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Connect the Cosmos to thé Inner Orbíí

Mantak Chia
lllustrations by Udon Jandee

Opening the Three Tan Tiens to the Six Directions

Opening the Three Tan Tiens to the Six Directions is a Chi. Kung
mediiation that strengthens oúr connection to the Universe,
opening us up to the primordial force of the Cosmos and the
energy within Nature. We are dynamically connected to the
infinite and infinitesimal. "As above, so below", is an echo óf
wisdom heard from sages and mystics through the ages. When
we can connect to and absorb the energy that surrounds us, we
are able to tap into the many splendors of the Universe.

We exist because of the unique combination of the fçrces that

are around and within us. The two main forces are electricity
and magnetism. Bio-electromagnetisni is the Western term for
life force, and what the Tao refers to as Chi. For the last 5,000
years the Taoists have utilized this bio-elèctromagnetic energy
to enhance their way of life and establish a relationship with thè
Universe. As we align ourselves with these forces, we become a
conduit through which we can absorb and digest these energies
through the body, mind, and spirit establishing a direct,
connection with the Universe. The Taoists recognized this
'connection, and created the Chi Kung form of Opening the Three
Tan Tiens to the Six Directions to enhance. our relationship to
and our understanding of this connection.

Universal Tao Publications

274 Moo 7, Luang Nua, Doi Saket,
Chiang Mai 50220, Thailand
Tel: (66)(53) 495-596 Fax: 495-852
Email: Universaltao@universal-tao. com
, Web Site: www.universal-tao.çom »
Editor: Annette Dersken

Assistant Editors: Valerie Meszaros, Lee Holden, Bastiaan Anink Three Tan Tiens in
Six Directions
lllustrations: Juan Li, Udon Jandee

Computer Graphics: Saisunee Yongyod

Layout: Siriporn Chaimongkol

Production Manager: Saniem Chaisarn Connect the Cosmos

Final Editing: Jean Chilton, Colin Campbell

Project Manager: W.U. Wei

to the Inner Orbit

First published in 2002 by:

Universal Tao Publications

274 Moo 7, Luang Nua,
Doi Saket, Chiang Mai 50220 Thailand
Tel: (66)(53) 495-596 Fax: 495-853 Mantak Chia
Web Site:

Manufactured in Thailand

ISBN: 0-935621-34-2

Ali rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be used or repro- Edited by:
duced in any manner whatsoever without the express written per-
mission from the author, with the exception of brief quotations em-
bodied in criticai articles and reviews. Anyone who undertakes these Annette Dersken
practices on the basis of this booklet alone, does so entirely at his or
herown risk.
Contents Opening the Three Tan Tiens
to the Six Directions
Opening the Three Tan Tiens to the Six Directions 1
Introduction 1 Introduction
Relaxation, Letting Go, Surrenderand Ego 3
Mind, Organs and Sexual Organs 4 Opening the Three Tan Tiens is a Chi Kung meditation that strength-
A. Sexual Organs 4 ens our connection to the Universe, opening us up to the primordial
B. Brain 4 force of the Cosmos and the energy within Nature. W e are dynami-
C. Organs of the Body 4 cally connected to the infinite and infinitesimal. "As above, so be-
D. Three Tan Tien 5 low" is an echo of wisdom heard from sages and mystics through
Opening the Three Tan Tiens 6 the ages. When we can connect to and absorb the energy that sur-
Practice 8 rounds us, we are able to tap into the many splendors of the Uni-
Warm-up Exercises 8 verse.
A. Rotating the Sacrum 8 We exist because of the unique combination of the forces that
B. Spinal Cord Breating 8 are around and within us. The two rmain forces are electricity and
O Shaking 8 magnetism. Bio-electromagnetism is the Western term for life force,
True Breathing - Skin Breating 9 and what the Tao refers to as Chi. For the last 5,000 years the
Six Directions 10 Taoists have utilized this bio-electromagnetic energy to enhance their
Activating the Three Fires 19 way of life and establish a relationship with the Universe. Bio signi-
Opening the Three Tan Tiens 21 fies life, electro refers to the universal energies (Yang) of the stars
Opening the Microcosmic Orbit 35 and planets, and the magnetic force refers to the Earth force (Yin) or
gravitational force present on ali planets and stars. As we align our-
selves with these forces, we become a conduit through which we
can absorb and digest these energies through the body, mind, and
spirit establishing a direct connection with the Universe. The Tao-
The meditations, practices and techniques described herein are not ists recognized this connection, and created the Chi Kung form of
intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for professional Opening the Three Tan Tiens to the Six Directions to enhance our
medicai treatment and care. If any readers are suffering from ill- relationship to and our understanding of this connection.
nesses based on mental oremotional disorders, an appropriate pro- Humans normally access bio-electromagnetic energy through their
fessional health care practitioner or therapist should be consulted. food and air. Plants take the universal energies of the sun and the
Such problems should be corrected before you start training. This magnetic energies of the Earth and digest and transform them,
booklet does not attempt to give any medicai diagnosis, treatment, thereby making these energies available to ali living beings. Taoist
prescription, or remediai recommendation in relation to any human believe that the food sources with the purest form of energy are the
disease, ailment, suffering or physical condition whatsoever.

