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.). I


C o n t r a c t No. W-7405-eng-26



E. Do A r n o l d

APRIL 1964



Oak R i d g e , Tennessee
Operated by
f o r the
.' ,




Abstract ............................... 1
Introduction..... ....................... 2
Evaluationsofthe Use of the Seventeen
Isotopes Analyzed i n This Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
R e l i a b i l i t y of the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Pattern of the Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Examples of Use of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Allowable Radiation Levels and Discussion of Biological Hazards . . .I 2
Definition of Dosage T e r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Allarable Radiation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14


Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Transistorized Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Radiation Detection Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Biological Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5
. .

Nethod for Calculating Radiation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Radiation Production During the Decay Processes . . . . . . . . . . .21

Beta Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1

Bremsstrahlung Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

G a m Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
I n t e r n a l Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Other Sources of Gamma Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Prompt Gamma from Spontaneous Fission . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Fission-Product Decay G a m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
I n e l a s t i c amm mas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Neutron-Capture Gammas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Neutron Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Neutrons from Spontaneous Fission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
a. n Neutrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Photoneutrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
n. 2n Neutrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Neutron Scattering and Attenuation . . . . . . .35
Computer Codes f o r Neutron Dose Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Radiation and Shielding Requirements f o r Isotopic Sources . . . . . -38
Cobalt-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Krypton-85 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..4854..
Zirconium-Niobium-95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Ruthenium-106. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
$Cesium-137 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
cerium-144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
~huli~m.170 . . . .0

. .0

. .

. . .

. . .

. .0

. 0

. .0

. .


. .

. . 0 0


Contents (cont'd)

Thulium-171. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 119
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. 141 157
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 173

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
AppendixA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194



The author wishes t o take t h i s opportunity t o acknowledge the work

performed by M r . P. P. Haydon, technician assigned t o the Chemical
Technology Division Long Range Planning Group. Mr. Haydon prepared the
input data f o r a l l cases which were run on the IBM-7090 computer and
plotted the r e s u l t s of these calculations that are presented i n t h i s
This study was originally suggested by M r . W. K. E i s t e r of the
Division of Isotopes Developmnt, United States Atomic Energy Commission.



Isotopic power o r radiation sources f o r use i n terrestrial, marine,

and space applications require shielding o r a degree of i s o l a t i o n t o pre-
vent excessive radiation doses t o personnel handling the source, t o prevent
radiation damage t o instrument systems associated with the mission o r appli-
cation, and t o prevent interference with experimental measurements that use
radiation detection instruments.
This report i s i n essence a handbook of radiation properties and

. shielding requirements f o r isotopic power o r radiation sources and i s in-

tended primarily f o r use i n preparation of preliminary design estimates
by design engineers i n the f i e l d of isotopic source development and appli-
cation. The calculated radiation i n t e n s i t i e s are probably s l i g h t l y pessi-
mistic i n that they are overestimated no more than 50%. It therefore may
be necessary t o optimize the shield f o r an a c t u a l source from experimental
data on the source i t s e l f . Actual measurements, proving the i n t e g r i t y of
a shield, are necessary f o r licensing by the federal government.
Calculations have been made of the radiation i n t e n s i t i e s from shielded
and unshielded sources fabricated from seventeen isotopes that show promise
f o r use i n isotopic power o r radiation applications. Source s i z e s i n the
range of 100 t o 20,000 thermal watts were evaluated. A l l shielded sources
were assumed t o be attenuated by iron, lead, and uranium; and i n those
cases where the source a l s o emitted neutrons, neutron and gaxnma attenuation
through water was determined.
The isotopes
- studied and their physical
- - form are as follows: Co60
(metal), Kr85 (liquefied gas), SrgO (oxide and titanate), Zr-Nbg5 (oxide),
Ru106 (metal), Cs137 (glass), Cel& (oxide), P,147 (oxide), and Tm171
(both as oxides), T1204 (metal), Po2lo (metal matrix with void space f o r
gas collection), $32 (oxide), Th228 (oxide matrix with void space f o r gas
collection), Pu238 (oxide), C!m242 (oxide matrix with void space f o r gas
collection), and Cm2& (oxide).
For the readers' convenience, several examples of how the graphical
r e s u l t s m y be used t o calculate separation distance, shield thickness,
and shield weight are included.


Isotopes that are used f o r power production o r radiation applications

$emit penetrating radiations t o some degree. A l l radioisotopes that have
been studied emit gamma,bremsstrahlung, o r neutron radiation. Safe
handling procedures, from both the radiation and contamination c r i t e r i a ,
must be used during the shipmnt of radioisotopes, during the placing i n
operation (i.e., loading the power generator, radiation source u n i t , o r
thermal u t i l i z a t i o n system), and during operation of the systems. Hence,
protective masures w i l l be required on space missions i n which astronauts
o r long-life e l e c t r o n i c equipmnt are exposed t o the radiation from iso-
t o p i c power generators. Although most radioisotopic sources are intended
primarily f o r power applications, several isotopes, including Zr-
Nbg5, Co60, Kr85, and Ru a l s o show promise as sources of high-energy
gamma radiation i n those applications where t h i s radiation i s most useful:
s t e r i l i z a t i o n , i n i t i a t i o n of chemical reactions, etc.
This report i s intended primarily as a handbook t o be used by scien-
t i s t s and engineers evaluating types of radiation, hazards, shielding
requirements, o r design of isotopic power sources f o r terrestrial, marine,
o r space application. Since there cannot be one set of conditions appli-
cable t o a l l possible uses of a given source, the data covers a very wide
s e t of conditions. It should be possible t o obtain shield material or
separation-distance requiremnts f o r any set of established conditions
using t h e isotopes covered. For the reader's convenience, w e include
sample problems which i l l u s t r a t e how shield thickness, separation distance
o r shield weight can be determined.

Evaluations of the Use of the Seventeen Isotopes

Analyzed i n This Report
. We present here the r e s u l t s of radiation-intensity calculatione f o r
shielded and unshielded isotopic power sources fabricated from 17 d i f f e r e n t
isotopes. The results are presented i n graphical form by p l o t t i n g gamma
r a d i a t i o n i n t e n s i t y (millirads/hour a t 1 m) as a f'unctian of thickness of
iron, lead, uranium, and water (only in those cases w h e r e the source a l s o
emits neutrons) shield materials o r neutron radiation i n t e n s i t y (mlllireps

per hour a t 1 m) as a function of w a t e r thickness f o r shielded neutron

emitting sources, or by p l o t t i n g gamna radiation i n t e n s i t y as a function
of distance from the center of unshielded sources. Radiation i n t e n s i t i e s
f o r sources of a l l 1 7 materials i n the range of 100 t o 20,000 thermal
watts a r e presented.
In a previous study,' one which was a p a r t of t h i s overall study of
shielding requiremnts and which determined radiation and shielding re-
quirements f o r the more promising isotopes, Sr*, Cs137, Ce144, Pm147,
Po2l0, Pu238, Cm2" and Cm244, it was established t h a t shield weights rang-
ing from approximately 20 l b f o r Pu238 t o over 500 l b f o r Cs137 would be
required f o r 10,000-thermal-watt sources when used i n an instrumented space
mission. T h a t study a l s o indicated that weight penalties can be avoided
i f separation distance, rather than shielding, i s r e l i e d on f o r protection.
Separation distances ranging from 2 f t f o r Pu238 t o 40 f t f o r Cs137 give
protection equivalent t o the shield weights quoted.
The f i s s i o n products, SrW, Cel& and F?n147, have special
appeal because they are produced i n large quantities from nuclear reactor
Among these isotopes producible by i r r a d i a t i o n of special target
materials (Co60, T 1204 ?32, Fu238, Cm2&, and Cm244) Co60, though easy

t o produce, requires a special design f o r the heat-source generator because

much of i t s emitted energy i s penetrating g a m radiation, and therefore
Co60 may be limited i n i t s prospects f o r use as a power source but would
therefore have special i n t e r e s t as a source of radiation.
Plutonium-238 i s most generally favored as a heat source because of
i t s long h a l f - l i f e and the f a c t that it can be used with almost no special
shielding. However, i t s biological hazard encourages the search f o r a
competitive material .
It i s expected that whenever plutonium assumes a significant place
as a recycled f u e l i n thermal reactors f o r power production, Cm can
then become available a t a reasonable cost.
Promethium-147, although i t s h a l f - l i f e i s shorter than the other very
promising isotopes, can be considered r e a l i s t i c a l l y f o r some uses as a
substitut-e for pU238. Energy, cost, l o w shielding requirements, and minimum
biological hazard are a l l factors favorable t o Pm147 when nearly pure. 2,3

The strong points f o r U232 (and i t s daughter Th228) are hi& power
d e n s i t i e s and unusually lung l i f e a t nearly constant heat output.
There are other c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of radioisotopes not e s s e n t i a l t o
t h e i r use or production, but which may be f a c t o r s i n the choice of an
isotope f o r a p a r t i c u l a r use. For example, although a l l radioisotopes
are hazardous, they d i f f e r widely i n t h e i r biological e f f e c t s . Strontium
and plutonium are especially hazardous because of t h e i r tendency t o lodge
i n bone tissue. Promethium and cesium, on the other hand, do not exhibit
the same biological retention. The type of radiation emitted by the iso-
tope i s another f a c t o r that may determine the preferred manner f o r use of
an isotope. Those which are almost pure alpha emitters and also have a
low neutron production rate, such as Pu238 and Po2l0, or l o w energy, pure
b e t a emitters, such as Fm147, require the least shielding a significant -
advantage where direct-contact fabrication and minimum shield weight a r e
of interest.

R e l i a b i l i t y of the Data

The results as plotted should be within f50 $ of the expected radia-

t i o n value, based on the assumptions used and upon the accuracy of the
input source strengths and the permanent data tables of the computer code.
It i s probably most l i k e l y that the dose r a t e s are overestimated rather
than underestimated. A n e r r o r of f50 i n radiation l e v e l would correspond
t o an e r r o r of 20.175 "tenth thickness" (thickness of shielding necessary .
t o attenuate radiation dose r a t e by a f a c t o r of 10).
The r e s u l t s are a l s o only as accurate a s the knowledge of the neutron,
gamma, beta, and/or bremsstrahlung spectra. This i s especially true f o r
those sources whose spectra l i e e n t i r e l y i n the lower energy ( l e s s than
0.5 Pkv) range . Conversely, the calculated radiation i n t e n s i t i e s from
those sources that have high-energy gamma spectra of high or well-known
y i e l d are i n a l l probability r e l i a b l e and accurate. This i s especially
t r u e f o r Co6O, Zr-~b9*, cs137, Ce144 , Po210, Th228, and 832.Those sources
that have only low-energy bremsstrahlung or gamma radiation are only as
accurate as the estimates of the spectra and i t s self-absorption within
the source i t s e l f . For the bremsstrahlung sources, the calculated dose
rates and/or shield thicknesses are more accurate f o r the high-energy
. - . ._


spectra ( w i t h i n the accuracy of the a c t u a l spectra calculation) than f o r

the low-energy spectra.
It should be emphasized that i n many cases the t o t a l energy production
r a t e of a given isotope i s much greater than the recoverable heat r a t e i n
the source i t s e l f . This is especially t r u e f o r those, isotopes that produce
considerable gamma radiation. For these isotopes, an external heat recovery
u n i t ( p a r t i a l s h i e l d ) must be provided t o convert t h i s gamma energy t o heat.
This may even be so f o r the high-energy beta emitters that produce brems-
strahlung energy equivalent t o a few percent of the average beta energy.
Here a decision must be made concerning the economic j u s t i f i c a t i o n f o r pro-
v i s i o n of an external heat recovery u n i t f o r a few percent of the t o t a l
It therefore should be s t a t e d that w h e r e minimizing shield weight i s
of utmost importance a f i n a l experinaental determination of the shield thick-
ness, and even a source mockup (especially f o r the lower energy gamma or
bremsstrahlung sources), may be necessary before an accurate f i n a l source
and shield design can be decided upon.
It i s always necessary t o pruvide experimental v e r i f i c a t i o n of the
shielding performance and naechanical i n t e g r i t y of a shield f o r an isotopic
source before a license can be obtained.
The results were plotted i n t e r m s of dose rate vs shield thickness i n
order t o make t h i s report as general as possible f o r a l l workers i n the
f i e l d of terrestrial, marine or space source design. It was decided not
t o p l o t shield weights as a f’unction of dose r a t e since a p a r t i c u l a r type
of shield (cylinder, contoured cylinder, shadow, spherical, e t c . ) and the
radiation limitations based on application would have t o be decided on
before t h e a c t u a l weights could be calculated. It i s very easy t o calcu-
l a t e the shield weight once the thickness is known and the type of shield
has been decided upon. These techniques are demonstrated i n t h i s report,
beginning on page 6.

Pattern of the Presentation

This handbook discusses the subjects of allowable radiation levels

and biological hazards, the calculation of the radiation levels, radiation
production during the decay processes, and the radiation and shielding

requirements f o r 17 radioisotopes. In addition, Appendix A l i s t s the c m -

puter code (for the CDC-1604 computer) used t o calculate bremsstrahlung
sources and the tabulation of the actualbremsstrahlung source strengths.
The section on allowable radiation l e v e l s and biological hazards
defines radiation exposure and the limits of radiation exposure f o r various
applications. This section a l s o defines and tabulates the r e l a t i v e bio-
l o g i c a l hazards f o r the various isotopes.
The section on calculation of the radiation l e v e l s describes the s p a t i a l
relationships between source, shield and dose point assumed f o r the sources
and describes the approach used f o r calculating the radiation i n t e n s i t i e s .
The section on radiation production during the decay process describes
the various radiations produced during decay and the methods used t o calcu-
l a t e the production rates f o r these radiations.
The section on radiation and shielding requiremnts contains the bulk
of the calculated r e s u l t s of t h i s study i n which the physical characteris-
t i c s of the sources are tabulated and the radiation i n t e n s i t i e s are plotted
as a function of distance and/or shield thickness,
In order t o make the handbook more maningfbl t o users who are n e w t o
the field, seven sample problems are given and solved, a l s o showing where
pertinent data can be found i n the curves and tables presented here.


The following seven example problems show, i n increasing complexity,

the ty-pes of problems that may be m e t when calculating shielding require-
ments frm the tabular q d graphical data of t h i s report.
Example 1: Shield-thickness determination. This example i s s t r a i g h t -
forward and i s based on determination of shield thickness f o r a given
attenuation. Slqy shine o r ga,mma s c a t t e r i n g around a slab o r shadow shield
which may be approximately 10% of the d i r e c t dose rate i s not determined.
Problem: A 10,000-w Srgo oxide source i s t o be used as the power source
f o r an instrumented satellite, The mission length i s 5.7 yr (50,000 h r ) ,
and the allowable radiation exposure t o the instnura3nt package i s 107
rads. Calculate the thickness of a uranium shield necessary t o attenuate
the dose rate a t 1 m t o the desired level.
Solution: The desired dose rate = 107 rads/50,000 h r = 200 rads/hr =

2 x lo5 millirads/hr. Reading d i r e c t l y from Fig. 17 we find that 1.5 cm

of uranium would be necessary.

Example 2: Separation-distance determination. This problem i s a l s o

straightforward and i s based on determination of separation distance f o r
a given attenuation.
Problem: Using the same source as i n example 1, calculate the distance
required t o achieve the same attenuation f o r the s a m source size:
Solution: Read d i r e c t l y (from Fig. 14) 860 cm as the distance from center
of source f o r 2 x lo5 millirads/hr dose rate.

Example 3: Separation-distance determination with shield thickness

given. This problem is a combination of examples 1 and 2 and i l l u s t r a t e s
how separation distance may be determined, given the t o t a l attenuation
and the thickness of shield.
Problem: Using the same source as i n example 1, calculate the distance
required t o achieve the same attenuation f o r the s a m source i f the source
i s a l s o shielded by 1 cm of lead
Solution: The r a d i a t i o n dose r a t e through 1 cm of lead i s 1.1 x 10 m i l l i -
rads/hr a t 1m (from Fig. 16) and the desired attenuation f a c t o r is then
2 x 105/l.l x 10 = 0.183. Using Fig. 14 and a 10,000-w source, we find
f o r an unshielded source a dose rate of 1.45 x 107 millirads/hr a t 1 m.
An attenuation f a c t o r of 0.183 indicates that the e f f e c t i v e unshielded
dose rate i s 0.183 x 1.45 x lo7 = 2.65 x 10
6 millirads/hr. The desired
separation distance would then be 235 cm, as read from Fig. 14.

Example 4: Shield weight f o r a c y l i n d r i c a l shield. This example

combines the determination of shield thickness, folluwed by the calcula-
t i o n of the s h i e l d weight f o r a source of given size.
Problem: Calculate the weight of a square c y l i n d r i c a l uranium shield
necessary t o attenuate a 10,000-w Srgo oxide source t o 1 rad/hr a t 1m.
Solution: From Fig. 17 we find that a thickness of 5.8 cm of uranium
would be necessary. From Table ll w e find that the power density is 1.4
w/cc. The v o l m of a 10,000-w source is then equal t o 10,000/1.4 =
7150 cc, and the radius of a cylinder whose height i s equal t o i t s diameter

would be r = $= 9-i = 10.5 cm.

Assume that the inside of the shield i s 1 cm from the source as indi-
cated i n the sketch.

I------- 1
I All dimensions
Source i n centimters.
I 34.6

- 17.3 A--
Then the volume of the shield would be:
v = m2 - 2
nhr =T(HR
- hr2)
r = radius of cavity = 11.5 cm,
h = height of cavity 23 cm,
R = radius of shield = 11.5 + 5.8 = 17.3 cm,
H = height of shield = 23 + 2(5.8) = 34.6 c m ,
V = ~ ( 3 4 . 6 x 17.32 - 2
23 x 11.5 )
= ~ ( 3 4 . 6x 299.29 -
23 x 132.25)
= T(l0,355.4 - 3041.8) = T X 7313.6 = 22,976 CC,

~ S = S22,976 x 18.6 = 427,354 g = 427.4 kg.

Example 5: Shield weight for a contoured shield. This example i s

somewhat more complex than example 4 i n that the shield i s contoured t o
save weight. In order t o save weight the attenuation i n the d i r e c t i o n
a w a y from the i n s t r u m n t s i s specified t o be a tenth of that i n the direc-
t i o n toward the instruments. The results f o r t h i s example, compared with
that from example 4, shows how mchweight may be saved by this design.

Problem: E s t i m a t e the weight of a contoured c y l i n d r i c a l uranium shield

necessary t o attenuate a 10,000-w S?I oxide source t o 1 rad/hr a t 1 m over
l / 3 of the t o t a l s o l i d angle and t o 10 rads/hr a t 1 m over 2/3 of the t o t a l
s o l i d angle.
Solution: From Fig. 17 we find that a thickness of 5.8 cm of uranium would
be necessary t o attenuate t o 1 rad/hr and that 3.8 cm of uranium would be
necessary t o attenuate t o 10 rads/hr. From Table 11we find that the parer
density i s 1.4 w/cc. The volume and radius can then be calculated t o be
7150 cc and 10.5 cm, respectively. A s s ~ m ethat the inside of the shield
i s 1 cm from the source, as indicated i n the sketch.

A l l dimensions
i n centimeters.

Then the volume of the shield may be estimated by:

VL = volume of shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by the thicker material,
V = volume of shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by the thinner material.
V = 1/3(7HLRL - nhr2 ) + 2/3(nHsRs 2 - 2
nhr ),
% = height of c y l i n d r i c a l shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by thicker material
= 34.6 cm,
RL = outside radius of cylindrical shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by thicker
material = 17.3 cm,
HS = height of c y l i n d r i c a l shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by thinner material
= 30.6 cm,
RS = outside radius of shield i f e n t i r e l y shielded by thinner material =
15.3 cm,


h = height of cavity = 23 cm,

r = radius of cavity = 11.5 cm,
v = T(l/3€$,{ + 2/3H& - h r2
= n(i/3 x 34.6 x 1 ~ x3 30.6~ x ~ 5 . 3- ~23 x 11.5 2 )
~ + 2/3

= TX 5185.4 = 16,290 CC,

mass = 16,290 x 18.6 = 302,994 g = 303 kg.
This result i s approximately 0.7 of that f o r the completely shielded
source of example 4.

Example 60 Shield weight f o r a c y l i n d r i c a l shield. Sometimes it is

forgotten that even though the penetration depth (shield thickness i n u n i t s
of g/cm2) f o r low-density shields may be less than that f o r high-density
shields, the weight of a c y l i n d r i c a l shield of the low-density material
may s t i l l be greater than that of a high-density shield. This example i s
based on a t o t a l gamma dose of 107 rads during a 50,000-hr mission. (A
gamma dose of 107 rads i s the accepted design l i m i t f o r t r a n s i s t o r i z e d

i n stnunents ) .
Problem: Calculate the weight of a square c y l i n d r i c a l uranium shield
necessary t o attenuate a 10,000-w Srw oxide source t o 200 rads/hr (107
rads during a 50,OOO-hr mission) a t 1 m.
Solution: From Fig. 17 we find that a thickness of 1.5 cm of uranium would
be necessary. From Table ll w e find that the power density i s 1.4 w/cc.
The volume of a 10,000-w source i s then equal t o 10,000/1.4 = 7150 cc, and
the radius of a cylinder whose height is equal t o i t s diameter would be

r =+ $5
10.5 cm. =
Assume that the inside of the shield i s 1 cm from the source. Then
the volume of the shield would be:
v = m2 - nhr2 = n(m2 - hr2),

r = radius of cavity = 11.5 cm,

h = height of cavity = 23 cm,
R = radius of s h i e l d = 11.5 + 1.5 = 13 cm,
H = height of s h i e l d = 23 + 2(l.5) = 26 cm.
V x
= ~ ( 2 6 132 - 23 x ll.52) x
= ~(26 169 - 23 x 132.25)
= ~(4394.0 - 3041.8) = T x 1352.2 = 4,248 CC,

mass = 4,248 x 18.6 = 79,000 g = 79 kg.

