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Q. No. Question CO
s Level
What is frequency response
Frequency response is a valuable tool in the analysis and design of control systems. The
design of control systems using frequency response is based on the characteristic of the

1 frequency response analysis which determines the features of the output sinusoidal wave, CO4 K1
when a linear system is subjected to a sinusoidal input. It also helps us to select the
optimum values of the parameters like gain, integral time and derivative time in the
design of controller.
What do you mean by Bode diagrams? CO4 K1
Bode diagram is known in then honor of H. W. Bode and it is a convenient tool for
analyzing the frequency response of a linear control system.
2 Bode diagrams are the graphical representation of the AR and phase angle, dependence on
frequency. It consists of two graphs – logarithm of AR vs. logarithm of frequency „ω‟
and phase angle „φ‟ vs. logarithm of frequency „ω‟.
Define corner frequency.
3 The frequency where the low frequency asymptote and high frequency asymptotes CO4 K1
intersect is known as the corner frequency. It is given by ωc = 1/.
Distinguish between feed-back and feed-forward control
A simple feed back system compares the set point and the measured variable, for any load
disturbances, and the control action was taken with respect to difference in the value.
A feed-forward control is considered, if a particular load disturbance occurs frequently in
4 CO5 K2
a control process. The quality of control can often be improved by the addition of feed-
forward control.
To provide for load disturbances that cannot be measured or anticipated, feed-forward
control is always combined with feed-back control in a particular situation
Give some examples of systems where feed forward control is used
The flow rate of steam on shell side in a heat exchanger can be controlled by feed forward
controller (this is frequently done to change the temperature of the tube
5 side fluid). CO5 K2
The pressure in a distillation column is often feed-forward controlled.
Feed-forward temperature control of CSTR.
Feed-forward level control of drum boiler
PART B (2x13 = 26 Marks)
6 CO3 K4
7 Briefly explain (i) ZN rules (ii) Cohen – Coon method CO4 K2
PART C (1x14 = 14 Marks)
8 CO5 K2

The location of a load change in a control loop may affect the system response. In the block
diagram shown in Fig C. a unit-step change in load enters at either location 1 or location 2. (a)
What is the frequency of the transient response when the load enters at location 1 and when the
load enters at location 2? (b) What is the offset when the load enters at location 1 and when it
enters at location 2?


( 2 s+1 2 s +1 )
)( 1

1+5 (
2 s+1 2 s+1 )
U 1 2 1

C ( 2 s +1 ) 2
U1 [ ( 2 s+ 1 )2 +10 ] 2
( 2 s +1 ) 2
4 s 2 + 4 s +11
Apply step change
U 1 (s )=
1 11
1 2 ⇒ ∗
C= ∗ 2 s 4
s+ 1
s 4 s + 4 s+11 11 11
0. 182

s ( 0 . 364 s 2 + 0. 364 s+1 )
τ 2=0 . 364 ⇒ τ=0 . 603
2 ζτ =0 .364 ⇒ ζ =0 .302 ⇒ζ < 1
Taking inverse Laplace

{ ( −1 √ 1−0 .302
1 t
C (t )=0 . 182 1− e−0 .302 t/0. 603
sin √1−0 .302 2
√1−0 .3022 0 . 603 0 . 302
C (t )=0 . 182 {1−1. 049 e−0 .5 t sin ( 1 .581 t+1. 4798 ) }

( 2 s+1 )

1+5 (
2 s+ 1 )( 2 s+1 )
U 2 2 1

C 2 s+ 1
U2 [ ( 2 s +1 )2 +10 ]
( 2 s+1 ) 2
C 2 s +1
U 2 4 s 2 +4 s +11
Unit step change in location 2.
U 2 (s )=
1 ( 2 s+1 ) / 11
C ( s )= ∗
s 0 .364 s 2 +0 . 364 s +1
2 1
11 11
C ( s )= +
s ( 0 . 364 s + 0. 364 s+1 ) s ( 0 .364 s +0 . 364 s +1 )
2 2

0 .182 0 . 091
= +
0 . 364 s 2 + 0. 364 s+1 s ( 0. 364 s2 +0 .364 s+ 1 )
Taking inverse Laplace

C (t )=0 . 182
[ 1 1
0 . 603 √1−0 .302 2
−0 .5 t
sin 1 .581 t +0 . 091 [ 1−1. 049 e
−0. 5 t
sin ( 1 .581 t+1 . 478 ) ]

C ( t )=0 . 182 [ 1 .781 e−0. 5 t sin 1 .581 t ] + 0 .091 {1−1. 049 e−0. 5 t sin ( 1 .581 t +1 . 478 ) }
Yes, the response equation will vary depend on the load variations in location 1 or
location 2.
(a) Frequency of response is same for both location, because the denominator has
second order differential equation in both, So
1 √ 1−ζ 2 1 √1−0. 3022
f= ⇒
2π τ 2 π 0. 603
f =0 . 251
T =3 . 97 time/cycle
(b) Offset:
For location 1
C ( ∞)= lt C ( t )= lt sC ( s )
t →∞ s→ 0
0 . 182
= lt s∗
s→0 s ( 0. 364 s 2 +0 .364 s +1 )
C (∞)=0. 182
offset=R ( ∞ ) −C ( ∞ ) ⇒ 0−0 . 182
offset=−0 .182
For location 2
C ( ∞)= lt C ( t )= lt sC ( s )
t →∞ s→ 0
( 2 s+ 1 ) /11
= lt s∗
s →0 s ( 0. 364 s 2 +0 .364 s +1 )
C (∞)= ⇒ 0 . 091
offset=R ( ∞ ) −C ( ∞ ) ⇒ 0−0 . 091
offset=−0 .091
So offset is different for the location 1 & location 2.

