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Birmingham City University

LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

Formative Portfolio Feedback – 1st edition [15 November 2023]

This document addresses the most commonly occurring issues and errors that the Professional Skills
Teaching team have seen when marking the formative portfolios. Your Workshop Tutor will refer to
this document at times during the revision and drop-in sessions in Weeks 11 and 12.

Please use this general feedback when preparing your summative portfolio to ensure that you are
not making these common mistakes. Use this guidance to prepare and then to check your
summative portfolio before submission.

Formatting errors:

1. Failure to convert your formative portfolio from a Word document to PDF

 This resulted in a document that was difficult to read.
 Please refer to the IT Help Desk if you need assistance in converting to a pdf.
 Please check the PDF before submitting the summative assessment on Moodle.
 Is everything that you’ve written visible?

2. Removing some of the template

 The instructions indicated that you must not delete any parts of the template
however, too many formative portfolios were submitted with significant
components that were missing as they had been deleted from the template.
 Not only does this create problems in the formatting of the document but also it
makes your word count unreliable and might result in the application of penalties.
 Please do not delete any parts of the template.
 Please follow the assessment instructions carefully, like how to label the file.

3. Colour of font
 Did you follow the specific instructions within the formative portfolio assessment
 Some scripts display different colour texts.

4. Failure to include your name BUT REMEMBER THAT YOUR NAME IS NOT TO BE GIVEN IN
 Remember that in the summative submission you must only use your student ID.
 Follow the instructions in the assessment brief carefully.

5. Missing front sheet

 This is part of the portfolio template.
 Please do not delete this.

6. Word count
 Did you comply with the required word count?
 Remember that in the summative portfolio assessment, your work exceeding the
word count and the 10% rule will not be marked resulting a lower grade.

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 If you wrote too much, how can you be more concise but still address the questions
 If your submission was very brief, have you reflected upon why?
 In both cases, whether you wrote too much or too little, think about what do you
need to do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?
 Provide the accurate word count as prompted in the relevant section of the portfolio
template and follow the instructions in the assessment brief.
 If you have any questions, please use the Coursework Q&A portfolio on Moodle.

7. Avoidable errors of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

 Too many portfolios contained entirely avoidable errors of written English.
 What can you do differently for the summative assessment?
 Leave yourself plenty of time to proofread your summative submission.
 If you need any help with academic writing skills remember that help is available via
the Centre for Academic Success.

8. Copying from the example portfolio.

 Some of the formative portfolios copied out sections of the example portfolio or
were overly reliant upon its contents in places.
 Remember that the example portfolio is not perfect and may contain errors.
 If you copy out sections of the example portfolio (and any examples from this
guidance) in your own portfolio in the summative assessment, this might amount to
plagiarism and could result in a referral for academic misconduct.
 What can you do differently for the summative assessment?
 This is your portfolio and personal to you so should reflect the outcomes of your
own reflection and independent research appropriate.
 Use this feedback and worked examples to prepare your summative portfolio

Key feedback:

Before you submit your summative portfolio assessment, it is essential that you follow all the
summative assessment instructions carefully and that you have checked your submission for errors.
This guidance and the assessment brief can be used together to prepare your summative portfolio

Always leave yourself enough time to check your summative assessment before submitting.

Part 1: Personal Skills Audit

9. In Part 1: Personal Skills Audit

 Sometimes the reflection was very general.
 Some formative portfolios did not take the specific approach set out in the

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 Some formative portfolios explained how the skills benefit you rather than citing
your experience of using the skills in the specific setting.
 What can I do differently in the summative portfolio assessment?
 You are asked to be specific and to avoid generalisations.
 You are asked to identify where you have already practised these skills in different
areas of your life, no less no more. Think about whether you need to go on and
explain your ability in this skill set.
 Follow the instructions within the template and assessment brief and be specific

10. Does your portfolio demonstrate amber/so what? and green/now what? reflection as
 Many of the portfolios were overly descriptive and were general when dealing with
the amber/so what? and the green/now what? sections of the portfolio template.
 What can you do differently in the summative portfolio assessment?
 Review the materials on reflection in Workshop 1.
 Use the questions within the What? So what? Now what? model of reflection listed
in those materials. These questions will enhance your reflection.
 Before submitting check your summative portfolio assessment to ensure that the
level of reflection is consistent throughout and that you have applied the reflection
technique consistently.