Example 7. Shield weight f o r a neutron shield. This example, as well

as comparing s h i e l d weight with that calculated i n example 6, also i l l u s -
trates the determination of the thickness required f o r a neutron shield.
This example is based on a t o t a l neutron dose of 104 reps during a 50,000-
(A neutron dose of 10 reps, or rads, is the accepted design
h r mission.
l i m i t f o r t r a n s i s t o r i z e d instruments and i s equivalent i n r a d i a t i o n damage
t o 107 rads of gamma radiation. )
Problem: E s t i m a t e the weight of a square c y l i n d r i c a l l i t h i u m bydride s h i e l d
necessary t o attenuate a 10,000-w ~ k source
n t~o 0.2~ r e ~p / h (10 rep
during a 50,OOO-hr mission) neutron dose rate a t 1 m.
Solution: From Fig. 112 we find that a thickness of 23.5 g/cm2 of water
would be necessary. Using Fig. 2 we find t h a t 18.0 g/cm2 of l i t h i u m
hydride is equivalent t o 23.5 g/cm2 of water as shielding f o r neutrons.
The density of lithium hydride i s 0.78 g/cc, thus the s h i e l d thickness
would be 23.1 cm. From Table 23 we find that the puwer density of Cm
sources i s 26.4 w/cc. Thus the volume of a 10,OOO-w source is then equal
t o 10,000/26.4 379 cc, and the radius of a cylinder whose height i s
equal t o i t s diameter would be r = +=
- 9- 3.9 cm.
Assume t h a t the inside of the shield i s 1 cm from the source. Then
the volume of the s h i e l d would be:
2 2 2
v = m =T(HR -h),
r = radius of cavity = 4.9 cm,
h = height of cavity = 9.8 cm,
R = radius of shield = 4.9 + 23.1 = 28.0 cm,

H = height of shield = 9.8 + 2(23.l) = 56.0 cm.

V = T(56 x 282 - 9.8 x 4.9 2 )
= n(56 x 784 - 9.8 x 24.01)

~ S = S0.78 x 137,190 = lO7,OOO g = 107.0 kg.
The t a b l e below shows the comparison of shield thicknesses, penetra-
tion depths, and shield weights f o r the uranium-shielded Srgo source (of
example 6) and f o r the lithium hydride-shielded Cm244 source calculated
i n t h i s example. Both sources generate 10,000 t h e m 1 watts.

Uranium-Shielded LiH- hielded

SrW Source 2
~m24 Source
Thickness, cm 1.5 23.1
Penetration depth, g/cm 27.9 18.0
Weight of c y l i n d r i c a l shield, kg 79 107
Caution: One must calculate the volume and weight when comparing
c y l i n d r i c a l shields. A comparison of shields based on penetration depths
(g/cm2) is r e l i a b l e f o r slab shields but not f o r c y l i n d r i c a l shields.


Before allowable radiation l e v e l s a r e discussed, a few d e f i n i t i o n s

of w h a t are radiation l e v e l s and w h a t they mean should be s e t . In t h i s
report gamma dose rates have been calculated i n rads (or m i l l i r a d s ) per
hour, with human t i s s u e assumed t o be the absorption media. Neutron dose
rates were plotted i n terms of millireps per hour since the data were
expressed t h i s w a y in most of the l i t e r a t u r e . In addition, when talking
about manned satellites and allowable radiation exposure t o man, we must
talk i n terms of doses i n rems.

Definitions of Dosage Terms

The following units of radiation dosage are used t o measure the e f f e c t

of radiation:


(1) The roentgen ( r ) : The roentgen i s the basic u n i t of radiation-

dose measurement. It i s a physical u n i t and i s primarily used t o express
dosages of gama o r x radiation. One roentgen is defined as the quantity
of gamma radiation which w i l l produce, by ionization, one e l e c t r o s t a t i c
u n i t of e l e c t r i c i t y of either sign (i.e., 2 x 109 ion p a i r s ) in 1 cm3 of
dry air, measured a t standard conditions of temperature and pressure.
(2) The roentgen equivalent physical (rep): The rep measures the
energy absorbed by the human body rather than the energy absorbed by air.
It i s therefore applicable t o any form of radiation, unlike the roentgen
which applies only t o gammas and x rays. One rep i s defined as that radia-
t i o n dosage that produces energy absorption i n human t i s s u e equal t o 96.5
e r g s per gram of s o f t tissue. This is roughly equal t o the energy absorp-
t i o n in t i s s u e caused by 1 r of &asmna radiation.
(3) The -
rad is a unit of dose u s e f u l f o r c o r r e l a t i n g radiation damage
i n various materials. A rad i s defined as an absorbed dose of 100 ergs/g.
One rad i s received by a material exposed t o about 1 r of gawna radiation.
Different materials exposed t o the SB TIY~radiation flux f o r the same period
of time w i l l absorb d i f f e r e n t amounts of energy per gram and thus w i l l
have a d i f f e r e n t exposure expressed i n rads but the same exposure expressed
i n reps. In our usage of millireps per hour f o r neutron dose rates an
e r r o r of 3.58 i s made by assuming that millireps and millirads are equiva-
lent. Gamma dose rates were calculated i n terms of millirads per hour
f o r human tissue.
(4) The roentgen equivalent man ( r e m ) : Specifications f o r maximum
permissible exposure t o radiation are usually expressed i n rems. The r e m
i s not a d i r e c t l y measurable physical quantity as are the roentgen and the
rep, but, rather, it i s an index of the damage e f f e c t s produced i n the
human body by the various types of radiation. The varying biological e f f e c t s
of the various types of radiation are frequently correlated by a coefficient
c a l l e d the r e l a t i v e biological effectiveness (RBE). The RBE i s defined
as the r a t i o of the body dsmage from a given type of radiation t o that caused
by the same dose of gammas. The r e m i s defined as the doage i n rads multi-
p l i e d by the RBF: f o r the type of radiation involved.
Roentgens, reps, rads and rems refer t o doses; the dose rates are given,
respectively, as roentgens per hour, reps per hour, rads per hour, o r rems
per hour.

Relative Biological Effectiveness of Radiation

Type of Radiation -
x and gamma 1

Beta 1

Fast-neutron 10

Alpha p a r t i c l e ( i n t e r n a l ) 10

A l l o w a b l e Radiation Levels

The shielding o r separation-distance requirements f o r isotopic power

sources are determined by maximum allowable radiation l e v e l s derived from
one o r more of the following three considerations:
The maximum permissible radiation dose rates established by the National
Committee on Radiation Protection f o r occupational personnel exposure are
assumd t o apply t o those working around isotopic sources and preparing
them f o r a launch. The recommended maximum allowable doses, integrated
Over a 13-week period, without reference t o instantaneous dose rate, are
3 rads of gamma and 0.3 rad of fast neutrons f o r whole body exposure, and
25 rads of gamma and 2.5 rads of neutrons f o r exposure of hands and arms.
Transistorized Instruments
Data on the e f f e c t s of radiation on instrument systems are available
i n reports of the REIC series from the Radiation Effects Information Center
a t Battelle Memorial I n s t i t u t e , Colurdbus, Ohio, and the proceedings of a
recent symposium on protection against r a d i a t i o n hazards i n space.
Allowable radiation doses vary widely with the type of radiation and type
of instrument system. Maximum allowable doses P
O 7 rads of gamma, lo4
rads of fast neutrons (approximately loE neutrons/cm2) and 104 rads of
s o l a r protons (approximately 10l2 protons /cm2y were chosen on the basis
that they probably would not cause s i g n i f i c a n t radiation damage i n t y p i c a l
t r a n s i s t o r i z e d instrument systems. Some damage has been observed f o r doses
10 t b s greater, and there i s s i g n i f i c a n t damage a t doses 100 times

Radiation Detection I n s t m n t s
Radiation detection instruments (including s c i n t i l l a t i o n counters, GM
counters and ionization chambers) are often used t o measure the radiation
background i n space, on or near the moon o r planets, or physical properties
such as density and composition. Thus, power sources emitting radiation
of a type and energy similar t o that being masured must be shielded o r
separated from the radiation detection instruments t o prevent interference
with the measuremnts. For some measurements it may be necessary t o keep
the radiation l e v e l due t o the power source a s low as 0.01 mrad/hr i n the
v i c i n i t y of the i n s t m n t .
In providing shielding or separation distance t o satisfy the above
maximum levels, one must remember t o take i n t o account the natural radia-
t i o n levels found a t various points i n space (see Table l). These a r e
often high enough, especially f o r humans, t o require shielding of the pay-
load itself. The shield thickness o r separation distance from the isotopic
supply can then be correspondingly smaller.

Table 1. Radiation Levels i n Space

Radiation Levels (rads/hr)

Through Shield Thicknesses of:
Radiation Source o g/cm2 10 g/cm2

V a n Allen b e l t s :
electrons 103-105 4 -
bremsstrahlung 1-100 1-30
protons 10-100 1-10
Solar-flare protons
(typical) 10-100 1-10
Galactic cosmic rays -10-3 -10 -3

Biological Hazards

This section is not intended a s a coxxplete discussion of the biologi-

c a l hazards of radiation or power sources. Since we are primarily interested
in shielding, the r e l a t i v e hazards are based on working-level limits as
used by operators of f'uel-handling f a c i l i t i e s . The Code of Federal Regu-
lations, T i t l e 10, P a r t 205 should be consulted f o r a more camplete d i s -
cussion of hazards of radiation sources.

Although a l l radioisotopes must be regarded as biologically hazardous

materials, the e f f e c t s of isotopes i n biologicalsystemsmay be a s i g n i f i -
cant factor i n the choice of w h a t isotope t o use f o r a power source. There
a r e two comparisons that may be made i n order t o determine the r e l a t i v e
biological hazard of several isotopes. These are: (1)a comparison of
the maximum permissible concentrations6 i n a i r (MPC)a o r i n water (MPC)w,
and (2) a comparison of the hazard equivalent t o some standard (1g of
Pu239 i s used a s the standard a t O m 7 ) . The value of the HE? [%lation
Hazard Amounts ( c u r i e s ) Equivalent t o 1 g (6.1 x curie) Of Pu239 Of

any given isotope, X, can be found from the following equation:

maximum permissible concentration i n a i r f o r isotope

X f o r a 40 hour/week working time,
g/curie s - grams of isotope x equivalent t o one curie. (This term
i s used i n order t o allow f o r the r e l a t i v e a c t i v i t y
d i s p e r s i b i l i t y of the low s p e c i f i c power materials. )
Table 2 l i s t s
the and (Mpc)a(40hr/wk) values f o r the isotopes


Calculation of the gamma and/or bremsstrahlung radiation level and

shielding requirements were made by using the SDC code.
a Sources were
assumed t o be r i g h t c i r c u l a r cylinders with height equal t o diameter and
clad with 0.2 cm ( t h i s thickness would correspond t o 0.54 g/cm 2 ) of alumi-
num. The outside surface of the source was assumed t o be 1 cm from the
inside face of the shield f o r a l l shielded source cases. The dose point
was assumed t o be 100 cm f r o m t h e center of the source i n the case of
shielded sources and was varied from 50 t o 1000 cm from the source center
i n the case of the unshielded sources. Configurations f o r these two cases
a r e shown i n Fig. 1.
Self-attenuation within the sources i s determined i n the SDC code by
calculating 'self -absorption factors or s e l f -absorption exponents (self-
absorption distances), the comon practice i n hand calculations as described
i n the shielding l i t e r a t u r e . 9910, ll,E,13
Table 2. Biological Hazards of Source Isotopes

Minimum Value of
Isotope HEPa (ma(40 hr/wk)

co60 1.9 9 10-9

K r 85 2.2 x 103 10-5
S r90 6.5 x loW2 3 x 10-l0
Z r 95 3 x
Nb95 22 10-7
106 6 x 10"
cs137 2.2
144 6 x IO-'
Ce 1.3
m147 13 6x
m170 6.5 3 x lo-8
TIU171 22 10-7
T1204 6.5 3x
Po 4.3 x. 2 x 10-l0
1.3 10-3 6 x 10'~
1332 6.5 10-3 3 x lo-=
,238 4.3 2 x lo-*

cm242 2.2 x 10-l0

cm244 1.9 10-3 g x lo-=

aInhalation hazard amounts (curies) equivalent t o 1 g (6.1 x loo2


9 X
curies) of Pu239. Forxtula used: HE? = 2.16 x 10 (MPC)a(40 hr/wk) X
fi (g/curie, 0 . 1 ~

The basic equation f o r the uncollided gamma flux of energy Eo from

a c y l i n d r i c a l source with shield a t the side and the dose point projection
between the ends of the cylinder i s :

= g a m energy, Mev,

= volumetric source strength, photons/cm 3 ,
= radius of cylinder, cm,
R = separation distance from edge of cylinder t o dose point, cm,
= self-absorption distance, cm (see Fig. l),
= l i n e a r attenuation coefficient f o r a gamma ray of energy Eo f o r the
material from which the source i s fabricated, cm-l,
= self-absorption exponent,
I-L = linear attenuation coefficient f o r a gamma ray of energy Eo f o r the
shield material, cm-l,
t = thickness of shield, cm,
= angle subtended a t the dose point by a horizontal l i n e and a l i n e
connecting the dose point with the intersection of the tc l i n e with
the top of the cylinder (see Fig. l),
= angle subtended a t the dose point by a horizontal l i n e and a l i n e
connecting the dose point w i t h the i n t e r s e c t i o n of the tc l i n e with
the base of the cylinder (see Fig. 1).

F(8,X) = Sievert’s integral = de’.

(Values of and t C may be found i n ref. 11, Chapters 10 and 11.

pc, p, p c t c
The values of p c t c and t are obtained from Figs. 11.14 and 11.15 i n Chap-
ter 11 of ref. 11.)
Then the dose rate ( i n millirads/hr) i s determined from the flux by
t h e following equation:

D(R,Eo) = dose rate a t distance R from uncollided gam of i n i t i a l energy
including buildup contribution, millirads /hr ,
EO, 2
(pa/p) = energy absorption mass attenuation c o e f f i c i e n t f o r tissue, cm /g,
= photon energy, Mev,

OR N L- DWG 64-7 10

. --.





---------------- --

H/2 I I
..-- /


SEP. c

Fig. 1. S p a t i a l Relationships Between Sources, Shield, and Dose Point

Used for Calculations i n This Report.

B(Eo,pt) = b u i l d u p f a c t o r f o r gamma radiation of i n i t i a l energy Eo and a

shield which has a thickness of p t relaxation lengths. (Buildup
f a c t o r s may be obtained from Tables 10.10 and 10.11 of Chapter
10, ref. 11.)
Fluxes and dose rates are calculated f o r each gamma group and then
summed Over the t o t a l number of gamma groups specified f o r the spectrum
t o obtain the t o t a l gamma flux and gamma dose rate.
The self-absorption f a c t o r f o r gamma o r bremsstrahlung radiation
within a source may be obtained from the following expression: 9

F (p R ) = self-absorption f a c t o r = #/go,
-2 -1
ZP c o = gamma flux with self-absorption,photons cm sec ,
-2 -1
= gamma flux without self-absorption, photons cm sec ,
P = 1/2, l i n e a r of slab source,
P = 1, c y l i n d r i c a l source,
P = 3/2, spherical source,
m) = gamma function of N.

The SDC code allows as many as I 2 gamma groups per calculation; how-
ever, only a few sources required t h i s many t o describe the spectrum. The
a c t u a l gamma groups and source strengths f o r each s o x c e a r e l i s t e d i n the
t a b l e s of heat source data f o r each isotope.
The lowest gamma energy provided i n the permanent data of the SDC
code i s 0.1 Mev. Where an emission energy E w a s l e s s than 0.1 Mev, an
e f f e c t i v e gama energy of 0.1 MeV was used, and the t r u e source strength
was multiplied by (E/0.1) t o obtain an e f f e c t i v e source strength f o r the
calculations. This approximation holds f o r self-absorption and attenua-
t i o n through a few relaxation lengths of the shield. The dose r a t e w i l l
be overestimated f o r thicker shields. However, t h i s i s of l i t t l e impor-
tance since i n most cases the harder components control the shield thick-
ness. Even f o r monoenergetic sources t h i s approximation i s adequate
since only t h i n shields a r e required, even f o r the 0.1-Mev e f f e c t i v e


Calculations r e l a t i n g t o beta, gamma, and neutron emissions are dis-

cussed, with s p e c i a l emphasis on processes often i g o r e d but which are
important when more accurate determinations of shield requirements a r e
necessary. These processes include beta spectra analyses t o permit accu-
r a t e evaluation of average beta energies, bremsstrahlung production i n
beta decay, decay gamma production, internal conversion i n gamma decay,
other sources of gamma rays, and neutron production.

Beta Radiation

In beta decay, an electron and a neutrino are sirmrltaneously emitted

from the nucleus of an atom, with the sum of the energies of the two emis-
sions being equal t o the t o t a l beta decay energy f o r that p a r t i c u l a r t r a n s i -
tion, The amount of energy being carried off by e i t h e r p a r t i c l e may vary
from zero t o almost the t o t a l beta decay energy, thus yielding p a r t i c l e s
with a continuous energy spectrum and making the maximum p a r t i c l e energy
v i r t u a l l y equal t o the beta decay energy. The neutrino can be neglected
since it i s of no p r a c t i c a l concern i n biological or heat generation calcu-
lations. However, the beta p a r t i c l e i s important because of i t s biological
and heating e f f e c t s .
Two d i f f e r e n t types of beta t r a n s i t i o n s based on spin and p a r i t y changes
a r e of interest i n the study of beta spectra.14 The "allowedtt t r a n s i t i o n s
involve a spin change of 0 or 1, and no p a r i t y change (0 o r 1, no) while
the "unique first forbidden" t r a n s i t i o n s involve a spin change of 2 and
a change of p a r i t y (2, yes). Spectra for these two types of t r a n s i t i o n s
can be calculated, but spectra f o r most other t r a n s i t i o n s cannot be simply
o r accurately predicted as yet.
The shape of the energy spectrum of beta p a r t i c l e s depends on several
factors, i n p a r t i c u l a r the decay energy, the atomic number of the emitting
nucleus, and the t r a n s i t i o n type. The shape of the energy spectrum of
beta p a r t i c l e s i s important t o radiation and shielding calculations f o r
determining the average beta p a r t i c l e energy f o r heat generation calcula-
tions, and i n determining the bremsstrahlung energy spectrum.

The r e l a t i v e number of betas, P(E), of k i n e t i c energy E from an

emitter of atomic number Ze and maximan k i n e t i c energy Eo i s given f o r an
allowed t r a n s i t i o n by:

P(E) = KWF(Ze, W)(Eo - El2, (1)

K i s an a r b i t r a r y constant,
t o t a l beta energy i n rest mass units,

beta momentum =vW2- 1,

Fermi Differential Function,
atomic number of the emitting nucleus.
This Fermi d i f f e r e n t i a l f’unction, whose values have been tabulated
by the N a t i o n a l Bureau of Standards,15 can be f u r t h e r defined by:
F(Ze,W) = f(Zp,rl)/il (2)
The nunaerator of the r i g h t side of the above equations is the a c t u a l
function tabulated by the National Bureau of Standards,

Z = atomic number of product nucleus,


The 2 sign i n the exponential term applies t o the spectra of negative

(beta) and positive (positron) electrons, respectively.
Distributions f o r unique first-forbidden t r a n s i t i o n s are given by:

The average beta energy has i n the p a s t been expressed as approxi-

mately one-third of the Illaximum energy, but it varies from about 25 t o 5 8
of the maximum energy, depending on the shape of the spectra. The above
expressions f o r P(E) can be used t o determine the average beta energy from:


The calculated average beta energies and other important nuclear data
f o r the proposed isotopes are l i s t e d i n Table 3.

