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0026-895X/02/6203-618 –627$7.

Copyright © 2002 The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 1731/1002909
Mol Pharmacol 62:618–627, 2002 Printed in U.S.A.

A Reevaluation of Neuronal Zinc Measurements: Artifacts

Associated with High Intracellular Dye Concentration


Department of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Received March 14, 2002; accepted May 21, 2002 This article is available online at

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The emergence of zinc as a potent neurotoxin has prompted showed little difference in their apparent sensitivity to [Zn2⫹]i,
the development of techniques suitable for the measurement of even though their in vitro affinities for Zn2⫹ varied from 20 nM
intracellular free zinc ([Zn2⫹]i) in cultured cells. Accordingly, a to 3 ␮M. We show herein that this is a consequence of the
new family of Zn2⫹-sensitive fluorophores has become avail- relatively high concentrations of intracellular dye used in exper-
able. Using ionophore-induced elevations of [Zn2⫹]i in cultured iments of this nature. Thus, for the measurement of [Zn2⫹]i, the
neurons, we measured [Zn2⫹]i-induced changes in the novel sensitivity of the reporting system is dominated by the intracel-
dyes FuraZin-1 and FluoZin-2 and compared them with the lular dye concentration, whereas dye affinity is unimportant. We
established [Zn2⫹]i-sensitive fluorophores mag-fura-2 and extend these findings to show that calibration of dye signal to
Newport Green. All of these dyes effectively detected [Zn2⫹]i, ion concentration is critically dependent on precise measure-
and FuraZin-1, FluoZin-2, and Newport Green showed selec- ment of intracellular dye concentration.
tivity for [Zn2⫹]i over [Ca2⫹]i and [Mg2⫹]i. However, the dyes

Long appreciated for its central role in fundamental cellu- zure, and blunt trauma (Frederickson et al., 1989; Koh et al.,
lar biochemistry, zinc is necessary for the proper function 1996; Suh et al., 2000). Although the precise source of zinc is
and regulation of a diverse array of biomolecules. Zinc serves currently debated, it is clear that these injury paradigms
in catalytic as well as structural roles for many proteins, is involve mobilization and redistribution of zinc already
critical for lipid metabolism, and directly regulates gene ex- present in the brain, giving rise to its classification as an
pression and cell proliferation. Accordingly, human zinc de- endogenous neurotoxin (Koh et al., 1996; Cuajungco and
ficiency is associated with a host of clinical abnormalities Lees, 1998; Lee et al., 2000).
including growth retardation, suppressed immunity, and de- The investigation of zinc-mediated cell death has prompted
teriorated mental capabilities (reviewed by Prasad, 1993). the development of methodologies for measuring intracellu-
Recently, the role of zinc in the central nervous system has lar free zinc ([Zn2⫹]i). Historically, probes used to detect
received particular attention. Certain neurons accumulate tissue zinc required sample fixation (Frederickson, 1989). In
large amounts of vesicularized zinc, and zinc modulates, at
live neurons, initial measurements of [Zn2⫹]i employed fluo-
least in vitro, the activity of numerous channels, transport-
rescent, ion-sensitive indicators closely related to fura-2
ers, and receptors participatory in neural activity (Harrison
(Sensi et al., 1997; Cheng and Reynolds, 1998). Though fa-
and Gibbons, 1994). Perhaps most importantly, an expanding
mous for measuring [Ca2⫹]i and [Mg2⫹]i, these indicators are
body of evidence shows zinc to be a potent neurotoxin. Ex-
cessive accumulation of intracellular zinc kills cultured neu- in fact very sensitive to heavy metals, with affinities for Zn2⫹
rons and glia (Choi and Koh, 1998). In animal models, zinc ranging from 2 to 30 nM (Tsien, 1999). However, selective
accumulates in neurons destined to die after ischemia, sei- detection of [Zn2⫹]i has typically necessitated exclusion of
Ca2⫹ and/or Mg2⫹ from the extracellular buffer. The advent
of the first Zn2⫹-selective live-cell fluorophore, Newport
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant NS34138 Green DCF,1 allowed straightforward measurement of
(to I.J.R.) and by predoctoral fellowships from the National Institutes of
Health (to L.M.M.) and the American Heart Association (to K.E.D.). [Zn2⫹]i while minimizing confounding signal from other bio-
Two forms of Newport Green are available from Molecular Probes: New- logically important divalent cations (Canzoniero et al., 1999;
port Green DCF (KD, Zn2⫹ ⬃1 ␮M) and Newport Green PDX (KD, Zn2⫹ ⬃30
␮M). This report uses only Newport Green DCF, although we have on occasion Sensi et al., 1999; Aizenman et al., 2000). However, Newport
dropped the “DCF” suffix for easier reading. Green is a single-wavelength fluorophore and unfortunately

ABBREVIATIONS: [Zn2⫹]i, intracellular free Zn2⫹ concentration; [Ca2⫹]i, intracellular calcium concentration; [Mg2⫹]i, intracellular free Mg2⫹
concentration; AM, acetoxymethyl ester; HBSS, HEPES-buffered salt solution; TPEN, N,N,N⬘,N⬘-tetrakis(2-pyridalmethyl)ethylenediamine; pyr,

