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Heater-Cooler System 3T

Service Manual
Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Manual

Copyright © 2002
Stöckert Instrumente GmbH
Lindberghstrasse 25
D-80939 Munich

Tel.: +49 - 89 - 32301-0

Fax: +49 - 89 - 32301-100

All rights, particularly the right to reproduce, distribute and translate this manual, are reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored electronically, processed, duplicated or distributed in any form – by photocopy,
microfilm or by any other means – without the written approval of Stöckert Instrumente GmbH.

Service Manual
Version 01/2002 – SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Valid for Heater-Cooler Systems with the firmware version 1.XX (1.08 and newer)

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 About this Service Manual ..................................................................................................1.1
1.1.1 Symbols Used in this Service Manual .........................................................................1.1
1.1.2 The Chapters in this Service Manual...........................................................................1.2

2 Safety
2.1 Approvals ............................................................................................................................ 2.1

2.2 Regulations and Safety Instructions................................................................................. 2.1

2.2.1 Usage in Accordance with Regulations ...................................................................... 2.1
2.2.2 General Safety Instructions........................................................................................ 2.2
2.2.3 Operating Safety........................................................................................................ 2.3
2.2.4 Electrical Safety ......................................................................................................... 2.4
2.2.5 Safety Instructions for Routine Maintenance ............................................................. 2.4

2.3 Safety Features of the Heater-Cooler System ................................................................... 2.4

3 System Description
3.1 Heater-Cooler System......................................................................................................... 3.1
3.1.1 Modules..................................................................................................................... 3.1

3.2 Structure of the Heater-Cooler System ............................................................................. 3.2

3.2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 3.2
3.2.2 Overview of the Modules in the Patient Circuits......................................................... 3.4
3.2.3 Overview of the Modules in the Cardioplegia Circuit.................................................. 3.6
3.2.4 Overview of the Modules in the Cooling Unit ............................................................. 3.8
3.2.5 Overview of the System Electronics Modules............................................................. 3.10
3.2.6 Overview of the System Electronics Components ...................................................... 3.12
Mains AC board (UL 507) ........................................................................................... 3.12
CPU Board (UL 508) ................................................................................................... 3.14
Keyboard and Display Board (UL 509) ....................................................................... 3.16
Distributor Board (UL 510) ......................................................................................... 3.18
Level Board (UL 459) ................................................................................................. 3.20
3.2.7 Functional Diagram of the Valve Block ....................................................................... 3.21
Cold C-Plegia ............................................................................................................. 3.21
Warm C-Plegia ........................................................................................................... 3.22

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • Table of Contents

4 Service Mode and Software

4.1 The Service Mode of the Heater-Cooler System ................................................................ 4.1
4.1.1 Calling Service Mode ................................................................................................. 4.2
4.1.2 Overview of the Service Menu ................................................................................... 4.4

4.2 Calibrating the Temperature Sensors................................................................................ 4.10

4.2.1 Preparing for Calibration............................................................................................ 4.11
4.2.2 Calibrating ................................................................................................................. 4.12
Calibrating the Temperature Sensors in the Patient Tank .......................................... 4.12
Calibrating Temperature Sensors in the Cardioplegia Tanks...................................... 4.13

4.3 Software Update ................................................................................................................. 4.14

4.3.1 Preparing for Programming........................................................................................ 4.15
4.3.2 Programming ............................................................................................................. 4.16
Loading the Flash Kernel............................................................................................ 4.16
Updating the Operating Software .............................................................................. 4.18

5 Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

5.1 Error Messages ................................................................................................................... 5.1

5.2 Error Diagnosis on the Cooling Unit .................................................................................. 5.6

6 Replacing Modules and Components

6.1 Accessing the Modules....................................................................................................... 6.1
6.1.1 Opening the Heater-Cooler ........................................................................................ 6.2
Opening the Cover ..................................................................................................... 6.2
Opening the Side Panels and the Back Panel............................................................. 6.3
System Electronics Cover Plate.................................................................................. 6.6

6.2 Tank Bridges, Pumps and Valve Block ............................................................................... 6.7

6.2.1 Removing the Tank Bridges........................................................................................ 6.8
Patient Tank Bridge ................................................................................................... 6.8
Cardioplegia Tank Bridge........................................................................................... 6.10
6.2.2 Removing the Pumps and the Stirring Mechanism..................................................... 6.12
Removing the Pumps ................................................................................................. 6.12
Removing the Stirring Mechanism ............................................................................. 6.14
6.2.3 Removing the Floats .................................................................................................. 6.16
6.2.4 Removing and Dismantling the Valve Block ............................................................... 6.17
Removing the Valve Block ......................................................................................... 6.17
Dismantling the Valve Block ...................................................................................... 6.18

6.3 Control Panel ...................................................................................................................... 6.22

2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Table of Contents

7 Appendix
7.1 Technical Data .....................................................................................................................7.1
7.1.1 Dimensions, Weights, Operating Conditions ..............................................................7.1
7.1.2 Electrical Specifications .............................................................................................7.1
7.1.3 General Performance Data .........................................................................................7.2

7.2 Part Numbers ......................................................................................................................7.3

7.3 Accessories..........................................................................................................................7.3

7.4 Part Numbers of Service Components................................................................................7.4

7.4.1 Power Pack.................................................................................................................7.4
7.4.2 System Electronics .....................................................................................................7.4
7.4.3 Tank Bridges and Pumps ............................................................................................7.5
Patient Circuits...........................................................................................................7.5
Cardioplegia Circuit....................................................................................................7.5
Valve Block ................................................................................................................7.6

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • Table of Contents

4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 About this Service Manual

This Service Manual (in addition to the training courses run by Stöckert Instrumente GmbH) is
the basis for the maintenance and repair of your Heater-Cooler System. This manual is intended
only for suitably qualified service technicians. In the interest of the safety of patients and all

Only service technicians trained and authorised by Stöckert Instrumente GmbH may
service the Heater-Cooler System.

Please refer to the operating instructions for any information you need on operating the Heater-
Cooler. This Service Manual contains references to the corresponding chapters in the operating
instructions (if required).

1.1.1 Symbols Used in this Service Manual

The symbols used in this manual are intended to help you find special text passages. The
meaning of the symbols is as follows:

! Danger! Failure to pay attention may endanger the patient’s and/or the
operator’s life.

! Warning! Failure to pay attention may cause damage to the machine or

other equipment.

✓ A check list for a quick and safe follow up on whether operational steps
have been carried out completely.

● Primary list (main groups)

➜ Secondary list (subgroups)

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 1.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Introduction

1.1.2 The Chapters in this Service Manual

In Chapter... you will find the following information:

1 Introduction ➜ Symbols used in the Service Manual

➜ Overview of chapters (this table)

2 Safety ➜ Important safety instructions for the

operation and maintenance of the Heater-
Cooler System

3 System Description ➜ A brief description of all the service-

relevant components

4 Service Mode and Software ➜ Working in Service mode

➜ Calibrating the temperature sensors
➜ Software updates

5 Error Messages and Error Diagnosis ➜ A list of all error messages and information
on locating errors

6 Replacing Modules and Components ➜ Information and instructions for adding

and removing components

7 Appendix ➜ Technical data on all the components

➜ Order numbers/spare parts

1.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Safety

2 Safety

2.1 Approvals
Just like development and production, the system must also be serviced in accordance with the
following standards and legal regulations.

● IEC 601.1 – Medical Electrical Equipment: General

Requirements for Safety
● IEC 601.1.2 – EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility)
● VBG – Regulations for the Prevention of Acci-
● MDD – Medical Device Directive
(EU Directive 93/42 EEC of June 14, 1993)
● DIN EN ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance
● EN 46001 – Quality Assurance
– CE Label

The Heater-Cooler System is a medical product, class B (EU Directive 93/42). A Declaration of
Conformity has been issued for the Heater-Cooler.

2.2 Regulations and Safety Instructions

2.2.1 Usage in Accordance with Regulations

● In accordance with applicable regulations, the Heater-Cooler is used with a Stöckert Heart-
Lung Machine (S3/SC) for the controlled heating/cooling of 3 water circuits during
extracorporeal perfusion. The water circuits are used for cooling/heating blood (in the oxy-
genator), hypothermia blankets or cardioplegic solutions. The use of the Heater-Cooler for
any other purposes is not in accordance with the regulations. Stöckert assumes no liability
whatsoever for damages arising from such usage. Usage in accordance with regulations
also includes compliance with the operating instructions as well as repair and maintenance
according to the maintenance instructions.

● Relevant accident prevention measures according to existing local policy and employees’
health and safety regulations must be complied with. Stöckert Instrumente GmbH will not
assume any liability for damage due to non-compliance with these regulations.

● Stöckert Instrumente GmbH will not assume any liability for injuries and/or damage
caused by failure to observe the safety instructions or by the operator not taking due care.
This applies even if the operator’s duty to take due care has not been specifically
expressed to the user.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 2.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Safety

2.2.2 General Safety Instructions

● The Heater-Cooler has been designed according to current state-of-the art technology and
accepted safety standards. Although this may be the case, danger may arise for the
patient, the user or for other equipment during operation.