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

When an electron i s decelerated (or accelerated) it emits a f r a c t i o n

of i t s energy as electromagnetic radiation. This occurs both when an
electron leaves a nucleus (called inner bremsstrahlung) and when it is
absorbed (called external bremsstrahlung). In e i t h e r case the s p e c t r a l
d i s t r i b u t i o n i s from zero t o the maximum beta energy, but most of the
energy i s released as l e s s energetic radiations. The energy emitted as
inner bremsstrahlung depends only on beta energy, and i s small even f o r
the very energetic electrons.
External bremsstrahlung increases with increasing beta energy and
increasing atomic number (Za) of the absorber. The r a t i o of energy l o s s
by radiation (Erad) t o t h a t by ionization (Eion) f o r a monoenergetic elec-
t r o n i s approximately:
/E = Z E/800,
Erad ion a
where E i s the k i n e t i c energy of the electron i n Mev. This approximation
i s rather inaccurate f o r low-energy electrons but i s usually considered
adequate because the high self- o r external absorption of low-energy brems-
strahlung produced from low-energy electrons does not make high accuracy
necessary. Application of t h i s formula t o b e t a emission requires division
of the beta spectrum i n t o several energy groups with subsequent calculation
of the totalbremsstrahlung energy r e s u l t i n g from each group. This gives
only the t o t a l amount of bremsstrahlung energy but not the energy spectrum.
For each energy group of betas, the maximum bremsstrahlung energy i s equal
t o the maximum beta energy.
Equation (6) w o u l d a l s o indicate that a f e w percent of the beta energy
would escape the source as bremsstrahlung and would not be recoverable as
heat within the source itself. If mwcimum heat recovery i s required, it
would then be necessary t o encapsulate the source i n an absorption rnedium
of approximately one-tenth thickness i n order t o recapture the energy that
escapes the source. The a c t u a l amount of bremsstrahlung escaping the
source would be less than the t o t a l bremsstrahlung produced because of the
self-absorption w i t h i n the source. The self-absorption factors depend upon

Table 3. Nuclear Data f o r Isotopes Considered for Power Sources

Part i c l e s Photons Pover (w /Kilocurie )

Nuclide Half-Life Type

Max E
Avg E
. Alpha Beta Gamma Total
60 0.56 14.80 15.36
co 5.27 Y 0.312 0.095 100 1.172
Kr85 10.3 Y 0.672 0.253 100 0.517 1.498 0.024 1.522
Sr90 28 Y 0.545 0.20 100 -- 1.184 -- 1.184
YW 64.2 h 2.27 0.9% 100 -- 5.588 -- 5 588

Zr95 65 d 0.89 0.34 2 0.76 0.73 4.33 5.06

0.40 0.122 43 0.72
0.36 o.iog 55 N
90 h -- 0.21 Included i n above

Nbg5 35 d 0.16 0.044 100 0.76 3.26 4.5 4.76

106 -- 0.05
RU 1.0 y 0.04 0.009 100 0.05
106 2.42
Rh 30 s 3.54 1.52 79 8.4 1.2 9.6
3.03 1.30 7 1.55
2.40 0.98 11 1.04
1.99 0.79 2 0.62
1.42 0.40 1 0.51

fUnique f i r s t forbidden t r a n s i t i o n .


1 1 I I
? U 8 * U . U ,b

Table 3 (cont’d)

Part i c l e s
Max E Avg E Abund.
E Abund . Power (w/ Kilocurie)

Nuclide Half-Life Type (MeV) (Mev) ($) (MeV) (.“-)

I” Alpha Beta Gamma Total
134 B 0.68 0.22 -- 0.87
cs 2.2 y 9 00473 2 10.13 11.0
0.65 0.20 58 0.567 22
0.41 0.122 4 0.605 100
0.08 0.02 27 0.796 91
0.801 18
1.038 0.9
1.168 3
1.367 5
137 f --
cs 26.6 1.18 0.42 8 -- 1.23 -- 1.23
3 0.52 0.19 92 -- -- ro
Ba 137m 2.6 m IT -- -- 92 0.662 83.5 -- -- 3.61 3.61
Ce 285 d B 0.31 0.090 65 0.134 17 -- 0.44 0.20 0.64
0.22 0.060 5 0.10 2
0.17 0.045 30 0.08 2
0.04 17
17.5 m Bf 2.98 1.21 97.7 2.2 0.8
F 2.3
0.8 0.28
2.67 Y. B 0.23 0.067 100 0.121 <o. 1 -- 0.397 -- 0.397
pm 1.94 Y B 0.78
-- 35 -- 0.5 0
EC 65 0.45 65 -- 4.62 5.12
0.75 65

fUnique f i r s t forbidden transition.

Table 3 (cont'd)

Particles Photons Parer (w/Kilocurie )

Nuclide Half -Life Ty-pe

Max E
Avg E
(MeV 1
. Alpha Beta Gamma Total

Eu152 12.7 y EC -- 0.04 73 0.122 10.9 -- 0.lT

B 1.46 0.53 5.7 0.245 5.0 0.42 4.05 4.64
1.05 0.36 1.6 0.344 18.5
0.68 0.22 13.8 0.780 8.4
0.36 0.10 3.5 0.965 10.1
0.22 0.06 2.4 1.087 8.4
1.113 9.3
1.409 16.8
Eu154 16 Y B 1.84 0.70 7 0.123 35 -- 1.17 6.99 8.16
1.60 0.60 3 0.593 4
0.83 0.28 20 0.725 21
0.55 0.17 30 0.875 13
0.25 0.07 28 0.998 14
0.15 0.04 12 1.007 17
1 277 42
148 42 d B 2.5 0.99 6 0.10 8 -- 1.49 11.28 12.77
2.0 0.72 1 0.19 5
1.2 0.42 3 0.29 12
1.07 0.37 5 0.41 16
0.76 0.25 19 0.43 11
0.64 0.21 11 0.55 92
0.57 0.18 15 0.63 90
0.47 0.14 40 0.73 36
0.91 19
1.01 20
1.46 2

a 4 1 1
I I . I I b

Table 3 (cont’d)

Particles Photons Power (w/Kilocur$e )

Max E Avg E Abund. E Abund.
Nuclide Half-Life Type (MeV) (MeV) (0‘14) (MeV 1 ($4 Alpha Beta Gamma Total

Tm170 127 d B 0.968 0.33 76 0.084 3.4 -- 1.91 0.02 1.93

0.884 0.30 24
Tm17’ 1.94 y B 0.097 0.029 98 0.0667 2 -- 0.17 0.008 0.178
0.03 0.01 2

3.9 y Bf 0.764 0.27 98 -- 1.57

EC 0.38 2 0,07l(x) 2 -- 0.045 0.008 1.623
Po210 138.4 d a 5.305 5.305 100 0.803 1.2 x lom331.41 -- -- 31.41
74 Y a 5.318 5.318 68 0.0579 0.21 31.37 -- -- 31.37
5.261 5.261 31.68 0.131 0.075 -3
5.134 5.134 0.32 0.268 4x 10
0.326 4 10-3
1.91 y a 5.421 5.421 71 0.0845 1.6 31.95 -- 0.008 31.96
5.338 5.338 28
5.208 5.208 0.4
5.173 5.173 0.2
5.137 5.137 0.03
Ra224 3.64 d a 5.681 5.681 95 0.2411 3.7 33.56 -- 0.053 33.61
5.445 5.445 5
Rn220 51.5 s a 6,282 6.282 100 0.542 0.03 37.19 -- 0.001 37.19
Po216 0.158 s a 6.775 6.775 100 -- -- 40.11 -- -- 40.11

fUnicpe f i r s t forbidden transition.

Table 3 (cont'd)

P a r t i cl e s Photons Power (w/Kilocurie)

n ?n Half-life Type
Max E
Avg E
. Alpha Beta Gamma Total
Pb- 10.64 h B 0.580 0.19 16 0.115 3 -- 0.71 1.07 1.78
0.340 0.11 80 0.239 74
0.160 0.05 4 0.415 0.01
2 12
Bi 60.5 m B 2.25 0.95 63.8 0.72 19 -- 3.59 4.38 7.97
0.83 19
a 6.09 6.09 9.85 1.03 6 12.97 -- 0.06 13.03
6.05 6.05 25.3 1.34 5 21.00
5.77 5.77 0.6 1.61 7
5.622 5.622 0.05 1.81 7
5 0603 5 603 0.4 2.20 3.5
0.04 25
Others Weak
T1208 3.1 m B 1.795 0.67 50 0.277 10
1.518 0.55 21 0.510 25
1.284 0.45 25 0.582 80 1.23" 7.22' 8.45a
1.032 0.30 4 0.859 15
2.620 100
PO212 0.30 ps a 8.78 a. 78 100 -- -- 51. 9Ba
33 16
Total a l l daughters i n equilibrium with U - 232 238.63

%hen e x i s t i n g as a L?32 or Th228 daughter.

. b
8 I
. . I

Table 3 (cont'd)

Nuclide Half-life Type

Max E
Avg E
($) (MeV

. P a r e r (w/kilocurie)

Alpha Beta Gamma Total

&?38 89.8 Y a: 5.495 5.495 72 0.0435 0.038 32.46 -- -- 32.46
5.452 5.452 28 0.099 8x
0.150 1 x 1012
0.203 4 x io-5
0.76 5 x 10
0.875 2 x loW5
Cm 163 d a: 6.11 6.11 73.7 0.044 0.039 36.10 -- -- 36.10
6.066 6.066 26.3 0.1018 3.5 x lom3
0.1576 2.3 10-3
CIll 18.4 Y a: 5.801 5.801 76.7 0.043 2.1 x 34.28 -- -- 34.28
5.759 5-759 23.3 0.1 1.5 10-3
0.15 1.3 10-3

source s i z e and attenuation coefficients of the material from which the

source i s fabricated.' F i f t y percent of the bmmsstrahlung energy would
be absorbed within the source i f the product of vcRO (linear attenuation
c o e f f i c i e n t x radius of c y l i n d r i c a l source) = 1.0. The mthod f o r calcu-
l a t i n g self-absorption was given on page 19.
The t o t a l bremsstrahlung energy release per beta emission f o r the
important bremsstrahlung emitters is given i n the Tables of Appendix A.
According t o WyardY6the r e l a t i v e amount of energy I radiated by a
monoenergetic electron of k i n e t i c energy E t o produce bremsstrahlung photons
of energy k i s given approximately by:

I = CJql- k + 3 E
E) k ln(%)J&,
(7 1
where C is an a r b i t r a r y constant. The t o t a l energy radiated by the elec-
tron i s given by summing over a l l values of k (which gives 1.25 CE), and
t h i s energy i s equal t o the energy l o s s by radiation as calculated above.
For the determination of bremsstrahlung spectra of beta emitters it i s
necessary t o divide both the beta and bremsstrahlung spectra i n t o smll
energy intervals, t o determine the photon i n t e n s i t y f o r each appropriate
combination of intervals, and t o cmbine the results t o obtain a photon
The bremsstrahlung spectrum, S(k), may be evaluated as the product
of three factors, summed over all beta energies from k t o Eo. The f a c t o r s
are: (1) the f r a c t i o n of the t o t a l beta energy a t energy E, (2) the .
f r a c t i o n of t h i s energy which i s l o s t by radiation, and ( 3 ) the f r a c t i o n
of t h i s radiated energy which has energy k. The t o t a l energy of bremsstrah-
lung of energy k per Ak photon energy interval per u n i t beta energy i s
thus given by: 14

ZEP(E) i s from E = 0 t o E = Eo.
Then the t o t a l number of bremsstrahlung photons, N ( k ) , of energy k
per Ak photon energy i n t e r v a l per beta emission i s given by:

N(k) = S ( k ) E/k, (9)

where E i s the average beta energy as defined previously.

Equations (1)through (9) were programmed f o r the CDC-1604 as Program

Spectra (see Appendix A). The calculated results which are tabulated i n
Tables A . 1 through A.14 of Appendix A were used t o obtain the average beta
energies of Table 3 and the bremsstrahlung groups used i n the shielding
calculations and l i s t e d i n Tables 5 through 23. The a c t u a l calculations
used mch smaller photon energy i n t e r v a l s than those l i s t e d i n Tables 5
through 23; combinations and averaging were necessary i n some cases i n
order t o get a l l photons included i n 12 groups or l e s s f o r the SDC program.

Gamma Radiation

Characteristic gamma rays are emitted i n the decay of most radioiso-

topes: alpha, beta and positron decay, and electron capture generally
leave the product nucleus i n an excited state, which subsequently decays
t o the ground state with the emission of one o r more photons. These gamma
rays vary widely i n energy and abundance from one isotope t o another. For
example, abundant 1- t o 3-&v gamma rays accompany the decay of Co60, C e 144,
Rh106 (daughter of R,106) and T1208 (daughter of l?32), while there i s
l i t t l e gamma accompanying the decay of o r Pu238. Decay schemes and
photon spectra are given by Strominger, Hollander, and Seaborg,17 by
Dzhelepov and Peker,18 and i n the Isotope D s t a d e ~ . These
~~ references
were used t o obtain the gamma spectra given i n Table 3.

I n t e r n a l Conversion

A l l gamma photons are emitted with the same energy f o r any given gama
t r a n s i t i o n , instead of a spectrum of energies as with beta p a r t i c l e s .
ever, calculations involving gamma-ray emission are complicated somewhat
by i n t e r n a l conversion, i n which p a r t o r a l l of the gamma photons emitted
from a nucleus are absorbed by an extranuclear electron of the emitting
atom. The k i n e t i c energy of the electron i s equal t o the i n i t i a l photon
energy less the binding energy of the electron. This binding energy i s
equal t o the energy of the x ray f o r the s h e l l from which the electron was
ejected. An x ray i s a l s o emitted from the atom when an electron drops
i n t o the site vacated i n the conversion process. Thus the radiation ob-
served from gamma t r a n s i t i o n s i n a given nuclide may consist p a r t l y of
monoenergetic electrons and x rays, and fewer gamma photons than expected.

I n t e r n a l conversion is very common f o r gamma photons of energy less

than about 0.2 Mev, and usually negligible f o r photons above about 0.7 Mev.
The extent of i n t e r n a l conversion has been determined experimentally f o r
most of the nuclides of i n t e r e s t and often need t o be included in calcu-
l a t i o n s involving gamma rays. 14
The radiation from gamma emitters where i n t e r n a l conversion i s appre-
ciable should therefore be treated as a t least two separate types of radia-
t i o n f o r most purposes. Gamma shielding and dose rate calculations should
consider only the photons that escape the atom r a t h e r than a l l of those
emitted from the nucleus. Heating calculations should include the energy
imparted t o the conversion electrons along with the heat generated by beta
radiation, while the gamma, photons should be t r e a t e d separately since t h e i r
energy i s ordinarily l o s t a t some distance from the source. The x rays
may e i t h e r be treated as a t h i r d class, o r lumped with the betas and con-
version electrons when t h e i r penetrating power i s smll compared with the
gamma radiation. If the r a t i o of conversion electrons t o gamma photons
i s large, and bremsstrahlung i s small, x ray emission may becom important.
In such cases it might be necessary t o include the i n t e r n a l conversion of
the x rays, which i s then followed by the emission of lower-energy x rays. 20

Other Sources of Gamma Radiation

Gamnra rays are a l s o emitted by spontaneous f i s s i o n , by f i s s i o n products

produced during spontaneous f i s s i o n , by i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g of neutrons,
and by neutron capture.
Prompt Gammas from Spontaneous Fission
A continuous spectrum of gamma rays, varying i n energy from approxi-
mately 0 . 1 t o 8 Mev, i s emitted i n the process of Spontaneous fission.
About 7.5 Wv is emitted i n t h i s fashion per fission.
Fission-Product Decay Gammas
Fission products formed i n spontaneous f i s s i o n ultimately e m i t a t o t a l
of approximately 5.5 Wv i n gamma rays per f i s s i o n . These gamma rays
generally have lower energy than the prompt gammas from spontaneous fission.
The fission-product gammas approach a steady-state decay rate within a f e w '

hours after a spontaneously f i s s i o n i n g nuclide i s isolated.


Data on the gamma spectrum from $35 f i s s i o n products as a function

of i r r a d i a t i o n and cooling tine are given by Goldstein12 and by Blizard
and Abbott.” The y i e l d of f i s s i o n products from mny of the actinide
elements i s given by Ryae. 21
I n e l a s t i c Gammas
I n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g of neutrons, the predominant process of slowing
down i n the heavier elements, i s accompanied by the emission of photons.
The t o t a l photon energy is less than the incident neutron energy. O r d i -
n a r i l y the energy absorbed from the neutron is emitted as several photons.
Neutron-Capture Gammas
Nearly a l l isotopes, with the exception of L i6 and B1,’ emit energetic
gamma rays upon the capture of a neutron. This gamma source i s especially
important f o r those elements with high neutron capture cross sections since
these elements compete most strongly f o r the available neutrons.
One mst know the neutron flux and spectrum i n a shield t o calculate
i n e l a s t i c and capture gammas. Approximate answers f o r the ordinarily small
sources and shields of i n t e r e s t i n space applications may be obtained with
the DSN reactor transport code o r other reactor codes. Renupak and NIOBE
are available f o r more rigorous calculation. Goldstein,= and Price,
Horton and Spinney13 present data f o r calculating sources of capture and
i n e l a s t i c gammas; but, i n general, it i s not p r a c t i c a l t o perform the cal-
culations by hand, especially when fast and i n t e m d i a t e neutrons are
The calculation of gamma radiation produced by neutron capture and
i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g was not performed f o r t h i s study. The neglection of
t h i s source of gamma radiation should not be serious. The sources of
gamma from spontaneous f i s s i o n and from spontaneous f i s s i o n produced f i s s i o n
products were included.

Neutron Radiation

Neutron radiation may be produced by any or a l l of the following pro-

cesses: Spontaneous fission, a,n reactions, 7,n reactions, and n,2n reac-
tions .

Neutrons from Spontaneous Fission

A continuous spectrum of neutrons varying i n energy from about 0 . 1 t o
18 &v i s emitted i n the spontaneous f i s s i o n process. An average of two
t o four neutrons are emitted per f i s s i o n , depending on the fissioning i s o - -
topes. Yields and spectra of prompt neutrons and gammas from spontaneous
f i s s i o n are given by we.
a,n Neutrons
Neutrons are produced from mixtures of alpha emitters and c e r t a i n
elements, including most of the l i g h t elements (see Table 4). The energy
spectrum of the neutrons i s a continuous d i s t r i b u t i o n extending from very
l o w energies up t o a maximan energy that i s s l i g h t l y l e s s than the sum of

the alpha energy and the energy liberated i n the reaction. The y i e l d of
neutrons varies with the target elements and the composition of the mix-
ture. B e r y l l i u m produces the most neutrons per alpha. Aluminum, carbon,
and oxygen produce progressively fewer neutrons.
E x p e r h n t a l data on a,n sources are given by Price, Horton and
Spinney.13 a,n emission rate and maximum neutron energy of mixtures
of Po2l0, pu238, Cm242 and Cm244 with various l i g h t elements are shown i n
Table 4. It i s conservative t o use the maximum neutron energy t o calculate
shielding and radiation l e v e l s i f the spectrum i s not known. Approximately
5 x 106 neutrons per sec per a curie with neutron energy up t o 11 Mev are
emitted from mixtures of beryllium and alpha emitters. The y i e l d s and
energy increase with alpha e n e r a . Yields and maximum neutron energies
are lower f o r aluminum, oxygen, and carbon.
A photon can eject a neutron when i t s energy exceeds the neutron bind-
ing energy. A photon energy greater than 7 m v i s required f o r a l l iso-
topes except deuterium, Be , and L i
6 . Cross sections f o r the reaction
a r e of the order of l m b , and the neutrons generally have energy of 0.1
t o 1 &v. Data f o r photoneutron c a l c u h t i o n s are given by Goldstein12 and
by Price, Horton, and Spinney. 13
n,2n Neutrons
If the bombarding neutron has s u f f i c i e n t energy, it i s possible f o r
the compound nucleus t o emit two neutrons. The threshold energy i s rela-
tively high f o r a l l isotopes except deuterium and Be 9 Thus, beryllium,

which may be used as a heat shield i n space, may serve t o multiply the
neutron flux, though usually t o only a slight degree. Price, Horton, and
Spinne93 give data f o r n,2n calculations, and the DSN code calculates
' n,2n reactions.
Neutron Scattering and Attenuation
Most materials e l a s t i c a l l y and i n e l a s t i c a l l y s c a t t e r neutrons through
r e l a t i v e l y large angles. In general, neutrons s c a t t e r more readily than
gamma rays. Scattering a t large angles i s most predominant with heavier
elements .
Computer Codes f o r Neutron Dose Calculations

The calculation of dose and spectra from fast neutrons i n thick shields
has become precise only i n the last few years with the development of
s p e c i a l transport codes f o r handling very fast neutrons. While the reactor
transport and diffusion codes, which have been i n use f o r many years, may
adequately calculate the behavior of intermediate- t o law-energy neutrons,
they are not set up t o handle the high-energy penetrating neutrons that are
important i n thick neutron shields.
In addition t o Monte Carlo codes, there are available two new trans-
p o r t codes called Renupak and NIOBE. They a r e both codes f o r an IBM-7090
computer, and they calculate neutron current, flux, spectrum, and dose
rate as a function of shield thickness. Correlated data from calculations
with Renupak (moments method), f o r som neutron shields, a r e presented by
Goldstein.12 The Radiation Shielding Information Center a t Oak Ridge2'
can furnish references t o other calculations including those f o r lithium
hydride and concrete.
The neutron dose r a t e attenuation factors f o r a f i s s i o n source a r e
given i n Fig. 2 f o r beryllium, water, lithium hydride, and two hydrocarbons
whose structure may be represented by CH o r C%. This figure along with
the a c t u a l dose r a t e s through water shields which are presented graphically
f o r the neutron emitting isotopes may be used t o determine neutron dose
rates through any of the f i v e materials.

Table 4. a,n E m i s s i o n from Mixtures of A l p h a k n i t t e r s and L i g h t E l e m n t s


Target 210 %238 244
Element Property Po Cm242 Cm

Be Neutron emission r a t e
(n/sec/a curie) 3 x lo6 4x lo6 7x lo6 6 x 10
ax neutron energy ( k v ) 10.8 10.9 11.5 11.2

C Neutron emission rate

(n/sec/a c u r i e ) 4 x lo3 5 x lo3 1 x lo4 8 x 103
1ve3x neutron energy ( k v ) 7.2 7.4 8.0 7.6
0 Neutron emission r a t e
(n/sec/a c u r i e ) 2.4 x lo3 3 x lo3 6 x lo3 5 x 103
M neutron energy (WV) 5 .6 5.8 6.3 6.1
A1 Neutron emission rate 4
(n/sec/a c u r i e ) 3 lo4 4 lo4 7 lo4 5 10
1ve3x neutron energy (WV) 2.3 2.5 3.1 2.7

ORNL-DWG. 6 3 - 8 4 3 3

I 0-4



d- 10-6

n I 0-7


‘\i I\

I I I I I I I I I ’ I
I \ I

P E N E T R A T I O N DEPTH (cji’m2)

Fig. 2. Fast Neutron Dose Rate (Multiplied by 4Tr ) i n Various
Materials as a Function of Penetration Depth from a Unit Point Isotropic
Fission Source.


