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Shedding some light on UFOlogy and UFOs

Volume 4 Number 3 May-June 2012

Cover: A Microsoft X image of an F-16 flying over Belgium on March
30/31, 1990. I know it is not a Belgian F-16A but it is adequate for
my purposes.

Left: UFOlogists seem to be gathering together to storm the evil de-

bunker’s castle. They don’t look happy. One wonders why they are so
concerned about what debunkers say if their research was solid.

Another idea put forward was that I

should create a SUNlite blog. In my first
issue, I mentioned this but I feared it
would fail because I would not devote
enough attention to it. With a regular
newsletter, I have a deadline to meet and
it forces me to produce regularly It also
gives me time to evaluate my initial drafts
and attempt to be objective. A blog is an
interesting idea but I just don’t see it any-
time in the near future.

Because of family commitments, the

next issue of SUNlite (4-4 - July-August)
will probably be out late. I expect it to be
done between July 1 and the 15th.


Have fun storming the castle! Who’s blogging UFOs..................................2-3

The Roswell Corner .......................................4

N ormally, I ignore some of the com-

ments directed my way but a recent
article that was written by Stanton Fried-
from them.

This issue has some articles by Rog-

The coming of the trian-
March 30-31, 1990 - the Belgium F-16
man deserves a response. Because he er Paquay and Marty Kottmeyer. Mr. UFO chase...................................................5-9
referred to me as “ignorant” and made Paquay’s article compliments what I
some claims that were not quite accu- wrote about the Belgian F-16 intercep- The evening of 30 March 1990: Ob-
rate, I felt it necessary to write a rebuttal tion case on March 30-31, 1990. Martin’s servations by the F16s by Roger Pa
to his accusations and name-calling. extensive articles are interesting to say quay....................................................10-15
the least and covers the interesting idea The king of planets and queen of UFOs
Over the past few months, I have received of individuals ascending into UFOs like meet....................................................15
several private e-mails pointing out this religious prophets from the bible.
It is Elijah the tishbite! Fired up by
article and other UFOlogical rants about
that ol’ Hairy Baal-buster by Martin
what I have written. One individual re- The SUNlite index is now on the web. I
ferred to my journey to the “dark side” be- basically gave two indices. One is by is-
ing complete when I received such pub- sue and the other is by topic. Hopefully, it Ascension UFO-style by Martin Kott-
lic notice from prominent UFOlogists. will be helpful those looking for specific meyer................................................19-29
Should I start signing my name “Darth articles. I will try and keep it up to date. It RB-47update.......................................29
debunker”? is in PDF and html format.
Another empty water pistol?.......30-35
Speaking of e-mails, I have no problem Recently, I have received some feedback Did a meteor really stop a car?....36-38
discussing various issues and sharing regarding SUNlite’s layout. I started with
information with others even if a person the three column format because that is Fireball=UFO crash.......................................38
chooses to remain nameless. However, what the template for my software gave Experienced Amateur Astrono-
when the exchange gets long and be- me. I liked the look so did not change mer photographs UFO?..................38
comes full of accusations by somebody it. However, the comment is that it is
Flying Saucer Fiziks II..............................39-43
who does not have the courage to sign not very well suited for internet readers.
their name, I lose patience. I had to re- Looking at it, I realize they are probably NASA produces some UFO reports....43
cently ask an individual to present their correct and in SUNlite 4-4, I will begin to UFOs on the tube..........................................44
identification or stop bothering me in use just one column per page. Buy it, borrow it, bin it.................................44
this manner. That was the last I heard

There recently were some interesting
documents posted on the internet:
Who’s blogging
Isaac Koi recently posted Dr. Willy UFOs?
Smith’s book, “Pilots and UFOs”, on
Hot topics and varied opinions
The UFO Iconoclast(s) blog posted a
link to an interview that Peter Gersten
and Dr. Hynek did with Tom safe but, instead, he allowed
Snyder in the 80s. it to be taken down and then
allow it to “disappear”. I
Dr. Dil posted James Easton’s have heard this kind of story
“Resolving Rendlesham” ar- before. I remember telling
ticle, which has been sorely my teacher that my dog ate
missed from the internet. my homework too. I pulled
the thread on this one and
Thanks to Steve Johnson, the decided to contact Dr. David
two years of UFO data maga- Clarke to see what Mr. Pope
zine (16 issues) is available was talking about. Dr. Clarke
for download. says there is a photocopy of
the image in the British files
I suggest the reader follow the (DFE-31-180 pages 37) and
links. They are all worth read- describes the whole affair
ing/viewing. at his blog. Apparently, the
photographer is unknown
Robert Sheaffer documented the 21st is not a single prominent UFO case that and he first submitted the photographs
international UFO congress from a can be explained, to the satisfaction of all to the newspaper, “The Scottish Daily
skeptic’s point of view (this link is for UFOlogists. There will always be the mi- Record”. They chose not to publish the
the first of five postings he made). It nority that will find some reason to reject images, which makes one wonder if they
was interesting to say the least. Some an explanation, no matter how good, in were as convincing as Pope suggests.
of the speakers seem to have been sub- order to promote the case as something IMO, based on the anonymous nature of
standard. The only “heavy hitter” was Dr. extraordinary for personal gain. the photographer and what the files indi-
Bruce Maccabee but he backed out at the cate, it probably was nothing more than
last minute. He was replaced by Stan Ro- Tim Hebert presented a recap of the a hoax.
manek. that a downgrade. Echo flight shutdown story that you
won’t ever read on Robert Hastings Once again, one of UFOlogy’s “top ten
Frank Warren promoted the Arizona web site or those blogs that tend to UFO cases” has been put under the
UFO case with all sorts of one-sided promote his views. I guess it is easier to microscope. Lance Moody took on the
stories and appeals for believing the put your hands over your ears and eyes Santa Barbara channel case and discov-
witnesses to the event. Strangely miss- and proclaim that you are not listening/ ered that Blue Book’s conclusion had
ing in this wealth of witness reports reading than to give serious consider- some merit. Lance makes a pretty good
are the ones that mattered. I did not ation to another point of view. argument that this was probably just an
see Mitch Stanley or the other witnesses unusual cloud (possibly lenticular).
who saw the lights as just a formation of In SUNlite 4-1, I mentioned an article
lights mentioned. Apparently Frank War- by James McGaha and Joe Nickell, Another one of UFOlogy’s “Top Ten”
ren is practicing what Stanton Friedman which indicated they had the solution cases took a hit when Ian Ridpath and
refers to as a rule for debunkers, “What to the Exeter UFO case. The article is James Oberg began to ask questions
the public doesn’t know, I am not going to now on line for reading. Martin Shough about the Yukon UFO case of Decem-
tell them”. I suggest readers interested in provided a rebuttal of this explanation on ber 11, 1996. This case had the endorse-
the Arizona 1997 case refer to my article UFO Updates. Shough makes a reason- ment of Stanton Friedman and Michael
in SUNlite 2-3. able argument why the McGaha/Nickell Swords. Unfortunately, they seemed to
explanation is inadequate. have simply accepted the story as told
The UFO Iconoclasts pointed towards by the principle investigators. The real
recent new revelations regarding the I think Nick Pope gets nuttier every investigation seems to have been done
Aztec UFO crash. This case seems to nev- time he appears some place. Now he by Canadian satellite expert Ted Molc-
er go away. What was considered a hoax claims that the smoking gun photograph zan. He discovered that at the time of the
in the 1950s has gotten legs because of of UFOlogy was hanging on his office wall event (at least for the principle witnesses),
its bigger brother down in Roswell. Aztec for some time. He could easily have got- a Russian rocket booster from Cosmos
is a good example of my belief that there ten a copy of it and placed it somewhere 2335 launched on 11 December, 1996

Who’s blogging UFOs? (Cont’d) it came from a magazine that conducted
an April Fool’s joke. Mori points out that
there are many obvious signs for the ar-
was reentering the earth’s atmosphere to paper and make their organization more ticle being a prank. The photograph is a
the north of the witness’ location. One of profitable (assuming they still charge the montage of several images with the alien
the witness sketches of the “big dipper” same amount). I wonder if they will put being an image of a skater.
was very consistent with what Molczan together a new version of their DVD that
had computed. This would not be the first has a copy of all the issues. I don’t have a Robert Sheaffer exposed the claim of
time that a meteor or space debris has cre- copy of their current DVD yet (which goes Phil Klass offering Steve Pierce a bribe
ated these kinds of UFO reports. On page to 2008) but I might want to wait to get as something of a folktale. Mr. Sheaf-
36, I describe a meteor event that created the entire collection of IUR. fer obtained Klass’ Travis Walton file from
a similar type of report. the American Philosophical Society and
Along with the bug video that the found the transcript of a phone conver-
George Michael wrote a book review Chilean Air Force that made news (see sation between Klass and Pierce on June
for e-skeptic at the end of March that page), another video from Las Vegas, 11, 1978. Mr. Pierce seems to tell a dif-
caused skeptics to question e-skeptic’s Nevada was also circulated that had a ferent story in 1978 than he does today.
skepticism. Michael gave a positive review similar solution. Joe Capp made some At that time, he refers to Walton as “igno-
of Leslie Kean’s book. However, as pointed production about it and used it as an ex- rant“ and “stupid”. Of course, I am sure
out by the rebuttal by Robert Sheaffer, ample of how people don’t look up and those supporting Pierce and Walton will
Michael seemed to be unaware of all the see UFOs. However, he ignores the pos- now state that Klass purposefully altered
explanations offered for her “unexplained sibility that people did look up and de- the transcript in order to hide his effort to
cases” and the questionable reliability of termined what they saw was something bribe Pierce.
some of her witnesses. This resulted in one ordinary. Benjamin Radford states these
more final exchange between the two on were just birds or bats feeding on insects There was an interesting debate be-
E-skeptic. I think Mr. Michael really did not that were attracted by the bright spot- tween Gary Heseltine and Chris French
research the background on this book as light on the Luxor Hotel. While Capp uses concerning Rendlesham. Heseltine
Sheaffer points out. I would like to point it as an example of why people always tried to spin the story the same way pro-
out that the Rendlesham witnesses have don’t report UFOs, Radford makes the ponents have spun it for decades. French
demonstrated that they are not reliable by counterpoint that the reason they don’t pretty much made Ridpath’s argument,
changing their stories from what was ac- report them is because they know what which is so sound that Rendlesham pro-
tually recorded in 1980. They have denied they are. ponent Jenny Randles has accepted it
reports they wrote and continue to find as a good explanation of the event. He-
ways to get UFOlogists to ignore the evi- Kentaro Mori posted a wonderful blog seltine appeared to avoid talking about
dence. Meanwhile, Ex-governor’ Fife Sym- entry concerning Erick Von Daniken. I the actual witness statements written in
ington’s story is not consistent with what was amazed to see the video from NOVA’s 1980 and how the lighthouse rotation
actually transpired that night as pointed program about ancient astronauts from rate synchs up nicely with the airmen
out in SUNlite 3-5 (page 20). In another 1977. I remember reading/seeing all the noting the light flashing at them on the
Kean top case, the Petit-Rechain image books/TV programs/films from the 1970s tape. He also used the false claim that
was revealed to be a hoax. The UFOlogists concerning “The chariots of the gods”. I skeptics were talking about flying light-
and Kean ignored the skeptics arguments was fascinated with the subject for about houses, which no skeptic ever stated.
in preference for the idea that it was an five to ten years. After reading more about
authentic photograph of an alien space- it in the late 1970s/early 1980s I began to Robert Hastings does not like any-
ship. Mr. Michael’s lack of skepticism to- question the interpretations presented. I body treading on his turf. Stephen
wards the claims being made and Leslie missed the NOVA program because of my Bassett apparently has issued a petition
Kean’s equally flawed approach in writing early period in the navy really did not give and press release regarding UFOs and
the book is the major issue in all of this. me regular access to television. I wish I Nukes. Hastings spends a great deal of
saw this program when it aired because effort pointing out Bassett’s errors. He
Kevin Randle reports that the Interna- it is very damaging and I would have also points out his belief that the aliens
tional UFO Reporter is no longer going changed my opinion much sooner. Mori’s in the spaceships that are tampering
to exist in print form. That really is not a blog entry and the video should be re- with our nuclear weapons are telling us
shock. The last I heard, the Center for UFO quired reading/viewing for all those who to get rid of them. Is Hastings suggest-
Studies was being run out of their sci- blindly accept the statements in the more ing that the aliens would step in and stop
entific director’s, Mark Rodeghier, apart- recent Ancient aliens program on the His- an nuclear exchange if that was about
ment. There just isn’t the interest in their tory Channel. to occur? Why didn’t they just stop the
organization since just about everybody dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan
can read the stories on the internet any- Kentaro Mori also presented a posting or above ground testing if they were that
way. It is a money thing and I am sure they about the infamous alien with the FBI/ interested in stopping nuclear weapons?
will figure out how to run it as an on-line KGB men photograph. This has long Is it possible that Robert Hastings is sim-
magazine they can charge people to ac- been considered a hoax. Kentario found ply allowing his personal beliefs to affect
cess. It will save money on printing and the source of the photograph and revealed his interpretation of these reports?

The Roswell The coming of the triangles
Corner O ne of the most commonly promoted
UFOs these days happens to be the
massive triangular UFO. One wonders
tising plane witnesses exhibited a “filling
in” of structural information that was not
actually present in the dark to their vision.
The missing Brazel interview when they became the rage. Since 1947, The advertising plane IFOs serve here as a
the disc shape was most commonly re- UFOlogical Rorschach blot. They show us

A ccording to the latest news, Mack

Brazel’s audio interview with Walt
Whitmore in 1947 has existed for many
ported by witnesses. Even today, most
UFO reports are described as an ellipse,
egg, or orb. These are dull and not often
that people in general want to “read in” a
certain model flying saucer to what was
only a row of sequentially flashing lights.”
years with Dave Aaron. Unfortunately, hyped by UFO promoters/groups. How-
Mr. Aaron allowed this recording, as well ever, if somebody sees a massive V or Once the idea that UFOs could be huge
as hundreds of others, to sit in his girl- triangle UFO, it gets quite the emphasis triangular shaped objects was estab-
friend’s garage. When she passed away, on blogs and in discussion groups. Why lished, it would not take much to create
the city came in and had to clean it up be- is this so? massive triangular objects out of the
cause it was a health hazard. Apparently, three light sources. After all, as long as
there were lots of cats in the house. The As best I can tell, the “massive triangular they are not nearly in a straight line, three
recording apparently was destroyed. UFOs” did not appear until the Hudson light sources will form the shape of a tri-
This all sounded a bit strange to me. Am valley UFO events in the early 1980s. Af- angle.
I supposed to believe that this recording, ter that “wave” dissipated, they did not re-
which was thought lost to the world all appear in significant numbers of reports If the concept that huge triangular UFOs
these years, was sitting in a pile of tapes until the Belgium events of 1989-1992. exist in the UFO literature, why did they
in this garage for all this time? Why didn’t Thanks to a few well publicized events, appear? I have some theories. Aircraft
this UFOlogist get the tape and produce the triangular shaped objects became in formation at night are not something
it for Roswell enthusiasts/investigators? the signature shape for the Belgian UFO that occurs often. Additionally, some
He could have made a nice bit of coin wave. The events of March 30-31, 1990 aircraft have unusual lighting that is mis-
selling it or he could have received some discussed in this issue were started by leading. When these aircraft pass over
publicity. I can think of three scenarios witnesses seeing points of light in the densely populated areas, they can pro-
regarding this tape: shape of a triangle and they assumed duce reports that indicate a large triangle
they saw the lights attached to one craft. flying over. However, why weren’t these
1. The recording does not exist. Since that time, several UFO events were types of large UFOs reported before the
2. The recording exists but reflects the described as huge flying triangles. The 1980s?
same story told by Brazel to the Ro- 1997 Arizona 8PM event being the most
swell Daily Record. popular. Is it any surprise that the coming of the
3. The recording exists and it is the huge triangles coincided with the same
Roswell smoking gun where Brazel Writing in the Condon report, Dr. William time period that produced the three very
describes the bodies, the spaceship, Hartmann coined the term “airship effect”, popular Star Wars movies where massive
and the cover-up. which has the witnesses playing connect wedge-shaped star destroyers were used
the dots with multiple light sources in or- by the empire? It is something to con-
I think one or two is most likely. #3 is der to construct a craft based on popular sider.
highly unlikely because if the recording designs in the UFO literature. This effect
did contain this, it would not have resid- has revealed itself in the past. Allan Hen- Notes and references
ed in a garage all of these years. dry noted it when he was identifying UFO
About a week after this news became reports that involved ad planes. 1. Hendry, Allan. The UFO Investigators
public, Kevin Randle revealed that Don Handbook. London: Sphere Books
Schmitt interviewed Mr. Aaron to resolve ...sketches that were done by the adver- Ltd. 1980. p. 91
the issue. Schmitt discovered that Aaron
had it in his possession since 2003 and
hold sold copies of the recording to nine
people. He also told Schmitt that he did
not recall much of the recording but did
remember how it opened. Schmitt rec-
ognized the words since they were from
scene concerning the interview from
the Showtime “Roswell” movie. In other
words, it was not the real thing. So op-
tion one is applicable. The recording, as
advertised (the actual interview and not
a recreation), did not really exist.

March 30-31, 1990 - The Belgium F-16 UFO Chase

T he Belgian UFO wave is often consid-

ered one of those landmark events in
UFOlogy. SUNlite has published quite
first it was a single luminous point in the
western sky that changed color. Later,
two other points were identified and they
a few articles demonstrating that there formed a triangle in the sky. According to
are reasons to question the events as Joel Mesnard:
described. Even more damning was the
recent revelation that the only good pho- The most luminous of the three points of
tograph taken of a Belgian Triangle was light continued to withdraw slowly to- The F-16 radar
a hoax. wards Gembloux. The upper point was
visible towards Thorembais-Saint Trond The F-16 was fitted with an AN/APG-66
However, there is one part of the wave (due west), while the third point was to- pulse-doppler radar which is used to track
that has reached almost mythic propor- wards Chaumont-Gistoux (between NW airborne targets. The radar operates in
tions thanks to television shows like Un- and WNW).1 several modes depending upon what the
solved Mysteries and books like Leslie pilot requires. They would use the scan
Kean’s UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Gov- Other patrols nearby now began to no- mode to locate targets and a target track-
ernment Officials Go On the Record. This tice the lights in the same general loca- ing mode to “lock-on” to the target. The
event is the March 30-31 attempted inter- tions of the sky. Mr Renkin also began to scanning mode provides various beam
ception of UFOs by two Belgian Air Force report another set of lights in the form of widths in front of the aircraft. Based on
F-16s. For some reason certain examina- a triangle below the main triangle he first the images of the display that have been
tions of this event are ignored or omitted observed. presented, the beam width appeared to
from these presentations. This is proba- be set at its widest mode of 60 degrees.
bly because these studies do not appear All of these reports precipitated the ar-
in English and are not widely known. rival of Captain Jaques Pinson, who was The initial version of the radar used by
second-in-command of the Wavre Gen- the Belgian Air Force was eventually up-
I intend to attempt to present the events darmerie brigade. He confirmed the graded to a later version in 1992 because
of March 30-31 in a manner for every- sightings. According to the reports, Pin- of several problems. One was a high num-
one to understand what happened and, son reported the lights to be like large ber of false alarm returns that could not
hopefully, demonstrate that the case is stars only they were constantly changing be corrected. While this problem did
not as exotic as claimed by some of these colors. not play a significant role in the events
presentations. that night, it has been suggested that
Meanwhile, the radar at Glons began to one or more of the contacts registered
pick up radar contacts in the area that may have been this type of return.
were drifting slowly westward. These
contacts were picked up by the Semmer- The F-16 interception
zake radar. Because of the radar confir-
mation of the visual sightings, it was de-
cided that the F-16s at Beauvechain be
sent up to investigate the intruder.
S hortly after midnight, the F-16s took
off in an effort to intercept the UFOs.
However, instead of heading towards Ra-
milles or north of their air base where the

Visual sightings

P rior to March 30th, the Belgian Air

Force (BAF) had come to an agree-
ment that they would send fighters up
to intercept UFOs if there were sightings
that could be confirmed. They had al-
ready done so twice before March 30th
but were unsuccessful in intercepting
any UFOs.

On the night of March 30th, starting

around 2300 local time, reports came
in from a gendarme (Marechal des logis The sighting lines for Mr. Renkin. To his NNW was Beavuechain Airbase where the F-16s came from. To the north of that was where the initial ra-
Alain Renkin) in the town of Ramilles. At dar contact was reported. However, the F-16s were sent to the WSW of Brussels (large white area to the left) on their initial interception attempt.

initial radar contact was detected, the F-
16s were sent to the southwest of Brus-
sels near the town of Soignies.

What transpired over the next forty min-

utes is hard to determine because the
studies and radar data are not widely
available. Professor Auguste Meessen
has the data and presented some of it
on his web site. Although it is in French,
one can get the general idea of his ar-
ticle using translation software. It is too
bad that the study performed by Salmon Time 0010-0013 Time 0015-0017
and Gilmard of the Belgian Royal Military
Academy is not available. I attempted to Time 0008 - 0010 knots (red markers). The contact would
obtain a copy from several people but it disappear quickly. Meanwhile, the inter-
is apparently unavailable because it was
a confidential report. However, in Mees-
sen’s discussion, we do have an image
A s the F-16s flew into the area east of
Soignies they were being directed
towards a contact (white shaded circle in
cept controller tried to get the F-16 to
make a sharp turn because the F-16 flew
past their contact (white shaded areas).
that comes from that report. the image at lower left) that was in the vi- While this contact was behind them, the
cinity of Enghien and Halle. The control- F-16 radar caught a contact further away
ler gave them directions to the contact, to the north (red marker).
which was supposedly at 10,000 feet. The
F-16s could not see or detect any craft. Time 0015-0017

Time 0010-0013
T he F-16s turn around again to go after
the contact reported by the controller

T he F-16s, being directed by CRC, can

not make any contact visually or with
their radar despite flying over/near the
near Nivelles that they had overshot. The
transcript is not very clear but control
seems to have lost this contact and the F-
Some may find the map confusing but a contacts (white shaded areas). As the F- 16s travel south. They must have record-
bit of careful examination and compari- 16s travel south, they obtained a visual ed a contact of some kind (red marker)
son to the transcript that was also avail- contact but it was a bright flashing light because it is marked in the Salmon-Gil-
able can help make things a bit easier to on the ground (star symbol at bottom of mard map but not recorded in the tran-
understand. I hope to go through each image). About the same time, a contact script. Control turned the F-16s around
leg of the F-16 flight. is registering in the area of Tubize and again to go back to another contact that
Halle. The F-16s turn north again to find was being seen in the same general area
I would like to point out that these aircraft that target. as the previous contacts.
and radar contact positions are all ap-
proximate based on the Salmon-Gilmard
map and Meessen’s plot. The ground ra-
dar contacts are based on the pilot-CRC
transcript, which seems to have been part
of the Lambrecht’s report. The purpose is
only to show the general locations, what
the pilots were chasing, and what the
ground radars were describing.

