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Special discount offer. Details inside!

roses and australian

Christmas Island Lunar
New Year – the Year
of the Dog

The 80th Birthday of

Limited Edition! Queen Elizabeth II
Treasures from the Archives
Imperforate Sheet

the complete instant stamp program

Commonwealth Games Stamps
and Collectables
Queen’s Baton Relay
Dear Collectors,
Welcome to a new look Australian Stamp Bulletin, and my first
edition as Philatelic Group Manager. I have had the chance to meet
with a number of dealers and collectors in my first few months and
anticipate a long and rewarding relationship in the pursuit of philatelic
excellence and enjoyment. As you may notice, we have included a
number of changes to improve and enhance product information for you.
With our range of products in support of the Commonwealth Games
in Melbourne, this was seen as the perfect time to look at the Bulletin
through your eyes. These changes come from the valuable feedback
received from Bulletin readers and collectors in general. This edition will
also extend to cover stamp issues through to April, which will allow us
to include a wrap-up of Commonwealth Games stamp issues in a May
In this Bulletin...
to June edition.
Christmas Island Given the significance of the Commonwealth Games to
LNY – Year of the Dog 3 Australia (it has been over 20 years since the last Games were held
Roses 5 here and probably another 20 years before they return), Australia Post
Australian Wildflowers 7 is releasing a series of instant stamps to commemorate the Games.
Queen’s Baton Relay 10 We will release a stamp for each Australian Gold Medal win as opposed
Commonwealth Games 11 to a sheetlet for each win (see pages 14 to 15 for details). These stamps
Queen’s Birthday 18
will be presented in daily sheetlets of gold medals won. There will also
SES and Collectables 19
be stamp sheetlets for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and the
Coins 20
Most Memorable Moment of the Commonwealth Games.
Seven Seas 21
The cost to collectors will be roughly the same as their
Post Master Gallery 22
sheetlets for Gold Medallists from previous Olympics and we are
© Copyright 2006 Australian Postal confident these stamps will be an attractive addition to any collection.
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Australia Post stamp designs and philatelic We will also release a complete collection of the instant stamps at
products are subject to copyright and may the end of the Games. A bonus for purchasers of the Commonwealth
not be reproduced without permission. All
applications for the reproduction of Australian Games Collection will be a generous discount on the 2006 Collection
stamps should be made in writing to: of Australian Stamps later in the year. In looking at our product range
The Manager – Philatelic Group
Australia Post for the Games, we have teamed up with the Commonwealth Games
GPO Box 1777 Committee and the Royal Australian Mint to offer a range of products
Fax: 03 9204 7744 that will appeal to everyone – especially sports lovers! I urge you to
ABN: 28 864 970 579 take advantage of these exclusive items.
The Australian Stamp Bulletin is produced by
the Australia Post Philatelic Group and printed I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce a new
by Franklin Web, Sunshine VIC. catalogue, which includes exclusive collectables and gift ideas from
All information contained in this Bulletin has
been included in good faith, on the basis that the the Philatelic Group at Australia Post. Impressions is designed for the
products will be available for sale, until stock sold out, discerning gift-giver or for those of you looking for something different
at the prices stated, and in the manner described.
To the best of Australia Post’s knowledge, and interesting in the world of Australian philately. Keep an eye out for it
all information contained in this Bulletin was at selected post outlets or on-line.
correct at the time of printing. Australia Post
will not, however, be held responsible for any
errors or oversights, or any change to information Until next time,
which may occur after publication.
Availability of specific stamps and products
is subject to demand, hours of operation of
individual outlets and factors outside the control
of Australia Post. Prices are GST inclusive.
Noel Leahy, Manager, Philatelic Group
Visit us on-line at

Christmas Island Lunar New Year

5 January 2006
Lunar New Year is the most important of the
traditional Chinese festivals and is celebrated
throughout the world. Friends visit each other
exchanging cards and gifts – lucky red envelopes
containing money are popular gifts.

In the Chinese calendar the years are named for

different animals in a 12-year cycle with the first
1479142 Miniature sheet
being the Year of the Rat, last falling in 1996.
The sequence is Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon,
Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and
Pig. There are many Chinese traditions and beliefs
concerning the dog. It is considered humanity’s
best friend, symbolising loyalty and protection
against evil. Those who are born in the Year of
the Dog possess excellent characteristics. They
are identified as being generous, studious and
energetic, and able to inspire the confidence of
others. They can also be selfish and very stubborn
– if they think they are right, they will refuse to

First day covers Dog years over the last century

1479002 FDC Stamps
1479013 FDC Miniature sheet
were 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958,
1970, 1982, 1994.

The stamps feature a dog, with the Chinese
text for “Year of the Dog”. The miniature sheet
design is inspired by a popular Chinese classic,
Canonisation of Deities, published in the Ming
Dynasty and based on true historical events that
occurred in ancient China over 3,000 years ago.

This is the eleventh in a series of 12 Lunar New

Year stamp designs by Melbourne designer,
Luis Chiang.

1479251 LNY Zodiac sheetlet

Christmas Island Lunar New Year

5 January 2006
Issue date ...........................5 January 2006
FDI withdrawal date ..............2 February 2006
Denominations ....................One x 50c, one x $1.45
Zodiac sheetlet ....................Perforate mini-sheet plus
four x 10c, four x 15c, four x 25c
Illustration & design ..............Luis Chiang
Printer ................................SEP Sprint
Paper.................................Tullis Russell
Stamp size..........................37.5mm x 26mm
Perforations ........................13.85 x 14.6
Miniature sheet size ..............106mm x 70mm
1479008 Stamp & coin cover Zodiac sheetlet size ..............170mm x 210mm
Printing process ...................Lithography
Sheet layout
(50c, $1.45) ..................Modules of 50 / two panes of 25
Zodiac stamps ................Zodiac sheet only
Special feature ....................Copper coloured foiling
Design in gutter
National postmark ................Christmas Island WA 6798

A full list of products and their mail order codes

can be found at the back of this publication.

Copper coloured foiling has been used on this stamp issue. The stamp pack and prepaid
envelopes are a great way to send New Year greetings to friends and family.

1479212 Postcard
1479126 Stamp pack

27 January 2006
The origins of St Valentine’s Day date back
to ancient Rome and the lovers’ festival
of Lupercalia, which was dedicated to the
Roman goddess Juno. A special stamp is to be
released to celebrate the day and for use on other
1481130 occasions throughout the year.
Along with the stamp issue there is a set of five
prepaid envelopes (PPEs) – each envelope will
feature a different rose variety. The issue includes
a first day cover, a stamp pack, a maximum card,
a sheetlet and a booklet of 10 x 50c stamps.

There is also a special self-adhesive sheetlet of

10 x 50c stamps with its own special perfume!

1481001 First day cover

A full list of products and their mail order codes
can be found at the back of this publication.

Issue date: .........................27 January 2006
FDI withdrawal date: ............24 February 2006
Denominations: ..................One x 50c
Stamp designer: .................Lisa Christensen,
Australia Post Design Studio
Stamp size: ........................37.5mm x 26mm
1481220 Printer/Paper (gummed): ......SEP Sprint/Tullis Russell
Maximum card
Printer/Paper (s/a): ..............SEP Sprint/B100
Perforations: ......................13.86 x 14.60
Printing process: .................. Lithography
Sheet layout: ......................Sheetlet of 10
National postmark: ..............Thornbury VIC 3071

Sending flowers by mail takes on a whole new meaning!

