Javascript 5

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Project Title

The Shirpur Education Society’s


Academic Year 2023-24
Class & Branch Second Year Computer Science.
Semester Fourth
Name of Subject Java Programming
Title of Micro-project “project on racing car”
Name of Group Members 1. Nerkar parth.
2. Shirsath ramkrushana.
3. chauvan lokesh
Name of Guide Mrs.Y.D.Badgujar

1. Brief Introduction to Micro-Project

When it comes to building gaming applications, we always think of

racing games as we loved playing these types of games in our
childhood. So today in this article we will develop a Car Race Game
in Java with Swing.

This game needs no explanation, but still has a bit of context for the
game. The player’s car needs to race with the opponent’s cars
without hitting any one of them and maintaining a high speed.

Java is a cross-platform language, which means you can run your

games on different operating systems without much hassle. Java
has a rich set of libraries and frameworks that can help you with
various aspects of game development, such as graphics, sound,
physics, networking, etc.

Name of Department-1- R. C. Patel Polytechnic

Project Title

2. Aim of the Micro-Project

This Micro-Project aims at:

i. Java supports Multithreading by the use of a Thread class called Java
Thread. As a gaming developer, Java Thread allows you to create a
lightweight process that performs some tasks.
ii. This means that with Java, you can create multiple threads in your
gaming program and start them

3. Intended Course Outcomes of the Micro-Project.

1.Develope the programs using the Object Oriented methodology in java.

2.implement exception handling.

4. Literature Review.

The theme of our game is to compete with the other 5 opponents that are
controlled by computer in a racing tournament, the player's goal is to get to
the destination as soon as possible while trying to avoid bumping to other
cars or road object, the final score will be posted according to the finishing
position, ...

Name of Department-2- R. C. Patel Polytechnic

Project Title

5. Proposed Methodology

• Setting up the Window with LWJGL

• Adding Event Listeners with GLFW
• Creating a Scene Manager & Delta Time Varia
• How OpenGL Graphics Programming Works
• Drawing the First Square
• Regexes and Shader Abstraction
• Game Camera OpenGL
• GLSL Shaders
• Texture Loading in LWJGL3
• Entity Component System
• Batch Rendering in LWJGL3
• Resource Management in LWJGL3
• Texture Batching
• Spritesheets
• Dirty Flags in Rendering
• Alpha Blending and Z-Indexing
• Integrating ImGui
• ImGui Fonts and Scene Integration
• Serialization with Gson
• Deserialization with Gson
• Exposing Variables to the Level Editor
• Converting Screen Coords to World Coords
• Drag 'N Drop Level Editor
• Debug Drawing Functions
• Snap To Grid Tool
• Debug Drawing Boxes and Circles
• Framebuffers in OpenGL
• ImGui Docking in Java LWJGL
• Adding a Game Viewport
• Mouse Screen Coordinates to Game Viewport C
• Pixel PERFECT Mouse Picking
• Enabling Mouse Picking and Code Maintenance
• Editor Camera Controls with Lerp
• Coding Gizmos
• Translate and Scale Gizmo
• Properties Panel
• Integrating JBox2D in our Engine

Name of Department-3- R. C. Patel Polytechnic

Project Title

• Event System and Box2D Physics

• Adding an Engine Runtime (Play/Stop Buttons
• Refactoring and Physics
• Font Rendering
• Beginning Scene Hierarchy & ImGui Upgrade
• Scene Panel Drag & Drop (ImGui)
• Even More Bug Fixing
• 2D Animations
• Sounds with OpenAL
• Improving the Editor
• How to Use Box2D Physics
• Pillbox Colliders and Player Controllers
• Variable Length Jumps
• Powerups
• Goomba AI
• Mario Pipes & Editor Improvements
• Game Camera & Grid Lines
• Mario Turtle AI
• Adding Flag Poles to Mario
• Fireballs and Bug Fixes
• The LAST Episode and Distributing your Game

6. Resources Required

Sr. Quan
Name of Resource/Material Specifications Remarks
No. tity

1. Computer - 1

2. Network - -

3. Google - -

4. software - -

Name of Department-4- R. C. Patel Polytechnic

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