This section presents an evaluation of the studied isotopes i n terms

of t h e i r radiation c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and shielding requirements. Each iso-
tope i s handled as an individual e n t i t y . Nuclear data i s given i n tabular
form f o r each type of heat source calculated. This table l i s t s such
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s as specific a c t i v i t y , s p e c i f i c power, neutron emission
rates ( i f any), type of compound and density, and gamm emission rates f o r
each of the energy groups selected f o r the SDC shielding calculations. The
t a b l e a l s o notes the type of emission (decay gamma, bremsstrahlung, x ray,
spontaneous f i s s i o n gamma) and the most predominant radiation from an
unshielded source. O f course the predominant radiation would s h i f t t o the
higher and higher components of the spectra as the shield thickness increases.
T h i s s h i f t can cause a very marked i n i t i a l attenuation from a small amount
of shielding. This i s especially true when the predominant energy f o r the
unshielded source i s low. The a c t u a l gama spectra f o r each isotope, l i s t e d
i n Table 3, w a s used t o group the energies f o r input data t o the SDC code.
These gamma spectra were obtained from several sources. 17,18,19
The r e s u l t s of the shielding calculations are presented f o r the follow-
ing conditions: (1)gamma dose rates from unshielded sources as a function
of distance from center of source; (2) gama dose r a t e s a t 1 m from the
center of the source as a f'unction of shield thickness f o r iron, lead, and
uranium shield ( i n some cases, w a t e r ) materials; and (3) neutron dose rates
a t 1 m from the center of the source as a f'unction of water s h i e l d thick-
ness. The neutron dose r a t e s through other materials may be estimated by
using Fig. 2, which gives the attenuation f a c t o r s f o r beryllium, water,
lithium hydride, and two hydrocarbons whose structure may be represented
by CH o r CH2.
Gamma dose rates from shielded sources a t distancesother than 1 m may
be estimated by finding the r e l a t i v e distance attenuation f a c t o r from the
graph f o r the unshielded case and applying the f a c t o r t o the corresponding
value f o r the shielded source. Neutron dose r a t e s a t distances other than
1 m may be estimated by using the inverse-square l a w since the neutron
dose rate calculations assumed that the e n t i r e neutron source w a s located
as a point a t the center of the source.

Cobalt -60

Cobalt-60 i s produced i n s u b s t a n t i a l quantities today f o r use as a

gamma source. In portable radiographic devices, it has largely replaced
radium. Its half-life i s f a i r l y long, 5.3 yrs; it i s of lower biological
t o x i c i t y than most other possible isotopic source materials (Sr9 and a l l
the alpha emitters). The f a c t that the inactive normal cobalt can be
encapsulated and then i r r a d i a t e d t o the desired a c t i v i t y without f u r t h e r
processing i s a d i s t i n c t advantage s p e c i f i c t o t h i s isotope. The char-
a c t e r i s t i c s of i t s radiation are unfortunate f o r the present applications
because of the major component of high-energy g a m s that must be absorbed
t o yield appreciable heat. O f a l l of the isotopes considered i n t h i s
report, only Co60 and Zr-Nb95 require a special design f o r the heat genera-
t o r , a p a r t from a l s o requiring heavy shielding. For those applications
where weight i s an important consideration, Co60 is, therefore, a t a disad-
vantage. F'urthermore, i t s intense and energetic gamma a c t i v i t y inhibits
i t s use as a t y p i c a l or representative heat source f o r use i n demonstration
devices. Like a l l isotopes t h a t have a substantial portion of t h e i r heat
in a gamma component or i n hard bremsstrahlung, an appreciable p a r t of t h i s
energy is not recoverable because the penetrating radiation cannot be com-
p l e t e l y absorbed and converted t o heat only i n that section of the device
i n contact with the thermoelectric elements. The specific power of Co60
i s high, 17.4 w/g, but the concentrations which can be p r a c t i c a l l y attained
would l i m i t the heat output t o about 2% of that figure. Even so, f o r
metal, a power density of 27.3 w/cc (200-curies-per-gram sources) appears
Isotopic heat source data f o r Co60 sources appear i n Table 5, and the
nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n Figs. 4
through 6 f o r 75-curies-per-gram sources, and i n Fig. 3 and Fig. 7 through
9 f o r 200-curies-per-gram sources. The radiation i n t e n s i t y from unshielded
sources having a s p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of 75 curies/g were not calculated o r

Table 5. Physical Properties of Cobalt-60 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties
H a l f -life 5.27 Y
S p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 1124
S p e c i f i c power of pure isotope, w / g 17.26
Compound me t a l
Weight of active isotope i n mtal, g/cc 0.59, 1.58'
Effective density of metal, g/cc 8.9
Power, w/cc of metal 10.3a, 27.3'
Activity, curies/cc of metal 667.5", 1 7 W
Gamma Radiation Properties

Garmna Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-sec ) (MeV 1
.2.385 x loE .
1 172
2.385 x lo1* 1.333e

Source: 75 curies per gram of cobalt mtal.
Source: 200 curies per gram of cobalt metal.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

, I I I I I I I
ORNL-DWG 63-8295



I o7


I o5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 3. G a m Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of

Cobalt-60 a s a Function of Distance from Center of Source. Specific
a c t i v i t y of source = 200 curies per g r a m of cobalt.

ORNL-DWG 6 3 - 8 4 5 3
I0 9


I o7


I o5

I o4

I o3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 4. Gama Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Parer Sources of

Cobalt-60. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 75 curies per gram of cobalt.

ORNL DWG 63-8454


Fig. 5 . Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Cobalt-60. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 75 curies per gram of cobalt.

ORNL DWG 63-8455
I0 9


I o7 .


I o5


I0 3


0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 1 4 1 5


Fig. 6. G a m Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Cobalt-60. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 75 curies per g r a m of cobalt

ORNL DWG 6 3 - 8 4 5 0

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 7. Gamma Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Cobalt-60. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 200 curies per g r a m of cobalt.

ORNL DWG 63-8451
I o9




I o5

I0 4

I0 3


0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3(3


Fia. 8. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of

Cobalt-GO. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 200 curies per gram of cobalt.
ORNL DWG 63-8452


Fig. 9. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Cobalt-60. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Specific a c t i v i t y of source = 200 curies per gram of cobalt.

K r y pt on -85
~ r y p t ~ n - 8has
5 a suita :h a l f - l i f e ( 0.3 y r ) t o consider t as a
possible power source. Its s p e c i f i c power i s about 0.62 w/g, mostly from
b e t a (which produces a small amount of bremsstrahlung x rays) but with
some f a i r l y energetic gamma (0.52 Mev) derived from l e s s than 1% of the
beta decays. I t s f i s s i o n yield i s only about 0.3% from $35 fission.
It should be recoverable along with stable isotopes of krypton such that
without isotope separation, it would comprise only about 7.5% of the krypton
mixture. In t h i s study, isotopic separation was assumed, and a krypton
mixture containing 50 w t $ Kr85 was used i n the computations. Computations
were based on l i q u i d krypton a t a density of 2.16 g/cc and a power density
of 0.67 w/cc.
Isotopic heat source d a t a f o r Kr85 sources appear i n Table 6, and the
nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n Figs. 10
through 13.


Table 6. Physical Properties of Krypton-85 as an Isotopic Parer Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 10.3 Y
. Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 410
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 0.623
Compound l i q u i d krypton

Effective density of liquid, g cc

Power, w/cc of l i q u i d
Weight of active isotope i n li uid, g/cc 1.08
0 673

Activity, curies/cc of l i q u i d 443

Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-sec ) (MeV)

7.805 x 10l1 0.1
10 b
6.945 x 10 0.25
8.41 1-09 0. 40b
4.185 x 108 0.55

1.702 x io11 0. 51Te

bBremsstrahlung X ray group.

Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source.

Fig. 10. G a m a Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-

t o p i c Parer Sources of Krypton-85 as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source. Source i s assumd t o be l i q u i d krypton containing 50% Kr85.
ORNL DWG 63-8456


Fig. 11. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Krypton-85. Center of source t o dose point separa-

t i o n distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o be l i q u i d krypton containing
50% Kr85
ORNL DWG 63-8457




I0 3



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12


Fig. 12. Gamm~lPlus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of ~rypton-85. Center of source t o dose point
separation d i s t a n e = 100 cm. Source is assumed t o be l i q u i d krypton
containing 50% Krb5
ORNL-DWG 63-8458

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 13. G m Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Krypton-85. Center of source to dose point
separation distan e = 100 cm. Source is assumed to be liquid krypton
containing SO$ Kr85


Strontium-90 (T112 = 28 yr) is produced i n reactor operation along

8 6 8 8
with other strontium isotopes (including the s t a b l e isotopes Sr , Sr )
and Sr8’, which has a h a l f - l i f e of 51 days and emits a very high energy
beta particle. A s recovered, the strontium isotopic mixture should consist
of approximately,50$ Sr90 . Strontium-90 has a decay daughter, Y*, in
secular equilibrium, which emits a very-high-energy beta p a r t i c l e . The
intense, high-energy beta a c t i v i t x of Sr8’ and YW, as w e l l the s o f t e r
b e t a of SrW, r e s u l t s i n high-energy bremsstrahlung f o r which heavy shield-
ing i s required. Unless the strontium has aged s u f f i c i e n t l y , the 51-day
sr89 contributes a s u b s t a n t i a l f r a c t i o n of heat from the isotopic mixture.
Some degree of aging i s advisable i n order t o provide a heat source with
minor contribution from Sr8’; otherwise, the source w i l l show a high
i n i t i a l decrease i n heat output c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the short-lived S r89 .
A curie of Sr89 w i l l contribute nearly 50% of the heat and 40% of the
r a d i a t i o n produced by a curie of SrW i n equilibrium with Ygo. The specific
power of Srgo i s 0.93 w/g. The power density of strontium oxide i s approxi-
mately 1.4 w/cc, while the power density of strontium titanate i s 0.85 w/cc.
The bremsstrahlung production i n the t i t a n a t e i s about 88$ of that i n the
Although a l l radioisotopes are hazardous and have a very low maximum
permissible concentration i n a i r o r water (MPC),8 Srgo has a far larger
MPC than any of the alpha emitters; however, among the f i s s i o n products
and the beta-active transmutation products, SrW i s more hazardous.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Srgo sources appear i n Table 7 f o r
strontium oxide sources and i n Table 8 f o r strontium titanate sources,
and the nuclear data appear i n Table 3 . The r e s u l t s of the radiation
i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources of strontium
oxide are given i n Figs. 14 through 17, while the r e s u l t s of these same
calculations f o r strontium t i t a n a t e are given i n Figs. 18 through 21.

Table 7 . Physical Properties of Strontiun-90 as an Isotopic Parer Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 28 Y
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 142
Specific parer of pure isotope, w/g 0.902
Compound SrO
Weight of active isotope i n compund, g / c c 1.46
Effective density of coaxpound, g / c c 3.7
Power, w/cc of compound 1.4
Activity, curies/cc of compound 208

Gamma Radiation Properties

Ga,mma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-sec ) (MeV 1

1.923 x 1011 0. 25b,e

8.695 x 1010 0.50
2.649 x do 0. Sob
8.255 x 109 1.lob
2.229 x i o9 1. 40b
4.086 x 108 1.Tob
2.806 x lo7 2. oob

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.


Table 8. Physical Properties of Strontium-90 as an Isotopic P a r e r Source

General Properties

H a l f-life 28 Y
Specific active of pure isotope, curies/g 142
Specific parer of pure isotope, w/g 0.962
Compound SrTi03
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc 0.884
Effective density of compound, g/cc 3.93
Parer, w/cc of compound 0.85
Activity, curies/cc of compound 126
G a m Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-sec) (MeV)

1.705 X 0.25b,e
6.612 x lolo 0.50
1.958 x lolo 0. 8Ob
6.103 x 109 1.10
2.082 x io' 2.00


bBremsstrahlung x ray group:

Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

ORNL-DWG a-a297


-2 106




I 03
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 14. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power

Sources of S t r o n t i u m - 9 (Strontium Oxide) as a Function of Distance from
Center of Source.



Fig. 15. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Oxide). Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8460


Fig. 16. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Oxide). Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8461

I0 5



w 102


, -

10-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ R \ I
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 1 4 1 5


Fig. 17. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic

Power Source of Strontium-90 (Strontium Oxide). Center of source t o dose
point separation distance = 100 cm.

Fig. 18. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Titanate) as a Function of Distance
from Center of Source.


Fig. 19. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Parer

Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Titanate). Center of source t o dose
point separation distance = 100 cm.
O R N L DWG 64-1674

I 05

I o4





0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

SHIELD T H I C K N E S S ( c m )

Fig. 20. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Titanate). Center of source t o dose
point separation distance = 100 cm.

Fig. 21. Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic

Power Sources of Strontium-90 (Strontium Titanate). Center of source to
dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Z i r c onium-Niobium95

The Zr-Nbg5 couple can only be considered f o r those applications in-

volving radiation devices or where a high specific power short-half-life
isotope i s b e s t suited. The half-lives a r e very short (Zr95, 65 days;
35 days) when compared with the other isotopes suggested as power
sources. Zirconium-95 has a very high specific a c t i v i t y and parer when
pure. These values a r e 20,000 curies/g and 100 w/g, respectively. In
addition, Nbg5 i n transient equilibrium with Zrg5 following an i r r a d i a t i o n
time of 120 days a t 3 x 10 neutrons cm
t h e m 1 flux and a decay
period of 30 days would contribute an additional 30,000 curies and 143 w
per gram of the associated Z r 95 .
However, these figures do not present the e n t i r e story; pure Zrg5 can
not be obtained without isotope separation. Like ruthenium, the f i s s i o n
process produces zirconium isotopes with a very high yield. 21,23,24 With
the exception of Zrg5, these isotopes a r e e i t h e r stable o r have a very
long h a l f - l i f e . With the i r r a d i a t i o n and decay conditions given above,
Z r g 5 would consitute about 8% of the t o t a l zirconium isotopes i n the
f i s s i o n produced mixture. Thus the specific a c t i v i t y and power of a
f i s s i o n produced mixture of zirconium isotopes (plus Nb 95 ) would become
4000 curies/g and 19.5 w/g, respectively. A power density of 75 w/cm 3
could be achieved with a zirconium oxide power source.
Zirconium-95 would a l s o be similar t o Co60 i n power recovery require-
ments since 90% of the t o t a l heat produced i s produced as gamma radiation.
The biological hazard f o r Zrg5 i n r e l a t i v e l y low, about the same as
t h a t f o r Co60 or Ru
Both Zrg5 and Nbg5 emit a large number of rela-
t i v e l y high-energy gamma rays. Shielding requiremnts a r e therefore sub-
Isotopic heat source data f o r Zr-Nbg5 sources appear i n Table 9, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs. 22
through 25.

Table 9. Physical Properties of Zirconium-Niobium95

as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 65-35 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure ( ~ o , o o o ( z ~+ ~30,000(Nb95))/g
~) ~r~~
isotope, curies/g
Specific parer of pure 243.6/g Zr95
isotope, w/g
Compound Zr02 - Nb205
Weight of a c t i v e isotope
i n compound, g/cc 0.31
Effective density of compound, g/cc 5.2
Parer, w/cc of compound 75
Activity, curies/cc of compound 15,500

Gamma Radiation Properties

G a m Emission Rate
For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-sec ) (*VI

1.671 x 1012 0. 76a

1.306 x i o 0.72"
4.557 x lo= 0.76'je

aFrom ~ r 9 5a c t i v i t y .
From Nbg5 a c t i v i t y .
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

ORNL-DWG 63-8298

I o9


B 107

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 22. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Parer Sources of
Zirconium-Niobium-95 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.


Fig. 23. Gamma Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Zirconium-Niobium-95. Center of source t o dose point separation dis-
tance = 100 cm.
ORNL DWG 63-8463
I0 9


. I0 7


I o5




0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5


Fig. 24. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Zirconium-Niobium-95. Center of source t o dose point separation d i s -
tance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8464








0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Fig. 25. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Zirconium-Niobium-95. Center of source to dose point separation dis-
tance = 100 cm.
Ruthenium- 106
Next t o xenon, ruthenium i s the f i s s i o n product produced i n highest
yield. 21y23,24 It comprises a mixture of a t l e a s t seven isotopes of which
Ru106 has a h a l f - l i f e of 1 yr. Three of the other isotopes are stable.
The specific power from Ru106 i s f a i r l y high, 31.8 w/g (Table 10). However,
y i e l d of Rulo6 from ?35 f i s s i o n i s the smallest of the ruthenium isotopes
(0.38%), such that the isotopic purity of Rulo6 i n the mixture with i t s
stable r e l a t i v e s i n only about 3.3%. However, Ru103 has a 40-day half-
l i f e , and a decay period of nearly 190 days must be used t o decay t h i s
isotope down t o a power l e v e l of 20$ of the Rulo6 isotope (when i n equi-
librium with i t s rhodium daughter). This decay period would i n turn reduce
the R U ’ ~ a c t i v i t y t o about 70% of i t s reactor discharged value.
The yield of Ru106 i n plutonium f i s s i o n21,23y24 is, however, substan-
t i a l l y greater (about 4.5$). Thus, the p u r i t y would a l s o appear t o be much
greater under conditions of plutonium f i s s i o n - possibly as high as 20%.
In power reactors operating on low enrichment uranium, Ru106 would r e s u l t
from both plutonium and P35fission; the isotopic purity of the Ru

would then l i e between 3.3% and 20%, possibly near l2%. The specific
power from ruthenium containing such concentrations of the 106 isotope
would s t i l l be appreciable, possibly 3.7 w/g. The power density f o r ru-
thenium metal would then be nearly 47 w/cc. Calculations were based on a
ruthenium mixture containing 2.4 w t $J Ru
106 .
The biological hazard f o r Ru106 i s a l s o r e l a t i v e l y low, about the same
as that f o r Co60. Although Rulo6 i s a beta emitter, i t s daughter, Rh
e m i t s a number of high-energy garmnas and bremsstrahlung x rays. Shielding
requirements are therefore substantial. The chemistry of ruthenium i s
complex because of the various valence s t a t e s . Since it i s a noble metal,
once obtained, it should be e a s i l y maintained i n a stable form as the
metal. Under today’s conditions of a v a i l a b i l i t y , it perhaps should be
receiving as much attention as Ce
Isotopic heat source data f o r Rulo6 sources appear i n Table 10, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n Figs. 26
through 29.

y e n o n isotopes can not be considered as radiation o r power sources since

a l l xenon isotopes have very short half-lives or are stable.

Table 10. Physical Properties of Ruthenium-106 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 365 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 3300
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 31.85
Compound me t a l
Weight of active isotope i n metal, g/cc 0.296
Effective density of metal, g/cc 12.3
Power, w/cc of metal 9.43
Activity, curieslcc of metal 977
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/ti sec ) (MeV 1
12 b
1.378 x 10 0.35
1.263 x i o11 0.95
10 b
2.539 x 10 1.55
4.518 x 109 2.15b
8 b
5.225 x 10 2.75
8.255 x 106
1.127 x i o10 2.42
1.878 x lolo 1.55
7.51 x 10 1.04
1.239 x 10 0055e

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

ePredominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source .


1 o9





I 05


Fig. 26. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Parer Sources of Ruthenium-106 as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source.

ORNL DWG 63-8465




I o4

I o3

I0 2

0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 27. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Ruthenium-106. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8466
to7, % I 1 I I I I I ,
\ I I I I I I I I I I I

'"0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 28. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Parer Sources of Ruthenium-106. Center of source to dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.


Fig. 29. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Puwer Sources of Ruthenium-106. Center of source to dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

Ce sium-137

Cesium-137 (T= 26.6 yr) comprises about a t h i r d of the cesium iso-

topes discharged from nuclear reactors. The other isotopes are s t a b l e
Cs133, 2.3-year h a l f - l i f e Cs134, and s l i g h t l y active 2-million-year half-
life Thus, f o r p r a c t i c a l purposes, Cs135 can a l s o be considered
t o be stable. The specific power f o r Cs137 i s 0.475 w/g. The power density
of cesium "glass" i s about 0.21 w/cc. Although Cs137 i s a beta emitter,
i t s 2.6-min daughter, Ba137, i s the source of f a i r l y energetic gamma
a c t i v i t y . For t h i s reason Cs137 can a l s o be considered f o r radiation
sources. Cesium437 requires s l i g h t l y l e s s shielding than SrW because
of the higher energy of som of the bremsstrahlung from the SrW decay
chain. In the value f o r specific power about one-fourth i s from beta
energy and three-fourths i s from the gamma energy from decay. It
i s concluded t h a t the energy of the gamma a c t i v i t y i s low enough ( i n con-
t r a s t with Co ) t o ensure t h a t most of it w i l l be absorbed and w i l l pro-
duce heat i n the mass of the compound and encapsulating material. Bio-
logically, Cs137 i s far l e s s hazardous than SrP. The f i s s i o n yield i s
high, but the isotopic purity, l o w density of the compound form (boro-
s i l i c a t e glass),25 and principally, the low content of Cs137 i n t h i s cam-
pound form r e s u l t i n a heat source of rather low power density - about
one-fifth that of strontium oxide.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Cs137 sources appear i n Table 11, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation
i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n
Figs. 30 through 33. The radiation i n t e n s i t i e s from a 1% impurity (beta-
a c t i v i t y basis) of Cs134 i n Cs137 sources are given i n Figs. 34 through
37. The contribution from an a c t u a l known Cs134 contamination can then
be found from "ratioing" with the plotted r e s u l t s .
Table 11. Physical Properties of Cesium-137 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

H a l f-life 26.6 y
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 98.25
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 0 475
Compo~d glass
Weight of active isotope i n glass, g/cc 0.442
Effective density of glass, g/cc 3 .2
Power, w/cc of glass 0.21
Activity, curies/cc of glass 43.4
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamna Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/v se c ) (MeV)

6.39 x i oI 2 .
0 662

ORNL-DWG 63-8300



Fig. 30. Gamma, Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Cesium-137 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.

