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Dear authorities, community present, good morning.

My name is Camila Espinoza Calderón, a student of Public Administration at IP

AIEP. As part of my academic training, I have had the opportunity to delve into the
fundamental role that the Community Development Directorate (DIDECO) plays in
the welfare and progress of the communes.

In this presentation, I would like to share with you my vision of DIDECO, its
importance within the context of Public Administration and the positive impact it
generates in the community of Concón.

Community Development Office (DIDECO): A fundamental pillar for Concón's


At the heart of the Municipality of Concón is the Community Development Office

(DIDECO), a fundamental department that works tirelessly for the welfare and
integration of all the inhabitants of the commune. Through a wide range of
services, programs and projects, DIDECO is positioned as a fundamental pillar for
the progress and sustainable development of Concón.

A team committed to the community

Composed of a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals, DIDECO is

characterized by its commitment to field work, closeness to the community and the
constant search for effective solutions to the needs of the neighbors. This team,
made up of social workers, psychologists, lawyers, educators and technicians from
various areas, is in constant training to provide quality care according to current

Services and programs that transform lives

DIDECO offers a wide range of services and programs aimed at various sectors of
the population, with the objective of improving the quality of life of all Conconinos.
Among the main services are

Housing and Habitat: DIDECO works in the delivery of housing subsidies, land
regularization and the promotion of decent and affordable housing for all families.

Protection of Children and Adolescents: The rights of children and adolescents are
protected, providing support to families in vulnerable situations and promoting their
integral development.
Elderly: Recreational, educational and health programs and activities are offered to
improve the quality of life of the elderly of the commune.

Disability: DIDECO works for the social inclusion of people with disabilities,
promoting their autonomy and participation in the community.

Community Organizations: Advice and support is provided to community

organizations to strengthen their development and participation in local life.

Sports and Recreation: We encourage the practice of sports and recreation in all
ages, as a tool for social integration and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Culture and Heritage: DIDECO works in the dissemination and enhancement of the
cultural heritage of the commune, promoting local identity and a sense of

A past of achievements, a present of action and a promising future

Throughout its history, DIDECO has been a witness and protagonist of important
advances in the development of Concón. The implementation of innovative
programs, the construction of community infrastructure and the strengthening of
work with social organizations have resulted in a more just, inclusive and
prosperous community.

At present, DIDECO is in constant movement, adapting to the new needs and

challenges faced by the community. The implementation of new technologies, the
search for alternative financing and active participation in collaborative networks
with other public and private institutions are some of the strategies that are being
carried out to continue advancing on the road to progress.

Looking to the future, DIDECO is projected as a key player in the construction of

an even more sustainable, participatory and resilient Concón. The promotion of
integral human development, care for the environment and the construction of a
more just and equitable society are some of the objectives that will guide the work
of this department in the coming years.

DIDECO: A permanent commitment to the welfare of the community of Concón

The Community Development Department of the Municipality of Concón is a
fundamental pillar for the progress and development of the commune. Through its
tireless work, its commitment to the community and its constant search for
innovative solutions, DIDECO contributes to building a better future for all its
Finally, I would like to thank the authorities present, the community of Concón and
all those who make possible the valuable work of DIDECO. Their daily work is
fundamental to build a better future for all the inhabitants of this beautiful

Thank you very much for your attention.

Camila Espinoza Calderón

Student of Public Administration

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