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A Storytelling Game of Death and Damnation Do not go gentle into that good neh. — Dylae Thomas By Mark Rei Hagen, with Sam Chupo and jenifer Hartshorn Hagen with Sam Chupp and Jenni- fer Hartshorn Written by: Steven ©. Brown, Phil Brucato, Sem Chupp, Brian Campbell, Jackie Cassauo, Graeme Davis, Dan Greenberg, Mark Rein*Hagen, Jennifer Hartshorn, Robert Hatch, Hay Heckel, lan Lemke, Ken Rolston, Kathleen Ryan, Teeuwyn Woodruff Storyteller Game System: Mark Rein Hagen Developments Jennifer Hartshorn with Sam Chupp Design and Development Contributors: Phil Bricato, R Brian Campbell ln Lemke Other Contributors: Nicholas Demidoff, Tioels Che. Jacobsen, Michael G. Schmidt, Palle Schmidt, Martin 5. Winther Baiting: Robert Hatch, Bran Campbell Art Direetion: Richard Thomas Art: Tom Berg, John Cobb, Anthony Hightower, Larry MacDougall, Anson Maddox, Robert McNeill, Ken Meyer Jt E, Allen Smith, Richard Thomas, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, Drew Tucker ‘Typesetting and Layout: Aileen E. Miles Cover Design: Henry Higgentotham, Lary Snelly Wraith Logo: Chris McDonough Playtesters: The Damned Playeest Group: Alexander M. Feely, Doug DeJulto, Tod Beardsley, Cynthia K. Neelan, Jer ayy York, Debra Harrison. Dark Spectre Playtest Group: Timoshy Toner, Lisa Hoff, John Buscher, Cassidy Bowman, ScortNash, Christian Panas, P David Gill. Danish Playtesters: p) Paul Hlaccvigson, Peter C. G. Jensen, Rasmus Rasmussen, Carsten Schaumburg, Asta Wellejus. Other Playtecting: Mitchell Gress, Heather Pritchert, Beth Bostic, Tony Dill Jim Gantt, Sherri Gantt, Carla Follar, Nicky Rea, Susan ‘Adams, Chuck Carroll, Bill Gilsdort, Joe Masdon, Seretha Masdon, Sherrie Miller, John Richardson, [an Lemke, Brian Campbell, Jennifer Hartshorn, Sam Chupp,' Mark Rein Hagen, Bill Pridges, Phil Brucato, Robert Hatch, Mike Tinney, Kathleen Ryan, Aileen E. Miles, and the DeMontiort University Games Club. Dedication: For Joseph Campbell, reacher, philosopher and scholar of the worlds myehos “The conquest ofthe fear of death isthe recovery of les Jey. One can experience an unconditional afimaion of ife ony twhen one has accepted death, not as cone tn life, but a a ‘aspect of Ife. Lif init becoming is always shedding deh, clon the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of He ‘That is the cardinal inition of every heroic alveneure — feces ness and achievement.” Fy 4598-8 STONEGATE IND, BLVD. yi STONE MW, CA 30083 USA GAME STUDIO 1994 by White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Re- production without the writen permission ofthe publisher is expressly denied, except for the purpose of reviews. Wraith the Oblivion, Mage the Asccasioa, Werewoll the Apocalypse, and Vampire the Masquerade are rade marks of the White Wolf Game Stadio. All names tile, characters and text herein are copyrights of White Wolt unless ocherwise noted ‘The mention or reference to any companies or pred. uucte in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned. Because of the mature subject marter contained herein, teader discretion is advised Prelude Book One: Chapter One: inrocuction Chapter Two: Seting Chapter Three: Stryteling Book Tio: Chapter Four: Rules Chapter five: Character Chapter Si: Traits Book Thre: Chapter Seven: Shadow Chapter Eight: Systems Chapter Nine: Drama Appentix Table of Contents 4 ¥ 10 90 100 IW 4 2 6 20 ‘umorous Excrescence Tat fae you anymore {gant even tet the books you've teat ifdlowed you beneath te stars Hone by your ay Be allel ant : Arc all your reine slory ‘bovaig is omni, But novel minal fee, alfred es {Ais gooey te howling heat oto pl ay ; ‘Tat separated you toe wil dle : out never knot the ur Flere “nihil Nocthe pin | rise above And illnevee know the smieabout you But soon we le together Hnlhe cep of chivone This hort Ci ~ 7 ald ie, pa a hed. he onetime th gig che, phil ty i * etwas tie if lt led heal restate th eb, Ue iy geod lf leit hry be hy cd des Tre btn hs wl and et, rts