ORNL DWG 63-8468
I o9

I o7

I o5

io4 I , I I I I 1 , b \ I \ \ I \ \ I \ I I I

I ,I I I I I
I I I x
I \
\ u
\ h
\ I
h .
\ \


0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 31. Gm Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Cesium-137. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100

' 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15


Fig. 32. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Cesium-137. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100


Fig. 33. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Cesium-137. Center of source to dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
ORNL-DWG. 63-8301


1 06


I o4

I o3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 34. G am Dose Rates Contributed by a 1% Impurity of Cesium-134

i n Cesium-137 Isotopic Power Sources as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source. Cesium-134 i s assumed t o contribute 1% of the beta a c t i v i t y
due t o Cs137; r e f e r t o Fig. 30.

ORNL DWG 63-8471




IO 3






Fig. 35. Gamma Dose Rates Contributed by a 1% Impurity of Cesium-134

i n Iron-Shielded Isotopic Parer Sources of Cesium-137. Center of smrce
t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Cesium-134 i s assumd t o con-
t r i b u t e 1% of the beta a c t i v i t y due t o Cs137; r e f e r t o Fig. 31.
n ORNL DWG 63-8472


Fig. 36. G a m Dose Rates Contributed by a 1% Impurity of Cesium-134

i n Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Cesium-137. Center of source
t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Cesium-134 is assumed t o con-
t r i b u t e 1% of the beta a c t i v i t y due t o Cs137; refer t o Fig. 32.
ORNL DWG 63-8473



I0 3




0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011
\\\ n\y
1 3 1 4 1 5


Fig. 37. G a m Dose Rates Contributed by a 1$Impurity of Cesium-134

i n Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Cesium-137. Center of source
t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Cesium-134 i s assumed t o con-
t r i b u t e 1% of t h e beta a c t i v i t y due t o Cs137; r e f e r t o Fig. 33.


Cerium-144 has several outstanding advantages f o r the majority of the

s p e c i a l short-term applications, namely, i t s high f i s s i o n yield (6.0 76 from
$35) and high specific power (25.2 w/g). Since i t s h a l f - l i f e i s l e s s than
a year (285 days), Ce i s not generally considered as a major source
material f o r long-term power applications. The extremely energetic gamma
and bremsstrahlung a c t i v i t y of i t s daughter and i t s d i l u t i o n with
s t a b l e cerium isotopes (about 16 w t $J Ce 144) a r e d i s t i n c t disadvantages.
On the basis of the r a t i o of gamma energy per w a t t of t o t a l energy, Ce
and ?32 and Th228 a r e almost identical. Because of the f a i r l y short h a l f -
l i f e of Cel&, i t s concentration with r e l a t i o n t o the stable Ce14' and
Ce142 w i l l vary significantly, depending on the age of the material since
formation i n the f i s s i o n process. However, there does not appear t o be
the aging problem f o r 33-day C e 1 4 1 i n Ce144 as there i s f o r Sr8' i n S r90 .
Even a t d i l u t i o n t o 16$ Ce144, the power density of the oxide a t 90% of
t h e o r e t i c a l density i s about 20 w/cc.
The biological hazard of Ce144 i s r e l a t i v e l y low, being about the same
as that f o r Co and Because of both i t s very high specific power
and high f i s s i o n yield, Ce144 i s potentially the cheapest heat source (on
a w a t t basis). However, the short h a l f - l i f e and energetic gamma a c t i v i t y
d e t r a c t very severely from these apparent advantages.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Ce
sources appear i n Table 12, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs. 38
through 41.


Table 12, Physical Properties of Cerium-144 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

H a l f-life 285 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 3180
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 25.2
Compound Ce203
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc 0.80
Effective density of compound, g / c c 6.06
Power, w/cc of compound 20
Activity, curies/cc of compound 2544

G a m Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -see) (MeV)

7.484 x 1010
1.17 x i o10
3.74 x 1010
8.204 x
6.15 x 1010
9.644 x 109
9.644 x 10
2.00 x 107

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source.


Fig. 38. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Cerium-144 as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source.

ORNL DWG 63-8474

4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 39. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Cerium-144. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8475

I0 7







0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fin. 40. G a m Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Cerium-144. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 63-8476




I0 4
I0 3



0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5


Fig. 41. G a m Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power SourcesofCerium-144. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

Prome thium-147
The properties of Pm147 (T1/2 = 2.67 y r ) are extremely desirable, and
therefore a more c r i t i c a l and favorable review of t h i s isotope i s j u s t i f i e d .
I n the f i s s i o n process, it i s the only isotope of promethium realized i n
appreciable yield. Although i t s yield i s only about half that of e i t h e r
Srgo o r it must s t i l l be regarded a s having a reasonably high yield
and should, therefore, be regarded as a f a i r l y available material. Its
higher atomic weight reduces the apparent disadvantage of f i s s i o n yield i n
comparison with Sr90 Since it has only one s t e p i n i t s decay scheme t o
“stable” (10 -yr) Sm147, it may be. regarded a s a pure beta emitter. The
energy of the beta emission i s r e l a t i v e l y low; therefore, the bremsstrah-
lung w i l l have low energy, which should be e a s i l y shielded with a minimum
of mass. However, i n the i r r a d i a t i o n process, energetic, gamma emitting,
42-day Pm i s formed by neutron capture i n Pm147; t h i s contaminating iso-
tope though present i n very small concentrations i s s u f f i c i e n t t o mask the
pure beta a c t i v i t y advantage of F’m147 (ref. 3). When recovered from f u e l
of only moderate age ( l e s s than a year), promethium has enough gamma energy
from Pm148 such that shieldingcanbe appreciable. Recently it has been
noted that s o m gamma radiation can a l s o be expected from the trace amounts
of Ftnlu which i s a l s o present. Promethium-146 has a h a l f - l i f e of about
1.9 yrs, which approximates that of Pm147. For F’m148 with i t s h a l f - l i f e
of 42 days, aging f o r about one Fm147 h a l f - l i f e (see Fig. 42) i s s u f f i c i e n t
t o reduce the t o t a l shielding requiremnts t o about that which would be
expected f o r shielding bremsstrahlung and gammas from and Pm
146 .
This i s regarded as a minor shielding requirement and can be met by the
mass of the usual encapsulating material. This aging s t e p would, however,
further reduce the apparent yield of t h i s type of material. To achieve the
highest power densities, the daughter products accumulated during aging
would have t o be separated.
Prolnethium has a shorter h a l f - l i f e than many of the other a t t r a c t i v e
heat source isotopes, but t h i s 2.67-yr figure i s considered long enough
f o r a number of useful missions. Its specific power i s 0.36 w/g; the power
density of the oxide i s expected t o be about 2.0 w/cc.
Biologically, Pm147 i s f a r l e s s hazardous than any of the heat source
isotopes which have been considered.

A s a heat source, i f power density i s an important consideration,

Pm147 i n the oxide form i s a superior choice since it i s about twice as
good as SrgO in either the titanate or oxide form, and nine times as good
as Cs137 i n the form of the b o r o s i l i c a t e glass.* In addition, it should
be noted t h a t Fm147 as the oxide s t i l l has Over half the power density of
Pu238 oxide. If i t s low biological hazard could be taken i n t o account,
such that a l e s s chemically stable form l i k e the metal could a l s o be used,
same advantages i n thermal conductivity and heat source fabrication m y
a l s o be realized.
Promthium-147 sources can be contaminated with europium isotopes
t o such an extent that Eu152 plus Eu154 a c t i v i t i e s can easily control the
shielding. Some ORNL experience has indicated that as much as 0.5% (beta-
a c t i v i t y basis) Eu152 plus could be present i n the recovered product.
I f t h i s i s the case, the shield requirements would be l i t t l e d i f f e r e n t
from those f o r strontium o r cesium. It thus becomes necessary t o recover
as pure a promethium product as possible with europium contamination being
reduced t o less than 0.01%. Van Tuyl, Roberts, and Wheelwright3 have
quoted a F?n146/Pm147 r a t i o of 6.5 t o 5 x while some ORNL data26 has
been found t o indicate a Pm
146- t ~ - P m l r~a t~i o of 8.3 x if4. The data of
a l l three types of sources were plotted.
Isotopic heat source data f o r P,147sources appear i n Table 13, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The result of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n Figs. 43
through 46 f o r a promethium source containing 0.5% Eu152 plus Eu154 plus
8.37 x loe2 $ Pm146; i n Figs. 47 through 50 f o r a promethium source con-
t a i n i n g 8.37 x $I Pm146 ; and i n Figs. 51 through 54 f o r a promethium
source containing 5 x 10-5 % ~m
In addition, radiation i n t e n s i t i e s from a 0.01% impurity (beta-activity
basis) of were a l s o plotted (Figs. 55 through 58). Promthium-148
was calculated and plotted separately as an impurity i n the a c t u a l Pm147
sources since the a c t i v i t y due to Pm148 decreasesrapidly with time. A
b e t a a c t i v i t y of O.Ol$ of that due t o Pm147 can be achieved with an aging
period of 560 days. The e f f e c t of decay tzme on Pm16 and Pm148 a c t i v i t i e s
i s shown i n Fig. 42.

Table 13. Physical Properties of Promethium-147 as an Isotopic P a r e r Source

General Propert i e s
Half -life 2.67 Y
S p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 912
S p e c i f i c power of pure isotope, w/g 0.362
Compound m203
Weight of a c t i v e isotope i n compound, g/cc 5.53
E f f e c t i v e density of compound, g/cc 6.72
Puwer, w/cc of compound 2.0
Activity, curies/cc of compound 5043
Gamma Radiation P r o p e r t i e s
Gamma Emission Rate
For Shielding Calculations Photon EnerQr
(photons/w -see) (MeV )
9.765 x 10 0.15e
9.015 x lo9 0. 156b
8 b
2.909 x io 0.25
6.350 9
x 10 0.45'
6.350 x lo9 0. 75'jf
3.276 x lo1' 0. 316d
3.425 x 10l1 0 91gd
11 '
3.743 x 10 1.275d'g

b~1147 bremsstrahlung x ray group.

c,146 gamma a t a ~ m ~ ~ ~ a /c t ,i v~i t y~ r 7 atio = 1 x ( a c t u a l calcu-
l a t i o n s based on a c t i v i t y r a t i o s of 8.37 x 10-4and 5 x
Gamma rays from 0.25% EUl5* + 0.25% Eu154 (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) impurity.
Predominant radiation f o r +5x Pm146.

fPredominant radiation f o r + 8.37 x lom2$ Pm146 .

gPredp$nant radiation f o r Pm147 + 8.37 x lo-*$, Pm146 + 0.25$ Eu152
+ O.25$ Eu .
lo1 ORNL-DWG 61-709




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Fig. 42. Decay of Promethium-146 and Promethium-14.8 Impurities

- Rela-
t i v e t o Promethium-147.

ORNL-DWG. 63-8303

1 08

I o7


1 o6


I o4
0 IO0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 IO00

Fig. 43. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
t o p i c Power Sources of Promethium-147 as a Function of Distance from
Center of Source. Zource i s assumed t o contain 0.25% + 0.25% Eu1 54
+ 8.37 x Pm14 (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) as impurities.
I 1 9
PI 01 8 9 P 0

ORNL DWG 64-544

2 4 6 8 IO 12 14

Fig. 45. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Promthium-147. Center of source t o dose point
separation d stance = 100 cm. S rce is assumed t o contain 0.25% Eu152
+ 0.25% E ~ l - 5+ ~8.37 x F d @ (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) as impurities.

ORNL DWG 64-545












I 1
\ I I I








0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 2 1 3 1 4


Fig. 46. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sottrces of Promethium-147. Center of source to dose
separation d'stance = 100 cm. Source is assumed to contain 0.25% Eu
+ 0.25% EulSt + 8.37 x Pm 1
u (beta activity basis) as impurities.

ORNL-DWG. 63-8304


Fig. 47. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Pronethim-147 as a Function of D i s nce from Center
of Source. Source i s assumed t o contain 8.37 x Fml2(beta activity
b a s i s ) as an impurity.

ORNL DWG 6 4 - 5 4 6


I o5

I0 4

I o3

0 2 4 6 a 10 12 14


Fig. 48. Gamrna Plus Bremsstrahlung - Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source t o dose point
a t i o n distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o contain 8.37 x lo-*$
EYE (beta a c t i v i t y basis) as an impurity.
ORNL DWG 6 4 - 5 4 7



Fig. 49. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o contain 8.37 x 10-2'$
-146 (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) as an impurity.

I" 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 50. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source to dose point
ation distance = 100 cm. Source is assumed to contain 8.37 x lo-*$
(beta activity basis) as an impurity.

ORNL-DWG 63-8305

I o5

- 1o4



1 o3


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 51. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Promethium-147 as a Function of istance from Center
of Source. Source i s assumd t o contain 5 x 10-5$ F’ml$ (beta a c t i v i t y
basis) as an impurity.
106 I

. \


Fig. 52. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from'Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Puwer Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source to dose point
separation distance = 100 cm. Source is assumed to contain 5 x 10-546
PmlG (beta activity basis) as an impurity.
., 107

I o4







Fig. 53. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source t o dose point
se aration distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o contain 5 x
Pm 46 (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) as an impurity.

O R N L DWG 64-551
I o3

I 0'


W I-



0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
SHIELD T H I C K N E S S (crn)

' Fig. 54. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded
Isotopic Puwer Sources of Promethium-147. Center of source t o dose point
se a r a t i o n distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o contain 5 x 10-5$
RnYu (beta a c t i v i t y b a s i s ) as an impurity.
ORNL-DWG 64-705




I I 1 I I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 55. Gamma Dose Rates Contributed by a 0.01% Impurity of

Promethium-14-8 i n Unshielded Isotopic Parer Sources of Promethium-147 as
a Function of Distance from Center of Source. Promethium-148 i s assureed
t o contribute 0.01% of the beta a c t i v i t y due t o Pm147; r e f e r t o Figs. 43,
47, and 51.

ORNL DWG 64-706



(I) IO


0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14


Fig. 56. G a m m Dose Rates Contributed by a 0.01% Impurity of

Promthium-148 i n Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Promthium-147.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Pro thium-
148 i s assumed t o contribute 0.01% of the beta a c t i v i e due t o Pm ;
r e f e r t o Figs. 44, 48, and 52.

ORNL DWG 64-707

L \ \
\ '


Fig. 57. Gamma Dose Rates Contributed by a O.Ol$ Impurity of

Promthium-148 i n Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Promethium-147.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Pro thium-
148 i s assumed t o contribute 0.01% of the beta a c t i v i t y due t o Pa1 7;
refer t o Figs. 45, 49, and 53.


Fig. 58. G a m Dose Rates Contributed by a O.Ol$ Impurity of

Promethium-148 i n Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Promethium-
147. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
P r o m t ium-148 i s assumd t o contribute O.Ol$ of the b e t a a c t i v i t y due
t o Pml 7; refer t o Figs. 46, 50, and 54.


Thulium-l7O appears t o be a reasonable power source where a short half-

l i f e isotope i s b e s t suited but the a v a i l a b i l i t y of target material i s
limited a t t h i s t i m e . I t ' s half-life i s only 127 days, which thus places
it i n the same category (T less than 1y r ) with Zrg5, Cel&, Po2'' and
242 1/2
Cm .Thulium-170 i s produced by neutron i r r a d i a t i o n of "In16g, which
constitutes 100% of the naturally occurring thulium. The specific a c t i v i t y
and power of Trn170 are 6048 curies/g and 12.1 w/g, respectively. However,
a p r a c t i c a l i r r a d i a t i o n would convert only 16.6% of the Tm16' t o the 170
isotope. The r e s u l t i n g a c t i v i t y and power would then be 100 curies/g and
. 2 w/g of thulium metal, respectively. A power source of thulium oxide
(%03) would have a specific power of 15 w/cc. Thulium-170 produced by
14 -2 -1
i r r a d i a t i o n a t 3 x 10 neutrons cm sec t h e r m 1 flux t o 1000 curies/g
thulium would have a Tm171/Tm170 or an a c t i v i t y r a t i o
atomic r a t i o of 0.27,
of 0.05. Thulium-171 produces much s o f t e r gamma and bremsstrahlung than
Tm17' and thus t h i s impurity would not be significant.
The biological hazard of Tm170 i s low, being about the same as that
of Co6O o r Z r 95 .
Isotopic heat source data f o r Tm170 sources appear i n Table 14, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The results of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs. 59
through 62.

Table 14. Physical Properties of Thulium-170 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 127 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 6048
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 12.1
Compound Tm203.
Weight of active isotope i n Compound, g / c c 1.247 .
Effective density of compound, g/cc 8.6
Power, w/cc of compound 15.08
Activity, curies/cc of compound 7540
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(Dhotons/w -see 1 (MeV)

7.465 X 0.2b,e
5.01 x io 0.475~~
1.158 x lo9
3.208 x lou 0.f

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

Actual garmna emission r a t e = 6.4 x lon a t 0.084 &v + additional
s o f t e r x rays.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source. However,
the 0.1 Mev and the 0.475 Mev 7 each contribute -80$ of the dose delivered
by the 0.2 Mev y .

ORNL-DWG 63-8306


- I06



i 1o5


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 59. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Thulium-170 as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source.

ORNL DWG 64-540



n IO 3



Fig. 60. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Thulium-170. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.
ORNL DWG 64-541

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3

SHIELD T H I C K N E S S (crn)

Fig. 61. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Thulium-170. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL DWG 64-542


Fig. 62. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Thulium-170. Center of source to dose point
separation distance = 100 cm.


Thuliwn-l7l has a favorable h a l f - l i f e (1.94 y r s ) but a very l o w speci-

f i c power - approximately 0.2 w/g. However, due t o target a v a i l a b i l i t y and
i r r a d i a t i o n costs, the energy cost (dollars per w a t t ) is greater f o r Tm171
than f o r any of t h e other isotopes considered. There may be some applica-
t i o n f o r this isotope since very l i t t l e shielding i s required t o attenuate
i t s 0.067-ii1ev gamma. Thulium-171 requires l e s s shielding per u n i t of
power than any other power source considered here. It i s produced by the
neutron i r r a d i a t i o n of according t o the reaction:

Erbium-170 constitutes 14.88% of natural erbium. Erbium-168 (cross sec-

tion, 2 barns) would a l s o capture neutrons t o form stable which would
contaminate the f i n a l separated thulium product. Unless isotopically
separated was irradiated, the thulium product would be less than
75% Tm171. The calculations were based on pure Tm17’ oxide with a specific
power of 1.5 w/cc. The radiation i n t e n s i t i e s would be overestimated by
about 25% by making t h i s assumption.
Like Tm170, the biological hazard i s quite low.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Tm171 sources appear i n Table 15, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of radiation-intensity
calculations f o r unshielded sources a r e plotted i n Fig. 63, an3 the r e s u l t s
f o r iron-shielded sources a r e plotted i n Fig. 64. The r e s u l t s f o r lead-
and uranium-shielded sources could not be plotted because of the extremely
high attenuation coefficient f o r these materials a t 0.1 Mev. Shielding
requirements f o r these two materials can b e s t be estimated by using the
relationship that 1 cm of i r o n i s equivalent t o 0.039 cm of lead and 0.137
cm of uraniurn f o r 0.1-Mev g a m rays. Lead i s actually a b e t t e r shield
material than uranium f o r these very low energy gamma rays.


Table 15. Physical Properties of Thulium-171 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Prope rt i e s

Half - l i f e 1.94y
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 1150
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 0.205
Compound Tm203
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc 7.52
Effective density of compound, g/cc 8.6
Power, w/cc of compound 1.54
Activity, curies/cc of compound 8648
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -see) (MeV )
11 b
2.325 x 10 0.1
1.86 x lou O.lCje

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

Actual gamma ray emission rate = 4.14 x loE a t 0.067 Mev.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

1o7 ORNL-DWG 63-8307

Fig. 63. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-

topic Parer Sources of Thulium-171 as a Function of Distance from Center
of Source


ORNL DWG 64-851






I I I I I I I I I I\ \ \I \ \ h\\ I I

10-2 \\\A\\\ I
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7


Fig. 64. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Thulium-l7l. Center of source t o dose point
separation distance = 100 cm. Estimate required thickness of lead o r
uranium shield by using the following relationship: 1 cm of i r o n =
0.039 cm of lead and 0.137 cm of uranium f o r 0.1-Mev gamma rays.