This perfumed self-adhesive sheetlet features
the beautiful fragrance of a rose garden.

self-adhesive sheetlet (perfumed)

Australian Legends
20 January 2006
27 January 2006

Each year as part of the official Australia
Day celebrations Australia Post pays tribute
to famous Australians. The Australia Post
Australian Legends Award honours those
Australians identified as having made a
significant contribution to the Australian
national identity and heritage within their

Past recipients of the Award include artist,

Arthur Boyd; tennis players Margaret Court
and Rod Laver; and Nobel Prize winner, Peter
1481226 Set of five PPEs Brief technical details and a product list are
provided, with further details available in the
May – June Bulletin. You can find out more
about the 2006 Australian Legends Award
1481182 at any Australia Post outlet from 20 January
Booklet of 2006 or you can visit us on-line at:
10x 50c

Issue date ...........................20 January 2006
FDI withdrawal date ..............17 February 2006
Denominations ....................Five x 50c
Stamp designer ...................Beth McKinlay,
Australia Post Design Studio
Stamp size..........................26mm X 37.5mm
Printer/Paper (gummed)........SEP Sprint/Tullis Russell
A full list of products and their mail Printer/Paper (s/a)................SEP Sprint/B100
order codes can be found at the back of Perforations ........................13.86 x 14.60
this publication. Printing process ...................Lithography
Sheet layout ........................Sheetlet of 10
National postmark ................To be announced 20 January 2006

australian wildflowers
7 February 2006

There are some 18,000 species of flowering

plants native to Australia, grouped into about
200 families. This is the second issue in a
thematic series of Australian wildflowers.

$1.00 Pincushion Hakea (Hakea laurina)

One of south-western Australia’s most admired
plants, this Hakea is grown as an ornamental
plant throughout the country.

$2.00 Donkey Orchid (Diuris magnifica)

This attractive orchid grows up to 60cm
high, often forming dense colonies. The soli-
tary flower stem bears up to eight yellow
flowers, usually shaded with purple-brown.

$5.00 Mangles Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos

This Kangaroo Paw – the floral emblem of
Western Australia – is probably the most
attractive member of the genus. Often
$10 occuring in large numbers, it presents a
spectacular display during the flowering
season of August to November.

$10.00 Waratah (Telopea speciosissima)



The Waratah, a stout and erect shrub growing

to around four metres, was proclaimed the
official floral emblem of NSW in 1962.
Flowering from September to November,
the species is fairly widespread on the central
coast and adjoining mountains of NSW.

The miniature sheet shows the detail and unique

beauty of the Waratah on the $10.00 stamp design.

1482142 Miniature sheet

australian wildflowers
7 February 2006
Issue date ...........................7 February 2006
FDI withdrawal date ..............7 March 2006
Denominations ....................One x $1.00, one x $2.00,
one x $5.00, one x $10.00
Designer ............................Lynette Traynor,
Australia Post Design Studio
Stamp size..........................30mm x 25mm/50mm x 30mm
1482126 Stamp pack
Perforations ........................14.40 x 14.00
Printer ................................SEP Sprint
Paper.................................Tullis Russell
Printing process ...................Lithography
Sheet layout ........................Sheet of 50
National postmark ................Gardenvale VIC 3185
A full list of products and their mail
order codes can be found at the back
of this publication.

1482001 Set first day covers Gift cards

Maximum cards

The Australian landscape comes to life in a pack of six gift cards (featuring two designs)
available with this issue. The pack includes envelopes.

Treasures from the Archives imperforate sheet of 10 x $5.00 stamps

Very limited...only 500 produced! This item can only be purchased by calling
1800 331 794. On sale from midday (AEST) 10 January 2006 while stocks last.
Limit of one per customer.

With only 500 produced, this will be a sought after philatelic item and
385 are available for sale to readers of the Australian Stamp Bulletin.

Each sheet is numbered in gold and comes with a certificate of

1113760 $79.95 each sheet

Australian Winter Olympic
Gold Medallist stamps

The Winter Olympics will run from 10 to

26 February and Australia Post will be ready
to immortalise the Australian gold medal moments
as they happen. An unexpected win can rouse the
excitement and pride of a nation! Such was the
feeling when Steven Bradbury won Australia’s first
Winter Olympic gold medal in 2002. Bradbury had
been a member of the Australian national team for 11
years and for 10 of those years he had been the best
performing Australian individual short track skater.
Salt Lake City was Bradbury’s fourth Winter Olympic
Games and he came home with a gold medal in the
Men’s 1000m Short Track Speed Skating event.

Alisa Camplin competed as a free-style skier. Alisa

followed her first World Cup medal, a bronze, in the
finals in Livigno (March 2000) with a silver in the There is only one question
second World Cup event of the 2000–2001 season many Australians are asking
at Mt Buller. Alisa went on to win Australia’s second as we approach the 20th Winter
Winter Olympic gold medal – just two days after Olympics, to be held in Torino,
the win by Steven Bradbury. Each Australian Winter
Olympics 2006 gold medallist will be importalised on Italy in 2006.
a sheetlet of 10 stamps and available through retail Can we do it again?
outlets and by mail order after the Games.

Queen Elizabeth II coin and stamp

prestige booklet!
an exclusive prestige booklet released to celebrate the royal tours to australia by her
majesty queen elizabeth II since her reign began over 50 years ago.

the booklet comprises a 50-cent uncirculated coin (designed to commemorate the

royal visit to australia by the queen in 2006) and a selection of previously released
stamps which honoured those visits and the events that prompted them.

Mail Order Code 1113771 Issue Date: 28 Feb 2006

(price unavailable at time of printing)

Queen’s Baton Relay Covers
25 January to 14 March 2006
25 January Parramatta, NSW 2150 Australia Post will issue blank souvenir covers for
26 January Sydney, NSW 2000 the Queen’s Baton Relay through participating
27 January Newcastle, NSW 2300 postal outlets.
31 January Brisbane, QLD 4000
4 February Cairns, QLD 4870 A set of souvenir covers, with each cover having
5 February Mount Isa, QLD 4825 a commemorative postmark aligned to the 20 key
6 February Alice Springs, NT 0870 geographical points of the Queen’s Baton Relay in
7 February Darwin, NT 0800 Australia, will be available by mail order. The set
10 February Fremantle, WA 6160 of covers will feature the 2006 Commonwealth
11 February Perth, WA 6000 Games Logo stamp.

12 February Victor Harbor, SA 5211 The 20 geographical points are listed here and a
15 February Renmark, SA 5341 fixed date postmark will be used. Collectors will
17 February Mildura, VIC 3500 need to ensure that any souvenir cover requiring
25 February Belconnen, ACT 2617 individual outlet postmarking is forwarded to the
25 February Canberra, ACT 2600 individual outlet well ahead of the date stated.
3 March Geelong, VIC 3220 Only full sets will be available by mail order.
8 March Ballarat, VIC 3350
11 March Hobart, TAS 7000 1113760
12 March Devonport, TAS 7310 Set of queen’s baton relay covers
14 March Melbourne GPO, VIC 3000 $16.00

Please note:
26 January postmark “ Sydney NSW 2000” available at Sydney GPO & QVB
25 February postmark “Canberra ACT 2600” available at GPO & Parliament House
11 March postmark “Hobart TAS 7000” available at Bathurst St Post Office

Queen’s Baton Relay

stamp & coin cover
Issued 28 October 2005

Features the 2005

Queen’s Birthday stamp
& $5.00 Uncirculated coin

1113753 $ 14.95

Melbourne 2006
Commonwealth Games
– Part 1
12 January 2006
The XVIII Commonwealth Games will be held
in Melbourne from 15 to 26 March 2006.
Around 4,500 athletes will participate from 71
Commonwealth Games Associations (CGA).
Organisers have estimated that approximately
one billion people will watch the Games, which
are to include Elite Athletes with a Disability
(EAD). The EAD program comprises 12 events
across swimming, athletics, table tennis and
powerlifting. While other multi-national games,
such as the Asian, Pan Am, African and Winter
Olympics, were founded on geographic or
climate factors, the Commonwealth Games
was founded on history.

