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June 3, 2024

Ms. Zahira A. Maldonado Molina

Office of the Administration and Transformation of Human Resources

Dear Ms. Maldonado Molina,

It has come to our attention that the Office of the Administration and Transformation of Human
Resources (“OATRH,” for its Spanish acronym) is currently implementing certain amendments to
Normative Letter 1-2023, dated February 21, 2023. Normative Letter 1-2023 establishes the rules
for implementing the new Uniform Classification and Remuneration Plan of the Central
Government of Puerto Rico (the “Uniform Plan”) for career service employees, as well as new
salary structures, salary grades, job classifications, compensation, and hot jobs.

Pursuant to the Oversight Board’s Rules, Regulations and Orders Review Policy (the “Policy”),
established pursuant to PROMESA Section 204(b)(4), any rule “in connection with or that
concerns financial aspects of the most recent Certified Fiscal Plan of the Commonwealth” must be
submitted to the Oversight Board prior to its issuance for the Oversight Board’s review and
approval. Accordingly, the Oversight Board requests that any proposed amendments to the
Normative Letter 1-2023, including any proposed amendments to the rules for implementing the
Uniform Plan, be submitted for the Oversight Board’s review and approval prior to their issuance
in accordance with the Policy.

Pursuant to Section 104(c) of PROMESA, the Oversight Board requests that OATRH submit, no
later than June 17, 2024, any documentation or approvals issued by OATRH from February 21,
2023, to the present in connection with any amendments to Normative Letter 1-2023, including
any amendments to the rules for implementing the Uniform Plan, the new salary structures, salary
grades, job classifications, compensation, and hot jobs.
Ms. Maldonado Molina
June 3, 2024
Page 2

Additionally, please confirm by June 6, 2024, that OATRH will not implement any further
amendments to Normative Letter 1-2023 without submitting any such amendments to the
Oversight Board for review and approval in accordance with the Policy.

Please be advised that the Oversight Board reserves all rights, including those under PROMESA
§§ 104(k), 108(a), and 204, to take such actions it deems necessary to prevent the implementation
of any amendments to Normative Letter 1-2023.

We look forward to continuing working with you for the benefit of the people of Puerto Rico.


Robert F. Mujica, Jr.

Executive Director

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