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_ {60 sony ofthe word “partial” is eee ——— | : anonym oF the Word i ttens™ is OT met isine Onnse (©) immaculate (@) exquisite own ) 2" si © give form of “Let the order be given.” is pi gett, (b) We give the order. rete e te oe. (a) Wellet the order to give ssid, “he had finished the lunch.” Its indircet form is se She said he had finished the lunch, ‘She said he had been finishing the lunch. fier they their work, they home, 1) ttl nt (0) rise, want iy tad finished, had gone (@)_ finished, had gone Scalence with structure ‘S + V +O +bare infinitive’ is, (b) Idid the work. (d) She read the book. i) Twent to the party. take some sleeping tablets. ia (b) couldn't sleep n sleeping (a) won't sleep The phonemic transcription of the word “perfect is © /pyfiky (6) ps:fike (©) /pstfikt! © Peony Thdped him ...,..... the road. —— ae | 4) tocross Heasked hor when she would give him her notebook lia tie you. te Dot bee (a). to crossing form is Fyou give me my notebook?” me your notebook?” sive him her notebook?” (©) He said to her, “When wl © He said to her, “Will you give ) He said to her, “When will shi sod iL ‘of the word “latent” a 7 (by implied (e) Ripe word rexamination® has its primary stTesS 0p lag (o) () 4 aie of the word spersuasivc® is Bi ken -/(b)_ plausible (c) unlikely ‘The negative form of “He is greater than I any (b) 1am not so er. (a) famnotas greatashim. () Tam not as great as he is. GAME 56 erect ‘The boy said, “ If [were a King!” Its indirect form ts (a) The boy wished that he should be a king. (b) The boy wished that he Had been a king. c)__ The boy wished that he would have beel'a king. (4) ‘The boy wished to be a king. ‘The phonemic transcription of the word ‘reserve? is ME (b) I'za:(r)vi (©) in'za(nv Have you finished -that letter yet? Ota rie (®)) Writing (6) write To auiles (a) is iT be warden (©) have Ke ae iy (0) stoug (©) should have not pot favour 0” fa anlii ‘able, The underlined word represents (©) — once ina blue moon (b) taken aback E sald, “Lot hie cen tat eh (@) spill the beans one (8) hay "Birds My,’ Its e went (c) togo i eee ee Itai S+Y, 4 isa3% 3 square matrix then |-24) = (c) St+V (a) 4JAl wot (©) 8/A\ «uSyllable eed Ue je had to do that work. " ae ethat work). (o)_ Shetold me ifshe need do that work, (6) Se wed eisai od hat (Gy) She skein sea ka do that work. "None of the messages. et High | (©). has been “Amphibians can live both ....s..Wat veseendand, (e) on, on, (b) non, {c) on, in Standing on tip-toe, he reached for the rose." This sentence is (9) simple (b) compound | (c) complex oe me sift! The equivalent sentence pattern is a) +0. aE + DC © S+V¥+D0410 (B)))/S + Vv +10 + DC Th (a) S#V+0O+C « passive form of I have to do it ig (a) __ lise done by me, : © has to be done by me (b) It should to be done © He would have r4 t (d) It would to be done >: ma would to be @ had hecur himself it he .. the tools. () Would have (©) will have @) ts primary stress.op its. --8yllabl Hast ©). 4 “a : Desa ies rin'of the’ merge” is ea \(b))" Missohition (©) amalgamate ‘i uae r ‘ed at home. yesterday, I wouldn't haye stay. me (6) hadn't beer (©) both (a) and (b) “spreads the word ‘merge’ is ay “1G) indinads! (©) /ma(r)d3/ into water on heating. toe Ry taness ‘It is three, Its sentence structure is @. S+V+0 Ostvec KS + ‘The passive form of “why do you waste time?” is bie Why the time is being wasted by you? (©) Whyte te is wasted by you? (©) Why the time are being wasted by you ? (@) Why the time ae wasted by you? Let's (3) on By four years time, 1 aS Ht seve-sengineering, @) pass (b) will pass na the word with /a/ Sound? oe past b) lps Do) vara word ‘infallible’ is (©) Pgpsip/ (4) /'gasep/ (b) fi aullty (©) peceable (Gy, tropertict is y (©) avarice a a peed tacit pstoo cold hot here () indeed () it’s summer. 32) _ active form of “Music is listened to.” is 4) Histen t the music. fg Theyare listening music. sie exclaimed sorrowfully that she was undone, She said, “Oh! I am undone.” ‘She said, “Ugh! | am undone.” @ 0 : (@) allof these sswPhysics and Maths at school, you would find engineering difficult to you understand. (b) won'tlean NII (2) doesn’t tearn (learned An introvert person is ) comfortable around people c) who solves problems through discussions (4) _ both (a) and (c) Theword ‘bolero’ gets its prij ss on its .. syllable. @ 3 (d)_ none @, 1% The sentence structure of ‘She presented him a “aula @ S+V+0+C ©) StV¥+0 + Adverbial Technology has been a subject iscussion ......