1484002 The first of the Commonwealth Games related

first day cover stamps released in 2005 was the Queen’s
Birthday 50c stamp. The Logo stamp shown
here is the first of two parts which will make up
the official Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth
Games stamp issue. Part 2 will be released on
1 March 2006.

TECHNICAL DETAILS The first to be released in 2006 is a 50c stamp
Issue date: .................. 12 January 2006
featuring the Commonwealth Games Logo.
FDI withdrawal date: ... 9 February 2006
Denominations: ........... One x 50c Products available are a first day cover, roll of
Designer: ..................... Gary Domoney, 100 x 50c stamps and a collector pack. A stamp
Octavo Design pack featuring the Logo stamp and a maximum
Stamp size: ................. 26mm x 37.5mm card will be released with Part 2 in March.
Perforations: ............... 14.6 x 13.86
Printer: ........................ SEP Sprint
Paper (gummed): ........ Tullis Russell LOGO STAMP USED WITH Personalised Stamps™
Paper (s/adhesive): ..... B90 The Logo stamp will also be used for the onsite
Printing process: ......... Lithography Personalised Stamps™ service which will
Sheet layout: ............... Sheet of 50 operate at the Commonwealth Games. The service
Special feature: ........... Design in gutter
National postmark: ...... Melbourne VIC 3000
will be available at the MCG and, for those
participating in the Games, the athletes village.
There will be a sheet of gummed stamps using
A full list of products and mail an image of elite athlete Don Elgin – available
order codes can be found at the by mail order after the Games.
back of this publication.
1484301 CG Personalised Stamps™ sheet (gen)
Melbourne 2006
Commonwealth Games
–Part 2
1 March 2006

This set of stamps comprises one 50c, one $1.20

International and one $1.80 International stamps.
The designs are based on some of the sporting
events that make up the Commonwealth Games.

Other products available are a first day cover, a stamp

pack that includes the Commonwealth Games Logo
stamp, miniature sheet, a booklet of 10 x 50c stamps
and a maximum card set – includes a maximum card
from Part 1.

1485002 First day cover

1485003 Miniature sheet

Miniature sheet

Issue date: .....................1 March 2006
FDI withdrawal date: ......29 March 2006
Denominations: ..............One each 50c, $1.20,
Design: ...........................Gary Domoney,
Octavo Design
Stamp size: ....................37.5mm x 26mm
Perforation size: .............13.86 x 14.60
Miniature sheet size: ......142mm x 75mm
Printer: ...........................SEP Sprint
Paper (gummed): ...........Tullis Russell
(s/adhesive): ................... B100/B90
Printing process: ............. Lithography
Sheet layout: ...................50 / two x 25 1485126 Stamp pack
National postmark: ............ Melbourne VIC 3000

...keeping the spirit alive
1485301 Available
XVIII commonwealth games coins now!
starter set – includes six coins

coins included are

four event coins, student design
and queen’s baton relay

individual event coins

Mail order codes available at the
back of this publication

Ready, Set, Go Commonwealth Games
Record and Activity Book (24 pages)
includes activities, stickers, sports profiles
Released - 15 February 2006

Start your Commonwealth Games collection today!

XVIII Commonwealth Games
commemorative stamp & coin cover
Issued 12 January 2006
Includes M2006 Bronze uncirculated
$5 coin from the royal australian mint

Sports of the Games Coin
& Stamp Prestige Booklet
Issued 1 February 2006
Includes 4 x 50c coins,
imperforate block 4,
s/adhesive & gummed
Logo stamp

Australian Champions an instant
This year we celebrate Gold Medal performances by
our athletes with Australian Champions sheetlets.
The instant stamp program consists of four different
sheetlet releases. The sheetlets will be numbered in
accordance with the order in which they appear except
the last sheetlet – the Most Memorable Moment.
(The first sheetlet Opening Ceremony No.1, second
sheetlet No.2, third sheetlet released No.3, and so on.)

Opening Ceremony - 15 March 2006

(Five x 50c stamps) $2.50

Australian Champions - issued daily

(Five or 10 x 50c stamps) $2.50 or $5.00
lets you participate. Closing Ceremony - 26 March 2006
(Five x 50c stamps) $2.50
15 to 26 March 2006
Most Memorable Moment*
(10 x 50c stamps) $5.00

*The Most Memorable Moment instant stamp sheetlet

will feature the outstanding moment of the Melbourne
2006 Commonwealth Games.
If you happen to be at Birrarung These instant stamp sheetlets for Australian Gold
Marr (near the Melbourne Tennis Medallists will use templates of five or 10 x 50c
Centre) during the Games, don’t
stamps. The template used will depend on the number
forget to visit the Australia Post
area and obtain your personalised of Gold Medals won on any given day.
Commonwealth Games souvenir
stamp booklet. SNAPSHOT! will Due to the potential high number of Gold Medal wins,
include your photo, large miniature and to ensure we meet the needs of our collectors,
sheet, postcards, a unique block of a single sheetlet will comprise up to either five or 10
four World Heritage stamps and
the first imperforate gummed
Gold Medallists. In the past we have issued a sheetlet
personalised stamps! for each winning athlete or team. In the event of an
incomplete sheetlet (the number of Australian Gold
SNAPSHOT! is an instant stamp Medallists on that day may be nine), we will use the
booklet by Australia Post, and we’ll Humanity, Equality or Destiny stamps (exclusive to
be onsite during the Games, offer- this product) to complete the sheetlet.
ing visitors to Melbourne a unique
way to remember their stay.
We are attempting to keep the number of sheetlets
A limited number will be available to a mimimum in light of the possible high number of
by mail order, using the image of Gold Medal wins. For instance, in the event of 15 Gold
Don Elgin (Australian Champion Medals being won by Australia in a 24–hour period,
and EAD) from mid-April 2006. only two sheetlets (one x five and one x 10 stamps)
will be produced.
1485455 Snapshot (gen)
$19.95 These stamps are ONLY available for sale in a
sheetlet format.
Specialist Notes
21 January 2006 (VIC)
Stamps, Coins and Cards Fair
Peninsula Stamp Club

The Peninsula Stamp Club Inc. is holding this fair at the Dromana Uniting Church
Hall, corner Point Nepean Road and McCulloch Street, Dromana (Melway 159 G6).
The fair will be open between 10.00am and 4.00pm and admission is FREE.
Refreshments and ample parking will be available. For inquiries please contact
John Thomas on 0418 322 315. Children’s inquiries should be directed to Doona
Young on (03) 5977 4313. The next scheduled fair will be held on Queen’s Birthday
holiday – 12 June 2006.

29 January 2006 (NSW)

SCDAA Petersham Stamp and Coin Super Fair

This fair will be held at the Petersham Town Hall, 107 Crystal Street, Petersham
(just one block from the railway station). Opening hours from 9.30am to 4.00pm
and admission is just $1.00. There will be 27 local and interstate dealers buying
and selling stamps, coins, banknotes, postcards, pins, cards and other collectables.
Free valuations will be available and there are five $50.00 door prizes to be won.
Refreshments will be available on the day. More information is available from
John Pearson on (02) 9979 1561.

