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The th

5 Phase of Water
Effects of our light frequencies which Creates a Water Crystal
Formation (as seen under a microscope 20k x).
Results conducted at the Hado Emoto Institute Tokyo Japan

Before After
A little about the author Phil Hawes
Phil is in his mid 70’s.However, over the last 30 years he
has researched many aspects of health to a degree
where he has lectured at some of the world's most
prestigious medical conferences including The A4M
Conferences, The Stromboli Conference, at The BMA
and many more. However, Phil has been passionate
about water and is now wishing to impart information,
which, he believes is life changing. He also wants to BE
the “living proof” shown by his own results. Here
follows just a few of his body’s current health conditions
which are the result of his practices You will also see
some incredible physical abilities he has been able to
achieve all down to the amazing properties of living,
structured water.
Testimonial by Dr Dorian
Dugmore PhD
“I have known Phil for over two decades, I am
familiar with the work that he does and his
knowledge to empower people to take
responsibility for their own health. Phil has
tested thousands of individuals after he
introduced the measurement of Aortic Pulse
Wave Velocity nearly 20 years ago. Since then, he
has spoken at many major health conferences
and shared his valuable insights.
His own results shown in this book are indeed
themselves amazing achievements and I am
fascinated to discover more about his work and
research into the world of structured water.”

Dorian was formerly the Director of the world famous Toronto Rehabilitation Centre in Canada, considered
the best in the world for Cardiac rehabilitation. Dorian is past Secretary General of the World Council for
Cardio Pulmonary Rehabilitation and is currently on the nucleus for Sport Cardiology and Prevention,
belonging to the European Society of Cardiology. Dorian also served as the senior consultant to the LMA at
the FA Elite Performance Centre at St. George's Park and invented the Fit to Manage programme, which now
looks after a wide cross section of high profile football managers and celebrities at his current role at
Wellness International.
We are controlled by FEAR!
My own experiences.
A Disclaimer
In these times where freedom of speech is being censored and
we are not allowed to make any claims about natural products.
Much to my annoyance I have to make this disclaimer”

All the information in this publication is based upon my own

personal experiences. The results are also my personal results.

Any products or practices shown in this document are not as a

replacement for a good diet and should not be considered a
treatment for any disease condition
Please consult your health professional before embarking on
any new health protocols
Dr Bruce Lipton (must watch!)
• It has been a pleasure to write this book and then Dr Bruce Lipton
• makes a video LIKE THIS
Please watch and enjoy
The th
5 Phase of Water
• We are beings of water, in fact we have a sea of water that is an
electrolytic soup, both extra cellular and intra cellular, enabling cellular
communication between cells.
• I hope that this book will help our understanding of this information and
will encourage everyone to make a new best habit
Nikola Tesla
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and
vibration.” Nikola Tesla
• Probably the most important quote ever! I hope
that the following information in my book will
help you understand why I say this and show
you my real results”

• “Disease creates wealth for some and may

destroy the lives of others”
Phil Hawes

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

The 5 th Phase of Water

You have now heard Dr Bruce Lipton’s views

I hope this has stimulated you to now read on and
learn about the incredible properties of water, light.
electricity and energy
Introduction to the 5th Phase of Water!
• For thousands of years people have made reference to living water. It has
spiritual as well as philosophical and scientific connotations. The fact that the
term has survived so many generations is an indication of an underlying
message. It implies that there is living water AND that there is something other
than living water. Can water lose its life? If so, can the life be returned to
water? These are powerful questions that deserve more than philosophical
• Living water has existed on Earth for millions of years. It is one of Mother
Nature’s finest creations, and it is the foundation for all life. Yet the degree to
which water can support life depends on the degree of life force in the water.
Water can be vibrantly alive or it can be barely alive, just like many of the
inhabitants of the Earth. Unfortunately, much of the water on the planet today
has been mistreated to the point that its life hangs by a drop. It is no longer
able to support the Earth’s life forms at optimal levels. Yet, understanding a few
simple concepts can restore the life to water.
The 5th Phase of Water (ENERGY!)
• The Fifth Phase of Water is an investigation into water’s liquid
crystalline phase where water molecules create a repeating geometric
pattern similar to the molecular pattern in a solid crystal. Although the
molecules remain mobile, they move together. This state of Living
water is an organized network that responds to its environment. Once
the network has been established, it carries signals and vibratory
(frequency) information with greater efficiency--very similar to the way
solid crystals are used for this purpose in modern technology

• The incredible amount of energy that this water contains is truly

remarkable. We are able to demonstrate this in a way never before
seen. We will prove beyond any doubt that all life can benefit from this
knowledge. Hidden until now.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• According to Rudolph Steiner, Austrian philosopher and founder of
biodynamics, “All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its
sounds.” The sounds and other vibrations of Nature are fundamental to
life. They provide a sort of energetic nutrition for the inhabitants of the
Earth. Many of them were intended to be delivered through water, and
full-spectrum living water is not complete without them.

