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Escena 1 - Rosa y Ronal

Rosa: Ronal, today our friends Victor and Mathias are arriving from abroad! I am excited to see them after a long time!

Ronal: Yes, Rosa, it's going to be great. Let's go to the airport to welcome them

Escena 2 - En el Aeropuerto

Mathias: Rosa, Ronal, it is a pleasure, again. Have you missed us?

Rosa: Of course, very much!

Ronal: How long will you stay with us?

Victor: We will be here for a month

Rosa: Great, let’s go to my house!

Escena 3 - Camino a casa

Rosa: We have a schedule for you to know our town. We have very beautiful places with amazing stories. Several of our
friends work in these places.

Ronal: And also there are many secret places that only the locals people know about.

Mathias: Sounds exciting! I can't wait to see it all.

Rosa: It's going to be an incredible day. What place would you like to visit first in Peru?

Victor: Let's go to the library!

Escena 4 - En la biblioteca

Anahi: Welcome to the national library of Peru, it is the most important library. The old building is on Abancay avenue and
the mother building is on Javier Prado avenue. Both are open to the public.

Mathias: This library is amazing! I didn't know your city had a big and beautiful.

Anai: Here you can find stories from all over the world. The neighbors come to read stories and novels in the evenings. There
are very interesting books

Victor: What book do you recommend?

Anahi: I have the perfect one for you! It's a local novel that will make you feel like a real local.

Victor: Thank you! well now let's go to church!

Escena 5 - En la iglesia

Mathias: Wow, this church is beautiful!

Rosa: Yes, it has been here for more than a hundred years. It is an important place for the community.

Victor: Good afternoon my friend, can you tell us more about the history of the church?

Fabian: Sure, the church was built in the 19th century and it has witnessed many important stories and events in our city.

Victor: Wow, how interesting.... guys I'm hungry!!!

Ronal: There is a special restaurant nearby

Escena 6 - En el restaurante

Christofer: Welcome to the "Rincon del sabor" Our local food is delicious.

Mathias: What do you recommend?

Christofer: Ceviche. It's a typical food of our region, it's a delight! The secrets of the recipe have been passed from
generation to generation.

Ronal: And this restaurant is one of our favorite places.

Christopher: Thank you for your preference

7 - En el parque

Mathias: Come on, guys! We can go to the park.

Ronal: Sure, let's go, we have to call our friends too!

Victor: It is a beautiful park, there's too a stadium.

Rosa: The park is a place where the neighbors can come to have fun with their family and friends.

Escena 8 - En el estadio

Anahi: Guys let's play!!! This day is going to be epic

Fabian: Yes, of course! Let's go and live the local experience. This stadium has legendary stories of exciting matches.

Ronal: We will win soccer match!


Escena 9 - Todos sentados

Mathias: Thank you for showing us your beautiful place and making us feel at home.

Anahi: (Smiling) It has been a pleasure to have you here and show you our corner of the world. Friendship is what really
makes a place special.

Christofer: We learned that the true richness of a place is its culture and the people you meet.

Rosa: Yes, and that sharing experiences with friends is what makes life meaningful.

Victor: This has been an unforgettable visit.

Ronal: Thank you all! You are always welcome

Fabian Cheers to friendship that lasts anywhere in the world!


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