green leafy vegetables. These have taken sunlight directly into their to combine with it, and draw these forces into the body. The hands
cells. Ratherthan wait until the energy in the Universe is processed are called the touching force, and like antennae they can transmit
through plants, the Taoist goes directly to the source of this primor- the frequencies and vibrations from space. With the mind and the
dial energy. Through Chi Kung and meditation the Taoist digests the hands, each of us can journey into the boundless energy of the
energy of the Universe directly. Opening the Three Tan Tiens is a Universe.
Chi Kung meditation exercise that focuses on how to directly tap
into the source of energy ali around us.
The Tao views human beings as lamps filled with fuel. Many people Relaxation, Letting Go, Surrender and Ego
burn this fuel at a very high intensity, without ever taking time to
replenish the oil in the lamp. Drinking, drugs, smoking, and promis- In some religions and spiritual paths, there is a great emphasis on
cuity ali quicken the depletion of this fuel. The Taoist exercises strive surrender and letting go. This is actually a form of relaxation, Taoist
to continually refill the fuel and energy within. The Tao recognizes practices emphasize relaxation, letting go, and emptiness. When a
that we are limited in our nature as human beings, but we can be- person is relaxed, the muscles are open, the breathing is soft, and
come unlimited when we connect the sources of energy within the the energy can flow through the channels of the body. There is no
Universe. So, within the limitations of our human nature, we con- resistance and no fighting. This allows the creative and higherforces
stantly fill ourselves with the unlimited abundance of energy around to flow into us.
us. Most religions have a similar process. To contact the higher self
Through their internai quest, the Taoists discovered a doorway and the higher forces, one needs to let go and surrender in order
to the Universe. The more we open our internai energy, the more we reach the levei where one can be in contact with the higher forces.
are capable of connecting to the forces of energy around us. Through the surrender of control, one opens up and comes in touch
Human beings have amazing potential and capabilities. We are with the force. However, if you continue to surrender and let go, you
unique creatures in the way we use our minds and hands. Look at wilt lose the energy you have sent out. In the long term, this will
the world around you: the skyscrapers, the architecture, computers, gradually drain you. The force will suck the energy out of you, rather
technology, and the myriad creations of man. Ali have come about than helping you to bring the energy into yourself. To avoid this, at
through the combination of the mind with the hands. In the Tao prac- the moment that one is in touch with the higher forces, one again
tice, we use the mind and the hands, in both Chi Kung and medita- becomes aware of oneself, and his or her own energy. One is then
tion, to connect to the forces of the Universe. We use the mind to able to project his or her own thoughts, intentions and patterns into
project a pattern of energy into the Universe, to connect to the force, the force, integrating the outer force with your own force. This will
and to bring this energy back into the body. cause one's force to double or triple. You can bring this force back
to your place, your house, and into yourself.
The mind can travei millions of light years in a few moments.
Taoists discovered the unlimited potential of the human mind. If you One must remain open and empty while using one's intentions,
picture something in your mind, an ocean, a sunset, or a mountain. mind, and Chi to draw the energy into oneself. What might be a
you automatically connect with that image. The mind can take you paradox disappears as one does the practice and learns how to be
anywhere you can imagine. With the proper training you can con- empty and open, and to simultaneously retain enough conscious-
nect to the energy of Nature and the Universe and project your Chi ness to draw the force into oneself.