7. Briefly explain (i) ZN rules (ii) Cohen – Coon method

Ziegler –Nichols controller settings (Z-N):
These rules were proposed by Ziegler –Nichols (1942), who were engineers for a major
control hardware company in the United states (Taylor Instrument Co). The method is described
as a closed – loop method because the controller remains in the loop as an active controller in
automatic mode. This closed – loop method will be contrasted with an open loop tuning method.
The rules are presented below and are in the form that one would use for actual application to a
real process.

1. After the process reaches steady state at the normal level of operation, remove the
integral and derivative modes of the controller, leaving only proportional control. On
some PID controllers, this requires that the integral time be set to its maximum value and
the derivative time to its minimum value. On modern controllers, the integral and
derivative modes can be removed completely from the controller.
2. Select a value of proportional gain (K) disturbs the system and observes the transient
response. If the response decays, select a higher value of K C and again observe the
response of the system. Continue increasing the gain in small steps until the response first
exhibits a sustained oscillation. The value of gain and the period of oscillation that
correspond to the sustained oscillation are the ultimate gain and the ultimate period.
3. From the values of Kcu and Pu found in the previous step. (or)
From the bode diagram, at the phase crossover frequency, the overall gain is A (AR), we
define this quality to be the ultimate gain Ku. Thus
K u=
The ultimate period Pu is defined as the period of the sustained cycling that would occur
if a proportional controller with gain Ku were used.

Pu = time/cycle
Type of control GC(s) KC τI τD

Proportional controller KC 0.5Ku

Proportional - integral controller KC{1+(1/τIs)} 0.45Ku Pu/1.2

Proportional – integral derivative

KC{1+(1/τIs)+τDs} 0.6Ku Pu/2 Pu/8

Cohen – coon controller settings (C-C) :

The next method of tuning to be discussed is an open –loop method, in which the control
action is removed from the controller by placing it in manual mode and an open – loop transient
is induced by a step change in the signal to the valve.This method was proposed by cohen and
coon (1953) and is often used as an alternative to the Z – N method.

Figure shows a typical control loop in which the control action is removed and the loop
opened for the purpose of introducing a step change (M/s) to the valve. The step response is
recorded at the output of the measuring element. The step change to the valve is conveniently
provided by the output from the controller, which is in manual mode. The response of the system
is called the process reaction curve; a typical process reaction curve exhibits an S – shape as
shown in figure. After presenting the Cohen and coon method of tuning, the basis for their
recommendations will be discussed. The C – C method is summarized in the following steps:

Figure 1
1. After the process reaches steady state at the normal level of operation, switch the
controller to manual. In a modern controller, the controller output will remain at the same
value after switching as it had before switching. This is called “bumpless” transfer.
2. With the controller in manual. Introduce a small step change in the controller outpu that
goes to the valve and record the transient, which is the process reaction curve.
3. Draw a straight line tangent to the curve at the point of inflection, as shown in figure. The
intersection of the tangent line with the time axis is the apparent transport lag T d, the
apparent first order time constant T is obtained from
Where Bu is the ultimate value of B at large t and S is the slope of the tangent line. The
steady state gain that relates B to M in figure 1 is given by
K p=
4. Using the values of Kp, T and Td from step 3, the controller settings are found from the
relations given in Table. All the controller settings are a function of the dimentionless
group Td/T.

8.With a neat schematic discuss on control schemes for heat exchanging equipments
1. The principle of operation of heat exchangers is simple. Two fluids of different
temperatures are brought into close contact but are prevented from mixing by a physical
2. The temperature of the two fluids will tend to equalize. By arranging counter-current
flow, it is possible for the temperature at the outlet of each fluid to approach the
temperature at the inlet of the other.
3. The heat contents are simply exchanged from one fluid to the other and vice versa. No
energy is added or removed.
The equation describing the heat transfer is
( mC p ΔT )hot =( mC p ΔT ) cold −−−−−−−(7 )
4. Since the heat demands of the process are not constant, and the heat content of the two
fluids is not constant either, the heat exchanger must be designed for the worst case and
must be controlled to make it operate at the particular rate required by the process.
5. The heat exchanger characteristic change with time. The most common change is a
reduction in the heat transfer rate due to fouling of the surfaces.
6. Exchangers are initially oversized to allow for the fouling which gradually builds up
during use until the exchanger is no longer capable of performing its duty. Once it has
been cleaned, it is again oversized.
7. Here, there is only one variable that can be controlled-the amount of heat being
8. In practical situations, it is always the temperature of the process fluid or the cooling /
heating fluid which is measured and controlled.
9. It is not possible to control both since the heat added to one is extracted from the other.
10. The manipulated variable is the flow rate of the streams. The problem here is which
stream is to be manipulated.
11. The complications arise from the fact that exchangers have four inlets/exits, and involve
two different fluids.
12. The flow rate and the inlet temperature of the process fluid are the load variables.
Variations in process flow, caused by some external influence, results in temperature
variation also.
In Figure 16, a typical shell and tube heat exchanger is shown.

13. There are a number of varieties of the basic shell and tube exchanger that can be
controlled along similar lines. Plate exchangers consist of thin sheets of corrugated metal.
14. The corrugations are formed to produce passages so that the two fluids pass in opposite
directions on opposite sides of each sheet. The shell side and the tube side are essentially
15. Air-cooled heat exchangers are similar to shell and tube exchangers except that we have
only tubes carrying the process fluid with air blowing over the tubes. The air blowing
past the tubes can be considered to be in an extremely large shell.

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