● The Heater-Cooler must be operated by trained and qualified personnel only.

● The Heater-Cooler must not be operated near explosive materials.

● The Heater-Cooler may only be used when in fully operational condition and according to Usage in accordance
with regulations: See
regulations and the operating instructions. Be sure to take note of any cautions or warn-
chap. 2.2.1 on page 2.1

● The operating instructions must be available close to the Heater-Cooler at all times. Incom-
plete or illegible operating instructions must be replaced immediately.

● According to the European Directive 93/42 and the national standards based on this
directive, the Heater-Cooler must be subjected to a regular maintenance check by an
authorised service representative. The maintenance check must be performed after every
1000 operating hours or at least once every 12 months (whichever comes first).

● In addition to the operating instructions, the relevant legal, general and binding regula-
tions concerning the prevention of accidents must be observed.

● In order to take situations into account which are clinic-specific and outside of normal rou-
tines, e.g. certain working procedures, the operating instructions must be supplemented
with relevant instructions (supervision and registration requirements, etc).

● Personnel operating the Heater-Cooler must have acquainted themselves thoroughly with
the operating instructions prior to working with the machine!

● If you discover any safety-relevant modifications to the Heater-Cooler or its operating

behaviour (outside of OP mode): Do not use the Heater-Cooler and have it checked out by
authorised service personnel.

● Do not perform any modifications or extensions to the Heater-Cooler, unless they have
been tested and approved by Stöckert Instrumente GmbH. Stöckert Instrumente GmbH
cannot assume liability or responsibility for unauthorised modifications or changes.

● Keep the Heater-Cooler clean! Doing so will prevent possible contact errors and faults due
to dirt.

2.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Safety

2.2.3 Operating Safety

● Prior to working with the Heater-Cooler, you must have thoroughly read the operating
instructions and have become familiar with the machine functions!

● Ensure that the Heater-Cooler is placed on a horizontal surface and the castor brakes have
been locked prior to operation.

● Only use decalcified water (no distilled or de-ionised water) to fill the Heater-Cooler tanks.

● Check the water level of the tanks prior to each operation. Only operate the Heater-Cooler
if the water level is sufficient, i.e., is above the minimum water level (one segment of the
bar graph display).

● Empty the water tank completely at least once a week in order to prevent the growth of
bacteria and algae inside the tank.

● Prior to operation, check all cables, tubing, connectors and other accessories to ensure
correct connections, seals and proper function. Replace all damaged components immedi-
● Check the actual temperature displays on the Heater-Cooler regularly.

● Check the patient’s blood temperature with an appropriate temperature measurement sys-
tem regularly, independently of the displays on the Heater-Cooler (e.g. on the HLM).

● Activate the pumps of the primed and filled system prior to its first operation. Watch the
water level display on the Heater-Cooler control panel and monitor the connected heat
exchanger (e.g. oxygenator, cooling/heating blanket). A leakage in a water circuit will influ-
ence the water level in the connected tank.

● Do not use self-closing connectors. Compared to “open connectors”, they reduce the water

● Ensure that the tubing is straight and do not bend or twist it. Apart from occluding the
water flow, bent or twisted tubing can pose a hazard for the personnel (causing them to

● Ensure optimum ventilation at the ventilation grills and the fan. Insufficient ventilation may
result in excessive heating of the Heater-Cooler.

● Modifications or extensions to the machine, as well as the use of spare parts, which have
not been tested and approved by Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, may have negative effects
on the safety and function of the machine. Stöckert Instrumente GmbH cannot accept any
liability or responsibility.

● Accessories and supplementary devices, which have not been tested and approved by
Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, must prove that their use does not pose a safety hazard (see
chap. 7.3 “Accessories” on page 7.3).

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 2.3

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Safety

2.2.4 Electrical Safety

● The electrical installation must be in compliance with DIN VDE 0107 (for Germany) or the
corresponding, equivalent, local regulations and guidelines.. Hereby, refer to the technical

● Check the functional safety of all electrical connections, cables and sockets regularly!

2.2.5 Safety Instructions for Routine Maintenance

● Routine maintenance work must only be performed by qualified personnel.

● Disconnect the Heater-Cooler from the power supply completely before carrying out main-
tenance and cleaning work.

● Please adhere to the instructions for maintenance and care given in these operating
instructions as well as the recommended maintenance intervals.

● Ensure that no liquids or cleaning agents enter the machine housing through the vents or
other openings.

● Use recommended cleaning agents.

● Repair work may only be carried out by authorised service technicians. Only original spare
parts from Stöckert Instrumente GmbH may be used in order to guarantee the proper func-
tioning of the Heater-Cooler.

2.3 Safety Features of the Heater-Cooler System

● The Heater-Cooler performs a self-test during power-up. Check that all the LEDs, the 7-seg-
ment displays and the beep alarm function correctly.

● Visual and audible alarms indicate when an internal error has occurred.

● If the water level is too low, the water pumps will stop. The latter will be indicated by a
corresponding alarm.

2.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3 System Description

3.1 Heater-Cooler System

The Heater-Cooler contains all the components required for operation. The remote control
modules for operation with the S3/SC system are not required for full functioning (but are
recommended for clinical usage). The following pages provide an overview of the installation
location and the function of each of the modules.

3.1.1 Modules

The Heater-Cooler comprises the following modules:

● Patient circuits ➜ 2 pumps for 2 separate circuits

➜ 2 heaters
➜ Stirring mechanism to guarantee a
consistent tank temperature
➜ Floats for monitoring the water level

● Cardioplegia ➜ 2 pumps for the warm and cold tanks

circuit ➜ 1 heater
➜ Valve block for electro-mechanical
switching between the warm and cold tank
➜ Float for monitoring the water level

● Cooling unit ➜ Condenser

➜ Liquefier with a controlled fan
➜ Collector
➜ Filter drier
➜ 2 magnetic valves
➜ 2 return valves
➜ FCKW-free cooling agent R 134 A

● System electronics ➜ Ring core transformer

➜ Mains safety switch
➜ “Mains” printed circuit board
➜ “CPU” board with a serial interface
➜ “Keyboard and Display” board
➜ “Distributor” board
➜ Two “Level” pc boards for monitoring the
float gauges in the patient and warm
c-plegia tanks

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 3.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2 Structure of the Heater-Cooler System

3.2.1 Overview


Fig. 1: Overview

3.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. = Module

A Patient circuits

B Cardioplegia circuit

C Cooling unit

D System electronics

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.2 Overview of the Modules in the Patient Circuits

A 11 D7 A2

A 10

A 11

A 10 A9


A 12




A5 A4 A8 A5


Fig. 2: Overview of the modules in the patient circuits

3.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

A Patient circuit bridge (complete) UD 488-E 96-410-725

A 1 Pump for patient circuit 1 (complete) BPS 083P 96-410-716

A 2 Pump for patient circuit 2 (complete) BPS 083P 96-410-716

A 3 Stirring mechanism (complete) consists of

stirrer motor EM 109 96-410-719

stirrer pump head UD 485 96-410-720

drive shaft extension HSA 038 96-410-721

set screws M3 x 4 (2 pcs.) DGI 002 96-410-722

A 4 Float assembly (mech. complete) HX 339 96-410-710

A 5 Heaters UH 176 96-410-743

A 6 Suction tube for pump RKJ 103

A 7 Pressure tube for pump RKJ 102

A 8 Patient tank safety system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

A 9 Patient tank control system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

A 10 Patient circuit inlet EOA 006 96-410-032

A 11 Patient circuit outlet 16-02-58

A 12 Opening for reference temperature sensors EZV 016 96-410-545


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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.3 Overview of the Modules in the Cardioplegia Circuit

B 17

B 15
B 13
B9 B 10



B 14
B 12

B 11

B5 B 16

B 15

B 10


B7 B8 B5 B6 B4

Fig. 3: Overview of the modules in the cardioplegia circuit

3.6 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

B Cardioplegia circuit bridge (complete) UD 489-E 96-410-730

B 1 Cold tank pump (complete) BPS 082P 96-410-715

B 2 Warm tank pump (complete) BPS 082P 96-410-715

B 3 Valve block (complete)

B 4 Floats HX339 96-410-710

B 5 Heaters UH 176 96-410-743

B 6 Suction tube for pump (warm tank) RKJ 103

B 7 Suction tube for pump (cold tank) RKJ 037

B 8 Pressure tubing for pump RKJ 102

B 9 Cold tank safety system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

B 10 Cold tank control system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

B 11 Warm tank safety system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

B 12 Warm tank control system temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738

B 13 Cardioplegia circuit inlet EOA 006 96-410-032

B 14 Cardioplegia circuit outlet 16-02-58

B 15 Opening for reference temperature sensors in the EZV 016 96-410-545

cold tank

B 16 Opening for reference temperature sensors in the EZV 016 96-410-545

warm tank

B 17 Water inlet (all tanks) HXO 216 (Part of 96-410-730)

