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Title, Issues Problem Statement (gap) Research Objective Research Question & Hypothesis (If Teory applied, Independent type of research Methodology Respondent Location Finding Remarks
Name of authors, required) Variable, Dependent Variable,
Year mediating, moderating
Title:Students’ perceived benefits, COVID-19 has impacted all spheres of life . This research attempts to investigate the (1) the effect of students’ perceived DV: students satisfaction Quantitative Method Questionnaire 600 undergraduate and Chhattisgarh, India Results indicated that students’ perceived benefits and
adoption intention and satisfaction so as the educational institutions. Globally, effect of students’ perceived benefits and benefits and adoption intention of IV:students adoption postgraduate students, particularly those adoption intention of TEL have significant
to technology-enhanced learning: all adoption intention of technology-enhanced technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
H1. Students’ perceived benefits of intention,students perceived who are using TEL for at least one year. and positive influence on their satisfaction. Direct effect was
examining the relationships educational institutions are striving to get learning (TEL) on their satisfaction the on their satisfaction; TEL would positively influence their benefits also found between perceived benefits and
Name of authors: Pushkar Dubey, Kailash into the students’ life in order to provide all mediating and moderating effect of students’ (2) the effect of students’ perceived
satisfaction. adoption intention of students. Authors also concluded that
Kumar Sahu the perceived benefits of TEL in the link between benefits of TEL on their adoptionH2. Students’ adoption intention of mediating and moderating effect of students’
Year:2021 necessary learning services and become first students’ adoption intention and satisfaction to intention ofTEL; (3) the
TEL would positively influence their perceived benefits of TEL in the link between students’
in the online learning platforms and this TEL. mediating and moderating effect of
satisfaction. adoption intention and satisfaction for TEL was found
made the students’ perceived benefits of TEL
H3. Students’ perceived benefits of significant and positive
biggest challenge for all the educational in the link between TEL would positively influence
institutions to transform themselves from students’ adoption intention and students’ adoption
traditional satisfaction to TEL. intention of TEL.
learning to technology-based learning. H4. Students’ perceived benefits of
However, it is not new that learners are TEL would positively mediate the link
going to study between
or learn something using technology as the students’ adoption intention and
new-generation learners have high adoption satisfaction to TEL.
intention of technologies. H5. Students’ perceived benefits of
TEL would positively moderate the
link between
students’ adoption intention and
1 satisfaction to TEL.
Title: Analysis of factor’s influencing the At the moment, information and As a research realm, the topic of e-teaching To inspect the influence of HA:1. Perception influences the Theory applied: Cronbach’s Quantitative Method Survey (semi- 216 respondents from various universities India Furthermore, the results obtained stated that attitude and
adoption of e-teaching communication technology (ICT) has altered and e-learning is a multifaceted and complex perception on the adoption of the e- adoption of the e-teaching alpha and Pearson structured usefulness proved to be statistically
methodology of learning by higher one teaching methodology by students. correlation, the goodness of questionaire) significant as the two variables contribute a statistically
students: an empirical study education in a considerable way. to comprehend. It comprises an immense methodology by students. HA:2. Motivation influences the fit, ANOVA and multiple significant number of predictions to the practice of
amidst the present pandemic crisis Specifically, usage of cutting-edge education assortment of research themes, ones which To inspect the influence of adoption of the e-teaching linear regression adoption of the e-teaching methodology by students.
Authors:Ashish Chandra,Nitish Bagdi modernizations such as tablets, smartphones, emphasize high-tech substructures to those motivation on the adoption of the e- methodology by students. analysis was applied. DV: Additionally, it was found out that students there is a
PDA’s with the wideband network to web with widespread socio-cultural inferences. For teaching HA:3. Attitude influences the adoption Adoption of e-teaching by strong requirement from the institute and teachers’ part to
and example, if we investigate the employment of a methodology by students. of the e-teaching methodology by students IV: motivate the students to take interest in e-teaching
social media have carried substantial certain type of technology in any given To inspect the influence of attitude students. Attitude,perception,empower and students should be given an opportunity to develop a
Year:2021 variations to the way advanced education establishment, the managers of the pertinent on the adoption of the e-teaching HA:4. Empowerment influences the ment,motivation,uesfulness sense of empowerment so, that they can feel
institutes, institution have to do decision-making methodology adoption of the e-teaching comfortable and can discuss their query’s confident during
colleges and universities deliver learning regarding by what means the acceptance of this by students. methodology by the e-classes
opportunities to students. Learning and technology will be supported and will be To inspect the influence of students.
