a knowing wisdom as he surveyed

the scene before him, his gaze resting on Harry with a gentle

Dumbledore: "Ah, Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, it seems I've arrived just
in time."

Harry's gaze shifted from Dumbledore to the Weasleys, his

expression a mixture of relief and anticipation.

Harry: "Professor Dumbledore, what's going on? Is everything


Mrs. Weasley rushed forward, enveloping Harry in a tight embrace,

her eyes brimming with tears of gratitude.
Mrs. Weasley: "Oh, Harry dear, we heard what happened! We're so
grateful to you for bringing Ginny back to us."

Mr. Weasley nodded in agreement, his face lined with concern as he

placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder.

Mr. Weasley: "Indeed, Harry. You've done something truly


As Dumbledore turned his attention back to Harry, his gaze filled with
a mixture of curiosity and concern, he posed a question that lingered
in the air, his voice calm yet probing.

Dumbledore: "Harry, my boy, I couldn't help but notice Miss

Granger's miraculous recovery. Can you shed some light on how she
came to awaken from her petrified state?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably under Dumbledore's scrutinizing gaze,

his mind racing with uncertainty. How could he explain something he
himself did not fully understand? And yet, he knew that Dumbledore
deserved the truth, no matter how inexplicable it might seem.

Harry: "Professor Dumbledore, I… I'm not sure how it happened. It's

like… like something inside me just knew what to do, and I… I acted
on instinct."

Dumbledore regarded Harry with a thoughtful expression, his eyes

shining with a profound wisdom that seemed to pierce through the
veil of uncertainty.

Dumbledore: "Instinct, you say? A remarkable phenomenon indeed.

It would appear that you possess a unique gift-a gift that has allowed
you to tap into powers beyond your understanding."

Harry's mind reeled at Dumbledore's words, his confusion deepening

with each passing moment. How was it possible that he, a mere
student, could possess such extraordinary abilities?
As Dumbledore's gaze lingered on Harry, a keen observance
sharpening his features, he noticed something peculiar-a faint,
barely discernible change in Harry's appearance. His eyes narrowed
slightly, his curiosity piqued as he took a step closer to the young

Dumbledore: "Harry, forgive me for prying, but I couldn't help but

notice… your scar."

Harry's hand instinctively went to his forehead, where the lightning-

shaped scar had once been a prominent feature of his appearance.
To his surprise, his fingers met smooth, unblemished skin, devoid of
the familiar mark that had defined him for so long.

Harry's heart skipped a beat as he realized the significance of

Dumbledore's observation. The scar that had served as a constant
reminder of his connection to Voldemort, the source of so much pain
and suffering, had faded away, leaving behind no trace of its former

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a mixture of understanding and

curiosity as he regarded Harry, his voice gentle yet probing.

Dumbledore: "It would seem that even the most enduring of marks
can be subject to change. Tell me, Harry, do you have any insight
into how this came to pass?"

Harry shook his head, his mind reeling with disbelief at the
revelation. He had not noticed the gradual fading of his scar, so
consumed was he by the events unfolding around him. And yet, here
he stood, face to face with Dumbledore, bearing witness to the
inexplicable transformation that had taken place.

Harry: "I… I don't know, Professor. It's as much a mystery to me as it

is to you."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully, his expression betraying a hint of

satisfaction at the unexpected turn of events.
Dumbledore: "Indeed, mysteries abound in the world of magic.
Perhaps this is a sign of the changes that lie ahead, a symbol of
hope in the face of darkness."

As Dumbledore to ponder over the peculiar changes occurring within

Harry, a thought began to form in his mind-a thought that led him to
consider seeking counsel from an old friend, someone who shared
his wisdom and understanding of extraordinary abilities.

With a thoughtful expression, Dumbledore turned to the gathered

group, his gaze lingering on Harry for a moment longer before
addressing them.

Dumbledore: "My dear friends, it seems that Harry's recent

experiences have brought about a series of remarkable changes.
Changes that may require a deeper understanding than we currently

Mrs. Weasley looked at Dumbledore with concern, her maternal

instincts urging her to protect Harry from any further harm.

Mrs. Weasley: "Albus, what do you mean? Is Harry in danger?"

Dumbledore shook his head, his expression calm yet resolute as he

reassured Mrs. Weasley and the others.

Dumbledore: "Not danger, Molly, but rather… a path of discovery. It

may be time for us to seek guidance from an old friend-one who has
experience with individuals possessing unique abilities."

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione exchanged curious glances, their minds

racing with questions about Dumbledore's mysterious old friend.

Ron: "Who are you talking about, Professor?"

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a knowing gleam as he answered,

his voice filled with quiet determination.
Dumbledore: "A colleague of mine, a fellow educator who oversees a
school much like Hogwarts, but for individuals with extraordinary
gifts. His name is Professor Charles Xavier, and he may hold the key
to understanding what is happening to Harry."

Meanwhile, within the depths of Xavier's School for Gifted

Youngsters, Professor Charles Xavier sat in the heart of Cerebro, the
powerful mutant-detecting device that amplified his telepathic
abilities to unprecedented levels. With a focused mind, he delved
deep into the vast expanse of consciousness, scanning the world for
any signs of emerging mutants.

As he sifted through the endless streams of thoughts and emotions,

Xavier's senses honed in on a powerful surge of energy emanating
from a distant location. His brow furrowed with concentration as he
followed the trail, his telepathic abilities guiding him unerringly to a
specific place.

With a start, Xavier realized the significance of his discovery-the

energy signature led straight to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. A school for young witches and wizards, hidden away from
the prying eyes of the non-magical world.

Xavier's mind raced with questions as he pondered the implications

of finding a mutant within the confines of Hogwarts. What powers did
this new Omega Level Mutant possess? And might they pose a
danger to the students and faculty of the school?

With a focused mind, Professor Xavier extended his telepathic reach

far beyond the walls of his own school, reaching out across vast
distances until his consciousness brushed against the mind of an old
friend-Albus Dumbledore, the esteemed headmaster of Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the depths of Hogwarts, Dumbledore paused in his contemplation,

feeling the familiar touch of Xavier's telepathic presence. With a
knowing smile, he opened his mind to the connection, welcoming the
silent communication between them.

Dumbledore: "Ah, Charles, it has been too long since our minds last
met in this manner. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Xavier's voice echoed in Dumbledore's mind, his tone grave yet

determined as he conveyed the urgency of the situation.

Xavier: "Albus, my old friend, I fear that Hogwarts may be in grave

danger. Cerebro has detected the presence of a new Omega Level
Mutant within the confines of your school-a mutant whose powers
could potentially threaten the safety of everyone there."

As Dumbledore sensed Xavier's concern through their telepathic

connection, he responded with a reassuring tone, his voice echoing
in Xavier's mind with a sense of calm authority.

Dumbledore: "Charles, my friend, I understand your apprehension,

but I assure you, Hogwarts is not in immediate danger. However,
there is a matter of great importance that I believe requires your

Xavier listened intently, his mind open to whatever Dumbledore had

to share.

Dumbledore continued, his thoughts flowing effortlessly through the

telepathic link.

Dumbledore: "You see, there is a student at Hogwarts-Harry Potter-

who has recently undergone a series of extraordinary events. It
appears that Harry may possess powers beyond our understanding,
powers that have only just begun to manifest."

Xavier's brows furrowed with concern as he absorbed Dumbledore's

words, the gravity of the situation becoming clearer with each
passing moment.
Xavier: "I see. It seems our concerns are intertwined, Albus. I must
confess, I am eager to learn more about this young man and the
nature of his abilities."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, a sense of determination evident

in his thoughts.

Dumbledore: "Indeed, Charles. I believe that together, we can

provide Harry with the guidance and support he needs to navigate
these uncharted waters. Your expertise in mutant abilities will be
invaluable in helping us understand the full extent of Harry's

Xavier acknowledged Dumbledore's words with a silent nod, a sense

of purpose driving him forward.

Xavier: "Thank you, Albus. I will make arrangements to visit

Hogwarts at the earliest opportunity. Together, we will ensure that
Harry's journey is one of discovery and growth, rather than peril."

As Xavier finished his telepathic conversation with Dumbledore,

Storm and Wolverine approached him, their expressions curious and

Storm: "Professor, have you located the new mutant?"

Xavier regarded them both with a solemn expression, knowing that

what he was about to reveal would likely come as a surprise.

Xavier: "Yes, Ororo, Logan. Cerebro has detected the presence of a

powerful mutant at a place called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Storm and Wolverine exchanged puzzled glances, their confusion


Wolverine: "Hogwarts? What the heck is that?"

Xavier sighed softly, realizing that he would need to provide some
context for his teammates.

Xavier: "Hogwarts is a school for young individuals with magical

abilities. It exists within a separate world-a world hidden from most of
humanity. It seems our assistance may be needed to address the

Storm and Wolverine's eyes widened in surprise as they processed

Xavier's explanation. The idea of a school for wizards and witches
was unlike anything they had ever encountered.

Storm: "Magic? That's… unexpected."

Wolverine grunted in agreement, his mind already turning to the

potential challenges they might face.

Wolverine: "Well, if there's a mutant in trouble, we better get moving.

Let's go see what this Hogwarts place is all about."

With Xavier leading the way, Storm and Wolverine prepared to

embark on a mission that would take them into uncharted territory,
ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them at Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hey guys,

Hope you're doing great! That's a wrap for Chapter 1!

Hope you guys like it!

I'm super curious to hear what you think about the plot,
characters, and if it kept you hooked. Would you be up for
giving it a read and letting me know your thoughts at the end of
the chapter?

Thanks a bunch! Can't wait to hear from you.

Chapter 2
Two days after the incident with the Basilisk, Harry is called into the
Headmaster's Office. He is surprised to find Dumbledore in the
company of three unfamiliar faces.

Seated across the venerable wizard are a bald man in a wheelchair,

with a commanding presence and intense gaze. Standing beside him
is a black woman with shockingly white hair and piercing blue eyes,
and a hirsute short man with a rugged demeanor.

Dumbledore greets Harry with a warm smile as he gestures towards

the trio. "Ah, Harry, I'm glad you're here. Allow me to introduce our
guests. This is Professor Charles Xavier, Miss Ororo Munroe, and
Mr. James Howlett, although he likes to be called Logan. They've
come to us with urgent matters to discuss."

Harry nods in greeting, though he can't help but feel a sense of

curiosity and apprehension at the presence of these newcomers.
"Pleasure to meet you," he says politely, eyeing them with a mixture
of interest and wariness.

Professor Xavier, sensing Harry's apprehension, offers him a

reassuring smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Harry," he
says, his voice calm and reassuring. "We've heard a great deal
about you and your remarkable abilities."

Harry's curiosity is piqued by Xavier's words, and he exchanges a

curious glance with Dumbledore, silently wondering what urgent
matters could have brought these strangers to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore gestures for Harry to take a seat, indicating that they

have much to discuss.

"Charles, I believe it'll be best if you talk to Harry first!" He says.

Professor Xavier nods as he clears his throat, his expression
thoughtful as he begins to address Harry.