18 to 20 March 2006 (ACT)

Canberra Stampshow 2006

This fair will be held at the Hellenic Club, Matilda Street, Woden. Opening hours
are 10.00am to 6.00pm on Saturday and Sunday, and 10.00am to 4.00pm on
Monday. A featured event will be the Australasian Challenge 3, MECCA (Middle-
East Collector Challenge in Australia) and a full range of state classes. Australia
Post will attend and a pictorial postmark is available during the show.

30 April 2006 (NSW)

SCDAA Petersham Stamp and Coin Super Fair

This fair will be held at the Petersham Town Hall, 107 Crystal Street, Petersham. The
fair will open at 9.30am to 4.00pm and admission is $1.00. There will be 26 local
and interstate dealers buying and selling stamps, coins, banknotes, cards and other
collectables. There will be free valuations available on the day. A special overprinted
commemorative booklet will be available at the door for $15.00 (including GST) or by
mail order (include $3.00 p/h) from PO Box 4237, Forster, NSW 2428. There are five
$50.00 door prizes to be won.
Refreshments available. For more information contact John Pearson on (02) 9979

Australasian Numismatic Dealers Association Inc.

upcoming shows
Canberra - 11th & 12th February 2006 - Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra
Perth - 18th & 19th March 2006- Burswood Casino, Perth, W.A.
Sydney - 7th to 9th April 2006 - Randwick Racecourse, Randwick, NSW
National FDI Postmarks
First day covers, serviced with national FDI postmarks, are available from FDI post
offices and from the Australian Philatelic Bureau by mail order (for four weeks).
Private covers can only be serviced:

• at the designated post office on the day of issue or

• by the Bureau if covers are received prior to the first day of issue.
Note: Postmarking requests to the Australian Philatelic Bureau incur the
normal $5.00 P&H charge for all ad hoc orders.

5 January 2006 12 January 2006 Commonwealth Games

CI LNY – Year of the Dog Part 1 (Logo stamp)
Christmas Island, WA 6798 Melbourne VIC 3000

20 January 2006 Australian Legends 27 January 2006 Roses

To be announced 20 January 2006 Thornbury VIC 3071

7 February 2006 Australian Wildflowers 1 March 2006 Commonwealth Games Part 2

Gardenvale VIC 3185 Melbourne VIC 3000

19 April 2006 Queen’s Birthday

Elizabeth SA 5112

Associated FDI Postmarks

A full list of Queen’s Baton Relay postmarks are available on page 10.
Christmas Island LNY - Year of the Dog, Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.

Temporary Pictorial Postmarks

Campbelltown NSW 2566 to commemorate the “13th Australian Venture”
(Scouts Australia), at Sydney Scout Park, Appin between 3 and 14 January 2006.
Impressions are available from the Postal Manager, Campbelltown NSW 2566.

Canberra Stampshow 2006 available for the duration of the show (18 to 20 March
2006). Impressions are available from the Postal Manager, Woden, ACT 2606 for
$0.80 per cover or $2.40 for a set of three.

Pictorial Postmark
Lunar New Year – Year of the Dog pictorial postmarks will be released on 5 January
2006 to coincide with the new Lunar New Year stamp issue release.
Impressions will be available at Haymarket NSW 2000 and Cabramatta NSW 2166
from this date. Year of the Rooster postmarks will be withdrawn on 4 January
2006. Impressions available from the Postal Manager at each location.

Australian Open Postmarking

A temporary Post Shop will operate at the Australian Open (16 – 29 January).
The postmark Melbourne VIC 3000 will be available from this shop and from the
Melbourne GPO Post Shop.

Koala Count
The Koala count identifies specific reprints. A koala symbol printed in the selvedge
adjacent to stamps, down either side of a sheet indicates a reprint, two koalas the
second reprint, and so on. A kangaroo indicates the fifth reprint.

In each issue of the Bulletin we publish a list of the stamp issues reprinted since
the previous issue. Once a year (usually in the July Bulletin) we print a summary list
covering reprints since the previous annual summary. The previous summary list
was printed in the June–August 2005 Bulletin.

0266193 Roll of 200 x 50c stamps .......................... Pemara/B90 $100.00
0266192 Roll of 100 x 50c stamps........................... SEP Sprint/B90 $50.00
0266190 Booklet of 20 x 50c stamps ....................... SEP Sprint/B100 $10.00

Nature of Australia: Definitives

0268067 10c Butterfly ............................................ SEP/Tullis Russell $0.10

150th Anniversary of the First Australian Coin

0267067 $2.45 Anniversary of the First
Australian Coin* ...................................... SEP/Tullis Russell $2.45

*Please note that this stamp will remain on sale for a further 12 months
due to postage requirements for a $2.45 stamp. There are no definitive
stamps available at this rate.

19 and 20 November 2005

In Retrospect
Defence Force Air Show – Pearce, Bullsbrook WA 6084

This show was extended from one to two days with the decision being made
after the September Bulletin had gone to print. Two commemorative postmarkers
were created, one for each day of the event. Impressions are available from the
Postal Manager, Bullsbrook WA 6084.

There were 1,000 DL–size postmarked covers produced and specific to each day
of the event. Each cover displays the event logo and a 50c Australian stamp.
In addition, 1,000 numbered Special Event Sheets were also developed. The
sheets display the event logo and RAAF crest, and feature 10 Pearce–based
aircraft from 1938–2005 in the tabs. The sheets are available at $15.95 each plus
$5.00 postage and handling while stocks last.

All inquiries for both items should be directed to the Postal Manager, Bullsbrook
WA 6084.

In Retrospect
Permanent Pictorial Postmark

Bright VIC 3741

A new design introduced on 15 August 2005 features the outline of a large leaf
with the dateline impression inside the image of the leaf to accommodate a
larger date wheel. Impressions are available from the Postal Manager, Bright
LPO VIC 3741.

Booleroo Centre SA 5482

This pictorial postmarker has changed with a slight variation in the date area
on the new postmarker. Impressions are available from the Postal Manager,
Booleroo Centre SA 5482.

Port Fairy VIC 3284

This pictorial postmarker was replaced on 29 August 2005. The new image used
represents a lighthouse and post office. Impressions are available from the Postal
Manager, Port Fairy LPO VIC 3284.

Rutherglen VIC 3685

A replacement postmarker was introduced on 1 September 2005. The scene of
grapes, wine glasses and bottles of wine is still featured. The postmark redesign
accommodates a larger date wheel. Impressions available from the Postal Manager,
Rutherglen LPO VIC 3685.

Marysville VIC 3779

A replacement postmarker was introduced on 29 August 2005. The new image
used represents a skier and the wording “Gateway to Lake Mountain”. Impressions
are available from the Postal Manager, Marysville LPO VIC 3779.

Melbourne GPO VIC 3000

A replacement postmarker was introduced on 1 September 2005. The image is
of an historical street posting box replica. The postmarker replaces the original
which was destroyed in the Melbourne GPO fire. Impressions are available from
the Postal Manager, Melbourne GPO Postshop VIC 3000.

Congress 2005 SA
This event was held 1 and 2 October 2005 at Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide.
Australia Post attended with a CPS machine and the following labels were available.