Time 0013-0015 Time 0017-0018.

Time 0013-0015 Time 0017-0018

A t time 0013, the F-16s resumed their

flight north to find the contacts reg-
istering on the ground radar. As the F-16
A fter being turned around, the F-16s
fly by the latest contact without any
indication they had seen it visually or on
approached the area, it finally found a their radar. This results in another 180
Time 0008-0010
radar contact at 9000 feet flying at 310 degree turn. Sometime during this ma-

neuver, the jets see a civilian aircraft and
wonder aloud if this might be what they
were chasing. It appears that the F-16s
are flying in circles looking for some very
elusive contacts.

Time 0024-0027

Gilmard map plots two during this peri- (white star symbol) for a position fix. The
od. They must have been brief contacts. report states that this turned out to be a
The controlling station reported they did smokestack with a flashing light. This is
Time 0018-0020.
have a contact to the west (white shad- also the same flashing light seen at time
ed area), which prompted another turn 0013. After identifying the light, they
Time 0018-0020 around towards that direction. The pilot turned towards the east again. Salmon
would report that this contact was “civil- and Gilmard register two contacts (red

T he F-16s now get a new contact (white

shaded area) as they turn towards the
southeast. Again, they fly by it without
ian traffic”. As the planes head towards
the southwest, they report seeing a flash-
ing light.
markers) but the pilots make no mention
of them in the transcript. Around time
0030, intercept control informs the pilots
seeing anything or obtaining a radar con- they have a contact to the north-north-
tact. After flying past it, they are, again, east (white shaded area).
asked to turn around towards the west.
Time 0030-0035
Time 0020-0024

T he jets fly west but have no contacts

and the controller has nothing either.
T he map on page 8 is based on Auguste
Meessen’s track from his web site. The
F-16s proceed eastward looking for the
They turn around again and head east. elusive UFOs. Glons gives one contact
As they head east, the F-16s get two con- (shaded area) that seems to match sev-
tacts (red markers). One is described as eral of the contacts reported by the F-
“possible” by the pilot. Even though they 16s (red markers). However, the contact
obtain some contacts briefly, they fail to eludes the F-16s and simply disappears.
observe anything visually. Time 0027-0030

Time 0027-0030 Time 0035+

Time 0024-0027

T he transcript never mentions any

contacts by the F-16s but the Salmon-
T his time period has the jets flying to-
wards the southwest to investigate
the light. They would pass over the light
A t this point The F-16s flight path is
not clearly known. They maneuver
about looking for contacts and, like the
previous half-hour of flight operations,
can never locate anything solid even
though they do obtain some lock-ons.

The gendarmes were confused

D uring this time period, the F-16s are

now flying in the area that visual ob-
servations were made. The Lambrecht’s
report states that the gendarmerie saw
the F-16s fly right by their UFOs without
noticing them. This implies that what
they were reporting as UFOs were not
visible to the pilots.
Time 0020-0024

Time 0030-0035

Aftermath study being completed, it is not widely suggested that some of the sources of
published and rarely mentioned. these “moist air cells” had to do with the

I n the summer of 1990, the Lambrechts

report, written by the Air staff of the
Belgian air force, was released describing
Auguste Meessen
industrial centers. He specifically men-
tioned how smoke stacks could create
their own micro-climates, which might
what transpired that night and some con-
clusions. The report gave the impression
that something was in the sky with the F-
A uguste Meessen, a proponent for
UFO events being some form of ex-
otic craft, added to the solution by writ-
produce these convection bubbles.

Des masses d’air chaud, passant séparé-

16s that night. It did note that the pilots ing a paper describing how “moist air ment les unes des autres entre les gen-
failed to see anything visually. However, cells/convection bubbles” were the cause darmes et le ciel étoilé, devaient agir com-
it also highlighted how reliable they con- of many of the radar echoes that night. me des lentilles.3
sidered the reports from gendarmes. Meessen traced the passage of these
“moist air cells” using the radar data and I translate this to read:
Over the years, the number of intercep- demonstrated how they drifted in the
tions and “lock-ons” performed by the same general direction of the winds that These moist air masses could come from
F-16s have become exaggerated. Many evening. This is something noted in the factory chimneys or power plants.
contacts were registered as noted in this Lambrecht’s report.
article. However, it seems that while there It is interesting to note that the F-16s
were dozens of contacts observed by the The elusive nature of the contacts the F- kept flying around the same general area
F-16 radar, the actual number of lock- 16s were ordered to pursue and the lack for about fifteen minutes chasing con-
ons, according to the Lambrechts report, of any visual contacts indicates these tacts that the ground radar stated were
was just three. were all probably caused by the atmo- present. All they had to show for it was
spheric conditions that night. Meessen a smoke stack with a bright flashing light

I n 1992, Major Salmon and civil engineer

Gilmard of the Belgian Royal Military
Academy, released a study that analyzed
the radar data. They concluded that on
three occasions, the contact registered
by one F-16 was the other F-16. They
also felt that many of the contacts were
nothing more than radar angels/false
targets and ground clutter. At one point
a contact was registered going into the
ground indicating that it was some form
of reflection. The F-16 radar data began
Auguste Meessen’s plot of radar contacts seen by ground radar for the night of March 30-31, 19902
to lose its luster. Despite this informative

This was not the only large smoke stack in the area. A quick view
of Google earth revealed several smoke stacks and cooling towers
in the area between Tubize and Brussels, which were just east (up-
wind) of the area where the F-16s spent the first fifteen minutes of
their search.

Professor Meessen also suggested that the police officers mistook

stars as UFOs because of these unusual atmospheric conditions. He
pointed towards the star Sirius as the prime suspect in his paper.

Along with a lengthy discussion of these moist air cells, Professor

Meessen mentions one contact that he labeled as “unidentified”
because it lacked a transponder signal. This contact flew a straight
path between Brussels and Liege at an average speed of about
450-500 knots (<600 mph). The F-16s were never vectored towards
it indicating that the radar operators probably knew what it was.
There is reason to suspect that this was probably just an aircraft, A handheld telephoto photograph of the star Sirius. This is part of a 5 second exposure where I pur-
which had a malfunctioning transponder or had turned it off for posefully moved the camera. The fluctuations and color changes are evident in the streak. These are the
effects of scintillation, which commonly is misinterpreted by inexperienced observers as a UFO flashing
some reason. lights at them.

Closing the book

T he Belgian AF F-16 chase has become staple in the UFO litera-

ture as some form of extraordinary event when it really was not.
For some reason, the work of Meessen and Salmon-Gilmard is little
known, overlooked, ignored, or left out of the literature.

What this case really demonstrates is an application of Phil Klass’

UFOlogical principle #9:

Whenever a light is sighted in the night skies that is believed to be a

UFO and this is reported to a radar operator, who is asked to search The night sky on March 30, 1990 at 2330 local time. There were numerous bright stars and planets vis-
his scope for an unknown target, almost invariably an “unknown” ible in the western sky, where the gendarmes saw their UFOs.

target will be found. Conversely, if an unusual target is spotted on a

radarscope at night that is suspected of being a UFO, an observer is
dispatched or asked to search for a light in the night sky, almost in-
variably a visual sighting will be made.4

In this instance, the gendarmes mistook scintillating stars for UFOs

and the radar operators, expecting to see a return corresponding
to the visual sightings, found targets they normally would have ig-
nored. Like these radar contacts, this UFO case is nothing more
than a phantom, which disappears upon close examination.

Notes and references

1. Mesnard, Joel. “Belgium haunted by huge triangular craft

II.” Flying Saucer Review. Volume 35 Number 4 (Decem-
ber 1990). Available WWW: http://www.ignaciodarnaude.
1989,Belgium,FSR1990V35N2.pdf page 4.

2. Meessen, Auguste. DES ECHOS RADAR D’ORIGINE ME-

TEOROLOGIQUE. Available WWW: http://home.nordnet.

3. ibid. The sighting lines described by Mr. Renkin in Ramilles are marked in blue. The large red bands show the
locations of stars and planets during the time period of observation. Additional star azimuths (red arrows)
are shown as more potential visual sources. The location of Beavuehcain air base and the first contact
4. Klass, Philip. UFOs Explained. New York: Random House, 1974. reported in the Lambrechts report.
p. 184

Roger wrote this piece when I mentioned I The evening of 30 could not observe something but they
was looking at the case. It may sound simi- registered radar contact with abnormal
lar to the article I wrote, but it covers some March 1990 : Observa- data, supersonic speeds and big appar-
areas that I did not bother to look into. - ent accelerations. The radars of Glons
Tim tions by the F16s and Semmerzaeke were only detecting
the same spot at 10000 feet high when

T his evening is described in SOBEPS

VOB1 pages 173-186 and 363-395.
By Roger Paquay the gendarmes continued to describe
bright objects placed in triangle. At the
same time the F16 did detect nothing at
At about 23 H (11 pm) the gendarmes the place indicated by the gendarmes.
from Wavre , being at Ramillies see in the
sky bright lights forming a big triangle At the end of May 1990 the Belgian air
and small triangles, eight lights. They force send to the Sobeps that edit it the
take contact with the Belgian military ra- “Lambrechts report”.
dar center CRC from Glons. The CRC de-
tected only one radar echo at 10000 feet. What can we learn from this report: “this
The decision to send the F16 was not de- evening the radar from Glons detected
cided at this moment. one contact. Two F16 were send in the
area, they registered abnormal radar con-
Observations by the gendarmes tact but did not see something. The gen-
darmes on ground could not take pic-

L ater this night the gendarmes contin-

ue to see the lights changing various
ways, white, yellow, green, or blue and
tures. One registered contact by the F16
seems to show an acceleration of 22G. We
will explain this later. No supersonic bang
red. These colours variations , a few sec- was heard by the gendarmes. Fantastic
onds, where accompanied from varia- the stars on view it was a possibility to accelerations seemed to be detected; the
tions of the brilliance. see different triangles. speed of the “ufo” change from 280km/h
to 1800 km/h in a few seconds and ex-
The description made by the gendarmes Later in the evening the gendarmes say tremely quick vertical moves.
from apparent move on fixed places, that when the F16 were passing in the
“jerky moves around a mean ( medium) po- vicinity of the light , the light seemed Following the wing meteo there was this
sition” and the change in colours , much to change place and then come again evening temperature inversion close to
perceptible for the lights situated at 15° at his initial place when the planes were the ground and at 3000 feet too. There
height then for those situated more than far away from the light. This can be ex- was also violent wind, 50 to 60 knots, at
40° above the horizon . This jerky move plained easily: An optical illusion ap- 10000 feet. These atmospheric situation
around a medium position on a black sky pears when a plane seen by his lights could probably explain these abnormal
is due to the eyes movements of the ob- passes close to a star. The stars seem to data.
server. Indeed, the eye is constantly mov- move so long the plane is between them
ing so the image of a fixed point form or close to them. Then, when the plane Another radar property can also explain
on different point of the retina. This give goes away the stars seem to come again the abnormal data. We will detail this
the impression of a move around a fixed at their initial place. This sort of move is later.
point. described by the gendarmes when the
F16 where passing closer to the lights. A second spot radar is detected at 0h32
These light variations clearly identify stars It is the correct description of one very by Glons and Semmerzaeke , military ra-
in particular meteorological circumstanc- few known optical illusion. This illusion dars, an engine that fly from the neigh-
es, clear sky with atmospheric turbulenc- is explained when the witness look the bourhood of Beauvechain in direction
es and humidity of the air with fine veils plane as reference point. The apparent of Liege at about 900 km/h., but is not
of clouds invisible to naked eyes. distance from star to the plane seem to detected by the civilian radars from Ber-
decrease and to approach the reference tem and Maastricht. Bertem is the Brus-
An astronomical software shows that , point, then when the plane goes away sels airport radar and is very close from
during the gendarmes observations, at the star seem to came at his initial point Wavre, so it is intriguing he did not detect
SW could be seen bright stars with mag- ( point that never changed) because the something in his area. The spot disappear
nitude below 2., and descending to (- 2,2) star anew become the reference point. at 2000 m high at a position close from
for Jupiter the brighter light in the sky Bierset military airport near Liège
this evening. Sirius was low on the hori- Observations of the F16s
zon, Procyon, Rigel, Betelgeuse , Castor What is intriguing is that the f16 did not
and Pollux, Capella.

You must note that three non-aligned

A t 0h15, following the radar observa-
tion from Glons , an abnormal spot
always at 10000 feet in the area of Wavre,
detect this engine and are not send to
identify it. They were close to this engine.
As Glons is part of the NADGE (Nato Air
points form always a triangle and, with two F16 take off from Beauvechain. They Defense Ground Environnement), his

mission is to detect all engines flying The pilots , when questioned on these e = 77,166* 1 + ½* 210,92 * 1² =182,626
above Belgium and to identify them. If radar detection say that frequently, when m.
it is an enemy he must send the F16 to they fly at 30000 feet in a clear sky, they
intercept it or to destroy it. This was not observe regularly spots corresponding to So in one second the engine if it is real
done. Why? apparently vertical moves with very high could only cover 182,626 m. Why this dis-
speed and that correspond to “Nothing”. tance was not calculated is not explained
What must we retain from these observa- in the report.
tions: Apparently the F16 radars detected About the Lambrechts report
vertical moves with very high speed and You must know that the uniformly ac-
enormous accelerations. Are these data
linked to real moves or to atmospheric
phenomenon or artefact from the radar?
T his report correspond to the night
from 30 to 31 mars. He give the dec-
larations from the gendarmes, the chro-
celerated move laws are solutions from
a system of two equations that are not
We will explain this in a paragraph on nology from the radars contacts and the
“Some data on the radar from the F 16”. conversations between the pilots and the v = v0 + a*t
control tower on ground in Beauvechain.
Colonel De Brouwer (now retired as Gen- Then we find the length of the contacts e = v0 * t + ½ a * t².
eral), in the postface of the Sobepes book and their transcription ;
“ Vague d’ovnis sur la Belgique”, tome 1 In these equation you have five variable
do not exclude the possibility that un- See the table of contacts below. and distinct data. If you know three you
known planes were in our sky. He also can calculate the two others:
think of magnetic perturbations, we were We find a data indicating an acceleration
effectively in a period of very intensive of 22 G (G = 9,81 m/s²). At this moment v0 ( initial speed), v (final speed) , a (ac-
activity from the Sun , at the peak of the the radar indicate a change in the speed celeration), e (covered distance), t (length
solar cycle. The solar activity was very in- from 150 knots to 560 knots in one sec- of time = duration).
tense the whole week before 30 March ond, the plane is turning while his alti-
1990 with a very high number of solar tude stays at 6000 feet. See table of con- If you have more than three variable , four
spots and ejection from intense charged tact data on page 12. in the case of the F16 you have different
particles. manner to calculate he fifth variable. But
Knot or nautical mile correspond to 1852 if the variables are not coherent you will
We must remark that, whatever the radar m. is used in aviation as speed unit by find different results. In this case you can-
technology, there always subsist a per- anglo-saxons. I do convert it in km/h to not conclude. If the results give the same
centage of false detections and not ex- use the motions laws in m/s. value to the different variable, then data
plainable detections. The origin may be are coherent and the result is correct.
very various, noise from the apparatus, 150 knots = 150 x 1,852 = 277,8 km/h =>
birds, clouds, water vapour in air, atmo- 77,166 m/s In the case cited by the Lambrechts re-
spheric inversion, separation between port this verification by the second law
cold and warm front. Echoes from fixed 560 knots = 560 x 1,852 = 1037,12 km/ was not effective. We will demonstrate
obstacle can also give abnormal detec- h=>288,09 m/s it. It is a very serious error in the use of
tion. Tropospheric and ionospheric re- the motions laws. So the fantastic accel-
flections can also induce radar spots. And The motion law of uniformly accelerated eration indicated cannot be sure. Indeed
finally: for different types of radar, the move (In french MRUA) is used by the if the data are not compatible the result
elimination from echoes corresponding Lambrechts report to calculate the accel- will be erroneous.
to fixed obstacles cannot be done to- eration “a”.
tally. If we consult the graph Fig 11 page 21
This law: v = v0 + a*t gives: 288,09 from the Meesen document “Analyse
Finally an internal report made by Colonel =77,166 + a*1 . (V = vitesse can be re- approfondie des mysterieux enregis-
Salmon (major at this moment) and civil placed for USA by S = speed). trement radar des F16” (see next page),
engineer Gilmard working for the “Center we see the speed passes from 150 knots
electronic of War” concluded that errors So “a” = 210,92 m/s² , thus 21, 5 G. to 560 knots and it is effectively a rectilin-
were made in interpreting the data: On ear vertical move, what justify the use of
the ten detections, three correspond to We cannot accept this value as real be- the two motions laws.
the second F16? The others are due to at- cause the distance covered by the “en-
mospheric inversions. The lights seen by gine” is not calculated with the second On the same fig 11 you see the altitude
the gendarmes were “stars”. law of motion, the distance law: passes from 3000 to 7000 feet (follow
the red line I added on this figure) If
Mister Meessen, the only who could see e = v0 * t + ½ a * t² you know a foot, anglo saxon measure
the Salmon –Gilmard report, recognized is 30, 48 cm you can calculate the alti-
the meteorological phenomenon and What distance would have been covered tude changes from 914 m to 2133,6 m .
their influence on the radars. in one second with this acceleration. The the theoretical distance covered is thus
answer is : 1219,6 m. But the distance that could be
Data from the Lambrecht’s report fig 11 page 21 from Meessen text on , « Analyse approfondie des mystérieux
enregistrements radar des F16 »

calculated with the motions law is only Vague Belge: Fantastic accelera- data. If you know three, you can calcu-
182,626 m. late the two others.
tions don’t exist
This clearly demonstrate that the calcu- In the case here, we have four distinct
lated acceleration 22 G does not corre-
spond to a real object but is an artefact
from the radar.
T he fantastic acceleration of 22 G is a
false conclusion because one mistake
has been done in the use of the motions
data and the acceleration seems to be
the only thing you must calculate. So
they did do only this calculation.
laws.. What mistake is it?
Follow the red line on this fig 11 There lies the difficulty and they get
The mistake is a bad use of the two for- caught in a trap. The calculated value
We must remark this conclusion could mulas of rectilinear uniformly acceler- must verify the second law of motion
have been found since the beginning if ated motion. and this was not done.
the laws had been correctly used.
These laws, law of speed and law of dis- We shall do this verification with the sec-
We can also remark this figure shows an- tance are part of a two equations system ond law.
other anomaly because at the end of the with two unknown data.
detection the speed would have been e = 77,166* 1 + ½* 210,92 * 1² =182,626
1852 km/h at the altitude “ZERO” (Nul) There are five variable and distinct m. We are far from the fourth data, 1219,6
m.that can be found on the fig 11 from 1981. You must know that Thomson CSF that can be very high.
Meessen. is a specialist firm for radars and equipped
many Belgian and European airport. This This property explain the high speeds
Conclusion: book was used by the radarists at Zaven- detected and the fantastic but not real
them Brussels airport and I could read it. accelerations because they don’t cor-
The calculated acceleration do not verify respond to a real object. The F16 pilot’s
the second law and therefore you must Radar data recognize they often observe these spot
conclude the four data are incompatible during a few seconds but they don’t care
and form a set of inconsistent data.

If the radar has a real contact it is evi-

T he pulse Doppler radar uses eight
wave trains with 64 impulses at eight
frequencies that are different each others
of them. They say these spots are gener-
ally vertical and at very high speed. This
seems a very good explanation for the
dent the acceleration calculated with from 100 hertz. phenomena.
the law of speed will be coherent with
the distance covered by the target. The observed phenomenon, echoes with So we must conclude: from the calcula-
This data is unknown and you cannot very high speed, is a characteristic from tions and from the radar properties that
verify the coherence of the data. But if the pulse Doppler radar and is related the fantastic accelerations are inexistent.
the data are incoherent it is impossible to to his detection mode by correlation on They were announced because the veri-
say there was a contact. quasi simultaneous impulses. They don’t fication of the data coherence was not
are related to a real object and have not done. These false results were published
This show to us that the radar data are any signification. by the Medias without verification and
inconsistent at this moment and you used by ufologist to say that extrater-
cannot say an engine was detected. You I have read and studied this book that is restrial engine were here with fantastic
cannot conclude that there was a fantas- used as reference book in many airports. properties.
tic acceleration of 22 G. Thus there was
no fantastic acceleration, no supersonic In this book you find: Another report from the Belgian air force
speed, and consequently no supersonic does the same mistake. This report, the
bang. On the radar, a bright spot is a detected Lambrechts report, may be found on in-
echo and the move from the bright spot at ternet.
Then why did the radar give these inco- each contact characterizes the move from
herent data? the object if it is a real one. But the place Every time a fantastic acceleration is
of the bright spot depends on the emitted announced, it is always the result by
Since 1992 different explanation were frequency. So, when the radar emit short use of the first law, law of speed, with-
given. pulses on different frequencies to have a out verification of the compatibility of
more precise detection you can observe the data with the distance covered. But
First, the Gilmard-Salmon report (*) con- this phenomena : these data are not independent as I ex-
cluded that three of the observations plained.
were the second F16, that the abnormal if the frequency change during the
echoes were due to abnormal atmo- time needed to determine the radial The assertions of fantastic accelerations
spheric conditions. The bright lights seen speed you obtain spots with very high in these cases of bad use of the laws of
from ground were stars very bright this speeds. These spots don’t correspond motion are without foundation. With
evening. For the only radar echo detect- to a real object; they indicate the speed them fall down completely the assertions
ed from ground you must know that the from the bright point move. of extraterrestrial engines and the asser-
pilots did see nothing at this place. tions of technologies in great advance on
In the book, page 224, you find: the terrestrial technologies. The extrater-
Professor Meessen recognized in VOB2 restrial hypothesis falls down.
(second book from Sobeps) that the ab- Lorsque le radar change de fréquence cen-
normal echoes were due to meteorologi- trale d’émission pendant le temps néces- References
cal circumstances from very long dura- saire à la mesure de la vitesse radiale des
tion. cibles, on mesure surtout la vitesse avec 1. (*)Etude Gilmard-Salmon : « Analyse
laquelle le point brillant s’est déplacé pen- des observations, le radar F16 et ré-
A third explanation based on the proper- dant le même temps, vitesse qui peut être sultats du modèle », rapport interne
ties from pulse radar Doppler can com- énorme . d’une étude effectuée au centre de
plete and explain entirely the observa- guerre électronique sous la direction
tions. Translation: du colonel Salmon, mai 1991.