11. When you are completing the template do not repeat words already there for example,
“why am I good at this skill: I am good at this skill because…”
 Many formative portfolios repeated text already stated within the template when
answering questions in this part of the Personal Skills Audit.
 You do not need to repeat the wording of the template. This wastes words within
your limited word count.
 Instead: “why am I good at this skill: because I am confident and outgoing etc etc ”

12. In the ‘Amber’ reflection column of the Personal Skills Audit, you are asked to address the
following questions: how good I think I am at this skill at present, and why, rating yourself
and why I am good at this skill.
 Some of the portfolios in this section were descriptive (i.e., red/what? reflection
rather than amber/wo what? reflection).
 What should I do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?
 To answer this requires you to engage in amber/so what? reflection.
 Use the prompt questions in the Workshop 1 materials which address the amber/so
what? reflection is expected in your response here.
 Ask yourself: “So what have I realised about this skill and why?”

13. Continuing in the ‘Amber’ reflection column of the Personal Skills Audit, how did the
formative portfolio address the question: Which part of the skill most needs development?
 Some of the portfolios continued the amber/so what? reflection expected in the
previous question and did not set out clearly the part of the skill that most needs

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 What should I do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?

 This part of the portfolio should clearly identify the specific aspect of the skill that
you want to develop
 Remember the specific aspect of the skill that you state here as being most in need
of development informs your Personal Development Plan in Part 2. Therefore, be as
specific as possible here when identifying the aspect of the skill that you plan to
 To identify the specific aspect of the skill that you want to develop reflect upon the
aspect of the skill that you wish to improve and what you need to do differently to
achieve that improvement. This will move you from stating broad goals and
aspirations to specific green/now what reflection.
 In dealing with this question, you can include any brief green/now what? reflection
to explain what you will do differently.

14. In the ‘Green’ reflection column of the Personal Skills Audit, you are asked how to improve
your skills by citing specific resources.
 Some of the portfolio referred to websites or platforms where resources can be
found, for example, YouTube/TED Talks. Are YouTube/Ted Talks themselves
specific resources?
 What should I do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?
 You are asked to give specific resources. it's essential to specify the exact TED Talk
by providing its title, the speaker's name, and the YouTube link. This ensures clarity
and allows readers to trace back to the precise resource you are referring to.
Similarly, for books, provide the title and author to offer clear and specific
references to your chosen resources.
15. Oral Communication Skills
 In the first column addressing the examples of what you have done (red/what?
reflection), your examples should include ‘interviewing, debate and advocacy’. Many
portfolios did not make any mention of these specific aspects of oral
communication, despite the prompt in the portfolio template to do so.
 What can I do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?
 Remember that the module has provided you with opportunities to engage with
interviewing, debate, and advocacy in dedicated workshops and/or Action Learning
Sets and this is the opportunity to reflect upon what you did in relation to those
specific components of oral communication.
 Again, please read the instructions carefully when drafting your summative portfolio
16. Written Communication Skills
 In the first column addressing the examples of what you have done (red/what?
reflection), your examples could include ‘academic assessments’. Feedback from
tutors can show how good you are, and the areas that require improvement. Many
portfolios did not make any mention of the specific types of written communication,
despite the prompt in the portfolio template to do so. Different types could be
emails, formal assessments, social media posts, blogs, minutes of meeting, reports,
 What can I do differently for the summative portfolio assessment?

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 Why I am good at written communication skills? Think about the attributes that you
have, like attention to detail, careful in the choice of words, repeatedly checking the
conciseness, etc.. . No need to set out how you can benefit from this skill.