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.4 Overview of the Modules in the Cooling Unit

C 16 C 13
C 14

C 18 C 15

C 17


C5 C7

D 12 C6

C 12

C 10

C 11

C9 D 10


C3 C2 C4 D 11

Fig. 4: Overview of the modules in the cooling unit

3.8 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

C 1 Cooling unit (complete) EMK 213

C 2 Compressor

C 3 Hot-gas line to the liquefier

C 4 Suction pipe (condenser inlet)

C 5 Liquefier

C 6 Fan with a Hall sensor

C 7 Liquid separator/collector

C 8 Filter drier

C 9 Magnetic valve in the patient circuit

C 10 Magnetic valve in the cardioplegia circuit

C 11 Expansion valve in the patient circuit

C 12 Expansion valve in the cardioplegia circuit

C 13 Return valve in the patient circuit

C 14 Return valve in the cardioplegia circuit

C 15 Outlet to the patient tank evaporator

C 16 Inlet from the patient tank evaporator

C 17 Outlet to the cardioplegia cold tank evaporator

C 18 Inlet from the cardioplegia cold tank evaporator

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.5 Overview of the System Electronics Modules









Fig. 5: System electronics

3.10 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

D 1 Ring core transformer EIT 128 96-410-744

D 2 Mains safety switch EST 102 96-410-748

D 3 Mains AC board UL 507 96-410-701

D 4 CPU board UL 508 96-410-702

D 5 Keyboard and Display board UL 509 96-410-703

D 6 Distributor board UL 510 96-410-704

D 7 Level pc board UL 459 96-410-705

D 8 Hall sensor (on the fan motor) UD 491 96-410-740

D 9 Junction box for the compressor and fan See Fig. 4:“Overview of
the modules in the
D 10 Starter for the compressor cooling unit” on
page 3.8
D 11 Start and run capacitors for the compressor

D 12 Temperature sensor for the condenser US 073 96-410-739

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.6 Overview of the System Electronics Components

Mains AC board (UL 507)

D 13
D 14

D 15

D 21

D 20
D 31

D 16

D 17

D 18

D 19

D 27 D 28

D 22
D 23

D 24

D 25

D 26

D 29 D 30
Fig. 6: Mains board

3.12 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number Remark

Mains AC board UL 507 96-410-701

D 13 24V DC output X 21

D 14 Ring core transformer input for secondary winding X 61

D 15 Ring core transformer output for primary winding X 44

D 16 Cardioplegia warm tank heating output X 43

D 17 Output from the condenser/fan to the junction X 42

box D 9

D 18 Patient tank heating output X 41

D 19 Power input from the mains safety switch D 2 X 40

D 20 Magnetic valve cooling output (both circuits) X 60

D 21 Distributor board connection X 20

D 22 Triac LED for the magnetic valve in the H1

cardioplegia tank
on = valve open

D 23 Triac LED for the magnetic valve in the patient tank H 2

on = valve open

D 24 Safety relay LED for patient tank heating H3

on = heating on

D 25 Triac LED for heating patient tank 1 H4

on = heating on

D 26 Triac LED for heating patient tank 2 H5

on = heating on

D 27 Safety relay LED for the condenser H6

on = condenser on

D 28 Safety relay LED for heating the cardioplegia tank H 7

on = heating on

D 29 Press switch/excess temperature switch LED H8

Normal state:
Off when cooling unit is running
On when cooling unit is switched off

D 30 Triac LED for heating the cardioplegia tank H9

on = heating on

D 31 6.3-amp primary fuse, slow

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

CPU Board (UL 508)

D 32

D 42
D 33
D 43
D 45
D 41

D 40
D 39
D 38

D 34

D 35

D 36

D 37
D 46

D 44

Fig. 7: CPU board

3.14 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number Remark

CPU board UL 508 96-410-702

D 32 RS232 programming interface X2

D 33 Mains board connection X 20

D 34 Connection for programming adapter X 81 Switched off in normal

(programming the control system Flash memory) operation

D 35 CAN interface connection X3

D 36 Hall sensor connection D 8 (fan speed) X 64

D 37 Distributor board connection X 23

D 38 Connection for programming adapter X 83 Switched off in normal

(programming the safety system Flash memory) operation

D 39 Temperature sensor connection for the X 63

cardioplegia tanks

D 40 Temperature sensor connection for the patient X 62


D 41 Keyboard and Display board connection X 22

D 42 Temperature sensor connection for the X 65

liquefier D 12

D 43 Control system Reset key S2

D 44 Safety system Reset key S1

D 45 Control system microprocessor D6

D 46 Safety system microprocessor D2

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Keyboard and Display Board (UL 509)

D 50 D 51
D 48
D 47

D 53

D 52
D 49

D 69 D 63
D 61

D 57 D 54
D 62
D 59
D 55

D 56

D 71

D 64

D 65
D 70 D 66

D 60 D 67
D 68 D 58

Fig. 8: Keyboard and Display board

3.16 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number Remark

Keyboard and Display Board UL 509 96-410-703

D 47 CPU board connection

Patient circuits

D 48 7-segment “Actual temp.” display

D 49 7-segment “Set temp.” display

D 50 LED alarm

D 51 Fill level LEDs

D 52 “Start/Stop Circuit 1” key

D 53 “Start/Stop circuit 2” key

D 54 “Standby” key

D 55 “Raise set temperature” key

D 56 “Lower set temperature” key

Patient circuit

D 57 7-segment “Actual temp.” display (warm tank)

D 58 7-segment “Set temp.” display (warm tank)

D 59 7-segment “Actual temp.” display (cold tank)

D 60 7-segment “Set temp.” display (cold tank)

D 61 LED alarm (warm tank)

D 62 LED alarm (cold tank)

D 63 Fill level LEDs

D 64 “Standby” key

D 65 “Raise set temperature” key (warm tank)

D 66 “Lower set temperature” key (warm tank)

D 67 “Raise set temperature” key (cold tank)

D 68 “Lower set temperature” key (cold tank)

D 69 “Start/Stop circuit” key (warm tank)

D 70 “Start/Stop circuit” key (cold tank)

All circuits

D 71 “Audio alarm off ” key

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Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Distributor Board (UL 510)

D 85

D 72

D 84

D 83

D 82

D 81
D 73

D 80 D 74

D 75
D 79

D 76

D 77

D 78

Fig. 9: Distributor board

3.18 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Mod. Pos. Description Number Remark

Distributor Board UL 510 96-410-704

D 72 24 V DC input X 21

D 73 24 V DC connection for small fans X 70

D 74 Pump connection for patient tank 2 X 68

D 75 Stirring mechanism connection for the patient X 69


D 76 Level pc board connection for the patient tank X 42

D 77 CPU board connection X 23

D 78 Pump connection for patient tank 1 X 67

D 79 Pump connection for the cardioplegia cold tank X 72

D 80 Magnetic valve connection for cardioplegia tanks X 73

(on the valve block, to equalise the temperature)

D 81 Magnetic valve LED for the cardioplegia tank H1

on = valve open

D 82 Stepping motor connection for the cardioplegia X 75

cold tank

D 83 Stepping motor connection for the cardioplegia X 74

warm tank

D 84 Pump connection for the cardioplegia warm tank X 71

D 85 Level pc board connection for cardioplegia tanks X 25

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 3.19

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Level Board (UL 459)

D 87

D 86

D 88

Fig. 10: Level Board and Float

Mod. Pos. Description Number Remark

Level Board UL 459 96-410-705

D 86 Distributor board connection X1

D 87 Hall sensors

D 88 Floats (complete)

3.20 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

3.2.7 Functional Diagram of the Valve Block

Both pumps in the cardioplegia circuit run provided the circuit is not switched to Standby mode.
The valve block controls the flow of water (warm c-plegia, cold c-plegia or Off ).

Cold C-Plegia

B 18

B 19

B 22

B 21

B 20

Fig. 11: Sectional view of the valve block (cold c-plegia)

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

B 18 Valve block outlet

B 19 Valve block inlet

B 20 Inlet from the pump for the cold tank

B 21 Outlet to the pump for the cold tank

B 22 Slide valve for the cold tank

Starting the cardioplegia cooling circuit (on the Heater-Cooler control panel) opens the slide
valve B 22, which is driven by the relevant stepping motor

● The water now flows pump B 1 see Fig.

2:“Overview of the
➜ from the pump’s pressure chamber B 1
modules in the patient
➜ via the inlet B 20 and the open channel circuits” on page 3.4
➜ to the outlet B 18 of the valve block.
● The reflux water flows
➜ from the inlet B 19 and the reflux channel, which is also open,
➜ via the outlet B 21 directly to the pump’s suction chamber B 1.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 3.21

Heater-Cooler System 3T • System Description

Warm C-Plegia

B 25 B 24 B 18

B 19
B 23

Fig. 12: Sectional view of the valve block (warm c-plegia)

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

B 23 Inlet from the pump for the warm tank

B 24 Outlet to the pump for the warm tank

B 25 Slide valve for the warm tank

Starting the cardioplegia heating circuit opens the slide valve B 25, which is driven by the
relevant stepping motor.