CPS Labels
Set of six each Roo and Koala (FV) ....................... $3.00
Mint set with Congress 2005 literal...................... $3.00
Cover - postmarked set affixed ............................ $3.30
Button Sets
Set - two each (50c, $1.00, $1.45 FV) ................. $5.90
Mint Button Set .................................................. $5.90
Cover - Button Set, postmarked set affixed ........... $6.20

Commonwealth Games
Collection *Bonus
The Commonwealth Games Collection is a specially discount
designed presentation of all the Australian stamps offer!
issued in celebration of the 2006 Commonwealth
Games – the collection includes the 2005 Queen’s
Birthday stamp used for the Baton Relay stamp and *When you purchase your
coin cover, all stamp sheetlets from the instant stamp Commonwealth Games
program, the Commonwealth Games Logo stamp and Collection you will also
receive a voucher entitling
the sporting event stamps.
you to $10 discount on
your purchase of the 2006
The collection is presented in a bound book format and Collection of Australian
includes an introduction with the sheetlets mounted Stamps later in the year.
into daily pages. It offers an alternative to collecting the
Commonwealth Games related stamp issues as they This discount will run in
are released and will ensure you don’t miss out. conjunction with other
discounts which may apply
This beautiful collection will be released in April after at the time. The voucher
the instant stamp program has been completed. can be used while product
The price of the collection will depend on the final stocks last and the 2006
number of sheetlets and stamps included. Further Collection of Australian
Stamps remains on sale.
details will be announced in the May edition of the
Australian Stamp Bulletin. 1485460
Commonwealth Games
includes a *$10 discount voucher for the
2006 Collection of Australian Stamps

Display Album Commonwealth Games
Display Album
A separate album can be purchased to display your
sheetlets if you choose to buy them as they are
released. The album is designed to house and display
your complete set of instant stamp sheetlets using
protective Collectors Choice stock sheets.
1485304 Commonwealth Games Medallists album
0903276 10 Collectors Choice stock sheets
There is a blank cover for this special issue of stamp
sheetlets. This will enable collectors to have covers
postmarked as the sheetlets are released. Please
refer to important postmarking details on page 17.

Collectables to help you remember
the moment...

Commonwealth Games in
Stamps prestige booklet
Released –1 March 2006

Commonwealth Games Pins
set of four featuring historic
stamps of the games in australia
Released –1 March 2006
(limited edition of 2,500)

Commonwealth Games Medallions
set of three medallions
featuring melbourne icons
Released - 1 March 2006
(limited edition of 3,500)

Single Bronze Ingot
design using the logo stamp
Released - 1 March 2006

Commonwealth Games
Ingot set of three
Released - 1 March 2006
Bronze, silver and gold
using Logo stamp replica

M2006 Three Coin Set “United by the Moment”
by Royal Australian Mint
Released –15 September 2005
$385.00 (Mintage of 2,500)

M2006 $5.00 Aluminium/Zinc/Bronze
Uncirculated Coin by Royal Australian Mint
Released –15 September 2005

M2006 $5.00 Silver Proof Coin
by Royal Australian Mint
Released –15 September 2005
$68.50 (Mintage of 10,000)

Postmarking for the Commonwealth Games

• Collectors can make their own covers using the Australian Champions blank cover and stamps
as they are released. Or they can use private covers, subject to Commonwealth Games copy-
right and trademark restrictions.
• We are unable to give advance notice of the Australian Champions sheetlets issue dates, and
so special postmarking conditions will apply as follows. The first day of issue for a stamp sheet-
let is the first day that stamp sheetlet is available from an outlet. Post offices and the Australian
Philatelic Bureau will be permitted to apply first day of issue postmarks to covers bearing the
Australian Champions stamp for a period of one month from the date that stamp sheetlet is
released into outlets.
• After the Games a set of 15 first day covers with first day of issue postmarks (one for each
of the first day of issue postmarking locations listed below) will be available by mail order for
each Australian Champions stamp or sheetlet. Only full sets will be sold by mail order from the
Philatelic Bureau, not individual covers. All other requests for postmarking for this issue must be
sent to the relevant office.
Ordering postmarks by mail – you must specify which postmark you would like
• Standard FDI – available from any post office that has a first day of issue postmarker.
• Everyday (normal counter date stamp) – available from any postal outlet.
• A relevant, in-use pictorial postmarker – available from relevant postal outlet.
• Australian Champions FDI – available from locations listed below, or as a set of 15 (by mail order)
after the Games. Mail order codes and details will be published in the May Bulletin.
Postal outlets with FDI postmarkers for Australian Champions instant stamps
Sydney NSW 2000 Brisbane QLD 4000 National Philatelic Centre VIC 3000
Parramatta NSW 2150 Pacific Fair QLD 4218 Melbourne VIC 3000 (also available
Newcastle NSW 2300 Maroochydore QLD 4558 at the Athletes Village)
Chatswood NSW 2067 SA The Glen, Glen Waverley VIC 3150
ACT Adelaide SA 5000 Geelong VIC 3220
Canberra ACT 2600 TAS WA
Hobart TAS 7000 Perth WA 6000
19 April 2006

2006 sees the 80th birthday of Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II. To honour this occasion, and the 50th
anniversary of the hanging of the Pietro Annigoni
portrait of the Queen, a stamp issue will feature the
famous portrait, together with a photographic portrait
taken at the same time by Cecil Beaton. Both stamps
will be set into a miniature sheet.


50c Portrait of Her Majesty by Pietro Annigoni

This is the first time this renowned portrait has been
used on an Australian stamp. The full-length portrait
features the Queen wearing the regalia of the Order
of the Garter, and is regarded as one of the finest
portrayals of the young Queen.

$2.45 Photographic Portrait by Cecil Beaton

Cecil Beaton (1904 –1980) is one of the most
celebrated British portrait photographers of the
20th century. His images display elegance, style
and glamour.

The stamp features a photograph of the young Queen

taken by Beaton around the time Annigoni painted his
famous portrait. The photograph shows the Queen
with her Order of the Garter decorations, the same
decorations featured in the Annigoni portrait and the
miniature sheet.
Miniature sheet Featured products with this issue
include an impressive stamp and coin cover
and larger than normal prestige booklet.

A full list of products and their mail order

codes can be found at the back of this publication.

more souvenir
The miniature sheet with this issue features
sheets and collectables
the Order of the Garter – the oldest surviving AFL Grand Final SES $15.95 (out now)
order of chivalry in the world, having been
instituted in 1348 by Edward III. A miniature
sheet is included in the larger than normal
prestige booklet. There is also a stamp pack,
first day cover, set of maximum cards and
stamp and coin cover.

Issue date ...........................19 April 2006
FDI withdrawal date ..............17 May 2006
Denominations ....................One x 50c, one x $2.45 1113759
Designer ............................Sally Piskuric, NRL Grand Final SES $15.95 (out now)
Australia Post Design Studio
Stamp size..........................26mm x 37.5mm
Perforations ........................14.60 x 13.86
Miniature sheet size ..............105mm x 70mm
Printer ................................SEP Sprint
Paper.................................Tullis Russell
Printing process ...................Lithography
Sheet layout ........................Sheet of 50 / two x 25
National postmark ................Elizabeth SA 5112

Congratulations To
the Winner... Harry Potter
SES $15.95
Mr T Young (out now)

TM and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
QLD (s05)

and what
a response!
Soon to be released
19 April 2006
The recent philatelic survey included (product image unavailable)
the opportunity for philatelic collectors 1488301 Eight Hour Day SES $15.95
to win a rare £2 Kangaroo and Map 1488134 Eight Hour Day PSE $0.60
light-hinged mint stamp. Over 27,000
1473134 Anniversary of Parliament
respondents provided information that
will assist the Australia Post Philatelic in Tasmania PSE (resch.) $0.60
Group to better understand the needs 1113770 Mater Hospitals 100 yrs SES $15.95
of collectors. We would like to thank
you once again for your participation
in this important survey.
coins for you to collect

