X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Valuable Metals

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Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 2, 271-277 271

X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Valuable Metals

Alicia Jurado-López and Maria D. Luque de Castro*

Analytical Chemistry Department, Marie Curie Building, Annex, Campus of Rabanales, University of Cordoba, Cor-
doba, E-14071, Spain

Abstract: This paper reviews the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS) for non-destructive studies of valuable
metallic objects in the fields of jewelry, archaeology and art, as well as its application in the analysis of coatings and solu-
tions, due to the interest of these issues in jewelry manufacture. The general features of the technique as well as the most
outstanding results obtained in the commented fields are described, taking into account the most important sources of er-
ror, mainly in the case of samples that have suffered corrosion processes.
Keywords: X-rays, Noble metals, Jewelry, Cultural heritage.

1. INTRODUCTION systems and sophisticated analyzing crystals. These instru-

ments are expensive, with considerable installation require-
1.1. General Features of X-Ray Fluorescence ments and elevated operational costs. Furthermore, limita-
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a technique based on the tions in the sample chamber make WDXRF unsuitable for
photoelectric effect. The source that provides photons of assaying most finished gold jewelry articles.
energy sufficient to carry out it, called primary radiation, is Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spec-
most often an X-ray tube in which electrons are accelerated trometers, however, use less powerful X-ray sources than
from the cathode to the anode by a high voltage. A high- those based on wavelength dispersion. This fact makes un-
energy quantum radiation is generated by the interaction necessary the use of water-cooling, which entails a consistent
with the anode material. This radiation is led to the sample, economical saving. Thus, these instruments are cheaper and
in which the interaction generates a second X-ray beam, smaller than those based on WDXRF, achieving very accu-
called secondary radiation, that is detected and conveniently rate analytical results, as it will be seen further on. Moreover,
quantified. Each element emits its unique characteristic sec- recent technological progresses have allowed the construc-
ondary X-rays, the energy of which is related to the analyte tion of completely portable small-sized EDXRF instruments
concentration, the sample matrix, and excitation and detec- for in-situ analysis, which extends the scope of the technique
tion conditions [1]. to as varied fields as archaeometry, environmental analysis
There are two ways in which X-ray fluorescence emis- or even in vivo determinations of toxic elements [7]. The
sion can be collected: by measuring either the wavelength advantages of the use of EDXRF in comparison to the use of
dispersion or the energy dispersion spectra. Wavelength dis- WDXRF have been described elsewhere, with particular
persive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) requires a crystal to emphasis on precious metal analysis in jewels [8, 9]. In most
separate the wavelengths of the different sample elements, of the studies discussed in this review, EDXRF has been the
since, for each angle of incident radiation, only the wave- technique used.
length that fulfils the Bragg’s formula is reflected to the de- Most commercial instruments are equipped either with
tector. The elements under analysis are selected by changing proportional counter or solid state detectors. The selection of
the crystal angle. The intensity of the spectral peaks is ex- one of them must be made with a consideration on the appli-
tremely sample-dependent, being affected by interfering X- cations to be developed. If high throughput is needed, i.e.,
ray lines of matrix elements and mechanical preparation of priority for short measurement times, good results can be
the sample. As a consequence, quantitative analysis requires achieved using proportional counter tube instruments [10].
calibration with standards as close as possible to the sample However, for the simultaneous analysis of several elements
composition and comparable surface finishing. For very ac- adjacent in the periodic system or for complex sample com-
curate gold analysis, mirror surface has been shown to be position, the results are significantly better using a semicon-
necessary. Under this condition, the method allows to deter- ductor detector [11]. Anyway, it must be pointed out that
mining the gold fineness in a gold alloy with accuracy very SiLi drift diodes are ideal devices for high-resolution X-ray
close to that obtained by cupellation, i.e. of the order of 1 wt spectroscopy, since they separate the electron energies into
‰ [2-6]. WDXRF spectrometers require high voltage gen- elemental components and collect the energy (proportional to
erators, high-energy X-ray sources, efficient water-cooling the impinging radiation) in the form of electrical signal,
which in turn is translated into qualitative or quantitative
*Address correspondence to this author at the Analytical Chemistry De- elemental data in word processor format. PC menu assisted
partment, Marie Curie Building, Annex, Campus of Rabanales, University guidance ensures easy handling and gives accurate results
of Cordoba, Cordoba, E-14071, Spain; Tel/Fax: +34 957218615; E-mail: even by low-experienced operators. Although these two
types of detectors are the most used, recent advances on su-