2 3
Mind, Organs and Sexual Organs D. Three Tan Tiens

The three Tan Tiens also can store energy, transform it, and supply
It seems that some people are disconnected from themselves and it to the brain, spinal cord, sexual organs, and other organs.
from their sexual organs. The mind and organs are separate. Tao- The aim of Taoist basic training is to integrate the brain, sexual
ism believes that the mind, body and spirit must work together. The organs, and other organs into one system. If the brain generates too
results depend on a person's practice. much energy, it can store the energy in the organs. The excess
sexual energy can also be stored in the organ and the three Tan
A. Sexual Organs Tiens. If the brain generates too much of the higher forces and we
are unable to store this energy, we have to throw it away. It is like
The Tao discovered that the sexual organs are the only organs that preparing food for one hundred people, and only one person is eat-
can generate a significant amount of sexual energy (life force). How- ing. The rest gets thrown away. In the same way, when too much
ever, the sexual organs cannot store the energy efficiently. When sexual energy is produced and there is no place to store it, it is
too much energy is generated, considerable energy hasto be dumped wasted. We do not have enough of this energy to waste it. We have
a limited amount of energy and time.
out. And this is the best energy that one has.
Some practices just deal with the spirit and ignore the body and
the sexual energy.
B. Brain These practices can generate a lot of energy, but when one is
not connected to the organs, the energy cannot be stored. One will
The brain can access and generate the higher forces, but storing end up draining oneself.
this energy in the brain is not easy. We need to train the brain to Some people practice sitting quietly, emptying the mind, with the
increase its ability and capacity to store energy. The brain energy, whole body relaxed and calm, but very little energy is generated.
when increased to a certain levei, can enable more synapses to When one gets deep into the practice. some people find it hard to
grow, and can help turn protein into brain cells. The Tao believes come back to society, because they have no energy and their mind
that with training and practice, one can leam to grow more brain and power does not work well. These people have to depend on others
nerve cells, as well as increase the number of synapses in the cen- to supportthem.
tral nervous system. In the Universal Tao. We are learning to create a sacred and holy
temple within ourselves. With the simple practice of smiling to ali the
C. Organs of the Body organs, we can integrate our bodies, minds, and spirits. They are no
longer separate. The sexual practice connects the mind with the
sexual organs and the brain. The separation between these parts of
The organs can also generate energy, but much less than the sexual
ourselves is bridged.
organs and the brain. Yet these organs have a much greater capac-
ity to store and transform energy. The Taoist practice provides us with the resources to extend be-
yond the realm of our senses. By tapping into our internai resources
and channeling the energy around us, we can perceive much more

than the senses normally report to the mind. We want to extend our In the Tao practice, we store energy in the Three Tan Tiens. The
perception from the limited perspective of the senses to the unlim- Three Tan Tiens are the reservoirs of energy within us.
ited awareness of the Universe. For example, our senses tell us that 1. The lower abdómen at the navel and the lower navel, is like an
the earth is flat, that we are stationary, and that heaven is above us. ocean. We want to feel an ocean of energy in the Lower Tan Tien.
In reality, the earth is a sphere hurtling through space at thousands Within this ocean, there is a fire, like a volcano under the ocean.
of miles per hour, and the heavens are above, below, and beyond 2. The heart center Tan Tien, between the two nipples, is the
the earth in every direction. The goal of the Three Tan Tiens is to Middle Tan Tien. It is associated with the fire element. Yet, within fire
connect with the forces from the six directions - above, below, left, there is always water. The original spirit (Shen) is stored here.
right, front, and back - and draw ali these forces into the body. Even- 3. The Upper Tan Tien is in the brain (the crystal room, third
tually, with practice, one can draw upon ali kinds of energy and use ventricle room), and when it is full of energy, the capacity of the
them as needed, thereby giving form to the formless energy that is brain increases. We store ourspiritual intelligence, the mind there.
abundant in Nature. Ali the Tan Tiens have both Yin and Yang within them. In nature,
the Yin and Yang are present in ali things. Day (Yang) turns into the
sunset, which turns to night (Yin). It is very important to feel the
Opening the Three Tan Tiens qualities of Yin within Yang and Yang within Yin. One quality does
not exist without the other. They are inseparable qualities of the
Opening the Three Tan Tien to the Six Directions is one of the many same force.
resources the Taoist practitioner uses to connect with the Universe. The Three Tan Tiens refer to the three reservoirs of energy within
The practice combines the powers of the mind with the strength of the body. These reservoirs are places where we can store, trans-
Chi. This combination allows our personal consciousness to directly form, and collect energy. The reservoirs are the source of energy
connect to the patterns and matrixes of energy in the Universe. When that flows through the body. The meridians are rivers of energy fed
we put our thoughts into the pattern of the Universe, we transform by these reservoirs. The goal of opening the Three Tan Tiens is to
the electromagnetic energy into a force that is accessible to us. The continually fill and replenish the energy of the Three Tan Tiens.
combination of mind power and energy is what allows us to estab- When we are connected to the Tao life ceases to be a struggle.
lish a relationship to these creative forces and the high sources of Through the observation of Nature, the Taoists leamed to flow with
energy. the stream of energy and connect to forces in the Universe.
In these practices, we use a variety of hand movements and
Three Tan Tiens body postures to open to the energy around us. We draw the en-
ergy from the Six Directions into the body, activate the three fires,
Once we make the connection with the forces of energy in the Uni- open the Three Tan Tiens, and circulate this energy in the Micro-
verse, we want to be able to store this energy in the body. Energy is cosmicOrbit.
like money; if you are making a million dollars a year and spend a
million dollars, you have nothing left to use in the future. That is the
way we live and use our energy in our society. We are spending
more energy than we are saving and we are living on borrowed
energy, paying very heavy interest. Our credit will run out very soon.