Fluorescence Imaging and Intracellular Dye Concentration 619
lacks advantages that popularized dual-wavelength (i.e., ra- was included at a concentration of 25 or 50 ␮M from a 25 mM stock
tiometric) indicators, such as fura-2. in dimethyl sulfoxide. Experiments addressing dye sensitivity to
A new family of Zn2⫹ dyes may provide superior alterna- high [Mg2⫹]i used HBSS containing high extracellular Mg2⫹ concen-
tives. These probes are modifications of pre-existing single- tration (9 mM) as described previously (Stout et al., 1996).
or dual-wavelength Ca2⫹ dyes, are available in cell-permeant Fluorescence Microscopy. Recordings were performed at room
temperature (20–25°C). [Zn2⫹]i was measured using the Zn2⫹-sensi-
forms, and have affinities for zinc in the micromolar range. In
tive fluorophores mag-fura-2, FuraZin-1, FluoZin-2, and Newport
the present study, we initially evaluated properties of two of
Green DCF. Figure 1 shows the structure, KD for Zn2⫹, and excita-
these novel indicators, FuraZin-1 and FluoZin-2, and com- tion and emission wavelengths for each dye. (The properties of Fura-
pared them with the more established dyes Newport Green Zin-1 and FluoZin-2 are described only in product information in-
and mag-fura-2. Commercial data regarding fluorescent in- serts, which can be found on the Molecular Probes website: http://
dicators can be misleading, because testing is almost always To load neurons with cell-permeant dye
performed in spectrofluorometer-based, cell-free assays. Our derivatives, coverslips were incubated in 1 ml of HBSS containing 5
comparisons therefore used fluorescence microscopy record- mg/ml of bovine serum albumin and 5 ␮M dye in the dark at 37°C.
ings from intact, dye-loaded neurons, a setting more consis- The incubation period was 20 min for mag-fura-2 and FuraZin-1 and
tent with their intended practical use. Our characterization 30 min for Newport Green and FluoZin-2. After loading, coverslips
of these dyes revealed that the high-affinity indicator mag- were rinsed thoroughly, mounted in a recording chamber, and su-
fura-2 (KD, Zn2⫹ ⬃20 nM) displayed a sensitivity for [Zn2⫹]i perfused with HBSS at 10 ml/min at room temperature. For each

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that was surprisingly similar to other indicators of much coverslip, the responses of approximately 10 to 15 neurons were
compiled to generate a single mean trace. The PC-based imaging
lower affinities (⬃1–3 ␮M). A reconsideration of ion-dye bind-
system used in these experiments consisted of the following compo-
ing stoichiometry predicted that apparent dye sensitivity
nents: a Nikon Diaphot 300 microscope equipped with a 40⫻ oil-
would in theory be heavily dominated by intracellular dye immersion objective (Tokyo, Japan), a charge-coupled device camera
concentration rather than the affinity constant. We tested (Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu City, Japan), a monochroma-
this principle in neurons containing different concentrations tor-driven xenon light source (ASI, Eugene, OR), and SimplePCI
of mag-fura-2. In agreement with modeling predictions, dye imaging software (Compix, Cranberry, PA). For simultaneous imag-
saturation in neurons varied according to the intracellular ing of mag-fura-2 and Newport Green DCF, neurons were loaded
dye concentration. with Newport Green (5 ␮M) for 30 min. Ten minutes later, 5 ␮M
These results establish the utility of novel Zn2⫹-sensitive mag-fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester (AM) was added, and coincubation
indicators in the practical setting of fluorescence microscopy. with both dyes continued for an additional 20 min.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that although dye-based esti- Optical parameters used for the dyes were as follows: mag-fura-2
mations of [Zn2⫹]i are misleading, calculations that consider was alternately illuminated at 335 and 375 nm, and FuraZin-1 was
similarly illuminated at 335 and 380 nm. For both dyes, light passed
intracellular dye concentration may allow accurate determi-
through a 400-nm dichromatic mirror and was adjusted by a 510 ⫾
nation of the total Zn2⫹ load.
40-nm bandpass emission filter. Newport Green and FluoZin-2 were
excited at 490 nm, and light passed through a 515-nm dichromatic
Materials and Methods mirror and was adjusted by a 535 ⫾ 12.5-nm bandpass emission
filter. All optical components were purchased from Chroma Technol-
Cell Culture. All procedures using animals were in accordance
ogy (Brattleboro, VT).
with the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of
To determine intracellular excitation spectra in the presence of
Laboratory Animals and were approved by the Institutional Animal
ambient [Zn2⫹]i, a coverslip of dye-loaded but otherwise unstimu-
Care and Use Committee of the University of Pittsburgh. Primary
lated neurons in HBSS was placed on the microscope. The monochro-
cultures of embryonic rat forebrain neurons were prepared as de-
scribed previously (Brocard et al., 2001). Briefly, embryonic day 17 mator-driven xenon light source illuminated a field of 10 to 15
Sprague-Dawley rat fetuses were surgically removed from an anes- neurons over a wavelength range of up to 150 nm, in 2-nm incre-
thetized dam. Fetal forebrains were then excised, dissociated by ments, with the camera capturing a single exposure for each wave-
trypsinization, and plated on poly-D-lysine–coated 31-mm glass cov- length surveyed at a rate of 1 frame/s. Thus, the procedure required
erslips in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with constant illumination of the cells for no more than 75 s. The coverslip
10% fetal bovine serum, penicillin (100 U/ml), and streptomycin (100 was then treated with pyrithione and Zn2⫹ (20 and 300 ␮M, respec-
␮g/ml). Twenty-four hours after plating, the medium was replaced tively) for 5 min to produce high [Zn2⫹]i. Immediately thereafter, the
with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 10% horse se- same neurons were again illuminated across the same range of
rum in place of fetal bovine serum, and coverslips were inverted to wavelengths. The resultant images were used to generate a graph
inhibit proliferation of neuroglia. Neurons were kept in a 5% CO2, of mean fluorescence intensity versus wavelength under conditions of
37°C incubator, and all experiments were performed after 9 to 16 both basal and high [Zn2⫹]i.
days in culture. Intraneuronal Dye Concentration. To determine the amount
Reagents and Solutions. All ion-sensitive fluorophores and of intracellular dye accumulation in response to a known extracellu-
N,N,N⬘,N⬘-tetrakis(2-pyridalmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) were lar concentration of cell-permeant AM, three to six coverslips were
purchased from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR); all other reagents exposed to varying concentrations of mag-fura-2 AM (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5,
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) unless other- and 20 ␮M) for 20 min at 37°C in HBSS supplemented with bovine
wise noted. During microfluorimetric measurements, coverslips were serum albumin. Newport Green DCF (5 ␮M for 30 min) and fura-2
continuously superfused with HEPES-buffered salt solution (HBSS) AM (5 ␮M for 40 min) were also assayed. Using 1 to 1.5 ml of low
containing 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 0.9 mM MgSO4, 1.4 mM CaCl2, ionic strength buffer (containing 120 mM KCl, 10 mM HEPES, and
20 mM HEPES, and 5.5 mM glucose, and adjusted to pH 7.4 with 0.2 mM EGTA, pH 7.2), neurons were lysed and collected using a
NaOH. When appropriate, Zn2⫹ was added to the buffer from a rubber policeman. To ensure recovery of all intracellular dye, recov-
1000⫻ stock of ZnCl2 in 25 mM HCl. The Zn2⫹-specific ionophore ered material was subjected to three freeze/thaw cycles. Cellular
sodium pyrithione (1-hydroxypyridine-2-thione) was added at a con- particulate was then separated by centrifugation (10 min at
centration of 20 ␮M from a 20 mM stock in dimethyl sulfoxide. To 10,000g), and the dye-containing supernatant was decanted and its
reduce [Zn2⫹]i, the membrane-permeant heavy metal chelator TPEN volume measured.
620 Dineley et al.

