Matter in Our Surrounding Worksheet

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1 Name the property of gases due to which it is possible to fill CNG in cylinders for using as fuel in cars.
2 (a) Define latent heat of vaporization. (b) Give reason: (i) You feel cold when you pour some nail polish
remover on your palm. (ii) During summer sitting under a fan makes us comfortable.
3 Define evaporation. List the factors on which the rate of evaporation depends and explain how it
depends on each of them.
4 Explain the different processes involved in the flowchart given below.

5 Account for the following: (a) When sugar crystals dissolve in water, the level of water does not rise
appreciably. (b) Doctors advise to put strips of wet cloth on the forehead of a person having high fever.
(c) Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid residue. (d) Dogs generally hang out
their tongue in summer.
6 Name the compound which is called dry ice. Justify this name. How is it stored?
7 What happens when you open a bottle of perfume?
8 Give reason for the following: (a) When acetone is taken in hand, we feel cold. (b) During rainy seasons,
wet clothes take longer time to dry up. (c) Sponge though compressible, is a solid. (d) The temperature
of a substance remains constant during its melting point or boiling point. (e) For taking sip of hot tea, we
blow air on it.
9 Define sublimation with the help of a labeled diagram. Describe in brief an activity to show sublimation
of ammonium chloride. Give names of two more substances which show this property of sublimation.
10 Why is at ice 273 K more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature?
11 Write any three differences between Evaporation and Boiling.
12 How does the presence of impurities affect the boiling point and freezing point of a substance?
13 Steam produces more severe burns than boiling water. Why?
14 Mention two factors that need to be varied to liquefy atmospheric gases.
15 Ice, water and steam are three states of a substance and not different substances. Justify.

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