I found it in a theory book on radars “ Ra- When the radar change his central fre- 2. L’étude Gilmard-Salmon : VOB2 p
dars, bases modernes” written by Michel quency during the time needed to mea- 401
Carpentier, engineer, general technical sure the radial speed of the target, you
manager at “Thomson CSF”. This book measure the speed with whom the bright 3. Tim Printy dans un article intitulé «
was edited by “Masson editions” ,Paris, in point moved during the same time, speed Belgium 1990 : « A Case for Radar-

Visual UFOS » Signale que le radar du
F16, AN/APG-66) a été upgradé en
1990 en la version AN/APG-66(V)2.
Une des raisons invoquées était : «
augmenter la performance opéra-
tionelle, incluant une capacité de re-
pérage accrue et un pourcentage de
fausses alarmes réduit. Site : http://

4. VOB p225 à 229 ;

5. Le rapport Lambrechts sur : http://
doc408.htm ou par Google, recher-
che avancée, Vague belge ; ovnis,
nombreuses adresses et accès.

6. , « Analyse appro-

fondie des mystérieux enregistre-
I n the last issue of SUNlite, I described a
conjunction between Venus and Jupi-
ter in mid-March that was probably go-
and when they came back out 10 minutes
later, the UFOs were gone.

ments radar des F16 » ing to generate some UFO reports. Like One witness, from California, reported go-
clockwork, these reports appeared in the ing out to smoke a cigarette and noticed
Nevertheless, it may help those who like MUFON and NUFORC databases. two bright lights on the night of March
calculations to understand why, when 11th. They made it clear that he felt the
you have four data and that only three are Peter Davenport made a reasonable ef- lights were too bright to be star and won-
needed to solve the problem, you must find fort in identifying some of these UFO dered if these were the same UFOs as the
the fourth data if the data are coherent. If reports but he missed a few. He identi- “Phoenix lights”.
the data are incoherent the four different fied thirteen cases by my count but I also
manners to choose three inter four data counted another five that probably were A Florida witness noticed Venus and Ju-
to solve the problem conduct to solutions of the two planets. piter over a three day period (March 11-
that are different each other. You never find 14). They also noted that the two objects
in this case the fourth data. The most interesting reports could be changed position over a period of an
found in the MUFON database. The first hour and a half. Despite the obvious clues
report, from Indiana on March 10th, in- that this was an astronomical event, they
volved an automobile pursuit of the concluded it was “unidentified”.
planets. The two friends in the vehicle
discovered that no matter what they did, A Pennsylvania witness on March 13th
they could not catch up with these two reported that they were horrified when
objects. they examined their photographs of the
UFOs. They showed two squiggly lines in
Further west in Colorado, a witness noted the western sky (twilight is receding) that
the lights were in the western sky and were in the same position as Jupiter and
one was closer than the other because it Venus. I assume the witness was “hor-
was brighter. The UFOs would eventually rified” because they showed the UFOs
disappear around 9:45 PM. This is about moving. However, the motion was not
the same time the two planets set for this associated with the planets. It was asso-
location. ciated with the camera, which the EXIF
data indicates was a one-second expo-
On March 11th, an individual in Michigan sure time.
was driving to their third shift job. They
saw the UFOs as they drove to work be- The queen of UFOs and the king of the
tween 10:16 and 10:38 PM. The set time planets were the culprits in all of these
for the two planets at this location was cases. It is interesting to note that quite
about 10:40 PM CDT. a few media outlets reported that Venus
and Jupiter would be visible during this
Another sighting on March 11th came time period. I guess if it isn’t on Facebook
from Arizona. This witness noticed that or twitter, people are not going to know
the four helicopters appeared to be flying what is going on in the sky. This won’t be
around them in circles. They went inside the last time this sort of thing happens.

O nce upon a time, there was a king
known as Ahab. Do not be confused;
this guy was not into whaling, but rather
It is Elijah the Tish-
about these things. Just to underscore
to Ahab who’s the boss when it comes to
sky-gods, Elijah proposes a bonus extra-
ruled over Israel in Samaria for 22 years. bite! Fired Up by that credit test. Assemble Jezebel’s team of
Now, it came to pass that Ahab linked up Baal players on Mount Carmel. Sacrifice
with a princess of a neighboring king- ol’ Hairy Baal-buster two bulls. Put wood around both and
dom whose peoples called themselves prepare them as you normally would any
Zidonians. Despite the Z, they were not by Martin Kottmeyer burnt offering. Have each side call their
extraterrestrials; nor was the princess god to set the offerings on fire. Which-
who we know as Jezebel. Jezebel and ever god wins, you follow religiously.
her people worshipped a god named
Baal and, as husbands often do, he chose This sounds not only fair, but a lot more
to please his wife by deferring to her in science-y than that one-must-need-faith
matters of religion. He set up an altar airy fairyness you usually hear believers
and grove to serve this Baal, and not in a bleat about. Everybody gathers up on
tennis-y sense. the mount. The Baal-pray-ers go first.
They dress the bull according to their se-
Now Ahab really must have known this cret copyright-still-pending recipe then
was a bad idea. His bloodline had served start calling for Baal’s fire. They call and
God Almighty who was known quite call. This goes on for hours, but there is
unambiguously to be a jealous god and no answer. They cut themselves, spilling
had proven it in quite sociopathic ways blood as was their custom. Doesn’t help;
through many generations. His own fa- still no answer. O Baal’s…
ther Omri was said to have been struck
down by The Almighty One for his vani- Like a Middle Eastern Craig Ferguson, the
ties. Even so, men fear women more than Tishbite mocks them unmercifully. When
gods for eminently, imminently, and inti- Elijah’s turn comes, he brings out 4 bar-
mately practical reasons and one might rels of water, and, allegedly to rub in the
have hoped any being must forgive any fact there has been such a shortage, he
man such behavior, even kings. Ahab begins to pour the water over the bull
thought wrong. like he’s a millionaire gourmet. He uses
all the barrels till it flows in a surround-
Thus it came to pass that God sent his ing trench. He calls on the Lord. Down
prophet Elijah the Tishbite to express his comes a fire. Whoomph. The bull, the
anger and to inform Ahab that hence- and giving the ravens a break, God made altar, the trench of water, explodes into
forth and until further notice he should sure she could feed Elijah by providing flame. I should resist wanting to sound
expect there would be no more rain in a supply of food that never spoiled and too modernly cynical or spill the beans
the land he ruled, nor even dew, and you miraculously replenished itself. If she like some masked-magician wannabe,
can tell Baal to go jiggle himself and his needed any more proof Elijah was a good but had I been present I might have been
little Jezebel too. Baal, a Phoenician god man to have around, that doubt erased heard to wonder – hmm, are you sure that
with priority and power over sky and when the widow’s son fell ill and Elijah’s was water and not, say, a j’et-fool octane-
weather issues, was intended to take per- prayers to God caused a miraculous re- boostered cooking liqueur?
sonal affront at God Almighty muscling covery. Lucky for all, this Zidonian MELF
into his territory. Not waiting for a reply, also was less than politically correct and This being a religious proceeding, not a
Elijah left. regarded Tishbites as just taboo enough testing lab; everybody fell on their faces,
to be a turn on in this Phoenician enclave praising God for Elijah having brought
God directed Elijah to hide out along one more beholden to Baals. such a high-end barbecue lighter to
of the tributaries of the river Jordan. Ra- their lowly luau. Elijah then ordered that
vens brought Elijah bread and flesh to Time passes and the drought back in Is- all the prophets following Baal be killed
live on till the tributary dried up. When rael stretches out to 3 years. Animals are then and there. The audience thinks that
finally he needed water, he moved on dying, including all the king’s horses and is a swell way to settle the Baal-players’
to Zarephath. Despite the Z, this also is all the king’s mules. The king is desper- gambling debt and so they were taken
not an extraterrestrial world, but some ately sending people around to find grass to a river and, nope not baptized, slaugh-
long forgotten city in Zidon. There Eli- and water to save what is left. Deciding tered. All 450 of them. Whoa, bet they
jah bumped into a widow who gathered finally Ahab must have some measure didn’t realize that was part of the deal.
sticks for a living. She did a double-take. of his anger, God commands Elijah to But perhaps they should have since
Elijah was a hairy dude and she had put return to Ahab. Upon confronting him, Jezebel had been killing off Elijah’s co-
hairy dudes on her list of turn-ons or Ahab asks him if he is to blame for all this. prophets and revenge was okey-dokey
would have if Playboy had done center- Elijah, of course, points out he had only in those pre-Buddhist days when the
folds back then. Playing matchmaker himself to blame. You know how God is circle of violence was allegedly little un-

derstood or at least not understood as a loses focus for a while with tribes battling to war, however, and Almighty One and
problem anyone should feel bad about. tribes. As usual they overdo this in that Only encourages this mistake by sending
part of the world, though you can’t help a lying spirit among the prophets of the
With the Baal-club sacked, God ordered being impressed when one day can see court to behave as yes-men. Ahab dies in
up a feast and had Ahab join in to show as many as 100,000 footmen falling. battle. His son Ahaziah eventually takes
there were no hard feelings. After due over as king, delayed by an interim suc-
courses, Elijah announces he hears the Eventually the story winds its way back cessor to the throne whose relevance to
sound of an abundance of rain. He goes to Elijah finally standing before Ahab the Elijah story can be guessed by the
before his altar and casts himself to the again. Ahab asks, “Hast thou found me, fact we have deliberately forgotten his
ground, face between his knees. He asks O mine enemy?” Elijah, redundantly by name.
a servant to go to the mountain’s edge this point, declares, “Behold I will bring
and check the sea for a sign. At first, there evil upon thee, and will take away your Highly out of nowhere, the new King
is nothing. Could God still be angry? posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him Ahaziah falls through a lattice on an up-
Keep trying. On the 7th try, a small cloud that pisseth against the wall (blah, blah - per story of the royal residence. The inju-
begins to rise up. That’s more like it. skip) for the provocation wherewith thou ry leads to a lingering illness and the king
hast provoked me to anger and made Is- makes the unfortunate choice of thinking
Elijah gets in his chariot. Job’s done; got- rael to sin.” And, oh, mustn’t forget this: what his doggone momma would do in-
ta run. By the time he is down the moun- Dogs shall eat Jezebel’s body. By prosti- stead of poppa in this situation. He calls
tain, the sky is filling with black clouds. tuting himself to Jezebel and her wicked for Baal-zebub. Zebub translates as Fly;
Drought’s over, big-time. Elijah hightails ways, by bowing down before foreign ergo Fly-Baal. I’m not kidding, though
to Horeb, no dyslexic pun intended. It’s idols, none before him had angered the the Biblical author might have been –
not that he thinks Jezebel will feel hurt Lord God Almightily Jealous One nearly some think he was punning off Baal-ze-
cut off from her Baal’s support staff. He so much as Ahab. bul which meant Baal the Prince. Either
just knows women. He may know how way, the name points to this as the local
to squeeze 450 of Baal’s finest, but Jezeb- God always was a bit of a drama-queen in manifestation of Baal at the oracle in Ek-
el? She’s got leverage. When she learns these situations. He was repeating super- ron some miles away. Ahaziah sent mes-
what that Tishbite did to her retinue of latives slung at earlier kings and, anyways, sengers to him to get a prognosis on his
Baal-bleaters she quite predictably swore who can forget his snits involving the Del- condition.
bloody vengeance. Elijah runs 40 days uge, Sodom & Gomorrah, Moses and the
and 40 nights, as they tended to measure Golden Calf incident, testing Abraham, On the advice of an angel of God – one
trouble in those times, and he ends up and on and on. Ahab in the teeth of the must always delegate such things - Elijah
cowering in a cave. He cowers so darkly dilemma realizes the smart thing to do suddenly pops up and stops the messen-
he confesses to be having serious, even here is play submissive. He tears off his gers. He asks them if their pitched tra-
suicidal, doubts about being a zealot in clothes, dons sack cloth, fasts, and spoke jectory means Ahab’s son does not think
God’s name. softly thereafter. It works, sort of. God exists. God was keeping track on
him for just this sort of strike to fulfill his
God, only pretending to be dumb we And the word of the Lord came to Elijah promise to Ahab. Time’s up for Jezebel’s
hope, asks, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” the Tishbite. Seest thou how Ahab hum- ringer. The king should just go ahead and
Censor looking down, we’ll paraphrase bleth before me? Because he humbleth die. The messengers return to the king
his answer: You can’t figure that out your- before me, I will not bring evil in his days; telling him of their encounter with an
self? Jezebel wants me dead. God orders but in his son’s days will I bring the evil anonymous hairy man girt in a girdle of
him out of the cave. God then does the upon his house. leather who foretells his death. The cam-
Raiders of the Lost Ark / Close Encounters era zooms in on the king’s face as a flash
of the Third Kind thing for his spiritual up- Does that sound a bit – what? – une- of recognition looms into his expression.
lift. God flies by: “a great and strong wind volved perhaps is the word I’m resisting -- I’ll be damned - I mean been - “It is Elijah
rent the mountain.” Rocks break off and What do I know? – not my kid, why care? the Tishbite!”
fall in the process. God sends an earth- Nor, though, am I anthropologist enough
quake. God sends fire. Only when God to feel relativism is an entirely appropri- The king orders a troop of fifty to find Eli-
speaks in a still small voice does Elijah ate response. I’m sure Ahab’s son would jah who has put out his shingle on a hill
feel free to move again. He wraps up his be scrunching up his face feeling might- in the distance. The troop captain orders,
face, as desert folks do, and leaves. Desti- ily annoyed at how unfair that sounds to “Come down.” Elijah warns him he is a
nation: Damascus. him had he been on-stage. But he wasn’t. Man of God and will rain down fire if suf-
Still, everybody but the author and Eli- ficiently annoyed. The captain advances.
Elijah takes up with some tribes, like him- jah must suspect Ahab’s son eventually So stupid. Fire consumes the troop. A
self, who were not exactly Baal fans and heard about this injustice through the second troop of 50 is sent and fire burns
starts to build a fighting force of thou- grape-vine. them down as well. The captain of a third
sands. Along the way he meets up with troop had been paying attention back
a plowman named Elisha who over the Thanks to Ahab’s humblething, peace when Ahab was in charge and knows the
course of time grows up into being some broke out in the Middle East. That lasted right thing to do. He kneels before Eli-
sort of wizard’s apprentice. The story three whole years. Ahab itches to go jah and asks him pretty please to make a

housecall on the king. That’s more like it. barrassingly/proudly dusty King James vine Encounters (1995) offers what must
Elijah is escorted before the king and he paperback. The intent was to spare read- be the fullest re-telling of the tale, buying
confirmed that, yes, God is angry he chose ers the effort of slogging through less- it all from the widow’s never-ending, nev-
Baal as his primary medical care provider. than-lucid Biblical prose to get the es- er-spoiling food supply to Elisha’s inherit-
His claim for care is still rejected. Just die, sential shape, size, and character of the ing super-powers. I’m not saying Sitchen
son of Jezebel. And he does. You’re out, story. I should not have to spell out for explains it. In point of fact he is quite si-
Baal-boy. His reign was a mere two years skeptics why, even in the original, Elijah’s lent about how he euhemerizes the story,
and he left no heirs to boot. Bad luck for story reads as a work of almost pure fic- neither deploying technobabble to nor-
that bloodline, but Elijah gets credit for tion. The characters doubtless are loose- malize the miracles nor providing higher
good predicting as Bible prophets usu- ly based on real people, but it is more reasoning rationale for the (seemingly?)
ally do in stories like this. myth than legend and even less is there immature and petty narcissism on dis-
true history here. I don’t feel there is the play by the theoretically almighty alien.
Having completed his mission on Earth, least point in taking it seriously as some-
or at least his plotline for the tale, people thing that really happened, as ufologists Unsurprisingly, nobody notices, forget
begin to sense the story is about to wrap are wont to jargon, in ‘event-level reality.’ explains, that scene where the Almighty
up. Prophets at Beth-el ask Elisha, the And never mind you should spend time forgives the father, but promises evil will
wizard’s apprentice, if he doesn’t think injecting ancient astronaut euhemerism befall his son. See no evil, space-bro’s.
the ending is coming and we should here. Erich von Daniken took as his mot- Nor does the success of the prophet’s
head for the parking lot. Elisha quickly to and method, “Myths are Eyewitness prediction concerning Ahaziah seem to
shushes them. Maybe so, but sometimes Accounts.” Get a dictionary if you buy bother ufologists who surely know by
it’s worth staying around. Bible stories that. Beyond the rather shabby behavior now that predictions involving the ufo
aren’t always as downbeat and schmaltzy of these theoretically ‘advanced’ beings, I phenomenon and its alleged messen-
as Moses. Then everybody sees Elijah reject aliens who would really use ravens gers robustly fail, and universal-lawlessly
parting the waters of the river Jordan and to feed Elijah, part rivers, shake moun- so when it predicts something as impor-
only Elisha decides to stick around for the tains, and play matchmaker. tant as a king’s early death.
dénouement. They’re thinking we have
definitely seen this before. Elisha though The story of Elijah has been frequently I feel I should also mention a freaky bit
gets rewarded for staying: a nice big mentioned in the ancient astronaut genre of trivia somehow missed by modern ex-
Spielberg ending. of ufology and even the most illiterate of traterrestrial euhemerists. When Greeks
ufo buffs will know this if only through translated the story they were mildly puz-
Behold there appeared a chariot of fire, brief exposure to the old 1972 Chariots zled about the expression Tishbite and
and horses of fire, and parted them both of Gods documentary and various His- assumed it referred to some place with a
asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirl- tory Channel knock-offs of it. Most writ- name like Tishbe that was somewhere in
wind into heaven. Elisha saw it and cried, ers that speak of it are satisfied to give a Gilead. Modern scholarship is pretty sure
“My father, my father, the chariot of Israel quick wave to the whirlwind verse, even there was no place with the name Tishbe
and the horsemen thereof.” quote it. Several though spent enough anywhere so far as they’ve been able de-
time trying to read the story in the origi- termine. You’re welcome, mystagogues;
Nice touch and so appropriate, Elijah was nal Bible-ese and point to one or another albeit the absence of a ‘z’ can be pointed
big with the fire spectacles. Afterwards, of the other miracles in the story to try to to as not perfectly ideal.
Elisha rips his clothes into 2 pieces, thinks add flesh to the extraterrestrial bones of
sotto voce, “By the power of Moses – I dancing contentions. The healing and Given the wide acceptance of Elijah’s fiery
Have the Power!” then parts the River Jor- resurrection of the widow’s son is a fa- whirlwind among ufo buffs and ancient
dan exactly like his mentor. His prophet vored way to show the presence of ad- astronaut writers, Aubeck and Vallee
brothers are nudging each other - Look vanced knowledge and is liked by those could hardly relegate it to their chapter
who’s leading man in the next install- who prefer their aliens to be good and on spurious tales in their book of inexpli-
ment in the Moses franchise. Bet he gets space-brotherly. The control of weather cable wonders. They put the story on their
a big bald head, right? impresses the more paranoid fraction of official chronology just after Akhenaten –
ufology. The fire raining down from heav- entry #3. This would not merit attention
########### en reminded one 70s ufo buff of the na- or even interest, but for a topically famil-
palm bombs that had lately rained down iar error. They title the entry Abduction

E xcusing the surfeit of self-indulgent

flourishes and liberties, I hope this
serves as a full and accessible adapta-
on Vietnam. Betty Andreasson singled
out for comment how impressed she was
that Elijah could “call for firepower from
of Elijah. Yet Elijah knew God was picking
him up. Aubeck and Vallee even quote
the relevant lines showing expectation:
tion of the Old Testament story of Elijah. the sky upon occasion.” Another buff felt “Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be
I endeavored to capture primarily the it was scientific to suggest God’s fly-by of taken away from thee.” The presence of
structure of the relationships, special ef- the cave fit familiar ufo patterns. Barry consent is confirmed when the pair cross
fect sequences, and motivations be they Downing deployed Star Trek anti-gravity the River Jordan’s parted waters. One
obvious or inscrutable. I’ve freely cherry- beams for parting waters in Exodus and doesn’t even need to decide if the parting
picked material from several Bibles and realized he should mention Elijah and El- was due to an anti-grav beam or merely
Bible commentaries that includes an em- isha if he did that. Zecharia Sitchen in Di- wizardly psychokinesis. He approached

his launch site with full knowledge that
he was leaving for heaven.