Known aliquots of cell-impermeant dye salt added to a quartz Results

cuvette containing 1.5 ml of the KCl buffer described above were
analyzed using a Shimadzu RF-5301 PC spectrofluorometer (Shi- We first evaluated the properties of the new dyes to estab-
madzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD). For mag-fura-2 and lish excitation and emission optima in cells (Fig. 2). Although
fura-2, an excitation spectrum ranging from 300 to 420 nm was in vitro spectra are available for these dyes (Molecular
obtained by illuminating the sample at 1-nm intervals while collect- Probes product literature), it cannot be assumed that dyes
ing emitted light at 510 nm. Fluorescence produced by excitation at will show identical spectroscopic and ion-binding properties
365 nm was used to generate a standard curve of fluorescence inten- in the cellular environment. (Here and in all subsequent
sity versus dye concentration. With Newport Green DCF, excitation usage, “in vitro” refers to cuvette-based, cell-free assays per-
ranged from 400 to 520 nm, emitted light was observed at 525 nm, formed in a spectrofluorometer.) Accordingly, we loaded neu-
and intensity produced by 490 nm was used to generate the standard rons with mag-fura-2, Newport Green DCF, FuraZin-1, and
curve. Samples of cell-derived supernatant were then analyzed with FluoZin-2 and obtained excitation spectra under basal con-
the same parameters, thus the sample dye concentration could be
ditions where [Zn2⫹]i is very low. Excitation spectra were
inferred from the standard curve. EGTA (1 mM) was added to ensure
again obtained from the same neurons after they were ex-
that the dye spectrum was not altered by divalent cations, and
posed to high extracellular Zn2⫹ in the presence of the Zn2⫹-
quenching with 1 mM CoCl2 was used to confirm that all neuron-
derived mag-fura-2 was properly cleaved and activated. Protein con-
selective ionophore pyrithione, a maneuver known to sub-
stantially elevate [Zn2⫹]i. From these experiments, we

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centration was estimated for both the dye-containing supernatant
and the pellet (after solubilization with NaOH and sonication) using selected optimal excitation wavelengths for each dye. For
a microplate BCA protein assay (Pierce Chemical, Rockford, IL). This mag-fura-2 and FuraZin-1, ␭1 was chosen at 335 and 340 nm,
permitted the normalization of dye concentration to each milligram respectively. Fluorescence produced at these wavelengths
of protein. Estimating 2 ␮l cell volume per mg of protein (Kletzien et was adequately higher than background under resting con-
al., 1975), we were ultimately able to approximate the concentration ditions, while still exhibiting a modest increase in response to
of intracellular dye that accumulated in neurons after exposure to high [Zn2⫹]i. For ␭2, 375 and 380 nm were chosen because
various concentrations of cell-permeant derivatives. they exhibited a large [Zn2⫹]i-induced decrease in fluores-
Statistics. All experiments were repeated on at least three differ- cence that remained sufficiently higher than background in-
ent coverslips taken from three separate culture preparations. All tensity (Fig. 2, A and C). In later figures, fluorescence values
data plots, modeling, and appropriate statistical analyses were gen- for mag-fura-2 and FuraZin-1 are shown in ratio form (i.e.,
erated using GraphPad Prism, version 3.0 (GraphPad Software, San
␭1/␭2). For the single-wavelength indicators Newport Green
Diego, CA).
and FluoZin-2, excitation at 490 nm gave modest fluores-