2006 Eight Coin Uncirculated Set 2006 Masterpieces in Silver

1478301 $23.50 – Australian Art of the 20th
1477305 $195.00 2006 Six Coin Baby
Uncirculated Set
1478303 $30.50

2006 Eight Coin Proof Set

1478302 $80.00

2006 Wedding Coin 2006 Six Coin Baby Proof Set

Collection 1478304 $95.00
2006 Frosted Kangaroo (six coin set)
$1 Uncirculated Coin 1478305 $77.00
1478306 $32.45

Living Icons of New Zealand &

Australia Two Coin Set
1477307 $29.95

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

1oz Silver Proof Coin
1477306 $69.00

Lunar New Year Silver Dog

Centenary of the Australian PGA ½ oz coloured & uncirculated
Championship Silver Coin
1477303 $69.00 1477304 $34.95

Special Collector Offer Must End 28 Feb 2006
First Day Covers and Maximum Cards
Pre-order your 2006 first day covers or
maximum cards and save!
first day cover offer*
Save up to 15% on first day covers released by Australia
Post in 2006. You can choose between Australia and AAT or
Australia, AAT, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island.
Your first day covers will be sent to you automatically every
quarter, with the first set due to be sent in April 2006.
maximum card offer*
Receive one of each maximum card issued by Australia
*Previous customers may have already
Post for Australia and the AAT in 2006 and save up to 20%.
received this special offer in the mail.
Maximum cards will also be sent to you automatically on a
If you have pre-ordered your 2006 first
quarterly basis with the first set to be sent in April 2006.
day covers or maximum cards you do
Call 1800 331 794 not need to respond to this offer. Please
Place your order with the Australian Philatelic Bureau or, request note – this offer does not include the
a special-order form (this offer is not available by using the normal Queen’s Baton Relay souvenir covers,
Bulletin order form). Call today as this offer is strictly limited and must stamps from the instant stamp program,
end on 28 February 2006.
Winter Olympics and Melbourne 2006
Commonwealth Games.

The following will be included in Seven Seas 2006 supplements and optional pages.
Seven Seas Seven Seas pages are available only from stamp dealers and from Seven Seas.
Products for Seven Seas pages No CTO • Partial returns for refund not accepted

5 January 2006 7 February 2006

Christmas Island LNY – Year of the Dog Australian wildflowers
Supplement - design set, miniature sheet, zodiac sheetlet, Supplement - design set four singles, miniature sheet.
gutter strip with design. Optional - nil Optional - nil
12 January 2006 1 March 2006
Commonwealth Games Logo stamp (Part 1) Commonwealth Games (Part 2)
Supplement - single gummed and s/adhesive stamps Supplement - design set gummed, miniature sheet,
Optional - collector pack, gutter strip with design single self-adhesive stamp
20 January 2006 Optional - self-adhesive booklet
Australian Legends 19 April 2006
Supplement - design set (gummed & self-adhesive) Queen’s Birthday
Optional - gummed sheetlet (10 x 50c), s/a booklets x two Supplement - design set, miniature sheet
27 January 2006 Optional - nil
Supplement - single gummed & self-adhesive stamps
Optional - gummed sheetlet, perfumed sheetlet, s/a booklet Mail order codes
1487235 Australian Supplement....................$68.80
(In the case of self-adhesive stamps, Australia Post will 1487236 Australian Optional.........................$44.40
supply Collector Packs and full booklets only.) 1487238 Christmas Island Supplement..........$12.85

Post Master Gallery
A Summer of Cricket
– an exhibition of art, stamps and stories
22 October 2005 – 12 February 2006
Curator – Elizabeth Gertsakis

Did you know that the first prime minister of

Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket 1992 Australia, Edmund Barton, was a first-class cricket
(Illustrator Mark Sofilas, Designer Janet Boschen)
umpire, and that a Liberian stamp issued in 1956
featured the Melbourne Cricket Ground as the
venue for the Melbourne Olympic Games?

For the first time, the Post Master Gallery is

exhibiting all of the art and design representing
the sport of cricket on Australian stamps. You will
see cricket stamps of the world, including those
from non-cricket-playing nations, drawn from the
1962 Perth Commonwealth Games aerogramme
Universal Postal Union collection.

Golden Moments
– the stamps of the Commonwealth Games
18 February 2006 – 30 April 2006
TOURING EXHIBITION Curator – Richard Breckon

Season’s Greetings This exhibition records the philatelic background

25 November –15 January 2006 to the Commonwealth Games since their
Curator –Georgia Cribb inception in 1930. Every host country since 1958
has issued stamps celebrating their Games,
with those held earlier being documented by
An exhibition that illustrates the stories
postmarks and souvenir mail.
of Christmas, both religious and secular,
on Australian stamps from 1957 to the The Golden Moments exhibition features original
present. artwork, photographs, designs and philatelic rarities
from Australia Post’s National Philatelic Collection,
Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery together with philatelic items contributed by private
1a First Street, Booragul NSW 2284 collectors.
Enquiries: (02) 4965 8260
Gallery hours - Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission free
321 Exhibition Street Melbourne vic 3000
Inquiries (03) 9204 5021
admission is free – gallery hours are
Saturday to Monday midday to 5 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

New Issues
Mail Order Product Description Price *Planned
Code Withdrawal Date
5 January 2006 Christmas Island Lunar New Year - Year of the Dog
1479067 Stamps (one x 50c, one x $1.45) $1.95 31 August 2006
1479250 Set of miniature sheets (mint, postmarked) [MO] $3.90 2 February 2006
1479251 Pack of five miniature sheets (mint) $9.75 31 August 2006
1479142 Miniature sheet (mint) $1.95 31 August 2006
1479143 Miniature sheet (postmarked) [MO] $1.95 2 February 2006
1479098 Zodiac sheetlet $3.95 31 August 2006
1479126 Stamp pack (doubles as a greeting card) $2.40 31 August 2006
1479001 Set first day covers & stamp and coin cover [MO] $18.75 2 February 2006
1479301 Set first day covers (one x stamps, one x miniature sheet,
two x zodiac sheetlet) [MO] $6.80 2 February 2006
1479002 First day cover (stamps) $2.25 2 February 2006
1479013 First day cover (miniature sheet) $2.25 2 February 2006
1479252 First day cover (two x zodiac sheetlet) $4.25 2 February 2006
1479240 Set of gutter strips (10 x 50c, 10 x $1.45) design in 50c gutter only $19.50 31 August 2006
1479241 Gutter strip (10 x 50c) design in gutter $5.00 31 August 2006
1479242 Gutter strip (10 x $1.45) $14.50 31 August 2006
1479302 Set of PPEs (domestic & international) [MO] $2.60 31 August 2006
1479231 PPE (domestic) $0.60 31 August 2006
1479232 PPE (international) $2.00 31 August 2006
1479212 Postcard $1.20 31 August 2006
1479008 Lunar New Year – Year of the Dog stamp and coin cover $11.95 31 August 2006

12 January 2006 Commonwealth Games Logo Stamp (Part 1)

1484067 Stamps (one x 50c) $0.50 31 August 2006
1484001 Set of first day covers (gummed, self-adhesive) [MO] $1.60 9 February 2006
1484002 First day cover (gummed) $0.80 9 February 2006
1484003 First day cover (self-adhesive) $0.80 9 February 2006
1484223 Collector pack [MO/CC] $4.40 31 August 2006
1484240 Gutter (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 August 2006
1484209 Roll of (100 x 50c stamps) $50.00 31 August 2006