"Harry, I understand that this may come as a surprise to you, but it's
important that you know the truth," he begins, his voice calm and
steady. "You see, there exists in our society certain individuals who
possess a genetic mutation known as the X-gene, which grants them
extraordinary abilities beyond those of ordinary humans. The term
for such people are 'Mutants'. The incident in the Chamber of
Secrets, combined with your encounter with Fawkes and the events
that followed, have triggered your X-gene, awakening your mutant

Harry listens intently, his brow furrowing with confusion as he tries to

process Xavier's words. "So you're saying that I'm a mutant?" he
asks, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Xavier nods in affirmation. "Yes, Harry. I believe so"

Harry's mind races as he tries to make sense of this new revelation.

"But what kind of abilities do mutants have?" he asks, his curiosity

Professor Xavier nods in acknowledgment of Harry's question, a

thoughtful expression crossing his features as he begins to explain.

"Of course, Harry. Allow me to introduce you to my companions and

share with you a bit about our own mutant abilities," Xavier says,
gesturing towards Ororo and Logan.

"Ororo, who goes by the moniker of Storm," he continues, turning to

the woman with white hair, "possesses the power to manipulate the
weather. She can summon storms, control lightning, and even
manipulate the wind and temperature to her will."

Storm offers Harry a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the calm
strength of someone who has mastered the elements.
"And Logan, who goes by the moniker of Wolverine," Xavier says,
indicating the rugged man beside Storm, "has a remarkable healing
factor and retractable claws made of adamantium, a virtually
indestructible metal. His senses are also heightened to an
extraordinary degree, making him an exceptional tracker and

Wolverine nods in greeting, his expression gruff but friendly as he

acknowledges Harry's presence.

"As for myself," Xavier continues, "I am a telepath. I possess the

ability to read and manipulate minds, as well as communicate with
others through telepathy. They call me Professor X."

Harry listens with rapt attention as Xavier describes their powers, his
fascination growing with each new revelation. It's clear to him that
these mutants are unlike anyone he's ever encountered before, and
he can't help but feel a sense of admiration for their extraordinary

Harry's curiosity piqued, he can't help but wonder about the nature of
his own mutant abilities.

"So, Professor," Harry begins, a hint of mischief in his tone, "what

kind of abilities do I have? Can I summon storms like Storm, or do I
have retractable claws like Wolverine?"

Xavier chuckles at Harry's question, his eyes twinkling with

amusement. "Ah, Harry, that's the question, isn't it?" he replies with a
smile. "Your powers are unique to you, and it will take time for us to
fully understand and develop them."

Harry nods, though he can't help but feel a sense of anticipation at

the prospect of discovering his own mutant abilities.

"Would the moniker come free with the powers, or will I have to pay
extra?" he asks cheekily, unable to resist a bit of humor in the midst
of their conversation.
Xavier laughs, the sound warm and infectious. "I think we can waive
the fee for you, Harry," he replies with a twinkle in his eye. "Some
mutants choose to adopt a new name that reflects their powers or
their personality, while others prefer to stick with their given name.
Consider it a perk of being a mutant."

Harry grins at Xavier's response, his mind already buzzing with ideas
for potential mutant names.

As the playful banter between Harry and Professor Xavier comes to

a pause, Dumbledore interjects, his tone gentle yet resolute.

"Harry, if you wouldn't mind," Dumbledore begins, gesturing towards

a nearby cabinet, "I believe it would be beneficial for us to delve into
the memories of your encounter in the Chamber of Secrets."

Harry's curiosity piqued, he follows Dumbledore's lead, approaching

the cabinet with a sense of anticipation. Inside, he sees a
shimmering basin filled with silvery liquid-the pensieve.

"This is a pensieve," Dumbledore explains, his voice reverent as he

gazes at the magical artifact. "It allows us to view memories as if we
were reliving them ourselves."

Harry nods in understanding, his interest piqued by the prospect of

revisiting the events of his encounter with the basilisk. "So we can
use it to see what kind of powers I might be developing?" he asks,
his excitement palpable.

Dumbledore nods, his expression serious. "Precisely, Harry," he

replies. "By examining the events of that fateful night, we may be
able to gain insight into the nature of your emerging abilities."

With that, Dumbledore gestures for Harry to join him at the pensieve,
and together they immerse themselves in the memories of the
Chamber of Secrets, ready to unlock the secrets of Harry's
burgeoning powers.
With Dumbledore's permission, Xavier joins Harry and Dumbledore
at the pensieve, ready to delve into the memories of Harry's
encounter in the Chamber of Secrets.

As they immerse themselves in the swirling depths of the pensieve,

the memories come alive around them, transporting them back to
that fateful night in Hogwarts.

They watch as Harry navigates the dark corridors of the Chamber,

his determination palpable as he searches for the source of the
mysterious attacks on students. They see the tense confrontation
with Tom Riddle's diary, the sinister presence of the basilisk looming
ever closer.

But as the memory unfolds, something unexpected happens. Harry's

form seems to shimmer and blur, his movements becoming more
fluid and graceful than before. A surge of power radiates from him,
illuminating the chamber with a brilliant light as he faces off against
the basilisk.

Xavier watches the display of Harry's newfound abilities with keen

interest, his mind racing with possibilities. "Fascinating," he
murmurs, his voice tinged with excitement. "It seems that your
powers are indeed quite extraordinary, Harry."

Dumbledore nods in agreement, his eyes sparkling with pride.

"Indeed, Harry," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "You possess a
unique gift, one that will surely serve you well as you continue to
grow and learn."

As the memory comes to an end, Harry, Xavier, and Dumbledore

emerge from the pensieve, their minds buzzing with speculation and

Dumbledore's eyes sparkle with insight, and he begins to share his

theories with Harry and Xavier.
"It seems, Harry, that your encounter with Fawkes and the basilisk
triggered something truly remarkable within you," Dumbledore
begins, his voice thoughtful. "I believe that you have the ability to
absorb the magical essence or abilities of other magical beings or
artifacts that you come into contact with."

Harry's eyes widen with astonishment as he considers Dumbledore's

theory. The idea that he could absorb the powers of other magical
beings is both exhilarating and daunting.

Xavier nods in agreement, his expression serious. "Indeed, Harry,"

he adds, "but I believe that your abilities go even further than that. I
theorize that you possess a secondary ability to adapt and integrate
the absorbed powers and abilities seamlessly into yourself."

Harry listens intently as Xavier explains, his mind racing with

possibilities. The idea that he could not only absorb powers but also
adapt and integrate them into himself fills him with a sense of awe
and wonder.

Xavier continues, his tone grave. "I have a student at my school,

Rogue, who possesses similar powers to yours," he explains.
"However, she lacks the control that you seem to have. This has
caused her a great deal of difficulty and isolation, as she struggles to
control the powers she absorbs."

Harry's heart goes out to Rogue as he listens to Xavier's words. He

can't help but feel a sense of empathy for his fellow mutant.

But as he considers Xavier's theories, another question enters his


"Professor, if I absorbed the abilities of the Basilisk, how is it that

people can stand to look at me without getting petrified.

As Harry grapples with the confusion surrounding his abilities,

Dumbledore offers a reassuring explanation.
"You see, Harry," Dumbledore begins, his voice calm and measured,
"when you absorbed the essence of the Basilisk, you also absorbed
the magical properties of the Sword of Gryffindor."

Harry's eyes widen with understanding as Dumbledore's words sink

in. The idea that he could have absorbed the properties of the Sword
of Gryffindor along with those of the Basilisk fills him with a sense of
wonder and awe.

Dumbledore continues, his tone thoughtful. "The goblins who crafted

the Sword of Gryffindor imbued it with a sort of basic intelligence,
allowing it to pick and choose what makes it stronger," he explains.
"When you absorbed the Sword's power, that function transferred to
your subconscious."

Harry nods, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea that he now
possesses the ability to enhance and control the magical properties
within him is both exhilarating and daunting.

Dumbledore smiles warmly at Harry's understanding. "You have

shown exceptional control, Harry," he says, his voice filled with pride.
"Despite absorbing the Sword's power, it still functions as it originally
did, a testament to your remarkable abilities."

Xavier's counterpoint adds another layer of understanding to Harry's

abilities, and Dumbledore listens attentively as the mutant leader

"Indeed, Harry," Xavier says, his voice calm and measured, "I
believe that your exceptional control is a result of your secondary
power of adaptability. Your body has the remarkable ability to adapt
to any power it comes into contact with at an incredibly fast rate."

Harry's eyes widen with realization as Xavier's words sink in. The
idea that his body can adapt to new powers without the need to drain
an object or creature entirely fills him with a sense of awe and
Xavier continues, his tone thoughtful. "This adaptability allows you to
seamlessly integrate new abilities into yourself, without the need for
conscious control," he explains. "It's what allows you to wield the
powers of the Sword of Gryffindor without any adverse effects, as
your body adapts to its magical properties."

Harry nods, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea that he can
adapt to any power he comes into contact with opens up a world of
opportunities and challenges.

Dumbledore smiles warmly at Xavier's insight. "It seems that Harry's

abilities are even more remarkable than we initially thought," he
says, his voice filled with admiration. "With his adaptability and
control, he has the potential to become one of the most powerful
mutants the world has ever seen."

"All of this is just conjecture though. I wonder if we could somehow

test it out."

Harry's interjection brings a moment of pause to the conversation as

both Dumbledore and Xavier consider his suggestion.

"You raise a valid point, Harry," Dumbledore replies, his eyes

twinkling with curiosity. "It would indeed be beneficial to put our
theories to the test and see how your abilities manifest in a
controlled environment."

Xavier nods in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "I believe that

conducting an experiment could provide us with valuable insights
into the nature of your powers," he adds.

Harry feels a surge of excitement at the prospect of testing out his

abilities. The idea of exploring the extent of his powers in a
controlled setting fills him with a sense of anticipation and wonder.

"Where do we start?" Harry asks eagerly, his mind already racing

with ideas for experiments.
Dumbledore smiles warmly at Harry's enthusiasm. "We shall begin
with a simple experiment," he says. "One I think young Harry will
enjoy. Fawkes is a bird, and all birds fly, so if Harry has indeed
absorbed Fawkes' abilities, he too can fly without assistance."

Dumbledore's suggestion brings a glimmer of excitement to Harry's

eyes as he considers the possibility of taking flight like Fawkes.

"Fly?" Harry repeats, his voice filled with wonder. "You mean, like
actually fly?"

Dumbledore nods, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Indeed,

Harry," he replies. "If you have indeed absorbed Fawkes' abilities,
then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to take flight as

Harry can hardly contain his excitement as he imagines soaring

through the sky on wings of his own. The idea of experiencing the
freedom and exhilaration of flight fills him with a sense of anticipation
and wonder.

"Shall we give it a try, then?" Harry asks eagerly, already picturing

himself soaring through the air like a phoenix.

Dumbledore smiles warmly at Harry's enthusiasm. "Indeed, Harry,"

he says. "Let us see if you have indeed inherited Fawkes' ability to
fly. I suggest we head to the Quidditch pitch for this, as it will be
empty this time of the day, giving us ample privacy."

Dumbledore's suggestion to use the Quidditch pitch for their

experiment seems like the perfect choice. With its expansive open
space and secluded location, they can conduct their tests without
any interruptions.