● The water now flows Pump B 2 see Fig.

4:“Overview of the
➜ from the pump’s pressure chamber B 2
modules in the cooling
➜ via the inlet B 23 and the open channel unit” on page 3.8
➜ to the outlet B 18 of the valve block.
● The reflux water flows
➜ from the inlet B 19 and the reflux channel, which is also open,
➜ via the outlet B 24 directly to the pump’s suction chamber B 2.

3.22 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4 Service Mode and Software

4.1 The Service Mode of the Heater-Cooler System

The Service mode allows you to set and display various system parameters. These include:

● Calibrating the temperature sensors

● Displaying the fan speed, temperatures, etc.
● Basic settings, such as the CAN address, power consumption, etc.

The pumps are deactivated (for the user) in Service mode for safety reasons. To start a pump,
you must therefore exit Service mode.

Note: The following position numbers without a leading module name (A … D) are based on the
operating instructions for the Heater-Cooler System 3T (GA–16-XX-XX.00). If you are not very
familiar with the operation of the system, you will find the information you need here.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.1.1 Calling Service Mode

Before you start the Service mode:

● Exit any Standby mode you may have activated (i.e. both control panels must be ready).
● Switch off any active circuits.
● Do not press any keys apart from those mentioned below while activating the Service

The Service mode can be called by entering a special key combination on the patient circuit
control panel.

5 °C 37 °C 37.6 °C

1 2


20 °C 20 °C 20.1 °C

25 26 27
Fig. 13: Calling the Service menu

Starting Service mode

● Press and hold down the “Standby” key 27.

● Also, press and hold down the “Lower set temperature” 25 and “Raise set temperature”
26 arrow keys.

● Then release the “Standby” key.

● Keep pressing the arrow keys.
➜ After around 5 seconds, all the displays flash (except for “Set temp. patient circuits” 24).
➜ The “Set temp. patient circuits” 24 now shows “(al”
➜ Service mode is now activated.
➜ Now, release the arrow keys.

4.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Working in Service mode

In Service mode, menu functions and parameters are displayed on the 7-segment “Set temp.”
display 24. The other 7-segment displays flash while Service mode is active.

The “Standby” 27, “Lower set temperature” 25 and “Raise set temperature” 26 keys on the
Heater-Cooler are redefined as follows in Service mode:

● 27 “Select/Enter” key
➜ Use this key to activate the currently displayed menu function or
➜ to confirm an entry or selection using the up/down arrow keys.

● 25 “Up Arrow” und 26 “Down Arrow” key

➜ Use this key to choose the function you want in a menu or
➜ to change the displayed parameters.

Note: Some menu functions have a timeout, which prevents them from being pressed
inadvertently. To activate these menu functions, press and hold down the Select/Enter key for
at least 3 seconds.

Exiting Service mode

The main menu for the Service mode contains a command that allows you to exit Service
mode. The Heater-Cooler is then ready for normal operation. If a person who is not qualified
for service activities inadvertently activates the Service mode, you can exit this mode by
powering down the Heater-Cooler and then powering it up again.

Please note that changes you make to individual parameters are only retained permanently if
they are written to EEPROM using the relevant function (bAC). Otherwise, the Heater-Cooler
reverts to the last saved status the next time you power it down and then up again.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.3

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.1.2 Overview of the Service Menu

The Service menu, as shown below, is divided into a number of individual menus.

(AL (d
0 Calibration 1 Set Defaults 2
End End

Change (Basic Setup) 3

Show Values 4
I0 coo
I/O Check 5 Check Cooling Unit 6
End End

bA( (Save to EEPROM)

rES (from EEPROM)

dEf (Factory Settings)


Fig. 14: Overview of the Service menu

4.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Menu 0: “Start” menu


➜ “Calibrate menu” See “Calibrating the

(AL You can calibrate the temperature sensors for the control and safety Temperature
Sensors” on
system in this menuPlease note the sequence of the individual page 4.10.
calibrations specified at the corresponding position.
➜ “Change menu”
(XA This menu contains all the basic settings for configuring the Heater-
Cooler (e.g. CAN address, max. power consumption, etc.).

➜ “Show menu”
SX0 You can display currently entered measurement values (temperatures,
fan speed) in this menu.

➜ “I/O menu”
I0 This menu allows you to control all the functions of the cooling unit
manually (magnetic valves, condensers, etc.).

bA( Back up currently set parameters in EEPROM. Use this command to
store a permanent backup of correctly implemented settings.

rES Read stored parameters from EEPROM. Use this command to reset
incorrect or experimental settings to the last stored value.

dEf Load the factory settings for standard parameters and required values.
Use this command for every software update in order to activate any
parameters that may have changed. Then, store the newly loaded
parameters in EEPROM using the “bAC” command.

➜ End of Service mode, normal operation


Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.5

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Menu 1: Calibrate menu

➜ Default calibration (resetting each calibration setting individually)
calibrate H/C (patient tank) control system,
(X lower measurement point (5 °C)
Calibration of lower measurement point complete
calibrate H/C (patient tank) control system,
(X upper measurement point (40 °C)
Calibration of upper measurement point complete
calibrate warm c-plegia, control system (40 °C)
calibrate cold c-plegia, control system (10 °C)
calibrate sensors on the condenser
calibrate H/C (patient tank), safety system (40 °C)
calibrate warm c-plegia, safety system (40 °C)
calibrate cold c-plegia, safety system (10 °C)
➜ back to “CAL”

4.6 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Menu 2: Calibrate Default menu

Default values for H/C (patient tank), control system

Default values for warm c-plegia, control system
Default values for cold c-plegia, control system
Default values for sensors on the condenser
Default values for H/C (patient tank), safety system
Default values for warm c-plegia, safety system
Default values for cold c-plegia, safety system
Default values for all temperature sensors
➜ back to “Cd”

Menu 3: Change menu (basic settings)

Parameters to be changed
CAN device address: 0/1 for operating a number of similar devices on a
Adr Stöckert Heart-Lung machine
Required H/C temperature (patient tank) for calibration
Maximum power consumption
H/C (patient tank) standby: On/Off
Volume configuration:
U0L ➜ 9 litres = 10
➜ 6 litres = 0
Pump selection:
Pv PWM = 0 (old pump), Frequency = 1 (new pump)
Hyst. cooler, cold c-plegia
Hyst. cooler, economy range
Hyst. cooler, other range

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.7

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Menu 3: Change menu (basic settings) Continued

Parameters to be changed
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 0
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 1
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 2
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 3
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 4
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 5
H/C (patient tank), control parameter 6
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 0
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 1
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 2
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 3
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 4
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 5
Warm c-plegia, control parameter 6
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 0
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 1
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 2
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 3
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 4
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 5
Cold c-plegia, control parameter 6
➜ back to “CHA”

4.8 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Menu 4: Show Values menu

current power consumption from mains

Control system sensor temperature in H/C (patient tank)
Safety system sensor temperature in H/C (patient tank)
Control system sensor temperature for warm c-plegia
Safety system sensor temperature for warm c-plegia
Control system sensor temperature for cold c-plegia
Safety system sensor temperature for cold c-plegia
Liquefier temperature
Fan speed on the liquefier (x 100)
➜ back to “SHO”

Menu 5: I/O Check

➜ Service Cooler (menu 6)

coo Controlling the cooling unit manually
➜ back to “IO”

Menu 6: Test Cooling Unit

Compressor On/Off
H/C magnetic valve (patient tank) On/Off
Cold c-plegia magnetic valve On/Off
Fan Off (0), Normal (1), Max. (2)
➜ back to “coo”

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.9

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.2 Calibrating the Temperature Sensors

Fig. 15: Openings for reference sensors

The openings for the reference sensors are located at the positions marked with arrows. When
inserting the sensors, make sure not to inadvertently push the plastic caps into the tanks (by
using too much force).

4.10 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.2.1 Preparing for Calibration

To calibrate the temperature sensors, you need a suitable reference thermometer and a
corresponding temperature sensor.

● Power on the Heater-Cooler (with the lid open) and set the following required temperature
➜ Cardioplegia cold tank 10°C
➜ Cardioplegia warm tank 40°C
➜ Patient tank (H/C) 40°C
● Wait until the heat-up process is complete.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.11

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.2.2 Calibrating

Calibrating the Temperature Sensors in the Patient Tank

● Insert the reference thermometer into the patient tank.
● Open the Service menu and choose menu 1 “CAL”.

Calibrate the safety system first.

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow
keys. Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”.

Then calibrate the control system’s upper measurement point.

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow

Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”. The display indicates that the
(X calibration of the upper measurement point is complete.

➜ Go back to menu 0.
➜ Switch to menu 3
Enter the required temperature value of 5 °C
➜ Go back to menu 0
➜ Switch to menu 1 (Calibrate) again and wait until the cooling-down
(AL process is complete.
Then calibrate the control system’s lower measurement point.
Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow

Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”. The display indicates that the
(Xv calibration of the lower measurement point is complete.