• Water that is “flat” from a vibratory perspective is not absorbed

well. Without many of the frequencies of sound and light from Nature,
water cycles through the organs of the body without being absorbed into
individual cells. This can contribute to the symptoms of dehydration
regardless of how much water a person drinks. Vibratory input is as
important for the creation of full-spectrum living water as vortices,
electromagnetic fields, and salts. Each plays a unique role in the
creation of full-spectrum living water.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• Vibration itself can be considered a nutrient. Sometimes, just the frequency of a
vitamin or a mineral is enough to stimulate the effective use of that nutrient in
the body. Some scientists believe that nutrients are not necessarily absorbed
into the cell as much as they are simply needed at or near the cell in the form
of a vibration. This brings a whole new dimension to the use of
sound/vibration/frequency for supporting our health and well being.

• The liquid crystalline structure of the human body was designed to absorb and
to respond to vibratory input. This is only possible because life is predominantly
water. When water is in its liquid crystalline state, it is capable of carrying a
complete spectrum of frequencies— the delivery of which is also much faster
and without distortion. When water carries a broad spectrum of natural sound
and light frequencies, the water is able to maintain coherence—the cooperative
relationship between water molecules.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• Sound and light frequencies are the vibratory currents capable of
carrying creative potential throughout the universe. They help
water to maintain its liquid crystalline form. Water can be
imprinted with sound frequencies (music, drumming, the sounds of
birds and crickets, etc.). It can also carry the complete spectrum of
light from the Sun. Each of these nutrients changes the expression
of the water.
Why Darkness is so important
• Darkness is regenerative for water just as it is for the human body. Without the darkness of night
that brings sleep, the human body becomes tired and energetically depleted. Although light adds
important frequencies supplied by the Sun, it is the darkness and the energetic qualities of the
womb that refine water’s energy. Viktor Schauberger called this refining process “ennoblement.”
In a patent for the production of spring water-quality drinking water, Schauberger wrote: “It is also
necessary that this process should take place entirely in the dark (insulated from light), since
experiments have shown that similar processes of ennoblement under the influence of light yield
inferior water.”

• Strong heat and light are two of water’s enemies. Too much sunlight robs the energetic
enhancements acquired by water. The longer water sits in the Sun the less energy it has—
especially if it remains motionless. Only in the cool, dark confines within the Earth (in the absence
of the Sun) does water reach maturity. When water springs forth from the Earth, it usually does so
in shaded areas where full sun is absent. In this way, it is indirect light that first touches the newly
emerging water rather than full sunlight. Many springs have receded into the Earth when shade
trees were removed from the immediate environment.
Darkness is also key
• Nature has found ways of protecting water from the Sun. The vast majority of
the ocean lies in complete darkness where water is imbued with life force. In
the absence of light, ions (from water and salts) organize and cohere, slowly
gathering energy from vortices and gentle currents in the depths of the ocean.
Oceanic currents continually cycle this water so that its refined energy is
mixed with water enhanced by the Sun. Dew is another example of water at its
energetic peak—created in the darkness, enlivened by the indirect light of
dawn and, if not absorbed, robbed of its energy by the full

• Water that has been exposed to vortices, some form of organizing energy,
natural sound and light, reaches perfect balance and equilibrium in the dark.
These conditions bring energetic refinement to water. They complete the
picture for the creation of full-spectrum, living water.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• The 5th Phase of Wateris a three dimensional Crystalline Water
structure that is found in spring water and Improves hydration. This
fact has been known for decades. New technology has now
harnessed the energetic power of Photons in order to create
crystalline structures in your drinking water. Your children, loved
ones and pets will also enjoy the benefits of crystalline liquid
The th
5 Phase of Water
• The five elements

• Many philosophies have a set of five classical elements believed to

reflect the simplest essential parts or principles upon which
everything is based. Five Element Theory was inspired by
observation of the phases of matter. According to Buddhist, East
Indian, and Greek tradition, the five elements are: Earth, Air, Water,
Fire, and Aether or Ether (the void). These are basic forms of
energy that are continually being transformed into one another in
the natural world. Five Element Theory classifies everything
(foods, emotions, organs, seasons, planets, numbers, animals,
smells, etc.) into one of the five categories. Full-spectrum living
water exhibits all five elements:
The th
5 Phase of Water
Earth is represented by the minerals carried in water. Minerals (salts) bring a variety of
important Earth frequencies to water. They also play a pivotal role in the conduction of

• 2. Air is represented by the gasses in water. Water itself is made of the two gases, hydrogen
and oxygen, both of which can reside in and enhance the molecular structure of water as well
as its energetic qualities. Water also absorbs other necessary gasses, particularly carbon

• 3. Fire is represented by Ormus These are brought to life by vortices and by magnetic fields.
They supercharge the water and they give it superior hydrating qualities.

