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(3rd January to 31st January)



Corrosion Control KT Terminal
SUBMITTED BY: Muhammad Daniyal
ROLL NO: 20MT008
1. Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………..………. 2
2. Executive Summary…….. …………………………………………………...……. 3
3. Introduction to Corrosion Control Department………………………...…...……… 4
4. Overview of the organization……………………………………………..……... …5
5. Corrosion………………..…………………………………………………......…….6
6. Corrosion Protection Methods ………...…… ………………………..…………..6-9
• What is Cathodic Protection
• How SSGC do cathodic protection
7. Cathodic Test Point..............................................................................................10-11
• Pipe to Soil Potential Range
• Ground Bed
• Pipe to Soil Potential
8. Internship Experience…………………………………………………….....……. 12
9. Recommendation…………..…………………………………………......…...….. 12
10. Conclusion…………………………………………………..…...……………...…12

“It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance & encouragement of
other people. This one is certainly no exception.”
At the outset of this report, I am profoundly grateful to the Almighty Allah, whose blessings
and guidance have been the driving force behind my journey. The internship I had at Sui
Southern Gas Company Limited was a great chance for learning and my professional
development. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and
professionals who led me though this internship period. I would like to special thanks to GM.
Mr. Anwar Ahsan khan & DGM. Mr. Mustafa Kamal for giving me this internship opportunity.
I would also give special thanks to the Deputy Chief Engineer Mr. Manzoor Khoso of
Corrosion Control department who despite being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time
out to hear and guide me. Moreover, I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Muhammad Osama,
Assistant Engineer of Corrosion Control Department, Engr Mr. Zahid & Mr. Fiaz Laghari
senior Engineer of Corrosion Control Department for taking part in useful decision & giving
necessary advice, guidance and arranged all the site visits to give me the practical knowledge
of cathodic protection. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully. I
perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you
in the future.

Thank you all.

Muhammad Daniyal

This internship report is based on the 4-week long internship experience that I successfully
completed in Sui Southern Gas Company Limited under Corrosion Control Department (KT)
from 3rd January 2024 to 31st January 2024. As being completely new to a practical, corporate
world setting, every hour spent in the Corrosion Control department gave me some amount of
experience all the time all of which cannot be explained in words. But nevertheless, they were
all useful for my career.
This report includes how a Corrosion Control Department (KT) works, what are the possible
divisions and work distribution in a Corrosion department, training, and development
initiatives. Sui Southern Gas Company Limited has a rich Corrosion Control Department. It
maintains the organizational responsibilities successfully. The Corrosion Control team of Sui
Southern Gas Company Limited is completely organized and well reputed team.
First two weeks of my internship program at Cathodic Protection I have worked with the full
support of coating team and learned about sand blasting techniques. This phase provided
insights into the meticulous processes involved in surface preparation for corrosion prevention.
The subsequent two weeks were dedicated to working with the team responsible for cathodic
protection. This period involved comprehensive learning about various cathodic protection
methods, including impressed current systems and the application of protective coatings.
During the last week of my internship, I had the privilege to visit Karchat Kerthar Range. This
site location provided practical exposure to corrosion control measures implemented in the
In summary, this internship report aims to capture the multifaceted learning experiences gained
during my 4-week internship at the Corrosion Control Department of Sui Southern Gas
Company Limited. The journey has been enlightening, and I am grateful for the opportunity to
contribute and learn within this dynamic and esteemed organization.

The company places significant emphasis on ensuring the integrity and safety of its gas pipeline
network, making the Corrosion Control Department a crucial component of its operations.
The Corrosion Control Department at SSGC is responsible for implementing and maintaining
corrosion control measures for the gas pipeline infrastructure. Its primary objective is to protect
the pipelines from corrosion, which can cause leaks, deterioration, and subsequent safety
hazards. The department employs various techniques and technologies to mitigate corrosion
risks and ensure the long-term integrity of the pipeline network. Corrosion Control department
is responsible for the maintenance of the pipeline using following steps:

Coating integrity Survey
Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) Survey
Close Interval Potential Surveys (CIPS)
Power Source Operation and Maintenance
Mid Point Survey
Interference Survey
Stray current interference survey with parallel pipelines evaluation & necessary mitigation.

Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC), which was previously known as Sui Southern
Transmission Company Limited, was formed in 1955. The company merged with three other
pioneer companies, namely Sui Gas Transmission Company Limited, Karachi Gas Company
Limited and Indus Gas Company Limited on 30th March 1989.
Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) is Pakistan’s leading integrated gas Company. The
company is engaged in the business of transmission and distribution of natural gas in the
southern part of Pakistan mainly Sindh and Baluchistan besides construction of high-pressure
transmission and low-pressure distribution systems.
The transmission of gas is carried out through a network of high-pressure pipelines ranging
from 12-24" in diameter which is around 42 km long scattered in Balochistan and Sindh. It
starts for Sui in Balochistan and ends in Karachi in Sindh.

"To be a model utility providing quality service by maintaining a high level of ethical and
professional standards and through optimum use of resources."

"To meet the energy requirements of customers through reliable, environment-friendly and
sustainable supply of natural gas, while conducting business professionally, efficiently,
ethically and with responsibility to all our stakeholders, community, and the nation."


The Company is organized into four different divisions – Transmission, Distribution, Meter
Plant & Head Office. The board of directors is responsible for management and control over
the company. The management enjoys operational anatomy. Th major part of the workforce
consists of technically qualified and skilled personnel.

Corrosion is a natural process that involves the deterioration of materials, usually
metals, due to chemical reactions with their environment. It is commonly associated
with the rusting of iron and steel, but it can occur with other metals as well. Corrosion
can lead to the degradation of the material's physical and chemical properties,
ultimately affecting its structure integrity & functionality.
The most common example for corrosion is the rusting of iron when it is exposed to
atmospheric conditions. The rusting is due to the formation of hydrated ferric oxide on the


Cathodic protection is a method for preventing corrosion on submerged and underground
metallic structures. Cathodic protection is commonly used to protect numerous structures
against corrosion, such as ships, offshore floaters, subsea equipment, harbors, pipelines, tanks;
basically, all submerged or buried metal structures. The technique is based on converting
active areas on a metal surface to passive, in other words making them the cathode of an
electrochemical cell. By supply of current, the potential of the metal is reduced, the corrosion
attack will cease, and cathodic protection is achieved. Cathodic protection can be achieved by
two different methods.

1. Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection:

The simplest method to apply cathodic protection is by connecting the metal to be protected
with another more easily corroded metal to act as the anode. Zinc, aluminum and magnesium
are the metals commonly used as anodes. The most active metal (whiz also is the less noble)

becomes the anode to the others and sacrifices itself by corroding (giving up metal) to protect
the cathode. Hence, the term sacrificial anode. As the driving voltage of sacrificial anodes is
low compared with impressed current anodes, the sacrificial anodes must be well distributed
and located closer to the area being protected.

2. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection:

CCP systems uses an external source of electrical power provided by a regulated DC power
supply, often referred to as control panel. The control panel provides the current necessary to
polarize the surface to be protected. The protective current is distributed by specially designed
inert anodes, generally a conductive material of a type that is not easily dissolved into metallic
ions, but rather sustains alternative anodic reactions.


Two types of protection that company do:
• Primary protection
• Secondary protection
1. Primary Protection:
The pipeline comes protected What happens in the primary protection is that in this a coating
with the help of tapes is done on the steel pipes thus when pipe is placed deep inside the soil
there is no direct contact of the pipe with the soil which acts as an electrolyte thus redox reaction
could not occur as electrolyte (soil) is not in contact with the steel pipe and corrosion is
prevented. The process of primary protection is that at first primer is applied on the pipe and is
left to dry. The use of the primer is that it helps the tape to stick on it more easily and coating
lasts long. After this a black color tape is used to wrap the whole pipe, this is known as primary
coating. Then a white tape is again used to coat the pipeline with a 1.5inch overlap. Now the
whole pipe is fully coated and ready to be put inside the soil.

3LPE Coating:
The use of 3LPE coating on pipelines is a standard practice to protect against corrosion. This
triple-layer coating system provides a robust barrier, effectively shielding the pipelines from
environmental elements.

Underground Lines Coatings:

Blue/Black Tape Coating: This type of coating is applied to underground lines to enhance
durability and resist corrosion.
Tar Coal Coating: A protective layer of tar coal is applied to provide additional resistance
against corrosive agents.
Paint Coating: The use of paint coatings adds an extra layer of protection, contributing to the
overall corrosion resistance of underground pipelines.