17. Graduate + Silver: your audit of your progress so far

 Many formative portfolios did not provide responses to these questions.
 Some formative portfolios in this section did not seem to understand what is
required to achieve Graduate + Silver and made no mention of relevant activities or
the competencies you are endeavouring to demonstrate to obtain the award.
 Some formative portfolios discussed skills generally and were not focussed upon the
achievement of the Graduate + Silver award.
 What do you need to do differently for the summative submission?
 Have you understood what was being asked of you in this part of the portfolio? This
part of the audit is focused upon your progress towards obtaining the Graduate +
Silver award.
 In this part of the portfolio, you are carrying out an audit focussed solely upon your
progress so far towards achieving Graduate + Silver. You don’t need to complete any
Silver Award activities.
 Have you made yourself familiar with what is necessary to demonstrate
achievement of the Graduate + Silver award so that you think about how you will
make a start/ make progress to obtaining the award?
 You may not yet have made much meaningful progress, but within the summative
assessment, we expect you to demonstrate that you are at least familiar with what
is required to achieve the Graduate + Silver award so that within Part 2: Personal
Development Plan you can identify meaningful actions that you will take to progress
towards achieving the Graduate + Silver award.
 The specific Graduate + Silver activities are set out on the Graduate + website BCU
Graduate+ | Activities. There was a lecture about this during Week 2 of the module.
 Remember to use the key terms involved in demonstrating achievement of the
Graduate + Silver when auditing your progress so far in this part of the portfolio.
 Some students have suggested that there are not enough activities specifically
focussed upon Law to achieve the Graduate + Silver award but remember that the
range of activities for the Graduate + Silver award is broad and does not have to be
subject-specific. For example, work experience, a part-time job, mentoring and
being a Student Ambassador are all activities that can be used to demonstrate
achievement of the Graduate + Silver award but which are not specifically focussed
upon Law as a discipline. You can see the range of activities by visiting the Graduate+
 Please do not copy the example portfolio. Studying modules for academic credit
does not “count” towards ‘academic life’, even if suggested by the example. For
academic life think about the range of extra-curricular activities and opportunities
available to you within the University and outside of your studies which might help
you to with or to prepare for one of the activities you are working towards as part of
their Graduate + Silver award.

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 Use the website, the Graduate + dedicated lecture notes from Week 2 and
remember that you can visit the Graduate + popup shop in Curzon Building if you
have any questions about obtaining the Silver award.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan

18. Your Personal Development Plan will set out how you plan to develop your employability,
after the module has ended, demonstrating what you have determined to do differently in
future (i.e., green/now what? reflection).
 This part of the portfolio enables you to set out the specific actions that you intend
to take after the module has ended and the specific resources that you will use to
develop your own employability.
 It is not a statement of what you have already done but what you plan to do next to
develop your personal employability.

19. In the first column you are asked to state the skill that you have selected as part of your
plan and why you have selected that skill.
 Some formative portfolios did not state which skill and/or why you had decided to
focus upon this skill.
 What do you need to do differently for the summative submission?
 Read the instructions in the template carefully.
 Check that your portfolio addresses the questions/comments set out in the
 Think about your personal reason for selecting that skill. For example, did you give
that skill a low grade in your audit?

20. In the second column (Specific Resources) you are asked about the specific resource you
have identified from your own independent research.
 Many formative portfolios were not able to demonstrate the results of the
independent research into appropriate resources that had been carried out.
 Responses here were general and/or or identified resources you already have access
to as part of your course (e.g. textbook, workshop briefing).
 Many formative portfolios were general rather than specific, for example, too many
referred incorrectly to “You Tube” or “TedTalks” without explaining which specific
YouTube video or TedTalk had been identified from your own independent research
as useful and why you think it will help your development.
 Again, remember that the example portfolio is not perfect.
 What do you need to do differently for the summative submission?
 What have you found when you have carried out your own independent research?
 If you are not sure where to start your own independent research, we have given
you a list of potential sources in the template for this section of the portfolio. You
are not limited to these sources, but they are a good starting point to begin your
independent research. What other specific resources have you found beyond that
 To be specific when completing this section of the portfolio take the following steps:
o identify the type of resource (e.g. book, You Tube video),

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

o state the name of the author/presenter of the specific resource,

o state the title of the specific resource,
o provide the link to the specific resource (if it is online).
o For example:
“You Tube video, presented by Deborah Picos of the Solicitors Regulation
Authority, entitled “How to improve your advocacy” at this link: How to
improve your advocacy - YouTube
I have selected this as it provides a short and succinct guide to further
opportunities for developing my advocacy skills.”
o Remember: do not copy out the examples in this guidance.