teaching preserved in times to come. From the outlook empowerment on the adoption of the HA:5. Usefulness influences the
by the practice of internet-based of teaching method, the approval of the e-teaching adoption of the e-teaching
applications, mobile apps and various social technology necessitates the importance of methodology by students. methodology by students.
media varying characters of teachers and learners via To inspect the influence of
platforms, have ended up making it quick the new-fangled technology, the establishment usefulness on the adoption of the e-
and casual equally for students and as well of suitable supportive systems and the teaching
as rearrangement of the learning atmosphere. The methodology by students.
teachers in today’s hectic life practices. implementation of any pioneering knowhow
Dynamic info and communiqué know-hows also has far-off consequences for the related
have public tangled in the institute or it can be
transacted old-style pedagogics and teaching referred to as the extensive communal
tactics with the digital uprising in the population neighboring it
education segment by inspiring collaborative
2 learning and teaching newness like other
Title: The use of technology in informal Over the past seven years, universities in Acquiring any language requires sufficient to explore the use of technology- RQ1. What language skills do Yemeni DV: Develop English skills mixed methods research Interview& 110 undergraduate students enrolled at the Yemen The findings revealed that students developed four
English language learning: Yemen have experienced a brain drain competence in the four language skills based strategies by Yemeni EFL students focus on during their use for foreign language questionaire English technology-based strategies that they used
evidence from Yemeni because (listening, undergraduate students to develop of IV:technology-based Departments in two universities in Yemen.. in informal settings. These strategies included using social
undergraduate students Authors:Wagdi of the war. The majority of university speaking, reading and writing) and related their English as a foreign language technology in informal learning strategies A total of 10 students media, being inspired by someone, accessing
Rashad Ali Bin-Hady,Nasser Omer Mubarak professors migrated to the neighbouring Gulf subsystems (vocabulary, grammar, skills in informal learning settings settings? participated in the interview, and 100 social networks and websites. Students reported that these
Al-Tamimi Year: 2021 countries searching for better living pronunciation), conducted a meta-analysis of RQ2. What language subsystems do students responded to the subsequent strategies helped them develop their listening,
conditions and escaping from the war. This 60 research studies in the Yemeni EFL students focus on during questionnaire. speaking and reading skills, while they also reported that
has field of language learning with technology. their use of their vocabulary was enhanced over grammar and
contributed further to the deteriorating state They explained how both teachers and learners technology in informal learning pronunciation.
of higher education learning in Yemen. used technologies in learning language skills settings?
Despite and subsystems and how such learning with RQ3. How often do Yemeni EFL
these hard and challenging conditions, technology can enhance learners’ self- learners use technology-based
Yemeni students try to do their best to regulated learning strategies in informal
improve their learning settings to optimize their
L2 language skills by any means available to English learning?
them. It is important to document these
and this motivated the present study which
aimed to investigate L2 learners’ utilization
Title: Effectiveness of MOOCs on With changing life patterns and rapid the purpose of education can be achieved only analyzing the perceptions of students RQ1. What is the perception of DV: Effectiveness of MOOC Quantitative Method Questionnaire the students as well as teachers of India The study showed that MOOCs have a more positive
learning efficiency of students: advancements in technology, educational when there is an existence of a collaborative and teachers regarding the teachers on the effectiveness of IV: efficiency of students University of Mysore, Karnataka, India influence on learning efficiency, as opined by
a perception study Authors: Abhishek institutions learning environment. Such an environment effectiveness of massive open online MOOCs on learning learning both teachers and students. Negative views such as cheating
N.,Abhinandan Kulal,Divyashree M.S,Sahana and learners are trying to follow newer ways enables courses (MOOCs) on learning efficiency? during the assessment, lack of individual
Dinesh Year: 2023 in their teaching and learning process. There the learners to build shared understandings. efficiency of students and also RQ2. What is the perception of attention to students and low teacher-student ratio were also
are Further, it should be characterized by evaluating MOOCs as an ideal tool students on the effectiveness of MOOC observed.