20 January 2006 Australian Legends

1480067 Stamps (five x 50c) $2.50 31 December 2006
1480201 Sheetlet of (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 December 2006
1480002 First day cover (postmarked) [MO] $2.80 28 February 2006
1480126 Stamp pack $5.45 31 December 2006
1480182 Set of booklets A and B each of (10 x 50c stamps) [MO/CC] $10.00 31 December 2006
1480250 Booklet A of (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 December 2006
1480260 Cheque book of A booklets (20 x 10 x 50c stamps) $100.00 31 December 2006
1480251 Booklet B of (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 December 2006
1480261 Cheque book of B booklets (20 x 10 x 50c stamps) $100.00 31 December 2006
1480262 Cheque book C (includes booklets A & B) $100.00 31 December 2006
1480220 Maximum cards (five) $6.25 31 December 2006
1480219 Legends Book $16.95 31 December 2006

New Issues
Mail Order Product Description Price *Planned
Code Withdrawal Date
27 January 2006 Roses
1481067 Stamp (one x 50c) $0.50 31 August 2006
1481001 First day cover $0.80 24 February 2006
1481126 Sheetlet pack $5.45 31 August 2006
1481201 Sheetlet of (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 August 2006
1481122 Self-adhesive sheetlet of (10 x 50c stamps) PERFUMED $5.00 31 August 2006
1481182 Booklet of (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 August 2006
1481250 Cheque book of (20 x 10 x 50c stamps) $100.00 31 August 2006
1481240 Gutter (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 31 August 2006
1481220 Maximum card $1.25 31 August 2006
1481226 Set of PSEs (five) $3.00 31 August 2006

7 February 2006 Definitive issue: Australian Wildflowers

1482067 Stamps (one x $1.00, one x $2.00, one x $5.00, one x $10.00) $18.00 To be announced
1482142 Miniature sheet $10.00 To be announced
1482001 First day cover (stamps) $18.30 7 March 2006
1482003 First day cover (miniature sheet) $10.30 7 March 2006
1482126 Stamp pack $18.45 To be announced
1482220 Maximum cards (four) $21.00 To be announced
1482301 Set of gift cards (six gift cards/two designs) $4.95 To be announced

1 March 2006 Commonwealth Games (Part II)

1485067 Stamps (one x 50c, one x $1.10, one x $1.80) $3.40 31 October 2006
1485142 Miniature sheet $3.40 31 October 2006
1485001 First day cover (stamps) $3.70 29 March 2006
1485003 First day cover (miniature sheet)
1485126 Stamp pack $7.25 31 October 2006
1485182 Booklet of (10 x 50c) $5.00 31 October 2006
1485250 Cheque book of (20 x 10 x 50c stamps) $100.00 31 October 2006
1485220 Maximum cards (three) $6.90 31 October 2006

19 April 2006 Queen’s Birthday

1487067 Stamps (one x 50c, one x $2.45) $2.95 30 November 2006
1487142 Miniature sheet $2.95 30 November 2006
1487002 First day cover (stamps) $3.25 17 May 2006
1487003 First day cover (miniature sheet) $3.25 17 May 2006
1487126 Stamp pack $3.40 30 November 2006
1487008 Stamp and coin cover $11.95 30 November 2006
1487302 Prestige booklet $10.95 30 November 2006
1487240 Gutter set (10 x 50c stamps, 10 x $2.45 stamps) $29.50 30 November 2006
1487241 Gutter (10 x 50c stamps) $5.00 30 November 2006
1487242 Gutter (10 x $2.45 stamps) $24.50 30 November 2006
1487220 Maximum cards (two) $4.45 30 November 2006

Commonwealth Games Special Products

1485301 Queen’s Baton Relay coin starter album (includes six coins) $39.60 To be announced

New Issues
Mail Order Product Description Price *Planned
Code Withdrawal Date
Commonwealth Games Special Products (continued)
1113753 Queen’s Baton Relay stamp and coin cover $14.95 To be announced
1485008 Commonwealth Games Commemorative stamp and coin cover $14.95 To be announced
1485302 “Sports of the Games” coin & stamp prestige booklet $24.95 To be announced
1485402 “Commonwealth Games in Stamps” prestige booklet $10.95 To be announced
1485460 Commonwealth Games Collection TBA To be announced
1485304 Commonwealth Games Gold Medallists album (stock sheets not included) $11.95 To be announced
1485305 Snapshot! – Commonwealth Games generic image $19.95 To be announced
1485310 Commonwealth Games Individual Ingot $29.95 To be announced
1485350 Commonwealth Games Ingot Set (three ingots) $99.95 To be announced
1485306 Commonwealth Games Medallion Set (three medallions) & stamp cover $29.95 To be announced
1485307 Commonwealth Games Child’s Record Book $5.95 To be announced
1485365 Commonwealth Games Pin Set (four pins) $19.95 To be announced
1113760 Complete set of Queen’s Baton Relay covers (postmarked) $16.00 To be announced

Recent Issues
Mail Order Product Description Price *Planned
Code Withdrawal Date
6 September 2005 Marking the Occasion
1474067 Stamps (one x 45c, one x 50c) $0.95 To be advised
1474126 Stamp pack $1.40 To be advised
1474220 Maximum cards (set of two) $2.45 To be advised
1474240 Set of gutter strips (10 x 45c, 10 x 50c) [MO] $9.50 To be advised
1474241 Gutter strip (10 x 45c) $4.50 To be advised
1474242 Gutter strip (10 x 50c) $5.00 To be advised

6 September 2005 Treasures from the Archives

1467067 Stamp (gummed $5.00) $5.00 28 February 2006
1467126 Stamp pack $5.45 28 February 2006
1467220 Maximum card $5.75 28 February 2006
1467276 Sheet of gummed stamps (10 x $5.00) $50.00 28 February 2006

6 September 2005 Aviation in the AAT

1466067 Stamps (two x 50c, one x $1.00, one x $1.45) $3.45 To be announced
1466126 Stamp pack $3.90 To be announced
1466220 Maximum cards (set of four) $6.45 To be announced
1466240 Set of gutter strips (10 x 50c, 10 x $1.00, 10 x $1.45) [MO] $29.50 To be announced
1466241 Gutter strip (10 x 50c) $5.00 To be announced
1466242 Gutter strip (10 x $1.00) $10.00 To be announced
1466243 Gutter strip (10 x $1.45) $14.50 To be announced

4 October 2005 SCM: Down on the Farm

1470067 Stamps (five x 50c, one x $1.00) $3.50 31 March 2006
1470142 Miniature sheet (mint) $3.50 31 March 2006
1470126 Stamp pack $7.45 31 March 2006
Recent Issues
Mail Order Product Description Price *Planned
Code Withdrawal Date
4 October 2005 SCM: Down on the Farm (continued)
1470220 Maximum cards (set of six) $8.00 31 March 2006
1470252 Cheque book (20 x 10 x 50c) $100.00 31 March 2006
1470253 Booklet (10 x 50c) $5.00 31 March 2006
1470254 Cheque book (20 x 20 x 50c) $200.00 31 March 2006
1470255 Booklet (20 x 50c) $10.00 31 March 2006
1470182 Set of booklets (10 & 20 x 50c) [MO] $15.00 31 March 2006
1470122 Set of self-adhesive sheetlets (one x five x 50c, one x five x $1.00) [MO] $7.50 31 March 2006
1470256 Sheetlet (five x 50c) $2.50 31 March 2006
1470257 Cheque book sheetlets (20 x five x 50c) $50.00 31 March 2006
1470258 Sheetlet (five x $1.00) $5.00 31 March 2006
1470259 Cheque book sheetlets (20 x five x $1.00) $100.00 31 March 2006
1470240 Set of gutter strips (10 x 50c, 10 x $1.00) [MO] no design $15.00 31 March 2006
1470241 Gutter strip (10 x 50c) $5.00 31 March 2006
1470242 Gutter strip (10 x $1.00) $10.00 31 March 2006
1470303 Down on the Farm Stamp Fun Book ( includes larger miniature sheet ) $9.95 31 March 2006
1470301 Down on the Farm sticker sheet $2.00 To be advised
1470302 Down on the Farm Barnyard Bash Computer Games CD $9.95 To be advised