"An excellent idea, Professor," Harry agrees, eager to see what he

can achieve in such a spacious environment.
Together, they make their way to the Quidditch pitch, the soft grass
crunching beneath their feet as they walk. The sun hangs low in the
sky, casting long shadows across the field and bathing everything in
a warm golden light.

As they arrive at the pitch, Harry feels a surge of excitement building

within him. The prospect of testing out his newfound abilities in such
a iconic location fills him with anticipation.

"Let's get started," Harry says, a grin spreading across his face as he
looks out over the empty expanse of the Quidditch pitch. "I can't wait
to see what I can do."

With Dumbledore and Storm's guidance and encouragement, Harry

takes a deep breath and focuses his thoughts on the idea of flight.
He feels a surge of energy coursing through him as he channels the
essence of Fawkes within him.

At first, Harry's attempts to fly are clumsy and uncoordinated. He

struggles to maintain his balance and control as he flaps his arms
awkwardly, trying to mimic the movements of a bird.

But Storm, with her expertise in controlling the elements, steps

forward to lend a helping hand. With a gentle gust of wind, she lifts
Harry off the ground and supports him as he begins to soar.

Harry feels a sense of relief and gratitude as he finds himself gliding

effortlessly through the air, his movements becoming more graceful
and controlled with each passing moment. With Storm's guidance,
he learns to adjust his posture and angle to catch the wind just right,
allowing him to ascend higher and higher into the sky.

As Harry gains confidence and mastery over his newfound abilities,

he begins to revel in the exhilarating sensation of flight. He banks
and turns with ease, feeling the wind rushing past him and the sun
warm on his face.
Dumbledore watches from below, his eyes twinkling with pride and
admiration. "Well done, Harry," he calls out, his voice filled with
warmth. "You're flying!"

Harry smiles with joy as he continues to soar through the sky, feeling
a sense of freedom and empowerment unlike anything he's ever
experienced before. In this moment, he knows that anything is
possible, and he can't wait to see where his newfound abilities will
take him next.

Hey guys,

Hope you're doing great! That's a wrap for Chapter 2!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Please feel free to

provide feedback on where I can improve.

Djbermerman z: Harry already has a healing factor, it's just not

as strong as Wolverine's. However, due to the nature of Harry's
mutation, he has the ability to enhance said healing factor, as
he absorbs more and more magical creatures. As such, having
a Phoenix's version of immortality (which he has absorbed in
the form of Phoenix Rebirth) does not matter as he won't reach
that stage due to his healing factor (unless he is hit by another
Killing Curse). Currently, he can absorb the powers and abilities
from either magical creatures or magical artifacts (Harry's scar
absolutely counts as an artifact in my opinion). However, the
idea of absorbing a dementor is intriguing. He cannot absorbs
spells as of yet, and I don't think he will. However, the more he
absorbs, he might find ways to counter spells using his gained
abilities. For example, he is already immune to fire related
spells due to Fawkes' powers.

By the way, did you know dementors are immune to most spells
save for the Patronus? * wink wink *

Thanks a bunch! Can't wait to hear from you.

Chapter 3
Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction produced
by a fan of the Harry Potter and Marvel Comics franchises and
is not officially endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Marvel Comics, or
any affiliated parties. All characters, events, and settings from
both universes are used in a transformative manner and should
be viewed as such. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The views and
interpretations expressed in this fanfiction are solely those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official canon of
either Harry Potter or Marvel Comics. Reader discretion is
advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes,
character interactions, and storylines not present in the original

As Harry remembers the feeling of glides effortlessly through the air

without a broomstick, he can't help but grin. It was a moment of
exhilaration that had taken him completely by surprise.

He recalls the sensation of weightlessness and freedom as he

soared through the air, propelled by the sheer power of his own
abilities. It had been a moment of pure wonder, a testament to the
extraordinary things that were possible with his mutation.

Harry remembers the look of amazement on the faces of Professors

Dumbledore and Xavier, along with Miss Munroe and Mr. Logan, as
they watched him fly, their cheers and laughter echoing in his ears. It
had been a moment of triumph, of realizing that he was capable of
so much more than he had ever imagined.

But above all, Harry remembers the feeling of pure joy that had filled
him as he soared through the sky, the wind rushing past him and the
ground far below. It had been a moment of pure magic, of realizing
that anything was possible if he only believed in himself.
As Harry ponders on what other abilities he might get through his
mutation, he considers the possibility of absorbing the powers of his
family's invisibility cloak, his mind races with excitement and
curiosity. The cloak has always been a source of mystery and
wonder for him, and the idea of gaining its abilities fills him with

He imagines what it would be like to become invisible at will, to be

able to move unseen and undetected through the world around him.
The possibilities are endless - sneaking past enemies,
eavesdropping on conversations, or simply exploring places that
were once off-limits.

But Harry also knows that with great power comes great
responsibility. He understands that invisibility could be a double-
edged sword, and that using it recklessly could have consequences.

Nevertheless, the temptation is strong, and Harry can't help but feel
drawn to the idea of unlocking the cloak's secrets. With a sense of
responsibility and wisdom, Harry decides to seek the counsel of
Professor Xavier and Dumbledore before proceeding with his plan to
absorb the powers of the invisibility cloak.

He knows that their guidance and expertise will be invaluable in

helping him understand the potential consequences and
responsibilities that come with such a decision. After all, both
Dumbledore and Professor Xavier have years of experience in
mentoring young individuals with extraordinary abilities, and Harry
trusts their judgment implicitly.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Harry makes his way back
to Hogwarts, his mind buzzing with anticipation and questions. He
knows that this conversation will be crucial in shaping his next steps,
and he is determined to approach it with an open mind and a
willingness to listen.

As he enters Dumbledore's office, Harry feels a sense of calm wash

over him. He knows that he is in good hands, and that together with
Dumbledore and Professor Xavier, he will be able to navigate the
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As the group settles back into the office, Dumbledorr adopts a

solemn expression, indicating the gravity of the conversation about
to unfold.

"Before we proceed any further," Dumbledore begins, his voice

steady and measured, "there are certain truths that must be
revealed. Harry's past is intertwined with events that are both
extraordinary and harrowing, and it is essential that you understand
the full extent of his experiences."

With that, Dumbledore begins to recount Harry's tumultuous journey,

from the fateful night his parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort
to his subsequent upbringing with the Dursleys, where he endured
years of neglect and mistreatment.

As Dumbledore reveals the truth about Harry's past and his

connection to Voldemort, Harry's emotions swirl in turmoil. But it's
when Dumbledore confesses that he was the one who left Harry with
the Dursleys, anger flares within him.

"You left me with them?" Harry's voice is thick with emotion, his eyes
flashing with a mixture of hurt and betrayal. "You knew what they
were like, what they did to me, and you still left me there?"

Dumbledore meets Harry's gaze with a mixture of regret and sorrow.

"I believed it was the safest place for you, Harry," he says, his voice
heavy with remorse. "I thought that by placing you with your
relatives, you would be protected by the blood wards that your
mother's sacrifice had created."

But Harry's anger is palpable. "Protected?" he repeats, his voice

rising with frustration. "I was neglected, mistreated, treated like a
burden! And all this time, I thought it was my parents' decision. But it
was you."
Dumbledore nods, his expression pained. "I understand your anger,
Harry. And I am deeply sorry for the pain you endured. But please
believe me when I say that I had your best interests at heart. I
believed that by keeping you close to your mother's blood, you would
be shielded from harm."

But Harry's anger is not easily assuaged. "You kept me in the dark,
manipulated me," he accuses, his voice trembling with emotion. "You
made decisions for me without my consent, without considering what
I wanted."

Dumbledore bows his head, accepting Harry's anger and remorse.

"You are right, Harry. I should have been more transparent with you,
more honest about the choices that were made. For that, I am truly

As the weight of their conversation hangs heavy in the air, Harry

struggles to contain his emotions. As Dumbledore unveils the reason
behind his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys-the prophecy
that foretold Harry's destiny as the "Chosen One"-Harry's anger
flares even hotter.

"So it was all because of the prophecy," Harry seethes, his voice
thick with resentment. "You thought it was more important to fulfill
some ancient prophecy than to consider what was best for me?"

Dumbledore meets Harry's gaze with a solemn expression. "I

understand that this revelation may be difficult to accept, Harry," he
says, his tone gentle yet resolute. "But the prophecy is not
something to be taken lightly. It speaks of a future that has the
potential to shape the course of history, and I believed it was my duty
to ensure that you were prepared for the role you were destined to

"But what about my happiness? What about my well-being?" Harry

demands, his frustration boiling over. "Did you ever stop to consider
how leaving me with the Dursleys would affect me? How it would
shape the person I became?"
Dumbledore's expression softens, his eyes filled with regret. "I
cannot claim to understand the full extent of the pain you endured,
Harry," he admits. "But please believe me when I say that every
decision I made was with the intention of protecting you, of preparing
you for the challenges that lay ahead."

But Harry's anger is unrelenting. "Protecting me?" he repeats, his

voice tinged with bitterness. "You left me to suffer at the hands of
those people, to endure years of abuse and neglect. And all for
what? So I could fulfill some prophecy?"

Dumbledore bows his head, his remorse palpable. "I cannot change
the past, Harry," he says quietly. "But I can promise you that I will do
everything in my power to support you and guide you on the path
forward. Your happiness and well-being are of the utmost importance
to me, and I will do whatever it takes to make amends for the
mistakes of the past."

As the weight of their conversation hangs heavy in the air, Harry

struggles to contain his emotions.

"Under no circumstances, would Harry return to the Dursleys."

Xavier states firmly, "I suggest that Harry's guardianship in the
muggle be transferred to me."

Xavier's firm statement resonates deeply with Harry, filling him with a
sense of relief and gratitude. The idea of transferring his
guardianship to someone who understands his struggles and is
committed to his well-being brings Harry a newfound sense of hope.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry says, his voice tinged with emotion.
"I… I don't know what to say."

Xavier offers him a reassuring smile. "You don't have to say

anything, Harry," he says gently. "You deserve to have a safe and
supportive environment to call home, and I am more than willing to
provide that for you."
Wolverine and Storm nod in agreement, their expressions reflecting
their unwavering support for Xavier's proposal. "You're one of us
now, kid," Wolverine grunts, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Storm adds her support, her voice warm and comforting. "We will do
everything in our power to ensure your safety and happiness, Harry,"
she says, her words carrying the weight of their shared

Harry feels a wave of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he has
found true allies in Xavier, Wolverine, and Storm. With their support,
he feels empowered to face whatever obstacles may come his way,
knowing that he no longer has to endure them alone.

As Dumbledore observes the exchange between Harry and Xavier, a

pang of sadness tugs at his heart. He knows that agreeing to
transfer Harry's guardianship to Xavier is the right decision, but he
can't help but feel a sense of loss at the thought of their relationship
changing forever.

"Harry," Dumbledore begins, his voice gentle yet tinged with sorrow,
"I want you to know that my support for this decision comes from a
place of love and concern for your well-being. You deserve to have a
home where you feel safe and valued, and if transferring your
guardianship to Professor Xavier can provide that for you, then I
wholeheartedly support it."

Harry meets Dumbledore's gaze, his expression a mixture of

gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Professor," he says quietly. "I
appreciate everything you've done for me."