many platforms available that accommodate interaction, group activities, discussion forums for designing a blended model for on learning
the teachers and learners to carry out their and other activities which aids in improving education. efficiency?RQ3. Is MOOCs an ideal
educational activities online. However, they communication and interpersonal skills among tool for designing the blended model of
are distinct from the traditional methods both teachers and learners education?
followed. Thus, there arises the need of RQ4. What are the challenges involved
having a blended model for education which in participating in MOOCs?
create a collaborative learning environment
and enable the stakeholders in building
4 shared
Title: Adoption of EdTech products Technology integration in education has The literature review offers a summary of (1) To identify the factors H1. Technological Capability can be Theory applied: Mixed methods research Interview& College students, teachers and India Overall, by highlighting the critical components that
among college students: a rapidly gained prominence, with EdTech previous studies on the adoption of EdTech influencing the adoption of EdTech affected positively by EdTech Products TAM&UTAUT DV: questionaire administrators participated in semi- emotionally influence college students’
conceptual study Authors: Bargavi offering with an by college students. H2. Student mindsets are adopted adoption of EdTech products structured interviews, focus groups and adoption of EdTech products in educational institutions, this
Ravichandran and Kavitha Shanmugam Year: innovative solutions to enhance teaching and emphasis on college students’ viewpoints. It (2) To create a conceptual model that based on their EdTech product H3. IV: Students mindset, surveys to provide detailed course adds to the body of information already in
2023 learning experiences. However, looks at several theoretical frameworks and shows the connections between the Student Collaboration sets are adopted technical capability,students perspectives on their attitudes about and existence. The conceptual framework model serves as a
understanding the determinants models. The suggested conceptual model is elements that based on their EdTech product H4. collaboration, goverment experiences with EdTech roadmap for educational stakeholders seeking to
that affect EdTech adoption remains critical based on theories such as the Diffusion of lead to college students adopting Government initiatives and policies policies&initiatives,social leverage EdTech effectively to enrich the learning
for its successful implementation and Innovations theory, the unified theory of EdTech play a positive role in the adoption of network, perceived benefit environment and improve educational outcomes. By
impact. acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), EdTech recognizing the significance of the identified factors,
H1. There is no significant difference
and the products.H5. Utilizing social networks academic institutions can make informed decisions to
in the attitude of male and female
TAM. To appreciate the complexities of promotes the adoption of educational foster a climate conducive to successful EdTech integration
EdTech adoption among college students, the technology Products. H6. Perceived
students towards online learning.
study benefits are adopted based on their
H2. There is no significant difference
highlights research gaps and emphasizes the EdTech product.
in the satisfaction level of male and
need for a comprehensive framework that
integrates human, institutional, and
undergraduate students with online
technological factors.
learning.H3. There is no significant
difference in the attitude of rural and
urban undergraduate
5 students towards online learning.
Title: An in-depth analysis of The lack of compatibility and customization In an online learning environment, social (1) To study the attitude of H4. There is no significant difference DV: Students attitude and Mixed methods research Interview& 118 undergraduate students Assam, India Undergraduate students reported a positive attitude and
undergraduate students in learning presence refers to how well individuals can undergraduate students towards in the satisfaction level of male and satisfaction towards online questionaire satisfaction with online learning,
experiences in the transition from processes further disrupts the balance establish genuine connections and present online learning. female learning IV:content valuing its adaptability to their schedules, its role as a
F2F learning to online learning Authors: between teaching and learning. Thus, the themselves as “real” people. The term (2) To measure the satisfaction level undergraduate students with online related,course- motivating factor for self-learning, its effect on making
Sunita Saikia and Yeasmin Sultana,Mei Yuan transition cognitive of undergraduate students with online learning.H5. There is no significant design,technologies,managem them more technically proficient and enhancing their
Law Year:2024 from F2F to online learning has brought to presence refers to the “extent to which students learning. difference in the attitude of major and ent-related,interaction and communication skills to articulate their thoughts.