Fig. 1. Structures of Zn2⫹-senstive dyes. The chemical

structures of mag-fura-2, Newport Green DCF, Fura-
Zin-1, and FluoZin-2 are accompanied by respective
excitation and emission wavelengths employed in this
manuscript. Also included for each dye is the reported
affinity for Zn2⫹ (in micromolar). Note that mag-fura-2
and FuraZin-1 are ratiometric dyes, using two distinct
excitation wavelengths. Newport Green DCF and Fluo-
Zin-2 are single-wavelength indicators.
Fluorescence Imaging and Intracellular Dye Concentration 621
cence under resting conditions while demonstrating several ever, under the same conditions, we observed no signal in-
fold increases at high [Zn2⫹]i conditions (Fig. 2, B and D). crease from either Newport Green, FuraZin-1, or FluoZin-2
Newport Green and FluoZin-2 fluorescence is normalized to (data not shown), demonstrating that these dyes are insen-
starting values (F/F0) in later figures. sitive to [Mg2⫹]i.
The utility of these dyes depends heavily on their selectiv- We next evaluated dye responsiveness to elevated [Zn2⫹]i.
ity for Zn2⫹ over other biologically relevant cations. Because Previously, we showed that pyrithione provides a useful way
these agents are derived from Ca2⫹ indicators, we first in- to deliver Zn2⫹ into neurons, elevating [Zn2⫹]i in proportion
vestigated their sensitivity to elevated [Ca2⫹]i (Fig. 3). Our to the extracellular Zn2⫹ concentration (Dineley et al., 2000).
previous studies in neurons showed that very high [Ca2⫹]i This approach allows characterization of dyes in terms of the
can be achieved by persistent activation of glutamate recep- minimum amount of added Zn2⫹ necessary to elicit a change
tors (Stout and Reynolds, 1999). Exposing neurons to gluta- in dye signal and also the amount of added Zn2⫹ that pro-
mate and the coagonist glycine (100 and 10 ␮M, respectively) duces a maximal, or saturating, response. The minimum and
elevates mag-fura-2 ratio values by 2- to 3-fold (Stout et al., maximum responses, as well as the general profile of the
1998), consistent with the ability of mag-fura-2 to detect high response, provide parameters that can be compared between
[Ca2⫹]i. In contrast, activation of glutamate receptors did not dyes. One would predict that dyes of higher affinity would be
increase Newport Green fluorescence (Fig. 3, A and D). Glu- more sensitive and saturate more quickly in response to
lower concentrations of added Zn2⫹, whereas dyes of lower

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tamate caused a slight increase in the FuraZin-1 ratio (⬃0.05
units; Fig. 3, B and E) and a 50% increase in normalized affinity would be insensitive to low concentrations of added
FluoZin-2 fluorescence. (Fig. 3, C and F). These changes Zn2⫹ and saturate more slowly. Figure 4 shows typical traces
might reflect a modest sensitivity to [Ca2⫹]i or perhaps a from these experiments. In the case of each dye, the intro-
[Ca2⫹]i-induced increase in [Zn2⫹]i. In any case, glutamate- duction of pyrithione alone had relatively little effect on the
induced changes in FuraZin-1 and FluoZin-2 were small rel- fluorescence signal, indicating that ambient Zn2⫹ in the
ative to those elicited by Zn2⫹ and pyrithione (see Fig. 4). buffer was low. Small signal increases were obtained by
Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that FuraZin-1 and adding 0.3 ␮M Zn2⫹ to the extracellular solution, progres-
FluoZin-2 are relatively insensitive to [Ca2⫹]i. We also exam- sively larger responses resulted from 3 and then 30 ␮M
ined dye sensitivity to [Mg2⫹]i using an approach described added Zn2⫹, and modest increments (if any) were encoun-
previously (Stout et al., 1996). This method elevates [Mg2⫹]i tered at 300 ␮M Zn2⫹. For each indicator, addition of the
by 2 to 3 mM, which can be detected with mag-fura-2. How- high-affinity, membrane-permeant Zn2⫹ chelator TPEN re-

Fig. 2. Intracellular excitation spectra for Zn2⫹-sensitive dyes acquired by fluorescence microscopy. Coverslips of neurons incubated with 5 ␮M
cell-permeant forms of mag-fura-2 (A), Newport Green (B), FuraZin-1 (C), or FluoZin-2 (D) were illuminated through a range of excitation wavelengths
at 2-nm intervals to establish excitation spectra in conditions of low [Zn2⫹]i (F). Neurons were then stimulated with pyrithione (20 ␮M) and Zn2⫹ (300
␮M) to produce high [Zn2⫹]i. The illumination procedure was then repeated to determine excitation spectra under conditions of high [Zn2⫹]i (E). The
vertical dashed lines correspond to the excitation wavelengths used for each dye in subsequent fluorescence microscopy experiments. (See Materials
and Methods for experimental details.)
622 Dineley et al.