6 7
Practice True Breathing - Skin Breathing

Warm-up Exercises We exist because of the physical food and the unique combination
of forces that surround us. The daily requirement of calories is about
A. Rotating the Sacrum 6,000 units, while we only get 2,000 calories from food. The other
4,000 calories come from the forces around, above and below us.
Rotating the sacrum is an excellent exercise to open the low back These forces that surround us are electricity, magnetism, cosmic
and activate the spinal cord. Place one hand over the sacrum and particle energy light, sound, and heat. If we don't know how to ab-
the other over the pubic bone. Rotate the sacrum in a circle, 36 sorb and transform this cosmic food, we need lo depend on others
times in each direction. This movement activates the sacral pump. to supply us. We then need to ask a priest, monk, or holy man or
woman to give us our daily spiritual food.
B. Spinal Cord Breathing The Taoists discovered that we can learn to absorb these sur-
rounding and universal energies (daily food) through the skin and
Inhale and expand the chest, arms bent at the elbows and extended the major energy centers. Absorbing energy through the skin is called
to the sides of the body. Exhale, tuck the tailbone under you and the True Breath. This powerful energetictechnique requires the In-
round your back, bringing the elbows toward one another in front of ner Smile and relaxation. The more one can relax, the more the
the chest. Inhale, expand the chest, tuck the chin in toward the throat, body and the skin can open to the energy around us. The practice
push the chin back and raise the crown and bring the arms out to allows one to extend the mind, to touch the force, and to draw that
the sides. Repeat this back and forth movement 36 times. This move- energy back into the body.
ment activates the cranial and sacral pumps, and loosens ali the
1. Stand with the feet together. Feel the connection to the Earth
joints in the spine.
through the soles of the feet. Project your mind to the end of the
universe, and extend your Chi (aura) into the Earth. Continue ex-
C. Shaking tending your mind power and Chi until you feel the connection to the
infinite space beyond the Earth.
Shake the whole body loose, especially the joints, by bouncing up
2. Be aware of and smile down to the organs and the lower Tan
and down on the heels. Let ali the joints open and relax. Also, shake
Tien. Picture it as an ocean. The waves of the ocean are moving
the testicles/breasts loose. This will open the sexual energy (Yin
you forward and backward. Rock until you feel your body relax and
expand, until you become so big that your feet touch the earth and
The Yin and Yang are the negative and positive electric forces in
your hands and head touch the heavens. Imagine your upper body
the Universe. The heart produces impulses (Yang electricity), and
as a piece of bamboo, hollow in the middle and moving with the
the adrenal glands produce the adrenal hormone to stimulate the
wind, as your head lightly nods.
heart to beat. Of ali the hormones, this is the one that secretes the
chemicals that give the life force to our life.
When we concentrate on the sexual organs, the heart, and the
mind, the Yin and the Yang electricity combine.

8 9
3. Peei respect and humility to the outside and physical world,
while your inner world is calm, relaxed, and peaceful.
4. Empty the mind in the Tan Tien, so no thoughts arise. Expand
your awareness to infinity. Connect to the galaxy or the Milky Way.
Bring your mind back to the place where you are, to your body, and
let the Chi harmonize and integrate within you.
5. Be aware of your skin and your hair follicles; picture them as
leaves, each one breathing.
6. When you inhale lightly, contractthe prostate gland/uterus area,
and the anus. This will feel like the skin is sucking energy into the
body. Use more mind powerand intention, and less muscle.
7. When exhaling, exhale through the skin, and feel your aura
expanding into the world around you, to the mountains, lakes, for-
ests, and oceans. Feel in touch with the forces. Smile and feel your
own Chi integrating with the forces, bringing the forces into your
own Chi and mind field. Circle, and let these forces grow in your
own field. Do not surrender to the force and lose yourself. Inhale
lightly. contract the prostate gland/uterus and the anus, draw the
Chi into the place where you are, and then into the room, into your
skin, to the lower Tan Tien. Do this 9 to 18 times.

Six Directions

1. Hold the arms before the mideyebrow point and extend them
toward the southem horizon. Exhale and touch the sky with the hands,
Chi, and mind. Inhale, flatten the stomach, tighten the perineum,
bring your mind back, and pull the energy to the Tan Tien. Repeat
several times, pushing and pulling the energy.

Fig. 1 Push and Touch the Universe.