a tne immoral geo of ain, tthe ol aris, eye tgp yt to ogi ee amar hepsi let rome lye ody sete of cal deeds undoe, of ensudwerds breaking Gti beat wife et hry Fie, Oe acme yt ging fora ad linn deed te in A ewe ces y iter an psot el Tel hire ene of mei eh test ne, Al etc ise, expel de dew, axl te ad fihttobumie. litigate reds if nenon aed pasion hy have Kf, thy iil casts out of sam nn atenpt kee the ol wate folio oo. hey emi ad eran, oee psig meric etl pry eer its ox sell esstnce sitet he force of eng rece ofa tas pe Bete eh ol lin: fhe ues be Shade st brad laden ferpcel ud eso enue: Te put mt be asd te ir mt ol a wo boot 4a yr, he cme a, hd tel onl a tenn et oma dpi te ara rand hey das THOCOKOS, Yeh the prayer Mat: 7 mihi, at See, retary yor feeidship in Se SM iplore pate caapttend dese wets nce lore aur lore for. me OF oucapnet Whagihe whet on Serailegi labor 23. GSOML CoM ItION, EVEN AO Gasp dpe ST shalas MIU the happier Cos of oar agruqiianrce, hate Puig ea tattnel dirotigh TeMps with mv hire Vi: . ois % i tel sal fia? Neveire theresa to musty of Ute Miatlers 19 Whose celemplation dear i PR ae! hon? cualh amnethenl ar? Prstrcetion line we Bure to bose thaw: orb é pst fes! ST esl asitite Vai aur Dis Sere fr tn ds Mare paskeo Varah Defoe me. CS sce them fervent Lat wht ait hepe — for Teall te citer to finda single Ship upon Ure eeesh, wetliont acieleD ge wf Ws course or ead Ueda to, frP ingle certain soy er has safer. yeatht i Cha der stand, {ea sel S57 titel pcs to set oom tse wor spt fem mele rioudhee ‘pir thal tepctucicé, rer vel fiom any SancomnbioLs concemD, ior the souls of thers Teg tae ul as Pr td tae: SG veh andes ye, mien of He xp pupee. ts simply at pou should know = chet peur Ouaporeny of Wese ice mpstenes shoul? nat be Heard ini? sudCen ese Wis, ut oul rath allanesaou laure to weeigh up the knowlege Bie prope pontsel Chien, thy Hear Ssetery, poe Wg a as POU plea Ona frrcn2) selte Darke fea nore tore Vea ore ? ] routings to vou whoever you my be und terest tne reir i Y} ssc: |, | Manyivearshave pasedsinesl fistet FA sow chs ull ofthe miaeteeagiet arent? iin Your hands, and thedearfiiendto whom. hes ert fins ddessed iimoaeithm 5a theUrdenuotldctr wasshe who prevailed upon mero tskeup, the ves ones née” "lon, xo cathy patie licotse mhomene tals, 16, turd tow Bubyare device, whose dadicace elec tical mechanitm icicle taking 0 taAlvence thatthe movement ofan alltoo-solid Quatt # ithginerin since wy earlier Witingy antic has eaphiges both herein my: Underord ahodeng in ols won ave heen able otserécborh worlds Hirough these changes, and by wit and good fortune Lave sievived. These chafees have necessitated the reviston of th Work You ncghol for ee original contained much ct wasourdatetco the rolatofbeing dangerous, orthat hadlbeea proved by painful eapenienoyty be halle truth or falsehood. Moreover, 1 had beniforese tien byrths labor of wefing to siuie muck dnd cureil riick als, Which hid beed of great value to tay dear Mey “he elect syriting machine having reduced owy pains from Hfergilean Ye aibelyaiots HaGpnspited to ivproke Bie ffetel, (ne ocd with my foe intomt, ‘ Thereare orherimuterst9o, tad Lmvse Odd, i sey, 7 speak of hoje sin eomforero wh ch Twas Blind ac the Hehe oF - the Shroid tas che fiabiion, inthe days pf young. iy) maniood, thar those who prefendeditowie if} should sffece 3 faccitition with Deark: We Were,the youth olga sulded ape: idle, rich eat nichrgiben vo shins Leics, Which Werindulged wnscintingly: Yet we ‘were stullied tore¥er by the spect af er nu Strongcrnk aul bad comping Prcrded wyodese fst ‘ether, opium andthe like gave somewhat niare) bur nothing could stave cif forever prosticer of Leng eed! wick die) ‘orleans of our ives. Empiness yaad pon ew Allsides; whit morenatumal response, then, ~ all these are Feretrs Rls of Life Forlom ‘hound to eran plies. perdons or abjects in the world, 50) top tay an obfee be irandubstantiated ints | the Underwarld with its onneeeSuch ob jecrsare cole relics, for hepare the