• 4. Water is represented as the liquid crystalline state. This is the ordered state that brings
life to water and to the elements carried within water’s matrix.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• When water has been enlivened by the above elements (minerals,
gasses, ormus, and liquid crystalline structure) water attracts and
delivers life force energy.

• Lii Aether or Ether (difficult for scientists to quantify) is

represented by life force, the crowning element in the five
elements—especially for water.
The th
5 Phase of Water
• Five Elements of Water

• Earth = minerals or salts

• Air = oxygen, hydrogen, and other gasses
• Fire = Ormus elements
• Water = crystalline structure
• Aether/Ether = life force energy
Structured Water is a Battery!
• Structured water is a molecular arrangement of water
molecules that exists when water is near hydrophilic (water-
loving) surfaces. Much like ice, water molecules join together
in hexagonally structured single-layer sheets. Unlike ice,
however, the sheets are flexible and move independently as
they are not glued together by protons. The majority of the
water in your body is structured water as your bodily tissues
are hydrophilic.
Structured Water is a Battery!
• The totality of structured water does not just include the hexagonal
sheets of water molecules mentioned earlier, but also the water
immediately surrounding them. As the hexagonal layers grow,
protons are ejected into the nearby water. This creates a most
unexpected phenomenon – an electrical potential (voltage)
between the structured water and the water surrounding it. In other
words, structured water stores energy, much like a battery.
• You might be wondering, “If structured water is a battery, what
charges it?” Dr. Pollack discovered that structured water grows
(charges) by absorbing radiant energy. Both light waves and
infrared waves, for example, charge structured water with energy.
Structured Water is a Battery!
• Structured water is a battery that needs constant charging.
Energized structured water recharges the liquid battery of the
body. When the body has sufficient energy, its aqueous
interior is highly charged allowing for optimized cellular and
metabolic function in addition to greater hydration and
• As many diseases are rooted in toxicity, dehydration, and
improper cell function, consuming energized structured water
may improve health in a number of ways. Recent experiments
even suggest that water structuring is responsible for proper
blood and lymph circulation in the body.
Structured Water is a Battery!
• Freshly vortexed water, or structured water, provides the body
with some energy. However, for true benefits, one should
drink only energized structured water. Only energized
structured water maximizes structured water’s health benefit
to the body.
Visual Thoughts

Phil Hawes
• Thomas Sydenham a 17th century Physician said
• “You are as old as your arteries”

This result is based on

Aortic Pulse Wave
This is the gold
standard in
measurement of
arterial compliance
My Brain Health ( Measured as a
Percentage 100 PERCENT!)

Brain Health Explained
My BEFORE AND AFTER! These results were
achieved after 15 minutes drinking 100ml of
structured water! (A perfect result)
Grade before
structured water: 2/5
Grade after structured water: 0/5
EKG risk of heart attack ZERO!
EKG Analysis Report Recording information Analysis criteria Report summary Heart
Rate Variability (HRV) summary Name: , Philip Hawes Birth date: 15/09/1948 User id:
170177528810204155_20 24-01-31_12-49-41 Recorder: Vyvo/Helo health devices
version: 6.0 Analysis date: 2024-01-31 Sampling rate: 250Hz Recording duration:
32.64 secs Analysis software: EKG Analysis API version: v.1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Total
samples: 8160 Analysed samples: 7535 Ignored samples: 625 Analysis duration: 30.14
secs Tachycardia: 120 BPM min duration: 5.0 s Bradicardia: 45 BPM min duration: 10.0
s Pause min duration: 2.0 s Asystole min duration: 6.3 s Total QRSs: 14 normal: 14
atypical: 0 artefact: 0 Average HR: 65 BPM min: 64 BPM on: 0:00:04.40 max: 66 BPM
on: 0:00:10.588 Total events: 0 tachyc.: 0 bradyc.: 0 pauses: 0 RR max: 0.0 ms Ectopic
events: 0 (0% of total) RRMEAN: 0.92 R-R intervals average duration SDNN: 0.04
Standard deviation of the NN (R-R) intervals RMSSD: 0.53 Root mean square of the
successive differences PNN50: 0.07% The proportion of NN50 divided by the total
number of NN (R-R) intervals. SDANN: - Standard Deviation of Sequential Five-
Minute R-R Interval Means ASDNN: - Average standard deviation of all 5-min R-R
More results! (all good)