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Fig. 3. [Zn2⫹]i-sensitive dyes are relatively insensitive to toxic levels of intracellular Ca2⫹. Neurons incubated with 5 ␮M cell-permeant Newport Green
(A), FuraZin-1 (B), or FluoZin-2 (C) were stimulated by glutamate (100 ␮M) with glycine (10 ␮M) for a 10-min period, as indicated by the dashed lines,
to generate high [Ca2⫹]i. Respective summary data are presented in D, E, and F. Dye signal was taken before (Pre) and immediately after (Post) the
glutamate ⫹ glycine stimulus, and bars represent mean ⫾ S.E. For Newport Green (A and D) and FluoZin-2 (C and F), y-axis depicts normalized F/F0
fluorescence values; for FuraZin-1 (B and E), y-axis depicts ratio values (␭1/␭2).

Fig. 4. [Zn2⫹]i-sensitive dyes exhibit similar response profiles, despite varying affinities for Zn2⫹. Neurons incubated with 5 ␮M cell-permeant forms of
mag-fura-2 (A), Newport Green (B), FuraZin-1 (C), or FluoZin-2 (D) were exposed to pyrithione (Pyr; 20 ␮M) in the presence of sequentially increased
concentrations of added extracellular Zn2⫹ (0, 0.3, 3, 30, and 300 ␮M, each for 5 min) as indicated by the dashed and solid lines. Return of [Zn2⫹]i to resting
levels was achieved by addition of the high-affinity, membrane-permeant chelator TPEN (50 ␮M; starting at arrow). For the dual-wavelength dyes
mag-fura-2 and FuraZin-1, ratio values are displayed on the y-axis; for the single-wavelength indicators Newport Green and FluoZin-2, dye signal is
presented as normalized (F/F0) fluorescence.
Fluorescence Imaging and Intracellular Dye Concentration 623
stored fluorescence signals to prestimulus values. The data was first proposed in the landmark paper by Grynkiewicz
from a number of these experiments are summarized in Fig. and colleagues (1985) and is widely used for calibrating
5. It is surprising that all four of these dyes demonstrate very Ca2⫹-sensitive dyes. However, this approach assumes that 1)
similar response profiles to the same series of Zn2⫹ stimuli, the quantity of ion bound to dye is insignificant compared
given that their in vitro affinities vary from 20 nM (mag- with the total ion pool available and consequently 2) the
fura-2) to ⬃3 ␮M (FuraZin-1). (With respect to the y-axes, it formation of dye䡠ion complex does not appreciably deplete
should be noted that the fluorescence readout values for each [ion]. However, high concentrations of intracellular dye are
dye will differ due to intrinsic differences in dye properties often achieved by the diffusion-limited dye-loading tech-
but that the general profiles of the responses are broadly niques employed in most live-cell fluorescence microscopy. In
similar between the dyes, regardless of y-axis scale.) Another such experiments, sufficiently high dye concentrations will
set of experiments provided further confirmation. Neurons inevitably deplete [ion], thereby invalidating the above as-
were coloaded with mag-fura-2 and Newport Green so that sumption. Fortunately, depletion of [ion] occurs in direct
the responses of both dyes could be recorded simultaneously proportion to total intracellular dye concentration and can be
from the same neurons. Again, the response of the dyes was accounted for with a modification to eq. 1 (Kenakin, 1993):
surprisingly similar given the ⬃100 fold difference between
their in vitro affinities (Fig. 6). 共关 ion t兴 ⫺ 关dye 䡠 ion兴兲关dyet兴
关 d ye 䡠 ion 兴 ⫽ (2)
共关iont兴 ⫺ 关dye 䡠 ion兴兲 ⫹ KD

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These unexpected observations prompted us to reconsider
the interpretation of these experiments. Interactions be-
tween dye and ion are governed by the principles of receptor- which is solved in eq. 3:
ligand binding. The saturation of dye by ion can be described
by a standard receptor-ligand binding equation, which we 1
关 d ye 䡠 ion 兴 ⫽ 共关 ion t兴 ⫹ KD ⫹ 关dyet兴兲
have superficially modified so that “dye-ion” terminology is 2
used instead of classic receptor-ligand parlance:
关 ion 兴关 d ye t兴

冑兵共⫺关iont兴 ⫺ KD ⫺ 关dyet兴兲2 ⫺ 4关iont兴关dyet兴其 (3)
关 d ye 䡠 ion 兴 ⫽ (1)
关ion兴 ⫹ KD
where [iont] represents the total ion concentration. It is ap-
where [ion] represents the concentration of free Zn2⫹, [dyet] parent that the formation of dye䡠ion will be limited (satura-
the concentration of free dye, [dye䡠ion] the concentration of ble) as complex formation depletes available ion. When con-
dye䡠Zn2⫹ complex, and [KD] the dissociation constant of the sidering ion-induced changes in dye signal, it should be
dye for Zn2⫹. Indeed, it is a modification of this approach that understood that the change in any dye signal will be propor-

Fig. 5. [Zn2⫹]i summary of [Zn2⫹]i-induced changes in Zn2⫹-sensitive dyes. For each dye in Fig. 4, fluorescence values were taken during basal
conditions and at the end of each 5-min stimulus (20 ␮M pyrithione alone and 20 ␮M pyrithione in the presence of 0.3, 3, 30, or 300 ␮M extracellular
Zn2⫹). For the dual-wavelength dyes mag-fura-2 and FuraZin-1, ratio values are displayed on the y-axis; for the single-wavelength indicators Newport
Green and FluoZin-2, dye signal is presented as normalized (F/F0) fluorescence. Bars represent mean ⫾ S.E.
624 Dineley et al.

