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BHMH2103 – Advertising and Promotion

Group Project
Expected Learning Outcomes:
• explain the concepts of the integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its importance in the marketing mix;
• identify the nature and characteristics of different forms of marketing communications such as advertising, sales promotions, and public
• formulate an integrated marketing communication (IMC) campaign
• evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated marketing communication (IMC) programme
Topic: IMC Plan of a Health Supplement
• Form a group of 4 – 6 members.
• Select one brand of Health Supplements
(A product used to supplement a diet to maintain the healthy functions of the human body. It cannot be an item of a meal or diet)
• Each group is required to submit NO more than 20 PowerPoint slides in PDF format to Blackboard before 3 December 10:00pm including:
o Introduction – Briefly describe the brand and its products.
o IMC Planning Process – Explain your target market, communication objectives/budget/schedules (Chapter 4).
o Media Strategy – Explain and justify your selection of media (Chapter 7, 8 and 9).
o 3 -month IMC Plan – Describe what your group plan to do in the 3-month period in details. Typically, it should include advertising
design and all relevant IMC components in each of your selected media (Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 & 13).

• All deliverables must be written in ENGLISH.

• Late submission is subject to penalties (Deduct 20% of Total Marks awarded per day).
• References and bibliography must be included in project presentation.
• Each group to give an oral presentation of not more than 10 minutes to the class. Each member will be assessed individually according to
his/her part of the presentation. A “question and answer (Q&A)” session will follow your presentation.
• Please ensure the originality of your work. Plagiarism in any form is highly prohibited.

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Marking Rubrics - Written

Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
Assessment Criteria Weighting
Demonstrates no
Excellent understanding of Evidence of reasonable evidence of
Good understanding and Limited understanding
1. Application of theories and ability to understanding and understanding the
Theories integrate the use of concept
application of key
application of relevant
and application of
concept and applying 20
theories/concept theories/concepts
and relevant text effectively theories/concept the theories from the
text or lectures
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
2. Research
Excellent and relevant Good and relevant Lack of supporting
supporting materials used supporting materials used
Acceptable supporting Limited supporting
materials and no 20
information material with sources materials with few
with sources appropriately throughout the report with reference to the sources/
quoted sources quoted
acknowledged good use of sources use of plagiarism
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
3. Discussion and Demonstrates reasonable
Analytical Skills
Excellent interpretation and Generally good
interpretation and Limited discussion and Demonstrates no 40
analytical skill with strong interpretation and analytical
analytical skill with few analysis discussion and analysis
justifications skill with good justifications
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
Limited attention paid to Almost no attention paid
Generally presented well Reasonable presentation
Excellent clarity of the detail of the overall to the detail of the
4. PowerPoint with attention to the report with attention to the report
expression and presented report presentation. overall report
Report requirement. Proper use of requirement. Shows some
with attention to the report Limited imagination, presentation that may
Presentation and
requirement. Very good use
imagination, integrating use of imagination,
applying limited but cause serious problems 20
Quality of Visual variety of existing applying some existing
of imagination, original, relevant perspectives, for the reader. Lack of
Materials perspectives, constructive perspectives, feasible
constructive, and feasible feasible solutions, and imagination, applying
and feasible solutions, and solutions, and use some
solutions and excellent use of limited use of irrelevant perspectives,
good use of pictures/charts/tables for
pictures/charts/tables pictures/charts/tables for impossible solutions and
pictures/charts/tables some ideas
most ideas no picture/chart/table

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Marking Rubrics – Oral Presentation

Assessment Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
Criteria A B C D F
Critical and consistent
Clear and consistent Clear and consistent argument Not very clear and limited Unclear argument with
argument with sound
1. Organising Skills, argument with good with some or limited consistency in argument, with no justifications, lack of
Logic of Argument justifications, presentation justifications, presentation is very little justifications, consistency,
presentation is
and Verbal & Non-
professional, well-
is polished, lively, and not polished, but presentation is not well- presentation is 50
verbal Presentation demonstrating good non- demonstrating reasonable organised and demonstrating unorganised with
organised and showing
Skills verbal communication non-verbal communication limited non-verbal inadequate non-verbal
excellent non-verbal
skills skills communications skills communication skills
communication skills
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
2. Team Co-ordination Demonstrates excellent
Demonstrates good team
Demonstrates some team
Demonstrates limited team Poor team coordination, 20
teamwork and co- spirit and reasonable team co-
co-ordination co-ordination no team spirit at all
ordination ordination
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
3. Q&A Participation All members are active in
Majority members are
Some members participate in Low level of team spirit, Not prepare for Q&A 20
active in Q&A
Q&A participation Q&A only limited Q&A participation participation
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Failure
Able to start on time, good
time management and able
4. Punctuality and Time Able to start on time, Able to start on time, Unable to start on time,
Management excellent time
to finish within the
presentation just finish in
Able to start on time,
presentation is far more 10
timeframe, demonstrate a presentation is just more than
management and pace of time, demonstrate an uneven than the maximum time
good pace of presentation the maximum time given
presentation pace of presentation given
most of the time

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