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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some species of animals are almost extinct; and many others seem to be fast
approaching a similar risk. What are the reasons for this? What should be
done to solve this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

- Destruction of habitats
- Pollution


- Government should pass laws

- Fund zoos

Recently, some types of animals have completely disappeared, and many others
still run similar risks. This essay will look into the causes of this global issue and
explore possible solutions.
One big cause is the destruction of animals’ habits by humans for lucrative
purposes. For example, people cut down trees in the Equatorial rainforest to make
furniture and charcoal, leaving animals with habitats. These animals will end up
dying or being eaten by other predators as they can’t hide. Another cause is
pollution of the sea by human activities. Tons of plastic and other chemical
materials are washed into the ocean every year, causing death of the sea life.

To solve these problems, the government should pass laws that limit the amount of
trees that people and organisations can cut every year. If a company or a person
cuts more trees than allowed by the law, they should pay big fines or be put in
prison. In addition, the government should run awareness campaigns again
pollution of the sea. For example, using the TV and schools to educate people on
why throwing litter is a bad thing for wildlife.
To sum up, human activities are putting are putting more and more animals at risk
of extinction and it is up to humans to find solutions. Destruction of the animals’
habitats and the pollution of the sea are some of the main causes. To solve this,
governments should regulate forests and run education campaigns against
pollution. In my opinion, I believe that more animals would be saved if humans
become aware of the negative impact of their activities.

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