Thallium-204 (T = 3.9 y r s ) has very desirable properties as an

isotopic power source. The specific power of the pure isotope i s approxi-
m a t e l y 0.8 w/g, nearly a l l from beta decay. Shielding f o r bremsstrahlung
i s only moderate. The cross section and a v a i l a b i l i t y of the element favor
the formation of T1204. However, t o achieve a reasonable power density,
isotopic separation of the radioactive T1204 from T1203 target material
. and i n e r t T1205 would be required. Isotopic separation does not appear
t o be feasible today. There i s no known v o l a t i l e compound of thallium,
and therefore gaseous diff'usion cannot be used. Electromigration might
be possible, but the equilibrium time i s very The biological
hazard i s s l i g h t l y l e s s than t h a t f o r Cs137,
14 -2 -1
Co60, and C e .
An i r r a d i a t i o n a t 2-3 x 10 neutrons cm sec thermal neutron flux
f o r 2 or 3 years would produce about 20 curies of T1204 per gram of the
normal mixture of t h a l l i u m isotopes.
The calculations i n t h i s report w e r e based on two d i f f e r e n t u n i t
source strengths. These being 20 curies per g r a m of t h a l l i u m metal (the
as-irradiated condition) and 200 curies/@;(an isotopically separated cut
containing 45 w t $ T1204). The specific powers would be 0.38 and 3.8
w /cc , respective ly .
Isotopic heat source data f o r the two types of T1204 sources appear
i n Table 16, and the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the
radiation i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources Of
20 curies/g T1 are given i n Figs. 65 through 68, while the radiation
i n t e n s i t i e s f o r 200-curie-per-gram sources a r e given i n Figs. 69 through

Table 16. Physical Properties of Thallium-204 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half -1if e 3.9 Y

Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 450
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 0 729
Compound metala
Weight of active isotope i n metal, g/cc 0.524 , 5.24'
Effective density of metal, g/cc 11.8
Parer, w/cc of metal 0.382~) 3.82'
Activity, curies/cc of metal 236", 2358'

Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma E m i s s i o n Rate
For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(Dhotons/w -sec ( ~ e)v

4.57 x 1011 0.071

7.87 x 10l1 0.2b,e
3.253 x 10 0.4'jbje
3.394 x 108 0.625~

Source produced from as i r r a d i a t e d natural thallium.

bBremsstrahlung x ray group.

Source produced from isotopically separated t h a l l i u m .
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source, the two
gammas a r e about equal i n dose rate.



Fig. 65. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Irradiation Produced Thallium-204 as a Function
of Dist ce from Center of Source. Source is assumed to contain 20 curies
of T12orper gram of total thallium.


O R N L D W G 64-1085






I 0-2
0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28


Fig. 660 Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of I r r a d i a t i o n Produced Thallium-204. Center of
source t o dose point se a a t i o n distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o
o E g r a m of t o t a l thallium.
contain 20 c u r i e s of T ~ ~ per

O R N L DWG 64-1086





., 7 ' ' 1 \

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7


Fig. 67. G am Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Irradiation Produced T1204. Center of source
t o dose point se r a t i o n distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed t o contain
20 curies of T 1 2 B per g r a m of t o t a l thallium.

\'\ \. \ \

Isotopic Parer Sources of Irradiation Produced Thallium-204. Center of

source to dose point se aration distance = 100 cm. Source is assumd to
contain 20 curies of TIgo4 per gram of total thallium.
IO’, I I I I I
ORNL-DWG 63-8308I

7 1 I I I I I I I I


Fig. 69. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Unshielded Iso-
topic Power Sources of Isotopically Separated Thallium-204 as a Function
of Distance f r o m Center of Source. Source i s assumed t o be an isotopi-
c a l l y separated cut from irradiated n a t u r a l t h a l l i u m . This cut is assumed
t o contain 200 curies of TI204 per gram of t o t a l thallium (about 45 w t ’$
ORNL DWG 6 4 - 4 4 0









Fig. 70. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Isotopically Separated Thallium-204. Center
of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed
to be an isotopically separated cut from irradi d n a t u r a l t h a l l i u m .
200 curies of 'hT per gram of t o t a l
ORNL DWG 64-441

I o3






Fig. 71. G a m Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Isotopically Separated Thallium-204. Center
of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Source i s assumed
t o be an isotopically separated cut from i r r a d i a t e d n a t u r a l thallium.
This c u t i s assumed t o contain 200 curies of T1204 per gram of t o t a l
thallium (about 45 w t $ T1204).

ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 5 5 4


Fig. 72. Gamma Plus Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded

Isotopic Power Sources of Isotopically Separated Thallium-204. Center of
source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Source i s assurned t o
be an isotopically separated cut from irradiated n a t u r a l thallium. This
c u t i s assumed t o contain 200 curies of T1204 per gram of t o t a l t h a l l i u m
(about 45 w t $ T1204).
Polonium-2 10

Polonium-210, a very rare element occurring i n the decay chain of

$38, and a l s o producible by the i r r a d i a t i o n of bismuth was the f i r s t
radioisotope used t o demonstrate the "SNAP 111," a prototype parer device,
early i n 1959.2 Its specific power is a very high 140 w/g. However, i t s
h a l f - l i f e i s only 138 days. It i s an alpha emitter with negligible (accom-
panying 1.2 x of the alpha disintegrations) gamma a c t i v i t y such that
very l i t t l e shielding is needed. Compared with other alpha emitters i t s
biological hazard i s low. It can be prepared with high purity. Production
i n s i g n i f i c a n t quantities appears feasible, and therefore Po2'' is likely
t o have i t s most important uses i n manned space applicationswherelar radia-
t i o n levels and light-weight shields are necessary.
The calculations i n t h i s study w e r e based on d i l u t i o n of the polonium
metal with an i n e r t metal matrix t o achieve a reasonable specific parer
of 75 w/cc f o r the a c t u a l parer source. The a c t u a l source i s assumed t o
be i n the form of a pellet a t a power density of 150 w/cc with an equal
volume of void space f o r gas collection.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Po2lo sources appear i n Table 17, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the gamma radiation
i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n
Figs. 73 through 77. In addition, Fig. 78 shows the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s
from water-shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with
t h i s figure i n order t o get neutron radiation i n t e n s i t i e s when polonium
i s shielded by other materials.

Table 17. Physical Properties of Polonium-210 as an Isotopic Power Source .

General Properties

Half - l i f e 138.4 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 4500
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 141.3
a,n rate, neutrons/g-sec 4.51 105
Compound metal matrix
Weight of active isotope i n matrix, g/cc 0.53
Effective density of matrix, g/cc 4.25
Power, w/cc of matrix 75
Activity, curies/cc of matrix 2388
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -sec ) (MeV)

1.415 x lo7 0.8


I o4

I 03




10- I I I I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 ' 700 800 900 lo00

Fig. 73. G a m Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of

Polanium-2lO as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.

ORNL-DWG 64-442


1 o2


1 .

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 74. Gamma Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Polonium-210. Center of source t o dose point separation distance =
100 cm.



0 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7

Fig. 75. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Parer Sources
of Polonium-210. Center of source t o dose point s e p a r a t i h distance =
100 cm.

ORNL-DWG 64-553
\ I I I I I I I I I

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 76. G a m a Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Polonium-210. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
w .

ORNL-DWG 64-444

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 26 28 30

Fig. 77. Gamma Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Polonium-210.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

lo1 I I I I
ORNL-DWG 63-8426


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 78. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Polonium-210 a s a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding Material.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Refer t o
Fig. 2 t o obtain dose r a t e through other materials.


The technological and economic f e a s i b i l i t y of the production of $32

228 have been covered i n the l i t e r a t u r e . 28,29,30
and i t s daughter Th HOW-

n,7 7OOb n,y 3OOb

2. From Pa231. .

232 m228
pa231 n,7

Uranium-232 (T1/2 = 74 g) i s characterized by i t s h i & specific power
(4.9 w/g when daughters are i n t r a n s i e n t equilibrium) and very high power
density (42.6 w/cc i n the form of the dioxide). These high power values
result from the unique decay of $32 which, i n contrast with other radio-
isotopes, consists of a long chain of energetic alpha emitters, including
a fairly high yield of i t s reasonably long-lived daughter, Th
This decay chain i s as follows:

a Ra 224 TibRn
220 -+ 216
In t h i s chain the T1208 i s the source of intense and energetic gamma
a c t i v i t y . This makes the shielding requirements per w a t t of thermal energy
almost i d e n t i c a l with that f o r Ce
144 . (Compare Figs. 41 and 87 f o r example.)
Another p e c u l i a r i t y of P32relates t o the e f f e c t of i t s f i r s t decay pro-
duct, i t s daughter Th228. This daughter i s the longest-lived meniber i n the
decay chain. Thus, 32 ri!
does not reach i t s maximum s p e c i f i c power u n t i l
s a t u r a t i o n with the growing i n of the daughter takes place. For pure v232,
t h i s i s not reached f u l l y u n t i l about 8 yrs after separation. If, however,
a stock of ?32 i s a t hand from which Th228 can be "milked," and i f t h i s
Th228 i s then used t o "activate" the I?32, heat output near the m a x h u m
f o r U232 can be achieved a t once and retained near lllaxinaun f o r Over 30 yr,
w i t h very small amounts of Th being required.2 This i s indeed a unique
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c and one which may be extremely useful i n applications which
require a very long period of nearly uniform heat evolution. This charac-
t e r i s t i c i s specific t o $32 "activated" i n t h i s w a y and i s probably not
duplicated by any other isotope o r combination. The spontaneous f i s s i o n
half-life f o r $32 i s long, 8 x yr. However, a,n reactions on l i g h t
elements which e x i s t as impurities o r i n uranium compounds w i l l produce
many more neutrons than spontaneous fission.
The biological hazard i s somewhat less than t h a t f o r Pu238 b u t s t i l l
s u b s t a n t i a l compared with that f o r some of the other promising power
Dose rates from two types of I?32 sources were calculated, these
being: (1)2-yr-aged material and (2) equilibrium or 9-yr-aged material.
The 2-yr material was considered mainly f o r comparison t o show the e f f e c t
of l i t t l e s e l f absorption i n the source i t s e l f since there i s l i t t l e
difference i n dose rates f o r any given parer. However, the power per u n i t
volume w i l l increase with t i m Over the period of 2 t o 8 y r and thus t h i s

source could be used only f o r a very special application where an increasing

power generation rate i s needed. The buildup and decay of and Th d32
a c t i v i t y as a function of ti= since f i n a l separation i s plotted as Fig. 79.
Isotopic heat source data f o r 2-yr-aged 832
sources appear i n Table
18, and the nuclear dat appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation
i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded 2-yr-aged sources are
given i n Figs. 80 through 83. Isotopic heat source data f o r equilibrium
$32 sources appear i n Table 19. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r these shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs.
84 through 87. In addition, Figs. 88 and 89 show the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s
from water-shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with
these figures i n order t o determine neutron radiatim intens iti e s when
v232 i s shielded by other materials.
a-Disintegration Rate
[ I n i t i a l a-Disintegration Rate of $32


Table 18. Physical Properties of Uranium-232" as an Isotopic Pmer Source

General Properties
Half- l i f e 74 Yc
S p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 20. gd
S p e c i f i c pawer of pure isotope, w/g 2.82
a,n rate, neutrons/g-sec 4 105
spontaneous f is s ion rate , neutrons / g-sec
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc 8-33
Effective density of compound, g/cc 9.7
Power, w/cc of compound 24.09
Activity, curies/cc of compound 178c
Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamna Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -sec ) (MeV)

1.296 x loll 0.25

3.719 x 10 0.83
1.075 X 10 1.34
1.367 x lolo 1.81
6.835 x 109 2.20
4.949 x 10 2. 62e
5.085 x do 0.634

Uranium-232 curies--does not include a c t i v i t y due t o daughters.
dIncludes heat generation from daughters which build i n during two
year storage time.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

. I


Fig. 80. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Uranium-232 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source. Source i s
assumed t o be 2-yr-aged U232 and contains decay daughter a c t i v i t y equiva-
l e n t t o t h a t which builds up during a period of 2 y~ since f i n a l separation.
ORNL DWG 64-534



Fig. 81. Gamma Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100
cm. Source i s assumd t o be 2-yr-aged U23s and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o that which builds up during a period of 2 y r since
f i n a l separation.



Fig. 82. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100
cm. Source i s assumed t o be 2-yr-aged U23g and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o that which builds up during a period of 2 y r since
final separation.

ORNL DWG 64-536


I o5

I0 4




0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


Fig. 83. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Parer Sources
of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100
cm. Source i s assumed t o be 2-yr-aged U238 and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o that which builds up during a period of 2 y r since
f i n a l separation.


Table 19. Physical Properties of Uranium-232" as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

H a l f -life 74 Y
S p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of pure isotope,, curies/g 20.9;
Specific power of pure isotope, wig 4.99 5
a , n rate, neutrons/g-sec 7.95 x 10
Spontaneous f i s s i o n rate, neutrons/g-sec
Weight of a c t i v e isotope i n compound, g/cc
Effective density of compound, g/cc 9.7
Power, w/cc of compound 42.58
Activity, curies/cc of compound 178c
Gamma Radiation Properties
Gamma Emission Rate
For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -sec ) (MeV)

1.466 x 0.25
4.207 x 1010 0.83
1.214 x 10 1.34
1.547 x 10 1.81
7.735 lo9 2.20
. .
5.60 x lolo 2. 62e
5.755 X 10 0.634

G r i B s o u r c e .
Uranium-232 curies--does not include a c t i v i t y due t o daughters.
dIncludes heat generation from daughters which build i n during nine
year storage time.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.

I o4


Fig. 84. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Uranium-232 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source. Source i s
assumed t o be 9-yr-aged U232 and contains decay daughter a c t i v i t y equiva-
l e n t t o that which builds up during a period of 9 y r since fina1,separation.
Total a c t i v i t y remains almost constant during a time period of 9 t o 14 yr
since separation.


I o7







Fig. 85. G am Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100
cm. Source i s assumed t o be 9-yr-aged U238 and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o t h a t which builds up during a period of 9 y r since
f i n a l separation. Total a c t i v i t y remains almost constant during a time
period of 9 t o 1 4 yr since separation.
ORNL DWG 64-538

\I \ I I







of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100

cm. Source i s assumed t o be 9-yr-aged U233 and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o that which builds up during a period of 9 y r since
f i n a l separation. Total a c t i v i t y remains almost constant during a t i m e
period of 9 t o 14 y r since separation.
O R N L DWG 63-539


Fig. 87. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Puwer Sources
of Uranium-232. Center of source t o dose o i n t separation distance = 100
em. Source i s assumed t o be 9-yr-aged $3 b! and contains decay daughter
a c t i v i t y equivalent t o that which builds up during a period of 9 yr since
f i n a l separation. Total a c t i v i t y remains almost constant during a t i n a e
period of 9 t o 14 yr since separation.
1 55

1 03


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 88. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Parer Sources
of Two-Year-Aged Uranium-232 as a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding
Material. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Refer t o Fig. 2 t o obtain dose rates through other materials.

ORNL-DWG 63-8429



0 ' 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 89. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Nine-Year-Aged Uranium-232 as a Function of Penetration Depth
of Shielding Material. Center of source t o dose point separation distance
= 100 cm. Refer t o Fig. 2 t o obtain dose rates through other materials.

The same production techniques and decay-daughter c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

described f o r ?32 would apply t o Th228, and f o r t h i s reason the descrip-
t i o n of Th228 follows that f o r r a t h e r than being i n the normal periodic
With a production e f f o r t on and a stock of such material a t hand,
could a l s o be routinely recovered. However, t h i s stockpile would
have t o contain 64 kg of I?32
i n order t o produce enough Th equivalent
t o 100 thermal kilowatts of power per year. The production and u t i l i z a t i o n
of depends on the f e a s i b i l i t y of large-scale production of $32.
From heat output and h a l f - l i f e standpoints, Th228 has no equal (170 w/g,
1 . 9 - p half-life). This i s p a r t i c u l a r l y impressive when the power density
i s noted, 1270 w/cc. Even a t the high estimated cost per gram, the large
thermal yield i s s u f f i c i e n t t o make t h i s energy source competitive with the
cheapest power sources. No spontaneous f i s s i o n half-life is shown f o r Th
(ref. 31). However, the decay daughters of Th release high-energy alpha
p a r t i c l e s which w o u l d produce a,n reactions on l i g h t elements present e i t h e r
as impurities o r as a campound of thorium, such as the oxygen of thorium
The heat source calculations were based on thorium oxide (Tho2) diluted
with normal thorium (Th2 3 2 ) oxide t o a power density of 150 w/cc. An equal
v o l m of void space was provided f o r gas collection thus reducing the
e f f e c t i v e power density t o 75 w/cc. Since there i s l i t t l e self-absorption
i n thorium oxide f o r the 2.62-Mev gamma of T1208, there would be very l i t t l e
increase i n radiation dose rates from higher s p e c i f i c power sources of the
same t o t a l power.
Isotopic heat source data f o r sources appear i n Table 20, and the
nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation-intensity
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs. 90
through 93. In addition, Fig. 94 shows the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s from water
shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with t h i s figure
i n order t o determine neutron radiation i n t e n s i t i e s when Th228 i s shielded
by other materials.

Table 20. Physical Properties of Thorium-228 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

H a l f-life
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g
1-91 Y
822 4a
a , n r a t e , neutrons/g-sec 3 107
Compound Tho2 i n matrix
Weight of active isotope i n matrix, g/cc 0.439
Effective density of matrix, g/cc 9.0
Power, w/cc of matrix 75
Activity, curies/cc of matrix 361"
G a m Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w-see) (MeV 1
1.689 x i o11 0.25
4.846 x 10" 0.83
1.399 x lo1' 1.34
1.782 x 1010
8.91 x i o9 2.20
6.45 x 1010 2 .62e
6.625 x i o 0.634

%horiurn-228 curies--does not include a c t i v i t y due t o daughters.

heat generation from daughters i n t r a n s i e n t equilibrium'

with Th22 .
ePredominant radiation from unshielded 5000 w a t t source.
I 09



1 06

I 05

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 90. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Thorium-228 as a Function of Distance from Center of Sour e. Decay daugh-
ters are assumed t o be i n transient equilibrium with Th228 .

ORNL DWG 63-8477

I o7


I0 5

I o4


0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 91. G a m Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources

of Thorium-228. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Decay daughters are assumed t o be i n transient equilibrium with Th228 .

O R N L DWG 63-8478


0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 92. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Thorim-228. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Decay daughters are assumed t o be i n t r a n s i e n t equilibrium with Th228.


ORNL DWG 63-8479

I0 7 \I I 4
I I I I I I t

\ '. \
\ \\

I \I\\y\

1 I
I\ \ h \ \I \ \I\ I I 1 I I I

\\'A' \\t\ \\ ~\:\ j

\I\\ h\ \\\I




0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22


Fig. 93. Garmna Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of ~ h o r i m - 2 2 8 . Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
cm. Decay daughters are assumed t o be i n transient equilibrium with Th228.



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 94. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of mori~m-228as a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding Material.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Refer t o
Fig. 2 t o obtain dose rates through other materials.


plutonium-238 i s produced by the i r r a d i a t i o n of Np237. The latter iso-

tope i s recovered from i r r a d i a t e d uranium processing streams. Production
of Pu238 during reactor i r r a d i a t i o n i s similar t o that of f i s s i o n products
i n that it i s a function of the i r r a d i a t i o n exposure. However, the produc-
t i o n rate can be increased by recycling the 836
with the uranium streams,
burnup being compensated by blending r a t h e r than re-enrichment
with l?35
i n the diffusion cascade, w h e r e $36 i s p a r t i a l l y removed. A Pu238 produc-
tion rate of about 3 kg/yr per 1000 thermal megawatts of reactor power (0.8
load f a c t o r ) can be achieved.32 Neptunium-237 i s formed i n very small quan-
t i t i e s by two processes: i n one, an n,2n reaction on produces 337,
which rapidly decays t o Np237; i n t h e other, neutron capture i n rJ235 produces
which, i n turn, captures a neutron t o produce U237 (6.7-day half-life),
which decays t o Np237 (very long h a l f - l i f e ) . The t o t a l cycle f o r Pu238
production involves recovery and purification of Np237, fabrication of
Np237 i n t o target elements, i r r a d i a t i o n of the target elements t o convert
some of the Np237 t o Pu238, and chemical processing f o r the recovery and
p u r i f i c a t i o n of the Pu238 and unconverted Np237 (ref. 33).
~lutonium-238has the longest half-life (89.6 y r ) of any of the radio-
isotopes which have promise as isotopic parer sources. I t s s p e c i f i c power
i s only moderate, 0.55 w/g, but i t s high density, p a r t i c u l a r l y as the metal,
puts it near the top of the a t t r a c t i v e heat-source isotopes on hand today.
I t s extremely weak or low-yield (spontaneow-fission) gamma components allow
i t s use without special shielding. Among those on hand today, it i s the I
only radioisotope with which shielding i s not a m j o r problem. However,
i t s limited a ~ a i l a b i l i t y extremely
,~~ high biological hazard, and high cost
per w a t t are factors unfavorable t o plans f o r widespread use. Although the
p u r i t y obtainable i s quite high, it s t i l l can be expected t o be contaminated
w i t h other plutonium isotopes, which could be regarded as diluents. For
m238, as with a l l alpha emitters, allowance must be made i n the design of
the capsule f o r the accumulation of gaseous h e l i u m . (Helium i s the end-
product of alpha p a r t i c l e s . ) Unless adequate space i s provided, such a c c m -
l a t i o n s w i l l r e s u l t i n high pressures. A lesser problem a l s o common among
some of the high-atomic-weight alpha emitters is that of the neutron and
r e s u l t i n g garrrma a c t i v i t y derived from spontaneous fission. Fortunately,


the spontaneous f i s s i o n half-lives are long and thus afford r e l a t i v e l y minor

fluxes which can be accomodated i n the design of the device. The spon-
taneous f i s s i o n half-life of pu238 i s 4.9 x lolo yra17
In addition t o spontaneous fission, neutrons can be generated by a,n
reactions on light-element atoms present i n plutonium compounds o r as im-
purities. For plutonium oxide, the production of neutrons by a,n reactions
on oxygen i s about 15 times that from spontaneous fission.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Pu238 sources appear i n Table 21, and
. the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The result of the gamma-radiation-
i n t e n s i t y calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n
Figs. 95 t h o u & 99. Figure 100 shows the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s from water-
shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with t h i s figure
i n order t o get neutron radiation i n t e n s i t i e s when plutonium i s shielded
by other materials.
The r e s u l t s are presented f o r plutonium oxide sources. If plutonium
metal sources are used, the neutron dose would be decreased somewhat (maybe
as much as a f a c t o r of two) depending upon impurities o r alloying agents,
while there would be only a small decrease i n the gamma i n t e n s i t i e s due t o
an increase i n density, with i t s increase i n self-absorption being p a r t i a l l y
compensated by an increase i n s p e c i f i c power and decrease i n the radius of
the source.


