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(An Autonomous Institute with Permanent Affiliation to JNTUK, Kakinada)

SeshadriRao Knowledge Village, Gudlavalleru – 521356, Krishna District (A.P.)
II B.Tech. - I Sem. ECE – A Section GEC – R20
Assignment - 2

Unit - 3
1. State and prove the sampling theorem.

2. Explain various sampling techniques.

3. Explain the signal recovery from its sampled signals.

4. A signal x(t)= 2 cos 400 π t + 6 cos 640 π t. is ideally sampled at fs = 500Hz. If the
sampled signal is passed through an ideal low pass filter with a cut off frequency of
400 Hz, what frequency components will appear in the output.

Unit – 4
5. Discuss the properties of LTI system.
6. Define impulse response and transfer function of an LTI system.
7. What is signal bandwidth and system bandwidth?
8. Classify different types of the systems.
9. Explain the causality and physical reliability of a system and hence give the Paley-
wiener criterion
10. Explain filter characteristics of an LTI system.
11. What is distortion less transmission system? Derive the relationship between
bandwidth and rise time.
12. Discuss the ideal filter characteristics. Classify different types of filters
13. Consider an LTI system that is characterized by the differential equation
d y (t ) dy ( t ) dx ( t )
+4 +3 y ( t )= + 2 x ( t ) . Find its response for the input e−t u ( t ).
dt dt dt
14. For a causal LTI system with frequency response H(ω)= . For a particular
4+ jω
input x(t) it is observed that the output is y ( t ) =( e−2 t−e−4 t ) u(t). Find its input x(t).
15. The input voltage to an RC network is x(t)=t e−3 t u (t) and the impulse response is
−4 t
2e u ( t ) . Determine y(t).
Unit – 5
16. Explain cross correlation and its properties for energy signals.
17. Write notes on cross correlation and its properties for power signals.
18. Explain power density spectrum?
19. Explain Autocorrelation and its properties for energy signals.
20. Write notes on energy density spectrum.
21. Explain auto correlation and its properties for power signals.
22. Derive the relation between convolution and correlation.
23. Derive the relation between auto correlation and energy density
density spectrum?

Laplace Transform
24. (a) Define Laplace transform and write its advantages and applications.
(b) Derive the relation between Laplace transform and Fourier transform.
25. (a) State and prove any four properties of Laplace transform.
(b) Define region of convergence(ROC) and write the properties of ROC of Laplace
26. (a) State and prove the initial and final value theorems.
(b) Find the laplace transform and ROC of x(t)= e−2 t u(t)+e 3 t u(t).
–at –at
27. (a) Prove that the signals (a) x (t) = e u (t) and (b) x (t) = -e u (-t) have the
same X(s) and differ only in ROC. Also plot their ROCs.
(b) Find the inverse Laplace transforms for the following signals.
1 1
a) 2 b)
( s +1 ) ( s +1 )2+ 1
28. (a) Find the inverse laplace transform of X(s) = ; ROC : -4< Re(s) < -1
( s +1 ) (s+ 4)
s +4
(b) Find the initial and final values of the following. X(s) = 2
s + 3 s+ 5
s+ 1
29. A signal has Laplace transform X(s) = 2 , Find Laplace transform Y(s) of
s + 3 s+ 4
the following signals: a) Y1(t) = x (2t) b) Y2(t) = t x (t)
Roll No’s Assignment No’s
22-401 – 419 1, 5-7, 22-23, 27-29
22-420 – 437 2, 8-10, 20-21, 26
22-438 – 456 3, 11-13, 18-19, 25
22-457 – 464, 21-421 & All lateral. 4, 14-17, 24

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