1573-4110/06 $50.00+.00 © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

272 Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 3 Jurado-López & Luque de Castro

perconductor and semiconductor technology have provided and semiquantitative analysis of this kind of materials [15].
new types of detectors with improved energy resolution [7]. Nowadays, accurate quantitative analysis can also be carried
out as commented before.
1.2. Suitability of XRF for the Analysis of Valuable Ob-
XRF is, in principle, applicable to all elements, except
the first two of the periodic system (H and He), thereby cov-
Analysis of a sample usually implies the destruction of, ering an energy region from about 50 eV to 100 keV. How-
at least, a part of it. However, some samples should not be ever, many light elements are difficult to measure and re-
destroyed due to their value, namely unique pieces of jew- quire advanced instrumentation, which often limits practical
elry or works of art, and, in these cases, the use of a non- work to atomic numbers between 13 (Al) and 92 (U). On the
destructive technique is mandatory. other hand, aspects related to equipment cost and increas-
ingly difficult radiation protection at high photon energies
The information obtained in the analysis of valuable
determine that L lines (instead of K lines) are measured at
samples can be used with different aims depending on the
atomic numbers over 50 (Sn). Thus, the measured fluores-
kind of sample under study. Thus, in the case of jewelry
cent photon energies are generally between 1 and 25 keV
items, the main objective is the determination of the precious and excitation (tube) voltages less than 60 kV. The energy
metal content or fineness of the alloy with which the jewel range is not only important as an analytical characteristic,
has been made from, in order to avoid economic, and also but also to estimate the danger of potential radiation damage
sanitary frauds; the latter owing to the presence of metals,
which can cause health problems as, for example, dermatitis
[12]. In this instance, the determination of major and minor Metals are specially suited for EDXRF analysis. The high
constituents of the sample is enough for solving the problem, atomic number and density of metals facilitate the obtaining
unnecessary being among them, most often, the trace analy- of high intensity secondary X-ray lines, even when low in-
sis. The case of archaeological or artistic metallic objects, tensity sources are used. Moreover, in the case of metal al-
however, is more complex, because the analysis must answer loys, emission lines of the elements in the alloy can be col-
questions about their provenance or the manufacturing lected [17].
method used, that can help to find out historical aspects Quantitative XRF analysis is carried out by the funda-
about people from that time, such as their industrial devel- mental parameters method, which is an atomic physics algo-
opment or economical status. This kind of studies requires, rithm that theoretically describes the interaction between the
not only the analysis of major and minor constituents of the X-ray spectrometer and the analytes. It basically interprets
object, but also the determination of trace elements that can the processed X-ray spectra into elemental composition,
attribute the object to a specific place, for instance, the metal taking into account the physical parameters of the spec-
used in the manufacture of a coin with its ore. Moreover, trometer, namely, generation of primary X-rays from the X-
scientific methods may also be used to study the state of con- ray tube, secondary fluorescent X-ray production in the sam-
servation of a material and select the most appropriate way ple, inter-element matrix effects and detection of X-rays [1].
for restoration [13]. In the case of the analysis of noble metal alloys, the funda-
According to Lahanier et al. [14], an ideal method for mental parameters method yields different accuracy, de-
analyzing objects of artistic, historic or archaeological nature pending on the alloy composition. Thus, in the determination
should be: of gold in an alloy containing copper, an overestimation (0.5-
1%) will take place due to the overlapping of some emission
(a) Non-destructive, i.e., respecting the physical integrity of
bands. On the other hand, the analysis of silver-copper alloys
the material/object. is very accurate because their spectral bands are clearly sepa-
(b) Fast, so large numbers of similar objects may be ana- rated [18].
lyzed or a single object investigated at various positions
However, EDXRF analysis has some drawbacks, most of
on its surface. them owing to the fact that the analyzed volume is very
(c) Universal, so that by means of a single instrument, many small. The penetration of the beam in metallic samples de-
materials and objects of various shapes and dimensions pends on the matrix, but it scarcely surpasses 100 microns.
may be analyzed with minimal sample pretreatment. This analysis depth is sufficient to distinguish coatings that
(d) Versatile, allowing average compositional information usually have a few microns thickness, but it is a problem
to be obtained, but also local information of small areas with samples affected by corrosion, because the thickness of
the patina, though dependent on the constituents of the sam-
from heterogeneous materials.
ple, is usually bigger than the penetration depth.
(e) Sensitive, so that object grouping and other types of
provenance analysis can be done, not only by means of The objects to be analyzed, moreover, should be homo-
geneous and have a flat surface in order to achieve a suitable
major elements, but also by means of trace elements,
positioning for both incidence of the primary beam, and col-
fingerprints, etc.
lection of the secondary one by the detector. This constitutes
(f) Multielemental, so that information on many elements a drawback in the case of jewelry items, due to their wide
can be simultaneously obtained in a single measurement, variety in sizes and shapes [19].
even on unexpected elements.
Routine methods usually require sampling, that is cutting
XRF meets a number of these requirements and, for this the object and polishing the samples in order to have the
reason, it has been widely used for performing qualitative proper surface to carry out an accurate analysis. These meth-
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Valuable Metals Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 3 273