That said, Aubeck and Vallee did tell the

story right otherwise and even provided
some insightful comments. They add that
Elijah was the only Old Testament proph-
et taken up to heaven while still alive.
Jews await his return and set a goblet of
wine out at Passover in reminder of this
belief. It’s a good thing to remember if a
certain prophecy in the Book of Malachi
is true: “Observe I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day when the proud and
wicked shall burn as an oven, so I do not
come and smite the earth with a curse.”
(condensing and paraphrasing chapter
4) They also point out Mormons believe by Martin Kottmeyer
Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith in 1836.
It’s probably okay if you suspect the Mor-
mons made a mistake somewhere. T he image, I trust, is familiar to all con-
sumers and followers of ufo culture.
A human, tacitly an abductee, is seen in
part that is because I have not found any
pre-existing term of general usage for it
and this coinage captures the essential
That title categorizing the case as ab- the air between a flying saucer and the wonder that all involved are trying to
duction instead of contact, though…. It ground and implicitly ascending within evoke. This is something clearly outside
worried me that the same sort of mistake a beam of light that shines down from of everyday working reality and violates
was happening as happened with Etana the alien craft. I am unsure if the image our commonsense understanding of how
being somehow a classical abductee. It deserves to be called iconic, but it seems organic bodies interact with gravity and
puzzled me mightily for a time – could it to appear frequently enough to ponder light. Human beings do not float above
be a habit? – but it dawned on me that whether the designation is appropriate. the ground without wires, helicopters,
they didn’t care about the presence or Certainly no ufo buff could or would want jetpacks, or giant pterodactyls provid-
absence of consent, but the presence of to deny the image has become part of ing resistance against the force of grav-
a standard wonder of abduction mythol- our general understanding of how aliens ity. If the person was in a car or plane one
ogy: miraculous ascension. bring humans into their preferred place might plausibly theorize the saucer was
of business. We could cite chapter and using magnetic force to raise the metallic
verse from the writings of Budd Hopkins objects they were traveling in. But even
and fellow abduction advocates if we that is actually outside conventionally
needed to be pedantic here, but, for the experienced reality and essentially a wild
moment, the more interesting point is extrapolation. Ascension of human bod-
that artists and illustrators for the ufo mi- ies is quite properly termed miraculous
lieu treat the image as part of our cultural since there is no way to justify it by physi-
vocabulary. Within days of starting to cal law as taught in school or by common
write about Elijah’s ‘abduction’ I was flip- experiences.
ping through a book catalog and found
the image abstracted into a stick figure It is – let’s be clear – a very separate mat-
cartoon that was part of the advertise- ter whether one can justify it by extrapo-
ment for a 2012 calendar. I thought back lating possibilities available to technolo-
to earlier in the year when I found myself gies which will come online in our distant
admiring a version of the ufo ascension future, or, on distant worlds in the pres-
ray image in a set of pornographic comics ent, evolved to owning futuristic tech-
collected by a fellow ufo researcher. I re- nology. Hopkins and Rainey proposed
sist saying the image is ubiquitous since one might justify reports of miraculous
one should reserve that word for images ascension in abduction via diamagne-
of Grays or jokes about anal probes. Yet tism. Organic molecules can sometimes
it does seem to have some quality of in- be made to form magnetic fields when
creasing visibility in the fog of contempo- placed inside a strong enough magnet-
rary culture. ic field and provide lift with attracting
fields. This has actually been done with
For the purposes of this essay I am term- frogs. A photo exists showing one levitat-
ing this image ‘miraculous ascension.’ In ed within a magnetic field. Skeptics are

obliged to wonder if this can be scaled gaps apparent to my eye. I invite readers tives in early B-list zombie fliks and serials
up the necessary orders of magnitude to fill in the gaps with their own discover- like The Lost City where voodoo and mad
safely. Would anyone dare to attempt ies if dissatisfied by the sketchy nature of scientists routinely sapped the wills of
to lift a human being via diamagnetism? this account. non-whites to keep slaves and poor folks
Wouldn’t there be dangerous stresses docile for their masters.
to internal organs from different organs Let’s start with the hopefully banal obser-
having different forces of attraction? vation that miraculous ascension was not Analogously down-market measures
Could the brain and heart safely function part of the ufo culture at its beginning in were common in many subsequent ear-
with magnetic fields pulling neurotrans- 1947, but started appearing some years ly abductions. After facing a gun, Herb
mitters through synapses at odd angles later and then merely occasionally at first. Schirmer consents to climb a ladder lead-
and speeds? Wouldn’t such fields accel- The contactees, starting in the Fifties, ing into a central opening in the bottom
erate naturally-occurring atmospheric mostly used pedestrian means to enter of a saucer that retracts with a zoop sound
ions into dangerously destructive radia- the saucers of the Space Brothers. They effect. In the daSilva abduction, the vic-
tion in even short exposure times? And either simply stepped through a door tim’s legs are painfully paralyzed when a
what would unnaturally strong magnetic (Orfeo Angelucci, Dan Fry); made a small ray gun is fired at them and the abduc-
fields do to the metallic objects within step (George Adamski); moved onto a tors drag him while carrying him under
or attached to humans – surgical pins, single moveable step with handrail (Tru- the armpits. Charles Moody scuffles with
plates, meshes, teeth fillings and braces, man Bethurum); walked up a ramp into some grays and hurts his back which the
ear-rings, piercings, hairpins, bracelets, an iris door (Howard Menger); walked aliens partially heal by a rod-like device.
necklaces, clothing buttons and zippers, up a ramp and stepped down into craft
coins? They would be pulled with forces (Calvin Girvin); climbed up a ramp (Chief Even as late as the Gulf Breese abductions
that should tear the skin and tissues and Frank Buckshot Standing Horse); walked (1988), Ed Walters reported a brutal inci-
create pressure bruising. And anything up a stairway (Richard Miller); crept up a dent where he was encircled by a crowd
that managed to remain with the victim ladder (T. Lobsang Rampa) and, in one in- of 10-20 shielded Grays with shock sticks
would certainly acquire an easily detect- stance, drove a car up a ramp and parked who flit around him like jumping spiders.
able remnant magnetism, thus spoiling inside the craft (Reinhold Schmidt). They physically struggle with him while
the ideal of aliens conducting their secret he resists like an enraged bull. He throws
operations with only the most ambigu- Eddie Bullard’s triplet of ‘first abductions’ sand at them and gets one in a strangle-
ous evidence of their existence. – three cases that could not reasonably hold. He remarked it smelled of mildew.
have influenced each other – each in- To distract him, they put an image in his
One might create a field of lifting gravity volved entrances that were prosaic to the mind of them taking his sister. He is ren-
by the use of compact matter like that level of vulgarness. Antonio Villas Boas dered paralyzed and unconscious as the
found in dwarf stars or neutron stars, was wrestled to the ground and dragged, lead alien remarks “You are always like
but this would inevitably pull up more kicking and struggling up a swaying nar- this.”
than the human. Up goes anything not row ladder. In the Salzburg abduction,
nailed down in the vicinity: cats, dogs, the victim is paralyzed by a hand-held As far as my research has been able to de-
soda cans, tree limbs, bugs, loose dirt, device and a plate is strapped to his termine, the first appearance of miracu-
water. What would be needed is a nar- chest which allows the abductor to pull lous ascension in ufo culture belongs to
row directed stream of gravitons that him along with reduced gravity when one of the lesser contactees named Dan
can be manipulated and shut off at will. the device is pointed his way. In the Hill Martin. He reportedly spoke at several ufo
Even this would require ultradense mat- abduction, Barney and Betty are sleep- conventions in the Sixties and authored a
ter moving at relativistic velocities and I walked from the car to a clearing where short 17 pp. booklet printed by Saucerian
doubt anyone (even Forward 1988) be- they take two steps up to a ramp and Press titled Seven Hours Aboard a Space
lieves that is theoretically plausible or enter the saucer via a door on the side. Ship. Undated, it has been reported in a
practical or safe or economical to even Betty is curiously able to exhibit a degree separate source that it was written prob-
a Dyson-level civilization. Arthur Clarke of uncooperativeness. The absence of ably in 1957. It went through several
(1972) admittedly had some optimism consistency speaks loudly and provides printings.
that anti-gravity might not be absolutely evidence that in the absence of mod-
impossible, but he realized it would re- els, the creative mind kicked in to fill the As he tells it, one day there was a knock
quire a breakthrough utilizing concepts void of narrative need. Necessity was the on his door and two ordinary-seeming
that don’t have any current empirical ba- mother of invention. The scale provided people tell him they want to take him on
sis like negative matter. by hindsight and a history of experienc- a journey in a spaceship that will be in-
ers exploring alternatives for better ef- teresting and helpful to him. He would
With it fully understood that I suspect fects, judges the triplet as now obviously be returned in 7 hours. If he was ready,
no amount of advanced technology will primitive. AVB’s abduction looks uncivi- they’d do it right then and there. He locks
pull off this particular magic trick, I want lized and clumsy. Salzburg’s plate on the up his house, walks between the pair, and
to explore the history of the image. This chest looks clumsy and cartoonish, liter- they grasp his arms above the elbow.
will not be a comprehensive assault on ally like the inertron jump belts of Buck
the problem. It would likely take years to Rogers. Betty’s comments on Barney’s As soon as they took hold of my two arms,
follow all leads and close ambiguities and sleep-walking have the vulgar aura of na- we went up; no time was lost. The sensa-

tion was just like going up in a fast eleva- introducing miraculous ascension to ufo lacking our defining image, needs to be
tor. It might scare you a little, or make you culture; there are so many details dis- partly described here. There is no mi-
feel as if you were being turned wrong cordant with later abduction imagery it raculous ascension episode per se, but
side out. This was the sensation I had. I seems certain Dan Martin’s tale played no the alien dream kinetics look relevant. As
looked down and could see the waters of substantial role in shaping subsequent Charles Hickson tells it, the entities that
the Rio Grande River flowing between the instances of ascension. Dan Martin’s captured him floated above the ground
two cities. I knew that we were travelling ascension lasted minutes and spanned and when they touched him, he felt
fast, as the lights were rapidly becoming miles and the tube with spiral shutters lighter himself. Hickson’s sensations on
dimmer. I did not have any particular sen- never repeats elsewhere in ufo history. transport were confessed as paradoxical.
sation of traveling at this time, only at the The ship lacks Grays and it has excessive He sensed he was moving forward, but
start. It was a matter of minutes until we instrumentation which sounds overly 50s he had no sensation of his feet walking or
were out of sight of the lights of the city in character and needs tedious tending by dragging on the ground, nor of the enti-
and the river. I began to feel very cold and the crew. The panel display having stars ties lifting him – “it’s just a feeling I can’t
knew we were quite high. with interconnecting lines maybe paral- explain.” Calvin Parker explicitly used the
lels the Hill case in a curious way, but this word floating to describe his feeling dur-
As the cold became unbearable he should probably be dismissed as parallel ing his transport to the craft. They enter
sensed he was stopping. He looked up invention serving parallel purposes. the craft through an opening on the side.
and saw an umbrella-like canopy about While being examined by a crystal or
35 or 50 feet in diameter, a scout craft. A second contactee, Carl Anderson, in au- mechanical eye, Charlie feels he is float-
They were entering a clear tube in the tomatic writing dated February 25, 1957, ing, suspended in the air without a table.
center about 4 or 5 feet in diameter. A was contemporaneously being told that The case was very high profile and cases
spiral shutter opens as they approach thousands would be rescued from an up- of people being floating to and/or from
and closes after they enter it. An instant coming cataclysmic event. “They will be crafts slightly above the ground would
later a spiral shutter opens at the top of levitated or lifted up, and taken aboard recur in several subsequent cases, nota-
the tube and they pass into a room of the the craft you have chosen to call FLYING bly the Pat Roach, Sandra Larson, Sara
craft. It has a television screen, a panel, SAUCERS.” But only if they are people Shaw, and Betty Andreasson cases.
and a myriad of instruments, clocks, me- with positive vibrations.
ters, gauges, knobs, levers. On the panel The next case possibly exhibiting miracu-
screen appeared stars with lines connect- My research suggests the first abduction lous ascension is the Dionisio Llanca case
ing some in geometric patterns. They experience to involve miraculous ascen- of October 28, 1973. Set in Argentina,
stand around ten minutes as the craft’s sion belongs to the Canadian case of Da- Llanca was working on a tire when he
operators busy themselves with operat- vid Seewaldt dated November 19, 1967. was grabbed from his kneeling position
ing the instruments. Seewaldt was a young boy at the time and forced upright. Consciously, he re-
and the story he told is strikingly brief by members 2 men and a woman in yellow
Eventually the scout ship ferries Dan to current standards. boots. One takes a sample of blood from
a Mothership 900 miles up. The ship’s his finger and he remembers fainting and
name is the Michiel. It is piloted by Mer- They put a beam on me… I was sort of in nothing more. When regressed and un-
curians and has been on duty around a trance. It pulled me up into the ship. der Pentathol additional details emerged
Earth for the past 6000 years. He is also that included reportedly:
told, “This ship has been instrumental in Inside the ship he is put on a table,
performing many of the so-called mira- wheeled through a computer room, un- Then he related how he was taken by the
cles of biblical and other ancient record, dressed and studied by aliens. Though men of the party to an object above the
such as the taking away of one of our an- investigated promptly, Seewaldt’s expe- trees beside Highway 3. He was transport-
cient Biblical characters, Enoch, by name.” rience was not reported in the ufo litera- ed to it “by means of a light.”
It helped produce Noah’s Deluge, parted ture until 1974 because the experience
the Red Sea for Moses, created the Star seemed to be merely a nightmare and of It needs to be granted there is a degree
of Bethlehem vision, and was used to no innate credibility. Investigators only of ambiguity here. This could be inter-
build the Pyramid at Giza. When Winfield decided to write it up after reading of preted as actually teleportation involv-
S. Brownell reprinted parts of Dan Mar- the 1973 Pascagoula abduction and find- ing dematerialization rather than vertical
tin’s booklet for a collection of contactee ing a curious similarity between the two motion through the air. The Llanca case,
writings in 1980, he commented that the accounts. Seewaldt’s description of the we must point out, is regarded as a hoax
method used in lifting Dan Martin to the miraculous ascension is entirely quoted by ufologists of Jerry Clark’s generation
ship could save millions of people in a above and is so short and lacking in detail these days. But this was not the situa-
worldwide emergency. one could easily miss it if you skimmed tion in the 70s and accounts of Llanca
the paper. The investigators make no appeared in places like Saga’s Ufo Maga-
Given the Judeo-Christian apologetics comment about the detail either. They zine.
of the tale, there is not much point is were mainly interested in the look of the
looking outside religion for the primary abductors. The ‘ultimate’ abduction of Bill McGuire
inspiration of this instance of ascension. and Nora Johnson straddles the border-
While contactees clearly get priority for The 1973 Pascagoula abduction, though line of relevance. In regressions stretch-

ing from 1974 to ’75, Nora reports that as in support of his claims, but they are re- ing sucked up into the ufo.
a ufo approached their car she felt herself garded as fraudulent.
go numb then felt disoriented. In some In a March 22, 1976 incident, Sara Shaw
incredible way she senses herself mov- In a regression dated October 8, 1975, adds a variant that while she was initially
ing and simultaneously seeing a shadow Brian Scott seems to report an ascen- floated towards the ufo like she moving
of herself going up into the air. The in- sion type event while approached by a on a conveyor belt, at a certain point she
vestigator notes this seems like either an disk with a strange light. He feels held in sees she is standing on a tilted beam of
out-of-body-experience or astral travel, some sense. light then kind of walking up it while si-
not physical transport. She finds herself multaneously it conveys her upward like
drifting toward the ufo, see grasshopper Can move but can’t get away! Up--- up. an escalator. While this has an obvious
aliens through the windows and slips into Mountains behind us--- a room--- door similarity to the light bridge that Flash
complete hysteria. Suddenly she recalls opens. Gordon walks on at one point in the
being inside the ufo, lying in a chair. Bill movie serial from 1936, the upward tilt is
seems to experience a less ambiguous In a Saga Ufo magazine article the scene quite novel.
version of miraculous ascension. As the is rendered in this fashion:
ufo approaches, he has “a tingly feeling, In the July 1976 issue of Official UFO we
like something’s not right.” He experienc- An enormous UFO appeared and glided learn of the attempted abduction of Se-
es something pulling at him, trying to lift silently toward him…There was tranquil- bastian Acevado in Tandil, Argentina on
him. He has seat belts on. He has a sen- izing beauty in the purple light sparking April 14, 1974. Acevedo is walking to
sation of panicking, then he feels himself from beneath the object. In seconds the work in the early morning hours when
floating. He looks down and can see the UFO was directly overhead, and appar- he sees a star coming down and a pow-
top of the car. When asked what is hold- ently generated what Scott described as erful illumination suddenly surrounds
ing him, he indicates he doesn’t know. He a “pulling sensation.” The next thing he him. He turns around to see machine 2
next senses being set down somewhere knew, he was inside the craft. meters in diameter and shooting flames
and next sitting inside the dome of the from its edges positioning itself over-
ufo. Though the presence of ascension This is certainly suggestive of miraculous head. It emits a sound like a thousand
is less ambiguous than Nora, the issue of ascension, but the detailing is slight and welding machines. A trap door in the
the seat belt is never addressed. Did he less than ideal. We’d like to actually hear center opens up like the saloon doors in a
unconsciously unfasten it and a physical he is in the air and moving toward the western. A concentrated red light beam
ascension take place or did it remain fas- UFO.(Gutilla & Frazier 1977) Alvin Law- shines out and paralyzes him. It lifts him
tened and, like Nora, it was a psychic or son’s investigation turned up evidence off the ground twice to an altitude of 30
spirit-body-only ascension? the case was a hoax. to 40 centimeters as if trying to suck him
in but failing in the attempt. The light
The January 4, 1975 Carlos Diaz abduc- The Liberty, Kentucky triple abduction beam ends sharply before reaching the
tion in Argentina seems more firmly is set in January 1976. Initially the ex- ground, an effect certain ufologists dub
within our defined boundaries. Af- perience involves three women seeing a ‘solid light.’ The heat given off by the ma-
ter leaving the Holy Protective Society ufo with a beam of light and then losing chine feels like the ovens of a steel mill.
where he waited on tables for a living, he control of the car. As she tries to speed The incident ends quickly having lasted
went home by bus. Walking from the bus forward, it is dragged backwards over a mere seconds, certainly under a minute.
stop he crosses a railroad yard and sees a cattle grate and into a farm. Missing time A watchman at the nearby cheese fac-
broken flash of light that blinds him. No is experienced. Under hypnosis some tory rushes towards him, having been
clap of thunder follows however. Next alarmed by the light and sound and fear-
he hears a humming sound comparable ing a transformer might have caught fire.
to rushing air. He feels himself pulled off The machine rose, made a turn like an
the ground. Around 8 feet off the ground aircraft, and followed power line cables
he blacks out. He awakes inside the some distance seeming to make contact
craft and sees creatures with featureless and causing a flash at one point. Police
round heads that even lack eyes. Their were called and took him to a hospital
arms have grasping suckers. They pull where they diagnosed him as having
at his hair, both on his head and chest. a nervous crisis. Investigators subse-
He faints again and awakes lying in the quently learn that a high-voltage cable
grass. This was featured in the Lorenzens’ had fallen to the pavement where the
Encounters with UFO Occupants (1976) ufo made contact and a fire had broken
in a chapter collecting cases of floating out in a transformer step-down substa-
entities and flying little men. Several are tion. Officials blamed the down cable
set in South America and provide a sort it on high winds. The Official UFO issue
of corroborative background to the Diaz article is accompanied by an illustration
case, showing instances of levitational which is the earliest magazine drawing of
flight was not idiosyncratic to him alone. a miraculous ascension into an ufo I have
Diaz would offer photographs of ufos months later she remembers the car be- found. It would not surprise me if earlier

scene of the alien cat levitating a motor- sembling Space 1999’s Eagles, only larg-
cycle being driven by the scientist. It is er. The kinetics of the case is ontologically
provocatively reminiscent of E.T., but ob- the centermost problem and demands
viously beforehand. It is, admittedly, far unbelief. By what sort of force is Osborne
less dramatic is several respects, notably propelled to the craft and braked with-
the absence of John Williams scoring and out slamming into the saucer wall with
less cinematic emphasis; i.e. no jump- no talk of safety netting?
cutting zoom-in, no silhouette against a
full moon. In a regression dated May 30, 1979. Lori
Briggs initially sees creatures floating. “It’s
In March 1978, William Herrmann sees their light… their light has lots of power.”
an ufo over the Ashley River. The light She describes them elevate things with
July 1976 illustration flips off and there is a blur of motion and light. “It points its hands at things, lifting.”
suddenly it is 10-15 feet in front of him. The thought that this echoes the power
examples exist and I ask any reader who A tubular blue-silver or aquamarine haze of Uncle Martin in the 60s sitcom My Fa-
can provide any to let me know. of light extends outwards and down- vorite Martian comes easily to one of my
wards from the bottom. His mind blurs generation. All kids my age pretended to
Watching Escape from Witch Mountain as a humming sound envelopes him. He be able lift things by remote control in
in 1975, Judy Kendall comes to the scene awakes on a table with 3 grays standing mimicry of him. More closely contempo-
where a camper magically flies skyward nearby. His memory improves at a later raneous, in “The People” (1971) a teacher
and she suddenly has spontaneous recall date to flesh out the moment of abduc- experiences telekinetic ascension several
of her own car having been floated sky- tion as him being “pulled upwards in a feet above the ground accompanied by
ward. In a regression in January 1977 she tugging motion” and he remembers his an alien’s hand glowing with light.
recalls driving along when the steering hands reflexively going up to protect
goes unresponsive she feels like she and himself. He would lose consciousness Lori experiences the alien lifting with this
the car are floating with the road sudden- soon after it started. In time he learns the light. Her journey to an ufo happens too
ly gone and there is blackness around process is called transference beaming quickly to see the exterior of the ufo and
and beneath her. “I don’t know where the by the aliens. There are a lot of problems she recalls being surrounded by light
road went.” It is tacit there was no light with this case starting with physical evi- during the transport. This may count as
beam associated with the lifting. dence that looks almost silly – a poorly- pedantic, but let’s also state the obvi-
molded lead ingot with crosses and the ous: Actual light only exerts pressure in
The May 1977 issue of Official Ufo fea- letters MAN scratched into it that the the direction it moves and light power-
tures another early illustration of ascen- aliens call a gift, but admit is essentially ful enough to move humans via kinetic
sion, albeit the case it is based on does worthless from a terrestrial perspective. energy would also likely burn the skin
not actually warrant it. A person named severely.
Womack sees a thick beam of light slowly In regressions starting in April 1979, Phil-
drop down from a ufo to a meadow. It ip Osborne finds himself rushing toward On August 21, 1980, Megan Elliott is re-
seemed denser than light. He starts to a ufo resembling a geodesic dome. turning home from a short visit to her
run but then is hit by a red light. Next mother. Megan’s daughter had been
thing remembered is being inside a ufo. I was hurtling through space and… I just screaming due to a painful medical con-
Womack does not specifically say any- had the feeling I wanted to put the brakes dition. Near Lake Fork Creek her radio
thing about experiencing being in the on. acts up, automatically switching across
air. The text is ambiguous since it is con- stations, and the headlights start to die.
sistent with instant teleportation. Hopkins would add that Osborne sensed A painfully loud electrical noise enve-
he merged with the object through an lopes the car and it is lifted up into a giant
open triangular panel and it actually took flying saucer bearing two rows of bright
several sessions before Osborne could lights. This is a tractor beam situation and
get over the disturbing sensation of obviously parallels the 1976 Liberty, Ken-
headlong flight. Hopkins reported that tucky and Judy Kendall cases.
the hypnotist preferred to regard the
image as a metaphorical expression of Some major films in the early 80’s could
feeling out of control. The scary rush to be said to have pulled levitation to the
the saucer with things zooming by the top shelf of the cultural tool-box. E.T.
abductee recalls a scene in the film God (1982) provided a magical moment
Told Me To (1975) of a woman abducted where a boy is riding a bicycle and is lift-
In 1978, a Disney flik appears called Cat up and backwards towards a flying sau- ed skyward to pass in front of the moon
from Outer Space which, though it fails to cer in a surprising rush. The film’s ascen- implicitly by E.T.’s magical power of will.
match up with our image, is kinetically in- sion is also nonclassic in the angle being No ufo ray involvement was implied. Co-
teresting since there is a lot of levitation non-vertical, there is no associated light coon (1985) has aliens of a roughly gray
without light effects. The film includes a beam, and the craft is not a saucer; re- form that levitate when in their light bod-

