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### Assessment Reading

15. **Reading Comprehension:**

- **Which of the following is a key indicator of reading comprehension?**

- A) Speed of reading.

- B) Number of words recognized.

- C) Ability to answer questions about the text.

- D) Length of the text read.

16. **Reading Strategies:**

- **What reading strategy involves making educated guesses about the text based on context and
prior knowledge?**

- A) Skimming.

- B) Scanning.

- C) Predicting.

- D) Summarizing.

17. **Types of Reading:**

- **Which type of reading assessment focuses on the ability to understand detailed information in
a text?**

- A) Extensive reading.

- B) Intensive reading.

- C) Critical reading.

- D) Interactive reading.

18. **Reading Fluency:**

- **What is an important aspect of reading fluency?**

- A) Number of pages read per minute.

- B) Smoothness and expression in reading.

- C) Use of advanced vocabulary.

- D) Ability to memorize text.

19. **Inference Skills:**

- **When assessing inference skills in reading, what are we looking for?**

- A) Ability to decode words.

- B) Understanding of explicit information.

- C) Drawing conclusions from implied information.

- D) Speed of reading.

### Integrated Skills Assessment

20. **Integrated Skills:**

- **What is an integrated skills assessment?**

- A) Assessing listening and speaking separately.

- B) Evaluating reading and writing in isolation.

- C) Combining multiple language skills in one assessment.

- D) Focusing on grammar and vocabulary together.

21. **Project-Based Assessment:**

- **Which type of assessment allows students to demonstrate integrated language skills through
extended projects?**

- A) Standardized tests.

- B) Oral presentations.

- C) Project-based assessments.

- D) Multiple-choice tests.

22. **Performance-Based Assessment:**

- **Which assessment type evaluates students' ability to apply language skills in real-world tasks?

- A) Multiple-choice tests.

- B) Performance-based assessments.

- C) True/False questions.

- D) Fill-in-the-blank exercises.

### General Concepts

23. **Validity:**

- **What does the validity of a test refer to?**

- A) The consistency of test results.

- B) The ability of the test to measure what it claims to measure.

- C) The length of the test.

- D) The number of questions on the test.

24. **Reliability:**

- **What does the reliability of a test indicate?**

- A) The difficulty level of the test.

- B) The accuracy of test scores over time.

- C) The number of test items.

- D) The format of the test.

25. **Authentic Assessment:**

- **Which of the following best describes authentic assessment?**

- A) Multiple-choice questions.

- B) Real-life tasks that require application of language skills.

- C) Grammar drills.

- D) Timed reading passages.

26. **Formative Assessment:**

- **What is the purpose of formative assessment?**

- A) To evaluate students' learning at the end of a unit.

- B) To monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback.

- C) To determine final grades.

- D) To rank students in a class.

27. **Summative Assessment:**

- **When is summative assessment typically conducted?**

- A) During the learning process.

- B) At the beginning of a unit.

- C) At the end of a unit or course.

- D) Continuously throughout the course.

### Practical Application

28. **Portfolio Assessment:**

- **Which of the following is a characteristic of portfolio assessment?**

- A) Timed exams.

- B) Collection of student work over time.

- C) Standardized test scores.

- D) Single performance tasks.

29. **Self-Assessment:**

- **Why is self-assessment important for language learners?**

- A) It allows teachers to grade more easily.

- B) It encourages learners to reflect on their own learning.

- C) It replaces the need for formal tests.

- D) It reduces the workload of teachers.

30. **Peer Assessment:**

- **What is one benefit of peer assessment in language learning?**

- A) It is always more accurate than teacher assessment.

- B) It fosters collaborative learning and feedback.

- C) It eliminates the need for teacher involvement.

- D) It focuses solely on grammar accuracy.

### Technology in Assessment

31. **Computer-Based Testing:**

- **What is one advantage of computer-based language testing?**

- A) It is always cheaper than paper-based testing.

- B) It provides immediate feedback.

- C) It requires no preparation.

- D) It is easier to cheat on.

32. **Online Assessment Tools:**

- **Which of the following is a benefit of using online assessment tools?**

- A) Limited accessibility.

- B) Delayed feedback

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