ods, however, cannot be used in the case of valuable objects applied, the analytical results are comparable with those ob-
so the flattest surface must be selected. tained using traditional chemical methods of analysis, rang-
ing the difference between 0.01 and 0.07 % [3].
1.3. Sampling and/or Sample Preparation
These good results can also be achieved by microbeam
The energies of fluorescent lines or their intensities are X-ray fluorescence analysis, in which the sample is observed
not significantly affected by the chemical state of the ana- with an optical microscope and the collimated X-ray beam
lyzed atoms, so destructive dissolution and/or atomization by coincides with the viewing point on the surface of the sam-
a flame, arc, spark or plasma, as required in techniques based ple. Measuring two sets of standards by the instrument, the
on optical emission or absorption, are not necessary. In fact, precision of gold measurement was 0.1% and 0.2% for sam-
neither sampling nor sample preparation are usually needed, ples with gold content over and under 90%, respectively. The
unless very accurate quantitative analyses or homogenization correlative coefficient between the measurement results and
are required [16]. Homogeneity becomes an important aspect the given values of the standards was better than 99.998%
in valuable objects, such as artifacts and archaeological ones, [20]. Similar dependence between the determination preci-
and also in jewelry items. This is the case, for example, of sion and the metal content is observed in the determination
paintings, in which a preparation layer is always required of gold, silver and platinum in gold and silver ornaments, in
under the pigment layers. Even in metallic objects, lack of which the relative standard deviation for the determination of
homogeneity occurs because, although the composing alloys Au in 24-carat gold ornaments was better than the corre-
are supposed to be homogeneous, cast is not always carried sponding to those made of 14-carat gold (0.01 and 0.82%,
out in a proper way. Moreover, some objects could have suf- respectively) [21].
fered from corrosion effects or be coated. Studies on these XRF enables, not only the determination of major com-
two instances will be commented in detail later. In the par- ponents of gold jewelry, but also the minor ones, increasing
ticular case of jewelry items, they are generally made of sev- the standard deviation of the measurements as the metal con-
eral parts that are put together by welding with an appropri- centration decreases [22].
ate alloy. This usually contains a metal of low fusion point,
which is added on purpose to facilitate the process. Thus, A number of authors have also used XRF for the analysis
depending on the part of the item on which the analysis is of platinum and platinum group metals (PGMs) with good
carried out, the results can vary significantly, not only in the results. In the first instance, the determination of platinum
metal content, but also in the presence or absence of a given jewelry also containing gold, palladium, silver, copper, and
element. nickel was carried out in samples with Pt concentration
ranging from 85 to 99.92%, with the deviation being better
When specimen preparation is needed, it constitutes the than 0.5% [23, 24]. The quantitative X-ray microfluores-