A tiny amount of water can help achieve incredible results! I am shining the
light generated by the software in the phone underneath the atomiser bottle.
This produces frequencies that energise the water. By spraying a few drops of
this water onto my body, my strength increases dramatically. These vids are
not playable in this book; However, they are amazing.
My 96-year-old Father-in-Law
Howard suffers from To view this
Osteoarthritis and
has been unable to remarkable video
walk without pain and You Tube link:
without the aid of a
walker or stick for 15
years. Here is what WVDfV_0D4
happened after a few
sprays of structured
Energised water!
Increase in STRENGTH! (Grip Strength)
Initial 97.4 lbs to 123.6lbs INSTANTLY!
Incredible as it may seem, my
result was achieved with a very
small amount of structured water
sprayed on my body.
The amount of energy that water
can retain is beyond belief until

As we age, generally we lose

water and we can notice this
because our skin is a great
indicator of dehydration.
The poor gentleman in the
picture is an extreme example
of this.
Structured (Energised Water) Hydrates!
Good Nutrition is part of the solution!
• The following pages contain real results using the
latest technologies which validate my own efforts
to maintain my own state of health. Although they
may be seemingly unbelievable,
• They are real. I have not needed to see any doctor
other than a visit to hospital for a case of food
poisoning and when I was a young boy with a sore
throat and they took my tonsils out!!!
• It is all about PREVENTION. Taking the steps to
understand the critical importance of WATER as
nature intended and DRINKING IT!
• Potentially toxic “forever chemicals” have been detected in the drinking
water sources at 17 of 18 England’s water companies, with 11,853
samples testing positive, something experts say they are “extremely
• Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – a group of 10,000 or so
human-made chemicals widely used in industrial processes, firefighting
foams and consumer products – were found in samples of raw and
treated water tested by water companies last year, according to the
Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), the Guardian and Watershed
Investigations has found.
• Some PFAS, including PFOS and PFOA, have been linked to cancers,
thyroid disease, immune system and fertility problems as well as
developmental defects in unborn children.
What’s in our drinking
• We must have clean drinking water, a simple thing
you may think.
• What is in our drinking water?
• Chlorine and Fluoride are just two highly toxic
• Pollutants known as “forever chemicals”, PAFS which
don’t break down in the environment, build up in the
body and may be toxic, have been found at high levels
at thousands of sites across the UK
• Source Guardian
• Short for "per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances,"
PFAS are a class of thousands of man-made
chemicals that have been around since the 1940s.
Why you MUST add plant based mineral
salts to your structured water.
• The ocean is a dynamic, living crystal continually exchanging energy and information with its
surroundings. The fluids within the human body (lymph, blood plasma, and extracellular fluid—the fluid
between cells) are very much like the ocean. In fact, comparisons between them reveals they are almost
identical. "Salts" in the ocean and within the human body contribute to water’s ability to exchange
energetic information. Water without mineral salts is empty. That’s why distilled water is said to be
“dead.” It lacks the ingredients that help water to hold energy. Without salts, water is also aggressive. In
order to become balanced, it draws minerals from anywhere it can get them. Unfortunately our oceans
have become polluted, it is almost impossible to find oceanic minerals that have not become polluted.
• Salts are essential for the maintenance of life. For water, they provide the energetic “spark” that helps
conduct energy and information. Salts are also a component in the creation and maintenance of water’s
liquid crystalline state; they participate in the creation of a more complex liquid crystal. And of course,
they are a requirement for the generation of full-spectrum living water.
• Salts occur as combinations of acidic and alkaline ions, where a positively-charged ion combines with a
negatively-charged ion in the formation of a new compound. Examples include potassium sulphate,
calcium carbonate, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, and of course, sodium chloride. Salts can
combine in a nearly endless number of combinations found in the ocean and within our bodies. The
addition of unprocessed salt (not table salt) invigorates water. It provides balanced minerals, supports
water's structure and it introduces influences from the ocean that are essential to our well-being.
The perfect solution is right here!
The ability to add Plant Based Minerals to structured, energised
water must become a daily habit!
• By now, it must be realised that nature has the answer to disease
prevention. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine”
“Dehydration is the root cause of almost all
chronic disease conditions”
This statement is the conclusion of Dr Fereydoon
Batmanghelidj after years of research and practical
application of water. In my opinion he is absolutely
It is obvious that your body must be hydrated
efficiently for all aspects of your bodily functions to
operate optimally. However, the impact of EMFs was
not realised at the time of writing.
It is generally thought that our body is 70 to 80%
water, this is approximately correct. However, on a
molecular level it is 99 percent
We are all beings of water therefore the question that
must be asked is “WHAT ARE WE DRINKING, AND
Hydration or Not?
• Water, as you will see, absorbs energy from frequencies, these
are natural sine wave frequencies from sunlight. Frequencies
generated from Wi-Fi, 3,4 and 5G masts, electrical circuits, blue
tooth and so on, are not natural and indeed, may be harmful to
our bodies.
• These frequencies are square wave or spike frequencies and are
also absorbed into our body as we are beings of water.
• If we can negate the effect of these unnatural frequencies our
body will immediately respond and allow our body to optimise
it’s own functionality.
The Cytoplasm ( crucial to our
• We have trillions of cells, each cell has a membrane
which surrounds the organelles within the cell of
which there are millions, this includes the nucleus
and the mitochondria.
• You have now seen how water can absorb
frequencies, however, what you cannot see is what
these frequencies do to hinder the efficient
absorption of water into the cell.
• Water entering the cell becomes a gel like
substance known as the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm
is essential to the function of all organelles within
the cell. When water is hindered from entering the
cell, your cellular functions are unable to optimise
their actions!
Without water, without cytoplasm, without
energy for life!
It is thought that the molecule
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
produces our energy. However, when
the ATP binds with intracellular
structural proteins it unfolds them
allowing them to bind with water cells
to form the ATP (gel).
“Without ATP the cytoplasm does not
form and the cell collapses”
This was discovered by Dr Gilbert Ling
Is the water we are drinking today
hydrating your body?Answer NO
Here you see a graphic depiction of Electro Magnetic
Frequencies ( EMFs) emanating from a cell phone. (we will
talk about this a little later)