resi hud ofthe xbods vith which the Livinggpul surround tse elie) are no, ¢¢sily obeaines! these days as they were We former idee beets eld inanura shat a portion ‘ofthe dead one’ goats irouldccompany doeapitivtd the acxt \worldraine che bereaved were wont-to eqlitp the rombisaith [provisions for éhjcurey alcleaistence to €ome, b have fod living of all souls nor vet dhe uranority gre) © ‘When aware, dheliving mexelyshan the touch ofthedead, {br they are earful and distrustful of those things that emerge ‘combehisil he yc. The will must bebenttoaceepe the pos sibility oPtiuch, just as wraith’ will must be bent to accept the baretessacse of abulley, before any touch is possi: Ut is a wnetched business Fetes are the cablés that hold ajwraith in the Shadowlands, and hetoibechey a she anchors ryt hold ‘Wrailhs tenses fir 'dissolving into the Chaos of the Tempest. They make ui shar weave: “A Falict & anvatichobas mich as it isa jailer: Wiehout ‘toch afocus shape dries existence, the dreary pasting of the ‘yeat® tad the disorienting madness fundamental to Underworld ‘epsieies wear away at the soulyeausing the wraith to lose Mertiydexinesce fui = sothie current wilom has and biurled into the rolling, desperate heart f che Tempest= Mhough the-plighl of the wraith i the Shadowlands be veterched Yer tes far preferablesto hus heish. chaos ofthe Tenspite ‘ thieledk of ufavon-shio bura in Oslo fjord etell wns bom, and heard the suaghing, sotes of lyees immured/ivid Osymandias these eabighnened ities dhe living afe nots solitons of ehelr ead, and tiny are now dhrust thtoush thesshroud with Lilesmdre chan they teak from the worah. Yee, ¢ispos sible foatevorite object, to,fiass rhratigh with its owner and be of service in mire, chan one existence, When a thing 50 amilfirthteugh accuomedrse that its owner takes it with: ‘ut cefldetieg to be on insebamble par’of his identity thon it shay, by thar fob, manifest in plasmic form along wich its “ower Mi >On SWF) Fess wo begin Tie Undervold s suck « place'es to geve Phe magimaticng in ‘oer Sucl ai, art esmny Son — Fo Fle smévlextyiciofr als whe [ now rs ‘canngr speak the anapesable, 0: ea ipl even, he ost agile of ivirgminds to conceive thin. hich is anconeeivablesove throwh petsanalenccunter. And yet, bruit try, Scienee would have ti believe that thie word —T Speak oy ofyoue BurkLwhere rhesun i yarmandthesmssis green consists af mauehtindieneray alkme, and aftchosubyrances, and forms to he fnind therein ate of the same cempansints, Tesh ress = gree thin vorlds, is an one Universe: Whareverisnotof sheUnverse sof Oblivion, Jusees the Bareh is hue one stall part of the Universe, $0 there is fj scall pert of the Underworld that core sponds ute and fmnbinges upon your liy= {The regions oft biswed territory orothe abodes of the bulk chFettevboundt wraiths, and are known as the 4. Stndovwlands, “Tha Sheelowlan ies vs were, atbwvert aid amie che fink matérial world end derive mogh of their em fom ic Pirhapsyatthis point where Universe and-anti-Unicerse con ete each tokes on sonieth ing. the thers nature such phil sophieal eénjcctutes, however, ace oF iil interest. o those whois: endure here. You tlridy ketow of the Shadowlands, byt by, another: pane. [is where those wraiths Who aresrbicden ee passage co the Heseafier most often’ cwell, andi offen hence that a juFhmay see into theltving work and yeichaneespeakunco ih livinw as yell atboth wraith and living audivor have the iecessy talent. This (tht doin to which Earthly spicit oredr vet 1 Swhen they speak of the fther tthe Astral Plane Many’ cake Some go [ure differing only in proporiton and rer then SiVing thc mater isibuca formof congealed and solil- fed energy, which raay-be revieaized by the spl f fatomssmanme therefore, a world which i taxed aaron & ‘nay but enttopye= where abqrivity albné holds «yay anc ‘governs che myriad forms existence! Such, Yam. sure the ‘wor in which Selence Would déserine the Underwirtd Ticiserue tha space and tine, mameer ahd energy, nay be