ies and a large boat filled with oldsters is feeling “she levitated gently upward in (played by Veronica Cartwright) lifted up
vertically ascended into a giant saucer at the brilliant, bluish white beam that radi- in a brilliant beam of light off a bridge.
the finale with a soft helical column of ated from the bottom of the craft.” In the
light. In the 1988 sequel Cocoon 2: The regression she indicates awkwardness at The decade also saw Visitors of the Night
Return, we see a curious variation at the the nightgown going over her head. An- (November 27, 1995) which was mostly
finale where the oldsters are transformed other major controversy ensues, the up- a fictionalized adaptation of abductions
into balls of light and ascend up a beam shot to skeptics being this was another in the Hopkins-Jacobs-Mack lineage. Pro-
of light in that state, presumably a meth- probable hoax. motional art for shows a girl in a blue-
od made possible by their prior associa- white light floating towards a window. A
tion with the Antarean beings of light. The Nineties is the decade of the X-Files perhaps trivial landmark is achieved with
The TV series Greatest American Hero (September 10, 1993 – May 19, 2002). In A&E’s DVD box cover for a Chariots of the
(1981-3) does a twist on the Superman its 9 season run there were many epi- Gods knock-off in 1996 which uses mirac-
legend where alien super-powers like sodes incorporating ufo mythology and ulous ascension in its art while the con-
flight can be acquired through a suit, but conspiracy thought. In “Little Green Men” tents has nothing inside to justify usage
the catch is that one needs an instruction (September 16, 1994 ) we see Mulder’s – a probable indication of marketing that
book to understand it and this is immedi- sister was abducted in a levitating beam uses the image as shorthand vocabulary
ately lost. The Mothership is seen to cast of light when they were children and this to tell buyers this is a ufo product.
a vertical beam of light in the premiere incident drives Mulder’s persistence in his
episode and the title sequence of each ufo investigations. The abduction is done
episode thereafter. is Spielbergian fashion with a brilliant
flood of light and a light seen through
On November 11, 1987 in Gulf Breeze, venetian blinds. Then we see Samantha
Florida Ed Walters purportedly sees and laying in horizontal posture with long
photographs a large craft rather like the hair flowing down and the body moves
mothership in Greatest American Hero. forward through a window, not vertically,
It pulls overhead and a blue beam of into a reddish-orange shaft of light shin-
light lifts him four feet above the pave- ing inward from the side.
ment, while simultaneously pictures of
dogs are being flashed into his mind. The The pilot episode involves a boy who sees
beam shuts off and he falls four feet to a light and is taken to ‘a testing place.’ We
the pavement below. His wife drove up see him in the woods lighted from above
and could smell the cinnamon and am- surrounded a whirlwind of leaves, and
monia odor left on her husband. They a girl he carries with him is taken away
felt there was no doubt they had tried to between edits. It is consistent with flash
abduct him. The photos appear in the lo- teleportation. Poor Max Fenig in “Fallen
cal paper and the long saga of the Gulf Angel” (November 19, 1993) suffers sei- Another cultural landmark worth pass-
Breeze controversy begins. zures as we see him hanging several feet ing mention is when the Energizer Bun-
up in the air with a vertical blue white ny experiences ascension into a flying
Two years later, on November 30, 1989, beam of light shining down on him. We saucer he helps jump-start in 2006, the
Dan & Richard are said to witness Linda don’t actually see him being lifted into a repetition surely helped imprint miracu-
Cortile / Napolitano in a full white night- craft. He returns in “Tempus Fugit” and lous ascension into virtual banality. Still
gown “float- “Max” (March 16-23, 1997). “The Red and
ing in midair in the Black” (March 18, 1998) features an
a bright beam ascension visualized in the closest to con-
of whitish blue temporary form with Cassandra Spender
light, looking
like an angel.”
There are 3
grays escorting
her. After en-
tering through
the bottom
of the ufo it
plunges into
the river be-
hind the Brook-
lyn Bridge. Her
personal ac-
count describes
the ascent as

another cultural moment I feel worthy form. In some degree it feels like the im- are seen almost in silhouette and in dark-
of comment is the marketing for the film age evolved out of a population of com- ness. This Island Earth (1953) contains a
Skyline (November 12, 2010) which fea- peting ideas about how best to elicit the solid light lifting beam, but is employed
tures hundreds of humans experiencing sense that aliens have a futuristic magical on an airplane in mid-flight. Combined
ascension to a giant mothership as part technology at their disposal after a pe- in Ruff & Reddy, this form of miraculous
of its campaign. It is a striking piece of riod of confusion on how best to do it. At ascension feels distinctly new, at least to
art and seems the cinematic secular some level, an awareness must have set these mass media.
translation of the Rapture beloved by in among a certain fraction of claimants
evangelists and brings us spiralling back that the initial abductions had involved Science fiction, to be sure, had the basic
to Dan Martin and Carl Anderson’s efforts techniques that feel too mundane espe- idea decades earlier. It has been reported
at religious syncretism. The film does not cially once fancier techniques showed that Bertrand Meheust began his study
disappoint, we should add, featuring nu- up their literally pedestrian quality. Mi- of the science fiction parallels to ufo my-
merous extraordinary images, including raculous ascension is maybe winning the thology when he stumbled upon a copy
an ascension of a man & woman giving cultural battle, but it remains an uphill of the 1908 novel by Jean de la Hire The
each a final kiss before entering a moth- struggle. Lightning Wheel in his family’s attic. He
ership that seems to promise hell instead opened it and began reading how the
of heaven. It can not be much of a surprise to any central characters find themselves be-
ufo buff with a psychosocial perspective ing lifted up by a ray into a flying disc
Within the culture of ‘real’ ufo abductions, that miraculous ascension was an idea that hums and glows with a halo of light.
after the Linda case, miraculous ascension employed by fictional aliens well before The similarity to stories he was reading
approached being a kind of archetype, it appeared among the ‘real’ aliens of ufo about in ufo literature left him stunned.
something that cases sporadically gravi- culture. A perfect instance of this oc- I’ve seen pulp covers from the 30’s which
tated towards, but not necessarily arrived curred in an episode of the cartoon series also seem to fit the idea, though I confess
at with consistency. A fair percentage of Ruff & Reddy on December 14, 1957. I have not bothered to acquire copies to
abductees dispense with descriptions of determine the exact context provided by
transport from bed to exam table with the stories they illustrate.
the cinematic equivalents of jump-cuts
or dissolves. Some give indications they
are rendered unconscious to make trans-
port simple. A few like Barbara Archer
and Richard Boylan’s subject ‘Ron’ report
miraculous ascension that mimics Lin-
da’s report with no obvious disparities,
though it might surprise you how few
published examples have actually been
given. Variants are easy to find. Will Park-
er, in David Jacobs’’ Secret Life, for exam- This image shows Reddy, the dog, being
ple, describes vertical ascension with no lifted up through the bottom of a flying
material means of support into the bot- saucer by a beam of solid light, i.e. one
tom of a saucer. He mentions being able which poses a conical shape whose base
to see the ground, but can’t see it or the moves visibly up and down instead of ap-
interior of the saucer very well, because pearing instantly as normal light beams December 1936
“…it’s kind of dark.” In John Mack’s Ab- do. Ruff, the cat, is abducted shortly af-
duction book, one subject, ‘Arthur,’ starts terwards by the same method and to-
with a conscious memory of a brilliant gether they are shanghai’ed to the metal
light filling the sky and, under regression world of Muni-Mula where they meet a
recalls being lifted through the roof of big-headed alien who intends to invade
the car, but he adds the odd feature of earth with robot clones of the duo. It is,
something resembling a spiderweb do- minimally, the earliest full expression of
ing the pulling and aliens warning him miraculous ascension imagery in tv or
not to break it. And the saucer interior is film media that I am aware of. Different
like Fenway Park upside down. aspects of this idea though appear ear-
lier. In The Mysterians (1957) we see 2
The history of the image of miraculous women captured by 2 space-suited hu-
ascension within the total ufo culture mans and we watch them ascending in
we can broadly complain is a messy af- pairs up to and through the bottom of
fair with many ambiguities and a broad a hovering flying saucer, which though
diversity of one-offs, i.e. things that partly very close to our image, is imperfect due
match our defining image, but lack per- to the ascension happening without the
fect consistency to the present preferred presence of a beam of light. The figures August 1934

All the various one-offs we have encoun- with rays emitting from it. The structure
tered in ufo tales – the tractor beams, yanked upward (obvious from the jag-
alien telekinetic levitation, hand directed ged bottom) was New York’s Woolworth
lifting rays, out-of-body astral travel, tele- Building. The contest prompted tales
portation and dematerialization beams, like an expedition gathering monuments
etc. – have pulp precursors and parallels. from an abandoned Earth.

In March 1930 Edward E. Chappelow’s This April 1936 cover illustrating “The
“The Return of the Air Master” (Air Won- World of Singing Crystals” is an interest-
der Stories, March 1930) speaks of a “trac- ing variant that hints at stability issues
tor ray” lifting machinery through a hole that might predictably exist with usage I have described in detail elsewhere tales
bored in the ceiling by a different ray. Im- of only a single ray. like “The Invaders” (Astounding, June
ages suggestive of lifting rays appeared 1935) and “Consulate” (Thrilling Wonder
on covers as early as December 1926. Stories in 1948) where aliens display levi-
These two were drawn for picture con- tation of an unexplained sort. “Consul-
tests to lure readers to submit stories and ate” speaks of a green bulbous jelly alien
help fill the pages of Hugo Gerrnsback’s on Mars in these curiously vague terms:
new zines with fresh stories of techno- “It didn’t have any wings or jets or any
logical wonder: other way of pushing itself along… It just
happens to be flying.”

Lori Briggs’ directed lifting light has an

obvious precursor in the cover to the
November 1927 Amazing Stories. It illus-
trates Francis Flagg’s “The Machine Man
of Ardathia.” The figure is time traveler
from our far future who has de-evolved
to the point it must live inside a cylinder
and so must use rays to manipulate the
Entities that float above the ground, of- external environment.
ten via such forces as telekinetic levita-
tion, can be found in illustrations for such
stories as Nat Schachner and Arthur Leo
Zagat’s “In 20,000 A.D.” (Wonder Stories
September 1930). It is shows a large-
brained figure floating over a populace in
Earth’s future.

December 1926

Clifford Simak’s “The World of the Red

Sun” (December 1931) similarly involves
Earth’s even more distant future when
the sun has reached the red giant phase. Out of the body astral travel was used
We can even cite text that reads, “Hang- by the narrator in Olaf Stapledon’s Star-
ing in the air, suspended without visible Maker (1937). While flipping through my
means of support, was a gigantic brain, pulp cover files I also discovered instanc-
approximately two feet in diameter. A na- es of what seem to be transport bubbles
This November 1929 cover for Science ked brain, with the convolutions exposed. and was reminded that Betty Andreasson
Wonder has drawn much comment It was a ghastly thing.” had spoken of falling backwards into one
over the years for being a classic saucer before moving in one alien environment

in Andreasson Affair, Phase 2. I seem The Herrmann, Gulf Breeze and the Linda
to recall Glinda in The Wizard of Oz also cases are controversial at best and no
moved around in such a bubble. self-respecting skeptic could call them
worthy of belief.

Ancient cases of ascension are no bet-

ter. Elijah is just fiction and implying fiery
horses and chariots make a match to ufo
imagery faces large doubts. The Ascen-
sion of Christ may be a central article of
faith among the religious, but historians
Still, there are pulp precedents. The root are bothered that two of the four Synop-
category of ‘matter transmission’ was a tic Gospels do not mention it and the two
staple of pulp era mad science and ap- that do, place it in different geographic
pears in dozens of stories. Usually it settings. There is also a bothersome
existed to get humans or aliens across wider context. The ascent of Jesus does
interplanetary distances without all the not match up with Elijah; but it bears
business necessary to spaceships. Aliens interesting similarities to contemporary
send plans to build the transmitter and legendry surrounding Apollonius (a ma-
humans do it, often witlessly unaware of gician and Greek contemporary) and a
the downside risks, as in Edmond Hamil- magician in the Mithras Liturgy. It also
ton’s “Monsters of Mars” (Astounding Sto- recalls abilities Egyptian magicians could
ries April 1931) when aliens use it to es- acquire by conjuring up aerial spirits or
cape their dying world. As early as 1895, the Lord of the Air. According to the Mag-
humans are going To Venus in 5 Seconds, ical Papyrus of Paris, “When you die he will
April 1957 accidentally relayed there when they embalm your body as befits a god, and tak-
reactivate Earth’s pyramid matter trans- ing up your spirit will carry it up into the air
mitter network built by an ancient high with himself.” This Lord of the Air could
civilization. also carry you into the air while still living,
bring down stars, bring fire, stop ships in
I am sure some ufo buffs will gladly point mid-voyage, shake walls, endow invis-
out all these pulpy precedents are, any- ibility, and dozens of less ufo-ey miracles.
ways, irrelevant if ancient astronaut au- (Smith 1978)
thors are right about the gods of myth
and legend being eyewitness accounts Aubeck & Vallee make their best stab at
of extraterrestrials wielding magic-level trying to provide a material basis to as-
technology. Miraculous ascension and cension in a case they dug up that is set
levitation all appear in the Bible and oth- around 438 A.D. Constantinople. The city
er holy books stretching back to earliest had just been devastated by an earth-
times. Fiction could be feeding off of an- quake and people had abandoned the
cient fact. city. As Nicephorus Callistus, a 14th cen-
tury chronicler reported, the people saw
These buffs could also point to Aubeck miracle “quite unexpected and beyond
& Vallee for their strategic interest in re- all credence filled them with admiration.”
garding miraculous ascension as a feat Amidst a crowd gathered in the country-
that shows a robust constancy and as- side, a child was taken up high into the air
April 1936 sociation connecting both modern and by a strong force, so high they lost sight
ancient ufos. This gambit is foredoomed of him. He came down and told no less
Teleportation and dematerialization we to failure if it is meant to impress skeptics. an eminence than the Emperor, Patriarch
should brush off by reminding everyone The modern and ancient cases seem to Proclus, that he attended up there a great
of such high profile uses before appear- mutually undermine each other rather of- concert of the Angels hailing the Lord in
ing in abduction lore as Star Trek. One fer mutual support. The modern cases are their sacred canticles. The local bishop
can cite Lost in Space for such things as evidentially poor. Dan Martin is overtly a Acacius stated, “The population of the
solid-light matter transfer beams (“The contactee, one steeped in religious con- whole city saw it with their eyes.” Baronius
Sky is Falling” November 17, 1965 / “Re- cerns, and offers a version whose details acclaimed this event deserved to be
turn from Outer Space” December 29, match up with nobody else. Seewaldt transmitted to the most remote posterity.
1965) and beams that both pull a person is a simple nightmare. Bill & Nora looks The Greeks inscribed it into their ancient
backwards and then flash teleport him like a spiritual rather than materially real Menologue and read every year in their
into a spaceship (“Invaders from the 5th experience. Llanca, Diaz, and Scott seem churches. Apparently realizing a 14th
Dimension” November 5, 1965). like hoaxes even to serious ufologists. century source for 5th century nameless

miracle might raise eyebrows, Aubeck & in 1557 Jacquemine Deickens consorted The implications are equally unpalatable
Vallee add in a footnote that more con- with the devil and claimed to fly to a to modern sensibilities where the Devil is
temporary sources exist in two letters to crossroads where she met other witches as immaterial as God. It should be added
Peter Fullo by both Acacius and Pope Fe- every three or four weeks [#186: “flying that del Rio was sophisticated enough to
lix III (483-492 A.D.) They state that most contactee” not abductee say our ethno- admit that cases existed where witches
details agree except the precise year and semioticians; presumably defensively]; a said they had been transported by Sa-
the eventual fate of the child. Swiss farmer lifted in the air and dropped tan through the air, but individuals had
two weeks later in Milan, Italy stripped been watching them and saw the person
Cruelly, I must point out that I no more be- not only of clothes and saber, but every merely fast asleep and motionless. What
lieve this tale than I believe the Cheshire hair on his head and face and attributed grows before us is a chaotic diversity that
Cat once hovered in the air above a large to abducting fairies. [#202] infests every detail in these stories apart
crowd of observers and was even seen by from the single defining point of continu-
royalty. The sight precipitated a dispute Somehow they missed Simon Magus, a ity which is the presence of ascension.
between King, Queen, and executioner magician said by some to be the first True
because only the head of the cat was Gnostic. After moralizing on the horrors Magical ascension is less a proof of a
visible and the executioner complained of existence (like leprosy and the hideous robust and constant ufo phenomenon,
you can’t behead someone who has no metamorphoses of breasts with age), he than a proof that some things about
body. Such must be true history as it was was reported to have floated skywards dreams and visions tend to recur more
written down in black and white in Alice’s “arms beating like fish gills,” hair and beard than other things. Ascension possesses
Adventures in Wonderland. I even saw streaming in the wind. The omission is the quality of omnipotence of thought
illustrations made of the scene. Saying curious given Aubeck and Vallee’s desire and violation of ontological rules that
a crowd saw something is not the same to point to ancient wonders that had an signals the realm of dream and fantasy.
as demonstrating a crowd of people saw impact on history. A sect thought by his- Magical flight is widely recognized as a
it. Aubeck and Vallee are going to have torians to be based on Simon’s mission common type of dream. Dream interpre-
to come up with far more than 2 (unseen lasted more than twice as long as Akhen- tation guides dating back to the earliest
nor reproduced) contemporary letters to aten’s sun-worshippers. Early church fa- appearances of writing offer meanings
elevate this above the appearance of be- thers were disturbed enough by his ideas to dreams of magical flight. Freud’s fa-
ing no more than pious fiction spun to to brand Simon ‘the father of all heresies’ mous book on dreams reports on the
buttress a faith challenged by adversity. in their sermons. commonness of magical flight and notes
To put the matter brusquely, air travellers interpreters even before himself thought
and space travellers in modern times have They also miss this compelling mass there might be some sort of sexual ex-
been silent about finding angels singing sighting of ascension collected by witch planation. Men, for example, commonly
canticles about the Lord in the breath- finder Martin del Rio for his massive In- have erections during dreams of magical
able realms of the atmosphere acces- vestigations Into Magic (1599-1600) said flight and tingling sensations are also of-
sible to material bodies. The three-storey to have been one of the most influential ten present in both males and females. I
universe of the Bible had been realized guides for lawyers and other authorities have no particular objection to this mode
naïve since at least the times of Galileo. throughout the 17th century in Western of explanation.
Indeed a poll of the heads of major Prot- Europe.
estant Churches at the start of the space Another notion worth offering is that the
race asking “Will space explorers discover In the town of Halle in the diocese of brain typically shuts down all voluntary
God and heaven?” found ALL predicted Utrecht, a wretched woman one day put motor functions during dreams. This is a
‘No.” Aubeck and Vallee’s gullibility over her feet in a basin and then jumped out safety and survival measure since you ob-
such airy frothings of the faithful of the of it, saying, “Here I jump from the power viously don’t want the body walking and
5th century can only make ufo skeptics of God into the power of the Devil.” The running and working and fighting with
groan with disbelief. Devil snatched her away and bore her up the brain in fantasy mode and unaware
into the air in the sight of many people of where obstacles and other dangers
Other instances of ascension collected who were inside the house and out, carry- might be. With no feedback from the
by Aubeck & Vallee speak of a child ing her over the tops of forests; and to this body, the mind maybe defaults to treat-
star-god of Mars ascending with a great day no one has caught even a glimpse of ing the absence of limb movement and
train of silk flowing silk behind him dur- her. Johann Caesarius has clearly shown sensations from the feet as evidence the
ing China’s reign of Hsiu [#31]; a King of this was done by magic arts. Certainly I body is in flight. Though attractive, an
Hungary (Stephen Istvan: 975-1038 A.D.) should think that a word or deed of this obvious problem with this notion is that
who claimed to lifted in the heavens by kind would be a most compelling indica- sensations of flying can be generated
the hands of angels when he prayed – tion and one which would touch the sus- with psychedelics. The first studies with
sometimes physically, sometimes spiritu- pect very closely. DMT in the 50s had one physician report-
ally; Mario Omodei (September 29, 1504) ing “I feel exactly as if I were flying…I have
is lifted up and taken to a garden plot Not to indulge too deeply in the game of the feeling this is above everything, above
where a vision of Mary looking age 14 in- dueling authorities, but this also sounds the earth.” (Strassman, 2008) As he pre-
structs that a temple should be dedicat- more historically impactful and better at- sumably was conscious and not sleeping,
ed to her; a woman executed as a witch tested than Aubeck & Vallee’s ascensions. the brain would still have been receiv-

ing signals from the body. Yet DMT ex- 11. Budd Hopkins, Missing Time: A Doc-
periences also often have people losing umented Study of UFO Abductions, RB-47 update
control of the body and the presence of Richard Marek, 1981, pp. 162-3chap-
feelings of leaving the body so it is hard
to judge whether the process that dis-
connects the body in dreams is or is not
ter 7 – “Pittsburgh and the Mountain-
top” I t is not anything really new but I would
like to correct a comment I made in
SUNlite 4-1 regarding pilots and mag-
being interfered with by the drug. 12. Martin S. Kottmeyer, “ A Klassic Ab- netic bearings. In discussing this with a
duction Found” The REALL News, 9, military pilot, he stated that the use of
How best to explain the frequency of #5, May 2001, pp. 1, 6-7. magnetic headings is common. I stated
flight in dreams and other unrealities I in my RB-47 articles that I thought it was
am willing to regard as an unsolved mys- 13. Jeffrey J. Kripal, Authors of the Im- unlikely he was following a specific line
tery, but something that will certainly be possible: The Paranormal and the of latitude or using a magnetic heading.
resolved by neuroscience someday with- Sacred, University of Chicago Press, It seems, based on what I learned in my
out resorting to magical forces and alien 2010, pp. 206-8. discussion, that it would not be unusual
wills with strange designs on humanity. at all for Chase to pilot the craft using a
You can bet your Baals on it. 14. P.G. Maxwell-Stewart, Witch-Hunters, magnetic heading. However, I still do not
Tempus Publishing, 2005, pp. 22, 30. think it was likely the RB-47 was attempt-
References ing to navigate along a specific line of
15. Robert Poole, Earthrise: How Man latitude because the headings listed by
1. Roberto E. Banchs “Los OVNIs y sus First saw the Earth, Yale University, Chase in his UFO report were identified
ocupantes” (1980) pp. 153-163. 2008, pp. 129-40. by him as true and not magnetic. Addi-
tionally, the reports written in 1957 indi-
2. Otto Billig, Flying Saucers: Magic in 16. B. Ann Slate, “Againt Her Will: The cate that the flight was not along any line
the Skies: A Psychohistory Schenk- Story of the Kendall Abduction” UFO of latitude but navigating between two
man, 1982, pp. 16, 20 Report, 7, #6, December 1979, pp. specific locations (Meridian and Waco).
54-62. As I stated in SUNlite 4-1, I don’t think
3. Joseph M. Brill, “The Sebastian Aceve- anybody is every going to determine the
do Encounter” Official UFO 1, #9, July 17. Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician exact path the RB-47 flew that morning
1976, pp. 24-5, 52-4. Harper & Row, 1978, p. 162. without the navigator’s log All we know
is the plane ended up somewhere south-
4. Winfield S. Brownell, UFOs: Key to 18. Rick Strassman, M.D.; Slawek Wojto- east of Dallas when it decided to pursue
Earth’s Destiny! Legion of Light, wicz, M.D.; Luis Eduardo Luna, PhD.; the UFO.
1980, pp. 130-4 Ede Freska, M.D., Inner Paths to Out-
er Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds
5. Jerome Clark, “The ultimate alien through Psychedelics and Other
encounter”, UFO Report, November Spiritual Technologies, Park St. Press/
1977. Inner Traditions, 2008, pp. 34, 121-6.

6. Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Fu- 19. Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck,
ture, Bantam, 1972, pp. 46-60. Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained
Aerial Objects from Antiquity to
7. Lewis Carroll with notes by Martin Modern Times and their Impact on
Gardner, The Annotated Alice New Human Culture, History, and Beliefs,
American Library, 1974, pp. 112-7 Jeremy P. Tarcher / Penguin, 2010,
pp. 10-11, 57-8.
8. Robert Forward, Future Magic, Avon,
1988, pp. 103-32.

9. Peter Gutilla & James Frazier, “Alien

Possession: Strange Saga of Brian
Scott and the UFO Mind Manipula-
tors” Saga UFO Magazine, 4, #3, July
1977, p. 42.

10. William J. Herrmann & Wendelle Ste-

vens, UFO Contact from Reticulum:
A Report of the Investigation Wen-
delle Stevens, 1981, pp. 37, 53, 144,
147, 215

Another empty wa-
ter pistol?

I n late February, news was released that

earth-shattering evidence had surfaced
that was going to prove, once and for all,
that UFOs are actual unidentified craft op-
erating under intelligent control. Did this
evidence appear in a scientific journal?
Was it announced by qualified scientists?
Were all the world leaders informed?
The answer to all three of these ques-
tions seems to have been “no”. Instead,
a retired general, who heads an organi-
zation called the Comité de Estudios de
Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (The Com-
mittee for the study of Anomalous Aerial
Phenomena - CEFAA) revealed this news
at a..sigh...UFO conference. One of the UFOs that was recorded at the air show. This is what skeptics have been dreading?

did not mention the videos. bugs, or birds to me.

C EFAA is a sub group of Chile’s version

of the Federal Aviation Administra-
tion. Believe it or not, the Chilean gov-
The first appearance of the video was in
article written on March 5th in the Open
The next day, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blu-
menthal, published a more extensive ar-
ernment (using their tax payer’s money) Minds blog by Antonio Huneeus. Accord- ticle for the Huffington Post. Kean, who
actual funds the research being done by ing to the article, General Bermudez stat- seems to believe just about anything UFO
CEFAA. CEFAA, like the privately funded ed that multiple videos were shot from proponents tell her, took the ball and be-
American counterpart, NARCAP, uses the multiple locations of UFOs during an air gan to promote the case as the case UFO
argument that they are trying to protect show at El Bosque on 4 November 2010. skeptics have been dreading.1
aircraft from collisions with Unidenti- It was stated that astronomers and other
fied Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Despite skeptical scientists had analyzed the vid- It was revealed that there were seven vid-
there being little evidence that UFOs/ eos and used technology to measure the eos taken from seven different locations
UAPs have actually caused any aircraft infrared signature of the UFO. Addition- and that the eight scientists examining
accidents, UFOlogists at CEFAA/NARCAP ally, the Chilean Air Force analyzed the the video determined that the object
have managed to present this argument videos along with Dr. Bruce Maccabee was flying at around 4000 mph. These
in order to get funding (either privately and Dr. Richard Haines. We were told scientists also determined that it was not
or from the government). that all agreed that the object(s) were un- a bird, plane, meteor, or any other known
identified aerial phenomenon and that natural phenomena. Therefore, it was
CEFAA was first created in the late 1990s it was flying at high speeds through the concluded the object was something
but seemed to disappear from view camera’s field of view. Most importantly, really exotic. A better quality video was
around 2003. By 2009, they found some it was noted that the UFOs were not visu- presented showing jets with the UFOs
support and the organization was “reac- ally seen by anyone during the air show. highlighted for the viewer.
tivated”. Collecting a paycheck from the It was only after the show was complete
tax payers of Chile’, retired General Ri- that people, who shot the videos noticed Billy Cox would describe these UFOs as
cardo Bermudez heads this group of UFO these objects passing in front of or near toying with the aircraft. He also stated
enthusiasts. the aircraft. that this “flying saucer” was “mocking” us.
If they really wanted to “mock” us, they
The videos Wild Fire probably would have stood still for every-
one to see and not flit about in an effort

T he news was announced in several

forums that General Bermudez spoke
at the conference and presented very im-
I heard of the videos through the grape
vine around March 12th about the same
time the Huffington Post ran an article by
not to be seen. Cox seems to have drawn
his conclusions but what were the skep-
tics saying?
portant evidence. On February 28th, Billy Alejandro Rojas. A quick search of the
Cox mentioned Bermudez appearance internet revealed a clip that recorded Skeptic’s initial comments
but did not mention the videos. Cox, during the UFO congress, which was very
would then write on the 2nd of March
that Bermudez presented evidence of
other incidents at the conference but still
brief, and some frame grabs of the UFOs
that appeared in Rojas’ article. I was not
impressed and they looked like balloons,
A lan Boyle wrote the first skeptical ar-
ticle on the subject on March 15th in
his Cosmic Log. Dr. Phil Plait was not that

convinced by the video because it only Meanwhile, I will hit my snooze button It is interesting that most of the skeptics
showed some small object that had to be while the UFOlogists proclaim it the latest (including myself ) wanted to see more of
pointed out to the viewer. Robert Sheaf- ‘smoking gun.’ So far all of these ‘smoking the videos and examine them further be-
fer made a few joking comments about guns’ have turned out to be empty water fore drawing some conclusions. On the
he was “shaking” but then added that pistols that have never fired a squirt.1 other hand, proponents appeared to be
the videos needed to be looked at closer. accepting what they were told by CEFAA
He predicted that an explanation would I was criticized for comment number 2 without questioning it. This would be
probably surface but it would not be ac- suggesting that the report be published nothing new for the UFOlogical crowd. I
cepted by those wanting it to remain un- in a scientific journal because there is no saw similar comments during the Mexi-
explained. I was also quoted late in the such thing for UFOs. The reason I stated can Air Force FLIR video in 2004. UFOlo-
article from my initial observations I had this was because peer review is some- gists have difficulty learning from their
made after seeing the first video and ar- thing critical to this sort of thing. Quali- past mistakes.
ticles that had been written. fied individuals who are independent of
the analysis need to examine the work for The house of cards
I am very skeptical of this story the more errors and determine if the conclusions
I read it. There are no high-quality vid-
eos available, and the frame grabs/brief
clips I have seen appear to be vague and
are justified. CEFAA is not independent
and should not be the governing body
that determines if the analysis was cor-
B oyle’s article brought me to the Above
Top Secret forum, which was light
years ahead of me in analysis of these
indistinct. The idea they may be birds, rect. There are journals associated with video clips. I had to read through dozens
insects or possibly a small Mylar balloon optics and photogrammetry that could of pages of exchanges to see how oth-
has crossed my mind but I can’t tell much apply in this situation. ers had interpreted the videos. I thought
from the data at hand. about signing into the forum but decided
Instead of a presentation in a scientific I had little to offer that had not already
There are some big red flags for me: journal for this sort of analysis, the infor- been discussed. I also had some other
mation was slowly dribbled out with bits distractions that would not allow me to
1) This happened over a year ago and peo- and pieces here and there at a UFO con- devote 100% of my time to the discus-
ple are still working on analyzing this? If ference and by pro-UFO writers meant to sion. So, I decided to monitor the ex-
the evidence was truly that good, it would promote the results. At the time of my changes and document what transpired.
take a few months at best to come up with comment, no full report has been pre- It is important to note that no prominent
a reasonable analysis to demonstrate it sented showing methodologies, results, skeptics were involved and this forum de-
was something not of this earth. and conclusions even though it has been serves a great deal of the credit for what
suggested that such reports have been they discovered.
2) It is being leaked out to various UFO written. To date, the reports still have not
blogs instead of publishing in a scientific seen the light of day and I seriously doubt March 14th
journal. If it were good evidence, that is that they ever will. Most scientists would
where it would appear, and not the Huff- laugh at such a method of presentation. The original post in the thread was made
ington Post. However, this is UFOlogy, where cutting by SHINO pointing towards the videos.
corners is allowed and it is all about the Almost immediately member GREY580
3) The videos are unavailable to be ana- hype. suggested it was a bug. This brought
lyzed from outside sources. Perhaps they forth the comments by several members
learned from the Mexican Air Force video Additionally, we only saw edited videos, that bugs can not explain the fact that it
debacle. Once the videos were revealed in which is why I made the comments re- was recorded by seven different videos
sufficient length, many people identified garding points 3 and 4. This would be- from seven different locations. They also
the source of the images as being from oil come important later on, when some pointed out that it had been analyzed by
wells in the gulf. A lot of people had egg of the videos presented by Kean on her scientists, who could tell if it was a bug
on their face from that one. NARCAP was web site were of low quality and had slow or not.
initially involved with that one, but then frame rates, which would induce unwant-
later stated they could not properly ana- ed blur in the images. March 15th
lyze the video because of the provenance
being questionable or some excuse simi- Boyle’s article took some heat from UFO Member GLONTRA pronounced this
lar to that. proponents because he picked up the video as the “end game” and it was de-
initial suggestion by some forums that finitive proof of UFOs (aka alien space-
4) The videos have no provenance. We these UFOs were nothing more than in- ships). CHADWICKUS cautioned mem-
don’t know what has been done to them sects flying through the field of view. bers and posted several examples of
since the day of the event. UFO Updates, which supposedly contains videos showing these types of UFOs,
some of the best and brightest minds in which were bugs. THEGUT also mirrored
Just my thoughts on this one. I can prob- UFOlogy, declared the comments made CHADWICKUS’ comments concerning
ably come up with a few more red flags, in the article were “Fatuous”. One can caution about all these videos, which
but I would rather wait for the report only assume that they were referring to nobody had seen. GLONTRA once again
to appear or the raw videos to surface. the potential solutions and commentary. pointed out when all these videos were

presented, we would finally have “dis-
closure”. SAVEDONE noted the problem
with nobody seeing the UFOs during the
event, which indicated they may be bugs
or birds. UFOGLOBE began to conclude
that these were nothing more than bugs
unless somebody could demonstrate
otherwise. UFOGLOBE would then de-
molish the claim that an infrared analy-
sis (which can’t be done with a standard
video camera) showed the UFO emitting
heat. THEGUT would note that the As-
tronomer Barrera, who was quoted, did
not state they had eliminated bugs.

March 16th

At this point, the pro-argument was that

analysis by experts ruled out mundane
explanations and, even though nobody
mentioned it, that should include bugs. According to CEFAA and Kean, this image was analyzed by Dr. Luis Barrera and that this shows the heat signature of the UFO and jets. One has
to wonder why, in this image, the exhaust of the jets are blue (cold) and not red (hot) if this was an infrared image. Did the jets shut off their
On the other side of the coin, various engines?
individuals were stating they look like
bugs. UFOGLOBE became the primary would post Kean’s March 16th Facebook the image. DRDIL stated that Barrera was
voice on this and would point out why comment where she proclaimed that looking for changes in asymmetry in the
the video does not show a bug because real experts had analyzed the videos and images to look for wings beating. UFO-
of motion blur, compression, and focus, would have figured out if they were bugs GLOBE would point out several reasons
which would make a bug appear disc or not. She proclaimed those suggest- why this would not detect insect wings
shaped. As an example, UFOGLOBE post- ing the bug hypothesis were “amateurs”, (such as translucence of the wings, high
ed a link of a video somebody shot of a who should not question CEFAA’s experts beat rate of the wings, size of the wings,
toy quadrocopter, which was attacked (even though their reports have yet to be and proximity of the bugs to the camera
by a swarm of bees. The bees looked a revealed). Kean also pointed out that introducing blur).
lot like the videos in the El Bosque event. some of the seven videos were shot with
Analysis by UFOglobe indicated the dis- cell phones, which meant they were of March 19th
placement of the object between frames low quality!
would agree with the bug hypothesis. On this date, the forum recognized the
ELEVENAUGUST would point towards March 17th video presented by a person by the name
Dr. Dil’s blog entry concerning BLURFOs of HOAXKILLER. It was HOAXKILLER’s ef-
(Birds and bugs blurred into appearing People kept questioning if the six other forts that began to seal he deal on the
as UFOs). He also posted numerous ex- videos even existed or that they really bug hypothesis. In HOAXKILLER’s origi-
amples of his BLURFOs. There was a lot were not of good quality. UFOGLOBE be- nal debunking video, he showed that
of arguing about how it would be impos- gan to question the Astronomer Luis Bar- one frame of the video that had been
sible for all seven videos to record the rera’s qualifications for performing video posted in the Huffington Post article
same bug. However, UFOGLOBE (among analysis because of the “pseudo-scientific showed the UFO in front of the hills but
others) would suggest that it is very pos- flim-flam” infrared image analysis. UFO- was not highlighted. Frames prior to this
sible that all 7 videos show bugs but not GLOBE also suggested that this was all a had been edited out. However, the frame
the exact same bug. This would give the scam by CEFAA to justify its existence. showing the UFO in front of the hill put a
impression they were the same object. fixed distance on the UFO and an upper
Meanwhile, RSF77 noted that the video March 18th limit on its size and speed. Prior to this
being presented was edited. He would it had been assumed that the UFO came
note that there are several different vid- DRDIL was able to contact Dr. Barrera, from behind the hill. About the same
eos linked together but the editing gave who stated he was misquoted when they time, three videos were posted on Kean’s
it the false impression it was one com- declared it an infrared analysis. One has web site. These three videos were de-
plete video of the same event. LACUNA to wonder where General Bermudez got scribed as the “best” videos of the event.
would conclude that nothing could be this information? UFOGLOBE would re- They also confirmed the observations by
resolved as long as the other six videos spond that the analysis being described the ATS group that the original video pre-
remained unavailable. JUSTWOKEUP in all of the articles and at the UFO con- sented by CEFAA was a combination of
would e-mail Kean asking about the vid- ference was amateurish and pointed out several videos.
eos. She asked for patience and prom- how they were just using various pho-
ised great revelations soon. ORKOJOKER toshop effects/tools to try and enhance Even then, these “original” videos that

were “released”, only had a frame rate of
10 fps and 640X480 resolution. Most vid-
eos are shot at 24 fps, which means the
videos are probably not the originals and
there is data missing from them. One
also must wonder why low quality videos
were presented. Was there something
that CEFAA was trying to hide?

CRIPMEISTER would then post a video

from a 2010 air show in Chile of an F-22
raptor in flight. Buzzing by the raptor was
one of the same type of UFOs recorded in
the El Bosque video. If the UFOs were that
numerous, it seems they would probably
be bugs and not craft of any kind. CRIP- The red path in this image is the path of the UFO as determined by CEFAA. The Blue extension at the bottom was Hoaxkiller’s discovery of the UFO
as it flew in the foreground. Why did CEFAA’s experts miss this and why did the first video have the frames showing the blue path edited out?
MEISTER would add that CEFAA was com-
ing off as incompetent and were trying to dreading, she might have saved face. was very busy awaiting for the analy-
legitimize their existence. However, she started making promises sis of the videos to be completed. They
like: now had other photo analysts, who were
March 20th unnamed, looking at the videos. CEFAA
Have patience folks. More info will be pre- also announced that it was not going to
This was the day that the nails were be- sented soon. You can’t draw conclusions release any more information until these
ginning to be pounded into the coffin from looking at only one tape. And please analyses were complete. That may be
that was the UFO video. HOAXKILLER remember, these images have been ana- what they said, but I think there may
took the three videos from Kean’s web lyzed by experts in Chile. Didn’t I empha- have been another motive. They drib-
site and found the UFO in more frames. size that enough in my Huffington Post bled out the information hoping people
These frames had been edited out by story? They too thought the footage was would blindly accept it instead of exam-
CEFAA in their original presentation. a bug at first, until they collected the other ining what they presented critically. Ap-
HOAXKILLER discovered that the de- tapes. It is an insult for you carry on about parently, people like HOAXKILLER were
leted frames showed the UFO transiting this being a bug, when obviously if you more thorough than their experts, who
across the foreground of the airstrip. This can figure that out so easily, the Chilean may have been seeing only what they
was completely consistent with the bug experts would have done the same.2 wanted to see. To avoid any more em-
hypothesis. Most of the proponents of barrassment, they chose not to reveal
the ET hypothesis kept falling back to the She also continued to make excuses: any reports or videos and hid behind a
analysis by CEFAA and the multiple vid- curtain of secrecy. Is this a case of “non-
eos from multiple locations argument, As I did in my book, for the Chilean story disclosure”? Isn’t CEFAA a government
which began to appear weak based on I reported on what the authorities at the organization? If this were the USAF, the
the evidence presented. Chilean organization told me. These are outcries of cover-up and FOIA requests
authorities I trust, including a General and would have been numerous and Kean
March 24th well known scientists. I presented the best would have been leading the charge.
video, and quoted their experts.3 One has to wonder if Kean has a double
The house of cards that was the ET Hy- standard for UFO organizations where
pothesis finally collapsed when STIVER It must be pointed out that she IS a jour- they are allowed to keep secrets but the
posted a new video debunking the case. nalist and she MUST stand by her work. government is not.
He found a video taken of the El Bosque If it is flawed, she must then look again
air show that apparently had not been and see if it is. If there are problems with As Dr. Dil put it in his blog, Kean and CE-
analyzed by CEFAA. It showed some of what she wrote, she can then state it was FAA seem to have problems describing
the same events in the other videos. The a mistake. Instead, she basically states their own research. What was considered
UFO does not appear the way it does in that she never bothers to examine any- a completed study in mid-March has now
the CEFAA videos. Instead many BLUR- thing closely and only repeats what these turned into an on-going study. What was
FOs appear that look exactly like the CE- sources tell her. She accepts what they considered the best video, is now consid-
FAA UFOs. tell her at face value, which is a recipe for ered inadequate for research by others.
disaster when it comes to UFOlogy. Instead of demanding that CEFAA come
I only know what they tell me clean with their evidence, Kean resorts to
Hoping people will forget blowing a lot of smoke, hoping that no-

L eslie Kean had taken a lot of heat from

people concerning this video analy-
sis. Had she not thrown out the gaunt- W hen Kean finally did produce a re-
sponse, several issues about CEFAA
body will notice that her/CEFAA’s original
claims do not stand up to scrutiny.

let about this being a case skeptics were were mentioned. The first was CEFAA Kean also decided to talk to a bunch

entomologists to get their opinion. UFO = alien spaceship? eos from multiple locations. When that
While she quotes several people, we re- is done, one can triangulate the posi-
ally don’t know how many entomolo-
gists were asked to comment. She easily
could have asked dozens and only pub-
U FOlogists are great at saying what
UFOs can not be. However, they al-
ways try and walk the fine line in reveal-
tion of the UFO and determine distance,
size, speed, and altitude. In all of these
wonderful revelations by Kean and Ber-
lished the comments from those she se- ing what they believe. It is best to hint at mudez, there never was any mention of
lected. Kean states she presented them what you want everyone to think it is and triangulation. That indicates to me that
with the evidence from CEFAA. Missing then have them draw the obvious con- they could not perform this since the
in her presentation was the other side of clusion. When a skeptic says it is unlikely UFOs did not align properly. Either there
the argument like the video of the quad- the object is an alien spaceship, the pro- was more than one UFO present or these
copter with the swarm of bees, the vid- ponent immediately denies ever stating UFOs were bugs. As a result, we get these
eo not provided by CEFAA showing lots this as if they are trying to keep an open analyses using photoshop filters to look
of UFOs in the area, and HOAXKILLER’s mind. This was apparent when Billy Cox for things that may or may not be resolv-
very damning video analysis. Her sum- declared that Benjamin Radford was mis- able.
mary of what her selected entomologists representing what Kean had written:
stated was it was very probably not a bug. As a crude exercise in triangulation of
However, that is not what they really Wrote Radford in his Live Science blog: the data available, I used the frame that
said. They all thought it was unlikely that “Kean and others interpret it as a metal- showed the UFO at a low enough angle
it could be bugs but never stated that it lic interplanetary spacecraft.” That isn’t with the F-16s and compared it to the
was not a bug (one did but then changed true. Neither Kean nor Blumenthal nor video taken from the review stand area
their statement after discussing it with anyone in CEFAA stated that in the HuffPo (which is at 30 FPS). As one can see in the
another person). We are not even sure if article.5 image from google earth on page 34, the
they had an experience looking at insects distance between the two videographers
in videos like this. While one can respect Billy Cox is technically correct. They was about a half-mile and the F-16s were
their opinions about insects, that opinion never said “metallic interplanetary space- approaching the runway (the white star).
did not falsify the bug hypothesis as Kean craft” but they did state that it was dome- This can be done assuming the aircraft
implied. shaped, no visible means of propulsion, ap- were flying a path in line with the runway
pears metallic, emits some form of energy, and by looking at the background hills
Because Kean has nothing more than extraordinary machine, not man-made, for reference. As shown by the sight lines
what CEFAA originally told her, she keeps Humans could not survive these speeds, from the two locations, If the UFO were
referring to those who upstaged the sto- and clearly under intelligent control.6 Say- distant, as indicated by CEFAA, then the
ry as “amateurs” even though she does ing these things is essentially the same position of the UFO would have been to
not know their qualifications! It is clear thing as stating metallic interplanetary the right of the F-16s in the review stand
that these “amateurs” did a far better job spacecraft. Billy Cox, and all the others video. When one views that part of the
and were more open with their analyses who make these kinds of comments, are video, where the jets were in the same
than CEFAA and Kean. Now Kean is sim- just trying to trick people into thinking approximate position, we do not see any
ply “tap-dancing” hoping that nobody they are being objective when they really UFO cross behind or in front of the jets.
will notice that CEFAA never really pub- are not.
lished anything. With the revelations that Since most of the data in this little exer-
the videos probably show bugs, I suspect Failing to do it right cise is guesswork using some assump-
CEFAA’s reports will never be revealed. tions, it is possible the reason the UFO is

M issing from all of these analyses is

the reason for having multiple vid-
not visible is because of these assump-
tions. I only performed this exercise
as a demonstration on how the use of
multiple videos should have been used
to prove the exotic nature of the UFOs.
CEFAA apparently is unable to perform
such an exercise from the videos, which
means all of these videos are essentially

Rinse, lather, repeat?