largest contribution to errors in X-ray fluorescence analysis cence analysis of platinum/palladium alloys has also been
[19]. Thus, at 2 x 10 6 counts and an insignificant background carried out, achieving better results when compared with the
level, the relative standard deviation (Sr) is 1/ N ≈ 7 x 10-4, conventional method because of the use of a polynomial
that is, 0.07%. However, when the objects to be analyzed are regression method to fit the curve [25]. This method was
homogeneous and have a regular shape, XRF can be used for applied to the determination of the homogeneity level of the
direct analysis. element distribution in alloys. The determination of Pt and
Pd in gold alloys was also carried out by Durand in 1969 for
2. XRF ANALYSIS OF JEWELRY ITEMS samples with concentrations of these two metals between 0
The analysis of gold carat alloys is a central function in and 50 parts per thousand, and an absolute precision of ± 1
manufacturing and distributing jewelry, as well as in refining part per thousand was achieved, which is more accurate than
related gold carat scrap. XRF is commonly used for elemen- the usual fire assay followed by acid attack [26]. In the case
tal analysis of precious metals for screening and production of the analysis of platinum group metals, the interference
control purposes, thus avoiding the processing of overcarat effects during their detection have been studied [27-29],
and undercarat products (jewels which are over or under the pointing out the magnitude of the effects of selective X-ray
gold content expected, respectively) [1]. fluorescence excitation [29].
XRF can be used, not only in the jewelry manufacture, EDXRF has been used, not only for the determination of
but also in its trade. There have been increasing demands for the components of gold jewelry, but also for testing silver in
a means whereby the transactors and dealers in jewelry can silvery objects, with a relative standard deviation of 0.2%,
accurately and efficiently appraise the precious metal con- and determination range from 10 to 99% Ag [30].
tents on the premises [20]. Conventional methods such as
specific gravity measurement, the touchstone method, fire 3. XRF ANALYSIS OF PRECIOUS METALS IN
assay method, and those based on atomic absorption spec- CULTURAL HERITAGE
trometry and similar techniques can be used to obtain the X-ray based techniques in general have been used in the
precious metal content, but some of them are not accurate field of cultural heritage nearly since its beginning. The ap-
enough, while others are destructive and require large analy- plications have been growing and improving in parallel with
sis times. X-ray fluorescence can be used to analyze gold the technical and instrumental developments that X-ray pro-
alloys in a rapid non-destructive way, with the accuracy of duction and detection have experienced. A wide range of
the analyses depending on calibration. Thus, if the calibra- techniques can be used in order to analyse either the ele-
tion set of standards covers the composition range within the mental composition of a material, or its mineral structure [7];
samples and mathematical correction of the matrix effects is
274 Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 3 Jurado-López & Luque de Castro

