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Story of the White Elephant

Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a white elephant named Temba. Temba was not
an ordinary elephant; his unusual white coat attracted the attention of all the creatures in the
jungle. Born into a royal elephant family, he had been different from his peers from a young age.
His white skin was a symbol of hope and peace, and so he was surrounded by respect, but also
constant fear that he might be captured by the humans from a nearby village.
From a young age, Temba had the ability to communicate with other animals. He was considered
the sage of the jungle, and every creature, from the smallest mouse to the largest lion, came to
him for advice. One day, an old, wise owl named Orloff came to Temba with troubling news:
"The humans from the village are planning to capture you, Temba. They want to imprison you
and display you as a rarity."
Temba knew he had to act quickly. He called a council of all the jungle animals. The meeting
took place by the great baobab tree, where everyone listened with bated breath. "We must unite,"
said Temba. "Our jungle is our home, and I do not want to leave it. Will you help me?"
The animals agreed unanimously. They gathered their forces and devised a plan to confuse the
humans and protect Temba. Orloff would be the scout, watching the humans and informing the
others of their movements. Majestic lions and swift cheetahs would create false trails leading the
humans deep into the jungle, far from where Temba was hiding. Monkeys would leap from trees
and drop branches to cover tracks, and snakes would slither along paths to scare off intruders.
Meanwhile, Temba and a few other elephants worked on creating a secret sanctuary. They chose
a remote corner of the jungle, hidden behind a waterfall, where a small, secluded lake provided
enough water and food to survive.
The plan was set into motion, and the animals cooperated with extraordinary harmony. The
humans from the village, armed with nets and traps

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