tional to the amount of dye䡠ion complex formed; that is, dye of dye KD. These surprising results show that dye response to
responses are a function of the fractional occupancy of the ion fluxes is heavily dominated by the concentration of the
dye by ion. Using eq. 3, which accounts for ion depletion, we dye itself, whereas KD is virtually meaningless.
can predict fractional dye occupancy as a function of added These results raise two important issues. First, intracellu-
ion under various dye concentrations. Figure 7 shows a series lar dye concentration becomes a dominating parameter in
of such curves for a dye of fixed affinity for Zn2⫹ (20 nM; e.g., evaluating the magnitude of the ion-induced dye responses.
mag-fura-2) when [dye] is increased from 1 to 1000 ␮M. As is Second, the findings predict that the saturation characteris-
evident from this graph, dye concentration has a substantial tics of any dye should vary according to the intracellular dye
impact on the sensitivity of the system, and each 10-fold concentration. We investigated both issues using mag-fura-2
increase in dye concentration causes a large rightward shift because it is a well characterized dye that loads effectively
in the fractional occupancy curve. Figure 8 again uses eq. 3 in into neurons, generating relatively bright fluorescence sig-
an alternative consideration: fractional occupancy curves are nals. However, there is little information available regarding
plotted for dyes with different Zn2⫹ affinities (20 nM-20 ␮M), the intracellular concentrations of mag-fura-2 following stan-
whereas dye concentration remains fixed (which essentially dard loading conditions. We incubated neurons with concen-
models the comparisons made in this study). Figure 8A trations of mag-fura-2 AM between 0.1 and 20 ␮M, washed
shows dyes of different affinity assuming 10 ␮M [dye], the cells carefully, lysed the neurons, and recovered the dye

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whereas Fig. 8B plots the same hypothetical dyes at a con- in the supernatant after centrifugation of cell debris. Using a
centration of 1000 ␮M. The curves, barely discrete at 10 ␮M standard curve generated with known concentrations of mag-
dye, are essentially superimposed at 1000 ␮M dye, regardless fura-2 tetrapotassium salt, we estimated dye concentration
in the recovered samples, which were then normalized to
protein concentration (see Materials and Methods). Although
we have been unable to directly measure the intracellular
volume of neurons using radioisotope exclusion, volume in
liver parenchymal cells has been estimated to be 2 ␮l/mg
protein (Kletzien et al., 1975). Using this premise, calculated
[mag-fura-2]i achieved millimolar concentrations (Fig. 9A).
Proving that high intracellular dye concentrations are not
unique to mag-fura-2, similar measurements with fura-2 and

Fig. 6. Simultaneous recordings of mag-fura-2 and Newport Green. Neu-

rons coloaded with cell-permeant Newport Green and mag-fura-2 (5 ␮M
each) were exposed to pyrithione (Pyr; 20 ␮M) in the presence of sequen-
tially increased concentrations of added extracellular Zn2⫹ (0, 0.3, 3, 30,
and 300 ␮M, each for 5 min), as indicated by dashed and solid lines. At
the end of the zinc treatment, TPEN (25 ␮M) was applied, beginning at
(). Mag-fura-2 ratio values are represented by F and displayed on the
left y-axis, whereas normalized (F/F0) Newport Green values are repre-
sented by E and displayed on the right y-axis. In comparing Fig. 6 with
Fig. 4, the reader will notice different y-axis scale for mag-fura-2. The
optics used for dual dye detection were different from those used to detect
mag-fura-2 alone. The spectral bias of dual dye optics tends to compress
the absolute range of the mag-fura-2 ratio. It should be emphasized,
however, that the appropriate comparison involves the response profile
rather than specific y-axis values.