Dumbledore offers him a small, sad smile. "You will always have a
place in my heart, Harry," he says softly. "No matter where life may
take you, know that I am here for you, always."

As they share a moment of silent understanding, Dumbledore can't

help but feel a sense of sadness at the thought of their relationship
changing. But he also knows that Harry's happiness and well-being
are paramount, and if transferring his guardianship to Xavier is
what's best for him, then Dumbledore will support that decision

As the conversation unfolds, Dumbledore senses that there is one

more crucial piece of information that he must share with Harry and
the others. With a heavy heart, he takes a deep breath and prepares
to reveal the truth.

"Before we conclude our discussion," Dumbledore begins, his voice

grave, "there is one more thing that you all must know."

"The diary was not just a diary," Dumbledore explains, his words
heavy with significance. "It was a Horcrux."

"And what, pray tell, is a Horcrux?" Storm asks.

Dumbledore meets Storm's gaze, his expression grave as he

prepares to delve into the dark and forbidden magic of Horcruxes.

"A Horcrux," Dumbledore begins, his voice low and solemn, "is a
dark and twisted form of magic that allows a wizard to split their soul
and conceal fragments of it within objects or living beings."

He pauses, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before


"By creating a Horcrux, a wizard can anchor themselves to the

mortal world, ensuring that even if their physical body is destroyed,
they will remain tethered to life through these hidden fragments of
their soul."

The group listens in stunned silence, absorbing the gravity of

Dumbledore's explanation. The concept of splitting one's soul and
fragmenting it in such a manner is chilling, a testament to the depths
of darkness to which some wizards are willing to sink in pursuit of
"And the diary that Harry encountered," Xavier prompts, his voice
tinged with apprehension. "It was one of these… Horcruxes?"

Dumbledore nods solemnly. "Yes, Charles," he confirms. "The diary

that Harry destroyed was indeed a Horcrux-a vessel containing a
fragment of Voldemort's soul."

"So, when I destroyed the diary," Harry says slowly, his voice tinged
with disbelief, "I destroyed a piece of Voldemort's soul?"

Dumbledore nods gravely. "Yes, Harry," he confirms. "By destroying

the diary, you inadvertently destroyed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes,
weakening him and bringing us one step closer to his eventual

"But that's not all, Harry!" Dumbledore continues, "I have suspected
for a long time, that there was a piece of Voldemort's Soul inside
your scar!"

As Dumbledore's words hang heavy in the air, Harry's eyes widen in

shock and disbelief. The revelation that a fragment of Voldemort's
soul resides within his own scar sends a shiver down his spine, the
implications of such a revelation weighing heavily on his mind.

"A piece of Voldemort's soul… inside me?" Harry echoes, his voice
barely above a whisper. The thought is both horrifying and surreal,
filling him with a sense of unease unlike anything he's ever felt

Dumbledore nods solemnly, his gaze filled with empathy and

understanding. "Yes, Harry," he confirms. "It is a truth that I have
long suspected but only recently confirmed. The scar you bear on
your forehead is not just a physical mark-it is the remnants of a dark
and twisted magic, a piece of Voldemort's soul that lingers within

The realization hits Harry like a physical blow, the weight of

Dumbledore's words threatening to overwhelm him. The knowledge
that he carries a piece of the very darkness he has sworn to defeat
fills him with a sense of dread and despair, the enormity of the
burden almost too much to bear.

Dumbledore notices the turmoil evident on Harry's face, the weight

of the revelation threatening to overwhelm him. With a gentle smile,
he reaches out to reassure him.

"Harry, my boy," Dumbledore begins, his voice warm and comforting,

"I understand that this news may be difficult to digest, but I want you
to remember one important thing-the scar on your forehead, the very
mark that signifies Voldemort's presence, has faded."

Harry's eyes widen in surprise at Dumbledore's words, his hand

instinctively reaching up to touch the spot where the scar once
burned with pain and intensity. To his amazement, he finds only
smooth skin, the remnants of the once-prominent scar now barely

The realization washes over Harry like a wave of relief, the weight of
Dumbledore's words lifting the burden of fear and uncertainty from
his shoulders. Though the revelation of Voldemort's soul fragment
within him may have shaken him to his core, the knowledge that the
scar has faded fills him with a sense of hope and renewal.

"I believe, Harry," Dumbledore continues, his voice gentle yet firm,
"that you have absorbed the soul shard within the scar as well as the

Dumbledore's theory casts a new light on Harry's extraordinary

abilities, prompting a flurry of thoughts and questions to race through
his mind. The idea that he may have absorbed not only the soul
shard from the diary but also the fragment of Voldemort's soul from
his own scar fills him with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

"So, you believe that I absorbed the soul shard from the diary as well
as the fragment within my scar?" Harry asks, his voice tinged with
Dumbledore nods thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on Harry with a mixture
of compassion and curiosity. "It is a possibility, Harry," he confirms.
"Given the nature of your unique abilities, it stands to reason that
you may have unknowingly absorbed both fragments of Voldemort's
soul during your encounters with them."

The revelation sends a shiver down Harry's spine, the implications of

Dumbledore's theory sinking in with a sense of both wonder and

"But what does this mean for me?" Harry asks, his voice barely
above a whisper. "What are the implications of absorbing these soul

Dumbledore's expression softens with understanding as he meets

Harry's gaze. "That, my dear boy, is a question that we must explore
together," he says gently. "But I believe that, the ability that you have
gained from the Sword, which allows you to 'take what makes you
stronger' has allowed you to circumvent the negative aspects of
absorbing Voldemort's soul."

Harry's mind races with the implications of Dumbledore's revelation.

The idea that he has somehow gained the ability to absorb the
powers of others without being consumed by darkness fills him with
a sense of awe and wonder, yet it also raises countless questions
about the nature of his newfound abilities and the potential
consequences they may bring.

"But what does this mean for me moving forward? What kind of
powers will I have gained from Voldemort's Horcruxes?" Harry asks,
his voice filled with uncertainty..

Dumbledore considers Harry's question for a moment, his

expression thoughtful as he weighs the implications of what he is
about to say.

"The powers you have gained, Harry, are unlike any we have seen
before," Dumbledore begins, his tone measured yet filled with a
sense of gravitas. "The ability to absorb the powers and abilities of
others is a rare and extraordinary gift-one that could potentially grant
you great strength and resilience in the battles that lie ahead."

He pauses, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"As for the specific powers you may have gained from Voldemort's
Horcruxes, it is difficult to say with certainty," Dumbledore explains.
"Each fragment of Voldemort's soul carries with it a piece of his
essence, imbued with the dark magic that defined his existence. By
absorbing these fragments, you may have gained access to a wide
range of abilities-some of which may be familiar to you, while others
may be entirely new."

Harry's mind races with the possibilities, the implications of

Dumbledore's words filling him with a mixture of excitement and
trepidation. The idea that he may possess powers beyond his wildest
imagination fills him with a sense of awe and wonder, yet it also
raises countless questions about the nature of these abilities and the
responsibilities that come with them.

"But what about the potential dangers?" Harry asks, his voice tinged
with concern. "What if these powers are too much for me to handle?
What if I lose control?"

Dumbledore's expression softens with understanding, his gaze filled

with compassion and reassurance.

"Such concerns are understandable, Harry," he says gently. "But

remember, you are not alone in this. You have friends and allies who
will stand by your side, ready to support you in times of need. And
with guidance and wisdom, you can learn to harness these powers
for the greater good, using them to protect those you care about and
to stand against the darkness that threatens our world."

Harry nods, a sense of determination settling over him as he

prepares to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Though the road may be fraught with uncertainty, he knows that he
will face it with courage and resolve, guided by the knowledge that
he is not defined by the darkness that once dwelled within him-that
he is Harry Potter, a young man of courage, compassion, and
unwavering resolve, destined to face his destiny with bravery and

Hey everyone!

I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your
thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some
constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me.
Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your
thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you!
Chapter 4
Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction produced
by a fan of the Harry Potter and Marvel Comics franchises and
is not officially endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Marvel Comics, or
any affiliated parties. All characters, events, and settings from
both universes are used in a transformative manner and should
be viewed as such. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The views and
interpretations expressed in this fanfiction are solely those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official canon of
either Harry Potter or Marvel Comics. Reader discretion is
advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes,
character interactions, and storylines not present in the original

As Harry settles into his seat aboard the Hogwarts Express with his
friends, a sense of excitement bubbles within him, mingling with
anticipation for the journey ahead. This year marks a significant
departure from the norm for Harry, as instead of returning to the
Dursleys' dreary home for the summer, he is bound for a new
adventure-the Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning.

As Harry looks across at his friend, he cannot help but be reminded

of how his friends reacted to his newfound status as a Magical-

Ron, ever the loyal friend but not particularly knowledgeable about
the world beyond magic, was confused by the concept of mutants.
Harry could clearly picture the puzzled expression on Ron's face as
he tries to wrap his head around the idea of mutations and mutant

Hermione, on the other hand, was a different story. With her

insatiable thirst for knowledge and voracious reading habits, she was
already familiar with the concept of mutation, especially as she had
already come across Professor Xavier's paper on the subject. Harry
remembered how her eyes lit up with excitement as she delved into
the intricacies of mutant genetics and the potential implications of
Harry's newfound abilities.

Though their initial reactions may have differed, but Harry knew that
both Ron and Hermione would ultimately accept him for who he is,
mutation and all. After all, they've been through thick and thin
together, standing by each other's side through every challenge and

As Harry's thoughts drift to his friends' reactions, the compartment

door suddenly flies open, revealing Draco Malfoy and his cronies
standing in the doorway. Harry's heart sinks at the sight of them,
knowing all too well the trouble that tends to follow whenever Malfoy
is involved.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asks, his voice tinged with

Malfoy smirks, his trademark sneer twisting his features. "Just

thought we'd come and see how the famous Harry Potter is enjoying
his ride on the Hogwarts Express," he drawls, his tone dripping with

Harry rolls his eyes, already bracing himself for whatever insults
Malfoy has in store. But before he can respond, Hermione steps
forward, her expression steely.

"We're not interested in whatever nonsense you have to spew,

Malfoy," she says, her voice firm. "So unless you have something
productive to contribute, I suggest you leave."

Malfoy's smirk falters for a moment, taken aback by Hermione's

boldness. But then, true to form, he regains his composure and
"Suit yourself, Mudblood," he retorts, his words laced with venom.
"But don't say I didn't warn you when things start to go south."

Harry's annoyance flares up at hearing the derogatory term used to

address Hermione. He wastes no time and springs into action.

Channeling the enhanced agility and strength he gained from

absorbing the powers of the Basilisk, Harry moves with lightning
speed, reaching out to grab Malfoy by the collar of his robes. With a
swift and fluid motion, he lifts Malfoy effortlessly off the ground, his
muscles flexing with newfound power.

Malfoy's eyes widen in shock as he dangles helplessly in the air, his

taunts silenced by Harry's unexpected display of strength. Harry's
friends watch in amazement, their mouths agape at the sight of their
usually mild-mannered friend asserting himself in such a bold and
assertive manner.

"Let me go, Potter!" Malfoy splutters, his voice tinged with panic.