2. Secondary Protection:
Corrosion of metal underground storage tanks is a normal, natural process that is the result of
an electrochemical reaction in which current flows from areas where corrosion is occurring
(anodic areas) to areas where it is not (cathodic areas). A cathodic protection system reverses
the process. An impressed current cathodic protection controls the corrosion of a metal surface
by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. The method of protection connects the
metal to be protected to a more easily corroded "sacrificial metal" to act as the anode. Impressed
current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems are typically installed to prevent corrosion of metal
underground storage tanks and associated metal piping systems.
With an impressed current system, current is discharged from anodes placed in the same
electrolyte (soil) in which the tank and piping to be protected are buried. The ICCP system
requires the installation of an external power supply which produces a DC output such as,
1.Transformer Rectifier
2. Thermoelectric Generator
3. Solar Panels

3. Transformer Rectifier:
Transformer Rectifier is a combination of Transformer and Rectifier in which input
AC current may be varied and then rectified into DC current.

4. Thermoelectric Generator:
Thermoelectric generators are devices that convert heat temperature differences
directly) into electrical energy, using a phenomenon called the thermoelectric effect.
Thermoelectric generator units are available in power output 600W and voltages up to
48 V. If higher voltages are required for a CP installation, it is possible to convert low
DC voltage from the generator to higher DC voltage.

5. Solar Electric Power Systems:

In areas where sunlight can be expected for relatively large percentages of the time, a
combination of solar cells and storage batteries can be used to provide a continuous flow to a
CP installation. Solar cells rely on the photoelectric effect and are typically P-N
junction semiconductors fabricated of crystalline silicon and doped to provide the desired
photovoltaic properties.
Here in SSGC solar powered systems of 24 volts are widely used as a DC current source in the
cathodic protection station. Another advantage of the impressed current system is that it is used
as an indicator to trace damage in coating of the pipeline, as when coating is damaged due to
any uncertain reason impressed current starts to drain from that point therefore with the help
of this, we can easily trace damage in coating.

The main purpose of a cathodic protection (CP) test station is A crucial element of impressed
current cathodic protection systems used to stop corrosion on metal structures, such as
pipelines, tanks, and other infrastructure, is a cathodic protection (CP) station, sometimes
referred to as a rectifier station or cathodic protection rectifier station. The CP station is
essential to provide an access point to terminate cables from a buried structure pipeline to take
measurements of pipe to soil potential or readings on that structure and providing the direct
current (DC) required to keep the protected structure in a cathodic (negative) state, preventing

• Pipe to Soil Potential Range:

Pipe-to-soil potential has a minimum range of -0.85 volts and a maximum range of -1.2
volts. If the voltmeter reads at least -0.85 volt, the operator can usually consider that
the steel pipe has cathodic protection. A PSP of less than -0.85 volts would not be able
to protect the pipeline from corrosion and a PSP of more than -1.2 volts would damage
the coating.

• Ground Bed:
The ground bed is a group of interconnected anodes. A ground bed is a component of
an earthing system. Anode rods can be made from high silicon cast iron ion or graphite
(typically 2 meters long and 20mm Dia). Anodes are interconnected with the help of a
wire called a loop wire, and to the generator with the main supply wire, Anodes are
about 7 feet below the earth's surface. A single ground bed consists of about 25-30
anodes connected in a series.

• Pipe to Soil Potential:

Pipe-to-soil potentials are important measurements for assessing the performance of cathodic
protection (CP) systems and detection of certain types of anomalous conditions along
underground, coated pipelines. After every 1 km, cathodic test posts were observed,
measuring the pipe-to-soil potential (PSP). This monitoring approach is crucial for assessing
the effectiveness of cathodic protection and ensuring the pipelines are adequately protected
against corrosion.

Orientation: At the beginning of my internship, I received an orientation on the company's
operations, safety protocols, and the role of the Corrosion Control Department. This helped me
familiarize myself with the organization's structure and policies.

Training: I underwent comprehensive training sessions, both theoretical and practical, to

understand the principles of cathodic protection and its application in pipeline corrosion
control. I learned about the various components of a cathodic protection system, including
sacrificial anodes, impressed current systems, and rectifiers.

Field Work: I had the opportunity to accompany experienced technicians and engineers in
the field for pipeline inspections, surveys, and cathodic protection system evaluations. This
hands-on experience allowed me to observe the practical implementation of cathodic protection
measures and understand the challenges involved.

Based on the internship experience, I recommend exploring opportunities for the integration of
advanced technologies for real-time monitoring of corrosion, which could further enhance the
efficiency of corrosion control systems.

My internship experience at the Corrosion Control Department of Sui Southern Gas Company
Karachi provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the practical implementation of
cathodic protection measures for gas pipelines. It allowed me to witness the significance of
corrosion control in ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to consumers. The
experience deepened my interest in the field and provided a strong foundation for my future
endeavors in the energy industry. I am grateful to SSGC for the valuable opportunity and the
guidance provided by the department's professionals.


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