Table 21. Physical Properties of ~lutonium-238as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g
a , n r a t e , neutrons/g-sec
Spontaneous f i s s i o n rate, neutrons/g-sec
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc
Effective density of compound, g / c c
Power, w/cc of compound
Activity, curies/cc of compound

Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w - sec ) (MeV)

8.77 x 107 0.15

5.68 x lo5 0. 76e
6.60 103 1.0"
1.654 x lo3 1.5"
1.75 103 2.3"
3.09 x 102 3.0"
4.12 x lo2 5.0"
5.84 103 0. 63c
2.16 x io3 1.lC
2.53 103 1.55'
4.89 x 102 2.38'
7.24 x 10 2 75c

~ ~~

aSpontaneous f i s s i o n gamma source.

Fission product (from spontaneous f i s s i o n ) gamma source.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source.


ORNL-DWG 63-8313




I 0-3

Fig. 95. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
~lutoniwn-238as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.

1 . 1 I . I . s
I \
1 I I I I I \
I I I I I I 1 -
101 ORNL-DWG 63-848



Fig. 97. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of ~lutonium-238. Center of source t o dose point separation distance =
100 cm.



Fig. 98. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Parer Source of ~lutonium-238.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

8 8
8 1 8 8 4


0 2 4 6 a IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Fig. 99. G a m Dose Rates fromwater-Shielded Isotopic Puwer Sources of ~lutonium-238.

Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL-DWG 63-8430
10” , I I I I I



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 100. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of ~lutanium-238as a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding
Material. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Refer t o Fig. 2 t o obtain dose rates through other materials.

For some of the investigations on the moon, C,2" i s being developed

as the radioisotopic power source f o r the necessary, remote, unmanned
monitoring and i n s t r u ~ n t a t i o n . ~ ~
Production capability f o r t h i s isotope
i s being developed. A reason f o r the use of t h i s material i s that since
Cm242 and i t s daughter, Pu238, are man-made elements, t h e i r existence as
contaminants i n the lunar chemicals would not interfere with precise ana-
l y t i c a l e f f o r t s t o determine lunar compositions. Curium-242 has a half-
l i f e of 163 days. Its specific power i s about 120 w/g, and the power

. density f o r pure C 5 0
should be about U-70 w/cc. It i s almost a pure
alpha emitter and thus requires minimum gamma shielding. Its spontaneous
fission half-life i s 7.2 x 10 yr, about h a l f t h a t of Cm
Spontaneous .
f i s s i o n would produce about 2.3 x 10 neutrons per second per gram of
Cm2". In addition a,n reactions on oxygen i n -0 would produce approxi-
m a t
ev 2 x 107 neutrons per second per gram of cin2d. This neutron produc-
t i o n r a t e i s s u f f i c i e n t t o require a moderate neutron shield (water,
lithium hydride, etc.) t o attenuate neutron dose r a t e s t o a tolerable
level. The neutron production rate from Cm242 would be approximately
1/12 of t h a t from cin per watt of source power. AS w i t h other alpha
emitters, i t s biological hazard i s much higher than that of f i s s i o n pro-
ducts o r Co
60 . It is made by neutron i r r a d i a t i o n of Am241, which i s
available only as a decay product of Pu241* In s p i t e of the high cost
of the raw material and other costs of i r r a d i a t i o n and chemical processing
the high specific power may lead t o fairly reasonable costs per i n i t i a l
watt. The short half-life limits i t s u t i l i t y and thus establishes Cm
i n the special-applications category where a short h a l f - l i f e product can
be used. The calculations i n t h i s study were based on d i l u t i o n of the
curium oxide with an i n e r t oxide matrix t o achieve a reasonable specific
power of 150 w/cc f o r the source p e l l e t , with an equal volume of void
space provided f o r gas collection, thus reducing the e f f e c t i v e p m e r
density t o 75 w/cc.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Cm sources appear i n Table 22, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The results of the radiation-intensity
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources are given i n Figs. 101

through 105. In addition, Fig. 106 shows the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s from

water-shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with this
figure in order t o determine neutron radiation i n t e n s i t i e s when is
shielded by other materials.


Table 2 2 , Physical Properties of Curium-242 as an Isotopic Power Source

General Properties

Half - l i f e 163 d
Specific a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 3320
Specific power of pure isotope, w/g 1 20 7

a,n rate, neutrons/g-sec 1.99 x 10'

Spontaneous f i s s i o n r a t e , neutrons/g-sec 2.30 x i o7
Compound C 0 i n matrix
Weight of active isotope i n matrix, g/cc 0%
Effective density of matrix, g/cc 4.85
Power, w/cc of matrix 75
Activity, curies/cc of matrix 2050

'. Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -sec ) (MeV)
1.19 x 10 0. loe
2.36 107
2.03 x 105
0 158
5.08 x i o4 1.5"
5.38 x 10 4 2.3"
9.55 x 103 3.0"
1.27 x i o 5.0"
1.80 105 0.63'
6.66 x 10 1.f
7.80 x.10
4 .
1.50 x io
4 2.38'
2.22 x 10 2 75c

aspontanems f i s s i o n gamma source.

Fission product (from spontaneous f i s s i o n ) gamma source.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source .

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 101. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Curium-242 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.
OE 8Z 91 PZ zz oz 81 91 PI ZI 01 8 9 P Z 0
PEP-W 3 M a - l N 1 0
V I I'
102 ORNL-DWG 64-437
\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
I\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I




Fig. 103. Gamma Dose Rates from -ad-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Curium-242.
Center of source t o dose Point separation distance = 100 cm.

I . b
1 o2





Fig. 104. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Curium-242. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
I o3 ORNL-DWG 64-42



0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Fig. 105. Gamma Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of curium-242.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

I 1 1 e e e

1 o3





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ao

Fig. 106. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Curium-242 as a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding b t e r i a l .
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm. Refer t o Fig.
2 t o obtain dose rates through other materials.

Curium-244 has a very desirable hdlf-life of 18.4 yr. It i s an alpha

emitter with radiation c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s very similar i n composition and
energy t o those of p1238. Gamma shielding should therefore a l s o be minor.
However, the spontaneous f i s s i o n h a l f - l i f e (1.4 x 107 yr) i s much shorter
than that f o r Pu238. Spontaneous f i s s i o n would produce approximately
1.2 x 107 neutrons per second per gram of Cm244. In addition, a,n reac-
t i o n s on oxygen in C%O would produce approximtely 4.2 x 105 neutrons
per second per gram of cm244. This neutron production rate i s s u f f i c i e n t
t o require a thick neutron shield (water, lithium hydride, e t c . ) t o
attenuate neutron dose rates t o a tolerable level. The r e s u l t i n g weights
of c y l i n d r i c a l shields f o r the sources used f o r space applications would
be greater f o r Cm244 than f o r many of the other possible source materials.
Although the neutron production r a t e from Cm244 would be about half that
from Cm on the weight basis, Cm244 would produce about 12 times as many
neutrons as Cm per w a t t of source parer.
Its s p e c i f i c power i s calculated t o be 2.86 w/g. The power density
f o r the oxide should then be about 27 w/cc. L i k e other alpha emitters,
Cm244 i s a great biological hazard. The r m t e r i a l i s only slightly l e s s
hazardous than Pu238. It i s produced by successive neutron captures
i n plutonium and f i n a l l y i n Am243. It i s unique i n that i n t h i s whole
i r r a d i a t i o n chain it has the smallest neutron capture cross section.
Thus, when plutonium i s exposed t o prolonged irradiation, one of the trans-
mutation products reaching highest concentration i n the residues i s Cm
I n addition, t h i s m i n i m cross section should ensure material of good
p u r i t y since the adjacent isotopes have very high cross sections. The
current Transuranium Program i s providing data on t h i s buildup of Cm244
(refs. 36 and 37). In t h i s program, several kilograms of plutonium are
being i r r a d i a t e d t o produce ultimately a few hundred m i l l i g r a m s of C f252 .
view of the conveniently low cross section of
~n it provides a s o r t
of stopping place o r plateau on the route t o Cf252. A t t h i s point where
a large f r a c t i o n of the plutonium has disappeared, the r e s i d u a l plutonium
i s nearly pure P.242,with r e l a t i v e l y high concentrations of Am243 and
Cm244. These are t o be separated and are then t o be converted t o the
Cf252 i n the HFlR v i a a few more years of i r r a d i a t i o n .
. 183

It i s concluded that on a watt-of-product (Cm244) basis today, produc-

t i o n by i r r a d i a t i o n of Pu239 i s probably an economical method of producing
Cm244 f o r use as a heat source, i n comparison with present o r projected
c o s t s f o r Pu238. This i s f a i r l y c e r t a i n t o be the case, i f a low value,
such as $8.00 per gram, i s used f o r the c o s t of Pu239. However, when plu-
tonium i s used routinely i n power reactors t o provide a s i g n i f i c a n t f r a c t i o n
of the fuel, s u b s t a n t i a l Cm244 production may be realized by r e l a t i v e l y
simple treatments o r a l t e r a t i o n s i n the normal f i e 1 recovery process. The
cost of Cm244 should then be much less than projected Pu238 costs. This
p o s s i b i l i t y , it should be emphasized, represents a s i t u a t i o n t h a t w i l l e x i s t
only i n the somewhat i n d e f i n i t e future.
Isotopic heat source data f o r Cm sources appear i n Table 23, and
the nuclear data appear i n Table 3. The r e s u l t s of the radiation i n t e n s i t y
calculations f o r shielded and unshielded sources a r e given i n Figs. 107
through 111. In addition, Fig. 112 shows the neutron i n t e n s i t i e s from
water-shielded sources. Figure 2 should be used i n conjunction with t h i s
figure i n order t o determine neutron radiation i n t e n s i t i e s when is
shielded by other materials .


Table 23. Physical Properties of Curium-244 as an Isotopic Power Source


General Properties

Half-life . 18.4 y
S p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of pure isotope, curies/g 79-8
S p e c i f i c power of pure isotope, w/g 2.74 5
a,n rate, neutrons/g-sec 4.2 x 10
Spontaneous f i s s i o n rate, neutrons/g-sec 1.164 x lo7
Compound Cm203
Weight of active isotope i n compound, g/cc 9.63
Effective density of compound, g/cc
Power, w/cc of compound
Activity, curies/cc of compound 770

Gamma Radiation Properties

Gamma Emission Rate

For Shielding Calculations Photon Energy
(photons/w -sec ) (MeV)

5.80 107 0.1

1.399 x lo7 0.15
4.34 x 106 1.0ape
1.084 x 106 1.5"
1.15 x i o6 2.3"
2.033 x lo5 3.0"
2.71 x io5 5.0a
3.84 x 106 0.63'
1.42 x 106 1.lC
1.66 x i o6 1.55'
3.198 x 105 .
2 38'
4.732 x lo5 2.75c

Spontaneous f i s s i o n gamma source.
( Fission product (from spontaneous f i s s i o n ) gama source.
Predominant radiation from unshielded 5000 watt source,
Fig. 107. Gamma Dose Rates from Unshielded Isotopic Power Sources of
Curium-244 as a Function of Distance from Center of Source.

I 03



Fig. 108. G a m Dose Rates from Iron-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Wrium-244.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

I 1 I 8 I I
, I I
, I I I I I j I I I ! I i



0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Fig. 109. Gamma Dose Rates from Lead-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources
of Curium-244. Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100
ORNL-DWG 63-848t



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28


Fig. 110. Gamma Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power Sources of Curium-244.
Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.

ORNL-DWG 64-552
1 o3 \ I I I I 1 I I I I
\ I I I I I I I I I



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO

Fig. 111. Gamma Dose Rates from Uranium-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Curium-244. Center of source t o dose point separation distance
= 100 cm
1 04 ORNL-DWG 63-8432


1 o3



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 EO 90 100

Fig. 112. Neutron Dose Rates from Water-Shielded Isotopic Power

Sources of Curium-244 as a Function of Penetration Depth of Shielding
k t e r i a l . Center of source t o dose point separation distance = 100 cm.
Refer t o Fig. 2 t o obtain dose r a t e s through other materials.

1. J. P. Nichols and E. D. Arnold, "Shielding Isotopic Power Sources f o r

Space Missions," Nucleonics, -
22 (No. 2) pp 52-26 (Feb. 1964).
2. C. A. Rohrmann, Radioisotopic Heat Sources, HW-76323 (Feb. 1, 1963).
3. H. H. Van Tuyl, E. P. Roberts, and E. J. Wheelwright, Shielding Require-
ments f o r Promethium Sources, Hw-77375 (April, 1963).
4. E. P. Blizard -
e t a1 -., Proceedings of the Symposium on the Protection
Against Radiation Hazards i n Space, TID-7652 (1962).
5. Code of Federal Regulations, T i t l e 10, P a r t 20, revised January 1,
. 1963, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
60 "Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentra-
t i o n s of Radionuclides i n A i r and i n Water f o r Occupational Exposure,"
U. S. DeDartnaent of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards Handbook
J, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. (June 5, 1959).
7. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Procedures and Practices f o r Radiation,
Health Physics Manual, Number A-5.3 (Aug. 4, 1961).
8. E. D. Arnold and B. F. Prlzskewitz, SDC -A Shielding Design Calculation
Code f o r Fuel Handling F a c i l i t i e s (a working but incomplete program
f o r the IBM-7090,t o be published as ORNL-3041).
9. John Moteff, Miscellaneous Data f o r Shielding Calculations, APEX-176
(Dec. 1, 1954).
10. E. P. Blizard, "Nuclear Radiation Shielding," Sec. 7-3 of Nuclear
Engineering Handbook, ed. by Harold Etherington, McGraw - H i l l , New York,
11. E. P. B l i z a r d and L. S. Abbott, "Shielding," Reactor Handbook, v o l 3,
Part B, Interscience, New York, 1962.
12. H. Goldstein, Fundamntal Aspects of Reactor Shielding, Addison-Wesley,
Cambridge, bbss., 1959.
13. B. T. Price, C. C. Horton, and K. T. Spinney, Radiation Shielding,
Pergamon Press, New York, 1957.
14. H. H. Van Tuyl, Fission Product Radiation and Shielding Calculations,
Hw-69533 (1961)
15. Tables f o r the Analysis of Beta Spectra, Applied Math Series No. 13,
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., 1952.

16. S. J. Wyard, Proc. Phys. SOC. A 65 377 (1952).


17 D. Strominger, J. 14. Hollander, and G. T. Seaborg, "Table of Isotopes,lt

Reviews of Modern Physics, 30 (No. 2 ) , Part 2 (April 1958).
18. B. S. Dzhelepdr and L. K. Peker,
Pergamon Press, New York, 1961.
19. Isotope Datadex - Series I, S c i e n t i f i c Equipnment Co., P. 0. Box 19086,
Indianapolis, Indiana, Copyright 1960 by J. L. Sommerville.
20. G. Friedlander and J. W. Kennedy, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 1955.
21. E. K. Hyde, A Review of Nuclear Fission - P a r t 1 - Fission Phenonmena
a t Low Energy, UCRL-9036 (1960).
22 0 S. K. Penny e t al., Cumulative Bibliography of Literature Examined by
the Radiation Shielding Information Center, ORNL-RSIC-1 (1963).
23 Seymour Katcoff, "Fission-Product Yields from U, Th, and PU," i n Hand- -
book of Nuclear Technology, pp 236-243, reprinted by Nucleonics,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
S. Katcoff, "Fission-Product Yields from Neutron-Induced Fission,"
Nucleonics, -
18 (No. ll), 201-208 (Nov, 1960).
25 Royal Research Corporation, Cs137 Fueled Generator, RRC-Cs-0100, p 65.
26. R. A. Robinson, Isotopes Division, O a k Ridge National Laboratory,
personal communication, September 16, 1963.
27 E. Von Halle, Operations Aaalysis Division, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diff'usion
Plant, personal Communication, January 20, 1964.
28. C. A. Rohrmann, Special Radioisotopes f o r Power: Availability and
Applications f o r Thorium-230 (Ionium) from Uranium O r e Mills, Table 1,
p 13, HW-71319 Rev. (Oct. 16, 1961).
29. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Status and Progress Report, p 26, ORNL-
3351 (August 1962).
30 C. A. Rohrmann, Ionium-Uranium-232 and Thorium-228 Properties, Appli-
cations and Availability, HW-66600, Chart I1 (August 1960).
31. W. H. Sullivan, T r i l i n e a r Chart of Nuclides, USAEC (January 1957).
32 D. R. Vondy, J. A. Lane, and A. T. Gresky, "The Production of Np237
and Pu238 i n Thermal Power Reactors," paper presented a t the American
Chemical Society, Winter Meeting, Denver, Colo., Jan. 19, 1964.
33 Atomic I n d u s t r i a l Forum, The Forum Memo t o Membergp 14, November 1962.
34. Nucleonics Week, -
3 (No. lo), p 1 (Mar. 8, 1962).
35. Nucleonics Week, -
2 (No. 4) (Feb. 16, 1961).
36. W. D. Burch, E. D. Arnold, and A. Chetham-Strode, "Production of t h e ' .
Transuranium Elements," Transactions of the American Nuclear Society..
-5 (No. l), pp 14-15 (June 1962).
37. W. D. Burch, E. D. Arnold, and A. Chetham-Strode, "Production of the
Transuranium Elements, I' Nuclear Science and Engineering -
17 (No. 3),
pp 438-442 (Noveniber 1963).
194 .

This appendix contains copies of FORTRAN l i s t s of Program Spectra,

t h e necessary mathematical subroutines f o r this program, and the r e s u l t s
from the output of Program Spectra, which calculated the average b e t a
p a r t i c l e energy and the bremsstrahlung spectra. The program was o r i g i n a l l y
w r i t t e n by Miss Robin Smith and then revised by the author t o allow a more
narrow energy spacing. The associated subroutines which c a l c u l a t e the
gamma f'unction of complex argument i n the evaluation of the Fermi Differen-
t i a l Function were supplied by the CE-1604 Subroutine Library of the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory Mathematics Division. The t a b l e s l i s t i n g the .
results from Program Spectra a l s o l i s t the hand calculated bremsstrahlung
energy production i n units of Mev/beta p a r t i c l e .
NOTE: A l l l e t t e r 0 ' s a r e marked as $d t o d i s t i n g u i s h them from zeros.