Harry meets Malfoy's gaze with a steely glare, his grip firm and
unwavering. "Listen here, Malfoy," he says, his voice low and
dangerous. "I'm not interested in your petty insults or your pathetic
attempts at intimidation. So unless you want to find yourself on the
receiving end of a lot more than just a little rough handling, I suggest
you and your cronies find somewhere else to bother."

With that, Harry releases his grip on Malfoy, allowing him to stumble
backwards into the waiting arms of his friends. As he tries to regain
his composure after being lifted off the ground by Harry, Malfoy
sneers and attempts to intimidate Harry.

"Potter, my father will hear about this!" Draco snarls, his voice laced
with arrogance.

Harry, unfazed by Draco's empty threats, meets his gaze with a

smirk of his own. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Malfoy," he retorts,
his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure your father will be thrilled to
hear how you got manhandled by me."

Draco's face flushes with anger at Harry's taunt, but before he can
respond, Hermione steps forward, her expression stern.

"Enough, Malfoy," she says, her voice cutting through the tension in
the air. "We've had more than our fill of your nonsense for one day.
Now kindly leave us alone and find someone else to bother."

Draco glares at Hermione for a moment, his pride wounded by her

dismissal, but eventually he turns on his heel and storms out of the
compartment, his cronies trailing behind him.

As the door swings shut behind them, Harry can't help but feel a
sense of satisfaction at having put Malfoy in his place. As the tension
dissipates in the compartment following Draco Malfoy's departure,
Ron and Hermione exchange looks of disbelief at Harry's
unexpected display of strength and assertiveness.

"Blimey, Harry, that was brilliant!" Ron exclaims, his eyes wide with
excitement. "Did you see the look on Malfoy's face? You totally
showed him who's boss!"

Harry grins at Ron's enthusiasm, feeling a surge of pride at his

friend's words. "Thanks, Ron," he replies, his voice tinged with
satisfaction. "I just couldn't let him get away with his usual

Hermione, though visibly relieved that the altercation has come to an

end, shoots Harry a reproachful look. "Harry, as much as I
appreciate you standing up for me, you need to be careful," she
admonishes gently. "We don't want to get into any more trouble."

Harry nods in understanding, knowing that Hermione is right. "You're

right, Hermione," he agrees, his tone contrite. "I'll try to keep my
temper in check from now on."
But despite her words of caution, Hermione can't help but feel a
swell of pride in her chest at Harry's defense of her honor. She
knows that Harry would do anything to protect his friends, and
seeing him stand up to Malfoy in such a bold and fearless manner
only serves to reaffirm her belief in him.

As the Hogwarts Express finally pulls into King's Cross Station,

Harry's heart races with anticipation as he peers out of the window,
scanning the platform for familiar faces. Amongst the bustling crowd,
he spots two figures that stand out from the rest: Logan and Ms.

With a surge of excitement, Harry gathers his belongings and makes

his way off the train, eager to reunite with his friends and begin the
next chapter of his journey at the Xavier's Institute.

"Logan! Ms. Munroe!" Harry calls out as he approaches them, a wide

grin spreading across his face.

Logan, clad in his trademark leather jacket, gives Harry a nod of

recognition, his expression gruff but welcoming. "Hey, kid," he
replies, his voice gruff but warm. "Good to see you made it in one

Ms. Munroe, her regal bearing as imposing as ever, offers Harry a

warm smile. "Welcome, Harry," she says, her voice soft but full of
warmth. "We're glad to have you join us at the Xavier's Institute."

As they exchange greetings and catch up on the latest news, Harry

can't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of
introducing them to his friends, Ron and Hermione. With a smile, he
gestures for Ron and Hermione to join him.

"Logan, Ms. Munroe, I'd like you to meet my friends, Ron Weasley
and Hermione Granger," Harry says, his voice filled with warmth as
he gestures towards his companions.
Ron offers a friendly wave, his face split into a grin. "Hey there!" he
greets enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you both."

Hermione, ever the picture of poise and grace, extends her hand in
greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she says politely, her tone
warm and welcoming.

Logan nods in acknowledgment, his gaze assessing as he takes in

Ron and Hermione. "Likewise," he replies gruffly, his voice rumbling
low in his chest.

Ms. Munroe offers a serene smile, her eyes twinkling with warmth.
"Welcome, Ron and Hermione," she says graciously.

As they exchange pleasantries and get to know each other, Harry's

heart swells with warmth at the sight of the Weasley clan joining their
little gathering. With Dumbledore having informed them of Harry's
plans to stay with his friend Charles Xavier at the institute, but not
divulging the details of Harry's newfound mutant abilities, the
atmosphere is filled with an air of excitement and anticipation.

"Harry, my boy!" Mr. Weasley exclaims, his face breaking into a wide
grin as he approaches. "So good to see you! And who might these
fine folks be?" he adds, his gaze flicking curiously to Logan and Ms.

Harry beams at Mr. Weasley, feeling a surge of affection for his

second family. "Mr. Weasley, this is Logan and Ms. Munroe," he
introduces warmly. "They're friends of mine from the Xavier's

Logan nods in greeting, his expression gruff but welcoming.

"Pleasure to meet you," he says tersely.

Ms. Munroe offers a serene smile, her regal bearing unwavering.

"Likewise," she says graciously. "We're delighted to make your
As the rest of the Weasley clan gathers around, exchanging
greetings and catching up with Harry, the platform buzzes with
excitement and chatter. Mrs. Weasley fusses over Harry, fussing
over him and peppering him with questions about his time at
Hogwarts, while the younger Weasley siblings look on with wide-
eyed curiosity.

As the excitement of the meeting settles, Harry turns to Logan with

curiosity sparking in his eyes. "So, Logan, how are we going to get to
the Institute?" he asks, eager to learn more about their mode of

Logan grins, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "We'll be taking the X-

jet," he replies, his voice tinged with excitement. "It's a state-of-the-
art aircraft designed specifically for our needs at the Xavier's

Harry's eyes widen with awe at the mention of the X-jet. "Wow, that
sounds amazing!" he exclaims, barely able to contain his excitement.
"I can't wait to see it!"

Logan chuckles at Harry's enthusiasm. "You're gonna love it, kid," he

says, clapping Harry on the shoulder. "Now, let's go and get ready to
board. The X-jet won't wait for anyone."

As the time draws near for Harry to depart with Logan and Ms.
Munroe, he turns to the Weasleys and Hermione with a bittersweet
smile. "Well, it looks like it's time for me to go," he says, his voice
tinged with a hint of sadness at the thought of leaving his friends

Mrs. Weasley envelops Harry in a tight hug, her eyes brimming with
tears. "Take care of yourself, Harry dear," she says, her voice
choked with emotion. "And don't forget to write to us!"

Harry returns Mrs. Weasley's hug, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I
won't forget, Mrs. Weasley," he promises softly. "And I'll make sure to
visit as soon as I can."
Ron claps Harry on the back, a grin spreading across his face. "Don't
worry, mate," he says cheerfully. "We'll save you a seat at the Leaky
Cauldron for when you get back."

Hermione smiles at Harry, her eyes shining with affection. "Take

care, Harry," she says warmly. "And don't forget to finish your
assignments while you're away."

Harry laughs, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie wash over

him. "I won't, Hermione," he replies, his heart swelling with gratitude
for his friends' unwavering support.

With one final round of hugs and farewells, Harry bids farewell to the
Weasleys and Hermione, promising to meet them at Diagon Alley to
do the Third Year shopping.

As Harry follows Logan and Storm through the bustling streets near
King's Cross Station, he can't help but feel a sense of anticipation
building within him. With each step, he draws closer to the spot
where the X-jet awaits, hidden from view under a powerful cloaking

Finally, they reach their destination, a secluded spot tucked away

from prying eyes. Logan and Storm exchange a knowing glance
before gesturing for Harry to follow them further. With a sense of
excitement coursing through him, Harry trails behind them, his heart
pounding with anticipation.

As they approach a nondescript alleyway, Logan reaches into his

pocket and produces a small device. With a few deft movements, he
activates the cloaking mechanism, causing the sleek silhouette of
the X-jet to materialize before them.

Harry's eyes widen in awe as he takes in the sight of the magnificent

aircraft, its sleek lines and futuristic design leaving him speechless.
"Wow," he breathes, unable to tear his gaze away from the
impressive sight before him.
Logan grins at Harry's reaction, a sense of pride evident in his eyes.
"Impressive, isn't it?" he says, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Now,
let's get aboard. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

With a nod of agreement, Harry follows Logan and Storm as they

climb aboard the X-jet. As Harry settles into the plush interior of the
X-jet, he feels a surge of excitement coursing through him. The sleek
design and advanced technology of the aircraft leave him in awe,
and he can't help but marvel at the thought of traveling in such style.

With Logan and Storm at the controls, the engines roar to life, filling
the cabin with a low, steady hum. Harry feels a thrill of anticipation as
the X-jet begins to taxi down the runway, the world outside blurring
past as they pick up speed.

Before he knows it, they're airborne, the ground falling away beneath
them as they climb higher and higher into the sky. Harry watches in
awe as the landscape below shrinks to tiny specks, the hustle and
bustle of London fading into the distance.

As they level off at cruising altitude, Harry takes a moment to soak in

the breathtaking view from the windows, the vast expanse of clouds
stretching out before him like an endless sea. With a sense of
wonder and excitement coursing through him, he can't help but feel
grateful for the opportunity to embark on this incredible journey.

With Logan and Storm at the helm, guiding them safely towards their
destination, Harry knows that he's in good hands. And as they soar
through the skies towards the Xavier's Institute, he can't help but feel
a sense of anticipation building within him, eager to see what
adventures await him at his new home.

Hey everyone!

I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your
thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some
constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me.
Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your
thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you!
Chapter 5
Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction produced
by a fan of the Harry Potter and Marvel Comics franchises and
is not officially endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Marvel Comics, or
any affiliated parties. All characters, events, and settings from
both universes are used in a transformative manner and should
be viewed as such. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The views and
interpretations expressed in this fanfiction are solely those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official canon of
either Harry Potter or Marvel Comics. Reader discretion is
advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes,
character interactions, and storylines not present in the original

As the X-jet touches down at the Xavier Mansion, Harry can't help
but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This is the beginning
of a new chapter in his life, and he's eager to see what awaits him at
the institute.

As Harry steps off the aircraft, he's greeted by the welcoming

presence of Professor Xavier, along with two unfamiliar faces, a
young man with striking red sunglasses and a woman with vibrant
red hair.

"Welcome to the Xavier's Institute, Harry," Xavier says warmly, his

voice filled with kindness and reassurance. "I'm pleased to introduce
you to Scott Summers and Jean Grey, two of our brightest students

Harry offers a polite smile and nods in greeting to Scott and Jean,
feeling a sense of camaraderie already beginning to form between
them. As Harry takes in Jean's presence, he can't help but feel a
sense of familiarity wash over him. Her vibrant red hair and striking
features bear a striking resemblance to the descriptions he's heard
of his own mother, Lily Potter.

The realization takes him aback, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions

within him. For a moment, he's transported back to memories of
what he was told of his parents, their love and sacrifice etched into
his heart forever.