however, XRF stands out from other X-ray based techniques riched at the surface of a coin and when it is not, estimating
due to its portability, which allows the in situ analysis of the error of its direct analysis by EDXRF [35, 40].
large or extremely delicate objects.
Apart from the Ag-enriched layer, enrichment in copper
and other elements such as iron, sulfur and chlorine, can also
3.1. Analysis of the Metal Fineness
occur in some superficial areas (black stains). This can be the
The use of optical emission spectrography in the study of result of a heat treatment, causing Cu from the bulk to rise to
ancient metals dates from 1931, when an extensive investi- the surface because of the silver oxidation by atmospheric
gation on the metallurgy of central Europe was first carried gases, leading to the formation of Ag2S or AgCl precipitates,
out [31]. The analysis technique used in this field must an- or simply as a result of mechanical wear and soiling during
swer two questions: one concerning the evolution of the use coin usage [43].
of metals, and the other, the authenticity of the artifacts [32]. In other cases, however, the differences between the
There are some aspects that make difficult the determi- analysis before and after cleaning are not significant, so the
nation of the origin of metals. The problems arise from the direct analysis of the objects can be carried out [44].
rarity of the ore deposits, the high temperature required for Even in gold coins with less than 94% gold, a surface
smelting which induces changes in trace elements, corrosion enrichment occurs, that is pointed out by the joint use of
during burial periods and the fact that metals are easily re- XRF and PIXE (proton-induced X-ray emission), owing to
melted and re-used to make new objects [32]. Other key as- the fact that the proton beam used in PIXE has a shorter
pects that make XRF analysis of archaeological metals diffi- penetration depth than the primary beam generated by the X-
cult are the irregular shapes of the samples and the matrix ray tube [45].
effects. Owing to these facts, the peak area vs concentration
–the relationship IM = f(cM), M being the metal to be deter- 3.2. Provenance Studies
mined– cannot be used and, consequently, neither the meth-
ods based on it. With the aim of minimizing this problem, Finding out the origin of the metals used to manufacture
Sándor et al. have developed methods to overcome the effect artifacts is a difficult question that requires the analysis of
of geometrical dissimilarity [33, 34]. Other authors rotate the trace elements, either to confirm the ore from which they
objects in order to compensate for the irregularities that may originate or to identify the source of raw material. The diffi-
occur [35, 36]. On the other hand, Milazzo proposes the con- culties arise from the fact that chemical composition actually
dition of employing a symmetric experimental set up for changes during the melting process. In order to confirm an
making the analysis independent of the irregularity of the already known ore, the presence of only one element can be
samples [37]. In this case, it is not necessary to rotate the sufficient, but in the case when the ore is unknown, the de-
sample during the XRF measurement, which is an advantage termination of a group of trace elements is needed [32].
with some archaeological objects, such as statues, that can- Thus, trace analysis can be used to confirm the coin
not be easily rotated. minting places proposed by numismatists, as well as to solve
Most archaeological XRF analyses have been carried out doubts about coin classification [44]. The latter can be
on coins. Depending on the metal of which they were made achieved by the ratio between the amount of one element
of and some other aspects such as burial conditions (if it is (bismuth, in ref. 44) with the amount of a major component.
the case) or fabrication technique, corrosion effects and their The detection limits were of the order of 10 µg/g for the
consequent surface enrichment can take place at a variable elements with atomic number greater than 28; 50 µg/g for
extent. These effects are more significant as concentration in chromium, manganese and iron; 250 µg/g for titanium; and
a non-noble metal is higher, which, therefore, can suffer 0.4% for chlorine. The lower the atomic number of the ele-
from oxidation more easily. This is the case of copper-silver ment, the higher is its detection limit. The reason for that is
alloys, in which oxidation leads to the formation of copper the lower excitation cross section by the silver K-line of light
oxide that increases the volume, causing migration, i. e., dif- elements.
fusion of the metallic components. Thus, silver atoms con- Sometimes, the occurrence of a given group of metals
centrate on the surface layer of the coin [16, 38, 39]. This allows identification of the origin of the metal used. This is
effect can be proved with scanning electron microscopy the case with platinum group element inclusions in gold an-
(SEM), that allows taking images of the cross-sections of the tiquities, which indicates that gold originated from placer
coins, in which the two phases of the alloy –the outer silver- deposits. This kind of gold source was extensively used in
rich and the inner copper-rich layers– can be distinguished antiquity [46]. However, in other cases, the study of the
[16, 35, 40]. In these cases, the dominant contribution to the composition of an alloy only can clarify the sources that
signal comes from the corroded/painated surface [41]. This were not used to make the coin [47].
effect can be measured by determining the metal content
before and after polishing. Thus, a decrease from 93 to 82% 3.3. Authentication Studies
for Ag concentration and an increase from 6 to 17% for Cu
were obtained when the surface values were compared with Information about trace elements may also be used as a
those from 100 µm deeper in the sample [42]. means of authentication for distinguishing false coins made
in recent times from the original ones, because the former, as
According to Linke et al., the ratios of AgL/AgK intensi-
prepared by modern technology, do not contain the same
ties can be used in order to obtain information on the degree
amount of trace elements. The identification of counterfeited
of depletion. This ratio demonstrates when the silver is en- artifacts of artistic and archaeological interest is of out-
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Valuable Metals Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 3 275

