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Government Degree College, Kukatpally

Faculty of Commerce
B.Com IInd Year IVth Semester – 2023-24
Subject: Business Statistics-II


1. The following table gives the ages and blood pressure of 10 women
Age (x) 56 42 36 47 49 42 60 72 63 55
Blood 147 125 118 128 145 140 155 160 149 150
Find the two regression equations and estimate the blood pressure of a woman
whose age is 45 years.

2. Compute Fisher’s Ideal Index number from the data given below and show
that it satisfies the Time Reversal and Factor Reversal Tests.
Base Year Current Year

Quantity Price Quantity Price

A 12 10 15 12
B 15 7 20 5
C 24 5 20 9
D 5 16 5 14

3. Fit a straight line trend by the least square method to the following series.
Estimate the value for 2012.
Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Production 60 72 75 65 80 85 95

4. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. Find the probability
that the cards drawn are (i) a diamond and a spade (ii) a king and a
queen (iii) 2 aces
5. Eight coins are tossed at a time 256 times. Number of heads observed at each
throw is recorded and the results are given below. Find the expected
frequencies. What are the theoretical values of mean and standard deviation?
Calculate also the mean and S.D. of the observed frequencies.
No. of
Heads at a
012 3 4 5 6 7 8

Frequency 2 6 30 52 67 56 32 10 1


1. X on Y:
X= 0.71y – 48.84
Y on X:
Y= 1.10X + 84.8
The blood pressure of a woman whose age is 45 years us 134

2. Fishers ideal Index P01 = 115.75

Fisher’s Ideal index satisfies both time and factor reversal tests.

3. Straight Line = 76+4.857X

Sales for the year 2012 = 114.86 m. tones

4. i. 13/102 ii. 18/663 iii. 1/221

5. Expected frequencies 1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1

Mean = 4, S.D=1.414

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