21. In Part 2 of the Personal Development Plan dealing with Skills, you are asked to answer
the questions as set out in the SMART Action Plan.
 Many formative portfolios were general rather than specific.
 We expect more than “I will watch You Tube videos…”
 What do you need to do differently for the summative submission?
 Identify the plan you have for implementing the advice/knowledge information from
that resource.
 How do you measure your improvement?
 Check whether you have the ability to attain each of the steps in making progress.
 What are the outcomes you intend to achieve after using the specific resource (a
step-by-step approach)?
 For example: Rather than saying I will watch the ‘on demand’ video from Graduate +
about oral communication skills, set out specific steps you will take and identify your
plan for development:

Measure: “Having learned about how to develop my oral communication skills, I will
join the University’s Law Society and I will be participating in the next two moots
taking place in January and March 2023. For each step of my progression, I will
gather feedback from my team members”

Attainable: “I learnt the basic oral skills from my LLB study. The progression from
joining the BCU Law Society and take part in external mooting allow me to build up
my confidence and become more and more competent.

Realistic: “The gradual building up my advocacy competency helps my LLB studies

and aligns with my priority of pursuing a career in the Bar.”

Timescale: “I will join BCU Law Society in the next semester and will participate in
my first mooting by February and the second one by the Easter break.”

22. Personal Development Plan Graduate + Silver

 Some formative portfolios did not address Graduate + Silver at all and focussed
instead upon individual skills development without linking it to Graduate + Silver.
Individual skills development should be confined to the previous part of the Personal

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

Development Plan unless you explain clearly how the development of that skills is
moving you closer to achieving the Graduate + Silver award by contributing to one of
the activities or competencies required.
 Some formative portfolios did not complete this section at all. Remember that you
are expected to complete all parts of the portfolio when submitting the summative
 Remember you are not expected to have achieved the Graduate + Silver award by
the time you submit the summative portfolio however, you are expected to have
familiarised yourself with its requirements and to have reflected upon your progress
to date so that in this part of the portfolio you can explain how you are planning
your next actions towards achieving the Graduate + Silver award.
 Again, some of you leaned very heavily upon the example portfolio for your
responses. Remember this is your own Personal Development Plan and you should
not copy from the example portfolio.
 What can you do differently for the summative portfolio?
 This part of your Personal Development Plan should expand the two aspects for
development identified in the relevant section of the Personal Skills Audit relating to
Graduate + Silver in Part 1 of the portfolio.
 Do not introduce new aspects here.
 What are the specific resources you have identified to help you to make progress
towards the achievement of the Graduate + Silver award?
 The specific resources should be the product of your own independent research and
we have given you some suggestions in the template to enable you to begin that
 Remember to be specific. We expect more than “Graduate + on demand videos”.
 What is the resource you have researched (source, type, title, author, presenter etc)
and why have you selected the specific resource?
o For example: before starting on your preferred activity of 50 hours of Work
Experience (as one of the 4 activities necessary to demonstrate the
Graduate + Silver award), first of all, you may need to understand how to
apply for work experience. To understand how to apply for work experience
you will access the Graduate + on demand resource here.
o Therefore, under the “specific” column of this part of the portfolio should
state the specific resource providing its source, (Graduate +), the title of the
On Demand resource you will use and an explanation of why you have
selected it.
 You should set out a specific plan for the actions they will take, using the SMART
 Rather than saying, ‘I will watch the ‘on demand’ video’, you should set out the
specific steps you will take afterwards with an appropriate plan – checking on ‘how
to measure the progress’, for example, use a progress chart. Is the planned rate of
progress attainable by checking whether you have the basic knowledge to make
progress on the specific activity? In terms of whether the planned progress is
“realistic”, consider any inhibitors that can hinder your progress, for example,
consider whether you can devote sufficient time to commit to pursuing the Silver
award activity. Finally, set a realistic timescale for achieving your targets.

Birmingham City University
LAW 5082 Professional skills 2023-24 Formative Portfolio Feedback

 Therefore, reflect upon the following question: what steps are you planning to take
next to move you closer to demonstrating achievement of the Silver award? Are
these steps attainable? Is the progression rate of these realistic? See the two
worked examples.

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