light the issues regarding how students can create and verify meaning through (3) To explore the perception of non-major course communication-related However, the challenges identified by the students have the
perceived continuous reflection and discussion in online undergraduate students towards undergraduate students towards online potential to overshadow the promises of online
online learning, their level of satisfaction environments” and the term teaching presence online learning in learning. learning. This research provided more constructive
and the challenges they faced: a more refers to the “design, facilitation, and guidance terms of:(4) Effectiveness of online H6. There is no significant difference suggestions under the themes of “content delivery”,
complex of cognitive and social processes to achieve learning in their academic lives, in the satisfaction level of major and “systemic and infrastructural issues”, “pedagogy” and
inquiry about how to enhance online significant and valuable learning outcomes”. In (5) Challenges encountered during non-major “capacity building” to enhance their experiences with
learning from the student’s perspective. the context of attitude and satisfaction, online learning and course undergraduate students with online learning.
each element of the CoI plays a pivotal role. (6) Suggestions for improving online online learning H7. There is no
Students’ attitudes towards online learning learning significant difference in the attitude of
improve and their level of satisfaction rises arts, science and commerce
when they experience social integration, undergraduate students towards online
cognitive engagement and a strong teaching learning.
presence. This emphasizes how crucial it is to H8. There is no significant difference
guarantee that each of the three presences is in the satisfaction level of arts, science
thoroughly integrated into the online learning and
environment. commerce undergraduate students with
online learning. H9. There is no
significant difference in the attitude of
first-, second- and third-year
undergraduate students towards online
H10. There is no significant difference
in the satisfaction level of first-,
second- and thirdyear undergraduate
6 students with online learning.
Title: The relationship between academic Basically, for decades, the focus in higher The researchers will be touching on academic to investigate the relationship H1. There is a statistically significant DV: Academic integrity of Quantitative Method questionnaire via 155 active online university students Jordan There was a positive linear relationship for the first
integrity of online university education had been factors that revolve integrity of university students, discussing between academic integrity of online relationship between academic honesty online university students email hypothesis, the relationship is relatively
students and its effects on academic around published literature with respect to the online university of IV: effects on academic weak as the value of Pearson correlation was (0.172). For
performance and learning quality the recipient of higher education such as university students and how misconduct students and its effects on academic students taking online classes and their performance, learning quality the second hypothesis, the results showed that there
Authors:Majda I. Ayoub/Al-Salim,Khaled instructors style, feedback and even the usually occurs as students submit their performance and learning quality. apparent academic performance. was no significant difference between males and females.
Aladwan Year:2021 infrastructure, but little research attempted to assignments, projects, presentations and online H2. There is a statistically significant The results for the third hypothesis showed that
look at the student’s behavior and see if a assessments. This review will also include difference in academic integrity among there is a statistically significant relationship between
relationship can be established between the literature regarding academic performance of online academic integrity of students taking online classes
student’s ethical behavior and the learning the males and females. H3. There is a and academic learning quality. This relationship is relatively
quality the online university student is online university students and true academic statistically significant relationship strong.
receiving. Although online learning for learning between academic honesty of
higher students taking online classes and their
education has been in existence for decades, learning quality.
what makes this paper significant is that it
aimed to focus on the level of academic
7 integrity of university students while using
Title: Examining the efficacy of online online
The integration of technology during This study examines the impact of online to examine the present problems Research question: (1) What are the DV: Student's satisfaction, Quantitative Method Questionaire 552 students Pakistan The study reveals students’ level of satisfaction with their
learning in nurturing students’ coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) learning on Pakistani higher education and difficulties that students were factors influencing students’ online learning experience IV: online encounters. Contextual
learning: an analysis of enabled the students’ experiencing in the wake of the learning experiences? Access relevance, ease of use, restrictions, such as power outages, bad internet, a lack of a
students’ experiences Authors: Razia Fakir dismantling of barriers between classroom learning outcomes throughout the epidemic. pandemic from their point of view (2) What are the issues and challenges challenges and issues private place and administrative problems, make it
Mohammad and Mahwish Kamran Year:2023 and home learning during the current This study sought to learn about the related to online learning? difficult to access and connect during learning sessions.