Fig. 8. High dye concentrations determine fractional occupancy of Zn2⫹-

Fig. 7. Dye fractional occupancy corrected for intracellular dye concen- sensitive dyes. Using eq. 3, theoretical fractional occupancy curves were
tration. Using eq. 3, and assuming a KD for Zn2⫹ of 20 nM, theoretical generated for dyes of varying affinity (0.02, 0.2, 2.0, and 20 ␮M), each at
fractional occupancy curves were generated for various intracellular dye a concentration of 10 ␮M (A). B presents similar data, but at a concen-
concentrations (1, 10, 100, and 1000 ␮M). These curves model the satu- tration of 1000 ␮M. Increasing dye concentration to millimolar levels
ration response of mag-fura-2 as a function of Zn2⫹; increasing intracel- results in virtually identical fractional occupancy, regardless of dye af-
lular dye concentration results in a rightward shift. finity.
Fluorescence Imaging and Intracellular Dye Concentration 625
Newport Green also approached or exceeded millimolar val- Discussion
ues (Fig. 9B). Using mag-fura-2 loading concentrations con-
In this study, we investigated the properties of several
sistent with those of Fig. 9A, we repeated cell-based, fluores-
novel fluorescent dyes that may be suitable for measuring
cence microscopy recordings where pyrithione was applied in
[Zn2⫹]i in cells. We established that FuraZin-1 and FluoZin-2
the presence of sequentially increased extracellular Zn2⫹
respond to altered [Zn2⫹]i and that their response is selective
concentration. The extent to which we were able to decrease
for [Zn2⫹]i over [Ca2⫹]i or [Mg2⫹]i. More importantly, these
intracellular dye concentration was essentially limited by the
studies also revealed a surprising similarity in [Zn2⫹]i sen-
fluorescence-imaging hardware. Nevertheless, it was possi- sitivity between dyes that have considerably different in vitro
ble to test loading concentrations as low as 0.5 ␮M and up to affinities for the ion. The apparent similarity between differ-
20 ␮M (Fig. 10A). Interestingly, neurons loaded with the ent dyes is the consequence of a poorly appreciated stoichio-
least amount of dye showed the greatest sensitivity to the metric relationship between dye concentration and ion mea-
addition of chelator before the addition of Zn2⫹. This suggests surement that has a profound influence on the quantitative
the presence of a finite pool of free intraneuronal Zn2⫹ or interpretation of intracellular ion signals. This issue becomes
perhaps Zn2⫹ that the dye has leeched from internal binding particularly important when using dyes of differing affinities
sites. In either case, any signal from this relatively small and also when monitoring dye-ion interactions in which the
amount of zinc is presumably obscured by high concentra- ion has a high affinity for the dye.

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tions of intracellular dye. Most importantly, and as predicted Mag-fura-2 and Newport Green showed essentially identi-
by Fig. 7, neurons loaded with lower dye concentrations cal sensitivities and saturation characteristics in cells. This
displayed greater Zn2⫹ sensitivity and saturated with less prompted us to reassess conventional interpretation of dye
added Zn2⫹ compared with those loaded with higher dye signals. Using salts of the two dyes, we confirmed that their
concentrations. The results of several such experiments are in vitro affinities were indeed very different (approximately
summarized in Fig. 10B. 20 nM and 1 ␮M, respectively; data not shown). Our initial
suspicion was that the intracellular environment caused one
or both dyes to display altered properties. However, our data
argued against this. First, high protein (bovine serum albu-
min) or lipid (cell membrane extracts) concentrations did not

Fig. 9. Accumulation of intracellular dye in response to varied concen-

trations of extracellular AM. A presents intracellular mag-fura-2 concen-
tration as a function of extracellular AM concentration. The soluble, Fig. 10. Neurons incubated with different concentrations of mag-fura-2
dye-containing fraction was recovered from neurons incubated with var- AM display different Zn2⫹ saturation profiles. Neurons incubated with
ied mag-fura-2 AM concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 20 ␮M) and ana- 0.5 (solid trace), 1 (F), 5 (dashes), or 20 ␮M (E) mag-fura-2 AM were
lyzed for mag-fura-2 content using a spectrofluorometer (see Materials treated with TPEN (50 ␮M) for 5 min, washed with normal HBSS for 10
and Methods). Both axes plot molar dye concentration (M) on log10 scale. min, then stimulated with pyrithione (Pyr; 20 ␮M) in the presence of
Data points are presented as mean ⫾ S.E. B, comparison between differ- sequentially increased concentrations of added extracellular Zn2⫹ (0, 0.3,
ent cell-permeant dyes. Similar to A, the soluble, dye-containing fraction 3, 30, and 300 ␮M, each for 5 min) as indicated by the dashed and solid
was obtained from neurons incubated with 5 ␮M of either mag-fura-2, lines (A). B, summary data from experiments shown in A. Mag-fura-2
fura-2, or Newport Green and analyzed for dye content. Bars, depicting ratio values obtained at the end of each 5-min stimulus are expressed as
intracellular dye concentration in millimolar, are presented as mean ⫾ a fraction of the maximum ratio value observed in an individual experi-
S.E. ment. Bars depict mean ⫾ S.E.
626 Dineley et al.

affect dye characteristics in vitro. The addition of sucrose to est (e.g., when using mag-fura-2 to detect [Zn2⫹]i). Obviously,
increase viscosity also did not affect dye responsiveness. Fi- the dye will bind the ion very effectively, resulting in pro-
nally, dye recovered from loaded neurons behaved identically found depletion of the free ion. It is generally recognized that
to the purchased salt, arguing against some unexpected en- an ideal fluorescent indicator should have a KD near the
zyme-mediated dye alteration. anticipated concentration of the free ion. It is far less appre-
Instead, different dyes respond similarly in cells because ciated that [dye]i should also be in the same range as KD. A
standard loading protocols achieve high concentrations of useful guideline for illustrating potential ion depletion in-
intracellular dye. The critical oversight involves the assump- volves a quick ratio calculation of [dye]i/KD. Depletion must
tion that the total ion and free ion remain essentially equal in be accounted for once this value exceeds unity (i.e., the point
these experiments. This assumption is valid in most recep- at which [dye]i exceeds KD) (Kenakin, 1993). In the case of
tor-ligand applications, because the concentration of added Zn2⫹ and mag-fura-2, this ratio is exceedingly high, ⬎⬎103 if
ligand is in great excess compared with the number of avail- one assumes [dye]i of 1 mM and KD of 20 nM. With an affinity
able receptors in biological preparations. However, with [ion]i of 3 ␮M, a similar concentration of FuraZin-1 would still
measurements, it is clear that levels of free ion can be sub- produce a ratio of ⬎102. The detection of biologically relevant
stantially depleted by high concentrations of dye. Thus, al- [Zn2⫹]i necessitates high affinity, but affinity in turn dictates
though [Zn2⫹]i may rise as high as a few hundred nanomolar a concentration ceiling at which the fluorophore can be