It must be recognised that we no longer live naturally, as

nature intended. Our environment is no longer conducive
to a healthy life!

We are exposed every day to toxins in our water , air,

food, household products. The body fights to eliminate
all these toxic substances
Dangers of EMFs
and other Radiation
This is more important than you can
imagine, our future depends upon
taking action to protect ourselves
from EMF.
Here are some very important quotes
from some of the world’s leading
experts in this field
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt asks the
question “ Is our current
electromagnetic environment
responsible for chronic illness, the
extinction of our entire species, global
warming and general madness”
Over 200 Scientists agree
Bad Habits Good Habits
The key to changing your life!
This is probably the most difficult thing to
do and yet if you really want to change your
life for the better you must introduce a daily
good habit, in fact, first stop all the bad
habits, you know what they are.
OF WATER AND DRINK IT. Then drink at
least 1 or 2 litres daily (sipping throughout
the day, more if exercising)
Good Habits for Good
If I proved beyond doubt that a simple habit
that would take 40 seconds a day, that will
help improve the lives of your children, your
pets, your flowers , your plants and YOU.
Would you, do it?
Of course, your answer would be yes!
However, if you really want this, the only way
is to develop a HABIT
Creating a habit is doing something without
having to think about it.
The next page is critical to appreciate
Creating a Good Habit!
After getting up
Pour a glass of water (500ml), energise it for
60seconds using the “Hydration App” and drink it.
Do this without fail every single day.
Drink energised water throughout the day By the
end of the day you will need to drink at least 1 litre
(more if exercising).
Please look at my live blood results before and after
drinking this amazing water.
Be determined, do not let anything interrupt this
• Open the first video on the next page, this shows me
shining the torch from the cell phone light onto the
Video water.
• The light from the cell phone has a built-in frequency
Evidence which energises the water in less than a minute. This
structures the water; you can then see the effect when a
very small amount is sprayed on the body. Just imagine
Seeing is what drinking this water will do because it is now able
to enter your cells, just like nature intended!
Believing • The amount of energy contained in this very small
amount of water is remarkable