decline. In experiences (3) What are the potential benefits of Additionally, the student’s perception of online
several universities and formal educational of students in order to analyze what works and online learning? Hypothesis: (1) learning as being more secure and safe in terms of their
institutes around the world, higher education where online learning could be improved. Access and relevance of teaching physical safety was an intriguing finding. They also see
uses hybrid and/or online teaching methods instructions and learning materials the integration of online and in-person learning as
to ensure continuity and high-quality significantly advantageous because it might reduce travel expenses and
instruction foster student learning experiences; time while also giving them access to independent study
. The online instruction is theoretically seen (2) Easy and smooth use of the online resources. Given its many benefits, this research
as a flexible, engaging and learning tool has a significant effect on supports the use of online learning in higher education.
affordable way to accelerate academic learning Online education promotes a healthy mix of teacherand
communication and professional contact experiences; student-centered instruction.
between (3) The level of students’ experiences
students and their teachers . According to resulted in students’ satisfaction and
international studies, online (4) Challenges and issues related to
learning offers students, teachers and the access to learning tools have an impact
learning content adequate connectivity and on learning
interaction at any time . As a result, formal experiences.
education systems
changed as it became clear that there needed
to be more than one classroom, one textbook
8 a small number of learning opportunities
Title: Preparing students for the future During the COVID-19 pandemic, classes Consequently, the Reflective learning was therefore DV: Useful skill for future Quantitative Method Questionaire via 145 students South Africa The findings suggest that although students had to rely on
workplace: how online teaching were adapted to an online-only format, need arose to gain insight into students’ considered an important work IV: Transferable skills Qualtrics link online classes during the COVID-19
and learning during the COVID-19 creating perception of their T&L experience during the medium for pursuing this study’s during online TEL pandemic, they still developed vital transferable skills,
pandemic hone required doubt about whether students were COVID-19 pandemic and to determine if they objectives as students reflected on (Interpersonal,intrapersonal, including communication, teamwork, organisational,
transferable skills Authors: Bertha Jacobs, developing essential transferable skills for developed the necessary transferable skills to what skills they technical&digital,cognitive) self-management, flexibility, technology, metacognition and
Hanri Taljaard-Swart, Nadene Marx-Pienaar, their prepare them for the workplace. developed during their learning problem-solving.
Lizette Diedericks, Nadine Sonnenberg, Sune respective industries. Reflective learning, experience. Against this backdrop,
Donoghue, which evolves from an analysis of individual this case study
Adeline Pretorius and Gerrie du Rand Year: experiences (Reilly, 2018), is pivotal for the retrospectively explored students’
2023 development of skills (Dahlet al., 2018) and reflections on their online T&L
is often experience in the local
thought to be dependent on face-to-face South African context during the
training and practical classes that simulate COVID-19 pandemic regarding (1)
realworld scenarios their perception of the
transferable skills they
obtained/developed through the
online T&L experience and (2) their
view of how this will benefit them in
their future workplace.

