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Page 33

Exercise 1

a) domain name
b) networks
c) IP address
d) intranet
e) protocol

Exercise 2

a) bridge
b) networks
c) data
d) email
e) log
f) connection

Page 34

Exercise 5

a) Newsgroup
b) URL
c) World Wide Web
d) Search Engine
e) Router
f) Browser
g) Email
h) DNS


Page 35

Exercise 3

a) It may take longer because important changes require time and precision. The change
to web 2.0 took 10 years so it is expected that the new change will take even longer.
b) Yes, it is because it is original, catchy and popular.
c) You may find food and movies easier and faster and you can also visit places virtually.
d) The more you use the computer the more it identifies your tastes and preferences.
e) The emergence of web 3.0 is due to the increase in the importance of entertainment in
mobile devices.

Page 36

Exercise 4

a) True
b) False. It is also about the interaction with users.
c) True.
d) False. Their actions will be similar but not their interaction.
e) True.
f) True.

Exercise 5

a) relevant
b) catchy
c) stored
d) outstanding
e) stores
f) mall

Exercise 6

- to be acquainted with: to be well-informed

- to allow somebody to do something: to permit somebody to do something
- become: change into
- for instance: for example
- in terms of: regarding something


Page 37

Exercise 1

1. Will
2. Be going to
3. Present Continuous
4. Present Simple

Exercise 2

a) arrives
b) will call
c) are going to buy
d) are presenting
e) will help
f) will buy
g) will travel
h) is going to rain
i) is going
j) finishes

Exercise 3

Students’ own answers

Suggested answer:
- Where are you going shopping?
- I’m going to the shopping center which is near your house.
- When are you going to go?
- I’m going at 7, when I finish class.

Page 38

Exercise 5

a) will
b) is going to
c) leaves
d) will
e) will
f) will
g) are you meeting

Exercise 6

a) 2
b) 2
c) 2
d) 1
e) 1

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Example: I am unlikely to do my homework for tomorrow because I have to play a match this


Page 39

Exercise 1

a) The blog is about cooking.

b) She decided to create the blog when her husband died.
c) Her blog is different because it is about real, healthy and home-made recipes for real
people. Other blogs have ideal recipes.
d) The design was the most difficult part for her.
e) There are external links to other cooking websites, tutorials and a forum.
f) You have to have a good idea, find a catchy name and devote time to update the web

Exercise 2

1) a
2) c
3) b
4) b
5) c
6) c

Exercise 3

a) Commercials
b) Enrolled
c) Elderly
d) Photographs
e) Catchy


Page 41

Exercise 2

Most Asimov’s predictions were right.

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