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in neurotoxic paradigms, [dye]i may approach or exceed mil- present without depleting free ion. For example, an ideal
limolar values (Fig. 9). In these conditions, there will be [Zn2⫹]i indicator might exhibit an affinity of ⬃500 nM. How-
substantial depletion of added Zn2⫹. Equations 2 and 3 ac- ever, [dye]i in excess of 500 nM will lead to considerable ion
count for ion depletion; however, this correction reveals that depletion. The issue now becomes one of practicality, as it is
dye䡠ion binding stoichiometry is determined by dye concen- improbable that any [Zn2⫹]i indicator could even be detected
tration, regardless of dye affinity for the ion of interest. This by fluorescence microscopy at [dye]i low enough to also avoid
principle is illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8 and is experimentally depletion of free ion. As our results show, reducing [dye]i is
validated in Fig. 10. limited in practice by the detection capability of the recording
It is generally accepted that ion-induced changes in dye system. In conclusion, it can now be stated that for any
signal can be used to calculate absolute [ion]i; it should be Zn2⫹-sensitive dye, conversion of fluorescence to absolute
appreciated, however, that equations used for this purpose do [Zn2⫹]i must account for Zn2⫹ depletion. These quantitative
not consider depletion of ion by excessive [dye]i. Intracellular constraints, however, do not invalidate the use of these dyes
dye concentration is known precisely when the indicator is for qualitative comparisons within and between cells.
injected by micropipette (Helmchen et al., 1996). The vast The above considerations are also relevant to measure-
majority of applications, however, use the diffusion-mediated ments of [Ca2⫹]i and [Mg2⫹]i. Using fura-2 to detect [Ca2⫹]i,
loading approach employed in this report, and estimating for example, [dye]i/KD is still well in excess of 103 (assuming
[dye]i under these circumstances is much more difficult. We [fura-2]i ⫽ 250 ␮M and KD ⫽ 140 nM). Thus, depletion still
extracted soluble fractions from neuronal cultures and calcu- confounds calculations of free ion concentrations. The effect
lated cytoplasmic concentrations based on dye recovery. The is much smaller with very low-affinity Ca2⫹ indicators, so
dye concentrations we report might be compromised by a that the use of mag-fura-2 to measure [Ca2⫹]i (KD, Ca2⫹ ⬃50
variety of factors. Most obvious is the parameter used to ␮M) may be valid (Stout et al., 1998; Brocard et al., 2001).
estimate cell volume (Kletzien et al., 1975). This estimate The problem disappears entirely when [Mg2⫹]i is measured
was not made in neurons, and it is likely that neurons with with mag-fura-2 (Stout et al., 1996), because the KD for Mg2⫹
their many processes would yield a higher level of protein per (0.5 mM) is very near our measured [dye]i. It is also possible
unit volume. Such an error would lead to overestimated that comparisons between indicators of relatively similar
[dye]i. Similarly, some dye may be sequestered in cellular affinities will be impacted more by differences in [dye]i than
compartments not accessible to ion influx. Our recovery by slightly differing affinities. Conversely, the differences
methods would most likely liberate this pool of dye into the between high- and low-affinity Ca2⫹ indicators previously
soluble fraction, again causing an overestimation of [dye]i reported (Hyrc et al., 1997; Stout and Reynolds, 1999) might
available to interact with [ion]i. We would note, however, be erroneously exaggerated if the low-affinity indicator loads
that visual inspection of our fluorescence images yields no into cells more effectively (as seems to be the case for mag-
evidence of dye compartmentalization. Furthermore, prior fura-2).
studies support our estimates. Under broadly similar loading The application of ion-sensitive indicators in biological sys-
protocols, one report suggested that ⬃40 ␮M dye accumu- tems is accompanied by strong motivation to convert fluores-
lated after loading with 5 ␮M fura-2 AM (Fink et al., 1998). cence signals into precisely quantified intracellular ion con-
Others reported millimolar concentrations using related flu- centrations. In this regard, ratiometric indicators, such as
orophores (Tsien, 1999). Indeed, it is generally accepted that fura-2, are considered superior to their single-wavelength
loading with cell-permeant esters routinely yields a final counterparts. In principle, variations in illumination inten-
[dye]i of 10 to 100 times the loading concentration (Haugland, sity, specimen thickness, and dye concentration can be ig-
1996). Finally, we would emphasize that the modeling pre- nored when fluorescence intensities at two distinct wave-
dictions presented in Figs. 7 and 8 use fairly conservative dye lengths are ratioed. Because variations in these parameters
concentrations compared with actual [dye]i measurements affect both wavelengths proportionally, ratiometric tactics
shown in Fig. 9. Thus, our main conclusions would remain conveniently factor them out. It is now evident that dye
unaffected by even a 10-fold overestimation of [dye]i. concentration cannot be ignored, regardless of whether sin-
Depletion of ion by high [dye]i is exacerbated when the gle-wavelength or ratiometric approach is used. It must be
indicator has a particularly high affinity for the ion of inter- noted, however, that the pioneers of ratio imaging did not
Fluorescence Imaging and Intracellular Dye Concentration 627
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