Title:Academic online learning The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic Given the impact of the emerging coronavirus The purpose of this paper is to Theory approach: systematic Qualitative Method Literature Review Global Electronic sources identified 103 references; while after the
experience during COVID-19 - seems to have left its imprint on the planet, pandemic on the educational ecosystem and provide an overview of the literature reviews and meta-analyses elimination of duplicates and irrelevant
a systematic literature review bringing the growing reliance on online learning regarding the academic online (PRISMA) titles, 42 papers were forwarded for abstract screening and
based on personality traits Authors: Christina
about numerous changes, ranging from solutions and technologies, the goal of this learning experience under the lens of later full-text assessment. Of these, 14 met the
Morfaki,Pafos, Cyprus and Apostolos Skotispolitics, economy, society, and technology, study was to broad personality traits, in the eligibility criteria. Finally, nine studies were included in the
Year: 2022 to do a systematic review of how higher transition from traditional to online literature review profiling and in the qualitative
everyday life, choices, consumption patterns, education students respond to changes in the learning due to global coronavirus analysis.
interaction, and ways of thinking. The way academic pandemic (COVID-19).
various activities are conducted has changed, learning environment brought by the pandemic
and this shift includes the fields of education and the need to engage in social distancing, as
and learning. well as the importance of individual
10 differences through the lens of broad
Title: Effects of self-efficacy and It is a prevalent idea that students’ academic personality traits. studies investigating the
Despite extensive (1) Elucidate the relationships (1) Hypothesis 1 (H1): Higher OLPE DV : Standardized GPA IV: Quantitative Method Questionaire 104 undergraduates students Hong Kong Despite the fact that OLSE showed no significant direct
learning environment on Hong performance and external resources are effects of environmental factors on physiology among online learning physical and OLSE are associated with better Online learning self-efficiancy, effect on academic performance in online
(OLSE), Online learning
Kong undergraduate students’ correlated. However, self-efficacy is also a and environment (OLPE), academic physical environment (OLPE)
learning, OLSE was positively correlated with and
academic performance crucial factor influencing one’s academic self-efficacy respectively, the association online learning self-efficacy (OLSE), performance. predictive of OLPE, while OLPE was positively correlated
in online learning Authors: Francis C.Y. performance. A vast number of studies have between the effects of environmental factors and online learning academic (2) Hypothesis 2 (H2): Higher OLSE with and predictive of online learning performance. The
Kuan and Stephanie Wing Lee Year: 2022 indicated the influence of self-efficacy on and performance; predicts better academic performance. findings indicated that undergraduate students from
academic performance (Cheng and Chiou, development of self-efficacy is seldom studied. (2) Evaluate OLPE and OLSE as (3) Hypothesis 3 (H3): Higher OLPE low-income families tended to have less superior academic
2010; Davis, 2009; Fang, 2014; Hannon, Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as most of the predictors of online learning predicts higher OLSE. performance, which was associated with poorer
2014; Jung, learning process takes place in a non- academic performance; OLPE and OLSE.
2013; Obrentz, 2012). Despite this, few classroom environment which is vastly and
studies have investigated the association different from the (3) Suggest viable options for the
between traditional classroom setting, it would thus be Hong Kong government to improve
Online Learning Physical Environment meaningful to further investigate the OLPE and OLSE of
(OLPE) and Online Learning Self-Efficacy relationship students.
(OLSE). between self-efficacy and academic
During COVID-19, the majority of face-to- performance in an online learning
face teaching has been replaced by online environment. In addition,
learning,thus requiring a re-evaluation of the little is known about the correlational and
relationships that are known in the past by predictive relationships among self-efficacy,
11 the academic
traditional teaching context. performance, and environment in the context
Title:Online classes for higher education The literature has emphasized different factors to investigate the perception of DV : Perception of the Quantitative Method Questionaire 250 respondents (university students, Bangladesh The findings of this study indicated that majority of the
of OLPE model.
in Bangladesh during the Online learning is a method of education, which provide the basic framework to different respondents’ groups H0. There is no significant difference respondents IV: Data limit, faculty members and administrative respondents told that online classes could
COVID-19 pandemic: which is delivered and administered using comprehend the perception regarding online related to the factors that influence among respondent groups regarding poor connectivity, devices, officers) be more challenging than the traditional classroom because
a perception-based study Authors: Md. Abdur the education. Papers have also emphasized online learning in higher education their poor learning environment, of the technological constraints, digital divide,
Rouf,Mohammad Sharif Hossain,Md. Internet. Online learning can be distributed potential blockages for success of online during the COVID-19 perception on the digital divide of technophobia, virtual insufficient data pack to access the material to attend the
Habibullah,Tanvir Ahmed Year:2022 into numerous groups contingent on the education, though not many papers have pandemic. online classes. H1. There are no presence class, poor connectivity, lack of device, poor learning
quantity endeavored to appreciate the perception of significant differences in perceptions of environment, technophobia, delayed response and
of online education, which is combined into different respondents’ groups (university the respondent groups on the incapability of the teacher to handle efficiently the material
the subject, reaching from old style face-to- students, faculty members and administrative data limit of online classes. H2. There and communication machineries.