-philosophy. i for, on (b) of, on ceomaet (a) for, in + Transformation of this sentence to negative yields “This medicine is chea| Be oc sexoe (b) This medicine is not cheap. (a). This medicine is never cheap. The amount is ae Mp liberate 0.3 mole of AL of electricity require Bip ® 289500 ¢ Day 96500 C (a) 28950C m “ sulphur? (4) Milk of Sulphur ing is most stable allotrope 0 a ee ") “Colloidal (c) Monoclinic Conjugate acid of HPOs ~is ¥ PO, -~ (b) HaPO; ™ =. of the werd “decrepitude” is (a) weakness | (by feeble ‘The antonym of the w( 1d “pompous? is a (a) © imperious - (b) boastful md He invited me to di mer" Uspassiye form is (2) Twas invited f dinner by him, Twas invited to myited a | ee that the night was beautiful.” Its direct form is (a) She said. “The night is beautiful. (b) She says, “Hoy, (c) She said, “Hor uutiful the night is!” (d) She said, “The »: ‘The sentence pattern lor “She Tailed at last.” is @ SEVEN , (b) S+V+ Adver (©) S+V+Adjective @ SV Itis not worth . ‘vou can’t ride it. (@) have (b). having (©) tohave Fat soluble, Water ~ soluble. “Soluble"ts (@) oun (b) J (©) adjective The phonemic transcription i r PAM (b)Palsa(ey/ (©) /‘alsa:/ strength, T were invited 1 ioanane (©) to smoking Giiaaggl 7 88 9m e regar ean Ram is ait (b) pas : (ec) boon (0) don’t take (c) shall take J me “ie a . Baye 4 costs ‘s ia be 1 (b) ~G cos3x (c) cous +t x sin ¢ ; @) ~cos3x iE Questions 2076 ~§ a Universin me lnstitute of F na ee ngineering Foh, Entrance FE Aamination — 207; 6 Times 2 hour Peaanemie transcription of the word (b)” sor mot the word ‘incorrigible’ is k J ising fpeantonym of the word ‘ambiguouy'ty (b) opaque au : (yyataterrible fire this is @ ch off the TV.” is que passive voice of “Swi Witte TV should be switched off i) ae r d) Let the TV be switchee er said C0 him, were you doing?*. The correct indirect form for this statement is ie atic cin ) ‘The father asked 1 L (4) The father told him what he Sidy hard and you..........th Did you remember..........the car? fa) lock (b) tolock (c) locked (@)_ lock The word ‘subscription’ gets its primary stress on its fe) 1" ‘wm © 3 @ The sentence structure of ‘She made him a good husband.’ is fey St +0 + Adverbi: (d) S+V+O Animals are taken... gfom @ from () at (a) c i ine, Dantel bought a Book for entrance.’ This ¢entencs ae. (b) compound (c) complex ty none The amount of zinc (Zn = 654) required to liberate 224 ec of hydrogen gas by reacting wi dilute sulphuric acid is er 06s : i 65.4% (b : (a) 03 In the reaction: MnO +4 +S Mn" +H,0+S ; MaQ, is reduce (b) MnO, is oxidized and H is reduced (d) MnO, is reduced and S” is reducee vents with atomic number 56 lies in modern periodic table? (b)_p~block (c) d= block (dy f—block P transcription of the word ‘stone’ sO [60 « 1 = 60) i (db) /ston/ (ce) staurn/ (d) (sta:nf rofthe word ‘tranquility’ is agitation [Osc (©) turbulence (4). chaos simprove" has its pri pened ‘impr’ primary stress in its ... “ syllable, arerrible day this ie oo es sm (c) are (d) have o by oa (d) of “ysyou sow, 50 you rip." isa (c). complex (d) none of these @) simple repassive form of "They let us go." is i) They were let us go. Ve were gone. We were let gone. Geaveiaees: ‘They look happy." The sentence structure is @) S+tV+0 (c) ‘said, "Alas! I forgot the answer." Its indirect form is () He told that he forgot the answer. (b) He exclaimed he had forgot the answer. (d) both (b) and (c) und... (c) shook (d)_ was shaking S+V + Adverb (d) none the earthquake start and felt the (b) shaking ie could have attended the meeting if she - may known (b) would know (@)_ would have known Atay of light incident normally on a plane mirror suffers deviation of A) a of resistance ‘equivalent resistance of combin: oR ) x (d) 360° ces and these pieces are joined in parallel. ation is (@) 20R OL Questions 2076 ~ a Triblitvan University, ey Instibite OF Cnytneertay Arch, Potranee Examination 2076 etl Time: 2 hours | [60 » 1 = 60) cg_ponenie transcription of the word toyatj A (b)/tra¥ I © Fal J f the Word ‘judicious’ Tae sntony™ 0! us? is mmo (b) criminal we (d) sapien he word ‘abandon’ is adherent (icone f) fain Bad Sita ( ) “Please, listen to ine (b) @ fpepassive voice of “They say these fruits are good for health.” is ‘ese fruits had been good for health Mhese frulls were sald goo These fruits were been said good for health. 4] must work hard.” Its indirect speech is ‘She sai MOREE et ores (b) She said she might to work haré MP MesadMarste must have to work hard. (d)_ She said that she may work hard ite. camera, he would have taken the photographs. (©) have taken x when transformed into adjective? (@)_ silver (d) would ha (b) had which of the following word doesn’t take ‘y” s (b) grass is its primary stre cloud The word ‘advantageous’ li (b) syllable. @ 4 The sentence structure of ‘I am doing my hom: S+V+10+D0 a) Suv c (d) S+V+0 Hesat....,..the armehair ........the door. Phonetics .......difficult to understand. b) are (c) have been is beer F Pee. 50 ; od kinetic energ The momentum of a body is increased by 50%, its assoe inted kinetic energy ) incre 00% (b) decreases by 100% "ax B]= 4.5, angle between a and b is : z b) = @) % (b) 3 “Franchise” is, ‘The synonym of th an (c) prohibition () Chess is bein (d) Chess is being ESR RES URRETERR VIAN aL hey had done wu (6). The teacher applauded the boys they had done well. (©) The teacher told the boys saying that they had done well (@) The teacher ordered the boys saying that they had done wel ‘The assertive form of “Am | u traitor?” is @ lama traitor. (©) Tean’tbe a traitor, Everybody saysit uel (@) also () as well as (©) as well eee

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