10 11
3. Bring your arms to the sides of your body, palms facing out.
2. Touch the sky. Separate your hands and open the sky. Let the
Exhale and extend to the eastern and western horizons. Inhale, flat-
light shine into the Third Eye. Close. Repeat several times opening
ten the stomach, pull up the perineum, bring your mind back, and
and closing. draw the energy to the Tan Tien. Repeat several times, pushing and
pulling the energy.

Fig. 3 Touch the Universe East and West.

4. Now (with the arms still extended to the east and west) move 5. Turn your palms up. Exhale and extend to the sky above you.
your palms up and down. Feel that you are touching the sky. Bring Inhale, and scoop up the Chi. Feel a huge Chi bali above your head.
your mind back and absorb the energy in the Tan Tien. 6. Turn the palms and pour the energy downward. Feel light shin-
ing in your body.

Fig. 4 Extend the arms out to the East and West Horizons. Fig. 5 fíaise the Hands above the Crown and
feel them extend up to Heaven.

14 15
7. Bring your arms down and cross them before your chest. The
8. Move the arms down, exhale and extend through the earth to
fingertips should touch just below the collarbones. Feel protected
outer space. Touch the energy. Inhale, flatten the stomach, tighten
and feel the upper lungs full of energy. the perineum, bring the mind back and pull the energy to the Tan
Tien. Repeat several times, pushing and pulling the energy.

Fig. 7 Smile to the primordial Chi from the universe back to the Lower
Tan Tien and fill the Tan Tien with Chi.

9. Now scoop the Chi and hold this as a huge energy bali in front Activating the Three Fires
of your navel. Activate the fire in your Lower Tan Tien.
10. Move the arms (palms facing out) to the back, Scoop up the Fire Under the S e a
Chi and hold a huge energy bali in front of the Door of Life. The Taoist regard the Lower Tan Tien the Ocean of Chi, like fire
11. Move the arms back to the navel. Put your hands on the under the water.
navel and gather the energy in the Lower Tan Tien and rest. The Three Fires referto the fire energy contained within:
- The lower abdómen, the Tan Tien Fire.
- The Door of Life: the adrenal fire. the kidney fire, the true fire,
the Yang within Yin.
- The heart fire: imperial fire; in the center of the heart there is
one dot of green light, the essence of the heart, the Yin within Yang.
Opening these centers fills the body with energy and life force.
1. Hold the palms down, parallel the ground, lifting up the fingers.
Project your mind down through the earth and pass through outer
space and connect to the galaxy through the center of the palms
(Lao Kun point).

Fig. 8 Open the Door of Life. Fig. 9 Hands expand though the earth and to the galaxy below.

18 19
2. Move the arms and palms out slightly to the front of the body
(palms still facing down). As the arms move, expand your mind and
feel the connection to the earth and the infinite space or galaxy
below you.
3. Bring your mind back and become aware of the Lower Tan
Tien; don't think or be aware of your palms. At the same time, gently
pull the hands and arms back toward the body. As the arms move
back, feel the Chi flow through your body and condense into the
Lower Tan Tien. Continue to push out and touch the force and pull it
back to the body 6 to 9 times, expanding your mind, and gathering
Chi from the infinite space into the lower Tan Tien.
4. Lift your arms, and face the palms toward the Lower Tan Tien.
Feel as if you are holding a huge Chi bali on the Lower Tan Tien (the
ocean), feel fire bum under the ocean. Feel the connection between
the fire in the Lower Tan Tien and the fire energy in the Universe.
Feel the warmth spread throughout the entire body.
5. Expand your awareness to the infinite space or the galaxy
behind you. Move your hands to the back and hold a huge Chi fire-
ball on the Door of Life (Ming Men). Picture two fireballs burning
under the ocean, the fire gradually will burn up to the brain to charge
the brain. Within Yin there is Yang. Yin is stored in the kidneys and
the adrenal glands.
6. Feel the Chi bali pulsing and breathing, drawing energy into
the body from the infinite space behind you.
7. Lift the hands, palms up, to the sides of the body under the
armpits. Feel your fingers and Chi from the fingers extending into
your chest, igniting the fire in the heart center (the storehouse of the
Original Spirit).
8. Allow the Heart Center to open, pulsing and breathing with
Chi. Picture a dot of green and yellow light in the middle of the heart
center. In the Imperial Fire there is Yin within Yang.
9. Feel ali Three Fires activated and resonating together: the
Lower Tan Tien, the Door of Life, and the Heart Center.