The temperature sensors in the patient tank are now calibrated.

4.12 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Calibrating Temperature Sensors in the Cardioplegia Tanks

Insert the reference thermometer into the cardioplegia warm tank.

Calibrate the warm tank’s safety system (40 °C)

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow
keys. Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”.

Calibrate the warm tank’s control system (40 °C)

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow
keys. Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”.

Insert the reference thermometer into the cardioplegia cold tank.

Calibrate the cold tank’s safety system (10 °C)

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow
keys. Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”.

Calibrate the cold tank’s control system (10 °C)

Enter the value shown on the reference thermometer using the arrow
keys. Confirm your entry by pressing “Enter”.

➜ back to menu 0
Save the calibration
➜ Exit the Service Menu
The calibration process is now complete. Compare all the displays on the Heater-Cooler with the
display on the reference thermometer again.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.13

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.3 Software Update

The installed software version of the Heater/Cooler will be displayed in the "Set Temperature"
display of the patient tank during the self-test performed upon powering up.The Heater-Cooler
software comprises two parts:

● The kernel, which is created in the Heater-Cooler’s Flash program memory and provides the
CPU’s basic communication capability with the update software. As a rule, the kernel
(unlike the operating software) is not reloaded or updated.
● The actual operating software of the Heater-Cooler System. This is loaded via the serial
interface (RS232) of the CPU board. An update software package (Updater) for Windows is
available for this purpose.

You need the following to carry out the programming:

For every software update:

● A PC or laptop with the Microsoft® Windows operating system (a program version of the
update program is available for Windows 95/98/NT and a version for Windows 2000/ME).
● A serial cable (9-pin D-Sub, 1:1 wiring, no null modem cable).
● The current version of the update program (Updater.exe/Updater.msi).
● The current version of the operating software, consisting of 2 files with the file name
extension “*.a20” (e.g. HP_R108.a20). One of these files contains the software for the
control system, while the other contains the software for the safety system.

To load the Flash kernel, you also need:

● the programming adapter (see Fig. 17:“Programming adapter connection” on page 4.16).
● The current version of the Flash program (Flash.exe)
● The current version of the Flash kernel, consisting of one file with the file name extension
“*.a20” (e.g. KHP_15.a20).

Important Programming Information:

Always take the time to read the “ReadMe” files supplied on the software diskettes! These files
always contain the latest information on installing and using the update software as well as
information about the update files.

Please make sure that you only use update files belonging to the Heater-Cooler System 3T. You
will recognise the correct files by their file names. The names of the update files created as

Operating software: [device type] _ [controller] [version number] . [extension]

Flash kernel : K [device type] _ [version number] . [extension]

● The device type must be either “HP” (for the German “Hypothermie-/Plegiegerät”,
meaning Heater-Cooler/Plegia System) or “HPU” (for “Heater-Cooler/Plegia System, USA
● The letter under controller indicates either the control system (R) or the safety system (S).
● The version number is either a three-digit number (operating software, e.g. 108 for version
1.08) or a two-digit number (Flash kernel, e.g. 11 for version 1.1), always without the point.
● The file name extension is always *.a20.

4.14 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.3.1 Preparing for Programming


Fig. 16: Accessing the system electronics

● Power off the Heater-Cooler and open the lid (see chap. 6.1.1 on page 6.2)
● To access the CPU board D 4, remove the plate covering the system electronics.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.15

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.3.2 Programming

Loading the Flash Kernel

As mentioned earlier in the previous section, this step is only necessary in the following cases:

● The Heater-Cooler is part of a product batch that does not yet have a Flash kernel,
● the kernel has to be loaded because a pc board was replaced or
● there is a service instruction to update the kernel.

Only the operating software needs to be updated in all other cases.


Fig. 17: Programming adapter connection

Please note the sequence of the descriptions given below!

On the CPU board:

● Connect the programming adapter (with the Heater-Cooler powered off ):
➜ Connect “Control/D6” to the connection D 34 (X81)
➜ Connect “Safety/D2” to the connection D 38 (X83)
● Leave the serial cable plugged out!

4.16 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

On the programming adapter

(the next setting is used for programming the control system):
● Move switch A to the “PGM” setting.
● Move switch B (safety) to the “Reset” setting.
● Move switch C (control) to the “Run” setting.

On the computer:
● Start the “Flash.exe” program.
● Select the command Connect > Boot > Connect > OK in the Command menu.
● You get an error message regarding failed communication. Confirm this by pressing OK.

On the Heater-Cooler:
● Connect the serial cable to the RS232 interface.
● Power on the Heater-Cooler.

On the computer:
● Click Open in the File menu. Select the current Flash kernel file (e.g. “khp_11.a20”) in the
next file selection dialog box.
● Select the command Connect > Boot > Connect > OK in the Command menu.
● Use Command > Change Baud > 38400 > OK to change the speed of the serial
● Choose the Program Flash command in the Command menu. Confirm the start of the
programming operation by clicking OK.
● Wait until the display indicates that the programming operation is finished.
● Choose the Disconnect command in the Command menu.

On the programming adapter

(the next setting is used for programming the safety system):
● Move switch B (safety) to the “Run” setting.
● Move switch C (control) to the “Reset” setting.

On the computer:
● Select the command Connect > Boot > Connect in the Command menu and confirm
your selection with OK.
● Choose the Program Flash command in the Command menu. Confirm the start of the
programming operation by clicking OK.
● Wait until the display indicates that the programming operation is finished.
● Choose the Disconnect command in the Command menu.

On the programming adapter

● Move switch B (safety) to the “Reset” setting.
● Move switch A to the “Run” setting.
● Move both switch B (safety) and switch C (control) to the “Run” setting at the same time.

The Flash kernel is now programmed and the Heater-Cooler starts. Remove the programming
adapter and continue updating the operating software.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.17

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

Updating the Operating Software

Updating the operating software (in contrast to loading the Flash kernel) is one of the routine
service tasks.

Install the update software on your PC, if you have not already done this, and copy the update
files into the desired folder. The default path in the “Updater” program is:
Programs\Updater\Data. Of course, you can define any other folder, which you must then
select when you start the program.

Make sure that both update files have the same version number. Otherwise, you cannot perform
an update!

Fig. 18: Serial cable connection

4.18 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

On the Heater-Cooler:
● Connect the serial cable to the RS232 interface.
● Power on the Heater-Cooler (if you have not already done so).

On the computer

Fig. 19: Update program

● Start the “Updater.exe” update program.

● Click Start Update.
● Select the first file to be transferred (e.g. HP_R108.a20) in the next file selection dialog box.
Start the update operation by clicking OK.
● The second related file (e.g. HP_S108.a20) is then selected and transferred automatically.
● Wait until the transfer is complete and leave the device switched on. The Heater-Cooler
restarts automatically following a successful update.
● Exit the update program and disconnect the serial cable.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 4.19

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Service Mode and Software

4.20 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

5 Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

The Heater-Cooler is subjected to continual monitoring by the control and safety system. Errors
that occur (e.g. a component breaks down) are displayed as E(rror) codes on the 7-segment

5.1 Error Messages

Error Description Corrective Measures

Display is Defective fuse D 31 (F3) on the “Mains” – Replace the fuse.
dark printed circuit board
Defective mains transformer – Replace the mains transformer.
Defective power pack – Replace the “Mains” board.
Ring main to the display drivers defective – Replace the “Display” board. See also E37
– Replace the “CPU” board.
Control system is no longer working – Replace the “CPU” board. See also E44
E00 Short circuit: – Eliminate the short circuit.
Temperature sensors, control system, – Replace the temperature sensors.
warm c-plegia/cold c-plegia/patient tank – Replace the “CPU” board.
E01 Interruption: – Eliminate the interruption.
Temperature sensors, control system, – Replace the temperature sensors.
warm c-plegia/cold c-plegia/patient tank – Replace the “CPU” board.
E02 Short circuit: – Eliminate the short circuit
Temperature sensors, safety system – Replace the temperature sensors.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
E03 Interruption: – Eliminate the interruption.
Temperature sensors, – Replace the temperature sensors.
safety system – Replace the “CPU” board.
E04 The temperature difference of the – Calibrate both temperature sensors.
temperature sensors in the control/safety – Replace the temperature sensors.
system is too big – Replace the “CPU” board.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 5.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