face officers) in the Bangladeshi context. It is are no significant differences in
education to combined knowledge to comprehensible that only a partial number of perceptions of the respondent groups
exclusive online developments. Ascertain remoteness learning platforms were using on the
the difference online methods of education before the poor connectivity of online classes. H3.
between synchronous and asynchronous COVID-19 situation. We try to fill this gap There are no significant differences in
online education and how each influences with our perceptions of the respondent groups
the coach and learners study, drawing insights from the literature in on the
hypothesizing the problem, exclusively issue with devices of online classes.
concentrating our attention perception of H4. There are no significant
different respondents’ groups on the online differences in perceptions of the
classes respondent groups on the
for higher education in Bangladesh during the poor learning environment of online
COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, in our study, we classes. H5. There are no significant
have used the following factors that are differences in perceptions of the
affecting the online classes based on the respondent groups on the
perception technophobia of online classes. H6.
There are no significant differences in
perceptions of the respondent groups
on the
12 virtual presence of online classes.
Title: Factors affecting learners’ The coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak has Consequently, this study intends to explore the (1) To identify the factors affecting H1a.Perfomane expectancy(PE) has a DV : Intention of using e- Quantitative Method Questionaire 163 undergraduates Sri Lanka As per the findings, performance expectancy, social
perception of e-learning during the become a major stumbling block to the relevance of learners’ perception towards e- significant impact on learners’ learning IV: Individual influence, effort expectancy and service
COVID-19 pandemic Authors: R.H.A.T. education this transformation in relation to a context learning during the behavior intention to use e-learning acceptance, e-learning quality quality are the factors which have significant effects on
Perera and Nalin Abeysekera Year: 2021 system, and technology has now started within the OUSL. Furthermore, researchers Covid-19 pandemic. (2) To identify H1b.Effort expectancy(EE) has a Theory applied: UTAUT students’ “intention to use” e-learning as a method of
playing a more vital role in overcoming this have obstacles faced by users and significant impact on learners’ pursuing education. Furthermore, it was observed that
obstacle observed that limited studies have been determine mechanisms to enhance behavior intention to use e-learning 65.6% of the students had access to technology through
in providing education all over the world. conducted to understand what factors would students’ H1c. Social influence(SI) has a mobile phones, while 53.4% of the students had engaged in
The pandemic has compelled universities affect learners’ perception of e-learning during engagement while using the e- significant impact on learners’ e-learning for the first time. This was mainly due to
and a pandemic situation. learning system during the Covid-19 behavior intention to use e-learning restrictions that were imposed during the Covid-19
higher educational institutions to rely more pandemic H1d. System quality(SysQ) has a pandemic
on advanced technologies to conduct their significant impact on learners’
respective study programs and create new behavior intention to use e-learning
educational opportunities for everyone. It H1e. Information quality(IQ) has a
has led significant impact on learners’
to the opening up of vast opportunities to behavior intention to use e-learning.
those involved in the field of education H1f.Service quality( SQ) has a
across the significant impact on learners’
globe. Technological advancement is taking behavior intention to use e-learning.
place at a rapid pace, and access to digital
such as mobile phones and the Internet is
growing, leading to most institutions
physical contact sessions and encouraging
the utilization of online resources instead.
