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개정 영어I NE능률(김성곤) Lesson 3

옳은 어법·어휘 고르기
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You can protect tigers simply by (switch / switching)1) off the lights. This may sound (strange /
strangely)2), but it is actually (true / truly)3). An everyday action (that / what)4) (help / helps)5) us

(save / saving)6) energy can also help (save / saving)7) an (endanger / endangered)8) species. How 법

does this work? Let's take a look. 어

Tigers, one of the world's largest *feline species, (have / has)9) long been the kings of Asia's
forests. Despite (be / being)10) the dominant predators of their habitats, they move (silent / silently)11)
and (remain / remaining)12) unseen (most / most of)13) the time. (Imagine / Imagining)14) how
ancient people must (feel / have felt)15) when (encountered / encountering)16) tigers in the wild! It
is no surprise (that / what)17) tigers have (feared / been feared)18) and worshipped by humans for
centuries, (stand / stood / standing)19) as symbols of power and courage. The fact (that / which)20)
ancient rock paintings (feature / featuring)21) images of tigers (show / shows)22) how closely tigers
have been related to humans throughout history.
*feline 고양잇과의

At one time, tigers (found / were found)23) all across Asia, from Korea to Turkey. (However /
Therefore)24), the world's tiger population (have / has)25) been shrinking rapidly. (Illegal / Legal)26)
hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons behind this (increase / decrease)27). At the start of
the 20th century, it (estimated / was estimated)28) that there (was / were)29) approximately 100,000
wild tigers. In recent years, (however / for instance)30), three of the nine subspecies of tigers (have /
has)31) become extinct. In fact, it is now (estimated / estimating)32) that there (is / are)33) fewer than
4,000 tigers (living / lived)34) in the wild. Some experts even predict (that / what)35) the last of the
world's wild tigers will (appear / disappear)36) within the next 10 years.

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개정 영어I NE능률(김성곤) Lesson 3

It would be very sad if there (are / were)37) no more wild tigers. Would it really matter, though?
(After all / As a result)38), we could still see them in zoos or (watch / watching)39) programs about
them on TV. Shouldn't we (more worried / be more worried)40) about (protect / protecting)41)

법 human beings? The fact is, however, (that / which)42) we need to protect tigers in order to protect

어 (us / ourselves)43). This is (why / because)44) all of Earth's species are interconnected.

고 Think about what would (happen / have happened)45) if tigers became extinct. (Existing / Existed)46)

기 at the top of the food chain, they (maintain / increase)47) the populations of animals they prey on,
such as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would (rapid / rapidly)48) (increase / decrease)49)
in number. As a result, their food source, vegetation, would begin (disappear / to disappear)50). This
would cause birds and insects (lose / losing / to lose)51) their homes, and bigger animals (that /
what)52) prey on them would soon (add to / run out of)53) food. Eventually, the entire ecosystem
would (affect / be affected)54). Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for everything we
need (survive / to survive)55), including air, food, and water. This is (how / what)56) the
disappearance of a single species can (save / threaten)57) the whole planet.

Now imagine what would happen if we (made / had made)58) the effort (to save / saved)59) tigers.
Tigers (consider / are considered)60) an "umbrella species." This is an ecological term (refers /
referring)61) to species (what / that)62) (live / lives)63) in a large area (contain / contains /
containing)64) a variety of different ecosystems. If we choose (protect / to protect)65) these species,
we must conserve their habitat. As a result, the other species (that / what)66) share this habitat,
including trees and insects, (is / are)67) protected too, (if / as if)68) there were a large umbrella
(holding / being held)69) over them.

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개정 영어I NE능률(김성곤) Lesson 3

Now, it is (obvious / obviously)70) that we must protect tigers. You may, however, still wonder
(how / what)71) switching off the lights (help / helps)72). Well, the lights in our homes require
electricity, and more than half of the world's electricity (create / creates / is created / are created)73)

by (burn / burning)74) fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide (releases / is 법

released)75) into the air, and this (contributes / is contributed)76) to climate change. Climate change 어

has a number of (positive / negative)77) effects, including (rise / risen / rising)78) sea levels that 고

(threaten / threatens)79) many parts of the world. One of these places, (calling / called)80) the 기
Sundarbans, (is / are)81) an area on the coast of Bangladesh (inhabiting / inhabited)82) by a large
number of tigers. If Earth's oceans (continue / will continue)83) to rise, this area could (wipe out /
be wiped out)84) and its tiger population could be reduced by as (many / much)85) as 96%. By
(conserve / conserving)86) energy, however, we can (slow / speed up)87) climate change, and this will
(slow / slowly)88) the rise of the oceans. So keep (switch / switching)89) off the lights whenever
you’re the last person (leaves / to leave)90) a room!

You can also protect tigers when (shop / shopping)91). Many popular products, including chocolate,
instant noodles, and soap, (made / is made / are made)92) with palm oil. (Fortunately /
Unfortunately)93), forests (which / where)94) tigers live are (destroying / being destroyed)95) to build
more and more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however, (produces / is produced)96) in a
(more / less)97) sustainable way. Products (that / what)98) use this environmentally (friendly /
unfriendly)99) palm oil usually (have / has)100) a special mark on the label. Look for it the next time
you (go / going)101) shopping!

There (is / are)102) many other things you can do (protect / to protect)103) tigers and other
endangered species. You could volunteer at a nonprofit organization or (share / to share)104)
important information on social networking sites. (How / However)105) small your actions may seem,
(it / they)106) can help (make / making)107) a big difference. Most (important / importantly)108), you
must remember (what / that)109) we all share the same planet. If a single species (disappear /
disappears / will disappear)110), every other living creature, (include / including)111) human beings,
could (affect / be affected)112).

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