O riginally proclaimed as the video

that would scare skeptics, this case
rapidly unraveled into another embar-
rassment for UFOlogists once additional
information became available. Like the
If Leslie Kean’s hand-picked entomologists think the UFOs in the CEFAA slide shows probably aren’t bugs, why is it that the bees in the video,
Quadcopter attracts a swarm of bees, look so much like the UFOs in the CEFAA videos (see the small box for the UFO seen in the F-16 video for Mexican AF FLIR video from 2004, the
analyses that were reportedly performed

seemed to be hidden from any critical re-
view. General Bermudez is the only per-
son who appears to have access to these
reports. However, it seems that his inter-
pretation of them is inaccurate based on
Dr. Dil’s communication with Dr. Barrera.
Either Bermudez misinterpreted Barrera’s
report or Dr. Barrera is trying to back out
of his analysis.

If Dr. Barrera was misquoted or misrepre-

sented by Bermudez, CEFAA appears as a
“Mickey Mouse” organization that is more
interested in promoting UFOs than trying
to scientifically analyze anything. When
you can’t get the facts right concerning
the analysis that was performed, then
the leader of this organization is either
incompetent or purposefully misleading
people. In either case, it demonstrates Google earth image (north is up) showing the approximate locations of two different videos of the same event. The sight lines show the F-16’s
that CEFAA is a waste of the Chilean gov- position which is marked with the white star(assumes the F-16s were flying in line with the runway - dark blue line). The yellow line is the path
of the UFO as implied by the CEFAA presentation slides. They only gave a general starting location with an arrow indicating the initial direction
ernment’s funds and is a failure as a scien- of flight (which was to the north but then reversed back to the path I present here). The estimated position of the UFO along this path at the
tific organization. time the F-16s were at their estimated position is marked by the yellow star. Positions for the videographers are estimates at best. It is interest-
ing that CEFAA with seven videos from seven locations chose not to present any triangulation maps in their arguments.

If you couple the incompetence/chica-

nery of CEFAA with the gullibility of Leslie
Kean and other UFO proponents, you are
going to have a prescription for a farce.
Will UFOlogists ever learn from their mis-
takes? Sixty years of this kind of pseudo-
scientific smoke and mirrors has shown
that they never will.

Frames from the two videographers at about the same time. While, we can not determine if this is the same exact instant (and it probably is not),
one can watch the 30FPS video (left) before and after this frame for the UFO that appears in the CEFAA video (right). No UFO can be seen.
Notes and References
1. Boyle, Alan. “ Video from Chile stirs
up UFO buzz.” Cosmic log. March 5. Cox, Billy. “Bugging CEFAA with ques-
15, 2012. Available WWW: http:// tions”. DeVoid blog. March 27, 2012. Available WWW: http://devoid.blogs.
from-chile-stirs-up-ufo-buzz?lite cefaa-with-questions/

2. Kean, Leslie. Facebook Comments. 6. Kean, Leslie and Ralph Blumenthal.

March 24, 2012. Available WWW: “UFO caught on tape over Santiago air base.” Huffington Post. March 13,
liekean 2012. Available WWW: http://www.
3. Kean, Leslie. Facebook Comments. extraordinary-ufo-sig_b_1342585.
March 26, 2012. Available WWW: html?ref=science&ir=Science

4. Kean, Leslie. “Update on Chilean UFO

Videos: Getting the Bugs Out.” Huff-
ington Post. April 13, 2012. Available
WWW: http://www.huffingtonpost.

W hile perusing through old issues of
Flying Saucer review, I stumbled
across an article by Dr. Berthold Eric
Did a meteor really stop a car?
Schwarz with the title of “UFOs: Delusion
or Dilemma?” The same article appeared
in the October 1968 issue of Medical
Times. In that article was a case that had
a sketch, which Iooked eerily familiar (see
sketch to right).

For those who might not see what I am

talking about perhaps these sketches will
refresh their memories. They are sketches
by witnesses, who saw the Zond IV re-
Photograph of the April 25, 1966 fireball taken by Utica teenager Dana DeGeorge. 1 It appeared in many of
the papers and Life Magazine. Compare it to the sketch below of the UFO that stopped a car at the same
time about 130 miles to the southwest in Towanda, PA.2

They are not alone. Jenny Randles put

the following sketches together for her I was amazed and flabbergasted.” He and called Quonset Point Naval base and they
book “Danger in the air” revealing wit- his friend were concerned the object would said they would send jets after it. Several
nesses interpretation of the Cosmos 1068 crash into the side of the mountain...5 reports mirrored the Towanda drawing
re-entry on December 31, 1978.4 by describing portholes in a larger craft.
This is quite an interesting story but the One woman called the newspaper de-
sketch is just too similar to the Zond IV manding they do something because
and Cosmos 1068 sketches to be ignored everyone at her location was frightened
so I decided to check the newspaper ar- by the event!
chives and bluebook files to see what I
could find. The amusing thing about this is that
many people were reported as being
The UFO story skeptical of the meteor explanation. This
included a Utica teenager who managed

T he description of events in Flying Sau-

cer Review reads: The source
to photograph the fireball. 6 8:15 p.m. on April 25, 1966, while

driving with a friend, Charles Dayton, he
noticed a “very awesome, huge, flaming
I t did not take much searching to find a
source for the UFO. I am not sure how
much research Dr. Schwarz performed
Like so many first time witnesses to these
events, they had no idea how bright and
body, which lit up a large area visible for but a cursory check of the media reports slow a fireball can be.
a few seconds. It had a red flame with a on April 26, 1966 indicated a bright fire-
green and yellow tail. The second view ball was visible all over the northeastern This meteor was widely photographed.
was of a dark object. The huge flames United States on April 25, 1966 around The May 6th, 1966 edition of Life Maga-
went out like turning off an electric bulb 8:15 PM. zine published many of them. From
for a few seconds. There was a dim light these photographs and films, a rough or-
in four port holes, and then all darkness. It The reports received for this fireball are bit was computed and published in the
looked like it was 250 ft. in front of us and most interesting. The duty officer at Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
250 ft. up, and it could go at terrific speed. Stewart AFB reported they initially re- of Canada (1968 Vol 62 p. 55). The data
It was about 25 ft. in length and had a tail ceived reports that a plane had crashed, indicates the object was a meteor and
35ft. long (see Fig. 3). which is common in many fireball sight- not re-entering space debris.
ings. That description appeared in many
The contractor did not detect any odour, of the papers. One individual even stated Is it just a coincidence that a bright UFO,
but he recalled how warm he felt. He not- he saw two planes crash in mid-air. An- that was described as a flaming object
ed that the automobile engine stalled and other report to Stewart AFB had the wit- that lit up the area, was seen at the same
the lights went out. He soon started the nesses describing as “funnel-shaped”. In time? It seems that this UFO and the fire-
engine again. “ I never saw such a sight. Rhode Island, a woman reported that she ball were one in the same. Why the ve-

hicle and lights went out is hard to deter- body which lit up a large area, visible for a Perhaps one can see similarities between
mine but I doubt that the meteor did it. I few seconds. Then the second view was of these sketches and two sketches by the
can think of a couple of ways for a car to a dark object. The huge flames went out air crew in the Coyne helicopter-UFO
stop and the lights to go dim without the like turning off an electric bulb for a few encounter. Phil Klass suggested it was
need of a UFO. seconds . There was a dim light in four a bright fireball but that has been dis-
portholes, and then all darkness. It looked missed as a good explanation by UFOlo-
What is interesting is how this case was like it was 250 feet in front of us and 250 gists for various reasons. The sketches
interpreted by UFOlogists. For some rea- feet up, and it could go at terrific speed .“8 are similar and makes one think twice
son the fireball connection was ignored about the fireball explanation.
or missed. This sounds a lot like the original story
in Flying Saucer Review and there is no
Contamination? mention of the UFO “hovering”. The fault
lay in Rodeghier’s interpretation of what

T rying to see if there was more infor-

mation about the case elsewhere, I
discovered that there was a brief men-
was written. Even more interesting is that
Keel was describing the event as being
suspected as a bright fireball. Didn’t Ro-
tion on NICAP’s 1966 UFO chronology deghier bother to check this before put-
web page: ting it into a UFO database that others
would cite as being thoroughly investi- Sketches by Coyne and Yanacsek of their UFO10
Night. As their car engine and headlights gated? It seems that Dr. Rodeghier may
failed and they felt heat, motorists saw a not have researched this case very well. Fireballs and re-entries redux
UFO with four portholes hovering about
350 feet away, flames shooting off of it.7 If this one case was poorly researched, Does this mean that ALL cigar-shaped
what does it say for all of his other cases? UFOs are caused by meteors and re-en-
Somehow the distance moved from I am not stating that all in the database tering space debris? Absolutely not but
250 to 350 feet away and was hovering should be dismissed but it demonstrates one has to give serious consideration for
instead of moving at terrific speed. Of that one should not blindly accept such such an explanation when one sees such
course, if it were “hovering”, it probably cases and databases as being vetted just reports and drawings. The existence of
would not be considered to be caused by because it comes from one of UFOlogy’s all sky meteor networks/cameras becom-
a meteor. However, the Schwarz article leading scientists. ing more widespread indicates that such
never mentions any hovering so I pulled reports should be readily solved. Older
the string on the source for this entry. What does this mean? cases like Chiles-Whitted and Coyne are
more difficult to solve. The time of those
This entry came from Mark Rodeghier’s
“UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interfer-
ence: A Catalogue and Data Analysis”,
A side from the problem associated
with these sources not performing
due diligence in their research, what else
events were much later at night when
the public is less likely to be out. Ama-
teur astronomers do tend to fill the gap
which should be expected to be accurate. does this case tell us? The obvious one when they are out observing. However,
I found his catalogue and discovered the comes from the sketches. Dr. Hartmann, if nobody was out observing that night,
same errors in distance and “hovering” writing in the Condon report, suggested it would not exist in the records. Without
appearing in Rodeghier’s document so the comparison between the Zond IV a positive/negative report from experi-
one can not fault NICAP’s chronology. sketches/reports and that of the Chiles- enced meteor observers, who were in
Rodeghier cites as his source for this re- Whitted sighting of 1947. If that was pro- a position to observe a fireball, one can
port as being from John Keel’s book, “Op- duced by a bright fireball, are there any only suggest the possibility that a meteor
eration Trojan Horse”. others that might be on the list as poten- was the cause.
tial fireballs?
Now if I were an academic, I would think Notes and references
that I would make sure that Keel had his
ducks in a row. Before opening Keel’s 1. DeGeorge, Dana. “A meteor in full
book, I expected to see the same errors view”. Life Magazine May 6, 1966.
found in the Rodeghier document. I was Page 43.
shocked to see Keel describing some-
thing completely different: 2. Schwarz, Berthold Eric. “UFOs; Delu-
sion or Dilemma?” Flying Saucer Re-
On a highway near Towanda, Pennsylva- view: Beyond Condon Special Issue
nia, Robert W. Martz and a, friend saw the no. 2. Bowen, Charles ed. June 1969.
object scoot overhead. Simultaneously, Page 49.
their automobile engine stalled, and the
headlights went out. Both men com- 3. Klass, Philip. UFOS Explained. New
plained of feeling a wave of heat as they Drawings by Chiles and Whitted of their UFO en- York: Random House, 1974.
watched “a very awesome, huge flaming counter in July 1948. 9

4. Randles, Jenny. UFO! Danger in the “Experienced” amateur
air. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Fireball = UFO crash astronomer photographs
Inc. 1999.
5. Schwarz, Berthold Eric. “UFOs; Delu-
sion or Dilemma?” Flying Saucer Re-
I n mid-April, a story surfaced from Con-
necticut that a UFO had crashed into
Bantam Lake near Litchfield, Connecticut. T he National UFO Reporting Center’s,
Peter Davenport listed this report in
view: Beyond Condon Special Issue It had happened at 2AM on the 10th of his April UFO highlight cases. Amateur
no. 2. Bowen, Charles ed. June 1969. April and was seen by two people. A per- astronomer reports always intrigue me
Page 49. son driving in Litchfield stated they saw a so I decided to take a look. The individ-
large object, “the size of a whale” go into ual had photographed the Pleiades and
6. USAF Project Blue Book - UFO inves- the lake. A state trooper in nearby War- Venus for about two minutes using a
tigations. Fold 3 Web site. Available ren, Ct. confirmed it by stating he saw a 105mm lens and a fixed tripod. During
WWW: UFO go down in the direction of the lake. the photographs they did not notice any-
age/#7091568 Firemen from the town of Morris cruised thing but when they examined them on
the lake looking for any debris from a the computer, they saw a UFO (“an elon-
7. National Investigations Commit- crashed airplane but found nothing. As gated oval of nebulosity”) moving to-
tee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). always, this mystery seems unsolved to wards the upper left on each successive
The 1966 UFO chronology. Avail- the reporters. frame. They ruled out aircraft, satellites,
able WWW: and lens artifacts. The object did not ap-
waves/1966fullrep.htm For anybody that read the previous ar- pear in another photograph the individ-
ticle and are familiar with how people ual took of Orion so they concluded the
8. Keel, John A. Operation Trojan Horse. mistake bright fireballs to be crashing air- object was unidentified/exotic.
Lilburn, Georgia: IllumiNet Press. craft (or UFOs), this story does not seem
Any astrophotographer with experience
1996. Page 130. that mysterious. I checked the American
would have recognized what was re-
Meteor Society’s database for the date in
corded. Telephotos are made up of many
9. United States Air Technical Intel- question and, not surprisingly, saw the
lenses that can cause internal reflections
ligence Center. Project Blue Book following reports on April 10th.
with bright point sources. In this case,
Special Report NO. 14: Analysis of
Time Location Begin End Azimuth the individual photographed an internal
Reports of Unidentified Aerial Ob- Azimuth
reflection of Venus. Venus’ diurnal mo-
jects. Project No. 10073. 5 May 1955. 01:30 Staten Island, 0 0
tion had it slowly drift to the lower right
Page 81. NY

01:42 Norwalk, Ct 206 146

of the camera’s field of view. The internal
reflection would move in the opposite
10. Zeidman, Jennie. “A helicopter-UFO
direction on each subsequent image (to
encounter over Ohio”. The UFO The average magnitude of the two obser-
the upper left). The reason the image
Engima. Peter Sturrock ed. New York: vations was -8, which is bright enough to
of Orion did not show it was because
Warner Books, Inc. 1999. Page 334. cast shadows and light up the sky. The
the stars in that image were not bright
Norwalk, CT observer seemed to have
enough to create this effect.
POSTSCRIPT: It is interesting that I wrote made more accurate/precise observa-
this article about a month before the tions, while the Staten Island observer I would not consider this individual “ex-
solution for the 1996 Yukon UFO event gave generalities. The Norwalk observer perienced” if he could not figure out the
was published. In that case, space debris had it go from SSW to SE at a downward source of the image. I have seen many
from the Cosmos 2335 rocket has been angle. This is consistent with the obser- images like this when using telephoto
identified as re-entering over the area vation of the state trooper who seems lenses. This image below shows Venus on
during the same time period as when to have seen the meteor go in an ESE. April 29, 2012 using a 200mm telephoto
the UFO was reported by a great number The individual in Litchfield is harder to lens. The same “elongated oval of nebu-
of the witnesses. One witness even gave determine but they could have seen it losity” is visible in my image. It is clear
a sketch that was a reasonable match for from south to southwest depending on that Venus is producing this UFO in this
the calculated trajectory through the sky. where in Litchfield they were located. Be- image as well as the one in the NUFORC
Witnesses described “port holes” or “rows cause they were further north the fireball report.
of lights” attached to a dark craft just like would have disappeared much closer to
Zond IV and Cosmos 1068 (these are not the horizon than the Norwalk observer.
the only cases). This demonstrates the It would have looked like the fireball had
importance of learning from past case gone down “just beyond the trees” and
histories and using them to look for po- into the lake. This type of misperception
tential sources of UFO reports. is not unheard of in bright fireball re-
ports. In my opinion, this bright fireball
is what the two witnesses near Litchfield
probably saw.

R ecently, Stanton Friedman wrote an
article on The UFO Chronicles blog,
where he declared that I was an irratio-
Flying Saucer
yond what he believes. It is almost as if he
stops further research once he arrives at
the conclusion he desires. Isn’t that one
nal, uninformed, ignorant debunker! This
had a lot to do with him reading a four- Fiziks II of his “rules for debunkers” - Research by
year old article I wrote called “The UFO
disclosure myth”. 20% vs 10%

For some peculiar reason, Mr. Friedman

took offense at my portrayal of his “cos-
mic Watergate” story. Of course, he uses
S peaking of research by proclamation,
Mr. Friedman takes exception with
the following statement I make on my
the epithet of debunker to describe me. web site:
I don’t mind being called a debunker
because, according to the dictionary, it Even the most hardened UFOlogist (one
means that I am exposing false claims. who studies the phenomena), who be-
However, Mr. Friedman uses it as an ad lieves that there is something behind
hominem. It is a UFOlogical insult meant these reports, will admit that at least nine
to demonize an individual. This is nothing out of ten cases are misperceptions and
new for some UFOlogists and appears to hoaxes. The values usually turn out to be
be standard operating procedure (SOP) more like 3-10% of the reports remaining
for Mr. Friedman. . unexplained.1

In reply, Friedman claims that this is a “ri-

diculous proclamation”. In response, he
whips out some statistics that state the
number is more like 20%. He cites three
documents that supports this claim.

Special Report 14

In SUNlite 3-4, I discussed the problems

with Project Blue Book’s Special Report
#14 (BBSR14). My main arguments were:
nity. Skeptics are not the only ones
who think the MJ-12 documents are • The data, as stated by those conduct-
frauds. Kevin Randle wrote a book ing the study, was subjective. Any
A broken record about it and Jerome Clark referred to conclusions drawn from the data
them as forgeries in the “hoaxes” sec- was going to be influenced by this

I guess Mr. Friedman likes to repeat him-

self over and over again because his ar-
gument is pretty much the same thing he •
tion of his UFO book.

The NSA documents still prove there

subjectivity. Even those that were
classified as “Excellent” UFO reports
had cases with “Insufficient Informa-
has been repeating for some time. It is is a cover-up despite the fact that tion” (nine reports). How can a case
almost as if that is all he has. These same Klass demonstrated a great many be described as “Excellent” if it has
old arguments are: of them, when declassified, demon- “insufficient information”?
strated they had more to do with
• Project Blue Book SR-14 is the final monitoring Soviet activities. Fried- • Some of the cases were never actu-
answer for everything involving UFO man’s argument is that just because ally investigated. They were simply
statistics. They prove UFOs are real the documents don’t show any real reports written some time after the
and that a very significant percent- flying saucer cover-up doesn’t mean event and submitted for evaluation.
age of UFO reports (over 20%) will the documents that are still marked
remain unexplained even after in- up are not part of the cover-up. This • The Battelle study did not perform
vestigation. is an argument from ignorance (no- on site investigations of these cases
body has conclusively proven that (something Friedman tries to imply).
• No matter what anyone else says, the documents do not involve a It was purely an exercise from the
certain MJ-12 documents are au- cover-up involving alien spaceships, desk. They did the best they could
thentic. Mr. Friedman offers no real therefore, there is a cover-up). with the information they had at
evidence to prove they are authentic their disposal but certain aspects of
other than his own belief and some Sometimes, I think Stanton Friedman is the cases might have been missed
flawed analysis by those who are not more interested in playing to the crowd in determining a potential solution.
independent of the UFO commu- than actually performing research be- In fact, the group re-evaluated the

434 unknowns and discovered that tell them? told years after the event. They
many of them did have potential ex- aren’t even “unknown” and should
planations. The 1964 NICAP report be labeled “insufficient information”.