NB Please email if you are

unable to see the videos
How Long do the effects of a little
water on your body last?
• This is dependent upon your
environmental exposure to outside
sources of EMFs.
• Generally, if you are indoors with Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, Electrical circuits etc the
effect can last anywhere between 4-
hours. Outside your exposure is less
focused, unless of course you are
standing next to a phone mast.
However, this can last for a day or two.
• Don’t forget that charging takes only
40 seconds. I always charge my water
Prince in the Gym th
4 Dan Black Belt
“I drink energised (structured) water every day for optimised
performance, I AM 65 YEARS YOUNG”
A Few Testimonials
• Debs says, “I could already feel the energy as soon as I put the lanyard on, it is incredible!”
HC says “I am well into my 90’s and suffering with knee pain and I have been unable to walk without a walker for over 15 years.
When wearing the lanyard, I have been able to walk without pain and without my walker. I have had a number of falls, but know I feel
much more stable and confident about walking without falling”
MH says ”I am completely amazed at the increase in strength and energy when wearing the lanyard as well as my balance and
• Maureen says “Dear Phil
I had to write to let you know about my wonderful experiences with the lanyard. It's been only a week and I had to let you know just
how grateful I am. I have osteoarthritis in both my hips which is extremely painful (about 8 to 8.5 on a scale of 1 to 10) and I have been
walking with a cane since the start of this year. I charged the lanyard and put it on as soon as it arrived in the post. It was within an hour
that I realised that the constant pain had reduced considerably. I'm walking without holding on to the furniture at home and able to
climb the stairs one tread at a time instead of crawling. The pain is now about 4 and therefore life is already so much happier. I've also
experienced an increase in energy. I used to feel exhausted with the pain and had to be in bed by 10.00pm. Now I'm wide awake at
midnight and beyond. This feels like magic or a miracle so I can only say thank you once again and may your life be blessed with
abundance for sharing this.
• Miland says
“Hi Philip
I can report back that i do indeed have more energy and from the get-go was able to toss the babies in the air with ease. As a result, my
shoulders and arms are bigger. Amazing results in only a week!
Thank you.
• David says “Our 8-year-old greyhound was losing weight
rapidly our vet said that the dog would have to be put down. I
asked if there was anything else to try and he said he would
put the dog on steroids. Amazingly our dog started to gain
weight. It has been over a year now, however, our dog started
to lose weight again and also his body was covered in open
sores and wealds. I went back to the vet, and he insisted that
there was nothing else to do and that our dog had to be put
down. I wanted to take our dog back home for my wife to say
goodbye. I had seen you a few days before and decided to give
my dog the structured water.
We noticed that the sores were healing and after 5 days all
the sores were healed, the dog was running around in the
garden like a puppy.
I gave my dog three bowls of water everyday changing them
and charging the water with each new bowl. Any water left I
put into the pot plant next to his bowl and again within a few
days noticed that the plant had grown a lot. My dog was at
death’s door, I just had no idea that water could save him,
Thank you, Phil.”
Another amazing happening with
another Greyhound

Phil, you dropped by my surgery in Slough, I had a greyhound on the table trying to save
it’s life. The dog was in deep shock, hyperventilating and shaking uncontrollably. In my
opinion there was nothing I could do to alleviate the issues and sadly the owner, Frank
,carried the dog out of the surgery to where you were sitting in the waiting room.
The dog had collapsed onto the floor, it was distressing for all to see.

You went into the kitchen and came back with some water in a little spray bottle and
immediately began to spray a tiny amount of water from head to tail. Frank asked what I
has done and I explained that I had energised the water. Within 5 minutes the dog had
stopped hyperventilating and shaking, after another two or three minutes the dog had
completely recovered, got up and wagged his tail.
Another Greyhound (continued)

I was amazed as was everyone that witnessed this.

Frank asked you how much you thought the dog was
worth and then said £30,000!
Frank Gray is the UK’s top trainer and then told you he
has another 130 greyhounds in his kennels.
About a week later you and I visited his kennels in
Towcester and a week after that you supplied a
system to supply energised water to all 130
greyhounds. The only such system in the world.
Incredible Phil Well Done!
Humphrey Murphy Veterinary Surgeon
Old School Animal Care Iver

Please don’t forget to give your pets

( and plants) clean energised water
From Colleen received Saturday 2nd March
Hi there Phil

I just wanted to email you to express my gratitude to you for your care and knowledge that you hold
regarding the products you promote and use yourself.
My daughter had to quit her job a few years ago due to a serious condition she developed which affected
her hands, neck , shoulders spine and lower back .the consultants said there’s nothing they could do ,but in
the mean time take all this medication it may relieve some of the pain for a while . My daughter hates
pharmaceuticals, she was devastated that she had no choice other than to take this as the pain was
She was given a ground floor flat because according to them she will eventually be in a wheelchair!!!
She is classed as disabled and also given a disabled bus pass . She wasn’t able to stand up longer than 5
minutes let alone jump on and off busses .
I was devastated when I saw my daughter after being on all this medication, she was a zombie,
I didn’t recognize her. My daughter felt like her life was doomed and so did I to be honest.
Thank god you recommend for her to use the product that you use and promote … the Pathway Nano
Curcumin, not only is it anti-inflammatory , anti-cancerous, but a brilliant pain killer too .
This was stage 1 …
She was delighted to know that it contains 100% natural ingredients .
The next time I saw my daughter I was amazed on the transformation in her .She had managed to cut down
the medication she was on and in turn no longer looking or acting like a zombie.
The pain started to reduce and she was able to stand up longer than 5 minutes at a time which was a major

Stage 2 …. You introduced along with the Curcumin Green Science Plus .
OMG this stuff is amazing to her health . It’s also 100% natural organic ingredients and it tastes nice too

She messaged me yesterday saying…. Mum, through using both the products I’ve managed to cut down the
medication even more , I’ve managed to go out on short walks out plus I’ve started to do some gentle
exercises to help me remove all this weight I’ve piled on due to lack of movement and the medication.