Error Description Corrective Measures

E05 Pump 1 (in the patient circuit: stirring – Check the plug-in connections.
mechanism) will not start (does not take in – Make the stirring mechanism or pump
enough power) easier on power or replace them, if
E06 Pump 1 uses too much power – Replace the pump or stirring
E07 Pump 1 is blocked (too slow) – Clean the pump or stirring mechanism.
– Replace the pump or stirring
E08 Pump 1 is not immersed in liquid – Check the floats.
– Top up the water.
There is still air in the external circuit – Wait until the circuit removes the air
Incorrect pump configuration – Service menu:
➜ “CHA” (menu 3)
➜ Enter the “Pu” correctly
➜ Store using “bAC”
E09 The set temperatures of the control system – Change the set temperature.
and safety system are not identical – Power the system down/up.
E16 Pump 2 is not working – Check the plug-in connections.
(if this is in the patient circuit: Circuit 1) – Replace the pump.
– Incorrect pump configuration, Service
➜ “CHA” (menu 3)
➜ Enter the “Pu” correctly.
– Store using “bAC”.
E17 Pump 2 uses too much power – Replace the pump.
(if this is in the patient circuit: Circuit 1)
E18 Pump 2 is blocked – Clean the pump.
(if this is in the patient circuit: Circuit 1) – Replace the pump.
E19 Pump 2 is not immersed in liquid (if this is in – Check the floats.
the patient circuit: Circuit 1) – Top up the water.
There is still air in the external circuit – Wait until the circuit removes the air
E20 Pump 3 is not working – Check the plug-in connections.
(patient circuit: Circuit 2) – Replace the pump.
– Incorrect pump configuration, Service
➜ “CHA” (menu 3)
➜ Enter the “Pu” correctly.
– Store using “bAC”.
E21 Pump 3 uses too much power – Replace the pump.
(patient circuit: Circuit 2)
E22 Pump 3 is blocked – Clean the pump.
(patient circuit: Circuit 2) – Replace the pump.
E23 Pump 3 is not immersed in liquid (patient – Check the floats.
circuit: Circuit 2) – Top up the water.
There is still air in the external circuit – Wait until the circuit removes the air

5.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

Error Description Corrective Measures

E24 Short circuit: – Eliminate the short circuit.
Temperature sensors on the liquefier – Replace the temperature sensors.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
E25 Interruption: – Eliminate the interruption.
Temperature sensors on the liquefier – Replace the temperature sensors.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
E26 Fan is blocked – Remove the blockage.
(No/ Cooler: defective fan – Replace the fan.
incorrect Fan: defective Hall sensor – Replace the Hall sensor.
feedback on
Fan: defective selection – Replace the Mains board.
the rotational
– Replace the CPU board.
E27 Cooler: – Wait, allow the cooler to cool down.
Press switch tripped – Clean the liquefier.
– Reset the machine (heat accumulation).
– Check the fan.
– Check the press switch.
E28 Cooler: – Wait, allow the cooler to cool down.
Excess temperature switch tripped – Clean the liquefier.
(Klixon, in the condenser’s junction box) – Reset the machine (heat accumulation).
– Check the fan.
– Check the line voltage.
– Check the supply frequency.

E29 Start test: Key hangs because it is defective – Replace the “Display” board.
Start test: Key hangs because the foil exerts – Replace the “Display” board.
too much pressure – Replace the metal frame.
E30 Safety system: Program run error – Replace the “CPU” board.
Communication problems between the
control and safety systems
E31 Start test: No supply synchronisation – Check the line voltage for faults.
possible – Check the supply frequency.
E32 EEPROM module: – Replace the “CPU” board.
Defective or cannot be accessed
E33 Start test (control system): – Calibrate at least 1 of the temperature
Data in the EEPROM is defective sensors in the control system, load the
factory settings (dEF), store the
changes (bAC) and power the machine
– Replace the “CPU” board.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 5.3

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

Error Description Corrective Measures

E34 Start test (safety system): Data in the – Calibrate at least 1 of the temperature
EEPROM is defective sensors in the safety system and power
the machine down/up.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
E35 Safety system: EEPROM write test failed – Power the system down/up.
Calibrate at least 1 of the temperature
sensors in the safety system and power
the machine down/up again.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
E36 Start test: Cannot access CAN controller – Replace the “CPU” board.
E37 Start test: Cannot access display drivers – Check the plug-in connection.
– Replace the “Display” board.
– Replace the “CPU” board.
– Replace the “Mains” board
E38 Start test (control system): – Replace the “CPU” board.
ROM checksum error
E39 Start test (control system):
RAM error
E40 Start test (control system):
CPU error
E41 Start test (safety system):
ROM checksum error
E42 Start test (safety system):
RAM error
E43 Start test (safety system):
CPU error
E44 Safety system: Control system does not – Replace the “CPU” board.
E45 Safety system: 5 V control system not within – Replace the “Mains” board.
the tolerated range – Replace the “CPU” board.
E46 Control system: Safety system does not – Replace the “CPU” board.
E47 Control system: 5 V safety system is not – Replace the “Mains” board.
within the tolerated range – Replace the “CPU” board.
E48 Start test: All relays and triacs are open, – Check the line voltage, replace the
current too high “Mains” board, if necessary.
– Check the fan.
– Check and replace the transformer.

5.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

Error Description Corrective Measures

E49 Start test (warm c-plegia): – Check the line voltage, replace the
Relay does not open “Mains” board, if necessary.
E50 Start test (warm c-plegia):
Triac does not open
E51 Start test (warm c-plegia):
Relay or triac does not close
Start test for warm c-plegia heating – Check the warm c-plegia heaters (by
interrupted measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.
E52 Start test (warm c-plegia): – Check the warm c-plegia heaters (by
Heating uses too much power measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.

E53 Start test (patient tank): – Check the line voltage, replace the
Relay does not open “Mains” board, if necessary.
E54 Start test (patient tank):
Triac 1 does not open
E55 Start test (patient tank):
Relay or triac 1 does not close
Start test (patient tank): – Check the heaters in patient tank 1 (by
Heating process 1 interrupted measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.
E56 Start test (patient tank): – Check the heaters in patient tank 1 (by
Heating process 1 uses too much power measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.

E57 Start test (patient tank): – Check the line voltage, replace the
Triac 2 does not open “Mains” board, if necessary.
E58 Start test (patient tank):
Relay or triac 2 does not close
Start test (patient tank): – Check the heaters in patient tank 2 (by
Heating process 2 interrupted measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.
E59 Start test (patient tank): – Check the heaters in patient tank 2 (by
Heating process 2 uses too much power measuring the resistance) and replace
them if necessary.

Pumps operate with a continually – Incorrect pump configuration, Service

fluctuating rotational speed menu:
➜ “CHA” (menu 3)
➜ Enter the “Pu” correctly.
– Store using “bAC”.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 5.5

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

5.2 Error Diagnosis on the Cooling Unit

Repairs to the cooling unit, particularly in the coolant circuit, cannot be carried out as part of an
on-site service. Mobile service personnel cannot check either the pressure in the system or the
water-tightness. As a result, the cooling unit can only be replaced as a complete unit. The next
section provides an overview of possible error sources so that you can correct minor errors
yourself (e.g. problems caused by dirt and dust) or so that you can at least locate the error


C5 C7

C 10


C3 C2 C4
Fig. 20: Error diagnosis on the cooling unit

5.6 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

Description of the Error Possible Causes

Generally reduced cooling capacity ➜ The condenser is dirty
➜ Heat accumulation (installation site)
➜ Defective fan
➜ Magnetic valve does not open
➜ Expansion valve moved
➜ Control error

Test Options
C5 Liquefier temperature
(Service menu <SHO>, Parameter <tCo>):
Normally around 10-20 K above the ambient
temperature for compressor operation.

– If the temperature is higher: ➜ The condenser is dirty

➜ Heat accumulation (installation site)
➜ Fan is defective

– If the liquefier temperature = ambient ➜ Magnetic valve does not open

temperature: ➜ Loss of coolant

C2 Compressor temperature
Normally hand-hot... in other words:

– If cold, wet (dew) or frosty: ➜ Expansion valve moved

C3 Hot-gas line temperature
(compressor outlet):
Normally around 50-70°C for compressor
operation and approx. 15 K above the
liquefier temperature.

– If the temperature is higher: ➜ The condenser is dirty

➜ Heat accumulation (installation site)
➜ Defective fan
➜ Possible loss of coolant

– If cold (ambient temperature): ➜ Defective compressor

C4 Suction pipe temperature
(compressor inlet, insulated pipe):
Temperature is about 1-4 K below the
temperature of the tempered tank for
compressor operation.
➜ Expansion valve moved
– If the temperature is different:
C5 Temperature of individual components
C7 for compressor operation:
C8 The temperatures of the filter drier,
C9 magnetic valves, collectors and liquefiers
C 10 are around 10 – 20 K above the ambient

– If cold: ➜ Component is clogged

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 5.7

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Error Messages and Error Diagnosis

5.8 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6 Replacing Modules and Components

6.1 Accessing the Modules

The Heater-Cooler System 3T can be opened at several places to facilitate easy access to all the

● Opening the hinged cover allows you to access

➜ all the printed circuit boards that make up the system electronics (having first removed
the cover plate),
➜ the pumps and
➜ the valve block.

● Opening the right-hand panel allows you to access

➜ parts of the cooling unit (magnetic valves, expansion valves, collector, filter drier) and
➜ the water tank’s overflow outlet (6/9-litre configuration).