FORTRAN L i s t i n g of Program Spectra and S u b r o u t i n e s

c PR~GRAM T$ ~ r N(L), n THE T ~ A ~L E R b~
C DELTA K = 0.01 W .
DIMf3NSIgN P( 500j, Sl(500) ,XN( 500) ,XM( 500) ,TITLE: ( 9 ) .
100 F $ ! ~ A T ( gA8/6~10.0)
GJO=EO/O. 511+1.0
D$ 6 I = l , I E O
W =DELTAK/O - 511+1.0
ETA=SQRTF (W *d -1 0)
IF (TQ)2,2,1
1 Q=l.O
G# Ter 3
2 Q=ETA*ETA+(WO-w)*(wo-W)
EPI=EXPF (3.1415 926 5+DELT)
4 E P I = ~ O/EPI
5 REAL=S+l. 0
AB#vE=o. 0
BEL& =0.0
D# 8 J = l , I E O
D d 7 K=J,IEO
S1(J)= ( (T*P (K) ) / (T+800.0) )*(4.0* (1.O-FJK)+3. O*FJK*
~ L & F( FJK) )+SI (J)
BEL@ =P (J)+BEL&
FJ=FJ+O. 0 1
8 XN (J)=si(J )/DSLTAK
101 F ~ ~ T ( ~ , 4 ? x , g A 8 / 8 6 ~ BETA , 2 ~ENERGY
1 ~ =
3 3 6 X , l ~ N E R G Y ( M E V ) , 2 2 X , l 5 ~ BETA N(K)///)
DELTAK=o 0 1
D$ 9 L=l,LEO
WRITE ( 51,102 )DELTAL, XM (L )
102 FfiRMAT (35X,F10.5,24X,E13 5)
Gfi T# 9
9 cpmm
G$ T# 10
I F (Y.EQ.0. )200,201
200 C A U RCPGAIV~R(X,U)$V&~$G$ T@ 202
201 m=x
IF (FRACT .E&. 0. .AND .X. LE.0. )203,204
203 WRITE:(51,1)X$Gd Td 999
IF(YABS -1.) loo, 100,ioi
100 CALL R C P G A M I ( ~ C T , Y , U , V )
202 RAD= 1./(U*U+V*V)
I F (Y. E&. 0. )205,111
205 F=FO$G=GO$G@ T@ 206
101 IF(YABS-2. )102,102,104
T R E 1 a + o O5
RAD=l. / (U*U+V-W )
lo3 EX=EXPF (I?EUCT*O. 6931471806)
ARG=Y*O. 6931471806
ARG=O. 282094792-%'~
FO=ARG* (C@Sm*m -Sm*vi)
G q T$ 111
104 LF(YABS-4.)105,105,999
105 T R E = O . ~ ~ * ~ C T
D q 110 N=1,4
RAD=l. / (U*U+V*V )
T l=-V*WD
G d TQ( ( 1 0 6 , l O 7 , 1 0 8 , l O 9 ) ,N

106 uo=si
G d Td 110
107 ui=si
G@ Td 110
108 m=si
v2 3 1
G# T# 110
109 u3=si
V3 3 1
110 TRESREh-0.25
m=mm(mmw.3465735903 1
ARG=YW. 3465735903
TREdJo*m-v o*v2
SO=ARG* ( C @ S J I E ~ - S W - n T I M )
TO=ARG* ( C ~ ~ S I N Em+s
ARG=ARG*l. 41421356
T R E = U ~ * U -vi*v3
Sl=fU?G* (C6slNf3'ATRF: -SINE-nTIM)
G# T# 103
111 F=FO
D# 112 N=1,NN
1-12 F"N=FPN+l.
206 GRE=F
999 FumlRN
sm&!rm RCPGAMI(S,P,Q,R)
x =s
Y =P
IF(c(2 ) -0.25 ) 100,101,100
100 C ( 2 1 ) S . E - 1 2
c (20)2 . 6 -~11
c (18)=1.25I~1-9
c (16)=-5.14083-8
c (15 ) =2 832573-7
C (14)

101 U = X * C ( 2 1 ) 1 c ( 2 0 )
D$ 102 I=1,19
v =U*Y +v*x
102 U=G+C(K)


C -1 IXQ X L;EQ 1
~ ~ P$LYN$MIAL.'
IF( R P , 1,2
1 s=o.o
G$ Td 100
2 IF(R-10)8,6,3
3 T=R
4 R=R-l.
Y =Y*R
Gq T$ 100
6 S=I.
G$ T$ 100
7 S=l./Y
G$ Tfi 100
8 IF(R+l.)lO,l,g
G$J T$ 100
10 IR=R
18 IF(P&-R)12,11,12
11 s a .
G P T# 100
I 2 Y=R
13 R=R+l.
I F (R+1. )14,15,16
14 Y=Y*R
G g Tg 13
15 STgP 0001
100 = s

C$MM$N/BC$E/B (14)
D@ 2 N=2,14
2 Q=Q*P+B(N)
Q=Q*W(P+B (14) )
B DE C -1.81223 -7
DEC +I.. 3285 543-6
DEC -2.62572123 -6
DEC -1.75279173-5
DEC +1.45624324E-4
DEC -3.608514963-4
DE C -8 O4341335E-4
+. 008023278113
DEC +.191091101162
DE C - 0233093736365
DEC -. 422784335092
DEC +l.

Table A. 1. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From ~ryptm-85Beta i n Liquid Krypton

Maximum beta-particle energy, Mev 0.672

Average beta-particle energy, MeV 0.253
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (Mev) Within AE Energy Group

0.050 t0.025 2.165 x lom2

0.100 $. 0.025 7.228 x
0.150 2 0.025 3.238 x lom3
0.200 2 0.025 1.607 x
0.250 2 0.025 8.264 x loe4
0.300 2 0.025 4.233 x
0.350 2 0.025 2.094
0.400 2 0.025 9.668 10-5
0.450 2 0.025 3.981 x
0.500 2 0.025 1.355 x
0.550 2 0.025 3.285 x loe6
0.600 $. 0.025 3.831 x
0.650 2 0.025 2.628 x

T o t a l bremsstrahlung energy, &v/beta p a r t i c l e 3.085 x

Table A.2. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Strontium-90 Beta i n Strontium Oxide Matrix

~~ -~

W i m u m beta-particle energy, Mev 0.545

Average beta-particle energy, MeV 0.201

Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (14ev) Within &E Energy Group

0.020 t- 0.01 1.378 x

0.040 2 0.01 5.523 x
0.060 2 0.01 2.998 10-3
0.080 2 0.01 1.841 x lom3
0,100 f 0.01 1.208 x
0.120 f 0.01 8.239 x
0.140 2 0.01 5.759
0.160 2 0.01 4.086 x 10-4
0.180 2 0.01 2.923
0.200 2 0.01 2.099 x
0.220 2 0.01 1.505 x
0.240 2 0.01 1.074 x
0.260 ? 0.01 7.604 x
0.280 2 0.01 5.315 x
0.300 2 0.01 3.654
0.320 2 0.01 2.458 x low5
0.340 2 0.01 1.609 x
0.360 t 0.01 1.016 x 10-5
0.380 ? 0.01 6.135 x
0.400 2 0.01 3.491 x
0.420 2 0.01 1.835 x
0.440 ? 0.01 8.638 x
0.460 0.01 3.456 x
0.480 2 0.01 1.065 x
0.500 2 0.01 2.007 x
0.520 2 0.01 1.000 10-9
0.540 5 0.01 0.000
Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 1.411 x lom3

Table A.3. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From Yttrium-90 Beta i n Strontium Oxide Natrix

Maxinnun beta-particle energy, Mev 2.27

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.944

Number of Photons
Brexrkstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (MeV) Within AE Energy Group
0.100 0.05 6.152 x
0.200 f 0.05 2.415 x
0.300 2 0.05 1.281 x
0.400 ,2 0.05 7.674 x 10-3
0.500 2 0.05 4.894 x 10-3
0.600 2 0.05 3.234 x 10-3
0.700 2 0.05 2.181 x 10-3
0.800 2 0.05 1.485 x 10-3
0.900 2 0.05 1.014 x 10-3
1.000 2 0.05 6.887 x
1.100 2 0.05 4.630 x
1.200 2 0.05 3.0 o 10-4
1.300 2 0.05 1.973 x
1.400 2 0.05 1.231 x 10-4
1.500 2 0.05 7.337 10-5‘
1.600 2 0.05 4.117 x
2.125 x
9.740 x 10-6
3.728 x
1.058 x loe6
2.100 2 0.05 1.670 x 10-7
2.200 2 0.05 4.768 10-9
Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 2.814 x
Table A.4. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Strontium-90 B e t a in Strontium T i t a n a t e Matrix

:vIa.xirmUn beta-particle energy, Mev 0. 545

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.201

Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (&v) Within 4l3 Energy Group

0.020 2 0.01 1.009 x

0.040 2 0.01 4.044 10-3
0.060 2 0.01 2.195 10-3
0.080 2 0.01 1.348 x 101:
0.100 f 0.01 8.845 x 10
0.120 2 0.01 6.034 x 1
0.140 2 0.01 4.217 x 10,~
0.160 2 0.01 2.993 x
0.180 2 0.01 2.141 x 10,~
0.200 ? 0.01 1.537 x 10
0.220 2 0.01 1.103 x lom4
0.240 2 0.01 7.871 10-5
0.260 2 0.01 5.571 10-5
0.280 2 0.01 3.895 10-5
0.300 2 0.01 2.678 x 10-5
0.320 2 0.01 1.801 10-5
0.340 0.01 1.179 x 1012
0.360 2 0.01 7.448 x
0.380 0.01 4.497 x 10,~
0.400 2 0.01 2.559 x 10

0.420 2 0.01 1.345 x 101:

0.440 2 0.01 6.333 x lo-7
0.460 2 0.01 2.534 x 10,~
0.480 ? 0.01 7.807 x 10,~
0.500 2 0.01 1.472 x 10

0.520 0.01 7.336 x lom1'

0.540 2 0.01 0.000

T o t a l bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 9.924


Table A.5. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From Yttrium-90 Beta i n Strontium T i t a n a t e Matrix

Maximum beta-particle energy, Mev 2.27

Average beta-particle energy, MeV 0.944
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group ( W v ) Within AE Energy Group
0.100 2 0.05 4.537 x i

0.200 f 0.05 1.782 x

0.300 i 0.05 9.456 x
0.400 2 0.05 5.665 x
0.500 2 0.05 3.613 x
0.600 2 0.05 2.389 x
0.700 2 0.05 1.6U 10-3
0.800 2 0.05 1.098 x
0.900 i 0.05 7.493
1.000 2 0.05 5.09
1.100 t 0.05 3.425 x
1.200 i 0.05 2.264 x loe4
1.300 t 0.05 1.460
1.400 2 0.05 9.110 10-5
1.500 f 0.05 5.434 10-5
1.600 2 0.05 3.050 x
1.700 2 0.05 1.576 10-5
1.800 t 0.05 7.220 x
1.90 2 0.05 2.764 x
2.000 2 0.05
2.100 t 0.05
2.200 2 0.05

Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 2.078 x lo-=!

Table A* 6. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Rhodium-106 Beta 1 i n Metal Matrix

Maximum beta-particle energy, MeV 3.54

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 1.515
Nutnber of Photons
Brem strahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (Nev) Within AE E n e r a Group
0.100 t 0.05 1.950 x 10
0.200 2 0.05 8.246
0.300 f 0.05 4.703 x loe2
0.400 f 0.05 3.033 X 10-2
0.500 2 0.05 2.090 x loe2
0.600 f 0.05 1.500 x i o
0.700 2 0.05 1.106 x 101;
0.800 2 0.05 8.306 x io
0.900 2 0.05 6.317 x
1.000 2 0.05 4.846 10-3
1.100 f 0.05 3.737 x 10;:
1.200 f 0.05 2.891 x io
1.300 i- 0.05 2.238 x
1.400 2 0.05 1.731 x
1.500 2 0.05 1.335 x 101;
1.600 5 0.05 1.025 x
1.700 f 0.05 7.826 x 10,~
1.800 P 0.05 5.928 x 10,~
1.900 2 0.05 4.448 x 10
2.000 2 0.05 3.299 x 101;
2.100 2 0.05 2.413 x
-,2.200 2 0 ; O S ---.-\____I_
2 .jGio~'-f-0.05
2.1+00 5 0.05 8.428 :: 10:; .
* 2.500 2 0.05 5.639 x 1-0,~
2.600 $ 0.05
2.700 f 0.05
3.642 x 10
2.251 x
-5 f'-3,4113E.-'
2.800 2 0.05 1.316 x 10,~
2.900 2 0.05 7.162 x io
3.000 2 0.05
-32BO 00,115
<---; .-e- . -.-,
. - -. I- . .
3.534 x 10-6
1.519 XLO- -6 i
5.285 X lo-; '1 g ,T IE -7
3.300 2 0.05
3.400 f 0.05
3.500 2 0.05
1.281 x 10-
1.447 x a
8.903 x 10-
-8l=- I
T o t a l bmmsstrahlwrg energy, &v/beta particle 1.288 x 10-1

Table A.7. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From Rhodium-106 Beta 2 i n Metal Matrix

Maxim beta-particle energy, Mev 2.40

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0 976
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group ( M e V ) Within AE Energy Group
I 0.100 2 0.05 1.185 x 10-1
1 1 0.200 2 0.05 4.663 x
0.300 f 0.05 2.477 x lo-*
0.400 ? 0.05 1.485 x
0.500 2 0.05 9.475 10-3
0.600 t 0.05 6.263 10-3
0.700 i- 0.05 4.225 x
0.800 2 0.05 2.880 x
0.gOO 2 0.05 1.968 10-3
1.000 2 0.05 1.341 x
1.100 ? 0.05 9.061 x
1.200 2 0.05 6.039 x
1.300 -I. 0.05 3.947
1.400 2 0.05 2.514 I- c- It7
2 0.05
2 0.05
1.548 x loe4
9.114 x
/,6 - ’”
5.064 x 10-5 K d f I:I/ 1 ‘ 6 , r t O - 5-

1.700 2 0.05
1.800 f 0.05 2.602 x lom5)

L g O O i- 0.05 1.199 x . .,
, .

2.000 2 0.05 4.707 x

2.100 2 0.05 1.431 x
,. 2.200 2 0.05 2.723 x
2.300 i 0.05 1.633 x
,. 2.400 2 0.05 0.000

Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 5.455 x

Table A.8. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Praseodymium-144 Beta i n Cerium Oxide Matrix

Maximum beta-particle energy, Mev 3.00

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 1.23
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (Mev) Within nF: Energy Group
0.100 2 0.05 9.016
0.200 2 0.05 3 703
‘* 0.300 2 0.05
0.400 ? 0.05
2 054
0.500 2 0.05 8.620
0.600 2 0.05 6.001 x
0.700 2 0.05 4.284 x
0.800 ? 0.05 3.107 10-3-
O.gO0 2 0.05 2.277 x
1.000 2 0.05 1.677 x
1.100 2 0.05 1.238 x 10-2
1.200 2 0.05 9.123 x \

1.300 2 0.05 6.698 x

1.400 2 0.05 4.883 x
1.500 2 0.05 3.527 x 10
1.600 2 0.05 2.516 x io=&
1.700 2 0.05 =+,LA-05- 1.766 x i o
I - 1.800 2 0.05
8.176 x i o
1.900 2
2.000 2
0.05 5.334 10-5 f
2.100 2 0.05e2,oF- E J ~ -5
2.200 2 0.05 %Lo‘ - ZJ-S
2.300 2
2.400 2
- ’5
2.500 2 0.05


Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 5.075 x


Table A.9. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From Promethium-146 Beta i n Promethium Oxide Matrix

Maximum beta-particle energy, Mev 0.735

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.24
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (Mev) Within D E Energy Group
0.050 2 0.025 1.638 x
0.100 f 0.025 5.420 10-3
0.150 2 0.025 2.417 10-3
0.200 2 0.025 1.200 10-3
0.250 2 0.025 6.221 x
0.300 2 0.025 3.247 x
0.350 2 0.025 1.665 x
0.400 2 0.025 8.187 x
0.450 f 0.025 3.754 '10-5
0.500 f 0.025 1.543 10-5
0.550 2 0.025 5.340 x
0.600 2 0.025 1.377 x
0.650 2 0.025 1.977 x
0.700 :0.025 4.98 10-9
Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta particle 2.336 x
Table A.10. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Promethium-14'7 Beta i n Promethium Oxide Natrix

Maximum beta-particle energy, Mev 0.23

Average beta-particle energy, Mev , 0.067

Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (blevl Within A E Energy Group

0.010 f 0.005 5.230 x

0.020 2 0.005 1.929 10-3
0.030 C
0.005 9.687 x
0.040 2 0.005 5.507
0,050 C 0.005 3.339
0.060 2 0.005 2.100 x
0,070 2 0.005 . 1.348 x
0.080 2 0.005 8.737 x
0.090 2 0.005 5.674 10-5
0.100 2 0.005 3.669 x loe5
0.110 2 0.005 2.345 x
0.120 2 0.005 1.474 10-5
0.130 i 0.005 9.042 x
0.140 2 0.005 5.367 x lom6
0.150 2 0.005 3.050 x loe6
0.160 2 0.005 1.635 x loA6
0.170 C.0.005 8.095 x
0.180 2 0.005 3.581
0.190 C 0.005 1.337 x
0.200 2 0.005 3.764 x lo-8
0.210 i 0.005 5.924 10-9
1.223 x io
0.220 2 0.005
0.230 2 0.005 0.000
Total bremsstrahlung energy, Nev/beta p a r t i c l e 2.020 10-4

Table A . U . Production of Bremsstrahlung; Photons

from Thulium-l7O Beta 1 i n Thulium Oxide Matrix

I%.ximum beta-particle energy, Mev 0.968

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.326

Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (MeV) Within AE Enerm G r a m

0.050 2 0.025 5.736 x

0.100 2 0.025 2,085 x
0.150 2 0.025 1.026 x
0.200 'r 0.025 5.686 x
0.250 -1 0.025 3.340 x lom3
0.300 2 0.025 2.020 10-3
0.350 2 0.025 1.236 x lom3
0.400 2 0.025 7.551 x
0.450 2 0.025 4.562 x 10
0.500 2 0.025 2.696
0.550 2 0.025 1.542 x
0.603 f 0.025 8.410 x lom5
0.650 2 0.025 4.296 10-5
3.700 2 0.025 2.000 10-5
0.750' 0.025 8.138 x
0.800 f 0.025 2.680 x
0.850 2 0.025 6.111 x lom7
0.900 f 0.025 6.278 ,'lom8
0.950 2 0.025 2.196 x 10-l'

T o t a l )remsstraUung energy, Mev/be A particle 1.033 x

Table A.12. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
from Thulium-170 Beta 2 i n Thulium Oxide Pktrix

lkim beta-particle energy, Mev

Average beta-particle energy, Mev
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group .(MeV) Within A E E n e r a Group

0.050 t 0.025 4.999 x lo-*

0.100 2 0.025 1.765 x
0.150 2 0.025 8.429 x
0.200 2 0.025 4.522 x
0.250 2 0.025 2.562 10-3
0.300 2 0.025 1.487 x
0.350 2 0.025 8.674 x
0.400 2 0.025 5.011 x lom4
2.828 x -4
0.450 2 0.025 10
0.500 2 0.025 1.538 x 10-4
0.550 2 0.025 7.907 x
0.600 2 0.025 3.753
3.650 t 0.025 1.584 10-5
0.700 2 0.025 5.592 x
0.750 2 0.025 1.459 x lo-'
0.800 2 0.025 2.091 10-7
3.850 f 0.025 4.896 x
Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 8.310 x lom3

T3ble A.13. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons

From Thuliwn-l7l Beta i n Thulium Oxide Matrix

JJaxirnum beta-particle energy, Mev 0 097

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.029

Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
EnerRy Group (Mev) Within AE Enerjg Group

0.010 2 0.005 1.632 10-3

0.020 2 0.005 4.124 10-4
0.030 2 0.005 1.367 x
0.040 -I- 0.005 4.785 x
0.050 f 0.005 1.599 x
0,060 2 0.005 4.632 x
0.070 2 0.005 9.973 10-7
0.080 f 0.005 1.068 x
0 . 0 9 2 0.005 0.000

Total bremsstrahlung energy, Mev/beta p a r t i c l e 3.126 10-5

Table A.14. Production of Bremsstrahlung Photons
From Thallium-204 Beta i n Metal Matrix

I?a.xm beta-particle energy, Mev 0.764

Average beta-particle energy, Mev 0.27
Number of Photons
Bremsstrahlung per Beta P a r t i c l e
Energy Group (?.lev) Within .nF: Enerey Group

0.050 2 0.025 5.228 x

0.100 2 0.025 1.801 x
0.150 ?; 0.025 8.375 x 10'~
0.200 2 0.025 4.357 10-3
0.250 ?: 0.025 2.377 x loe3
0.300 t: 0.025 1.315 x
0.350 2 0*025 7.211 x loe4
0.400 2 o*025 3.834 x
0.450 2 oso2? 1.932
8.945 x lom5
3.632 x
1.193 x
2.674 x
2.543 x
2.981 x

Total bremsstrahlung energy, bkv/beta p a r t i c l e 8.098 x 10-3


UC-23 - Isotopes-Industrial Technology
TID-4500 (28th ed.)


1. Biology Library 60. G. W. Keilholtz

2-4. Central Research Library 61. E. E. Ketchen
5. Reactor Division Library 62. R. H. Lafferty, Jr.
6-7. ORNL - Y-12 Technical L i b r a r y 63. C. E. Lamb
Document Reference Section 64. C. E. Larson
8-27. Laboratory Records Department 65. R. E. Leuze
28. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. 66. A. L. Lotts
29. R. G. Affel 67. H. G. MacPherson
30-34. E. D. Arnold 68. B. F. Maskewitz
35. P. S . Baker 69. R. W. McClung
36. E. E. Beauchamp 70. E. C. Miller
37. R. L. Bennett 71. W. R. Mixon
38. J. E. Bigelow 72. W. T. Mullins
39. E. P. Blizard 73. J. P. Nichols
40. G. E. Boyd 74. C. L. Ottinger
41. E. J. Breeding 75. F. L. Peishel
42. W. D. Burch 76. S. K. Penny
43. T. A. Butler 77. A. M. Perry
44. W. L. Carter 78. R. A. Robinson
45. H. C. Claiborne 79-83. A. F. R U P ~
46. R. E. Clausing 84. G. Samuels
47. J. W. Cleland 85. M. D. Silverman
48. F. L. Culler 86. M. J. Skinner
49. F. M. Empson 87. J. C. Suddath
50. L. G. F a r r a r 88. J. A. Swartout
51. D. E. Ferguson 89. D. K. Trubey
52. W. Fulkerson 90. J. W. Ullmann
53. W. R. G a l l 91. A. M. Weinberg
54. R. G. G i l l i l a n d 92. R. G. Wymer
55. C . E. Guthrie 93. 0. 0. Yarbro
56. K. W. H a f f 94. P. H. Emmett (consultant)
57. P. P. Haydon 95. J. J. Katz (consultant)
58. R. Heestand 96. T. H. Pigford (consultant)
59. F. A. Kappelmann 97. C . E. Winters (consultant)


98-197. W. K. E i s t e r , Division of Isotopes Development, USAEC, Washington

198. Research and Development Division, AEC, OR0
199-692. Given d i s t r i b u t i o n as shown i n TID-4500 (28th ed.) under
Isotopes-Industrial Technology category (75 copies - OTS)

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