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Simple past Wriring RA

My memories with a relative who pased away

Teacher: Adán Vera

Student: Ana Valeria Santos Hernández
Group: Cm13
My memory of a family member who passed away

I remember when my cousins died I was 8 years old, my cousins were 6

and 10 years old
My aunt and my entire maternal family were born in Parral but lived here
in city Juárez
One day when the family decided to travel, we wanted to travel by car to
our hometown
We spent many days doing activities and going out from home, we went
to the central park and my grandmother's house among many other things
One day my uncles and my family were driving to the parral in a caravan
to leave
We had no idea that an accident would happen at that very moment It
was not predictable and it was very sad
My uncles rolled over in a car accident, hit a car that hit them sideways
and rolled
My cousin died instantly, the skull opened and my cousin was left in a
coma for two days and more family arrived until he died
They rented a truck and we all went straight to the grapevine to my
cousins' funeral
It was a very sad mourning, they were my colleagues and best friends
My uncles today have three children and they did not return to live here
in Juarez in memory of their deceased children.

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