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2 Cell Division
The n………………….. of a cell contains DNA. Long strands of DNA can coil up to form
c………………………….. which contain many g…………………... In body cells the
chromosomes are usually found in p…………………... Human body cells contain ……..
chromosomes (………. pairs).

The cell c……………. is the term used to describe the sequence of events that occur
in a cell after it is formed. Before a cell can divide it needs to grow and increase
the number of sub-cellular structures such as r………………….. and m……………………..
so that there are enough to support two cells. DNA is also r………………………… so
that there are two copies of each c……………………... This all occurs in the first part
of the cell cycle.

Mitosis is the part of the cell cycle where the n………………….., including the
g………………….. material within it, divides to form two new cells. First the pairs of
replicated chromosomes line up in the c………………….. of the cell, then they are
pulled to o………………….. ends of the cell and the nucleus divides. Finally the
c………………….. and cell m………………….. divide to form two identical cells.

After mitosis the new cells will start making more m………………….., r…………………..
and c………………….. to support the new cells.

Cell division by mitosis is important in the g………………….. and development of

multicellular organisms. Cell division by mitosis provides g…………………….. identical
cells for the growth of the organisms and to r………………….. damaged tissues.

A s………………….. cell is an undifferentiated cell which is capable of giving rise to

many more cells of the same type, and through cell differentiation can produce
other cell types.
Embryos need stem cells so that they can differentiate into different cell types to
perform different f………………….. and provide specialised cells to make the different
o………………….. and t………………….. of the body.

Stem cells in adult bone m………………….. can form many types of cells including
b………………….. cells, although they cannot form as many different cell types as
e………………….. stem cells.

Stem cells from human embryos can be c………………….. and made to differentiate
into most different types of human cell.

Treatment with stem cells may be able to help conditions such as p…………………..
and d…………………...

In therapeutic cloning an embryo is produced with the same g………………….. as the

patient. Stem cells from the embryo are not r………………….. by the patient’s body
so they may be used for m………………….. treatment.

The use of stem cells has potential risks such as the transfer of v…………………..
infections and some people have e………………….. or religious objections to their

Plants have stem cells in their m………………….. tissue. These cells can differentiate
into any type of plant cell throughout the life of a plant, which is why plants are
able to grow back when they are cut and why plant c………………….. are able to
grow new roots when their stems are placed in soil.

Stem cells from meristem tissue in plants can be used to produce c………………….. of
plants quickly and economically, to clone rare species to protect them from
e………………….. to clone crop plants with special features such as disease
r………………….. and to produce large numbers of i………………….. plants.
B1.2 Cell Division
The nucleus of a cell contains DNA. Long strands of DNA can coil up to form
chromosomes which contain many genes. In body cells the chromosomes are
usually found in pairs. Human body cells contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).

The cell cycle is the term used to describe the sequence of events that occur in a
cell after it is formed. Before a cell can divide it needs to grow and increase the
number of sub-cellular structures such as ribosomes and mitochondria so that
there are enough to support two cells. DNA is also replicated so that there are two
copies of each chromosome. This occurs in the first part of the cell cycle.

Mitosis is the part of the cell cycle where the nucleus, including the genetic
material within it, divides to form two new cells. First the pairs of replicated
chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell, then they are pulled to opposite
ends of the cell and the nucleus divides. Finally the cytoplasm and cell membranes
divide to form two identical cells.

After mitosis the new cells will start making more mitochondria, ribosomes and
cytoplasm to support the new cell.

Cell division by mitosis is important in the growth and development of

multicellular organisms. Cell division by mitosis provides genetically identical cells
for the growth of the organisms and to repair damaged tissues.

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell which is capable of giving rise to many more
cells of the same type, and through cell differentiation can produce other cell

Embryos need stem cells so that they can differentiate into different cell types to
perform different functions and provide specialised cells to make the different
organs and tissues of the body.
Stem cells in adult bone marrow can form many types of cells including blood
cells, although they cannot form as many different cell types as embryonic stem

Stem cells from human embryos can be cloned and made to differentiate into
most different types of human cell.

Treatment with stem cells may be able to help conditions such as paralysis and

In therapeutic cloning an embryo is produced with the same genes as the patient.
Stem cells from the embryo are not rejected by the patient’s body so they may be
used for medical treatment.

The use of stem cells has potential risks such as the transfer of viral infections and
some people have ethical or religious objections to their use.

Plants have stem cells in their meristem tissue. These cells can differentiate into
any type of plant cell throughout the life of a plant, which is why plants are able to
grow back when they are cut and why plant cuttings are able to grow new roots
when their stems are placed in soil.

Stem cells from meristem tissue in plants can be used to produce clones of plants
quickly and economically, to clone rare species to protect them from extinction
and clone crop plants with special features such as disease resistance to produce
large numbers of identical plants.

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