standing importance due to the implications from the circu- These studies allow us to understand the composition of the
lation and trade in the world market of this type of objects gold alloy used as well as the elements belonging to inner
[48]. Hence, the possibility of rapid non-destructive accurate layers. Considering to one of these elements (lead), the
analysis for the authentication of metal artifacts is very use- thickness of the gold leaf can be calculated by means of the
ful for the police, auction houses and antiquaries. Moreover, ratio between its α and β lines.
the easy-to-operate feature of EDXRF is a clear advantage in XRF can also be used for the analysis of gilded metal
this field. embroidery threads used in tapestries [66].
The XRF study of Greek silver drachmae allowed classi-
Finally, a 3D-micro XRF has been presented and used to
fication of coins belonging to the first century BC into sev-
analyze the elements from different layers in ancient Mughal
eral categories, elucidating either the presence or absence of miniatures [67].
certain elements, or the order of magnitude of a particular
element (Cu, in this case). The study pointed out the exis- 4. STUDY OF PRECIOUS METAL COATINGS BY
tence of original coins, Barbarian imitations, debased coins XRF
(low silver content), official counterfeits of bronze, official
counterfeits of tin, and plated coins [49]. The analysis of the In ancient times, gold could be hammered into a leaf with
coins, their debasing and counterfeiting, sheds light on the a thickness down to approximately 0.35 µm, as it can be
difficult economical and political situation of the time (Ro- concluded from the statements of Pliny the Elder (23-79
man civil wars in ref. 49). It can also be used to evaluate the AC). Today, gold can be extended to a thickness of nearly
development of the casting technology of the time [50-52]. 0.1 µm [53].
Reiff et al. have studied gilded forgeries of ancient gold Hence, the plating of objects, either to confer beauty or
coins, finding examples of the three gilding technologies value to the object, or in order to forge an original gold item,
used in antiquity [53]. Contemporary forgeries of ancient was a common fact in antiquity. Thus, there are objects ap-
silver coins are much commoner than those of gold coins, parently made of gold, but actually made of another metal
since the similarity between the specific weights of silver (usually copper or copper-gold alloys), which was subse-
and copper (in contrast to the corresponding to gold), made quently covered by gold plating. Gold leaf is very suitable
the mass difference between original silver and silver-plated for the gilding of silver or copper blanks as it is easy to
forgeries not easily noticeable [54]. achieve strong adhesion to the metal underneath [53]. In
Amerindian civilizations, a copper-gold alloy with a high
Classification techniques, such as principal component copper content was used to cast the bulk and then, a heating
analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA), can help in the process was carried out in order to achieve a depletion gild-
interpretation of the information provided by X-ray based ing procedure, giving to the final product a suitable golden
techniques, allowing the distinction between a set of counter- aspect [68]. Nowadays, there are a number of samples that
feit coins, considering the manufacture method used, and have a noble metal coating, such as costume jewelry items
differentiating between the counterfeit coins and the original and others of technological interest, in which the accurate
ones [55, 56]. measure of the coating thickness can be very useful [69].
3.4. XRF Analysis of Noble Metals in Art XRF enables to recognize top coatings that can lead to
error in the determination of the bulk composition of a sam-
The study of works of art very often requires the use of ple. Furthermore, both the coating thickness and the chemi-
portable equipment for the in situ non-destructive study of cal composition of the base alloy can be determined. The
the objects [13, 57-65], sometimes due to the impossibility determination of the thickness and composition of the cov-
of transporting them (wall paintings), and sometimes be- ering material can be carried out by measurement of the at-
cause the movement of the object is not advisable due to its tenuation of substrate line intensities and scattered photon
delicacy or state of conservation. Furthermore, to move an intensities passing through the film and using the funda-
artwork is sometimes a complex process, not only for secu- mental parameter method [70]. Not only a thin layer can be
rity reasons (the artifact can be stolen), but also due to the measured, but also the study of multilayered samples can be
bureaucratic aspects involved [17]. carried out [71, 72]. The angular dependence of the fluores-
The knowledge on the composition of artifacts is of great cence lines emitted by the substrate can be used for measur-
importance: ing the coating thickness [73-78].
a) For ensuring that the work of art really is as expected. A review on the measurement of coating thickness in
That is the case of the analysis of the so-called “Sceptre of vacuum processes by EDXRF, including examples of classi-
Charles the Great”, in which gold was supposed to be used, cal precious metals such as gold and silver, has been pub-
but it was found out that it really was a silver gilded alloy lished. The advanced design of the measuring system allows
[59]. the continuous measurement of very thin layers (up to 20
nm, approximately) [79].
b) For conservators and curators, in order to both design
the best conservation conditions and plan possible restora- 5. XRF ANALYSIS OF NOBLE METAL SOLUTIONS
tions. In this sense, several papers on the study of the fres-
coes of the Chapel of the Scrovegni (Padua), painted by XRF can also be used for the analysis of solutions, thus
Giotto, and particularly, on the analysis of the composition permitting to determine the concentration of electroplating
of the golden haloes, have recently been published [63-65]. baths. The speed and repeatability of the system make it well
suited for in-process control [80].
276 Current Analytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 3 Jurado-López & Luque de Castro

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