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NEET Preparation Tips for Droppers: A

Complete Study Plan

Sreetama Datta Roy
Manager Cont ent
Updated on May 28, 2024 14:56 IST
NEET preparation for those in their drop year can be tricky. They have
already covered the syllabus and appeared for mock tests. Know the tips on
how a candidate in drop year can score well.

NEET preparation strategy f or droppers is a critical area f or students

planning to attempt the exam again in 2025. NEET droppers or
repeaters ref er to those candidates who had taken the test earlier but
could not perf orm as per their expectation and hence decided to appear
again with better preparation. Given their NEET result on the f irst attempt,
it is evident that the preparation strategy f ollowed originally was not

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f oolproof and needed introspection and change. Hence, the question of
how should NEET droppers prepare f or the exam is of prime importance.

Appearing f or any entrance examination more than once can be taxing f or

many students. Still, there are a number of students who decide to give
themselves a second chance by taking a year of f to prepare f ully f or an
exam and repeat the exam-taking experience. Those in their drop year
of ten do not understand how to start preparing f or an examination f or
which they thought they had done enough. They of ten f orget to ask
themselves a f ew important questions bef ore embarking on the journey to
prepare f or the examination again.

NEET 2025 is likely to be held in the f irst week of May 2025. If you do
not score well in NEET this year and have already decided that you will
appear again f or the exam next year, then you must plan and f ollow the
NEET preparation strategy f or droppers without any f urther ado. On
the other hand, if you belong to that category of students who plan to
participate in the NEET 2024 counselling and in case you are not allotted
a seat, then you will plan to take NEET 2025, then you must continue with
the NEET preparation or revision so that you do not miss out on the
precious time.
In this article, we have tried to solve the dilemma f or those preparing f or
NEET in their drop year. NEET preparation tips f or droppers is an attempt
to help such students f ormulate a preparation strategy that will not let
them down. To know the expert-suggested NEET preparation tips, read
the complete article.

NEET Preparation Tips for Droppers

Here we bring some tips and strategies f or NEET droppers to prepare f or

What went wrong?

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The f irst NEET preparation tip f or droppers is f inding what went wrong the
last time. Accepting the reason why you could not clear the examination
is very important to start af resh. Make a note of the things that you f eel
are responsible f or a low score in your previous attempt at NEET. Be
honest with yourself while preparing this list. If you do not accept the
weaknesses at this stage, you will not be able to overcome them and
perf orm better in the next attempt.

Learning from your mistakes

Failure is success, if we learn f rom it.


Now that you have made a list of all the things you f eel are responsible
f or a low score in NEET, you have to tick them of f one by one. If you
think that you did not spend enough time on revision, now is your chance
to make that right. If you f eel that you still have doubts, start working on
them. The list can be long or short, irrespective of how many reasons you
have stated, your aim is to leave not one reason that will pull you down
the next time.

A new outlook towards the preparation

If you do not have a mentor or guide, now is the time to f ind one.
Because you have already attempted this exam once, you are already
f amiliar with the NEET syllabus and pattern. You have probably solved
most of the NEET question papers of previous years. So, where should
you start the preparation this time? This is where your mentor will help
you. Do not hesitate to ask f or help; it is f or your own good. Having a
mentor or guide by your side will help you gain a new perspective. You will
be able to start af resh with your NEET preparation.

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Also Read:
How to prepare Chemistry section f or NEET?

How to prepare Physics section f or NEET?

How to prepare Biology section f or NEET?

A new timetable
Many of you must have enrolled yourself in a coaching institute. For
those in the dropper year, the classes are usually longer. However, self -
study remains an important part of the preparation. Prepare a new
timetable which considers the time spent at the coaching centre.
Dedicate another six to eight hours f or self -study. You must also
consider the list you had prepared in the f irst step while preparing the new
timetable. If one of the reasons stated in your list was ‘did not f ollow
time-table’, write it in bold letters on top of your new time-table. This will
help you adhere to it this time.

Staying positive and focused

Success is not f inal, f ailure is not f atal: It is the courage to continue

that counts.
-Winston Churchill

The biggest challenge f or those in their dropper year is to remain

f ocused. Looking at your counterparts who have started their college lif e
may give rise to unnecessary comparisons. Never compare yourself with
others. Stay connected with your f riends but ref rain f rom discussing your
preparation with them. Seek guidance f rom only those who have
knowledge about NEET preparation and will give you constructive
suggestions. Remember, the battle is half won if you stay positive during

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the NEET preparation phase.

Bridging the gaps

During the f irst half of your dropper year, try to bridge the gaps in your
NEET preparation. Complete the syllabus of NEET by covering the
chapters that were omitted in the previous year. Clear the doubts that
were carried f orward. Focus on the subjects or topics that are weak and
need improvement. While doing this, do not overlook revision. Both old
and new should be balanced during this time.
In the second half of the year, f ocus primarily on revision. You must also
ensure that you devote equal time to all subjects.
Also Read: How to prepare revision notes f or NEET?

Take as many mock tests as possible

The f inal NEET preparation tip f or droppers, during the last six months of

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your preparation, solve at least two NEET mock tests in a week. Mock
tests will give you exposure to questions of varying dif f iculty levels. This
will help you strengthen your NEET preparation and will prepare you f or
the exam day.
Also, take a look at the questions that were asked in the previous years in
the last month of preparation. There are many questions that are
repeated in the examination every year. Going through the NEET question
papers of previous years will help you get these questions right.

Download the Complete NEET Mock Test and Answer Keys f rom the
table below.

NEET Mock Test NEET Mock Test Answer Keys and

Question Paper Solutions
Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer
Mock Test - 1 Keys and Solutions - 1
Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer
Mock Test - 2 Keys and Solutions - 2
Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer
Mock Test - 3 Keys and Solutions - 3
Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer
Mock Test - 4 Keys and Solutions - 4
Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer
Mock Test - 5 Keys and Solutions - 5

Download NEET 2024 Download NEET 2024 Mock Test Answer

Mock Test - 6 Keys and Solutions - 6

Also Read: Why Previous Years' NEET Question Papers and Mock
Tests Are Important?

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Do Not be Hard on Yourself
Last but not the least, you must not be hard on yourself and af f ect your
self -conf idence. NEET is a highly tough and competitive exam. Hence, it
is alright if you cannot succeed in the f irst attempt. The most important
f actor is to trust yourself and f ollow the right preparation strategy. Also,
it is an important thing to decide whether to drop a year f or NEET or not,
which has to be done based on f actors such as your score, aspiration,
Read More:
How to score 600+ marks in NEET?
Are NCERT books enough f or cracking NEET?
NEET Preparation: Five Common Mistakes That Bring Your Score

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o n 29 -May-20 24.

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