● Opening the left-hand panel allows you to access

➜ the power supply connections,
➜ the fan connections and
➜ parts of the cooling unit (compressor).

● Opening the back panel allows you to access

➜ parts of the cooling circuit (compressor, expansion valves).

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.1.1 Opening the Heater-Cooler

Opening the Cover

Fig. 21: Opening the Heater-Cooler (1)

To open the cover:

● Unscrew the six screws at the top of the side panels.

● Hold the back of the cover and lift it forward carefully.
● Hold the cover until it is in the required position (90°, see Figure 21).

6.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Opening the Side Panels and the Back Panel

Fig. 22: Opening the Heater-Cooler (2)

To open the side panels:

● Unscrew the remaining three screws and remove the side panel carefully.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.3

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Opening the rear panel will be performed using one of two different methods, depending on the
date of manufacture.

Equipment manufactured prior to 2002

Fig. 23: Opening the Heater-Cooler (3)

● The venting valves of the patient circuits can be removed as follows:

As the venting valves have been mounted using an adhesive sealant for safety reasons, use
a hot-air gun to heat the sleeve nut (and thereby the sealant). Twist the venting valve
slowly off the threads of the outlet The adhesive sealant is still very stiff. Removing the
valve quickly could damage the threads of the outlet.
● Disconnect the wiring of the small fan.
● Remove the six screws holding the rear panel in place, and then carefully remove the rear

6.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Equipment manufactured since 2002

Fig. 24: Opening the Heater-Cooler (4)

Heater/Coolers manufactured since 2002 are equipped with a two-part rear panel. The venting
valves do not have to be removed in order to remove the rear panel or to remove the patient tank

● Remove the four screws of the lower rear panel to access the cooling aggregate.
● Remove the four screws of the upper rear panel to remove the patient tank bridge.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.5

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

System Electronics Cover Plate

If you remove the cover plate, you can access the Mains (D 3), CPU (D 4) and Entry/Display
(D 5) pc boards.

Fig. 25: System electronics cover plate

6.6 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.2 Tank Bridges, Pumps and Valve Block

To remove the tank bridges, the top cover must be opened, and: The upper rear panel must be
removed (manufacture dates as of 2002). The venting valves and rear panel must be removed
as described on page 6.4 (manufacture dates prior to 2002). Removing the left side panel of the
unit facilitates the removal of the internal tubing of the cardioplegia circuit.

Basically, the tank bridges must be removed in the following cases:

● When you replace a pump or the stirring mechanism
● When you replace a float
● When you replace a heater
● When you replace the valve block or parts of the valve block

You do not need to remove the tank bridges in order to replace a temperature sensor.




Fig. 26: Support block

If you need to work on the tank bridges, we recommend that you create a support block on
which you can safely place the bridges that you remove without putting pressure on the heaters,
pumps, floats or temperature sensors.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.7

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.2.1 Removing the Tank Bridges

Patient Tank Bridge

Fig. 27: Tank bridge cabling in the patient tank

● To dismantle the tank bridge, remove all the plug-in connectors marked with arrows.
● Open the cable harnesses, where necessary (e.g. temperature sensor cable).

6.8 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Fig. 28: Dismantling the patient tank support

● Remove all the screws marked with arrows.

● Lift the tank bridge out of the tank.
● Place the tank bridge you remove on the support block (see Fig. 26:“Support block” on
page 6.7) so as not to damage the components underneath.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.9

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Cardioplegia Tank Bridge

Fig. 29: Tank bridge cabling in the cardioplegia tanks

● To dismantle the tank bridge, remove all the plug-in connectors marked with arrows.
● Open the cable harnesses, where necessary (e.g. temperature sensor cable).

6.10 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

B 13

B 14

Fig. 30: Dismantling the patient tank bridge

● Remove all the screws marked with arrows.

● Remove the two tube clamps at the inlet and outlet of the cardioplegia circuit.
● Heat up the ends of the tubing at the joint using hot air and remove the two tubes.
● Lift the tank bridge out of the tank.
● Place the tank bridge you remove on the support block (see Fig. 26:“Support block” on
page 6.7) so as not to damage the components underneath.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.11

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.2.2 Removing the Pumps and the Stirring Mechanism

Removing the Pumps

The pumps are always replaced as a complete unit since the pump motor, shaft and pump
mechanism cannot be aligned as part of the on-site service. The following diagrams show the
pumps in the patient tank – the two pumps in the cardioplegia tank are dismantled in the same

Always replace the pumps with pumps of the same type! Two different types of pumps are used
in the Heater-Cooler Systems 3T, but the same pump type must always be used in one system.
What makes the pumps different is the way in which they are set (see “Change menu (basic
settings)” on page 4.7.); using mixed pumps results in operational errors.

When ordering a replacement pump, you must always specify the correct type and indicate the
installation location (patient tank/cardioplegia tank) for the supplied tubing set. The tubing
lengths vary according to where they are used!



Fig. 31: Removing the pumps (1)

● Loosen the four tube clamps.

● Use a sharp knife to cut the tubes A 6 and A 7 length-wise to make it easier to detach them
from the relevant joint.
● Remove the tubing. This tubing cannot be used again and must be disposed of in an
environment-friendly manner.

6.12 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components


A 13

Fig. 32: Removing the pumps (2)

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

A 13 M4 flat-head screws (slit) x 6

A 14 Rubber lips

● Unscrew the four screws A 13 on the bottom of the tank bridge.

● Pull the pump up and out.
● Lift up the four rubber lips A 14 for installing the new pump.

Installing a new pump involves the same steps, in reverse order. Heat up the new tubes before
attaching them. This makes them easier to install.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.13

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Removing the Stirring Mechanism

A 17

A 16 A 15

A 18

A 19

A 19

Fig. 33: Removing the stirring mechanism motor

6.14 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

A 15 Pump motor in the stirring mechanism EM 109 96-410-719

A 16 M4 oval-head screws (Philips) x 16

A 17 A4.3 fan washers

A 18 M3 x 4 set screw DGI 002 96-410-722

A 19 Axle extension HSA 038 96-410-721

A 20 M3 flat-head screws (slit) x 16

The entire stirring mechanism structure comprises two parts that are fixed separately to the
tank bridge:

● Motor with shaft

● Stirring mechanism (pump chamber) with holding rods

The two parts are connected by the axle extension A 19, secured by two threaded pins. You must
therefore release this connection first before removing the motor.

Removing the motor:

● Loosen the two threaded pins A 18 (do not screw them out fully).
● Remove the four screws A 16 with the fan washers A 17.
● Pull the motor up and out.

Installing a new motor involves the same steps, in reverse order.

Stirring mechanism (removing the pump chamber):

● Loosen the two threaded pins A 18 (do not screw them out fully).
● Remove the three screws A 20.
● Pull the stirring mechanism down.

Installing a new stirring mechanism involves the same steps, in reverse order.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.15

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.2.3 Removing the Floats

A 21

A 22

Fig. 34: Removing floats

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

A 21 M3 oval-head screws (Philips) x 16

A 22 A3.2 fan washers

● Remove the three screws A 21 with the fan washers A 22 on the top of the float socket.
● Take off the float components by pulling them up and down.

6.16 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.2.4 Removing and Dismantling the Valve Block

Removing the Valve Block

The table for the following position numbers can be found on page 6.21.

B 26
B 21

Fig. 35: Removing the Valve Block

● Screw off the tube joint B 21 at the bottom of the valve block.
● Remove the five screws B 26 on the bottom of the tank bridge.
● Lift the valve block away from the tank bridge.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.17

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Dismantling the Valve Block

It may be necessary to dismantle the valve block in order to replace porous seals. A possible
symptom of this could be huge fluctuations in temperature in the two cardioplegia tanks, which
are not caused by temperature sensor errors or faults in the heating or cooling devices.

B 29

B 32

B 31

B 30

B 28

B 46
B 37
B 38
B 37

B 35

B 34
B 33

Fig. 36: Separating the valve block – step 1 and 2

6.18 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

B 50
B 51
B 48
B 49
B 47

B 26

B 33 B 27
B 35
B 45
B 43
B 36
B 22
B 44 B 42

B 41 B 37
B 38
B 37
B 40 B 39

B 35

B 34
B 33

Fig. 37: Separating the valve block – step 3 and 4

Step 1:
● Loosen the nuts B 30 with the fan washers B 31 and metal washers B 32.
● Pull section 3 of the valve block (B 29) forward.

Step 2:
● Loosen the nuts B 33 with the fan washers B 34 and metal washers B 35 on the slide valve.
● Remove the two sealing washers B 37 and the metal washer B 38.
● Pull section 2 of the valve block (B 28) forward.

Step 3:
● Loosen B 47 the screws B 48 and B 49 on the clamp block.
● Remove the locking washer B 51 on one side of the torsion bar B 50
● Screw the slide valve B 22 out carefully.

Step 4:
● Take the slide valve apart, if necessary, according to the diagram shown above.

