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In the tender embrace of Sister Thomas, we found solace,

Yet now, she journeys to a realm beyond our gaze.
Her presence, a beacon of kindness, love, and grace,
Leaves a void no words can fully embrace.

A mentor, a prayer warrior, her spirit steadfast,

In her footsteps, a legacy unsurpassed.
With open arms, she welcomed all in need,
In her convictions, she planted seeds.

Let us gather, not in sorrow but in celebration,

Honoring her life, her profound dedication.
For in every soul she touched, she planted a seed,
A legacy of faith, love, and deeds.

As we bid farewell, our hearts heavy yet inspired,

In the memories of her, we find solace acquired.
For in the embrace of God's eternal rest,
She finds peace, her spirit forever blessed.
A blessed good morning. Let us lean not unto our own understanding, but in all
our ways acknowledge the Lord and He will direct our paths. ❤️

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