This global scenario has created a situation
in which learners can use e-learning to learn
home, and more importantly, update their
Title: Assessing the relationship Feedback
knowledgeenables teachers
and skills usingand students to
various Since limited studies have reported the to investigate the association H1a. Feedback strategy (timing) is DV: Learning improvement IV: Quantitative Method a survey design 1223 from all third-year students studying Ghana The results show that feedback strategies (timing, mode,
between feedback strategies improve upon devices
their performance. Feedback influence of feedback strategies in LMSs and between feedback significantly related to learning Feedback strategies ( timing, the four different quality and quantity) and embedded
technological such as computers and improvement H1b. Feedback strategy target,mode,quality,quantity),
and learning improvement from is
mobile phones. how students use this feedback to improve strategies, embedded course syllabus programmes course syllabus have a significant relationship with learning
a distance learning perspective Authors: vital in learning, especially in distance learning, this paper focuses on the and learning improvement in the (target) is significantly related to learning course syllabus improvement. However, the feedback strategy –
Esther Julia Korkor Attiogbe, Yaw Oheneba- education, because it can help interaction phenomenon among students pursuing distance Sakai Learning Management System improvement. H1c. Feedback strategy target – is not significantly related to learning improvement
(mode) is significantly related to learning
Sakyi, O.A.T.F. Kwapong and John Boateng between education in higher education at the University improvement H1d. Feedback strategy
though it is the highest feedback strategy.
Year:2023 instructors and learners. Interaction between of Ghana (UG), which is the (quality) is significantly related to learning
instruction and learning is essential for only university in Ghana that has successfully improvement.
critical rolled out the Sakai LMS. H1e. Feedback strategy (quantity) is
reasoning and deep learning in distance significantly related to learning
education (Tagoe and Cole, 2020). improvement H2. Embedded course
Therefore, syllabus is significantly related to learning
feedback strategies can enhance interaction improvement
and the exchange of information between
lecturers, students and peers.
14 From a global perspective, feedback has
Title : Research supervision in distance Pakistan
been is aas
touted bigessential
country in
to terms of population
learning success. the supervisor is the key element in the to explore and highlight the issues (1) How long have you been Grounded theory approach qualitative study Semi-structured 16 research supervisors Pakistan – Results of the study reveal that the time constraints,
learning: issues and challenges Authors: as it is world’s sixth-most populous country, research process and universities should focus and challenges teachers face while supervising thesis/research projects? using Gioia methodology has interviews official restrictions, irregular contacts and
Muhammad Zaheer and Saba Munir Year: to this large population, provision of education on supervising thesis and projects in (2) Please explain your supervision been applied technology are the main issues faced by supervisors.
2020 is a daunting task. Large population with resolving the issue and challenges faced by the distance/online learning mode. experience in DL. (3) Have you also Whereas student–supervisor interaction, diversity,
small number of qualified faculty members supervisor if they want to provide quality supervised students in conventional perceptions, virtual communities and academic
resulted in shortage of institutional capacity to
cater the needs of education. One of the
supervision to the students or want to attain system? If yes how was the collaboration are the biggest challenges for the supervisors
solutions to this problem was establishing maximum satisfaction and motivation for experience? in
distance them. (4) What issues have you faced while distance learning. Lastly, it is found that students’ attitude
learning (DL) institutions and Government of Unfortunately most of the studies have focused supervising students in VU (both thesis and supervisors’ mindset are the key success factors
Pakistan took the initiative in this regard. on the issues faced by the students of DL and in distance research supervision
Currently two distance/online universities are while ignoring the supervisor or teacher end. projects)?
working in Pakistan, Allama Iqbal Open This study particularly has focused on the (5) In your opinion what are the
University, established in 1974 and Virtual challenges faced by the supervisors. biggest challenges of research
University of Pakistan established in 2002. supervision in DL?
Moreover, many conventional universities have (6) How things can be improved?
also started DL programs. Suggestions.
DL improves the access to education for all the
aspiring students. DL overcomes the issues
of capacity, infrastructure and faculty. It
provides standardized quality content to all the
students without any discrimination.
Like conventional system, DL is also not free
from certain shortcomings, for example,
burden of learning is shifted on the learner
(though flexibility is there), there is too much
diversity in the same course, more importantly
student and teacher are separated by time and
space leading to asynchronous mode.


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