As Jean notices Harry's gaze, she can sense a hint of curiosity and
something more in his eyes. Sensing his hesitancy, she gently
prompts him with a kind smile.

"Is everything alright, Harry?" she asks softly, her voice filled with
genuine concern.

Harry's heart skips a beat at her question, unsure of how to articulate

the emotions swirling within him. After a moment of hesitation, he
takes a deep breath and meets her gaze, his voice tinged with

"Your features… they remind me of someone very dear to me," he

admits, his words hesitant yet sincere. "My mother, Lily. People have
described her to me, and… there's a resemblance."

Jean's expression softens with understanding as she listens to

Harry's words. She reaches out a hand to gently touch his arm,
offering him a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm honored to remind you of your mother, Harry," she says softly,
her voice filled with warmth. "If you ever want to talk about her, or
anything else for that matter, I'm here for you."

Harry nods gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort in Jean's presence.

"Can we go inside already?" Scott asks impatiently.

Scott's insensitive question hangs in the air, causing a tense silence

to fall over the group. Jean shoots Scott a reproachful look, her
expression conveying her disapproval of his words. Harry, feeling a
mixture of surprise and discomfort, shifts uncomfortably under
Scott's gaze.

"Scott, that wasn't appropriate," Jean says firmly, her voice tinged
with disappointment. "Harry is our guest, and we should treat him
with respect."

Scott's ignorance to the impact of his comment is evident as he

brushes off Jean's reprimand with a dismissive shrug. He fails to
recognize the discomfort and tension in the air, continuing on as if
nothing had happened.

Jean exchanges a concerned glance with Harry, silently

acknowledging the need to address Scott's behavior at a later time.
Despite his insensitivity, Harry decides to give Scott the benefit of the
doubt, hoping that with time and understanding, he'll become more
aware of the impact of his words on others.

As the group enters the Xavier Mansion, they are greeted by a

bustling atmosphere filled with students going about their daily
activities. The adults excuse themselves, as Jean and Scott lead
Harry through the corridors, introducing them to the rest of the
students along the way.

Harry takes in the sight of the diverse group of mutants, each with
their own unique abilities and personalities. There are students
practicing their powers in the training room, others engrossed in their
studies in the library, and some simply enjoying each other's
company in the common areas.

Jean makes quick introductions, pointing out familiar faces and

sharing a few tidbits about each student's abilities and interests.
Harry nods politely, offering friendly smiles and greetings as he
meets his new classmates.

As the three of them make their way through the Xavier Mansion,
they come across Rogue, Kitty, and Kurt chatting animatedly in the
hallway. Rogue's distinctive white streak of hair catches Harry's eye,
while Kitty's energetic demeanor and Kurt's blue skin and tail
immediately stand out.

Jean smiles warmly as she approaches the trio, gesturing for Harry
and Scott to join her in greeting their fellow students. Rogue looks
up, her expression curious as she takes in the newcomers, while
Kitty waves enthusiastically and Kurt offers a friendly nod.

"Hey there, Rogue, Kitty, Kurt," Jean says with a friendly smile. "I'd
like you to meet Harry and Scott. They're new students here at the

Rogue's gaze lingers on Harry for a moment, her expression

thoughtful as if sizing him up. Her sassy southern accent rings out as
she directs her question to Harry, her tone laced with curiosity and a
hint of mischief.

"So, Harry," she says with a playful smirk, "Jean here mentioned you
might have similar powers to mine. Is that true?"

Harry chuckles, feeling a bit taken aback by Rogue's boldness but

also intrigued by her question. "Well, I'm not exactly sure," he replies
with a shrug. "But it seems like we might have some common ground
when it comes to our abilities."

Rogue nods thoughtfully, her green eyes sparkling with interest as

she considers Harry's response. "Well, that's mighty interesting," she
says with a grin. "Guess we'll just have to compare notes and see
where we stand."

Harry returns Rogue's grin, feeling a sense of camaraderie forming

between them. Despite the uncertainty surrounding their powers,
he's excited to have found someone who understands what it's like
to navigate the world as a mutant.

Kitty's enthusiasm is palpable as she interjects into the conversation,

her eyes alight with curiosity as she directs her question to Harry.
"Hey, Harry!" she exclaims, her voice bubbling with excitement. "I
couldn't help but notice your accent-it's totally cool! Where are you

Harry smiles at Kitty's infectious energy, appreciating her genuine

interest in getting to know him better. "Thanks, Kitty!" he replies
warmly. "I'm from England, actually. It's a bit different from here,
that's for sure."

Kitty's eyes widen with fascination as she listens to Harry's

response, her curiosity piqued by the idea of life across the pond.
"Wow, England! That's so cool," she exclaims. "What's it like there?
Do you miss it?"

Harry nods, a hint of nostalgia tugging at his heart as he thinks about

his homeland. "Yeah, it's definitely different," he admits with a wistful
smile. "But I'm excited to be here and explore this new chapter of my

"Is it true that you're a Wizard?"

Kurt's question catches Harry off guard, his thick German accent
lending an earnestness to his inquiry that Harry finds both endearing
and surprising.

"Um, well, yes," Harry replies, his brow furrowing slightly as he

considers how best to answer. "I suppose you could say that I am."

Kurt nods thoughtfully, his yellow eyes reflecting genuine curiosity as

he listens to Harry's response. "Ah, I see," he says, his voice soft
with understanding. "It must be quite the journey, discovering new
aspects of yourself like this."

Harry nods in agreement, feeling a sense of kinship with Kurt as he

recognizes the parallels between their experiences. "Yes, it definitely
has been," he admits with a small smile. "But I'm grateful to have
friends like you all to help me along the way."
Kurt returns Harry's smile with a warm one of his own, his faith
evident in his expression as he offers a reassuring nod. "We're all
here to support each other," he says earnestly. "No matter what path
we're on."

Kitty's enthusiasm is infectious as she expresses her excitement

about Harry being a wizard, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as
she eagerly awaits a demonstration of magic.

"Wow, Harry, that's so cool!" she exclaims, her voice filled with
genuine excitement. "I've always wanted to see real magic! Can you
show us something?"

Harry is thankful that Dumbledore has managed to secure special

permission for him to perform magic outside of the wizarding world,
knowing that without it, he could have faced serious consequences.
With a nod of gratitude to Dumbledore's foresight, Harry turns to
Kitty with a smile.

"Sure, Kitty," he says, his voice laced with appreciation. "I'd be happy
to show you a little magic."

With a flick of his wand and a whispered incantation, Harry conjures

a small bouquet of colorful flowers, their petals shimmering in the
light as they hover gracefully in the air. Kitty's eyes widen with
wonder as she watches the flowers dance and twirl, her face lighting
up with excitement.

"Wow, that's amazing!" she exclaims, clapping her hands together in

delight. "You really are a talented wizard, Harry!"

Harry can't help but feel a swell of pride at Kitty's enthusiastic

response, grateful for the opportunity to share a bit of his magical
world with his new friends at the Xavier Mansion.

Harry reflects on how his understanding and mastery of magic has

grown exponentially since his encounter in the Chamber of Secrets.
He can't help but attribute this newfound proficiency to the unique
circumstances surrounding his absorption of Voldemort's soul

With each passing day, Harry finds himself effortlessly performing

spells and charms that once seemed daunting and challenging. It's
as if a veil has been lifted, revealing a deeper connection to the
magical world and an innate understanding of its intricacies.

As he ponders the implications of his newfound abilities, Harry can't

help but feel a sense of both awe and trepidation. While he's grateful
for the increased control and knowledge he's gained, he also knows
that with great power comes great responsibility.

With a determined resolve, Harry vows to use his gifts for good, to
protect those he cares about and to stand against the darkness that
still lingers in the world.

As the group walks Harry to his room, he feels a sense of warmth

and camaraderie that he's come to cherish since arriving at the
Xavier Mansion. With smiles and friendly goodbyes, they leave him
to settle into his new surroundings, promising to reconvene in the
entertainment room in an hour.

Alone in his room, Harry takes a moment to absorb the events of the
day, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation for the
adventures that lie ahead. With a sense of determination, he
unpacks his belongings and settles into his new space, his mind
buzzing with thoughts and possibilities.

As the appointed time approaches, Harry makes his way to the

entertainment room, eager to spend time with his new friends and
continue forging bonds that he knows will last a lifetime. With a smile
on his face and a sense of excitement in his heart, he looks forward
to the adventures that await him at the Xavier Mansion.

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I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your
thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some
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Chapter 6
Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction produced
by a fan of the Harry Potter and Marvel Comics franchises and
is not officially endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Marvel Comics, or
any affiliated parties. All characters, events, and settings from
both universes are used in a transformative manner and should
be viewed as such. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The views and
interpretations expressed in this fanfiction are solely those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official canon of
either Harry Potter or Marvel Comics. Reader discretion is
advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes,
character interactions, and storylines not present in the original

With a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, Harry makes his way
to Xavier's office, his mind still filled with the memories of the
previous day's gaming session. He can't help but chuckle to himself
as he recalls the friendly competition between himself, and Kurt, and
the satisfaction he felt at coming out victorious against Scott in the
game of Donkey Kong.

He recalls the laughter shared with Jean as they discussed their

shared interests and experiences, her warm smile brightening even
the dullest of days.

He thinks of the playful banter exchanged with Kitty, their

conversations filled with curiosity and excitement as they discovered
more about each other's worlds. Her infectious enthusiasm never
failed to lift his spirits and bring a smile to his face.

And then there was Rogue, with her sassy southern charm and quick
wit. Harry remembers the moments of camaraderie they shared, the
easy rapport that formed between them as they navigated the halls
of the mansion together.

Each memory brings a warmth to Harry's heart, reminding him of the

friendships he's formed and the sense of belonging he's found at the
Xavier Mansion.

With a soft knock, Harry enters Xavier's office, a warm smile on his
face. He takes in the familiar surroundings, the shelves lined with
books and various magical artifacts, and the gentle glow of sunlight
filtering through the windows.

"Good morning, Professor," Harry greets Xavier respectfully, his tone

polite yet eager. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Xavier gestures for Harry to come inside, his expression welcoming

and kind. Harry steps further into the office, feeling a sense of
comfort in Xavier's presence.

"Please, have a seat, Harry," Xavier says, indicating a chair opposite

his desk. "I'm glad you stopped by. How are you settling in here at
the mansion?"

Harry takes a seat as invited, settling into the chair comfortably. He

offers Xavier a grateful smile before responding.

"I'm settling in quite well, thank you," Harry replies, his tone genuine.
"Everyone here has been really welcoming, and I've already made
some great friends. It feels like a second home already."

Xavier nods in understanding, pleased to hear that Harry is settling

in well.

"I'm glad to hear that, Harry," Xavier says with a warm smile.
"Adjusting to a new environment can be challenging, especially with
everything else you're learning about your abilities. But you've shown
great resilience and adaptability so far."
He leans forward slightly, his gaze kind but penetrating.

"I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey, Harry,"
Xavier continues. "I'm here to help guide you, and you have a whole
community of friends and mentors who are here to support you every
step of the way. Together, we'll explore your powers, uncover their
potential, and help you become the best version of yourself."