1. Gradually move your palms face up toward both sides, slowly 2. Gradually let the palms face out and feel them extend to touch
turn the palms toward the face. Let the middle fingers be like Chi space and connect with the galaxy. Inhale, flatten the stomach, pull
hooks pointed toward the mideyebrow point. Project your mind into up the perineum, bring your mind back and draw the energy to the
space, picture the sky open and the mideyebrow point open at the Tan Tien. Exhale and extend again to the galaxy. Repeat several
same time as the hands and the fingers pull to both sides. Light times, pushing and pulling the energy.
shines into the brain, into the third ventricle room. Do this three to 3. Gradually move your palms toward both sides and feel your
six times. palms moving along the horizon, connecting lo the Chi in the uni-
verse and feel them touching the left and right horizon. Inhale, flat-
ten the stomach, pull up the perineum, bring your mind back and
draw the energy to the Tan Tien. Exhale, extend again to the left and
right horizon. Repeat several times; push and pull.

Fig. 12 Touch the Universe Left and Right.

Fig. 11 Activating the Third Eye.

22 23
4. Turn the palms and move your arms above the crown. Ex- 5. Picture yourself as an empty vessel, filling with the Chi with
pand your mind, sending out love and compassion, connecting with the infinite space above you. Press your tongue to the palate, and
the Universe or galaxy above you. Use your mind and Chi together lightly squeeze the perineum (prostate gland/uterus and anus) clos-
to give the Universal energy a partem to grow and spiral the force ing the sexual center, so the universal Chi will not leak out.
down into your own Chi field. This enables the energy of the Uni- 6. Concentrate on the soles of the feet; feel the tingling and numb-
verse to become your own energy. Scoop up the energy and hold a ness from the crown flow down through the body. Don't hold your
huge Chi bali between your hands. Turn the palms over to face the mind in one place too long. This will cause congestion and over-
top of the head, and pour the Chi from the Universe down onto the heating. Chi must circulate so that ali the cells of the body can ab-
crown. sorb the energy from the Universe. Let go of the excess energy.
Allow any extra energy to flow out through the soles of the feet down
to the earth.

Fig. 13 Raise the hands above the Crown and feel them extend up to Heaven. Fig. 14 Feel the Universe is Spiraling and charging the Three Tan Tiens.

24 25
11. Move the fingers across the head the top of the ears. Picture
your fingers like lasers, penetrating the Upper Tan Tien, the crystal
12. Gently slide the fingers from the top of the ears to the base of
the skull (Jade Pillow). Concentrate on the mideyebrow point and
again feel the Chi penetrate the crystal room, the open spaces, and
the mideyebrow point
13. Picture your fingers like laser beams, penetrating the brain.
Move the hands back across the top of the ears and return them to
the mideyebrow point.

Fig. 15 Touch the Crown and Focus on the Perineum.

7. Feel the Chi opening the Upper Tan Tien in the center of the
head (the crystal room, the third ventricle room).
8. Gently bring the hands down, touching the back of the crown.
Feel the Chi and fingers extend ali the way down to the coccyx, and
feel numbness and tingling in the spine.
9. Gently move the fingers to the middle crown. Feel the Chi and
fingers extend ali the way down to the perineum, and feel numb-
ness and tingling and a dot of light at the perineum (the Yang within
10. Move the fingers down to the mideyebrow point. Touch the
mideyebrow point and focus on the base of the skull. Feel the Chi Fig. 16 Move the fingers to the top of the ears. Feel the fingers growing
from the fingers being absorbed into the brain, moving right through longer and cutting the skull. Touch, and feel the Upper Tan Tien open.
the head, penetrating the base of the skull,

26 27
14. Slowly move the fingers down to the bridge of the nose. Chi 18. Move the hands to the point behind the heart (T-5). Feel the
fills the sinuses and opens your nostrils, stopping at the upper lip. Chi penetrate through the back into the Heart Center. Feel the open
Put your tongue in the water position (ali the way back). Press and space in the Middle Tan Tien.
relax your tongue a few times, and smile to the tip of the tongue and 19. Gently move the hands back to the Heart Center on the front
the palate. Feel the Chi pour down from the crown, through the nose of the body.
and the palate to the tongue. Feel electricity vibrating in the upper 20. Slowly move the hands down to the solar plexus. Feel the Chi
palate and tongue. extend to the back to the T-11 point
15. Move the fingers down past the throat to the Heart Center. 2 1 . Open the palms in front of the solar plexus, holding a Chi bali.
16. The fingers should touch the Heart Center. Concentrate on Smile and connect with the sun in the Universe. Feel as if you are
the back of the heart. Feel the Chi from the hands penetrate the holding a mini-sun in the palms of your hands and within the solar
Middle Tan Tien. Feel the Chi go through the heart and open the plexus.
point opposite the heart on the back (T-5). 22. Feel the golden energy radiating from the solar plexus, shin-
17. Glide both hands across the chest to the points under the ing rainbow light into ali the internai organs and ali the dark corners.
armpits. Feel the Chi extend into the heart.

