Le 9-10 Activities

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Social Media

Transitioning to social media, the role of databases becomes even more pervasive. Social media companies
track everything about you that they can. Yes, they track your friends and your posts, but they also track
your engagement with the content displayed in your feed. Has Facebook noticed you're more likely to
comment on posts of puppy pics? Your feed will be more likely to display posts with pictures of cute animals.
Do you often comment with an angry tone on posts relating to certain topics? Your feed will have almost
nothing but political posts, come November.

Grocery Stores

You're probably aware that grocery stores use databases to manage inventories, track sales, and personalize
coupons based on purchase histories. What you might not be aware of is that large chain grocery stores, like
online streaming services, track everything.

From the moment you walk through the door, they’re recording data like which direction you head first,
what music is being played through the overhead speakers while you shop, where products are in the store
on that particular day, and whether you pay through self-checkout or go to a register (in which case, they
record the gender and age of the cashier you chose). And if you have ever used a payment method other
than cash, they can tie all of those aspects together and associate them with you, personally.

Online Video Streaming

Streaming giants like Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video use databases to optimize your viewing experience.
Whether it's NoSQL for Disney+ content or MySQL for Netflix billing information, databases catalog
countless hours of content and monitor your viewing patterns in exacting detail — from what you watch and
when to where you pause and what you rewind. This data tracking enables them to personalize
recommendations and tailor ads specific to you.

Online and Social Gaming

In the area of online and social gaming, there is a web of interconnected databases. Whether a sweeping
MMORPG like World of Warcraft or a simple game of Hearts on Facebook, databases are crucial in shaping
online gaming. Databases track your scores, your inventory, and your game state. They also track things like
your friends lists, in-game chats and transactions, and your interactions with other players. These databases
not only support the game but also enable personalization of the experience players have while playing.



Improved Access to Education: AI-powered personalized learning platforms can cater to the unique needs of
students, making education more accessible and effective. These platforms can adapt to individual learning
styles, provide real-time feedback, and offer educational content in multiple languages, ensuring that quality
education is available to a wider population.
Enhanced Healthcare: AI can help improve healthcare outcomes by enabling early disease detection,
reducing diagnostic errors, and increasing the efficiency of healthcare delivery. Advancements with AI in the
field of diagnosis and Telemedicine will bring accessible healthcare for everyone, even from the remote part
of the world.
Financial Inclusion: AI-driven fintech solutions can facilitate financial inclusion by offering affordable and
accessible banking services to underserved populations. AI algorithms can assess creditworthiness more
accurately, making it easier for individuals and small businesses to access loans and financial services in
quarter of the time of it is today.

2 good health and well being

AI-generated content in the health and wellness industry is content that is created by artificial intelligence
algorithms to provide advice, recommendations, and support to individuals seeking to improve their overall
health and wellness. This type of content is generated using various forms of data, such as a person's
biometric information, lifestyle habits, and personal preferences. The goal is to provide personalized and
targeted advice and support that is tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

In the health and wellness industry, AI-generated content can take many different forms. For example, it
could be a virtual assistant that provides personalized workout plans, nutritional recommendations, and
stress management techniques. It could also be a chatbot that offers support and guidance to individuals
struggling with mental health issues or chronic illnesses.

3 affordable and clean energy

AI-generated content for health and wellness advice comes with several benefits that can make it a valuable
tool for individuals seeking to improve their overall health and well-being.

individual differences, AI-generated content can provide tailored recommendations that take into account a
person's unique circumstances, preferences, and health history. This can lead to more effective and efficient
recommendations that are more likely to be followed by individuals. One of the primary benefits of using AI-
generated content for health and wellness advice is the personalization it provides. Unlike general advice
that may not consider individually


Conversational AI in education, like chatbots and virtual tutors, offers quick assistance, promoting
independent learning. AI chatbots for education are revolutionizing the way students learn. With
their natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, these chatbots provide instant and
personalized support to students, answering their questions and guiding them through the learning process.
Creating interactive and engaging learning experiences allows students to grasp concepts more easily and
retain information better.
AI trends fuel growth rapidly in EdTech by improving student engagement with customized courses,
interactive lectures, gamified classrooms for skill gain, etc., which is why the AI education market is
predicted to cross $20 billion by 2027. Also, the revenue of the global e-learning market is expected to grow
to $166.60 billion by 2023.

5 lives below water

Researchers are using AI to investigate and understand those areas of oceans that cannot be reached by us.
Researchers use AI algorithms to record data from marine vehicles or camera systems for evaluation. AI helps
in identifying new marine animal and plant species living deep under the sea.

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