Xavier's words are reassuring, and Harry feels a sense of comfort

knowing that he has such a knowledgeable and supportive mentor
by his side.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry says earnestly. "I appreciate

everything you've done for me, and I'm looking forward to learning

Xavier nods in acknowledgment of Harry's determination, then

begins to explain the complexities of Harry's connection to

"Harry, your connection to Voldemort is a unique and powerful

phenomenon," Xavier begins, his tone measured as he delves into
the explanation. "It's a result of the events that transpired when
Voldemort attempted to kill you as a child. A fragment of his soul
latched had onto you, creating a bond between the two of you that
goes beyond the physical realm."

He pauses, giving Harry a moment to absorb the information before


"Now that you have absorbed the soul shard, this connection has
manifested in various ways," Xavier explains. "According to
Dumbledore, Voldemort was an accomplished Legilimens, which is a
magical form of telepathy. As it is a power that myself and Jean also
possess, I feel it is prudent that you should be trained by myself,
along with Jean. You will be taught not just how to use it, but also the
ethics behind using telepathy."
The weight of the information settles heavily on Harry's shoulders,
but he knows that understanding and mastering this aspect of his
abilities is crucial for his own safety and the safety of others.

"I understand, Professor," Harry responds, his voice steady despite

the swirling emotions within him. "Thank you for entrusting me with
this knowledge, and for offering to train me. I'll do everything in my
power to honor that trust and become the best version of myself."

"Moreover," Xavier stated, his tone grave, "Phoenixes are capable of

disappearing and reappearing in a burst of flames, a form of magical
teleportation unique to their species. I advise you to practice
teleportation with the help of Kurt, who has a similar mutation. His
expertise and experience will be invaluable as you seek to master
this skill."

Harry nodded, taking in Xavier's advice. The prospect of learning

from Kurt, who shared a similar ability, filled him with a sense of
reassurance. With determination in his heart, Harry resolved to
dedicate himself to mastering teleportation, knowing that it would not
only enhance his abilities but also aid him in his quest to confront the
darkness that lurked within him.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry said earnestly, meeting Xavier's gaze

with resolve. "I'll do my best to learn and improve. With Kurt's
guidance, I'm sure I'll make progress."

As the discussion between Harry and Xavier unfolded, a gentle

knock interrupted their conversation. Xavier gestured towards the
door, indicating for the visitor to enter.

"Come in," Xavier called out.

The door creaked open, revealing Hank McCoy, also known as

Beast, standing on the other side. His blue fur and glasses gave him
a distinctive appearance as he entered the room with a genial smile.
"Professor Xavier, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important,"
Hank said, his tone polite yet earnest.

Xavier motioned for Hank to join them, welcoming his input.

"Not at all, Hank," Xavier replied warmly. "Please, have a seat. Harry,
this is Dr. Hank McCoy, one of our esteemed colleagues here at the

Xavier turned to Hank, his expression thoughtful yet determined.

"Hank," he began, addressing him with a sense of purpose. "I

believe it would be beneficial to assess Harry's abilities in a
controlled environment. Take him to the Danger Room and conduct a
thorough evaluation. We need to understand the full extent of his
powers and how he can best utilize them. Call for Logan and Ororo
to help you in this."

Xavier's voice held a note of urgency as he addressed Hank,

emphasizing the importance of the task at hand. Hank nodded in
acknowledgment, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

"Understood, Professor," Hank replied, his tone determined. "I'll

coordinate with Logan and Ororo to ensure we conduct a
comprehensive evaluation of Harry's abilities in the Danger Room."

As Hank left to gather Logan and Ororo, Xavier turned his attention
back to Harry, his gaze thoughtful yet reassuring.

"Harry, this evaluation will help us better understand your abilities

and how you can harness them effectively," Xavier explained, his
voice calm and steady. "It's an essential step in your journey as a
mutant, and I have full confidence in Hank, Logan, and Ororo to
guide you through it."

Harry nodded, his expression determined as he prepared himself for

the challenges ahead. He knew that mastering his newfound powers
would not be easy, but with the support of Xavier and his team, he
was ready to face whatever obstacles came his way.

With a sense of purpose, Harry followed Hank, Logan, and Ororo to

the Danger Room, steeling himself for the assessment that awaited

As they entered the Danger Room, Harry's anticipation mingled with

a hint of nervousness. The room, with its ever-shifting landscapes
and simulated scenarios, felt both exhilarating and daunting at the
same time.

Hank, Logan, and Ororo wasted no time in setting up the parameters

for the evaluation. They explained each stage of the assessment to
Harry, outlining the various challenges he would face to test the
extent of his abilities.

With a determined nod, Harry braced himself for the first task. As the
simulations began, he focused his mind and tapped into the powers
he had recently discovered within himself. With each challenge he
faced, Harry pushed himself to the limit, drawing upon his newfound
strengths and adapting to the obstacles thrown his way.

Throughout the evaluation, Hank, Logan, and Ororo observed Harry

closely, noting his progress and offering guidance where needed.
Despite the intensity of the simulations, Harry remained composed
and focused, determined to prove himself and master his mutant

As the assessment drew to a close, Harry emerged from the Danger

Room feeling a sense of accomplishment.

As Harry stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over
him, he couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. The
assessment in the Danger Room had been intense, pushing him to
his limits and testing the extent of his newfound abilities. Now, as he
washed away the sweat and grime of the training session, he felt a
sense of satisfaction knowing that he had given it his all.

As Harry dried himself off and got dressed, he couldn't help but
notice a subtle change in his physique. Glancing at himself in the
mirror, he realized that he seemed to be growing taller, and there
was a newfound definition to his muscles. It was as if his body was
undergoing a transformation, adapting to the extraordinary abilities
he had recently acquired.

The realization filled Harry with a mixture of awe and curiosity. He

had always been a skinny kid, never one to stand out physically. But
now, as he observed the changes taking place in his body, he
couldn't help but feel a sense of empowerment. It was as if his
mutation was not only unlocking incredible powers but also
reshaping him in ways he had never imagined.

Meanwhile, in Xavier's office, Logan wasted no time in voicing his

thoughts on Harry's performance. With his keen instincts and
experience, he suggested that Harry might possess a healing factor
similar to his own. The idea sparked a discussion among the adults,
each offering their insights and observations on Harry's abilities.

Hank's suggestion that Harry may possess peak human strength

and agility, akin to Captain America, added another layer of intrigue
to the discussion. If true, it would mean that Harry had the physical
prowess to rival some of the greatest athletes and warriors in history.

Xavier listened intently to their assessments, considering each

perspective carefully. While it was still too early to draw definitive
conclusions, it was becoming increasingly clear that Harry's mutation
was multifaceted and complex, encompassing a range of abilities
that had yet to be fully understood.

The notion that Harry's mutation could include a healing factor akin
to Logan's or peak human strength and agility similar to Captain
America's was intriguing. It hinted at the remarkable potential within
Harry, suggesting that he possessed a unique combination of
abilities that set him apart from other mutants.

As Xavier pondered the implications of these assessments, he knew

that further exploration and experimentation would be necessary to
unlock the full extent of Harry's powers. With patience, guidance,
and careful study, they would uncover the true nature of Harry's
mutation and help him harness its capabilities for the greater good.

With each passing moment, the potential of Harry's abilities seemed

to grow more intriguing. Xavier knew that understanding and
nurturing these talents would be crucial, not just for Harry's
development but also for the safety and well-being of those around

As the discussion in Xavier's office continued, plans began to take

shape for Harry's training regimen. Each member of the team offered
their expertise and insights, pooling their knowledge to devise a
comprehensive approach tailored to Harry's unique mutation.

In the days and weeks ahead, Harry would embark on a journey of

discovery, exploring the depths of his powers and learning to wield
them with skill and precision. Under the guidance of Xavier and his
fellow mutants, he would undergo rigorous training exercises, honing
his abilities and pushing the limits of his potential.

But amidst the challenges and trials that lay ahead, Harry found
himself filled with a sense of excitement and determination. He knew
that this was just the beginning of his journey as a mutant, and he
was eager to embrace the opportunities and adventures that awaited

Hey everyone!

I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your
thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some
constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me.
Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your
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Chapter 7
Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction produced
by fans of the Harry Potter and Marvel Comics franchises and is
not officially endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Marvel Comics, or any
affiliated parties. All characters, events, and settings from both
universes are used in a transformative manner and should be
viewed as such. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The views and
interpretations expressed in this fanfiction are solely those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official canon of
either Harry Potter or Marvel Comics. Reader discretion is
advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes,
character interactions, and storylines not present in the original

As Dumbledore apparated to the Boundary of the Ossuary, he felt

the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon him. The Bones
Family Estate loomed before him, its ancient walls a testament to the
history and tradition of the wizarding world.

Madam Amelia Bones, the formidable head of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE), greeted Dumbledore with a
steely resolve as he approached.

"Dumbledore," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "Thank you
for coming. We have urgent matters to discuss regarding Sirius
Black's recent escape from Azkaban."

Dumbledore nodded gravely, acknowledging the severity of the

situation. Sirius Black's escape had sent shockwaves through the
wizarding community, stirring fear and uncertainty among those who
remembered his dark deeds.
"I share your concern, Madam Bones," Dumbledore replied, his
voice tinged with concern. "We must act swiftly to apprehend him
before he can cause further harm."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement, her expression determined.

"Agreed. I have already mobilized the Aurors to begin a thorough
investigation. But we will need your assistance, Dumbledore. Your
knowledge and expertise will be invaluable in this matter."

Dumbledore nodded, a sense of purpose settling over him. "I will do

everything in my power to aid in the capture of Sirius Black and
ensure the safety of the wizarding world."

Madam Bones furrowed her brow, her expression growing more

serious as she addressed Dumbledore.

"There are significant discrepancies in the Sirius Black case," she

began, her voice tinged with concern. "As I reviewed the case files in
light of his recent escape, I discovered a troubling fact: Sirius Black
was never given a trial at all."

Dumbledore's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his gaze fixed on

Madam Bones as she continued to speak.

"At the time of Black's supposed trial, I was just a Senior Auror, and
Barty Crouch Sr. held the position of Head of the DMLE," Madam
Bones explained, her tone somber. "But even so, it is highly irregular
for such a serious matter to proceed without due process."

Dumbledore nodded in understanding, his mind racing with the

implications of this revelation. The lack of a trial meant that Sirius
Black had been denied the opportunity to defend himself against the
accusations leveled against him, casting doubt on the validity of his

"This raises grave concerns," Dumbledore said, his voice low and
measured. "We must delve deeper into the circumstances
surrounding Sirius Black's imprisonment and subsequent escape.
There may be forces at work beyond our understanding."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement, her resolve strengthening. "I

will spare no effort in uncovering the truth behind this matter. Justice
must prevail, Dumbledore, whatever the cost."

As they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the Ossuary,

Dumbledore couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that had
taken root in his mind. Madam Bones's revelation about Sirius
Black's lack of a trial only served to deepen his suspicions.

"It is indeed curious," Dumbledore mused aloud, his voice echoing

softly in the cavernous space. "James Potter and Sirius Black were
inseparable during their time at Hogwarts. It seems highly unlikely
that Sirius would betray the trust of his closest friend and ally."