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.19

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

B 53

B 52

Fig. 38: Blown-up diagram of the complete valve block

6.20 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

B 26 M4 flat-head screws (Philips) x 6 DL 051

B 27 Valve block, section 1 HF 350

B 28 Valve block, section 2 HF 351

B 29 Valve block, section 3 HF 352

B 30 M4 hexagon nut

B 31 A4.3 fan washer

B 32 Washer 4.3 x 9 x 0.8

B 33 M3 hexagon nut

B 34 A3.2 fan washer

B 35 3.2 washer

B 36 Sealing washer 1 EDF 197

B 37 Sealing washer 2 EDF 198

B 38 Washer HKR 231

B 39 Slide valve HKB 567

B 40 Pin DIK 005

B 41 Helical compression spring HIS 047

B 42 5.3 washer

B 43 Washer HKR 229

B 44 Connecting rod HW 072

B 45 O-ring, 6.0 x 1.5 EDO 024

B 46 O-ring, 28 x 3 EDO 045

B 47 Clamp block HF 358

B 48 M3 threaded pin x 4

B 49 M4 oval-head screw (Philips) x 12

B 50 Torsion bar HST 052

B 51 Locking washer Ø 2.3

B 52 Magnetic valve (complete)

B 53 Stepper motor EM 111

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.21

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.3 Control Panel


D 89

D 90


D 92
D 90

D 91

D 93

D 94

Fig. 39: Dismantling the control panel

6.22 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

Mod. Pos. Description Number ET number

D 89 SD8 M4 spacing bolt x 10 ELZ 012

D 90 M4 hexagon nut

D 91 A4.3 fan washer

D 92 Spacer

D 93 Foamed rubber gasket RDP 019

D 94 Front plate HPF 189

To remove the “Keyboard and Display” board:

● Unplug all the plug-in connectors from the “CPU” board D 4.

● Remove the support brackets for the spacing bolts D 89 by pressing the barbed hooks
together while lifting the board slightly.
● Remove the “CPU” board.

● Remove the hexagon nuts D 90 and the spacing bolts D 89 that are used to hold the
“Keyboard and Display” D 5 board.
● Remove the “Keyboard and Display” board.

To remove the front plate:

● Remove the eight hexagon nuts D 90 and fan washers D 91 that are used to secure the front
● Pull the front plate D 94 and the foamed rubber gasket D 93 forward.

To install the front plate and pc board:

Installing the front plate and the board involves the same steps as described above for removing
them, but in the reverse order.
Caution: During installation, screw on all the nuts equally and “gently” (max. 0.4 Nm torque per
nut). Otherwise, the front plate will buckle and apart from looking bad, the key functions may
no longer work!

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E 6.23

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Replacing Modules and Components

6.24 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM–16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7 Appendix

7.1 Technical Data

7.1.1 Dimensions, Weights, Operating Conditions

Heater-Cooler System
Width 500 mm
Height 840 mm
Depth 550 mm
Weight 101.5 kg

Remote Control Modules

Width 200 mm
Height 55 mm
Depth 35 mm
Weight 0.3 kg

Operating Conditions
Operating Temperature +10 °C … + 35 °C
Storage Temperature 0 °C … + 40 °C
Relative Humidity (Operation and Storage) from 30% to 75%

7.1.2 Electrical Specifications

Heater-Cooler System
Drip-proof IPX1
Degree of protection against electrical
shock: type B
Input voltage 230 V ~ (±10%)/50 Hz
Input current circuit breaker 18 A
Power consumption 3.6 kW

Remote Control Modules

Input voltage 5 VDC via control panel/expansion system
Power consumption max. 3 W

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 7.1

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7.1.3 General Performance Data

General Data
Heating Performance (2 x pat., 1 x c-plegia) 3 x 1.25 kW
Cooling performance 2.1 kW at an ambient and tank temperature
of 20 °C
Noise Level ≤ 56 dB (A)

Volume and Flow

Minimum Fill Level (Patient Circuit) 4.5 l (11.6 l total volume)
Maximum Fill Level (Patient Circuit) 6.5 l (13,8 l total volume)
Water Flow (Patient Circuit) 15 –17 LPM
Water Flow (Cardioplegia Circuit) 9-11 LPM
Water Pressure in the Circuit max. 0.7 bar
min. -0.3 bar

Temperature Ranges
Normal Range (Patient Circuit) from 2°C to 41°C
Normal Range (Cardioplegia Cooling Circuit) from 2°C to 20°C
Normal Range (Cardioplegia Heating Circuit) from 25°C to 41°C

7.2 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7.2 Part Numbers

Heater-Cooler System 3T (basic model) 16-02-80

Remote Control Module (Patient Circuit) 16-30-10
Remote Control Module (Cardioplegia Circuit) 16-30-20
SC Modular Expansion System (MODES) 55-91-00

CAN Connection Cable for the HLM 45-11-01
Ice Container 16-02-60
Cooling/Heating Blanket for Adults 55 x 150 cm 16-10-50
Cooling/Heating Blanket for Children 55 x 90 cm 16-10-51
Tubing Set for Cooling/Heating Blankets 16-10-55
1 Set of Adapters for Cooling/Heating Blankets 16-10-10
1/2" Tubing Connector, 90° angle 73-300-018
1/2" Tubing Connector, straight 73-300-019
Telescopic Mast, complete 16-09-20

7.3 Accessories

The manufacturer in question must certify and/or guarantee that their disposables and
accessories can be used safely with the Heater-Cooler (in accordance with the European
Directive 93/42 EEC Appendix 9.1/Basic Requirements). All safety and functional tests must be
performed in accordance with the supplied operating instructions.

All heat exchangers (with the CE Label) produced by the following manufacturers can be safely
used with the Heater-Cooler System 3T:

● Sorin Biomedica
● Dideco
● Cobe

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 7.3

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7.4 Part Numbers of Service Components

These part numbers refer to parts and components that are used exclusively for service

7.4.1 Power Pack

Description Number ET number

Mains AC board UL 507 96-410-701
Ring core transformer EIT 128 96-410-744
Mains safety switch 18 A EST 102 96-410-748

7.4.2 System Electronics

Description Number ET number

CPU board UL 508 96-410-702
Keyboard and Display board UL 509 96-410-703
Distributor board UL 510 96-410-704
Level pc board UL 459 96-410-705
Hall sensor (on the fan motor) UD 491 96-410-740
Temperature sensor for the condenser US 073 96-410-739

7.4 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7.4.3 Tank Bridges and Pumps

Patient Circuits

Description Number ET number

Patient circuit bridge (complete) UD 488-E 96-410-725

Pump for patient circuit 1/2 (complete) BPS 083P 96-410-716

Stirring mechanism (complete) consists of
Stirrer motor EM 109 96-410-719
Stirrer pump head UD 485 96-410-720
Drive shaft extension HSA 038 96-410-721
Set screws M3 x 4 (2 pcs.) DGI 002 96-410-722
Float assembly (mech. complete) HX 339 96-410-710
Heaters UH 176 96-410-743
Suction tube for pump RKJ 103
Pressure tube for pump RKJ 102
Patient tank temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738
Patient circuit inlet EOA 006 96-410-032
Patient circuit outlet 16-02-58
Opening for reference temperature sensors EZV 016 96-410-545

Cardioplegia Circuit

Description Number ET number

Cardioplegia circuit bridge (complete) UD 489-E 96-410-730

Warm/cold tank pump (complete) BPS 082P 96-410-715

Float assembly (mech. complete) HX 339 96-410-710
Heaters UH 176 96-410-743
Suction tube for pump (warm) RKJ 103
Suction tube for pump (cold) RKJ 037
Pressure tube for pump RKJ 102
Cardioplegia tanks temperature sensors ETP 042 96-410-738
Cardioplegia circuit inlet EOA 006 96-410-032
Cardioplegia circuit outlet 16-02-58
Opening for reference temperature sensors EZV 016 96-410-545

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 7.5

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

Valve Block

Description Number ET number

Valve block (complete) UD 482-1

Valve block, section 1 HF 350

Valve block, section 2 HF 351
Valve block, section 3 HF 352
Angular screw-in socket, G1/4" EOA 040
Tie rod 1 (x 2) HSD 107
Tie rod 2 (x 4) HSD 108
G1/4" sealing screw (x 4) EZV 102
24 V DC magnetic valve coil EVZ 039
Anchor pipe M 13x1 EVZ 038
Absorption unit HKA 136
G1/4" screw-in socket (x 4)
Torsion bar HST 052
Clamp (x 2) HF 358
LIN. stepping motor, 2-phase, 155 ohm EM 111
Type UBL 13N 17 B1N
Position: w= 56 mm
Sealing washer 1 EDF 197
Sealing washer 2 EDF 198
Washer HKR 231
Slide valve HKB 567
Helical compression spring HIS 047
Washer HKR 229
Connecting rod HW 072
O-ring 6.0 x 1,5 EDO 024
O-ring 28 x 3 EDO 045

7.6 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E 7.7

Heater-Cooler System 3T • Appendix

7.8 Stöckert Instrumente GmbH, Munich / SM-16-XX-XX.00 E

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