1 November 2005 Christmas 2005

1468067 Stamps (one x 45c, one x $1.00) $1.45 30 April 2006
1468122 Sheetlet (five x $1.00 self-adhesive) $5.00 30 April 2006
1468126 Stamp pack $1.90 30 April 2006
1468220 Maximum cards (set of two) $2.95 30 April 2006
1468250 Cheque book (20 x 20 x 45c) $180.00 30 April 2006
1468182 Booklet (twenty x 45c) $9.00 30 April 2006
1468650 Cheque book (20 self-adhesive sheetlets of five x $1.00) $100.00 30 April 2006
1468155 Christmas aerogramme $0.95 30 April 2006
1468240 Set of gutter strips (10 x 45c, 10 x $1.00) [MO] $14.50 30 April 2006
1468241 Gutter strip (10 x 45c) $4.50 30 April 2006
1468242 Gutter strip (10 x $1.00) $10.00 30 April 2006
1468184 Christmas Prestige Booklet $9.95 30 May 2006

1 November 2005 Christmas Island Christmas 2005

1469067 Stamps (one x 45c, one x 90c) $1.35 30 April 2006

1 November 2005 Collection of Australian Stamps

1475171 2005 Collection of Australian Stamps $79.95 31 December 2006
1475214 2005 Executive Collection of Australian Stamps (individually numbered) $114.95 31 December 2006
1475194 2005 Australian Territories Collection $22.95 31 December 2006
23 November 2005 150th Anniversary of Parliament in Victoria PSE
1472134 PSE (mint) $0.60 To be advised
23 November 2005 150th Anniversary of Parliament in Tasmania PSE
1473134 PSE (mint) Rescheduled for release 19 April 2006 $0.60 To be advised
23 November 2005 Department of Vocational Education & Science PSEs
1476134 Set of five Department of VES PSEs (mint) $3.00 To be advised

Also Available
• SES Sheets • Coins • Album Sheets • Accessories • Books • Catalogues

Books and Accessories Collectables (continued)

0241351 Collecting Australian Stamps 1113748 Harry Potter SES $15.95
– a beginner’s guide $9.95 1113755 AFL Grand Final SES $15.95
1113715 Stamp Collecting Starter Kit $19.95
1113759 NRL Grand Final SES $15.95
1475255 2005 Stamp Printing Technical Details [MO] $12.95
1488301 Anniversary of Eight Hour Day SES $15.95
Album Sheets 1488134 Anniversary of Eight Hour Day PSE $0.60
0903270 First day cover album binder $10.00 1113736 55 Years of Peanuts SES $15.95
0960251 Collector’s Choice binder 1113743 TRH Crown Prince and Princess SES $15.95
(3-ring, holds album stock sheets) $17.95 1113741 Australian GP Anniversary SES $15.95
0903269 Collector’s Choice binder + slip case [MO/CC] $19.00 1113742 Australian GP (Don Elgin) SES [MO] $15.95
0903294 Album stock sheets – to hold P Stamp sheets
1434257 Baby Keepsake $9.95
(set of 10) fits 0903269 $13.50
0903271 Album stock sheets Perth Mint coins
– two strip (set of ten) FDC $10.25 2005 Coins and Coin sets
0903272 Album stock sheets – five strip (set of 10) $10.25 1113716 2 oz Bullion Silver
0903273 Album stock sheets – six strip (set of 10) $10.25 Kookaburra Coin 2005 ..........................‡ $49.50
0903274 Album stock sheets – seven strip (set of 10) $10.25 1113717 2 Coin Kookaburra Year Set 2005 ..........‡ $54.50
0903275 Album stock sheets – mixed strip (set of 10) $10.25 1113718 3 Coin Kookaburra
0903276 Album stock sheets – single (set of 10) $10.25 Collectors Set 2005 ..............................‡ $79.50
Lunar New Year 2005, Year of the Rooster Coins
Collectables 1113721 1/20th oz Gold Bullion ......................... ‡ $59.95
0270300 Set of Zodiac booklets (12) $131.40 1113722 1/2 oz Silver Bullion ............................. ‡ $24.50
0270250 May 2005 UNC Coin - Basketball $4.95
0270251 May 2005 UNC Coin - Hockey $4.95 RAM coins
0270252 May 2005 UNC Coin - Weightlifting $4.95 Eureka Stockade bronze coins
0270253 May 2005 UNC Coin - Shooting $4.95 1113632 ‘C’ $1.00 Eureka Stockade
bronze coin ................................................. $2.75
0270254 July 2005 UNC Coin - Badminton $4.95
1113640 ‘E Mintmark $1.00 Eureka Stockade
0270255 July 2005 UNC Coin - Gymnastics $4.95 bronze coin ................................................. $2.75
0270256 July 2005 UNC Coin - Rugby 7’s $4.95 2005 Coins and Coin sets
0270257 July 2005 UNC Coin - Cycling $4.95 1434254 2005 Baby coin set (proof) $95.00
0270258 Nov 2005 UNC Coin - Athletics $4.95 1434255 2005 Baby coin set (uncirculated) $30.50
0270259 Nov 2005 UNC Coin - Triathlon $4.95 1434253 2005 Six coin set (proof) $80.00
0270260 Nov 2005 UNC Coin - Netball $4.95 1434252 2005 Six coin set (uncirculated) $23.50
1434256 2005 1 oz Silver Kangaroo coin ‡$32.45
0270261 Nov 2005 UNC Coin - Table Tennis $4.95
0270262 Jan 2005 UNC Coin - Aquatics $4.95
‡ Price is correct at time of publication but is subject to
0270263 Jan 2005 UNC Coin - Boxing $4.95
change due to valuation changes. Contact the Australian
0270264 Jan 2005 UNC Coin - Lawn Bowls $4.95 Philatelic Bureau (Freecall 1800 331 794) for the current
0270265 Jan 2005 UNC Coin - Squash $4.95 price at the time you place your order.

All prices shown are GST inclusive and are recommended. All savings shown are off our regular prices, unless otherwise
indicated. An asterisk (*) indicates maximum card design(s) available as postcards from participating Post retail outlets.
*Planned withdrawal dates may be changed without notice to meet emergent postal requirements. Advice of such
changes will be published in the first available Australian Stamp Bulletin after the changes.
A complete list of issues and products on sale is not included here. Additional information about stamp issues,
books, accessories, album sheets and catalogues may be obtained from the Australian Philatelic Bureau
(Freecall 1800 331 794). Items marked [MO] are available by mail order only, those marked [MO/CC] are available by
mail order and from Collector’s Corner outlets.

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“Treasures from the Archives”

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AUSTRALIAN STAMP BULLETIN No. 282 January – April 2006 Fax (03) 9887 0236 Freecall 1800 331 794
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