Madam Bones nodded thoughtfully, her gaze fixed on Dumbledore

as he continued to speak.

"Furthermore, Sirius was named as Harry Potter's godfather,"

Dumbledore added, his tone growing increasingly grave. "It is
inconceivable that he would harbor ill intentions towards the child of
his dearest friend."

Madam Bones's expression mirrored Dumbledore's concern, her

features drawn with worry. "If Sirius Black is innocent," she began,
her voice trailing off as she contemplated the implications of such a

"It would mean that an innocent man has been wrongfully

imprisoned for over a decade," Dumbledore finished for her, his
voice heavy with regret. "And that the true perpetrator of the crimes
for which he was convicted remains at large."

"Yes," Madam Bones stated, "I suspect Crouch's prejudice against

Dark Families, and the Black's being a known Dark Family might
have been the cause of such an oversight."
Madam Bones's suspicions added another layer of complexity to an
already convoluted situation.

"It's quite possible," Dumbledore agreed, his expression grave as he

considered the implications of Crouch's bias. "Barty Crouch Sr.'s
reputation for being uncompromising in his pursuit of justice is well
known. If his personal prejudices influenced the handling of Sirius
Black's case, it would be a grave miscarriage of justice indeed."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement, her features set in a

determined expression. "I intend to launch a full investigation into the
matter," she declared, her voice resolute. "If there has been any
wrongdoing, it must be brought to light and rectified."

Dumbledore offered her a reassuring nod, his gaze steady and

unwavering. "We must find Sirius," Dumbledore reiterated, his voice
firm with resolve. "His capture is paramount if we are to ascertain the
truth of what truly transpired on that fateful night."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting the

gravity of the situation. "I have already mobilized the Auror
department, as I stated earlier," she declared, her tone resolute.
"Every resource at our disposal will be devoted to locating Sirius
Black and bringing him to justice."

With their shared commitment to uncovering the truth driving them

forward, Dumbledore and Madam Bones continued to strategize,
each determined to pursue every lead and exhaust every avenue in
their quest to find Sirius Black and uncover the secrets that lay
buried in the shadows of the past.

"How is young Susan?" Dumbledore asked with a gentle smile, his

tone carrying a hint of fondness. "I trust she's enjoying her summer
break and making the most of her time away from Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore's inquiry about Susan Bones was twofold-expressing

genuine interest in her well-being while also subtly trying to alleviate
the somber mood.
Madam Bones nodded in response, a faint smile gracing her lips.
"Indeed, Headmaster," she replied. "Susan is currently staying with
the Abbotts in the countryside, where she's been keeping busy with
various activities and enjoying the fresh air away from the city."

Dumbledore's expression remained thoughtful as he absorbed the

information, his keen perception attuned to any nuances in Madam
Bones's response. While outwardly expressing interest in Susan's
holiday adventures, he remained mindful of the broader context
surrounding Sirius Black's escape and the potential implications for
those connected to him.

As Dumbledore observed Madam Bones, a keen sense of

perception alerted him to a subtle shift in her demeanor. There was a
tension in her stance, a slight furrowing of her brow, that seemed
incongruous with the topic at hand. It was as though there were
unspoken concerns weighing on her mind, distinct from the matter of
Sirius Black's escape.

Recognizing this subtle undercurrent, Dumbledore's curiosity was

piqued. He knew that Madam Bones was a woman of considerable
integrity and composure, and any deviation from her usual demeanor
warranted further investigation.

"Is everything alright, Madam Bones?"

Dumbledore's gentle inquiry prompted a moment of hesitation from

Madam Bones, a fleeting pause that spoke volumes. But with
Dumbledore's reassuring presence and understanding gaze, she
found the courage to voice her concerns.

With a hint of uncertainty in her voice, Madam Bones revealed,

"Something peculiar has been occurring with Susan-a series of
inexplicable events reminiscent of accidental magic, akin to the
manifestations we see in young witches and wizards during their
formative years."
As Madam Bones spoke, Dumbledore listened attentively, his
expression one of quiet concern mixed with empathy. It was clear
that this unexpected revelation had caught his attention, and he was
determined to offer whatever assistance he could to help unravel the
mystery surrounding Susan's unexplained magical occurrences.

With a gentle smile masking his keen insight, Dumbledore decided to

tread carefully, choosing his words with precision as he sought to
unravel the mystery behind Madam Bones's unspoken worries.

Dumbledore's brows furrowed slightly as he absorbed Madam

Bones' words, a thoughtful expression settling on his features.

"I see," he murmured, his voice soft yet contemplative. "Such

occurrences are indeed uncommon, especially for a witch of Susan's
age and experience."

Madam Bones nodded solemnly, her eyes reflecting the weight of

her concerns. "Yes, that's what troubles me," she admitted. "Susan is
a bright and level-headed young witch, but these incidents… they're
unlike anything I've witnessed before."

Dumbledore nodded in understanding, his gaze drifting momentarily

as he considered the implications of Susan's mysterious magical

"It may be prudent to conduct a thorough investigation," he

suggested gently, his tone measured yet reassuring. "To ascertain
the root cause of these manifestations and ensure that Susan
receives the support and guidance she needs."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over

her as she recognized Dumbledore's unwavering support and
expertise in such matters.

"Thank you, Albus," she said gratefully, her voice tinged with
appreciation. "Your counsel and insight are invaluable, as always."
Dumbledore offered her a comforting smile, his eyes twinkling with
quiet reassurance. "You're most welcome, Amelia," he replied
warmly. "We shall endeavor to uncover the truth and assist Susan in
any way we can."

Dumbledore's suspicion deepened, and the thought of another

magical mutant emerging within the wizarding world occurred to him.
His conversations with Xavier had provided valuable insight into the
complexities of mutations and their manifestations across different
magical and non-magical communities.

Contemplating the best course of action, Dumbledore weighed the

urgency of the situation against the need for careful consideration
and collaboration. With Susan's emerging powers raising concerns
about her safety and the potential implications for both the wizarding
and mutant communities, Dumbledore felt a sense of responsibility
to act swiftly.

Considering his close rapport with Xavier and the valuable insights
they had shared regarding magical mutations, Dumbledore decided
to reach out to the headmaster of the Xavier Institute without delay.
He recognized the importance of pooling their expertise and
resources to address Susan's situation comprehensively, ensuring
that she received the support and guidance she needed during this
pivotal time of discovery.

With a calm and measured demeanor, Dumbledore began to explain

the concept of mutants to Madam Bones, knowing that it would likely
be a foreign and unfamiliar concept to her. He described mutants as
individuals born with genetic variations that granted them
extraordinary abilities beyond those of ordinary wizards and witches.

"It is imperative that we handle this situation delicately, Madam

Bones." Dumbledore states, "The emergence of Susan's abilities
presents both challenges and opportunities. We must ensure that
she receives the support and guidance she needs as she navigates
this new aspect of her magical identity."
"I agree, Dumbledore." Madam Bones nodded, "Susan's safety and
well-being are of utmost importance. We must approach this matter
with caution and vigilance."

"Indeed. I believe it would be prudent to consult with Professor

Xavier at the Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach."
Dumbledore said, "He has extensive experience in dealing with
young mutants and can offer invaluable guidance in this matter. He
is already training a Magical Mutant, and as such is the best person
to handle Susan's situation."

Madam Bones nodded in agreement. "Very well, Dumbledore. Kindly

reach out to Professor Xavier immediately and arrange for a meeting
to discuss Susan's situation. Thank you for your guidance in this

Dumbledore smiled appreciatively. "Thank you, Madam Bones. I

have every confidence that with Professor Xavier's expertise, Susan
will receive the support she needs to navigate this new chapter in
her magical journey."

Madam Bones returned Dumbledore's smile with a nod of gratitude.

As Dumbledore left the Ossuary, he couldn't help but feel a sense of
reassurance knowing that Susan would soon be in capable hands.

With a sense of purpose, Dumbledore made his way back to

Hogwarts, eager to reach out to Professor Xavier and initiate the
collaboration that would help Susan unlock her potential as a
magical mutant. He knew that together, they could provide the
guidance and support she needed to embrace her abilities and thrive
in the magical world.

As Dumbledore apparated back to Hogwarts, his mind buzzed with

the weight of the conversations he'd just had. The mysteries
surrounding Sirius Black's escape and Susan Bones's emerging
magical abilities weighed heavily upon him, each presenting its own
set of challenges and uncertainties.
Upon his return to Hogwarts, Dumbledore wasted no time in seeking
out Professor Xavier. With a sense of urgency driving him forward,
he urged Fawkes to transport him to Xavier's office immediately.

Arriving at the door to Xavier's office, Dumbledore raised his hand

and gave a firm knock, the sound echoing through the corridor.
Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Xavier seated behind
his desk, a look of curiosity and welcome on his face.

"Ah, Albus," Xavier greeted warmly, gesturing for Dumbledore to

enter. "What brings you here today?"

Dumbledore stepped into the office, his expression serious yet

determined. "I come seeking your counsel, Charles," he began, his
voice carrying the weight of the discussions he'd just had. "There are
matters of great importance that require our attention."

Xavier's brow furrowed slightly, a sense of concern flickering in his

eyes as he regarded Dumbledore. "Please, have a seat," he offered,
gesturing to a chair opposite his desk. "Tell me what troubles you,
my friend."

Taking a seat, Dumbledore wasted no time in recounting his

conversations with Madam Bones and the revelations they had
uncovered regarding Sirius Black's escape and Susan Bones's
emerging magical abilities.

"As you know, Sirius Black's recent escape from Azkaban has sent
shockwaves through the wizarding community," Dumbledore
explained, his voice grave. "But what troubles me most is the lack of
due process surrounding his imprisonment. It appears that Sirius
was never given a trial, raising questions about the validity of his

Xavier listened intently, his expression thoughtful as he absorbed the

gravity of Dumbledore's words. "I see," he murmured, his tone tinged
with concern. "And what of young Susan Bones? You mentioned that
she's been experiencing unexplained magical occurrences?"
Dumbledore nodded, a somber expression crossing his features.
"Indeed," he confirmed. "Madam Bones has observed a series of
inexplicable events akin to accidental magic-a phenomenon more
commonly seen in young witches and wizards during their formative
years. It is cause for concern, Charles, and I fear that Susan may
require guidance and support in navigating this new aspect of her
magical identity."

Xavier nodded in understanding, his gaze fixed on Dumbledore with

unwavering focus. "It seems we are faced with two distinct
challenges," he observed, his voice measured yet resolute. "The
pursuit of justice in Sirius Black's case and the need to assist Susan
in understanding and controlling her emerging abilities."

Dumbledore inclined his head in agreement, a sense of relief

washing over him as he recognized Xavier's unwavering support and
understanding. "Indeed," he agreed. "I believe that together, we can
address these challenges and ensure that both Sirius and Susan
receive the assistance they need."

Xavier offered Dumbledore a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting a

sense of determination and resolve. "I concur, Albus," he replied
warmly. "Let us pool our resources and expertise to unravel these
mysteries and provide support to those in need."

As they delved deeper into their discussions, Dumbledore and

Xavier began to formulate a plan of action, each drawing upon their
unique insights and abilities to navigate the complexities of the
situations at hand.

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thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some
constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me.
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