• Out of the final 12 cases that were

determined to be the best, only five
can be found in the list of Blue Book
T o bolster his claim of high percent- 5.
ages of unknowns, Stanton Friedman
cites the NICAP UFO briefing document.
Several of the cases have potential
explanations offered or have been
accepted as being explained. An ex-
Unknowns. The remaining seven ap- According to Friedman, 746 cases out of ample is the Mantell incident, which
parently were never submitted for 4500 were listed as unexplained. How- some UFOlogists have accepted
investigation or were found to have ever, the NICAP UFO briefing document I as being just a skyhook balloon. If
probable explanations. One of these read states the following in the abstract: the cases listed contains IFOs, then
seven cases was the Chiles-Whitted there are probably other cases in
sighting that Condon study conclud- During the process of selecting the most the database that can be explained,
ed was probably just a bright meteor reliable and significant reports, emphasis which makes the final number of
based on the results of the Zond IV was placed on the qualifications of the ob- “unknowns” in the list invalid.
sightings. If over 50% of the best server and on cases involving two or more
cases had potential explanations or observers. This resulted in 746 reports be-
What this means is that using this data-
were never investigated in the first ing selected, after consideration of overbase as a statistic proving that the per-
place, what does it say for the other 5000 signed reports and many hundreds centage of unknowns was far greater
422 unknowns? of reports from newspapers and other than 10% is an awkward attempt to de-
publications2 ceive people. Once again, Friedman has
Friedman uses the Chi-Squared results to executed one of the “rules of debunkers”
bolster his claim but Allan Hendry point- So where did he get 4500 reports when - What the public doesn’t know, I am not
ed out that such an analysis was based the abstract states they selected 746 re- going to tell them!
on factors that were subjective measure- ports out of OVER 5000 (Plus the many
ments which were inadequate. hundreds of reports from other sources)? The Condon study

Finally, Mr. Friedman attempts to pad his

statistics by presenting numbers that best
support his position. The “all sightings”
The selection of these 746 cases does not
seem to be based on anything more than
the cases were “reliable” and “significant”.
M r. Friedman points out that 30% of
the Condon Study’s UFO investiga-
tions resulted in unexplained reports. It
category that Friedman cites included all It does not state that they were investi- is important to note that some of these
the reports filed. However, there were gated and found “unexplained”. To use unexplained reports happened many
two other categories determined by the them as a statistic of that kind is flawed. years before the Colorado project even
Battelle group. The first category was started and introduced memories of the
the “unit sightings”, which combined the I can point out other flaws with using this witnesses that were subject to error. Ex-
reports received from additional observ- document as this kind of statistic. Look- planations for these cases could not be
ers to the same sighting from the same ing at the 575 reports in section XI of the determined simply because of the pas-
location. As a result, the “Unit sightings” document, we discover: sage of time and lack of documentation.
reflected the actual number of individual In the case of the Bentwater’s 1956 inci-
UFO events. However, after analyzing all 1. Some of these cases were simply dent, recent investigations by British UFO
the reports, the Battelle study recognized newspaper clippings. They were researchers revealed that certain aspects
that there were some reports made of the never investigated at all, which is the of the case were exaggerated. Investi-
same event by independent observers at only reason they can be labeled “un- gation by Phil Klass (and documented
different locations. As a result, they creat- known”. in SUNlite 4-1) also presented a reason-
ed another category of “Object sightings”. able explanation for the RB-47 case. The
When conducting their analysis of the 2. 19 of the reports were radar sight- Trent photographs appear to be a hoax
data, Battelle used the “object sightings” ings with no visual confirmation. and work by Robert Sheaffer resulted in
category and not the “all sightings” cate- They could easily have been simple the investigator to reverse his conclusion!
gories. Friedman apparently chooses the radar “angels” of some kind. The only Just because a case is unexplained does
“All sightings” category because the per- reason they are labeled unknown is not meant there is no reasonable expla-
centages of unknowns (21.5%) is greater because no data was available for in- nation
than the object sightings (19.7%). vestigation.
In other cases in the Condon report, po-
The bottom line here is that Friedman 3. 15 cases predated World War II and tential explanations were presented but
has chosen to use statistics from BBSR14 another 15 were from World War II could not positively be made. This was
that support his position but chooses not and pre-1947. None of these cases pointed out by Dr. Donald Menzel in his
to inform his readers or audience “the were ever investigated, which is why book (co-authored with Ernest Taves),
rest of the story”. Isn’t this another one they are labeled “unknown”. “The UFO Engima”.
of Friedman’s “rules of debunkers” - What
the public doesn’t know, I am not going to 4. Some cases had no date and were Finally, if we were to use Friedman’s ver-

sion of BBSR14 statistics, we should add stated. is fairly accurate.
the Zond IV incident into the report as a
case of 78 additional explained reports The next place I double checked were In the early 1980s, Dr. Hynek told Tom
and not just one explained event! This the two major UFO organizations in the Snyder:
would drop the number of unexplained United States. The Center for UFO Studies
cases significantly. (CUFOS) states the following: It turns out that some 90% of the raw re-
ports...we have a nationwide police net-
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) The majority of sightings generally work an 800 number that the police use
reviewed the Condon report and stated prove to be misinterpretation of natural and we get reports every night from police
the following: phenomena...or man-made objects...A departments from different parts of the
smaller number of reports can not be in- country...most of them are planets, twin-
The report recognizes that there remain vestigated properly for various reasons- kling stars.....The remaining 10%, those
UFO sightings that are not easily ex- lack of pertinent details, for example, or are the ones we go after....8
plained. The report does suggest, how- inaccessibility of witnesses. However, in
ever, so many reasonable and possible any give number of UFO reports, about I can also cite Allan Hendry’s own study
directions in which an explanation may 5% to 10% are truly puzzling - not only that he documented in his UFO hand-
eventually be found, that there seems to to the witness but also to those who in- book. In that analysis of data, he deter-
be no reason to attribute them to an ex- vestigate the reports and study the data. mined a rate of “unknowns” of 8.6% (113
traterrestrial source without evidence that These cases are considered true UFO re- out of 1307). This falls within my values
is much more convincing. The report also ports. (my emphasis in bold)4 of 3-10%.
shows how difficult it is to apply scientific
methods to the occasional transient sight- As best I can tell that means the IFO rate As for the bottom number of 3%, I based
ings with any chance of success. 3 must be about 90-95%, which is consis- that value on Allan Hendry’s evaluation
tent with what I stated. Is it possible the of his remaining 113 “unknowns”. He had
The fact that reasonable explanations ex- Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) had a dif- broken them down into several catego-
ist for some of these “unexplained” case ferent value? That answer would be..... ries noting that some of these cases were
have demonstrated that Condon and the No: “near IFOs” or “problematic”. If these two
NAS were correct. Friedman is overplay- categories are taken away, the number
ing his hand here. Science recognized it In reality, well over 90 percent of all re- of “unknowns”, drops to 45 out of 1307
was not always possible to produce final ported UFOs prove to be IFOs - Identi- (3.4%).
explanations for all UFO reports but they fied Flying Objects - upon investigation.
did recognize that many of these unex- IFOs can be anything from distant air- I could list more sources but I think one
plained reports had potential explana- plane landing lights to the planet Venus, gets the picture here. Are all of these
tions that did not require the need for with ball lightning, weather balloons, and UFOlogists “ridiculous” as well when
“flying saucers” as a source. Again, Fried- other astronomical and meteorological they use the same value that I gave? Did
man is not telling people the entire truth phenomena thrown in for good measure. they throw darts at a dartboard to come
about what the report states. (my emphasis in bold)5 up with their values? Why is it that Mr.
Friedman completely ignores what the
My “ridiculous proclamation” Once again, the IFO rate exceeds 90 per majority of UFOlogists state? Is he “unin-
cent, just as I stated. formed”, “ignorant”, or is he just trying to

T he reason I gave no source for my

90% IFO value was because I thought
it was a generally accepted number (aka
Maybe other UFOlogists have different
values. The following has been stated by
misinform people?

The rules for Friedman

common knowledge) in UFO circles. Ap- British UFOlogist Timothy Good, who is
parently, Mr. Friedman has a different
opinion, so I had to go recheck what
other UFO groups/UFOlogists stated to
one of the more credulous personalities
in UFOlogy: In my opinion, Mr Friedman is violating
several rules of debunkers here:

make sure I got my facts right. ‘We know that up to 90 per cent of all UFO 1. He does not tell the public that all of
reports can be explained in conventional these UFO organizations state that
I first looked at the standard AF numbers. terms. However, I would say millions of roughly 10% of all UFO reports are
Bluebook had a 5.6% unknown rate. people worldwide have actually seen the unexplainable.
Now I realize that the USAF numbers are real thing.’6
not accepted by everyone so that value 2. He chooses to ignore that fact for his
might be ignored. However, Dr. Hynek A more conservative British UFOlogist is own cherry picked values. His mind
and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) Jenny Randles, who has written: is made up.
reevaluated the Bluebook numbers and
they determined that the percentage of “If you don’t solve at least nine out of ten 3. He declares me to be ridiculous by
unknowns was 5.8%, which is not much cases you are doing something wrong” 7 ignoring all the information that is
more different than the USAF numbers. common knowledge showing that I
This falls between the 3-10% I originally This implies that she feels that 10% value am correct. He is attacking the per-

son, which is easy for somebody not cent production of “all-sky” cameras and Stacking cow pies
interested in looking at all the facts. meteor networks. How many UFOs that

4. He makes proclamations by using

select numbers without researching
defy explanation have these recorded?
I am aware that some cameras have re-
corded anomalous lights but they seem
I n my article I stated that UFOlogy has
made no progress and has not present-
ed any significant data that shows UFO
other values to see if that data may to have potential explanations that do reports are caused by alien spaceships.
be in error. not involve alien spaceships. Certainly, Friedman fires back,
one of these would record one of these
Stanton Friedman declares that only de- large craft that witnesses report. The question isn’t whether all UFOs are
bunkers follow these rules but, as one can spaceships, but whether any are. Because
see, Stanton Friedman is probably one of Finally, in his argument, Mr. Friedman most people are not 7’ tall doesn’t mean
the biggest violators. Is this what he calls seems to ignore his own BBSR14 sta- nobody is. 9
a scientific approach to UFOs? tistics. He implies that UFO events are
very brief, meaning, while the observer is This analogy is a poor one. There is evi-
The narrow field of view myth looking through the eyepiece, he would dence that people are 7 feet tall. How-
miss it. However, BBSR14 statistics show ever, he should have used a height of

M r. Friedman once again commits the

same mistakes he claims that “de-
bunkers” perform in their investigations.
that 47.6% of the “unknowns” had a du-
ration of over a minute (this value does
not include the 104 unknowns where
twenty feet. That is more in line with the
theory that alien spaceships are visiting
earth. LIke UFOs being alien spaceships,
He proclaims that astronomers miss no duration was given). The longer the there are no cases that people are twen-
UFOs because most are looking through UFO duration, the more likely it will be ty feet tall unless you believe in myths
the narrow field of view of a telescope’s seen as the observer looks away from the about giants.
eyepiece while they are out observing. eyepiece because of another BBSR14 sta-
According to him, they set up their tele- tistic ignored by Friedman. The reported As support for his claim that there are
scope and immediately begin peering brightness for these Unknowns (when a some UFO reports that were created by
into the eyepiece. They never look up or value was given) indicated an object that alien spaceships, he states that there
do anything else. Such a description is was very bright (like the moon or reflec- are “thousands” of physical trace cases,
very inaccurate and is a comment made tion of the sun off a bright surface). Any “many” radar-visual cases, and “best ab-
by an individual, who seems to have not bright object in a dark sky will draw an duction” cases that demonstrate there
bothered to look into this at all. He is just astronomer’s attention even if he is look- are alien spaceships operating in Earth’s
repeating what he has heard from other ing through the eyepiece because it will atmosphere. How many of these “physi-
UFOlogists or what he believes to be the create shadows/reflections/illumination cal trace cases” have been proven to
case. I addressed the “narrow field of that will not be ignored. If Mr. Friedman be Extraterrestrial in origin? How many
view myth” in SUNlite 1-2 (page 13) but doubts this, I suggest he go to any star radar-visual cases have been proven to
will reiterate it again here. party with a white flashlight and turn it be Extraterrestrial in origin? Has a single
on. Even the astronomers gazing through abduction case been proven to involve
Mr. Friedman obviously has never been the eyepiece will respond in words that aliens? The answer to those questions is
to an organized gathering of astrono- will not be kind. NONE! What he is doing is piling a whole
mers or even a public viewing party. Very bunch of unknown cases that don’t prove
few amateur astronomers are by them- Finally, Mr Friedman ignores astronomers anything by themselves hoping that the
selves at observing sessions and, when that have seen UFOs and identified them. shear weight of inconclusive evidence
together, they tend to notice quite a bit. My best example is Mitch Stanley. He was will establish strong evidence. This is like
With the increased number of observers the young amateur astronomer, who in multiplying 0 by a million. You still get
in a given location, the less likely it will 1997, saw the Arizona UFO V-formation “0”. However, I like Brian Dunning’s anal-
be that somebody will miss a transitory lights (not the 10PM event!) that passed ogy better:
event. Every year, there are mass group- over Arizona through his telescope. He
ings of amateur astronomers under dark identified them as planes in formation. can stack cowpies as high as you
skies to observe the night sky. I have I discussed Friedman’s dismissal of this want, but they won’t turn into a bar of
been to a few over the years and I have explanation in SUNlite 1-3 (page 17). He gold. Good evidence is composed of good
never heard of any alien spaceships be- was apparently ignorant of Stanley’s ob- evidence, not lots of bad evidence.10
ing sighted during these events. Sure, servations or did not want his readers to
people have seen unusual events (I have be aware of them. In either case he com- A debate challenge?
described many previously) but they all mitted one of the sins he proclaims that
could be explained.

Additionally, some astronomers do not

”debunkers” always commit (research by
proclamation or don’t tell the public). F riedman states he is going to expose
my noisy negativism and would de-
bate me anywhere. He adds that I am
use telescopes. Meteor and satellite What Friedman is doing here is making afraid to take him on in such a debate
observers rely mostly on their eyesight. proclamations about astronomers with- even though he never contacted me to
Others rely on binoculars for their obser- out doing any research on the subject. Is know my answer. In fact, I don’t ever re-
vations. I can also point towards the re- this any surprise? call him contacting me once in the fifteen
years that I have had my web site on the ena (NICAP). Available WWW: http:// NASA Produces
internet. Is this another case of declaring
something is true without any research? dence%201964.pdf . p. i. some UFO reports
To be honest, I see no reason to debate 3. Condon, E. U., et al., eds. Scientific
Mr. Friedman under the conditions he Study of Unidentified Flying Objects.
is familiar with. He apparently desires a New York: Bantam 1968. p. viii
public debate on a live radio or television
setting, where he can grandstand for an 4. The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS).
audience that will believe him no mat- Hynek Classification system. Avail-
ter what he states. If Stanton Friedman able WWW:
truly desires a serious debate, I suggest HynekClass.html
he set up the debate under formal rules
and moderated by a panel independent
of the UFO field. I also suggest it be con-
5. Stacy, Dennis. What is UFOlogy? Mu-
tual UFO Network (MUFON) web site. O ne of the more obscure NASA launch
locations is the Wallops Island flight
facility on the eastern shore of the Del-
fined to one specific case or just a few Available WWW:http://www.mufon.
select cases and not generalities that are com/FAQs.html mar Peninsula. On March 27th, NASA
ambiguous or open to interpretation. launched what they called the “Anoma-
Of course, I need to be compensated for 6. “President Eisenhower Supposedly lous transport rocket experiment”(ATREX)
my time and effort. If he so badly wants Had Three Secret Meetings With about 5AM local time. The experiment
such a debate, it is up to him to plan and Aliens.” Phantoms and Monsters involved launching five different rockets
finance it. The ball is in his court. blog. February 14, 2012. Available into the upper atmosphere, 80 seconds
WWW: http://naturalplane.blogspot. apart, to different altitudes. When they
Promoting proves nothing com/2012/02/president-eisenhow- reached their required altitude, they re-
er-supposedly-had.html leased trimethyl aluminum (TMA), which

M r. Friedman wants everyone to ac- produced milky white clouds that could
cept his version that some UFOs 7. Evans, Hilary and Dennis Stacy ed. be used to evaluated the upper atmo-
are alien spaceships visiting earth. The UFO: 1947-1997: Fifty Years of Flying sphere. As always, these events are spec-
truth of the matter is that he has failed to Saucers. London: John Brown Pub- tacular and were seen over a wide area
convince any scientific body outside of lishing Ltd., 1997. P. 248 from the Carolinas to New England. De-
UFOlogy that this is true. Stanton Fried- spite being launched early in the morn-
man can complain, demonize, sensation- 8. “Tom Snyder interviewing J. Allen ing, there were a few UFO reports in the
alize, and scream all he wants but he is Hynek and Peter Gersten.” Youtube. MUFON database.
just trying to divert attention away from Available WWW: Two of the more accurate reports came
this fact. He blames everyone from the from Wilmington, PA and Johnston,
US Government to “debunkers” like me Rhode Island. Both observers were pret-
for his failure. As Seth Shostak recently ty accurate in their observations. How-
stated: 9. Friedman, Stanton. “UFO Debunkers: ever, two of the reports were tainted
Irrational, uninformed, and ignorant.” by the witness’ excitement. The first of
The fact is, if you’re certain that our planet UFO Chronicles blog. March 29, 2012. these was from Katonah, NY. This indi-
is hosting alien visitors, the way to gain Available WWW: http://www.theufo- vidual was driving south on 684 south-
acceptance for your point of view is to bound, when they noticed two balls of
prove it, not insist that the problem lies irrational-uninformed-and.html light leaving clouds behind. The lights
with third parties. The blame game is a were reported moving erratically and
cop-out.1 10. Dunning, Brian. “The top UFO de- performed some sort of “dance”. They re-
bunker? Really?”Skepticblog. Decem- ported being “terrified” by the event. The
The evidence should speak for itself. Un- ber 18, 2008. Available WWW: http:// observer in Newville, PA was the other re-
fortunately, it is telling a story Stanton port that was influenced by the witness’
Friedman does not want people to hear. the-top-ufo-debunker-really/ emotion. According to that report, the
lights changed directions several times.
Notes and references 11. Shostak, Seth. “The UFO Bestiary”. The individual reported they were scared
Huffington Post. April 27, 2012. and rushed home.
1. Printy, Timothy. My skeptical opinion Available WWW: http://www.huff-
about UFOs. Available WWW: http:// I hope that MUFON investigators identify sightings_b_1458904.html these reports for the witnesses. It is in-
UFO.htm teresting that two of the four reports in-
volved emotional reports that could be
2. Hall, Richard ed. The UFO Evidence. hard to explain if the investigators take
1964. New York: National Investiga- the witnesses description at face value
tions Committee on Aerial Phenom- and are unaware of the ATREX test.

UFOs on the tube Book Reviews
Buy it! (No UFO library should do
NASA: The Unexplained Files show.
without it)

T he latest installment of UFO programs

from the Science Channel was an-
other unimpressive effort. A great num-
Other mission “bogeys” were mentioned.
The Gemini 11 UFO was presented. Dr.
Maccabee said it could not have been
UFO!: Danger in the air - Jenny
ber of important points were omitted, the Proton 3 rocket based on the or- This book came out in 1998 and covered
overlooked, or ignored for some of these bital data. I did not see it mentioned some good ground. Her discussion of
cases, which misled the viewer that there but Oberg states that it was suggested many cases involving aircraft and her rec-
were alien spaceships watching our ef- by Brad Sparks that it probably was the ognition of problems with meteors, space
forts in space. space walk equipment package that had debris re-entries, and false radar contacts
been jettisoned a few hours before. was refreshing compared to most UFO
The show started with the “fireflies” books. While I disagree with some of her
around Friendship 7. Bruce Bleakley, the The Apollo 11 UFO was brought up as conclusions, I find the book well written
director of the Frontiers of Flight mu- well but that seems to be nothing more and willing to explore possibilities other
seum, stated that nobody ever was able than an SLA panel from the S-IVB. Pete than the ET explanation.
to figure them out, which really is not Conrad mentioned seeing something
correct. I thought it was always under- similar on his mission on Apollo 12 in the
Borrow it. (Worth checking out of
stood they were just ice particles around NOVA program “The case for the UFOs”. library or borrowing from a friend)
the capsule. Scott Carpenter, in the pro- This did not stop the producers from hav-
Project SIGN Air Force documents
gram “Spaceflight”, stated he figured it ing Pope suggest that astronauts don’t
out when he could bang on the capsule talk about UFOs because they are under 1948-1949 - edited by Richard Hall
and see the particles come flying off the orders from the government. Pete Con- (FUFOR)
capsule. Eventually, Story Musgrave was rad stated he was never told to lie about This is a great book if you want to look
presented and he stated they were prob- UFOs in the NOVA program. at all the project SIGN documents in one
ably ice particles. The show grudgingly collection. I particularly enjoy reading
admitted that “most experts” agree with The highly promoted Skylab 3 case was the memos in late 1948, where Colonel
this solution. Other than Bleakley, is there mentioned as well. The size was estimat- McCoy was being pushed to resolve the
anybody else with a different answer? ed at 100 meters by Dr. Maccabee based issue from above and was sending all
on the photographic images. One image sorts of memos out asking the various
The program then moved on to the Gem- shows a squiggle while the others show agencies if they have any answers. Be-
ini missions. The Gemini 4 mission with point sources. The squiggle was prob- fore the internet became populated with
McDivitt taking some film of an unidenti- ably due to the vibration of the camera. such documents, I found this a valuable
fied object was discussed at length. James Even at 1/250th of a second (the expo- resource. Now it collects dust on my
Oberg suggested it may have been a clas- sure time suggested in the program) shelf because I have electronic copies of
sified payload. Nick Pope, who never met some vibration can be induced. I am all them from elsewhere.
a UFO he did not like, got to stick his face unimpressed by this UFO as it acted like
into the program stating there was a dis- space debris or a satellite. Bin it! (Not worth the paper it is
crepancy between what McDivitt says he
saw and what NORAD said it was. There The space shuttle videos were all men-
written upon - send to recycle bin)
was some suggestion that the film he ex- tioned. This gets to be a tired discussion The UFO conspiracy - Jenny Ran-
posed had been stolen, doctored, or was back and forth between Dr. Kasher and dles
missing. However, McDivitt would tell Dr. James Oberg for the STS-48 video, which
Roach of the Condon study that it prob- are probably nothing more than ice par- I was disappointed in this book when I
ably was an unnamed satellite. ticles. The STS-75 tether, STS-80, and bought this book in a used book store
STS-115 videos were debunked by MU- about a decade ago. Randles spent the
Gemini 7’s “bogey” story was described FON’s Marc D’Antonio. first section of the book trying to list the
next. Strangely, Frank Borman’s state- Mantell, Chiles-Whitted, and Gorman
ments about this were missing. Borman Overall the program tried to cram too cases as “unexplained”. It is interesting
told a reporter for air and space magazine much into one hour and the presenta- to also see her defend the Rendlesham
in 1998, that he was approached by “Un- tion was far too one-sided. I was sur- forest case and compare the arguments
solved Mysteries” for a description of this prised they included D’Antonio’s de- she presented about the lighthouse with
event. Borman responded he would love bunking of some of the videos. The her more recent published opinions.
to come on the air and clear the mystery producers should have just focused on The book was written in 1987 and is out
up and promptly told the producer that closely examining a few good cases in- of date. It offers very little other than a
they were not UFOs but were simply the stead of briefly discussing events that glimpse into her opinions at that time.
describing the booster or part of it. The have reasonable explanations.
producer declined having him on the


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