yeduced io equaelonsand proved by mathemsieal prontsts be ‘ne identthen the Undetwofld mute che final enciog of the unideneih ich arsuscsilFwhile avaiting i's appsineed task biypmaniigsing as a place rather hana moment obs, it fo fe the whole 6 thé Undahyorkd, but they nteWeeeives, Fo Tying souls-evcin sugptor thé rerrific realms and waste. Tands tha lie Beyond these horde ws and those few the Frrester part hay lef dhelexeniin In payment fr their know) ed, Fhe Shadowlands are'well somed indeed, for they cling tothe outlines of the worldiof flesh/aping it as a shadow apes ip carters Rooms, houses, asd eve whole cities exisvinthe ‘Shadowlands, coamying the preese space and dimensions as, theiebirthlp counrerpares while Rhyy ane act slavish fest Jes of their earthly originals, they are recognuzable, They.are distoal places, chou, iuéslyitacking in light, jor; and any #hing thar might gladden che hearr.. Te said among such erebwies af ayaa hat Oblivion takes unto ial the negative frees fiom your Tring word by soni forma of magnets at avingticer,Congeale themfrom force to mantel, withewhich tr builds itself; ith is +0 then ierould aiely acest ptforthe Sbodowtands.ust ns the fase of atbook takes only the inl and the Letcers! shape frdm che priute’’s plate, so'the Shadowlands ake only what is gloomy andsquatid from the living world, reaming somewhat the fori of it gay ah — Shadow and Substance SBMA Pek the Shades abur the ens of the living, communion from one info the orheris posible onlytarely, The reales dead rmalyebserve the living world. and may even tiavelchnaughit bymveling thtuglichegor responding Shadows — but to make oneself seen creel by the living ian undertaking f great lial. To tough ox move stnaterialtbing shader stil Atonastlc fe of wills ecquited to effec axeyial chanigein the Tv woili—so atich that such eff re often elamsy.and imperfectly irected, How many poltergsins are bir peor wealthy fustaaced hah eto Haunts and Nils there ire However, some few places where ‘sosgressbetiveen the worlds lessardiious ise the living are uttracred ro cercaicy {| places th their mighe cities, Brea mouse © spat, {oF @ | sraple +50 the dead congzevate tn cottain Areas, Which ate kewowin in lingua: mortwie BoP Huts, These places so strongly retain the abstaice of death, thar they, begin ts shape their Living eguniterparts 19 sreadofnerely unitatingthem: A fivingilace that corresponds toa popular Haunt fs possessed of acersnin aura of dead aud sloompby whifeh the mone sensitive of living souls can know With unspoken bertainty therithey walk atong wraiths.Occasr jionally the Shou Between the worlds is rupzyced somewhat in these plages and the dead mayimanifest living senses there ‘Thike are the haunted ples I soaght out inv my brash youels thinking t6hold-congress with thé dead and learn all Citadels and Necropal 7 iheceidence yey wor ch { the-tiving for ite form andidicposition. Patee Ti are, indeed, many instanees where Bag the ret crcis thease, and oh the Ver: Ofc hae dream, rhea ing days, that {moved a¢ahose thrbreth some fami inable to,roake ‘myself np ya ttt frends antifoved ons upon hese ives my. fet tlishtey. How inany mes bas thor deesin peated ite in Suahiny experience, and how bits vers rears, that digoed ota hot rah the bardvant fees that sought to embuice vith fibyersof abt! Over tel faunas! the diciliné of mind equited el tonch bunt vesariardunisane bitesrond! Icéchie fc cost me Les effosrty life dasivmAhe Hellsponttu ecippled parody of Lear, than ielonsnito do sslighva diy ac tars thepugiofs by ene, observing all bi the dread secters of Reroiemblowanueh more Polish Pmuse Tiow-own thvsel, haitag él thee gloomy hill ob « waithy anibhtving Seon wich gacteyes the dchide folly cfother este unter WalHalint isa place wkiere the dlaphragro separating life athisirctchet ahi, chen aNlhilis aplnpuizk in the vel Abcougl hich ih terind — at, bevimes; othe things — ay pass withoat Rindrénce: Nihila ae hilet inthe fobtic of ur reality welb dhut plunge dire