Stage 3 will be her to use your other product The Genomic Charging System , which will give her strength .
This will be the icing on the cake for her
Just want to say …. Thank you , thank you and thank you for helping my daughter to restore her life back and
giving us hope

I hope others will benefit from the products as much as my daughter has .
Kind regards
What can we do now and in the future?
Of course, the first thing is STRUCTURED DRINK WATER.

However, this is not so easy we are too busy, it is not

something we think about. Ask yourself this question

“How much water did I drink today?” I don’t mean tea, coffee,
fizzy or pop!!

“How much structured water did I drink today” I already know

the answer
My Reading List
Mind Blowing!
• This has been the words used by many who have
experienced the energy that will instantly
transform your balance, stability and strength.
• You are invited to experience this wherever you
• A 10-minute ZOOM demonstration is all that is
• All you will need is a partner and a small glass of
water half filled
• Please email me to arrange this amazing
What do I take/do every day?
First thing every morning is to drink 250ml structured water .
This is a habit that MUST be adhered to, Without structured water
everything else is not going to be utilised correctly in your body!

Please watch Phil and Richard Vobes explain the importance and
power of this amazing elixir of life!
Search “Richard Vobes Water Magic” on You Tube
• I cannot stress the importance of the
microbiome. This area of our body is crucial in
helping to maintain our own immune system.
• Unfortunately the very high acidity in our
stomach can destroy any orally taken probiotic
. In order to alleviate this issue the bacteria
needs to be protected as it passes through the
• One way of achieving this is called “Micro-
• “Immunity Plus” has this protection
What I take daily (mixing it with
structured water)
• I mix a scoop of “Super Brain Food” an organic blend of 35 fruits,
vegetables and enzymes
OILS”(PEOs) Prof Peskin's original
Ultimate EFAs® are organically produced and cold-pressed oils
containing Parent Omega-6 and Parent Omega-3. Our EFAs
are far better than fish oil supplements. Fish oils are not as pure
or as effective as organic oils and can even be harmful. We
developed our EFAs to achieve specific, calculated results and
they really work. Available in liquid (Vegan Friendly) or capsules
Chelated Minerals from Prof Peskin
Minerals and Vitamins are cofactors. Together they make your
biochemical reactions work up to 1,000,000 times more efficiently!
Everyone is spending money on vitamins, but few people give
minerals the attention they deserve. Your body can't make minerals;
like vitamins, they must come from your diet. In my opinion, mineral
supplements are more important than taking vitamins, because
vitamins are still in the foods; whereas, minerals through over-
farming the land no longer are. Eating properly and taking YES
Ultimate Minerals gives you all the vitamins & minerals you need!.

Chelated minerals will boost absorption. They’re bound to a

chelating agent, which are typically organic compounds or
amino acids that help prevent the minerals from interacting
with other compounds.
Ingredients for PEOs and Chelated
Demonstrating the electrical
properties of trace minerals Watch a short
in Super Brain Food. demonstration here:
Water does not conduct
electricity ehh3tdY
It is the trace minerals
(electrolytes) that allow the
flow of electricity through
the water and consequently
create the flow throughout
our body, known as
Product Posters
Other important supplements

Spike Protein Nootropics
eliminator Gut Health

takes place
when you
nano size
molecule, it

• This is very important to practice this every day.

• Of course the proof of the pudding is Wim Hof. If you have not
heard of this remarkable man, then please look him up. I am only
mentioning the breathing aspect of his work, not the ice baths.
• Personally, I have found that deep breathing for only 5 mins three
times a day has a measurable effect on blood pressure. Sometimes
lowering BP by 10-20 points
My Daily Routine
• As soon as I get out of bed, I drink a 500ml glass of structured water. I also mix in a scoop of
“Super Brain Food”. (This, of course is not only for the benefit of only my brain, but to ensure
that I have plenty of nutrients for the day). I usually drink a further 2 or 3 glasses during the
day and another if I am in the gym.