Fig. 17 Touch the Heart Center and Focus on T-5. Fig. 18 Energy radiating from the solar plexus.

28 29
23. Slowly move the hands down to the navel, touch the navel
and concentrate on the Door of Life. Feel the Chi extend through
the body to the Door of Life on the back.
24. Picture your hands as lasers, penetrating deep into the body.
Move the hands to the sides of the body, and extend the energy
from the fingers into the Lower Tan Tien in the middle of the body.
Slide the hands to the back, opening the Door of Life directly. Feel
the Chi move from the Door of Life to the navel,
25. Move the hands back to the navel.
26. Gently move the hands from the navel (Lower Tan Tien) to
the thighs. Feel the fingers and Chi penetrate the thighbones and
the bone marrow.
27. Move the hands down the thighbones. Feel the fingers pen-
etrate the bone. Glide past the knees, and across the shinbone. As
you glide the hands down, sink the hips and bring the tailbone down
to the heels in a squatting position.

Fig. 20 Lower and sink the mind and Chi down to the universe.

28. Feel yourself sinking down through the earth and into the
infinite space beyond the earth. Picture the galaxy and feel the spi-
ral of the force.
29. With your hands resting on your feet, lift the tailbone until the
legs are straight. Feel the Chi being drawn from outer space into
your body from the earth.
30. Squat down again and gather more earth energy and more
universal energy. Do this 3 to 6 times.
3 1 . Slowly stand up, gliding the hands over the back of the legs.
Feel the fingers touching the bonés and the bone marrow, and glide
up to the coccyx, staying there for a while. Feel the Chi rise toward
the spine and the brain. Move the fingers to the sacrum. Feel the
Chi pour into the sacrum and sexual center.*
32. Bring the hands up to the Door of Life, and concentrate on
the navel. Feel the Chi energize the kidneys and Door of Life.
Fig. 19 Fingers penetrate the Thighbones.
33. Slowly bring the hands to the navel and collect the energy.

30 31
Fig. 21 Raise the sacrum and Smile to the Tan Tien.

Fig. 23 Smile to the Tan Tiens and Collect the Energy.

Fig. 22 Feel your fingers penetrate into the bonés as you rise.

32 33
Opening the Microcosmic Orbit
1. Expand your mind and Chi into the Universe and connect with
the force and energy around you.
2. Lift the hands up over the head, palms facing the sky. Imagine
you are scooping up the whole galaxy. Feel the spiraling of the gal-
axy. You can start to spiral from the left to the right 3 to 6 times. Rest,
and feel the universal Chi come down to where you are, and spiral it
into your head and down into your body and the Lower Tan Tien.
3. Be aware again of the galaxy turning, and turn your body from
the right to the left. Spiral 3 to 6 times, and rest. Feel the universal
Chi come down to where you are, and spiral it into your head and
down into your body and the Lower Tan Tien.
4. Be aware of your hands extending toward the heavens. Slowly
scoop up the huge Chi bali and turn your hands down toward your
head. Pour the Chi down onto the crown.

Fig. 24 Opening the Microcosmic Orbit.

Fig. 25 Scoop up the whole Galaxy.

34 35
Feel the crown pulsing and breathing. Continue to pour the Chi 6. Press your tongue to the palate and contract the perineum
down through the spine. Concentrate on the coccyx and the soles of (prostate gland/ uterus) and the anus.
the feet. Feel the Chi flow down like a stream, from the crown to the 7. Gently bring the hands down, touching the back of the crown.
feet and down to the ground. Feel the Chi and fingers extend ali the way down to the perineum.
5. Picture yourself as an empty vessel. Feel a star above the Feel numbness and tingling, and a dot of light at the perineum (the
back of your head pulling you up toward the heavens. Feel the hol- Yang within Yin).
lowness within the body, allowing the Chi to flow into every cell. Feel 8. Move the fingers to the Third Eye. Touch the Third Eye and
the Chi flow down like a stream from the crown to the feet. focus on the back of the skull.

Fig. 27 Press the tongue to the palate.

Fig. 26 Feel the crown pulsing and breathing.

36 37
9. Move the fingers down to the mideyebrow point, touch the
mideyebrow point and focus on the base of the skull. Feel the Chi
from the fingers being absorbed into the brain, moving right through
the head, penetrating the base of the skull.
10. Slowly move the fingers down the bridge of the nose, stop-
ping at the upper lip. Press and relax your tongue a few times, and
lightly touch and smile to the tip of the tongue and the palate.
11. Move the fingers down to the throat center above the ster-
num, touch the throat center and concentrate on C-7.