• By the way, do try ang exercise regularly, if you cannot manage the gym then walking briskly
is great. Our body is designed to move.
• This is important to stimulate our Lymphatic System
Microcurrent Technology
Coming Soon
• Cutting edge healthcare?
• It’s absolutely current. (no pun intended)
• A system automatically generating a complex series of microcurrents with a simple, one-finger
operation. In fact, it delivers over 4.6 million permutations within a single treatment programme.
• When an injury occurs, the body’s natural electrical frequencies can be disrupted, reducing the
production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) within the damaged cells.
• ATP is the energy-providing molecule required for all metabolic cellular processes – and is
essential for pain management and tissue repair. When tissue is repaired, inflammation is
reduced. And inflammation is how the body perceives pain. The application of Microcurrent
Therapy aims to support the body’s natural repair process and to help it trigger the production of
ATP. Simply put, the sooner the body can start a repair, the sooner it can finish. When an injury is
repaired faster, there is less chance of recurrence as, due to working with softer tissue, the repair
can be stronger.
• The body is the most complex, amazing and effective microcurrent device ever created. It just
sometimes needs a helping hand.
Mineral Depletion
The Best Minerals Ever!
• I have been searching and researching the world for the best source of “Plant Based Minerals” to
create the perfect combination of the 5th Phase Water and minerals. I have found them!
• Plant Derived Minerals are extracted from plants that lived over 75 million years ago.
These ancient, mineral-laden plants today form a layer of earth called humic shale. It’s
this mineral-rich layer of earth that provides us with a source of plant based minerals
which have a 90-98% absorption rate, which is infinitely superior to most over the
counter minerals and is far more beneficial that other inorganic supplement sources
such as bentonite or dried sea-beds.

Plant Derived Minerals are in harmony with the ancient plant material they are sourced
from, and therefore have a natural negative electrical charge. A negative charge
naturally cleanses and helps the body rid itself of toxins, including heavy metals. It also
allows the body to easily transport nutrients and increase their bioavailability.
Benefits of Plant Based Minerals
• Liquid Colloidal Form
The minerals that plants absorb from the soil are converted into colloids. These are miniscule
particles which retain their form and identity even when suspended in liquid, making them highly
Enhanced Bioavailability and Detoxification
Plant derived minerals contain a negative electrical charge enabling them to assist in the body’s
detoxification process. They also allow the body to transport other nutrients and enhance the
bioavailability of said nutrients.
Pure and Natural
Once the humic shale is mined, it is placed in natural spring water in sterilised food grade
containers to begin the process of extracting the valuable minerals which have been locked
away for millennia. Every process filtration process is carefully monitored to ensure a pure
product. The end result is plant derived minerals with no preservatives, additives, flavourings or
synthetic substances.
Filtering Your Water with a ZERO
Water Filter
• Fluoridated Water Can Damage the Thyroid
• A recent study reported water fluoridation in England is linked to a 30 percent increase
in the rate of underactive thyroid; still, other reports suggest 2 to 5 mg of fluoride over
months can actually reduce thyroid function. Close to 70 percent of the US and 30
percent in the UK. Water supply is fluoridated. But should we really be putting an
endocrine disruptor like fluoride into the water we drink?

• Fluoridated Water is Linked to ADHD

• With a more than 50 percent increase in the past 10 years, ADHD is becoming a big
problem in the western economies. So what’s causing this increase? Well, if you live in
an area with fluoridated water, that could even be a factor. For the first time, scientists
have “found that areas with a higher portion of artificially fluoridated water had a higher
prevalence of ADHD,” and it seems like more than just a fluke: the trend even “held up
across six different years examined.”
No To Fluoride!!!
• Fluoridated Water Lowers IQ
• New data suggests fluoridated water could even lead to brain damage and lower IQs in
kids. As a neurotoxin, fluoride could even cause damage equivalent to that from a
traumatic brain injury. Some experts believe that adding fluoride to the water supply is
not only reckless, it’s immoral. Unfortunately, many of the individuals in control of
fluoridating water are unaware of the hazards of the toxin.

• Fluoridated Water Can Cause Fluorosis

• Too much fluoride can affect teeth and bones. The World Health Organization (WHO)
says ”fluoride levels above 1.5 mg per litre cause pitting of tooth enamel and deposits
in bones. Levels above 10 mg per litre cause the crippling skeletal fluorosis.”We can be
often exposed to levels in the 2 to 5 mg range, but in India, fluorosis is such a concern
that, in 2008, the government had to create a national health plan to combat excess
fluoride in the water. With the way the U.S. loves its fluoride, why couldn’t that happen
No to Fluoride!!!
• Fluoridated Water Damages the Pineal Gland
• Fluoride damage to bones and teeth isn’t the only issue; the toxin can also
build up in very high levels in the pineal gland. Located in the brain, this gland
is responsible for melatonin synthesis and production. While it’s not known just
how fluoride can damage the gland, one thing melatonin controls is the start of
puberty in girls, and some evidence suggests the build-up could be a factor in
early onset.

• Avoid Fluoride at All Costs

• Fluoridated water is causing all sorts of damage to our bodies—maybe even
more than we know. There’s an old argument that taking the fluoride out of the
water supply would significantly damage oral health; but, in the 21st century, is
that still the best argument
Honourable Mentions

Dr Robert Verkerk

Prof Brian Peskin

Dr Dorian Dugmore
Contact Phil
To receive your invitation for a live
demonstration please send me your email
address marked “invitation”

IF YOU WOULD LIKE A Zero Filter please quote “Phil10”

for an extra discount

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