Fig. 28 Touch the Third Eye and focus on the back of the skull. Fig. 29 Touch the Throat Center and Focus on C-7.

38 39
12. Move the fingers down and touch the Heart Center, and con- 15. Feel the golden energy radiating from the solar plexus, shin-
centrate on the back of the Heart Center. Feel the Chi from the ing rainbow light to ali the internai organs and ali the dark corners.
hands penetrate the Middle Tan Tien and T5/6 on the back. 16. Slowly move the hands down to the navel. Touch the navel
13. Slowly move the hands down to the solar plexus, holding on and concentrate on the Door of Life. Feel the Chi extend through the
T-11 and feel the Chi from the solar plexus extend to the back to T- body to the Door of Life on the back.
14. Open the palms in front of the solar plexus, holding a Chi bali.
Smile and connect with the sun and the Universe. Feel as if you are
holding a mini-sun in the palms of your hands and within the solar

Fig. 30 Smile and connect with the sun and the Universe. Fig. 31 Touch the Navel and Focus on the Door of Life.

40 41
17. Gently move the hands from the navel (Lower Tan Tien) down 18. Gently move the hands from the sexual center down to the
to the sexual center just above the pubic bonés, and concentrate on thighs. Feel the Chi penetrate the thighbones as it is absorbed into
the sacrum. Feel the Chi expand from the sexual center to the sacrum. the bone marrow.
19. Move the hands down the legs. Feel the Chi of the fingers
penetrate the bonés.
20. Assume the squatting position and expand yourself to the
infinite space beyond the earth. Picture the galaxy and feel the spi-
ral of the force.
2 1 . With your hands resting on your feet, lift the tailbone until the
legs are straight. Feel the Chi from outer space is being drawn into
your body.
22. Squat down again and gather more energy from the infinite
space and the earth.
23. Slowly stand up, moving the hands along the back of the legs
to the coccyx. Feel the energy of the fingers penetrate the bonés
and the bone marrow.
24. Touch the coccyx and concentrate on the back of the crown.
Feel the Chi flow up toward the crown.
25. Feel the Chi of your fingers penetrate the sacrum. Touch the
sacrum and concentrate on the sexual center. Feel the nerves grow-
ing and connecting, and feel the Chi flowing to the sexual organs.
26. Bring the hands up to the Door of Life. Concentrate on the
navel. Feel the energy penetrate the nerves, connecting them to the
large and small intestines. Energize the kidneys and adrenal glands.
27. Move your fingers ali the way up to T-11 touching the spinal
column. Feel the energy penetrate the nerves, connecting them to
the spleen, the pâncreas, the stomach, the liver, and the gall blad-
der. Feel Chi flowing to them; feel warmth and energy.
28. Move your hands past the armpits and touch the neck bonés;
then move down to T-5, opposite the heart center. Feel the energy
penetrate the nerves, expanding and connecting them to the heart,
thymus, and lungs. Feel the Chi flow into them.
29. Move your fingers up to C-7. Touch and feel Chi penetrate
the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

42 43
30. Move your fingers along the spinal cord up to the base of the
skull. Feel the Chi penetrate the cerebellum, and the fourth ventricle
room connected with the third ventricle room.
3 1 . Move your fingers up to the back of the crown, and push the
chin back so that the back of the crown is at the highest point. Feel
the mideyebrow become aligned. Touch the back of the crown and
concentrate on the coccyx. Feel the Chi fill the whole spinal cord.
32. Move to the middle crown. Touch and concentrate on the
perineum and look for light. Guide the light to the navel, to the Lower
Tan Tien.
33. Slowly bring the hands to the navel. Touch it and concentrate
on the Door of Life. Feel the fireball in the navel and the Door of Life;
fire burning under the water. Slowly collect the energy in the navel
and feel the warmth. Feel the fire of life starting to bum and spread-
ing throughout the body.
34. Concentrate on the mideyebrow point. Look into infinity, into
dark space, and look for a light. Look into the perineum, and look for
a dot of light. Send this light out to meet the light in the Universe.
Draw the light back into the mideyebrow point. Let it flow down the
front of the body, penetrating the bonés and the bone marrow.
35. Now look for the star below your feet (4 to 6 inches below
your feet). Feel this star pulling you down. Connect with this energy
and bring it up. Feel numbness and tingling m your legs. Bring the
energy ali the way up to the coccyx and the spine. Feel the energy
spread into the nervous system and from there into the organs. Let
the energy rise up to the crown and into the Universe. Spiral this to
energy and bring it down again, ali the way down to the groin, down
into the earth.

Order at the Pakua Center Bookstore
36. Make the connection with the star again, and repeat the pro- Universal Tao Books CDs - Guided Practice
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